Notice of Ceasing to Be a Substantial Holder
` Form 605 Corporations Act 2001 Section 671B Notice of ceasing to be a substantial holder IGO To: Company The Secretary Name/Scheme Independence Group NL Ground Floor Suite 1 183 Great Eastern Hwy Belmont WA 6104 PH: (08 9479 1777 Fax: (08 9479 1877 ACN 092 786 304 1. Details of substantial holder Name ACN (if applicable) National Australia Bank Limited (ACN 004 044 937) and its associated entities listed in Annexure A The holder ceased to be a substantial holder on 20/12/2010 The previous notice was given to the company on 25/11/2010 The previous notice was dated (d/m/y) 22/11/2010 2. Changes in relevant interests Particulars of each change in, or change in the nature of, a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate, in voting securities of the company or scheme, since the substantial holder was last required to give a substantial holding notice to the company or scheme are as follows: Date of change Person whose relevant Nature of Consideration Class and Persons votes interest changed change given in relation to number of affected change shares affected 23/11/2008 to MLC Investments Limited Share $4.88 to $7.68 Ordinary 20/12/2010 purchase 1,328,510 1,328,510 Share sale $4.88 to $7.88 Ordinary 1,964,088 1,964,088 23/11/2008 to NabInvest Managed Share $6.90 Ordinary 20/12/2010 Investments Ltd purchase 125,250 125,250 Share sale $7.13 Ordinary 70,000 70,000 23/11/2008 to National Australia Bank Share $6.65 Ordinary 20/12/2010 Limited purchase 312 312 Share sale $7.77 Ordinary 500 500 Corporate nil Ordinary Action 1,005
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