1 !'!?wf555f55J ,,v !V THE SUN, SUNDAY, JULY'l, 1888.-TWE- LVE PAGES. f f toun Nxtr jiookx nomination for Yloe-PreM- nt, of whloh notice age, flrntnsss, and statesmanlike insight," ap- roEHB nonrii rkadiso. HASH TON JtVLOir, riASIBT. xnn claim or rAauiotr BT1QVBTXB OF ALL BOBTa. bad been sent to him by telegraph, lest ho parently not seeing how incompatible U the i M he Dlaenaalona Upon Martin Van lluren. should even seem to countenance tha course exhibition of suoh qualities, when they are nt tfco'ntt.r) tkT,H JMait'a Pupil aad K.a.ln.tKW-T- Hlraac Reflects a.me Lanltn O.nrnl and New York "Varleae Pkaaes t Petit. 8 7K' Wagner ana Unlaw- - Hate and eae, ' gjf. Is no eralnont of tho New York delegation In voting for Polk. most required, with the picture he had previ- JVom OU Seller? itafaxtn. lt.la.tlan. lietw.en De.net.. P' The" American who has VhIim Wlfr-llnla- w. Tarla. .' " ver- MULM CTIL I.lait.tbelr perlpatctlo, vcrentllo little cousin, wrtKN win, ux jib, tiecu go universally misunderstood and under- - That Polk was finally elected was due to tho ously drawn of Van Buren ns n mere bin Temper and Eceentrloltle.. Thnt arrunx? ', coarse-graine- L Itanr my Hum-- W.- W rated by posterity us tha eighth President of loyal support whloh Van Buren called upon bose, d politician, given to schem- who first drew attention to tho direction Tq Tit UniTon or Tits n,,.. v, $, give Of hut What matter how th- - wlnW mar blow. London, June 13. Without advertising or was taking In of decile the followlm e.neHei x your lady $ M- thii United States. Bo thoroughly, Indeod, his friends to him. Tha last ing and duplicity." oonduct at this Or blow thy emt, rr blow tdcr weit; thnt fashion the Introduction ra,,,! "i What I dow, flourish of trumpets aucli as usually heralds the th attention ot a young man. Whwa plac. , .. JJ J?" bnvo tho disparagement prejudlco. of which amazing proof of the tenacious quality trying Junoture Von Hoist farther says that hnwtha ildti mar Directory styles the first girl she certainly wns and Bloc- -rkbb or flood allk toot. advent of a circus rider, nn nthlclo, or a troupe lentleman'e, to tell when he will call . JJ i1, In Ills latter yonri ho was a victim, shaped of Yan Buren's Influence was glvon In " be unquestionably merited well of tho coun- No mmm.r culm, no wlnttr gala, who wore Kmpress bonnets and' Josephlno ajila, i and ImpodM or raa way of marionettes, von HUlow lias Renin beon lady'a toaak, Whati trill yea eaU atalnt at heQ .' 181$. when he obtained more votes In try, because ho refused his cooperation to . dflT from mr Hans gowns In New York, all of which wns duly re- 8 eolorod the opinion of the present generation. iiMeUMt toward tht UaTn tall , fromharrceldencet Now York, Massachusetts, nnd accustom the people of the republlo to see the That heard In London and riuiwn nrotiml htm a ported Title Hun's "Glass of Fashion." and Q.Wil J Ji Hint whrti It was proposed to Include n life of threo States, Ui, parbapi, not lar awaj. for ma-chi- ooncourso of faithful dltclploa: yot It would Do not think us cold or jIm Van Vermont, than Gen. Cass, the candidate of tha Oovernment Invoked as a saving deut rx illustrated thoroln thin tamo littlo (till has unsympaUetlc whia r Martin Ihiren In the" American Htntesmen a If we say bluntly, In every calamity brought by 1 o1t, almost senm ns In tha nolsr and ostentatious my nniuro-inent- of neither. jj Impression, we linaelne, waa Demoeratlo National Convention. His subse- about their nlnd tha wtary font over for edification and tho gr BerleVtho first drI to caso folly. won Whtn mottonleM Mttned llai demonstrations niudo nrouml foiiir new nnd Consider tho of tho young man. bo ' quent attitude toward the Demoeratlo party own fault and Van Buren a brilliant i the readers of Tim Bon two colored it B1-- KV oim of surprise. A skilful party organizer, an The tilth a when Otrca tbo billow rolUd, all vory woll for maybe very briefly Indlcatod After the ac- victory and plaoed his countrymen under last- And chanced my count, i knew not why Inferior reputations, tho nhllltr of the grant photographs of herself as she looks In hor a dun or for a docjor to p wiv expert manipulator ot conventions and leglsla- - X ' ftarait th calcu, I fffcfnd tha gala, pianist Is somewlint overlooked most unjustly, foroxnmplo! "I'll come tu j, jR lures, nn udrott tnatlolan, a consummate cordance by the masses of tbo people of the ing obligations to him." forabodtna dancer and delay, London gowns. Mho has been In London dur- T.nlat I was for he hns roinulnml tho consclonttous artist, or "I'll como noxt Tuesday." Hut s. fflfc master of nloctloneertng arts, the type. In compromise of 1830. bo acqnlesced In tha nom- On nnother occasion marked by this biogra- rorjteuior ihot to tail ing June, which Is to rny In the fashionable for a trltni pher, Von to deprive by To null what aetmtd o far away. tha oxcollont perlormor. gowns nnd admirer, devoted but humble, , W', short, of the Ingratiating nnd triumphant inations of Plorce and Buchanan, but from the Hoist seome himself London eeason. 6ho wrljcs: "All tho nittrl No any de- IIL Cluldo Hans von DUlowlsthe son of n Gor- such high mightiness nnd lndependeic, J- - B1 outbreak of secession toward the close of his own admissions of wnrrnnt for his nnd hats one sees in llotten Itow and along tho for donucocge Huoh was the conception of Van X not and - mtatnro tha Ion frtt man noolUt who, although well known In his hlmundorsuoh olrcumslancos. Ho ft'; Ilitron planted In most of u by his onemles 18G0 be was Its resolute denounoer, and ho preciatory estimate of Van Buren. We refer to Which thrnttirh theae yeari of doubt t bora; Serpentine are not precisely like mine, but tntm no grow and more outspoken in his devo- the letter written In March. 1811. with relation X kep tha memory frtth an4 yf t own country and In Franco, where his somo aro ovon moro omphntlo-nll- y oven presume to ask when he may hop to jL': and rlvnlt, and It assuredly wns one hard to firmer Wo ill tioit iiod'a patient tnarcr mora. thoro are that g4 boon trnnslutod, linn yot -- tho young woman at homo again. m mljust to nny standard of veritable statesman- - tion to tho Union until he died In 1862. What to the annexation of Texas. The Demoeratlo What wrteki hara passed me In in rale. hae never short-T- nlstod nnd limp skirled than Hs ran.it Calhoun, was to two What ihlpaiank In theaurumer dayi taLnn a place In tho foremost ranks uf literary poize tho chances by bis own : hip. Knwltco happened that there was no else could the opponent of and Jack- National Convention be held months While I, with furled or ipraadlnr aat those I wear. There are some womon over watohfaUott, standard-beare- away. mon. Tho tuturo musician did not hollo tha Instead of trying to bind hor down by i' adeauntu nnd easily accessible means of verl- - son's chief lieutenant, and the r later, and none could know bettor than Van Stoot far tha Uaren tar here that trot nlong without ft vestlgo of a an effort ques- usual traditions of conlm. Its was to muko an appointment. Jk j tying or dispelling this traditional conception. of the Barnburners be, when the final test Buren that opposition to the measure In IT. flstlnd bustle to hide the rodlculous flatness of their I hy his parents to boooms n with- much-Btared-- And hor; Hre Is came, but a wnr Democrat tion would probably bo fatal to his eandldaoy. What matter how tha win da may blow. mnslstrato. figures In tho bnok, but thoy are tbo nt for What does the, oitemlbly There therefore no volnmo In the admirable Since or font la B Im- Nevertheless, not He fair alike btatt out rsforonoo to what mlulit have bean tho modest and fanny tree maiden, RSj. collection to which It Is contributed which was Let ns now take up seriatim somo of tho he did falter. reiterated God bolda them lu Ilia hand 1 know, few. Most London womon cllnn to care vhet he I II particular putations against Van Buren's political up- his former objections to tho project, doolarlng And may leata to Im the reati bont otuU inclinations, and lu fur- peaked bodices, modlupi-slze- d comes agnln? Bhe Is always glad to plttee Xfc moteneedod: nor, wo may add, la there any Aaaured that neither calm nor icale long waists and k per- In " whether we fall, It therance of thti nlm sent for his first d poor follow, but such as JSV which bettor fulllls Its purpose than the life of rightness and consistency against his conclusion that stand or Can brlnff me or delay, to bustlos, nnd slooves. The favors enduring hit always well morality Ae 1 toward tha dniItaren still sail studios to Dresden, und tlms to study to society for a tow moments Bnu-B- - sonal character none were ever uttered and is true wisdom as as true J In form It of an Van Huron by Edward M. D. (Hough- That Ita, 1 know, not far away.
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