Volume 10 | Number 1 | September 2019 | ISSN 2223-4374 International Federation of Operational Research Societies NEWS From the President What’s Inside From the President Can Operations Research Contribute to Sustainability? 1 Can Operations Research contribute Grazia Speranza <
[email protected]> to sustainability? Sustainability is one of the words scenario is too Editorial that nowadays often appears, small to allow 2 From the Editor! with different degrees or shades the human of relevance, in speeches of kind to slowly OR IMPACT politicians, scientists, private citizens. adapt. 2 The new frontier of Capacity & Revenue Newspapers speak of sustainability, Optimization: the Europcar Mobility companies make their products and Sustainability Group experience their production and distribution involves, in its TUTORIAL processes sustainable. Sustainability three domains, 4 Predicting the Likelihood of Being Upper usually refers to the capacity for the several other Level in Nepalese Organizations biosphere and human civilization to dimensions, coexist. The exploitation of resources, besides the environmental one. OR for Development the direction of investments, Hunger should be fought with 8 Call for submissions to the IFORS Prize the orientation of technological over one third of the world food for OR in Development 2020 development, the decisions taken by wasted. Transportation is a major 8 Home Health Care Logistics in a institutions and politics should all be source of pollution, especially with Developing Country in harmony and enhance both current cities growing everywhere. Energy and future potential to meet human should become affordable and Book Review needs and aspirations. Sustainability clean. Production and consumption 11 Operations Research in South Africa – has three interconnected domains: should become responsible, with an the first 50 years environment, economic and social.