Gender, Tragedy, and the American Dream
37? /VQti N@* 37 & THE AMERICAN EVE: GENDER, TRAGEDY, AND THE AMERICAN DREAM DISSERTATION Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of North Texas in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By Kim Martin Long, B.A., M.A. Denton, Texas May, 1993 37? /VQti N@* 37 & THE AMERICAN EVE: GENDER, TRAGEDY, AND THE AMERICAN DREAM DISSERTATION Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of North Texas in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY By Kim Martin Long, B.A., M.A. Denton, Texas May, 1993 Long, Kim Martin. The American Eve; Gender. Tragedy, and the American Dream. Doctor of Philosophy (English), May, 1993, 236 pp., works cited, 176 titles. America has adopted as its own the Eden myth, which has provided the mythology of the American dream. This New Garden of America, consequently, has been a masculine garden because of its dependence on the myth of the Fall. Implied in the American dream is the idea of a garden without Eve, or at least without Eve's sin, traditionally associated with sexuality. Our canonical literature has reflected these attitudes of devaluing feminine power or making it a negative force: The Scarlet Letter. Mobv-Dick. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The Great Gatsbv. and The Sound and the Fury. To recreate the Garden myth, Americans have had to reimagine Eve as the idealized virgin, earth mother and life-giver, or as Adam's loyal helpmeet, the silent figurehead. But Eve resists her new roles: Hester Prynne embellishes her scarlet letter and does not leave Boston; the feminine forces in Mobv-Dick defeat the monomanaical masculinity of Ahab; Miss Watson, the Widow Douglas, and Aunt Sally's threat of civilization chase Huck off to the territory despite the beckoning of the feminine river; Daisy retreats unscathed into her "white palace" after Gatsby's death; and Caddy tours Europe on the arm of a Nazi officer long after Quentin's suicide, Benjy's betrayal, and Jason's condemnation.
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