
1vrspee. we D. Douglas Devnich

A Special Executive Committee of the initiated a plan by which Upon acceptance of the Seventh-day Adventist the industries at CUC committee's report, the Church in selected a became independent legal Executive Committee voted Report sub-committee of seven entities within the Parkland to sell the assets of Parkland Adventist and Education Advance Furniture Manufacturing There are times when management experts for a Corporation (PEAC). The Limited and Parkland tough decisions have to be special assignment. The sub- Corporation is owned by Colorpress. The committee made. committee was asked to the Seventh-day Adventist also appointed a new Board For many years, church study the overall Church in Canada and the of Directors of PEAC and leaders and laymen of the involvement of the Church Conference of the empowered them to sell the Church in Canada have in commercial enterprises Seventh-day Adventist assets or otherwise deal struggled to maintain and in particular to study Church. with the companies as they, business enterprises as the current relationship of The special committee of in consultation with the though they were integral to the Church to Parkland seven was asked to Administrative Committees the existence and mission of Furniture Manufacturing especially study the financial of the Church in Canada the Church. Time and and to Parkland position of Parkland and the Alberta Conference, balance sheets revealing Colorpress—both located on Furniture Manufacturing see fit. past undue expenditures of the campus of Canadian because it was experiencing The Executive Committee Church financial and energy Union College. some financial difficulties of the Church in Canada resources have become A report to the Executive necessitating possible based its decision to divest relentless teachers of the Committee was given by the further financial investment the Church's interests in the principle that the Church sub-committee on February by the Church in Canada. industries on the basis that should not entangle itself 17, 1991. It covered both the The idea of continuing to the furniture factory in with commerce and philosophy of the Church in finance the industry was particular had, over the past industry. relation to commercial unacceptable to the number of years, amassed This is not to say that ventures and the Executive Committee and a significant operating losses skilled businessmen and implications of continued full investigation was and had not been able to businesswomen should not involvement with the ordered. become functionally be involved in commerce on industries. This report A complete analysis, both profitable. Improved behalf of the Church. guided the Executive financial and commercial in management of Parkland Indeed, at the carpenter's Committee toward the nature, was carried out by Furniture did reduce the bench, in factories and in tough decision to extricate the sub-committee which overall losses in recent business offices, laypersons the Church from ownership reported its findings to the months, but the cumulative may verily serve Christ as of the factory and the press. Executive Committee. At the loss because of the debt does the Gospel Minister. Prior to 1986, these heart of the report was the load continued to grow. Only, let the business industries were owned and conclusion that the Church It is sincerely hoped that a enterprises they manage be operated under the control in Canada should divest qualified purchaser of the operated without of Canadian Union College. itself of ownership of the industries will be found in a dependence on, nor creating However, at the National industries it is involved with very short time period as liability against, the sacred Church Constituency and it should not involve the cash shortage due to the resources of the Church. meeting in that year, the itself in any future current economic situation In December, 1990, the Canadian Church delegates commercial ventures. Continued on pagell

2 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 Cover Photo—"Castle Mountain, and the Bow River," by Deryk Bodington, , Alberta CANADIAN ADVENTIST

Vol. 60, No. 3, March 1991, , ON

June Polishuk/Editor June Ulett-Culmore/Associate Editor Allan Colleran/Art Director Robin Carby/Associate Art Director EDITORIAL COMMITTEE D. Devnich, Chairman, A. Colleran, B. Lee, D. Lawson, F. Maitland, J. Polishuk, J. Ulett-Culmore

CONFERENCE EDITORS Donald King/Alberta Ken Wiebe/ Mark Johnson/Manitoba-Saskatchewan Robert Schafer/Maritime David Crook/Newfoundland Bryan Lee/ TEACHER AWARDS Georges Hermans/ This Issue

2/President's Perspective Teachers in our Union may qualify for one of two financial D. Douglas Devnich awards funded by Thomas & Violet Zapara: 4/Upfront: From Across Canada 1. The Zapara Award: On the appropriate forms, a teacher 6IWe Can't Play Yesterday's may be nominated and recommended for this award. It Game—We Must Play signifies that the teacher has demonstrated excellence in the Tomorrow's profession and qualifies for a monetary gift and a moment Myrna Tetz of public recognition. There are specific criteria to be met and we are limited to the number of submissions from our Union. 8/Women's Ministry—Getting Completed forms are due at your Conference Office of Educa- The Word Out tion by December 13, 1991. Jean Parchment 10IThe Truth About Mary-Ann 2. The Alma McKibbin Sabbatical Award: On the ap- Jennie Porter propriate forms, a teacher may design a proposal for Sum- mer educational enrichment. Teachers at all levels and located 11/Health-Wise: The Stress Mess in all types of our schools may apply. Small school teachers Raymond 0. West, M.D. are encouraged to write proposals. There are no recommen- PLUS dations necessary but specific criteria are delineated. There Focus On...Teacher Awards 3 The Question Box 11 is no limit to the number of proposals that may be submitted CUC 12, 13 from our Union. Adventist World Radio 14 Teachers wishing to apply for Summer 1992, should submit ADRA UPDATE 16 completed applications to the Conference Office of Education Teacher Feature 17 KC Korner 17 by November 15, 1991. Canadian Adventist Youth 18 Conference News 19-25 Detailed information, together with the specific forms are Global Mission's Challenges 26 available at any Conference Office of Education or from the Births, Obituaries, Ads 27-32 The Canadian Adventist MESSENGER is the official organ of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, Office of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada. Issued monthly, annual Education. subscription price in Canada $5.00. Out of union $10.00. Printed by Maracle Press Limited, Second class mail registration number 0912. Address all enquiries to 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8. ISSN 0702-5084

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 3 conference presidents, along with Pat The new program, like the current Page, newly elected Executive Director "Lifestyle Magazine" series, will carry a for CRS/Canada, the President and Vice total of six minutes of "commercial" time President of Finance for CRS/Interna- which will usually be filled with Adven- tional, discussed the important business tist image spots, free offers to viewers, items and recalled God's blessings of the and public service advertising. Some of past on this unique ministry. this time will be available for the promo- Christian Record Braille Foundation, as tion of local church outreach efforts. it was called from 1955-1990, began on For information about local advertising Victoria Island under the direction of J.M. in "Lifestyle Magazine" write to Faith LeMarquand. His business office became For Today, P.O. Box 320, Newbury Park, the headquarters for this missionary CA 91319; or call George Swanson at work for several years. Later the office (805) 373-7686. moved to Vancouver, and in 1980, to Ab- botsford, where it remained until the end of 1990. We appreciate the support given to CRS Opens New Office CRS by our western members. For Tenth Annual Retirees several years, it was felt that moving the in Canada Convocation headquarters to Oshawa would make it LINCOLN—We are happy to inform possible for all Canadian conferences to our church family in Canada that the new Set for June 19-24 take part in the planning and outreach office for Christian Record Services of this special ministry. opened its doors, January 2, 1991. Union College, As the work grows, there may be a The government of Canada honoured Lincoln, Nebraska need to open a branch office or two. Un- our application for incorporation and as til then, a plan has been discussed of November 22, 1990, CRS is now na- Beginning with the Wednesday even- whereby one board meeting will be held tionally incorporated. ing meeting on June 19 and following in the west and one in the east each year. through June 24, retirees from all across This will give access to a wider range of North America will meet for fellowship counsel and planning. and spiritual refreshment. Guest We solicit an interest in your prayers speakers this year include E.E. for the Holy Spirit's power working Cleveland, Dr. James White, Dr. Scharf- through CRS/Canada so the handicap- fenberg and many others. The theme of ped might learn that Jesus's love is the convocation will be "Into All the especially for them. World," the commitment of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists to Global Strategy and Mission, reaching out into the unentered areas of the world. Major Changes For Besides the variety of meetings, a tour is planned at the centre for the printing "Lifestyle Magazine" of literature for the blind. This should be TV Series an interesting occasion. 1991 is the one hundredth anniversary Faith For Today has launched its 1991 of the founding of Union College. production season with plans for major Retirees will be present to celebrate a cen- revisions in the format and content of the tury of growth and progress by Union immensely popular "Lifestyle College. Magazine" television series. The new There are all kinds of goodies not men- program will focus on health issues and tioned here that will make this time feature several content-intensive together sweet and nutritious to the soul segments in each fast-paced weekly and the spirit. Don't miss it. edition. The new Executive Director is Pat Page. More details will follow in a later issue Initial plans call for the production of She took over her new duties, January of Messenger. 13 half-hour telecasts designed to appeal 2. Having served in two Canadian con- to a general audience. "The programs ferences and the Bermuda Mission over will communicate all the major principles a period of more than fifteen years, Pat CRS/Canadian Board of positive living known to Seventh-day comes to CRS with a strong denomina- Adventists," says Dan Matthews, Direc- tional background. Meets For The First tor of Faith For Today Television. At the present time, more than fifteen Time Matthews and Dr. Walter Thompson, field representatives and two area direc- an Adventist surgeon and health tors are busy contacting the blind and OSHAWA—On February 18, 1991, the educator from Hinsdale, Illinois, will be calling on for financial newly formed Board of Trustees serving co-Executive producers of the new pro- support. Christian Record Services met to consider gram. The new "Lifestyle Magazine" In a few weeks, we will tell you more the budget and free services to be offered series is scheduled to air at the beginning about the free programs and services of to the blind and deaf in Canada during of the Fall '91 television season and will CRS/Canada. We solicit an interest in 1991. be seen in hundreds of communities your prayers for Pat as she begins this Douglas D. Devnich, Chairman of the throughout the North American new work and exciting way of helping Board, called the meeting to order. Local Division. the handicapped.

4 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 Church Ministries people make in a month. I had more titles Canadian Appointed on one shelf of my bookcase at home Dean of LLU Director Honoured than they had altogether. School of Medicine Elder Claude Sabot, acting Church I thought North American Adventist Ministries director, for the Seventh-day Book Centres have us spoiled: hundreds LOMA LINDA— Adventist church in Canada was the reci- of books, records, and game titles; scores Dr. Douglas Will has pient of a plaque of appreciation given of felt objects and boards; dozens of been appointed dean at an awards banquet hosted by the possibilities for canned health foods. of the School of North American Division in San Diego, Even though we sometimes complain Medicine at Loma California. about the prices, we may be taking our Linda University ef- Elder Sabot was honoured by Church ABC's for granted. fective July 1, 1991. Ministries directors across Canada for his When next you visit your ABC or book The University's outstanding contribution to the work in mobile, look around and enjoy! These Board of Trustees ac- the area of organization and develop- ABCs of ours may be blessings we've not cepted and unani- ment of a co-ordinated program in con- fully appreciated. mously approved the ferences across Canada. recommendation of a search committee that had conducted an Workshops Announced extensive search process to fill the posi- tion formerly held by Dr. B. Lyn Behrens for Christian Writers who assumed the position of president and for of the University last August. Dr. Will is an associate professor of Residence Hall Deans neurology and is chair of the department Because the 1990s will bring un- of neurology at Loma Linda University. precedented changes to the church and He is also an attending neurologist at the society, the 17th annual Christian Jerry L. Pettis Memorial Veterans Writer's Workshop at Andrews Univer- in Loma Linda. sity has chosen for its theme: The Chris- "I am committed to the mission of this tian Writer faces a world of change. institution to make man whole," says Dr. Our faculty of over a dozen editors and Will. "I also am committed to enhancing writers from around the nation will pre- the educational environment by taking sent the 4-day conference June 10-13, advantage of educational technologies. I 1991, according to Ron Bowes, con- want to facilitate our basic ference director. research efforts and strengthen our The workshop will be available for clinical services." graduate and undergraduate credit and "Dr. Will brings energetic leadership Claude Sabot, left, is congratulated by Dale on a non-credit basis. to this new responsibility," says Dr. Kongorski, personal ministries director for the The School of Education and Lifelong Behrens. "His commitment to academic British Columbia Conference. Learning will once again hold a medicine and research is unquestioned. workshop for Residence Hall Deans, His vision for medical education and June 16-25, 1991, at . clinical service is extremely stimulating." According to workshop director, Dr. Will was born in Calgary, Alberta, Donald W. Murray, "this experience is Canada. He is married to the former My ABC: A Blessing appropriate for pre-service or in-service Sherilynne Skoretz, and they have two Unappreciated training. The is structured for children—Andrea Danielle, 8, and Jason rookie or experienced deans, students Douglas, 4. By Shirley Burton who are planning to work in an SDA , and counselors or ad- Standing in the Adventist Book Cen- ministrators who want to increase their tre at Majunga, Madagascar, I almost understanding of the residence hall wept. perspective." Announcing Its location was great, next to the wide Up to 60 contact hours towards cer- street left by French colonists. tification as a Residence Life Educator Communicator's The salesclerk, who came from another will be available to attendees. Certifica- Workshop part of the North Malagasy Mission of- tion requires 150 contact hours in nine fice when I went into the ABC, was different content areas. These are: Experts in free-lance writing, desktop friendly enough and eager to help. The Residence Hall Philosophy and Manage- publishing, video production, fund rais- tile floor was clean, the counter dusted. ment; Developmental Programming ing, and grant-proposal writing will pro- Maroon hard-covers bound every Theory and Practice; Theory and Practice vide hands-on instruction at Southern volume. Printing in French and Malagasy of Discipline; Counseling Theory and College's Communicator's Workshop was professional from the Adventist Practice; Adolescent Psychology; Current May 6-9. Sessions will be grouped so that Printing House in Antanarivo. Problems of Youth; Corporate Spiritual participants can attend one, two, three, It wasn't the location which made me Leadership/Youth Ministry; Cultural/ or four days. For brochure, rates, and sad. It was the "selection," only ten titles Racial Diversity; and Community other information, call 800-768-8437 or behind the counter which divided the Building. write Communicator's Workshop, small space into thirds. For further information contact Southern College, P.O. Box 370, COL- But, ten titles! And, the price of one Lifelong Learning, Andrews University, LEGEDALE TN 37315-0370. book more Malagasy Franc than most Berrien Springs MI 49104, (616) 471-3286.

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 5 We Can't Play Yesterday's Game—We Must Play Tomorrow's

Myrna Tetz Vice President for Advancement, Canadian Union College

HEWORLD IS new Celebration Church. ANGING so fast Unusual Solutions The All-Important Question Peter and John were the we can hardly keep There's an individual who The all-important question pastors and it was growing Tup with the changes which is president of the NOT for us as Seventh-day so fast, into the thousands, affect us individually, never SAFE company. He has Adventist church members that something just had to mind the changes which unusual solutions to is: Are our schools and change or they would affect the world. In fact, just common problems. For churches preparing our acquire a classic case of 50 years ago there was no instance, he suggests life be young people to solve these burn-out. The Conference television, no frozen foods, made tougher for drug problems? Or, maybe a Committee decided on the not even ballpoint pens! dealers. "Get rid of $1,000, better question: Will our selection of deacons to And can you imagine life $500, and $100 dollar bills young people even be in manage the organizational without pizza, frozen and mint only singles," he the church? Are they aspects of the church and orange juice, tape recorders, says. "That way you can leaving the church or is the Stephen was one of them. jet planes and scotch tape? recognize a drug dealer church leaving them? He wasn't just an That's the way it was just because he'd be pushing a If our young people do ordinary deacon, however. one-half century ago. money-filled wheelbarrow not stay in the church, is Through the power of the In 1940 the discipline down the street." In the problem with them or is Holy Spirit wonders and problems in public schools Canada, the money would it with those of us who signs were taking place and were mainly talking, also jingle! claim adulthood? Too many people were being healed. chewing gum, getting out of Young people today face of us have a hard time with One day an argument turn in line, making noise unusual problems which, if new ideas, new methods, arose in the temple in and running in the halls. In solved at all, will be solved new approaches to almost Jerusalem with the elders 1982 the problem list with unusual solutions. The everything! And we have an and Stephen. "They were included burglary, youth at Parkview Adventist exceedingly hard time with unable to cope with the bombings, murder, gang Academy identified what new ways of sinning. wisdom and Spirit with warfare, rape, suicide, and they believe to be the But this isn't anything which he was speaking." drug/alcohol problems—to greatest problems facing new. Two thousand years They induced men to tell name a few. Canadians today: drugs, ago the church had the lies and the charge was So, we can't play criminalization of abortion, same problem—people who presented, 'We have heard yesterday's game. We must pollution of the wanted nothing to him say that this Jesus will play tomorrow's. Someone environment, disposal of change—who would rather destroy this place and has said that the future hazardous wastes, the kill than have a new idea change the customs which increasingly belongs to elimination of racism, and inserted into their minds. Moses handed down to people who thrive on enforcing equal rights for us.' change rather than flee from women. Today they would A New Celebration Church He was stoned, as you it. have added war. In Jerusalem there was a know. And all because the

6 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 church leaders were afraid resistance to the Your Sin Worse Than Mine differences, many still of change. A change in their consideration of the While sitting in the purport to have the truth ceremonies. A change in elimination of the curse of Halifax airport recently and about almost any church position. the domination of man? watching the people there, I topic a committee can Today, of course, we (Genesis 3:16) was again impressed with present. To our credit, would not physically kill a The third controversy our differences. None of though, most of us would church member or leader for centres around the those people were wearing admit to being sinners. advocating change. No, we Celebration Churches. exactly the same outfits, Well, I am anyway. And it are more civilized than that. Please, next Sabbath, they walked differently, no is suspected that maybe you We criticize, we remove pretend you are 16 years one talked alike, their hair are, too. And, we do have a them from office, we stop old, or 18. Ask yourself, "If was fixed in a variety of hard time with sin, don't associating with them, we I was young, would this ways. Some smiled, some we? Now I don't mean I punish. But, no, we do not service seem attractive to frowned, some slept, some have a lot of problems with kill. me?" And be honest. Could talked on the telephone. MY sin, but I do have a big we be creative in our church Intellectually we know problem with YOURS. It To Be Perfect Is To Have services or is the doxology that individually we are seems so much worse, so Changed Often far-reaching, so easily Do you not believe the overcome if you'd just try, devil is the one who fears but you are so weak. It's change the most? You see, hard enough to love you "To be perfect is to have when you do things right— changed often." e the way I do them. Our world church is Leadership is not, and facing changes right now were not born in never has been, an easy job. and it is not easy for Church membership does anyone. Sometimes it would the same town, not always go smoothly, seem as though we are either. We must not allow more afraid of an alteration nor of the same parents, ourselves as either leaders of our ceremonies or a or members to submit to an change in our positions we do easy status quo instead of (both paid ones and facing our changes candidly. voluntary) than we are of not share the same friends the seven last plagues! The Questions and the and we did not meet Answers Three Issues Are our churches and Let's look at three issues Christ schools preparing our young the church is grappling with people for their global right now. One is the in exactly the same way. mission? I believe they are if problem of reaching the they see their adult secular mind with the examples facing church gospel. With evangelism, and the sitting, standing individuals. We were not problems with minds open generally, not attracting and kneeling from inspired born in the same town, nor to the changes of today, thousands, new methods direction? Who invented the of the same parents, we do divested of meaningless must be considered. But word "creative" anyway? not share the same friends traditions and rituals kept how resistant we are to the Do you honestly believe and we did not meet Christ well beyond their time and consideration of other in exactly the same way. eliminating relentless the Lord is pleased by a avenues, especially if they Our bank accounts have prejudices. Enthusiasm for monotonous replay, week do not produce instant different totals, we have not change, consideration of Adventists. by week, of the same rituals had the same teachers or creative ideas for all aspects The second issue which is and traditions? Could you the same pastor. One of us of church ministries and receiving a lot of press is handle some well-chosen may be extremely happy involvement in selfless, non- the ordination of women. changes for the sake of our and another struggling with judgmental caring would, I We have no problem getting young people? Or has the fear, temptation and a believe, assure a youthful, back to the original diet and traditional Adventist church breaking heart. vibrant Canadian Adventist eliminating thorns and service become a salvation In addition to church Church. thistles from our gardens security blanket—a safety issues and an "To be perfect is to have but why is there• so much net? acknowledgement of our changed often."

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 7 HECOMPLEXITIES of current age require the Seventh-day TAdventist Church to meet the needs and challenges within and without its membership. More than half of the church membership is comprised of women who experience many challenging needs in a world of rapidly changing values and concepts. As a result of need assessments done on the local church level across North America, the following were highlighted:

O Older women who suffer from loneliness. O Working mothers who struggle with priorities. O Single women who are challenged with their needs and roles. 0 Women who are scarred WOMEN'S MINISTRY GETTING THE WORD OUT by Jean Parchment, Coordinator of Women's Ministries, Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada

8 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 by divorce. North American Division are for conferences and local chur- growth in others with whom ❑ Women who hide from as follows: ches' Women's Ministry they associate within and the pain of verbal and violent • To provide each woman of coordinators. without the context of the abuse. the church with a support —Introduce creative and ef- Seventh-day Adventist Church. ❑ Women whose spouses system so that she feels there fective programs for women in Women's Ministry entails: do not share their joy of a rela- is nurturing and help for her the conferences and local 1. Training for service. tionship with Jesus. from within the church. 2. Creative and effective com- ❑ churches. These programs in- Young mothers who clude small support groups, munity outreach. 3. Bringing search desperately for a few . to affirm one day seminars dealing with others to Christ. 4. Effectively quiet moments to hear God's issues pertaining to women, nurturing members. voice and who are isolated all women in and weekend retreats and This ministry is designed to from the companionship of seminars. meet the needs of today's other adults. an Currently, weekend retreats woman in our complex ❑ Middle age women who and seminars are being society. need a sense of value now that environment planned by various con- For information regarding their children are grown and ferences across Canada. These Women's Ministry contact: gone. of ❑ retn'ats/weekends are designed Women who need guidance mutual to facilitate spiritual refresh- Roberta Schafer in helping them deal with their ment, provide emotional sup- 288 Whitepine Road sexual needs. port and to affirm all women Riverview, ❑ fellowship, Women with eating disorders. in an environment of mutual New Brunswick, In recognition of the warmth and fellowship, warmth and trust. E1B 3M2 significance of these needs, the North American Division, trust. When the women of this Karen Hutton on September 19, 1990, elected church have their needs met, 5525 208 Street Elizabeth A. Sterndale as a • To make each woman feel they can become honourable Langley, B.C. Field Secretary with one of her her self-worth and that she is and valuable instruments to V3A 2K4 focuses being Women's a person worthy of respect. help others. Spiritual, physi- Jean Parchment Ministries Coordinator for the • To help each woman who cal, emotional and social 26 Cloverfield St. division. is a mother feel good about her wholeness promotes healing Bowmanville, The General Conference work as a mother and a and growth. Growth of our Ontario, L1E 1K4 Committee, perceiving the person. women will, in turn, promote gravity of meeting these • To help each woman make needs, voted on October 4, the choice without guilt, of Announcement 1990, to authorize the whether she should or should We are seeking nominations for the establishment of an Office of not work outside of the home. WOMAN OF THE YEAR AWARD Women's Ministries to foster • To help each woman, mar- Presented by the Association of Adventist Women ministry by women and to ried or single, be a fulfilled Annual Conference, June, 1991 women in the world church. person. Mrs. Rose Otis was elected to • To encourage each woman CATEGORIES OF EXCELLENCE: this position. to grow spiritually and Home/Community Work/Professional The Seventh-day Adventist develop a personal relation- Church in Canada has also ship with Christ. Please send for Entry Forms: The Association of joined in the challenge of In order to reach these objec- Adventist Women meeting women's needs in tives in Canada, long range Attention: Director of Special Events this country. In February of plans have been made. The P.O. Box 3884 1990, Roberta Schafer, Karen Women's Ministry personnel Langley Park, MD 20787 Hutton and Jean Parchment on the union level will: Entries will be accepted until May 1, 1991. were voted by the Union Ex- —Encourage and support ecutive Committee to repre- the appointment of a sent the women of Canada on Women's Ministry director on Upcoming Women's Retreats in the the North American Division each conference level. Canadian Union level and to lead out in —Encourage and support Alberta—October 4-6, 1991 Foothills Camp creating, nurturing and the conference to motivate facilitating Women's each local church to put in British Columbia—September 2/-29, 1991 Camp Hope Ministries in Canada. place a Women's Ministry Manitoba-Saskatchewan—Spring, 1991 The objectives of the Coordinator. Maritimes—June 7-9, 1991 Camp Pugwash Women's Ministries for the —Provide training seminars Ontario—April 26-28, 1991 Kingsway College

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 9 off at a small crowded ARY-ANN'S restaurant near the office. friends Sometimes she calls describe her briefly at a friend's home Mas girlish, young at heart for some company. She and good fun. She has a doesn't stay long, because friendly disposition that her friends are busy with attracts people. Her merry their families, and she eyes often dance with a doesn't want to wear out mixture of mischief and her welcome. amusement. Her married friends envy It's hard to determine her freedom to be out every how old she is. She has night if she chooses. They kept her age well. In fact, know she must be having she looks younger than the fun. girls she went through Eventually she has to go school with. home to a quiet, empty Two years ago Mary-Ann house. Her married friends bought a small townhouse imagine the bliss in having that provides her with such peace and quiet, and comfort and minimal the assurance that the house housework. She tells herself will be just as tidy on that this is an investment returning as it is when left for her future, that it will in the morning. ensure a degree of comfort Sometimes when she sees in her old age. She's single, something beautiful and so she feels that she has to tender on TV, she turns to be realistic about her old share a thought, but there's age. The no one in the other chair. Mary-Ann's sunny, Yes, Mary-Ann bubbly disposition didn't understands the price of come easily. "Nobody likes Truth being single. She also a sad and bitter woman," understands that both she reminds herself. lifestyles have positive and "Nobody will ever have the negative aspects. opportunity to label me a About She recognizes the shriveled-up old maid." positive aspects of her life She doesn't want her and allows them to balance friends and acquaintances Mary-Ann against the negatives. She discussing what, in their sees no value in constantly view, she needs—"a good looking over the fence. reliable man." She's heard PHOTO: ROBIN CARRY She knows that although it before. God intended at Creation Over the years she has that we'd have ultimate become adept at fielding Jennie Porter happiness in a marriage blatantly curious inquiries. relationship, it's possible to Folk seem to find it do whatever she likes with Charming at every corner have a full and satisfying acceptable to ask a single her money." "She can waiting to sweep her off her life as a single. woman questions they come and go as she feet. Convinced that her life She has learned to seek wouldn't dream of asking pleases," "She never has to is exciting and contains all God's wisdom. And she anyone else. She copes with consider anyone else." the elements their own lives works at being content with speculation and curiosity "She doesn't have to cook lack, they build fantasies the blessings in her life with a Mona Lisa smile and unless she feels like it." around Mary-Ann. rather than looking with a patient spirit. "She's the only one to mess Sometimes at the end of a envy toward others. Mary-Ann's married up the bathroom." And so long day at work, Mary- friends envy her. "She's so on. Ann can't face going home Reprinted from RECORD, lucky," they say. "She can They imagine a Prince to cook for one. She stops September 15, 1990.

10 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 Continued from page 2 President's What's 25 years old and lives on a lake in , BC? Perspective continues to deteriorate the status of the companies. It is believed that a purchaser, with cash to invest, could make the industries successful and profitable. The investment of cash is not the part that the Church should play and thus the only alternative is to sell. More difficult decisions will still need to be made. Future issues of the Deer Lake Seventh-day Adventist School Messenger will convey further information on the We need you to come help us celebrate the school's progress of the divestiture of commercial enterprises on 25th Anniversary this year! the part of the Seventh-day Please call, fax, or send your address and telephone number to: Adventist Church in Canada. We believe this will DEER LAKE SCHOOL be in the best interest of the 5550 Gilpin Street Church and we solicit your Burnaby, BC sincere prayers that God V5G 2H6 will guide us through this Tel. (604) 434-5844 challenging experience. Fax (604) 434-5845 See page 13 for details regarding the "Look how He's led, look where He'll lead." sale of Parkland Furniture and This month's Question Box 4. Multicultural questions are so Parkland Colorpress. focuses our attention on the diver- difficult to be understood that sities of cultures and ethnicity THE it is better for us to spend our which make up our Church here time discussing some "spiritual" Colour Slides in Canada. As we seek to build theme. Needed for awareness and sensitivity for the QUESTION 5. Multicultural resources and fellowhip of our Church, we need materials should be provided Ingathering Calendar to have some answers. Instead of for our churches so that they setting up the questions, I will BOX can adequately deal with the and Messenger make a series of statements and vital multicultural questions. Canadian scenes in 35 mm. see how you react to them. Please indicate if you strongly 214 sq. in. or 4 x 5 format are 1. Multicultural questions are to agree, agree, disagree, or strongly requested. Transparencies be dealt with by the govern- disagree with each of these should be labelled as to loca- ment, the home and the school, statements and explain why. so we need not discuss it in our tion and a credit line will be churches. given to the photographer. 2. Multicultural questions are not Send your responses to: Slides will be returned along relevant in our church so we Question Box with payment for a one-time need not make efforts to build clo D. Robert Kennedy use. Mail your transparencies bridges for reaching out, Multicultural and Personal multiculturally. to: Ministries 3. Multicultural questions are Messenger, 1148 King St. E., only to be dealt with by ethnic 1148 King Street East Oshawa, Ontario Lill 1H8 congregations. Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1118

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 11 as consultant in the develop- area of housing renewal, ment of plans for the Univer- particularly high-rise apart- sity of Science and ments. He is a consultant to Technology in Ghana, West the Canadian National Africa, at the University of Railroad on wind flow and THE ADVENTIST COLLEGE IN CANADA . . . Lancaster, England, and snow drifts, and advises the continues to advise as a cur- Federal and Provincial riculum consultant in the Departments of Energy and Canadian Union Welch back to again help in countries of India, Nepal Mines. His areas of expertise the Master Plan develop- and Uganda. In his work at include architectural design, College Sets New ment program. the University of Manitoba, environmental physics, and Trends For The Fifty-four individuals were he continues to advise the acoustic control. Dr. Welch is invited to attend the Province of Manitoba on a staunch supporter of 90's seminar. These individuals energy, and consults in the Adventist education, demon- Two years ago Canadian represented a cross section Union College received a of the student body, instruc- one million dollar challenge tional staff, board members, Canadian Union College grant from the Chan Shun the Committee of 100, Cana- Foundation. This challenge dian Union College and and was in response to the col- Parkview Adventist Academy Parkview Adventist Academy lege's need to begin plan- Alumni Association, admini- ning and construction of a stration, and staff. In- science building. The pro- dividuals were invited who cess has progressed most en- serve on various committees ALUMNI couragingly, and this fall the on campus; the college Ex- college anticipates to begin ecutive Committee, the En- construction. Throughout vironmental Committee, the HOMECOMING this process, the college has Aesthetic Committee, and struggled with the need for various Master Planning a comprehensive Master committees. June 14, 15 and 16 Plan, that would determine After reviewing various the development direction of projected plans already the physical plant for the developed by Canadian nineties and as we look for- Union College, Dr. Welch Honoured Classes: ward to our Lord's return. provided opportunity for 1961, 1956, 1951, 1946, 1941, After receiving several each attending member to committee reports, college evaluate these plans, given 1936, 1931, 1926, 1921 & 1916. administration determined certain values on a planning to hold a Master Planning work sheet. Opportunity Seminar on February 24, was also provided for per- 1991, to assist in determining sonal input onto a new See You Then! a final consensus for a Master Plan work sheet. Dr. Master Plan. The seminar Welch projected that his was coordinated by Dr. John analysis and review of the Welch, of Winnipeg, workshop would be Manitoba. available for college ad- In 1978, Dr. Welch was ministration for continuing contracted by Canadian discussion and study within CALL CUC COLLECT! Union College to develop a approximately two weeks. College Master Plan. After We look forward with an- considerable study and ticipation to presenting a thorough preparation, a comprehensive Physical For information Master Plan was presented Master Plan to the college for consideration. During board on April 21. Pray that about the years that followed, col- God will continue to lead lege administration chose and guide as we complete Canadian Union College, not to follow its recommen- this most vital component in call (403) 782-3381 collect. dations, thus negating much the development of your of the study. However, Canadian college campus. because of Dr. Welch's ex- Dr. Welch is currently the pertise and thorough Chairman of the School of knowledge of the campus, Architectural Science and We're here to assist you! and his willingness to con- Technology at the Universi- tinue to support Christian ty of Manitoba. He has serv- , college ed the university since 1966. administration invited Dr. Prior to this date he served

12 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 strated through a commit- 1991 Summer Summer Loma Linda University Riverside ment to have all four of his Commencement August 1, 1991 offers their Master of Arts Degree children attending Canadian School Schedule The first two sessions of summer in Elementary Education on the Union College. His church Session 1 May 6-May 23 school are primarily for resident or CUC campus from June 24-July 31. leadership in the Winnipeg Session 1A April 22-May 31 continuing students of Canadian For more information, course offer- area speaks of his continuing Session 2 May 27-June 13 Union College. Session three and ings or an application form, con- commitment to his Lord and Session 3 June 24-July 11 four are for special summer school tact CUC Academic Administration to the finishing of the Session 4 July 12-July 31 students—teachers in the Adven- (403) 782-3381 Ext. 288; call collect. everlasting gospel. Loma Linda tist school system in Canada work- Session June 24-July 31 ing on certification upgrading. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY INVITATION FOR INVITATION FOR PROPOSALS TO PURCHASE PROPOSALS TO PURCHASE ASSETS AND BUSINESS ASSETS AND BUSINESS OPERATIONS OF OPERATIONS OF PARKLAND FURNITURE PARKLAND COLORPRESS MANUFACTURING LIMITED LIMITED The Board of Directors pursuant to the instruc- tions of the owners of Parkland Colorpress Limited The Board of Directors pursuant to the instruc- will consider proposals for the purchase of the tions of the owners of Parkland Furniture Manufac- assets and business operations of the Company, turing Limited will consider proposals for the pur- a full color press located in Lacombe, Alberta, as chase of the assets and business operations of the a going concern. Company, a furniture and mattress manufacturer and distributor located in Lacombe, Alberta, as a Assets for which proposals are invited, comprise the going concern. following: 1. Inventory consisting of papers, ink, printing Assets for which proposals are invited, comprise the materials, photographic supplies, printing plates following: and other materials; 1. Inventory consisting of finished furniture, mat- 2. Accounts receivable and customer lists; tresses, fabric, lumber and other materials; 3. Fixed assets including office furnishings and 2. Accounts receivable and customer lists; equipment, computers, numerous presses, 3. Fixed assets including office furnishings and cameras, printing equipment, and other equipment, computers, manufacturing equip- supplies; ment, sewing machines, cutters, quilters, and 4. Leasehold improvements and property lease. A other supplies; complete inventory and equipment list will be 4. Leasehold improvements and property lease. provided to qualified interested parties. All proposals must be submitted to: All proposals must be submitted to: The Board of Directors, The Board of Directors, Parkland Furniture Manufacturing Limited Parkland Colorpress Limited cio 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. c/o 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario. L1H 1H8 L1H 1H8

Parties interested in obtaining further informa- Parties interested in obtaining further informa- tion and to arrange for inspection of the assets tion and to arrange for inspection of the assets should contact Mr. Karnik Doukmetzian at (416) should contact Mr. Karnik Doukmetzian at (416) 433-0011 or Mr. Stan Rogers at (604) 240-4320 or 433-0011 or Mr. Stan Rogers at (604) 534-3931 or (604) 534-3931. (604) 240-4320.

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 13 •10'. ,11/11111141,111awmijul We CAN Open The Doors

(Adventist World Radio Offering, March 9*) by Herbert Ford

Why should a Seventh-day That is why every Adventist in the Adventist Christian living in Canadian Union should give more Canada—you, for example—give than generously during March. But, generously to the Adventist World one asks, is Adventist World Radio Radio Offering on Sabbath, March 9? a winner of souls? Fair question. Because this offering is the "Door From a new Adventist church in Opener"—a strategy—for the mainland that has come into Church's Global Mission, that plan being almost exclusively through to bring the message of God's love AWR-Asia, the answer is a fervent to 1,800 world population groups, "YES! The broadcasts brought us each of one million or more persons, Jesus, the Hope of our sad world." that are yet untouched by Seventh- day Adventists. Simplified, Global Mission calls for an army of Adventist volunteer- professionals to move into unentered Geoffrey Zhu, after finding his Lord from areas to present truth to in- Chinese broadcasts on AWR-Asia, told Robert terested persons. Adventist World Folkenberg of his desire to work full-time for Radio messages beamed into these Adventist World Radio after graduating from Southern College with a broadcasting emphasis areas in native languages will create in journalism. the interests. This will open the door of faith-sharing opportunity for face- to-face contact by the Adventist volunteer-professionals. Without the building and Sixteen-year-old "Mark" hunted up his cousin operating of four powerful short- in Hong Kong after listening to AWR-Asia, discovered he was attending a Seventh-day wave AWR stations—broadcasting Adventist school, so found it easy to inquire some 1,000 hours each week in 275 about an Adventist church. He reviewed his languages to about 97 percent of shortwave-listening story with Richard Kiu, earth's population—Global Mission former Pacific Union pastor now director of will fail. (AWR currently broadcasts programming studios in Hong Kong. 484.5 hours weekly in 36 languages.) While all four AWR stations—in From the dejected Indian worker in Guam, Costa Rica, Cote d'Ivoire, Equatorial Guinea, the answer is Marasati Siregar (left) and Zentua Simbolon and Italy—are now broadcasting, were the first two persons baptized as a result "YES! In a state of dejection and low because of lack of funds, the stations of broadcasts from AWR-Asia. Marasati spirits I turned on the radio. To my do not have the broadcast power re- returned to his home village on the island of surprise I listened to the message of quired to reach all the countries Sumatra to share his faith with his family. To- God in Telugu, my mother tongue. assigned to them in the Global Mis- day 20 people are meeting weekly for worship I shed tears of joy." in his parents' home, while Marasati is at In- sion plan. Moreover, the Africa sta- donesian Union College in Bandung studying From the divinely-changed lips of tion is on only one hour daily—on theology "to be a preacher." hundreds in the Philippines, Tunisia, leased time at a cost of $1200 each Russia, Mexico, Seychelles, Ger- hour! many, Nigeria, Australia, Yugo- If the Adventist radio voice is not Mission-assigned professionals will slavia, Malaysia, Zambia, and many heard in an unentered area because go, there is little or no freedom to other countries the answer is "YES!" funds are not available to bring it to hold public meetings, much less to But what of those in the many its global Mission-assigned strength, go door-to-door attempting to create other countries where Adventist there will be little or no interest for interest. Radio alone can beam across World Radio cannot now be heard the volunteer-professional in that such countries' borders and plant because funding is not in hand to ex- country to follow up. seeds of truth in people's hearts in tend the broadcasts to them? They In most countries to which Global the privacy of their homes. cannot answer "YES!" until AWR,

14 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 truth-carrying electronic minister that it is, beams into their homelands. • Doors are still open to operate Adventist World Radio stations, and awe by Raymond 0. West, M.D. to increase their power to their Global Mission-assigned power, or to build our own facility in Africa. But, given present world conditions, today's opportunities could be tomorrow's disappointments. The Stress Mess In thousands of villages, towns and cities in countries where the name of Jesus is unknown, millions OM LEFT WORK early and in a huff can be told of His way of love by after his boss exploded at him for no ap- Adventist World Radio. We can, parent reason. He blasted his horn at through our prayer and financial power during March, make known fellow drivers when they reacted too His way to them while doors are still slowly when the red light turned green. open. His nerves were frayed. His tranquility a mess. * This article was not received in time for the Fourteen-year-old Sally arrived home February issue so the March 9 offering date from school with a headache, refused her has passed. Your offering, however, will still supper, couldn't concentrate on her order to gain happiness? be gratefully received. Just mark your tithe homework, and tossed and turned in her Your HEALTH-WISE columnist thinks envelope "Adventist World Radio" and turn bed until well after midnight. Her plight? not! Here are some suggestions, most of it in to your local church treasurer. Editor A flunking report card she didn't want them right at hand for most children and to share with her parents. adults. And for the most part, they cost Marjorie, a mother of three and a little or nothing. Legal Notice cocktail waitress, didn't go to work at all 1. Eight hours of sleep out of each 24. The Seventh-day for her 4:00 p.m. shift. She had While we sleep, the nervous energies Adventist Church developed a "headache" after her hus- necessary for stress-free living are being in Canada band had berated her earlier in the day regenerated within our nervous systems. for burning the toast. Besides that, the 2. Exercise—preferably out-of-doors, Notice is hereby given that the house was constantly in a mess, and she preferably 30 minutes a day at least five Thirteenth General Meeting of the felt she was a poor mother. days a week. Thirty minutes of exercise Seventh-day Adventist church in Tom, Sally, and Marge were all, in the is probably worth more than a dose of Canada will be held at Kingsway common parlance of the day, "stressed any tranquilizer you can name. College, Oshawa, Ontario from Fri- out." Common symptoms experienced 3. day, June 21, 1991 to Monday, June A little time every day for quiet, 24, 1991. The first meeting will con- under stress are poor concentration, in- uninterrupted, non-demanding medita- vene at 7 p.m. Friday, June 21, 1991. somnia, difficulty in maintaining interest tion. Meditation on what? Uplifting The Meeting is called for the pur- in work, school, and home. And almost themes; themes relating to love, joy, pose of receiving reports for the past inevitably there is a loss of energy— peace, meekness, forgiveness, and five years, the election of officers profound fatigue. and directors of departments, the patience. election of the Executive Committee, Stress, expressed as anxiety and 4. A time to enjoy good , or a consideration of proposed changes depression, often results from anger poetic utterance, or just a good book. in the Bylaws that may be recom- (repressed, of course), bitterness (often 5. A time to enjoy a hobby or craft; like mended, and the transaction of such over real or imagined hurt or insult), anx- assembling a model airplane with (or other business as may come before iety (often easily explained). Mundane the Meeting at that time. without) an eager child at your side. Or Each local conference or mission money matters, family misbehaviour, painting (by numbers, if necessary) a pic- shall be entitled to two (2) delegates and the like, all cost us plenty. Some say ture in watercolors or oils. Or something without regard to conference billions of dollars are lost in decreased as earthy as mowing a lawn. membership and one (1) additional production in the workplace, and along 6. And the giving of yourself to some- delegate for each four hundred (400) with it, poor employee morale. Many church members or major fraction one who needs you. Perhaps there is no thereof. Such delegates shall be also believe that it contributes to the happiness that can quite compare with chosen by the respective local con- abuse of alcohol and the misuse of other extending a helping hand, to a ference or mission executive drugs. neighbour, a loved one, or even a total committees. What about stress imbalance? Does the stranger. D.D. Devnich, President "good life" require that we constantly Sounds too simple to be true or effec- O.D. Parchment, Secretary "stress out"? Must we be unhappy in tive? Try it and be convinced!

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 15 AD RA UPDATE four percent growth per been forced to cut social year. The global growth rate services for the poor in is 1.7 percent. The order to stimulate exports. Adventist Development and population issue is about Generally health care has Relief Agency, Canada fathers and mothers and been cut by 50 percent, and children, not just numbers, in some areas education and each is precious in spending has been cut by 25 God's sight. percent. Africa is suffering, and As the world grows The African Conundrum some of this can be traced increasingly interdependent, to the last remnants of it becomes more and more H.G. Wells has written: progress, these countries are colonialism. Africa has 40 clear that what happens in "Human becomes slipping and need ADRA's percent of the world's other parts of the world can more and more a race help along with that of timber, 50 percent of its have a profound impact on between education and many other organizations. potential hydroelectric our daily lives. We are catastrophe." Poverty is the In Africa these power, 98 percent of known moving into an era in which worst form of pollution, as misfortunates abound, and reserves of chromium, 64 there will be greater it forces the destruction of the omens for the nineties percent of cobalt, 25 percent interdependence and renewable resources to meet are as ugly as ever. of uranium. It has the partnership. daily survival needs. The In nine sub-Saharan potential to feed four times When people are world's population is countries life expectancy has its present population. And threatened with survival or increasing in size equal to decreased. Infant mortality yet it remains poor. high consumptive patterns four each year. in Ethiopia and Mali is Africa appears to be facing the inevitable result is According to the United astounding. Only 75 percent another decade of very slow environmental neglect and Nations' definition, there of these children live to the progress. Perhaps the global degradation. For ADRA, are 42 "least developed age of five. Food imports winds of change that are Canada, the words countries." These countries have increased while sweeping across the world "Christian" and "service" are characterized by low exports have decreased. will bring justice and relieve are synonymous and come literacy, low manufacturing, Food production in these oppression, but every all wrapped up in a extreme poverty, inadequate countries has decreased in military thrust eats deeply partnership of faith and health and education the past two decades by 11 into money needed to get love. facilities, and low percent. It is little wonder on the road to recovery. What price do we pay for agricultural production. that the eighties have been Tragically, these 30 least- disillusionment? What are In 1980, 17 of 31 of these termed the "lost decade." developed countries are the moral costs of turning countries were in Africa. In The present population of trapped in a cycle of away from pain? How hard 1990 the figure rose to 30 Africa will likely double to indebtedness and economic is it to be tough-minded out of 42. While many parts one billion in the next two subservience. The without becoming of earth are making decades. This is a three-to- developing countries have hard-hearted?

AIDS Education in Children's Centre Current Projects Malawi Opens in Armenia Health officials in Malawi Opening February 19 in Underway by ADRA estimate that 10 to 30 percent of Yerevan, the rehabilitation cen- selected blood donors have the tre specializes in treating deadly AIDS virus. Surveys children injured by the earth- Supplies Shipped to show that while many people quake that devastated Armenia, of the donated supplies is more understand how serious the December 7, 1988. The centre is Chile than $1 million. disease is, few know what they able to treat approximately 50 More than one million pounds ADRAs director in Chile, can do to avoid it. children daily on an outpatient of donated clothing, educational Baruc Lagos, arranged free ship- ADRAs project involves inten- basis. and medical equipment were ment of these supplies with a sive training of medical person- In addition to the children's shipped to Chile during January Chilean shipping line. The nel throughout the Adventist centre, ADRA built seven and February. Chilean ships bring fruit to the health system in Malawi. satellite clinics in villages within The shipment included 7,000 and are empty on Medical assistants, midwives a 100 mile radius of Yerevan. The bales of clothing, six school their return. Five ships were us- and community health workers clinics offer primary health care buses, and more than 100 crates ed to transport the supplies to attend seminars to learn and refer patients with greater of medical equipment and Chile. The value of the transpor- sterilization guidelines for needs to the children's centre. educational supplies. The value tation is about $200,000. and clinics.

16 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 — Teacher Feature

THANK YOU How Saying Thanks Raises Money

Jennifer Morgan: How do you say thanks? This is the nich, John and Bev Thorne, Dr. and Mrs. A product of New- question Kingsway College keeps asking Fitzroy Maitland and Fred and Marjorie foundland, who has learned when supporters of the school are Thomas answered questions to the and taught at Kingsway Col- discussed. delight and amusement of the crowd. lege and the Manitoba/Saskat- On February 17, 1991 Kingsway Col- Prizes were awarded to the participants chewan Conference has found lege hosted the Annual Fun(d) Dinner as that had been donated by Buckingham enough challenge to keep her a way of saying thank you to those peo- Market, Laura Secords, Four Season's at Cariboo Adventist Academy ple who have financially supported the Flowers and E. Matthews Printing. in British Columbia for a school program and students. Hundreds Although each person enjoyed the while. She is as versatile as she of tickets and invitations were sent out food and entertainment that evening, is creative. She enjoys inviting people to come and spend an en- perhaps the greatest blessing was the op- teaching Bible and Social joyable evening cruising aboard the good portunity to be of benefit to students who Studies to Grades 7-12 and ship "Kingsway". have no one else to turn to. In an attempt may one day soon, be ap- Captain Ralph Janes and his crew to give thanks, Kingsway College raised pointed to a full-time campus presented a lovely evening of entertain- over $5,000.00 for Worthy Students that or youth ministry program. ment and good food. Musical selections evening. Thank you for remembering to Through this column, Jen- were performed by band and choir support Christian Education. Your dona- nifer would like to send members, Ed Sormin and Sharon tion makes a difference. greetings to her friends and Foreman and Glen Wilson. To make a donation to the Worthy Stu- relatives across Canada. Captain Ralph then asked four couples dent Fund at Kingsway College please from the audience to join him on the send your cheque to: Development Of- deck for the Captain's version of "The fice, Kingsway College, Box 605, Newlywed Game". Dr. and Mrs. Dev- Oshawa, Ontario, L1H 7M6.


Thank you to each alumni who has already donated to the AAA challenge this year. Figures to date:

Jean Septembre: Dollars Needed: $39,175.00 Dollars Raised: $15,969.81 41% Jean is representative of a Donors Needed: 785 Current Donors: 253 32% new type of teacher in our Union: young, fully bi-lingual, Alumni please send in your donation TODAY! Thank diligent and capable of learn- you. ing while teaching. He func- tions as Principal of Wood- ward Junior Academy in the Maritime Conference. He has ALUMNI WEEKEND inspired his upper-grade students to raise funds for the Plan now for Alumni Weekend May 3, 4, and 5. This is your chance purchase of computer hard to meet friends and classmates from days of yore. Great things are planned and software and now they for your return to the campus you once called home. Special guests this are in the business of newspaper production. year are former faculty and staff. Come back and see those who made Jennifer and Jean are life on campus what it was. valuable assets to our educa- Honoured Classes: '41, '51, '61, '66, '71, '81. In addition the Classes tional system and we thank of '55 and '56 are talking about a special reunion of their own. God for these visionary See you then. teachers.


ARE YOU A MEMBER OF A YOUTH SUPPORT GROUP? STUDYING TOGETHER • For Prayer and Growth • For Spiritual Fellowship • For Wholesome Pleasure • For Overcoming Addiction • For Career Planning • For Christian Service • For Mission Work For Leadership Training

FELLOWSHIPING TOGETHER 18 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 MARITIMES Pastor Presents Brief on Mary McSorley held a quilt show and Faithful Ingatherer of raised $411 for the church's back debt. Sunday Closing Issue Other members had other projects. Perth-Andover Church Donald Sands, pastor of the Digby, Fredericton members started working "Whatever you did for one of the least Middleton and New Minas, Nova Scotia together. "May I give you a hand?" says of these brothers of mine, you did for congregations recently appeared before one member to another. "How are you me." Matt. 25:40 NIV. the Provincial Retail Business Uniform today?" greet the members as one enters These words have been taken literally Fredericton Church. On Sabbaths, Closing Day Act Consultation Commit- by Alice Clark of the Perth-Andover, Fredericton Church is a beautiful place to tee and presented oral and written briefs New Brunswick, Seventh-day Adventist on the issue of Sunday closing. As well, be as we share and fellowship together. church who is confined to her home most Pastor Sands was one of three represen- of the time because of a stroke. tatives who appeared on an open line Fredericton Church Pastor and Wife For many years she has been an en- radio talk show in Yarmouth on the Appreciated thusiastically involved in the activities of subject. the church and this year has been no dif- The presentation by Pastor Sands was The Lord has truly blessed Fredericton ferent. Although bed-ridden, except for the first before the committee which Church with new hope. Did I say a few hours a day, her Ingathering ap- raised the issue of minority rights and the "hope?" Well, yes, that's our lovely peal to her many visitors has resulted in need for exemptions based on religious school teacher whom the Lord sent to $136.00 being collected. The calendars grounds. provide Christian education to our young she gave out were also well received. Her In his brief, Pastor Sands presented the people. Hope Ravelo has volunteered her theological beliefs held by the Seventh- year to help out our school. day Adventist Church and the need to It's Hope and her husband, Pastor Jun be free from religious coercion to follow Ravelo, whom the Lord has sent as tools the dictates of one's conscience. After to pull Fredericton Church members reviewing the recent developments in the together, praising the Lord and paying and the state of other provincial ac- off our church debt. commodations for religious reasons, Pastor Jun and Hope Ravelo have Pastor Sands urged the committee to con- dedicated their lives to the Lord to do His sider an amendment to the legislation ex- will. And we in Fredericton wish to empting retailers who observe a day of praise the Lord and thank Him for their rest other than Sunday from having to leadership. be closed on Sundays. Mary Bellafontaine The committee expressed their ap- preciation to Pastor Sands for his presentation. cheerful attitude, as she occasionally at- Lady Joins tends church in her wheelchair, has in- Hampton Church spired everyone with whom she comes Fredericton Church in contact. Our love and prayers are with this Dedication devoted sister whose service assures that "We've Only Just Begun" Jesus' love will be shared by those less fortunate than herself. This is the new saying in Fredericton Angie M. Flowers Church after the beautiful service on Sab- bath, December 22. Elder Robert Schafer, Maritime conference president, officiated as the members and friends of Frederic- Women's Retreat ton Church celebrated the burning of the A special weekend for spiritual mortgage document. We've only just renewal and fellowship will be held begun our mission for the Lord. for the women of on "It's the Lord, it's the Lord," quoted June 7-9 at Camp Pugwash. Pastor our Pastor Jun Ravelo, as we in Frederic- Nancy Canwell will be presenting ton burned the mortgage document at "God-Controlled Emotions." This the front of our church. The love and joy will be a special time of fellowship, which rang out was "Glory to God," and relaxation, growth, & worship for all The Maranatha Hampton Church witnessed the "Praise to the Lord." women ages 19-90! Now you say, "How is this all possi- baptism of Mrs. Mabel Brown on January 26, ble? August, 1990, at camp meeting, it 1991. Her decision stemmed from meetings con- For more information contact the ducted by Pastors Gordon Miller and Jim was 'poor Fredericton.' " And here we Maritime Conference Office Sharpe in the spring of 1990 when Mabel's hus- are, December, 1990, debt free. When we band, Gordon, was baptized. Mabel's baptism 121 Salisbury Rd., Moncton let the Lord lead, miracles happen. was very special because she has cancer but NB ElE 1A6. Monies have been donated from different wanted so much to go through with her deci- Roberta Schafer places in North America—B.C., sion for Jesus. Now together, Gordon and Manitoba, Ontario, Newfoundland, Mabel can witness to their family and friends Coordinator California, Kansas, and Colorado. as they continue serving their Lord.


Dedication/ Baptism Announcement Ladies Present Service—Romanian Smoke-Free Program Child Adopted by An evangelistic meeting will be held The St. John's Seventh-day Adventist Moose Jaw Family in Saskatoon, from May 3 to June 8, Church recently sponsored a program on 1991 by Pastor Victor Gill. If you a smoke-free lifestyle that was funded by January 5, 1991 was a day of celebra- have friends, family, interested per- the Canadian and Immigra- tion in the Moose Jaw Seventh-day sons or know of former Adventists tion Commission, Job Strategy Program. Adventist church family and very special in the Saskatoon area we would be Mona Peddle, Linda Best, Janet Poirier, for two of our families. A child dedica- happy to contact them for the up- and Corinne Smyth participated in this tion and baptismal service was conducted coming meetings. Please send the program which was designed specifically during the worship service by Pastor names and any other information for the Grade Four students in the St. Mervin Kempert which involved the that will be helpful to Saskatoon John's area. Terry Foulston and Ivan Lust families. Evangelistic Meetings, Manitoba- Linda, Janet, and Corinne visited 45 Andrew Foulston and Vanessa Lust were Saskatchewan Conference of SDA, schools and did a total of 87 presenta- presented by their parents, Terry and 1004 Victoria Avenue, Saskatoon, tions. For the presentations Janet was Judy Foulston and Ivan and Bonnie Lust, Sk. S7N OZ8. dressed as a cigarette lighter and Linda for dedication to the Lord. Rick Foulston as a cigarette. Their lively rap introduced and Dorian Lust demonstrated their love the children to Corinne who demonstrated for Christ by being baptized and joining also brought Ivan and Bonnie Lust the a mechanical smoker to [illustrate the ef- the fellowship of the Moose Jaw church. opportunity to adopt a child. Over the fect of a cigarette on the human lungs. The Romanian Revolution not only years they have tried to adopt children The children were given an activity book brought freedom to its own people, but from Canada, Guatemala, and Argentina "Something to Think About" that was through Social Services and church published by the ladies. groups. Had it not been for the Romanian Revolution, Bonnie says they would pro- bably have had to wait another eight Welcome to New years. But things all came together when Social Services in Saskatchewan arrang- Workers ed for 21 couples to go to Romania to see We welcome Pastor Wayne and Donna the children they were adopting and do Blize to our Newfoundland field where the appropriate work. they will pastor the Bay Roberts and Con- Vanessa is a sweet little girl and it was ception Bay South district. Wayne and love at first sight, says Bonnie. The Lust Donna have four grown children, the family credits the orphanage with doing youngest is a student at Canadian Union a good job. "The orphanage was well College. For the past 4 i/2 years they run. She seems to be a normal two-year- pastored the North Battleford district in old." Saskatchewan. On December 11, Vanessa arrived in Canada and the Lust family hasn't been the same since. "I'm rejuvenated. It's a Rick Foulston and Dorian Lust take their bap- big change and only for the better," says tismal vows with Pastor Kempert. Ivan, and Bonnie and Dorian agree.

Wayne and Donna Blize with daughter, Mitzi. We also extend a warm Newfoundland welcome to pastor Hal and Elaine • Ohlmann who with their three children have been pastoring in Yellowknife, N.W.T. for the past 4 years. They will pastor the Marystown church and Burin Vanessa, Ivan and Bonnie Lust; Andrew, Terry and Judy Foulston at the dedication service for Peninsula district. Vanessa and Andrew. D.S. Crook, President


and heritage of blacks in our church. educator and humanitarian. As God con- These are the more well-known, but let tinues to richly bless us, may we never Caribbean Association me introduce you to the new generation forget Him, the things He has done for of up-coming giants; Hyveth Williams, us and the way He has led us. of Adventists in Alberta Dr. Gosnell Yorke, Dr. Robert Samms, Wally Cyrus Dr. Susan F. Willoughby, Dr. Robert President, Celebrate Kennedy, Dr. Rosa Banks, Delbert Baker, Caribbean Association of Adventists in Dr. Roy Adams, Faith Gray, and some Alberta very talented young black men and Black History Month women in our schools, colleges, and universities around the world. No arti- cle would be large enough to include all The month of February has been of our people who have, who are, and designated Black History Month in North who will continue to serve our God and Special Services at American society. It is a time when Black His Church, but I thank them all for their people in North America from Afro- efforts and sacrifices. Lloydminster American Culture could come together Against the background of and reflect on their rich heritage and misrepresentation and misunderstan- share it with non-black brothers and ding, our rise to positions in the Adven- sisters. This February provided valuable tist Church has not been an easy one. It opportunities and excellent learning ex- has been long and arduous, and many periences for all of us who participated have sacrificed and even given their lives in the activities. for our cause and the cause of right and Black History Month started in the God, and I pay tribute to all of them. U.S.A. in the early part of this century, There is much to be done and learned first as Black History Week. The celebra- by us and our non-black brethren and tions came to Canada some time later, friends and in order for us to be able to and we expanded to a month in 1986. take our rightful places in the cause and The Caribbean Association of Adven- our society, we have to become united, tists in Alberta has been involved with educated, committed and prepared for these celebrations, and we are proud of the talks which lie ahead. We must ac- our involvement. cept this challenge and rise to it as we Blacks have a great legacy and a rich plan for our future, and that of our history of involvement, success and con- children. tributions to all societies, and there has Finally, I would like to express pro- been no exception to our contributions in found gratitude to Dr. Clarence Baptiste the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The who now serves as a "resident Adventist Message was presented by the theologian with a prophetic word" to the On December 21, 1990, the Lloydminster church Lord to a black man "The Unknown Pro- people of Thunder Bay, Ontario. He has rejoiced as Heidi Norhton (left) and Mindy Bell phet" William Foy who diligently pro- served in Canada for many years, and (right) accepted the Lord in baptism. Pastor claimed it before he passed off the stage came to West at a most dif- Nicholas Kozachenko baptized the girls. (Delbert Baker 1987). One of the greatest ficult time in the history of both West Ed- preachers, administrators and teachers monton and the church in Alberta and that the S.D.A. Church has had retired Canada. As chairman of the Human last July after the General Conference Relations Committee of the Alberta Con- Session, as president of the North ference, he helped steer the Conference American Division. Charles Bradford was and the church to a place where we can a great man, and exceptional leader and now look with hope and pride to a new a true reflector of God's love and era. He and many others have been an goodness. inspiration to me. The C.A.A.A. has also We laid to rest last August, one of the benefitted from his ministry, and we most gentle, loving and lovable men ever thank him. to grace this earth, a man with a voice Looking back at Black History Month, that only angels can better, a man who as president of the Caribbean Association never had anything ill to say about of Adventists in Alberta, I take this op- anyone, the man who spearheaded the portunity to honour the memory of our work and gave us our new "Seventh-day fallen heroes and those who are still with Adventist Hymnal," Charles Brooks. us. May we never forget them, and may D.L. Moody is heralded as the father of we always appreciate and benefit from great preachers, but I say that E.E. them. And to the children, spouses and Cleveland is the grandfather and C.D. families of those who have gone to await Brooks and C. Bradford are the uncles. the life-giver in their graves, I send them ire Then there is the great conciliator and a very special thank you, God's every Donna and Brent LeBlanc with their children friend, Warren Banfield. blessing, His protection and His loving Rachelle and Ryan are shown with Pastor These are just a few of the blacks who care. In this group, I include the family Kozachenko who presented Ryan to the Lord have contributed to the very rich legacy of Dr. Victor Griffiths. He was a great in dedication.

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 21 BRITISH COLUMBIA Festival Of Praise Juniors Decide For Vancouver Island Planned For Vancouver Christ in Aldergrove Camp Meeting The will present a Since the first Sabbath of October 1990 Vancouver Island will conduct its se- Festival of Praise at the Vancouver Cen- Pastor Ken Wright of the Aldergrove cond annual camp meeting this year at tral Seventh-day Adventist Church, 5350 church has been busy with two baptismal the Courtney Fair Grounds from June Baillie St., on Sabbath, April 27, from 4 classes for Juniors—one for boys and one 14-16. to 6 p.m. for girls—during the normal Sabbath The featured guest speaker is Roy Celebrating the beginning of the school time. Out of this, three baptisms Adams, associate editor for the Adven- seventh decade of the radio broadcast, have resulted so far. In the first baptism tist Review, while Colin Griffiths, metro the festival offers musical praise by local in November, the juniors were joined by Vancouver evangelism coordinator is the musicians and by Del Delker and teen Roland Yap who had been studying youth speaker. Fernando Westre from the Voice of Pro- with Pastor Wright since before the sum- Ron Bissell, Debbie Bogdon, Keith and phecy. Kenneth Richards will speak. mer vacation. Brian Leavitt from Canadian Union Col- Also representing the VOP are Gordon Aldergrove members have been hap- lege will present four practical Henderson, field services director, and py to accept these younger members of workshops: "Living With Teens and Ben Schrock, development director. the body of Christ into their church Step Children"; "Encouragement for Church members are encouraged to family. Young Mothers"; and "Homiletics for bring their friends to the festival. For fur- Lay People". ther information: (604) 266-6727. Self-contained camping units may camp on the fair grounds. Full hook-up camping facilities and motel accommoda- tion are in close proximity. For more information call (604) 339-6941.

Two Join Mission Church Kenneth Richards, Del Delker and Fernando In the baptistry are James Mowat and Janet Westre. Mowat who sealed their commitment to Christ by baptism on January 26, 1991

Silver Hills Church To Be Dedicated May 18 Dedication services for the new Silver Hills Seventh-day Adventist Church will be held on Sabbath, May 18, 1991. For many years the believers met in a little old schoolhouse which had become most inadequate. About two years ago the congregation began this faith project Three young boys were also baptized on and miraculous things began to happen. December 22, 1991. Left to right—Walter Abe and Marlene Dyck were welcomed by As a result they now have a sanctuary Anderson, Reuben Djordjevic, and Shadrach Pastor Terrance Davin (left) into the Mission which can comfortably seat one hundred Lalas, were baptized by Pastor Ken Wright. church by profession of faith. thirty-five people. The dedication weekend will consist of a meeting Friday evening, May 17. On Sabbath, May 18 Sabbath School will begin at 9:15 with the morning worship service at 11:00. The actual service of dedication will take place at 2:30 in the afternoon. A fellowship dinner will be served. The members of the Silver Hills con- gregation cordially invite all former members, former pastors, former guests and friends to come and join them for this happy occasion. To get to the Silver Hills Church take Highway 6 to Lumby, turn north at Lumby and go sixteen miles down Mabel Joining the Aldergrove church by baptism on November 17, 1990 were (pictured left to right Lake Road. with Pastor Ken Wright behind them) Jennifer Johnson, Lorelei Cook, Natasha Rogers, Davon- Ed Teranski, pastor na Struthers, and Michael Henderson. Not pictured is Roland Yap.

22 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 ONTARIO Christian Wills Sometime ago an article in the Highlights of the Star on the subject of wills was entitled, "Make Out A Will Family Life Directors' Workshop Or The Law Takes Over". Oh no! The biggest snow storm of the the unique experiences of immigrant In the article it ex- year and it's the night for the opening of families when they come into Canada. plained that if you do the Ontario Family Life Directors' He illustrated by using Biblical ex- not leave a will, your Workshop. Even though the Friday even- periences from Adam to Joseph and the estate will be split up ing meeting had to be cancelled, still nation of Israel. under a legal formula about twelve people showed up for in- He reviewed the job description of the set out in Ontario Succession Law formal sharing time. Friday and Sabbath Family Life Director- Reform Act. The formula specified the January 11 & 12 brought over forty Local 1. Know your Church family (what division among the immediate family and Church Family Life Directors and in- kinds of groups are there—singles, relatives. terested persons. Many were newly seniors, couples, youth etc. As you give thought to this very impor- elected by their Churches for the 1991 of- 2. Survey the congregation for felt tant matter—of what to do with your ficer year. needs. goods—remember that the work of the Drs. John & Millie Youngberg from An- 3. Plan a yearly calendar remembering Lord requires financial means and the drews University shared how Family Life the special weeks for families in February Lord looks to us as partners with Him in Ministry is one of the most important and September. the salvation of lost mankind. needs within and without the Church. 4. Take advantage of the Family Life Arranging a christian will is an ex- The Elijah message of preparing a peo- International Workshop at Andrews Ju- perience that is deeply spiritual. It reflects ple for the second coming of Jesus Christ ly 7-15, 1991. our commitment to Christ and the sav- includes heart turning of family 5. Draw on the Seminar and video ing of souls. It brings joy and peace that members. There will be a time, and the resources of the Conference. comes from knowing we have heeded time is now that families are reaching out The Adventist Book Centre for Eastern His counsel to be faithful stewards. for something more and better than what Canada and the Conference Family Life If you desire to have control over the they have had. Family life ministry is on Department had displays of the resources assets the Lord has entrusted to you, the the cutting edge of importance for the available. only way to assure maintaining that con- Church. Their messages encouraged Closing remarks given by Dr. Ken Cor- trol is to have a properly drafted chris- directors to consider the importance of kum, director of the Family Life Depart- tian will. their offices and to focus not on what ment for Ontario, pointed those present If you have been putting off the writing they are not yet able to accomplish but to look into the future when with their of a will—delay no longer. Set up an ap- on doing well in the programs they can individual and Church families they walk pointment with us here at the Trust Ser- do. up and share in the fruit of the Tree of vices Department. We will be happy to Vernette Wheeler, vice-principal of Life in the earth made new. Anticipation assist not only with a will, but also a trust Crawford Academy in Toronto shared of happiness then, should motivate or annuity. from her experience how life in the family sacrificial and untiring ministry now for You can contact us by writing or could not be separated from life in the the families in the circle of our trust. calling—Ontario Conference Trust Ser- Church. Family life impacts on Church The Family Life Directors' Workshop vices Department, 1110 King Street East, life. She encouraged parents to live con- gave opportunity for sharing of ideas, Box 520, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M1. sistently with what they taught. As a and programs but also permitted bond- (416) 571-1022. teacher she also shared ways of respon- ing among leaders set apart for ministry May the Lord bless you as you consider ding to the preceptions of youth. toward families. this important responsibility. Dr. Haskell Edwards, Family Life pro- Ken Corkum, Director George Clarke, Director ject director for Metro Toronto presented Family Life Department. Trust Services Department


c. Family Life leaders from the Ontario churches. Centre Right: Drs. Millie & John Youngberg. Centre Left: Dr. Ken & Celest Corkum. Right of Youngbergs are Dr. & Mrs. Haskell Edwards.

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 23 111.111 KN

church as a Bible Worker. He attended Introducing New Pastors both undergraduate and graduate at College Park Church schools at Andrews University. He has Oshawa Youth Rally a burning desire for evangelism and a Sponsored By strong love for young people. Joining in his ministry is his wife Amarilys, who is College Park Church from Puerto Rico. Glenn and Amy met while studying at Andrews and were married in July of 1989. Kingsway College Harvest Festival March 22 and 23 at the Planned at Toronto College Park Church. Call Pastor Cyril Millett H.M.S. Richards Jr. and musicians from the Voice of Prophecy will present at (416) 433-1144 for by r a Harvest Festival at the Toronto East details.

Ca Seventh-day Adventist Church, 170 bin Westwood Ave., on Sabbath, March 30,

Ro at 6:30 p.m. Northern Lights District by

"Our goal at Harvest Festival to meetings," says Elder Gordon Hender- Baptism

Pho son, field services director at the VOP, Joining the College Park pastoral team "is to provide a loving atmosphere where is Edward R. Couser, a native of Troy, people can make thoughtful decisions in N.Y. Ed earned a Bachelor of Arts degree response to God's love." from Northwestern University followed The program features H.M.S. Richards by a Master of Divinity degree from An- Jr., with musicians Warren and Jan Judd. drews University. The offering received at the March 30 While in the U.S. Air Force, Pastor rally will help pay for Voice of Prophecy Couser purchased his first Bible and broadcasts in the Toronto area. began to study. William Hall, a Seventh- day Adventist chaplain, became his Missing Members friend and together they often studied Listed below are members of Toronto's about our Lord. He was baptized in 1977. Portuguese S.D.A. Church. If you have It was a special day for the Sault Ste. Marie Prior to his arrival at College Park, Ed any knowledge of their whereabouts, and Iron Bridge churches when Bill and Patti pastored the Buffalo Suburban church. please telephone Pastor David Bravo at Chevrier publicly expressed their desire to His wife Carol is a registered nurse. (416) 398-9842 or write the church office follow Jesus. Sault Ste. Marie Personal Right now she is enjoying her new role at 506 College St. Toronto, Ontario M6G Ministries Leader, Edna Morningstar, left, had as mother to 16-month-old Melissa. 1A6. completed two series of Bible lessons with Bill and Patti. They then attended the "Peace of Andre Manoel Magano Antonio Mind in the 90's" crusade conducted by Con- Soares Medeiros Maria ference Evangelist, Elder Barry Hubley. Next a Barbosa Hilda Maria Five Day Plan to Stop Smoking was conducted Batista Gabriela Mota Jose de Rego by the local church, and after attending this Nunes Guilherme series the Chevrier's were ready to follow Jesus Ferreira Elina completely. They were baptized in the Iron Comes Joao Manoel Raposo Laura Bridge Church. Comes Anabela Comes Julia Ribeiro Jr Antonio College Park Announces Goncalves Maria Souza Luis Helena Souza Alda Organ Recital Goncalves Rosaria Teixeira Maria da An organ recital by Dr. C. Warren Justus Francina Conceicao Becker is to be held at the church April Carvalho 6, 1991, at 3:00 p.m. Justus Reny Dr. Becker has been serving as Pro- fessor of Organ at Andrews University Guelph Hosts since 1959. At present he is Professor Emeritus. He is well known for his per- Maranatha Rally formances at Pioneer Memorial Church About 100 Maranathans were inspired at AU, as well as recitals throughout Glenn and Amarilys DeSilva, have by the message from Pastor Eddy North America. recently arrived from Andrews Univer- Johnson as they met in the Rosedale Dr. Becker will be playing at the church sity and the North America Soul- church in Guelph recently. The emphasis service on the morning of April 6, as well Winning Institute to join the Ontario was on spiritual gifts. Hospitality was as performing in recital at 3:00 p.m. on Conference. Glenn has been called to graciously offered by Pastor McCracken the Rodgers Pipe Organ. He will be play- serve as assistant pastor for College Park and members of the Guelph church. ing a wide range of music, including a Church. Those who have never attended a significant section of familiar hymns. Glenn is originally from Bermuda, Maranatha Rally are invited to the next All are invited to attend. A freewill of- where previously he worked for the one in July. Watch for further details. fering will be taken.

24 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 Large Baptism Concludes / Meadowvale Crusade The Plain Truth Crusade, though plagued with many difficulties, came through victoriously as God performed a mighty work. Forty-two persons were added to the membership of the Mississauga and Meadowvale churches. It was only a few weeks before the crusade was to begin and a location for the meetings still had not been found. Eventually the crusade was held in the same church centre where the Meadowvale congregation meets. Dif- ficulties were experienced with the overhead projector and with the public address system but Evangelist Earl Group baptized with Pastor Cameron at the right. Cameron carried on and the listeners were spellbound. QUEBEC Students Write to Welcome to Zita Family The Chevaliers, a francophone club, Canadian Servicemen started in November 1989. Preparing for College Park Elementary students in- investiture involved more work than dividually wrote letters of encourage- usual for the leaders as most resource ment to the Canadian men and women material is in English and made transla- aboard the three ships in the Persian Gulf tion necessary. In order to simplify the and to the men at Canada Dry One Air first year's operation, all members con- Base in Qatar. centrated on the Friend class. Corresponding with the servicemen is Nine members of the club were in- only one outreach that College Park vested in the Ami (Friend) class: Caroline Elementary students are involved in. Jobin, Deborah Anne Harding, Kim For- Under the leadership of Ruth Salelmajer, tin, Helene Croussette, Michele Fournier, principal, and her staff, the boys and girls Danny Sirois, Armande Pelletier, Denis decided to bring some cheer to needy Fortin and Kris Knutson. families at Christmastime. A large box in Five Adventurers also received their each classroom held toys which were pins: Sunbeam: Genevieve Lacroix-Sauve; donated for local children, and a fund, Builder: Frederic Bourget, Mark Fortin, contributed by both students and staff Sebastien Jobin; Helping Hands: Marie- provided $77.00 for a needy family in the Lou Gariepy. community. Non-perishable food items We sincerely hope these young people were also brought in and supplemented Pastor Pierre Zita started ministering in will learn more about Him through this with day-old bakery products, to make St-Henri and St-Georges de Beauce chur- club. up food hampers. These baskets were ches on January 1, 1991. Pastor Zita is Kristine Knutson delivered by Kingsway students, directed returning from Andrews University by Ladd Dunfield. One person on the where he completed a Master in Divini- Singles Ministry receiving end said, "if this is what Chris- ty. He plans to hold various evangelistic tianity is all about, I want to be a programs in the areas of these two chur- in Quebec ches. The members warmly welcome Christian". Sabbath, December 8, 1990, was a very College Park Elementary students are their new pastor, his wife Carole and four special day for the singles of the Quebec children, Andre, Melanie, Jonathan and also active in temperance issues, such as City Church. Alice. the poster contest regarding the dangers The ambience culminated during of smoking. Quoting an Oshawa First Pathfinder Divine Service when Jean-Pierre Ruest newspaper under "Students Draw for talked about loneliness in his sermon en- Breath", "College Park Elementary Investiture in titled: "Never alone." School dominated the list of winners and Quebec City After a delicious meal prepared mostly runners-up in the National Non-smoking for the singles, Psychologist Pierrette Week Poster Contest. Winners were The first Pathfinder Investiture Filion presented a lecture on depression selected from hundreds of entries based ceremony of the Chevaliers Club was and burnout. About thirty people were on originality and how they depicted a held at the Quebec City church with in attendance. She also announced the smoke-free lifestyle." Isabelle Julien, Pathfinder Coordinator of formation of a singles fellowship that can Matthew Gould, grade 2 and Matt the Quebec conference, in charge. She be a support network. We pray that the Wilkins, grade 8, were winners in their was assisted by Shirley Aristidide of St. singles will join that fellowship and find categories. Several others won runner-up Leonard church and Aroll Exama of encouragement and a new meaning to prizes. Quebec City church. life.

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 25 v I FLI4III1t11,A 11.111,11/A

bringing people into meaningful church In Indianapolis the Harvest 90 program came to a successful end and Global fellowship." Division and local field participation: Mission began. Elder Neal C. Wilson 3) "Each division will determine which are originated the idea of Global Mission, presenting it at the 1986 Annual Council the primary unreached people groups in in Rio de Janeiro. Then a special its territory. Then, based on receptivity, size, and location, the divisions will committee prepared a proposal for the 1989 Annual Council. Global Mission prioritize the order in which these groups The goal of Global Mission is will be reached. Leaders shall develop an administrative and management *"reaching the unreached worldwide and completing the task Christ has given philosophy conducive to achieving the us of taking the gospel to all the world." mission of the church in which all TIME FRAME activities are evaluated primarily by their The Global Mission concept continues contribution to this objective." until the year 2000 and beyond, but LEADERSHIP specific goals will be chosen at this There is an administrative committee GLOBAL that meets at Annual Council time, and juncture for the 1990-1995 quinquennium. an executive committee functions between Annual Councils. Elder Robert TWO DIMENSIONS MISSION'S Global Mission will have two main Kloosterhuis is the chairman of both committees. The executive committee thrusts: 1) Penetration: The General Conference CHALLENGES directs the efforts aimed at penetration, while the Ministerial Association will provide funding for the reaching of the 1,800 unentered population segments promotes evangelism and baptisms. On all the other levels of the church, of one million that have no Adventist presence and will take a direct role in population segments of one million. . . . the chief administrative officer reaching those segments in China, Soviet Divisions, unions, and local fields will set (president) will be responsible for the Union, India, and the Middle East. their own goals of entering new places. coordination of Global Mission and be Divisions, unions, and local fields are The world goal is the sum total of all held accountable for its success." It is invited to identify cities, towns, villages, the divisions' baptismal goals. Elder recommended that a coordinating Global and people groups without an Adventist Robert Kloosterhuis, chairman of the Mission committee be established on all presence and to make concrete plans to Executive Global Mission Committee, levels. The president "will use departmental, institutional, and establish a presence among them. said, "We will encourage each local 2) Traditional Evangelism: We will church to set its own baptismal goals." administrative resources to achieve the continue a strong program of evangelism Right now the divisions are in the process objectives of Global Mission." and soul winning in all parts of the of setting their goals. At Annual Council CHALLENGE world. In his 1990 Annual Council Elder Robert Folkenberg suggested a Let's give Global Mission a powerful keynote address, General Conference basic goal of baptizing one person per start by using the following two president Robert Folkenberg stated that minute. That would be 2.6 million in the dimensions: "the unentered areas or penetration 1990-1995 quinquennium. 1) Penetration: Identify places and objectives of Global Mission must be in TOTAL INVOLVEMENT people groups without an Adventist addition to, not in place of, an ever- Speaking about Global Mission, presence and begin a strong program of increasing emphasis on the soul-winning President Folkenberg warned: "There are penetration. mission of the church." some dangers inherent in the very words 2) Evangelism: Launch a great PRINCIPAL OBJECTIVES 'Global Mission.' One is that people will evangelistic program and involve all Global Mission has three main think, 'Well that's global so it must be the churches, church members, and every objectives: responsibility of the General pastor. The suggested faith goal for 1991 1) "To provide an ongoing awareness Conference.' " Global Mission means is to baptize 600,000 well-prepared program that will acquaint church entering Djibouti and the 29 other candidates. And at the same time, we members with the need of penetrating all unreached countries with the gospel. must aim to foster a strong program to people groups. Elder Folkenberg continued, "Global keep these new members. 2) "To establish an Adventist presence Mission means that each member, THE SECRET OF SUCCESS in all people groups where presently church, conference, congregation, "Global Mission will succeed only there is none. An Adventist presence is college, hospital, and union will identify through the work of the Holy Spirit, who defined as an established local specific evangelistic objectives and lay uses human agencies whose whole life, congregation. People groups encompass plans to reach them." Elder Kloosterhuis thought, and activities are consecrated to ethnolinguistic, geographic-political or added, "Every department and layer of His service." Every member shall make demographic social units. church organization down to the Christ the centre of every presentation 3) "To foster expansion where the individual member will be invited to and His character their character. "To church now exists.. .by establishing participate in Global Mission." achieve this, God's people will seek a baptismal goals and church growth 1) Church member participation: "We closer walk with Him through study and objectives." envision every church member rich in feeding upon the Word, a richer prayer Emphasis will also be given to love, speaking constantly of the life, and a more consistent witness." nurturing members, reclaiming inactive righteousness of Christ and full of the * Uncredited quotations are from the members, and increasing church Holy Spirit." official Global Mission document. attendance. 2) Church participation: "The church Carlos E. Aeschlimann IMPLEMENTATION will witness in every neighbourhood, Associate Secretary, Evangelism The General Conference goal is the preaching the good news, serving General Conference overall goal of entering the 1,800 mankind, developing disciples, and Ministerial Association

26 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 HAMILTON—born to Alan and Cyn- LEGAL NOTICE thia (nee Lochmanetz) a son, Everett Owen, on September 18, 1990 at St. SEVENTH-DAY John's, Nfld. ADVENTIST CHURCH IN MARCHUK—Rod and Cindy: a son, ASI Brenton Nathan born on August 19, NEWFOUNDLAND AND 1990 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. LABRADOR McMAHON—Kevin and Libbie: a Youth Mission Notice is hereby given that daughter, Katherine Elizabeth, born the 5th Triennial Constituency November 18, 1990 in Mission, B.C. Project Meeting of the Seventh-day VEDAMANI—Ray and Rani: a Adventist Church in New- daughter, Sheryl Rathi, born April 27, foundland and Labrador will 1990 in Mission, B.C. July 14-30, 1991 convene at the Bay Roberts ASI and Maranatha Volunteers International Seventh-day Adventist Church, Obituaries I Build a staff house at La Vida Mission on the Navajo Conception Bay Highway, Bay Mk' Indian Reservation in Farmington, New Mexico! Roberts West, Newfoundland ANDREWS—Jean Phyllis (nee Conduct a Vacation Bible School for Navajo Indian on the 5th day of May, 1991 at Cuthbertson) was born April 15, 1927, AM children! the hour of 10:00 a.m. New- in Moncton, New Brunswick. She foundland Daylight Saving passed away February 5, 1991, in Go to Denver, Colorado for Youth Night at the ASI Saint John, New Brunswick. Pastor nil Annual Convention! Time. Jim Sharpe conducted the funeral ser- If you are between the ages of 14-25, The session is called for the vice and the interment followed at purpose of: 1) receiving Elmwood Cemetery in Moncton. Left You can make a difference! reports for the past three to mourn are her husband, Lionel; one sister; one niece and one nephew. For more information telephone or write: years, 2) the election of direc- Bob Zollinger Conn Arnold tors of departments, the of- BENOIT—Blandine passed away on Laurelbrook School ASI Executive Secretary ficers are elected by the January 6, 1991 at Hotel-Dieu Hospital Rt. 3 Box 352 General Conference Seventh-day Adventist Church in Levis, Quebec. She leaves to mourn Dayton, TN 37321 12501 Old Columbia Pike in Canada, 3) to elect members her sister, Beatrice Fournier, niece (615) 775.3336 Silver Spring, MD 20904 Therry Boudreau and grand-niece Jen- (301)680-6450 of the Executive Committee of ny Boudreau. She peacefully awaits the Mission for the ensuing the glorious return of her Saviour. triennium, 4) to consider any proposed changes to the Con- BUTTERS—Norman Butters was born on August 30, 1909 in Yorkshire, stitution and Bylaws, 5) the England and died on February 6, 1991 transaction of any other in Oshawa, Ontario. At the age of 16, business that may properly Mr. Butters, with his parents moved DON'T PUT IT OFF ANY LONGER come before the session. to Quebec and while there, married Alice Noble on October 15, 1939. In The Constitution of the 1945 the family moved to Oshawa Seventh-day Adventist Church where Mr. Butters worked at the in Newfoundland and Labrador Maracle Press until retiring in 1975. provides that each Seventh- Surviving him are his wife, Alice; day Adventist Church in the children, Norman, Ruth, Robert, Judy, Barbara; and seven grandchildren. Mission is entitled to one Funeral services were conducted by delegate without regard to Pastor Edward Couser and Dr. numbers and one additional Nikolaus Satelmajer at the Macintosh- delegate for each twenty (20) Anderson Funeral Home on February 9, 1991. Mr. Butters is buried at the members or major portion Thornton Cemetery in Oshawa. thereof. Delegates to the ses- sion are appointed by the local CLARK—Ruby (Hill) Clark was born churches. January 14, 1930 in Ottawa, Ontario and died February 6, 1991 in Oshawa, David S. Crook, President Ontario. She married Russell Clark in Alan W. Hamilton, April, 1948. Surviving her are her hus- Secretary-Treasurer band Russell; son, Wayne; grand- daughter, Ashley and one sister. Will Baron's record-selling expose on the New Age At the time of her death, Mrs. Clark infiltration of has been released in affordable was a faithful member of the College paperback. Now there's no reason for anyone not to Park Seventh-day Adventist Church. Funeral services were conducted by know what is coming. Births Dr. Nikolaus Satelmajer and Pastor If you've been waiting for the right time to buy Edward Couser at the MacIntosh- Deceived by the New Age, the time is now! BOWRIDGE—In Halifax, Nova Anderson Funeral Home on February Scotia, on October 7, 1990, to Valerie 9, 1991. Mrs. Clark is awaiting the call and Paul, a daughter, Jessica Lauren. of her Lord at the Mount Lawn Available now at your local Adventist Book Center. Memorial Gardens in Oshawa. US$5.95/Cdn$7.45. Paper, 224 pages. BROSSEUK—Raymond and Jackie Also available in hard cover. (nee Smart): a daughter, Cassandra CRUMP—Frank, 86, of Halifax, Nova Prices subject to change without notice. Tiautee, born September 7, 1990 at Scotia, passed away November 14, Langley, B.C. 1990. He was born in Gornal, England. He was active in community Books You Just Can't Put Down EMERY—Eric and Marg—a daughter, services, including the Canadian Erin Lee was born November 16, 1990 Council of the Blind and Elderobics. from PACIFIC PRESS at Emeryville, Ontario. At one time he served as the treasurer GILL—born to Nelda and Glen: a son, of the Maritime Conference. © 1991 Pacific Press Publishing Association 2265 Mark Richard, October 27, 1990, at Frank is survived by a daughter, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Shirley; one son, Richard; two grand-

MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 27 children; and two great-grand- Lennox and Setwin. Thai Deodorant Stone. The most ef- Teacher Needed for Comox Valley children. She was interred in Briar Hill fective body deodorant known. 100% school on Vancouver Island. Ex- Funeral services were held on Cemetery, where she awaits our pure and natural. Unscented. Travel perience with multi-grade school November 16, 1990, in the Halifax Lord's return. The funeral was con- pouch. Money back guarantee. No preferred. Three bedroom teacherage Seventh-day Adventist church. Pastor ducted by R. Gerhard Christiansen. aluminium chlorhydrate. For 1 year on school property for reasonable John W. Gilbert officiated. Interment supply send $26.49 (includes postage rent. School includes two rooms and ROYAL—Jennett Isabella Dunn was was at the Fairview Cemetery. Dona- & G.S.T.) to: Careway Health Pro- gymnasium. Church family is friendly born March 10, 1900 in Day Mills, On- tions may be made to the Nova Scotia ducts, R.R.2, Tofield, AB. TOB 4J0. and cordial. Call (604) 339-6941 or tario and passed to her rest in Blind Heart Foundation. Distributorships available. Multi-level write to Pastor Don Stoyanowski, River, Ontario on January 31, 1991. marketing. $400. investment nets 1973 Comox Avenue, Comox, B.C. She married James Royal in 1917 and DAVIDSON—Carol Elizabeth (nee good return. (5/91) V9N 4A4. Lance) was born February 17, 1930 was baptized in 1934. Teaching Positions—B.C. and passed to her rest on December She is survived by four daughters, Vacationing in Hawaii? Waikiki, Conference 13, 1990. Carol was predeceased by Doreen, Sally, Agnes and Isabell; two Oahu Vacation 1-bedroom condos, invites applications for teaching posi- her husband James Alexander David- sons, Harvey and Norman; 22 grand- fully furnished, with kitchen, colour tions for the 1991-92 school year. Available will be positions in one- and son. She is survived by her daughter children, 35 great-grandchildren and cable TV, phone, launderette, store, two-teacher schools, as well as other Cathy Koch, and three sons, Lance, a host of relatives and friends. pool, free parking. Near beach, K-10 grades. Apply to: Office of Robbie and Michael; three grand- Funeral services were conducted by busline, churches. Minimum 5 nights, children; two sisters and two Pastor D.R. Godsoe. sleeps 4, $60 per night. Reservation, Education, Box 1000, Abbotsford BC V2S 4P5. Phone (604) 853-5451. brothers. call (808) 737-4048, Hawaii Condo The funeral service was held in the WIMER—Gaylord Filmore Wimer, 83, Reservation Center, 3480-2 Waialae (5/91) was born Janurary 7, 1907, at Elwood, Pembroke Seventh-day Adventist Ave., Honolulu, HI. 96816 (12/91). Bella Coola Adventist Academy in Indiana, and died October 6, 1990, at Church on December 16, 1990, of- British Columbia is now accepting ap- Hillsboro, Oregon. Surviving are Unique Viceroy Style Home—on 50 ficiated by Pastor Robert Putt and she plications for the position of Girl's three daughters: Joyce Blehm, Barbara acres of hardwood bush. Very private; was laid to rest in St. Columba's Dean for the 1991-92 school year. Henry, and Betty Lou Haynes; a son, 4 bedroom, one & one half baths, Cemetery. Please contact the Principal, Mr. Richard; one sister, and four brothers. carpeted throughout. Kevin Smith (604) 799-5910 or HANNA—Kenneth G. Hanna was He spent his entire life in the literature Many features too numerous to 982-2668. Taskforce workers also born on December 15, 1919 in evangelist work in Ontario, Quebec, mention. Drilled well, large garden needed to work as Assistant Girl's Carleton Place, Ontario and died in New Brunswick and British Columbia area, mature apple trees, near SDA Dean and Assistant Boy's Dean Oshawa, Ontario on January 18, 1991. as well as in Idaho and Oregon. Church and School. and/or Maintenance. Surviving him are his wife, Phyllis Asking $149,900. Call (705) 386-0433 whom he married on June 3, 1942; South River, Ontario. (5/91) ASSISTANT DEAN OF WOMEN— daughter Sandra and step-daughter Canadian Union College invites ap- Ruth. Also surviving him are grand- Ads House for Sale—Bunker Hill, Eagle plications for the position of Assistant sons Jeff and Rod; step-grandsons Lake Road, South River (located next Dean of Women for the 1991/1992 Glen and Greg and great- to South River SDA Church). Two CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING; 50 words or school year. The current Assistant granddaughter, Natasha. bedroom bungalow, new septic less— $15.00 per issue, 250 each additional Dean's position is a student employ- Mr. Hanna attended Kingsway Col- word. DISPLAY ADVERTISING (Camera system, new furnace and new win- ment position, which may include an lege and for 21 years he worked at the Ready); $15.00 per column inch, '4 page dows. $85,000.00 (negotiable). Con- eligible student spouse. Subsidized College Woodwork. ad—$165.00 page 8220.00, ' page tact Dr. Buxton—(705) 386-0704 or the housing is available to the successful Funeral services were held at the ad-5290.00, 1 full page ad—$535.00, $240.00 Barkers—(705) 386-0027. applicant. The successful applicant College Park Church on January 22, extra per colour. DISCOUNTS; 10% dis- Greater Boston Academy will be will be evaluated as to demonstrated 1991 by Pastors David Toop and Ed- count for three or more consecutive inser- tions without copy changes. OUT OF holding its annual Alumni Reunion at positive inter-personal skills, ward Couser. Mr. Hanna is buried at UNION ADVERTISING; for out of Union the Academy located at 20 Woodland demonstrated organizational ability, Mount Lawn Cemetery, Oshawa, advertising the above quoted figures are Road, Stoneham, Massachusetts, previous dormitory deaning ex- where he awaits the resurrection. U.S. dollars. MISCELLANEOUS STIPULA- 02180 on the weekend of October 4-6, perience, youth leadership experience, TIONS; 1) Payment should accompany all and the ability to provide counselling LEAMAN—Diane was born September 1991. Honor years featured are 1946, advertising. 2) All advertising should come within the context of a Seventh-day 21, 1942, and passed away September to us with local conference approval. 3) 1951, 1956, 1961, 1966, 1971, 1976, Adventist institution. Employment 28, 1990, at Halifax. Diane was bap- Deadline for material-25th of the month 1981, and 1986. All graduates, former preference will be given to Canadian tized at the Halifax Seventh-day for the following month. NOTE: The students, former faculty and friends residents or citizens. Submit a resume Adventist Church on April 7, 1990, publisher accepts no responsibility for are cordially invited to attend. For fur- categorical or typographical errors, nor any to Brian Leavitt, Vice President for along with her daughter, Andrea. ther information contact the school at liability for the following advertisements. Student Services, Canadian Union A memorial service was held at the (617) 665-9053 or Al Deininger, College, Box 430, College Heights, Trinity United Church in Timberlea Alumni President, at (714) 595-0496. If You Like Guidepost's, you'll love Alberta, TOC OZO. Resumes must be following her cremation. The service HE'S ALIVE! A new SDA magazine. Lifestyle Educator Course Trains submitted by April 20, 1991. was jointly conducted by Pastor John Send $8.95 U.S./$10.95 Canadian- Medical Missionaries. Six months, Gilbert of the Halifax Seventh-day Foreign for your subscription, today! certificate. Includes 530 hours instruc- Managers/ Recruiters/Trainers im- Adventist Church and Jim Martell of HE'S ALIVE, P.O. Box 328, Cheney, tion in Massage, Hydrotherapy, mediately required by 20-year old in- the Trinity United Church. WA 99004 (6 issues per year). Anatomy, and Physiology, Nutrition, ternational marketing organization for expansion into Canada, U.S.A., U.K., MACDONALD—Donald Hubert, 69, Gardening, Soulwinning, Bible, House Sitter Needed. Nice home near and Europe. World leader in en- of Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, passed S.O.P. Starts July 3, 1991. Room, Penticton, B.C. city centre. No vironmental industry; 22nd fastest away atter a lengthy illness on board, tuition after part-time work, children nor pets. Pay own utilities. growing private company; $80 million November 27, 1990, at Halifax. $1995. Advance work scholarships Supply references. If interested write: monthly sales. Rebates, commissions, He was a native son of Halifax and available. Wildwood Lifestyle Center P.O. Box 597, Spokane, Washington bonus, profit-sharing, equity owner- is survived by two daughters, Carroll and Hospital, Wildwood, GA 30757; 99037. (4/91) ship, $36K expense allowance, in- Ryan, and Anita West; and two sons, (800) 634-9355." surance plans. Call or forward resume Donald and Tony MacDonald. WANTED—German Zions-Lieder, EMPLOYMENT WANTED—Reliable to Mr. E. Sormin, 2 Cloverfield Street, The funeral service was held at the Hymns and Tunes in German. Put SDA Filipino lady urgently needs Bowmanville, Ontario LIE 1K3, (416) Halifax Seventh-day Adventist Church out by Pacific Press, 1920. Contact employment as domestic helper/cook/ 723-7046. (5/91) with Pastor John W. Gilbert of- Mrs. Marie Williams, 409 Hilliard housekeeper/babysitter by June 30, ficiating. Donations may be made to • Street West, Saskatoon, SK S7M 0E9. Adventist Flight Instructors. The 1991, with Adventist family anywhere NAD Aviation Advisory Council is , 35 Killarney Quote price wanted. in Canada. Contract ends soon, but Drive, Bedford, Nova Scotia, I346 1B7. considering sponsoring a flight in- would like to remain in Canada. Con- structor refresher course. This would Mountain Missionary Institute is now tact: Seventh-day Adventist Church, QUEVA—Cheryl Elizabeth Queva accepting applications for their be held at an Adventist college with was born August 15, 1956 in Port of Box 469, Barrington Passage, Nova an aviation program. If there is 1991-1992 one year Work/Study Lay Scotia BOW 1GO. Phone: (902) Spain, Trinidad. She was baptized Evangelism training program. Learn enough demand, a course would be 637-2427. with her brother Selwin in 1969. For the fundamentals of giving Bible held each year, alternating between the past eight years she was a resident studies, health evangelism, and Chris- RN with master's degree needed to the West Coast and the Midwest. If of the Valley View Rest Home, tian lifestyle. Practical experience is teach Foundations and Mental Health you are interested in a course of this Newmarket. available in several areas including in Southern College's nursing pro- nature, please write or call the Adven- Cheryl passed to her rest Sabbath, publishing and restaurant work. gram in Orlando, Florida. Excellent tist Aviation Center, Andrews Univer- February 2. She leaves to mourn her Write or call: P.O. Box 807, Har- benefits. Send resume or call Marsha sity, Berrien Springs, MI 49104. passing, her mother and father, Mary risville, NH 03450, USA (603) Rauch, 711 Lake Estelle Dr., Orlando, Phone: (616) 471-1455; Fax: (616) and Leonard Queva, and her brothers 352-5234. FL 32803, (407) 897-1890. 471-9751.

28 MESSENGER/MARCH 1991 Change of Address for Canadian Adventist Messenger Sponsors needed-S.D.A. Filipinos will accept low pay but need sponsors Mail in this coupon AND address label on back cover. to get out of their own country. They (Code on label is required when making changes on the computer.) are enthusiastic, and caring and have high scores in psychological testing. Name Domestics, office workers, teachers/tutors (piano, math, English) Old Address physical therapists, nurses and physicians. If you can be a sponsor, Postal Code call R.N. Multi-Health Services Ltd. (416) 250-1883. (6/91) New Address

Enjoy SDA Singles' Monthly Postal Code Magazine with pictures, descriptions, special features and educational tours (Be sure to include postal code) at home and abroad. People ages 18-90 are eligible to join the largest Mail to: Messenger, 1148 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8 Adventist Singles Correspondence Club. Send your self-addressed Change of address may require up to six weeks. envelope to: Box 5612, Takoma Park, Md. 20912 (301) 891-3753. (3/91) Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada INSTITUTIONS ADRA CANADA 1148 King Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1118. (416) 433-0011. 1148 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont Friends Near & Far! Adults! find L1H 1H8 friends by mail, for Christian friend- DIRECTORY MANITOBA-SASKATCHEWAN CONFER- CANADIAN UNION COLLEGE ship, forever cherished. Men and ENCE-L. Carney, President; H. Sackett, College Heights, Alberta TOC OZO ladies 16-80, send a self-addressed, President, D.D. Devnich Secretary; D. Falle, Treasurer; 1004 Victoria KINGSWAY COLLEGE stamped, #10 envelope for club infor- Ave., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N OZ8. Box 605, Oshawa, Ontario LIH 7M6 Secretary, 0. Parchment (306) 244-9700. mation to "Cross Canada Pen FOUNDATIONS Friends" c/o Aunt Margaret's Place, Treasurer, R.L. Coolen MARITIME CONFERENCE-Robert Schafer, 3516 E. Georgia St., Vancouver, B.C. President; Martin Moores, Secretary- CHRISTIAN RECORD SERVICES V5K 2L8 Canada. We are Canadian Under Treasurer, Treasurer; 121 Salisbury Rd., Moncton, N.B. INCORPORATED Christians, helping others. (8/91) ElE 1A6. (506) 857-8722. 1148 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. B. Christenson L1F-I 1H8 ONTARIO CONFERENCE-E.R. Bacchus, Are University/College Education Assistant Treasurer, Executive Director, Pat Page S. Henry President; D. Uffindell, Secretary; D. Upson, Costs in the U.S.A. a problem for Treasurer, Box 520, Oshawa, Ont. LIH 7M1. FAITH FOR TODAY, you? Find out now how Canadian (416) 571-1022. , and students qualify for grants/scholar- Administrative Assistant, M. Pazitka QUEBEC CONFERENCE-R.O. Samms, VOICE OF PROPHECY Foundations ships to attend many schools in the 1148 King St. East, Oshawa, Ont. United States. $4,000,000 of financial President; G.L. Hermans, Secretary; Y. Colas, Senior Accountant, J. Fraser Treasurer, 940 Ch. Chambly, Longueuil, L1H 1H8 assistance is available to students Quebec J4H 3M3. (514) 651-5222. Manager, E. Littman annually. Our Dataforms and Director, Computer Services, Computerized service provides six to NEWFOUNDLAND AND LABRADOR HEALTH CARE 25 sources of financial aid geared to S. Henry MISSION OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS-- D. Crook, President; Alan Hamilton, RETIREMENT HOMES your specific qualifications, interests, Treasurer, HHSC, R. Hosking and needs. Results guaranteed. The Secretary-Treasurer; P.O. Box 2520, Mount EAST PARK LODGE-720 Kildare Avenue, Pearl, Newfoundland MN 4M7. (709) Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 4P2. service you can't afford not to use. Departmental Directors: 745-4051. HERITAGE GREEN SENIORS CENTRE- Write today for free information. Senior Citizens Apartments and Nursing CONDOR FINANCIAL AID Legal and Public Affairs, Home, 351 Isaac Brock Dr., Stoney ASSISTANCE PROGRAM, P.O. Box K. Doukmetzian LEGAL DIRECTORY Creek, Ont. L8J 1Y1. 2425, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. Religious Liberty For the information of members and friends KENNEBEC MANOR who wish to remember the Church and its 475 Woodward Ave., Saint John N.B. P7B 5E9 Trusts (7/91 institutions in preparing wills and legacies. E2K 4N1. KINGSWAY PIONEER APARTMENTS Ministerial Association, G. Karst ALBERTA CONFERENCE CORPORATION SDA HOUSE SITTERS-Need some- 1250 King Street East, Oshawa, Ont. L1H Communications of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-Box 7Y8. one to care for your home while you 5007, Red Deer, Alberta T4N 6A1. NORTH YORK BRANSON HOSPITAL are away? We live-in house-sit by the Education, J. Saliba 555 Finch Ave. W. Willowdale, Ont. THE BRITISH COLUMBIA CORPORATION week/s or month/s. No charge. For in- M2R of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-P.O. formation, write to Allen and Doris Church Ministries (Acting Director), PARK MANOR PERSONAL CARE Box 1000, Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 415. Otto, Box 1738, Lacombe, Alberta, C. Sabot HOME-301 Redonda Street, Winnipeg, TOC ISO or telephone 403-782-6300 or French Ministries, MANITOBA CONFERENCE CORPORATION Man. R2C 1L7. 602-986-3336. (7/91) Sabbath School, of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-1004 REST HAVEN LODGE Victoria Avenue, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 2281 Mills Rd., Sidney, B.C. V8L 2C3. Children's Ministries, S7N OZ8. SHERWOOD PARK NURSING HOME- Travel-Carl & Cindy Chin offer their Stewardship, 2020 Brentwood Blvd. Sherwood Park, services in VACATION TRAVEL- Family Life, MARITIME CONFERENCE of the Seventh- Alberta T8A OX1. Charters-Package and Independent Health and Temperance, day Adventist Church Inc.-121 Salisbury SUNNYSIDE NURSING HOME Holidays-Cruises-Trains (worldwide), Rd., Moncton, N.B. ElE 1A6. 2200 St. Henry Ave., Saskatoon, Sask. BUSINESS TRAVEL-Ticket delivery- ASI 57M 01'5. Car Rental-Hotel Reservations, IN- ONTARIO CONFERENCE CORPORATION WEST PARK MANOR PERSONAL CARE Literature Ministries, G. Dronen of the Seventh-day Adventist Church-P.O. HOME-3199 Grant Avenue, Winnipeg, TERNATIONAL TRAVEL, GROUP Box 520, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7M1. Man. R3R 1X2. TRAVEL-Processing of Passport and Multicultural Ministries, Visa Documents. Bayview Travel R. Kennedy SASKATCHEWAN CONFERENCE COR- BOOK CENTRES Centre Ltd., 5440 Yonge St., Unit 3, Personal Ministries, PORATION of the Seventh-day Adventist 2015-39th Ave., N.E. Willowdale, Ont. M2N 5R8. (416) Church-1004 Victoria Avenue, Saskatoon, Calgary, Alberta T2E 6R7. Youth/Young Adult Ministries Saskatchewan S7N OZ8. 223-3344. (403) 250-5252 ADRA Canada, J. Howard Toll Free Number: 1-800-661-8131 Dentures - Like to wear comfortably SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH IN Box 1000 CANADA-1148 King Street East, Oshawa, fitting Denture Plates? Then try FREY Abbotsford, B.C. V2S 4P5 CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Ontario LIH 1H8. DENTURE CLINIC, with European (604) 859-2566 ALBERTA CONFERENCE-D.W. Corkum. workmanship, on all new plates one Box 398, 1156 King Street East President; D.G. King, Secretary; R. Lemon, SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH in Oshawa, Ontario L1H 715 Newfoundland and Labrador-P.O. Box 2520, year guarantee! Phone Joseph: at Area Treasurer; Box 5007, Red Deer, Alberta T4N (416) 579-2311 Mount Pearl, NOd, AIN 4M7. Code (403) 478-6387 Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. - 6A1. (403) 342-5044. Order desk 1-800-263-3791 4 p.m. Located in #320 Killarney BRITISH COLUMBIA CONFERENCE-E. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH- Centre, 12907-97 St. Edmonton, Alta. Quebec Conference or Eglise Adventiste du COPY DEADLINE T5E 4C2. Denturist of full plates, direct Hetke, President; E. Tetz Secretary-Treasurer, Deadline for copy for the May issue Box 100(), Abbotsford, British Columbia Septieme Jour-Federation du Quebec-940 for the public. V2S 415. (604) 853-5451. Ch. Chambly, Longueuil, Quebec K4J 3103. is April 25.

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You care about them. They matter to you. 0 Please send a twelve-month gift sub- scription of award-winning Signs of the Family members who don't know Jesus as Times to each of the people listed below. you do. Close friends who are caught up in I have enclosed $11.75 for each gift. all sorts of strange beliefs and ideas the Bi- Order from your Adventist Book Centre or, simply ble doesn't teach. Good people. Decent, contact your Personal Ministries coordinator at your friendly people. And you want very much church. for them to know Jesus as you do. Make cheque payable to Adventist Book Centre. Sender Have you thought of sending them SIGNS? Address For a limited time, you can send SIGNS for City just $11.75—less than a single Saturday-night Prov. Postal Code pizza. Phone ( Order your gift subscriptions now through GIFT SUBSCRIPTION the Personal Ministries coordinator in your Name local church. Or through the Adventist Book Address Centre in your Conference. City Prov. Postal Code When God sent just one Gift, it Please attach a separate sheet of paper with made an enormous difference. additional names. So will yours. SIGNS © 1991 Pacific Press Publishing Association 2196