Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 07-17-1881 J
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-17-1881 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 07-17-1881 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 07-17-1881." (1881). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. LAS VEGAS DAILY GAZETTE VOL.:. SLT1STD AIT MORNING. .TU IVY" 17, I8j1 NO. 11. SIMON' A- - CLEMENTS. FKLIX MARTINEZ. t'KilcKrniiiM. Train Robbery. Antronomieal. EXCESSIVELY HOT. 7 Kansas City, July 16. It is reported Rochester, N. Y., July 10. Dr. Lewis NEWS IT TELEGRAPH London, July 10. The heat contin- that the Rock Island, due in this city Swift, director of Warner's Observato- CLEMENTS MARTINEZ ues. Several deaths have occurred last nighty was side tracked at Winslow ry, yesterday received a letter from J. I Greenwich ob- Station, near Cameron Junction, about M. Schalberre, of Ann Arbor, Mich., from sunstroke. At the servatory yesterday the thermometer 7 o'clock and boarded by a band of des- announcing that he had discovered the Terrasas Attacked by Reds and 80 of registered t)7 in the shade, the highest peradoes, who killed the conductor and nebulous matter in R. A. 5h. 48m., dec- His Men Killed. trustworthy maximum. In the sun it robbed all the passengers and mail and lination n. 38 degrees 45m; but daylight GENERAL MERCHANDISE was 153 at Paris. At 4 o'clock yester- express cars. obscured its identity. Dr. Switt this day evening the thermometer indicated FURTHER PARTICULARS. morning reported that he discovered Fight i)7 Auriga, and and Country Produce. Culmination of the Senatorial at in the to-nitr- the matter in constellation Flour, Grain shde. A train robberv occurred ht on VATICAN. it is quite bright, being larger and ntorc ! Albany. NOTES FUO.M THE the Rock Island Road at Winslow Sta- one May Lumber in Large Quantities a Specialty Ja- - luminous than the discovered A dispatch from Rome says that tion, near Cameron Junction, when the 1st by Dr. Swift. is strongly to-nig- Its centre Cash paid for Wool, lllilns ami Pelts, fdhini Pnrml Xeeret firv nf in re train which left this city ht in condensed, and from the motion it is - ' Warner Miller Elected for the Long charge of Conductor Westfall reached OPPOSITE MAX MKIUEL NATIONAL BANK, LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO" ceiving the ambassadors and minister apparently very slow. It can't be as- Term Senatorship. accredited to the Vatican, told them that point at 9:30 a gang of desperadoes certained whether it is going directly the Pope had instructed him that it was appeared and side-track- ed the train. The comet flw Vfmn'u lwiruimnl lli.'lt, t.liPV toward of from the earth. Jiuiri Every car was boarded, the conductor is telescopic. This is the fourth comet (J. Lnpham Lacked only Five should inform the government how was killed and the passengers robbed. discovered since May 1st. Dr. Swift MEAT MARKET of- PARK deeply pained lie was at the insult, It was impossible to secure any particu thinks, from the present position of the Votes of Elect ion. fered Pope Pius IX, that henceforth he lars up to a late hour. Winslow is in , comet, it is expected it is the GEORGE F. GORDON, Prop'r, mio-lit- (niisiiler himself more than ever an open prairie country, and would that comet of 1882. It is moving very slowly a prisoner in the Vatican, and is pre- seem to De the last place & towards the northwest. in All Kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats Train. Robbery on the ('. R. I. I. at vented from attending any religious on the line robbers would select Dealer : i ij..7.:i:.. V i... vicinity Winslow, Missouri. MU I'. i' ami ui i.m; ijaiiiuan wl aluiiiu. for such an operation, but the American Horses lor England. Ho hNo makes it a npceiulty to Af li. u.Miii. tiini" ilnrdinfil .Tnnnliini has a very hard population and it is read a draft of a circular of the Papal not improbable that the outlaws would Pierre Lorillard will ship to-da- y nine Killed and Pas- offer assistance to any one in their ef- thoroughbreds to reinforce his stable at Spiced The Conductor all the mmcio, wmi iiiMi ucuuiifl iu iuuvu i will Manufacture all Kinds of Sausages, Rolled Beef copy in tlu- - hands of the respective forts to escape pursuit. The first re New Market, England. The lot sengers Robbed. mhiwirT nt" t'ormcrn !ll':iirs. Corres port ot the robbery received in consist of the bay filly, Aranzed, 3 years pondents say that part of the Pope's this city started a hundred rumors old, by Bonnie Scotland, dam, Arizona, message rciaung to religious service in about the notorious James brothers, by Lexington; the chestnut colt Sach- Poultry, G-am- e and Vegetables in their Season They Had a Gallows Entertainment in the Basilicas confirms what has been but all speculation is idle at present. em, 2 years old, by Wardance, dam, n i ,.; Sly Boots, by Rivola; the brown colt Southeast Missouri. coiiiiucuLivti.. unnuiLcu..4.i in. iiiiiiiviiuiui,:k ,.i,.:nl uii- - TjOourtooiis treatment. Give him a Cull. ' cles, that had the removal of the body Timothy O. Howe Monetary Matters. Merald, 2 years old, by Saxon, dam, i! - IV . 4V ...... .1 4 1... Girl of the Period, by Virginia, and six oi Iti'JUS ia oeen enecieii peaceuuiy uie New York, July 16. A Tribune re- European Cablegrams of a Very Xewsy Pope would have found an early occa- porter boarded the steamer Celtic at yearlings. &c Character. sion for passing the door of the Vati quarentine yesterday afternoon and on ROB'T OO. can. the way up the harbor had a talk with Brilliant Birthday Party. FRET (). Dealers in and Manufacturers of FAINTED ON THE SECOND LAI'. Timothy Howe, emissary to the mon- A birthday party in honor of Miss A Bloody Revolution Soon Expected in London, July 1C At Birmingham etary conference at Paris. In speak- Mamie Otero was given at the residence ing of the conference he said: "This Queensware, the 75 miles walking match was won by of Don Miguel A. Otero last evening. Furniture, Bar Fixtures. Russia. Rabby. Merritt, of Boston, fainted on has been not quite so successful as the untmMiuwmM the second lap, and was carried from government of the United States had It was a grand affair, the gayest social the track amid great excitement. hoped. When I left Paris my col- event that has occurred in Las Vegas Undertaking a Specialty Prices Low as the Lowest President (Jarllold Rapidly Approaches thought could do so without liCSSIA'S RUEFUL CONDITION. leagues I in a long time. The hospitality of the Convalescence. neglecting the interests of my govern- New York, July 10. The AVorld's ment, in fact it was expected that con- Otero household is proverbial and nev-wa- s n..ilx-o.c- l Avenue, Soiitli o Hopper Bros. London cablegram: Well informed ference would adjourn before I reached it more lavishly dispensed than on (ossipy (leanings (fathered from Various correspondents at St. Petersburg report New York, were it not more successful. last evening. It was the intention of Don that Eussia is fast drifting into anarchy. Ido not think the result of the confer- (Quarters. The Czar still keeps himself a close ence will effectually compromise the Miguel Otero and his wife to make this H prisoner at Peterhof. Occasionally, future gootl results! The only obsta- a gathering of young people, and the when business of state requires his pres- cles to pre- i a universal standard were attendance was large and included our a) i Terrajas and Party Ailaclifd by In. the capital, ho leaves his fort- rt O 0. R. BROWNING ence at sented by Great Britain. She was not pre- best society young people. Another tí 02 dian. ress, enters St. Petersburg almost by pared to accept bimetalism for herself EAST LAS VEGAS, N. M.. San Francisco, July 10. A Tucson stealth and returns as quietly. The and still less prepared to see the rest of party will be given ere long for married P disjatch says that a report conies from new ministry under Ignaticif has aban- the world reject it. Her government is people on the occasion of the birthday r9 $ doned the 'promised reforms and is now with Ü Cj El Governor engaged other cases. Her anniversary of M. A. Otero, Jr. REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGEN Paso that Terrasas, who crushing out by the most autocratic and commercial and financial classes are -- lawn was brilliantly rH P was en route to El Paso was attacked high handed measures the efforts of the very much interested in this great ques- Last evening the by Indians and thirty of his men killed people for a representative government tion and the success of it has ultimately lighted by Chinese lanterns. Dancing 'REPRESENTS 05 Wednesday. and the reconstruction of the municipal very much quickened as the result of was kept up in a pavilbon on the lawn last system upon a and basis. Best Com broader freer the conference. I have many reasons till an early hour.