Budget Review Sparks Community Interest 11'11h the 1hreat of schoolsclosingaswell as 11,eenonnous proposed budget increase :nany more res1dcn1S ar~ becoming inl'oll'ed with ,,hool board proceedings. While the conference room in 1he Ad­ ministration Building was more than sufficienl Jncorpo1aI,~g The H,c~sv,lle Ed,t,on fort he less 1han IO residents whoallended 1he of the M1d-lslanc1 Herald fan. Ii FinanceCornmillcemeeting, rnon?lhan lHQ A,atOO\ Co,nmvnilt Htw101~n ol L°"O h l1"0 a hundred turned out on Feb. 14. forcing 1he Vol, 4 No. 35 Hicksville, N.Y. Thursday, February 22, 1990 3,6c per copy 41 RloQhh fl... ,. • ., C•"lrll Olhc• PttoM 1'1 ,iu meeting to be held in one of the high school cafeterias. The FinanccCommittccsupcrscdes all Olher board commiuees during the months of Gymnasts Take County Title For Second Year January, February and March as 1he Board 11.'Jie,,~ the Superintendent's Proposed Budget. 1 \\1th the exception of Code 2000. lnsiructional Services, all budget codes were reviewed line­ b)•line in January, Se-.>eral capital projects \\l!re presen1ed in depth by administrators at lhe Feb. I~ meeting. Code 2000 was no! reviewed line­ b)·~ine as time became a factor. Assemblyman Fred Parola also spoke lo residents concern­ ing proposed Stale Aid cuts. Board Trustee William Benn en. as Finance Com mince Chairman. officia1ed at 1he meeting. Board Trustees l'alricia Rooney and Jo Ann Millen berg also sat al 1he Board table and par­ licipated in discussion. Board President Mark Cardella ll'l\S detained at work and Vice Presi­ dent Daniel MacBride was excused. Board Secretary Jamr.s Martillo and Ttuslee William Collins were in !he audience. Superinlendenl Catherine Fenton took Ihe opportunity to make se'>'eral announcements. .Jnco Trnnsportation On Feb. 26. Jaco Transportation (a new sub­ sidiary of Educa1ional Transportation Com­ pany)will replace H~mrn Transportalion as the Di~1rict's major bus supplier. Letters 10 parents. as requested by Trustee Rooney, will be senl notifying them of the change. Fenton said thal ii is anlicipated 1hat mosl of Harran's dril'ers will be hired by Jaco and run the same routes. Llnless1herearenew bus dril-ers who mus1 familiarize themselles wi1h NASSAU COUN7'l' DJl'IS/ON I CHAMPS: (From nm,; f1v111 left} Dale Hoff111u1111. Karey Knauer. Melissa Kugler. Nordo Mosr,vpierro, Star· lhe roules, no dela~ are anticipated. Regular ,y Schroeder. (lbp row) Kollry Knauer, Me/rssa Ya1kms. Wendy Marshall. Darm Kolou>icz, Lanrie Pease. Coach tricin Varriale. drivers will wear ID badges with Iheir piclures and names. Substilule drl,>ers will wear ID's By Michael J. Maloney dyMarshallonthepullinglogelherofthisyror·s bu: :here may be instances when pictures are Sports Edilor learn. "We all knew that we could do ii. We were not available. Jusl as Ihey h~d done all year. the Hicksville really psyched for coun1y·s:· As pre11ously announced, monlhly meetin~s High School tiirl~ Gymnas1ics team perform- Ili cksville won every cveni e.xccpt the ,.,,ult, will be held with the drivers at whith time ed belier than their opponents, winning the where1hey 1,-eresecond with a score of 39.2, Hicksville administrators are welcome 10 share Nassau Counly G)'mnastics Championship for Their scores in theothrre\'enls ,,-ere as follO\\'S: complainls and ad1•icc. Drivers will be aware the second slraighl year. 39.5 in the une-.-en bars, 36.55 in the beam, and or all State and Hicksville regulations and buses Hicksl'ille's score ol 156.05 fell short of their ,to.8 in the floor exercise. To some Hickvillc will be affixed with decals advising ol a corn• goal of 160, bulled their closest competilor. gynmasls, their scores 11-ere less than they had plaint phone number. Oceanside, by more than to points (145.65). hoped for. Harran drivers must submit new jobapplica­ Massapequa was third with 144.75 and Great "We could havcdoncbeller:· s.iid Marshall. tions. 1\ro residents volunteered 10 sen-eon Neck North's 135.85 earned Ihem a fourth-pli!CC "Seriously. we all had a bad mce1:· an applica1ion review comrninee. bul legal finish in the eighHrorn tournament held a1 "Id,dwell this whole season, except forihis counsel has advised Ihat there mighl be acon­ Greal Neck North High School Fell. 13. meel'.' echoed Pease. "I 1hough1 I did a good flict of i111eres1 with lhe people who WendyMarshall.who11,-odaysla1erwon1he job, but the judges didn'1:· 1-olun1eered. On Feb. 26, when the board is Nassau County Individual Championships, led Obviously, the judges liked Hicksville·s per• gil'en the names of the dril'ers, this lisl will Hicksville in all e-.-ents. scoring a total of 35.7 forrnances enough lo lhink that they desemid become avai lable 10 the public. poinls oul of a possible •10. tobethebesl in Nassau Coun1yfor1hesecond Middle School Laurie Pease. ~lelissa Kugler, Kacey Knauer s1raigh1year. Oiscussion was held al 1he Board's Special and Narda Mastropierro follO\,l!d with fine per­ Meeting on Feb. 7 regarding mo\'in~ the si.xlh formances to round oul llick!,-ville's main per­ ~rade 10 lhe Middle School. II had been an• formances, Good performances b)· Dale nounced al 1ha1 lime that Gerald Klein, Mid­ llolfmann, Dawn Kotowicz. Kathy Knauer. dle School principal. would be preparing a Melissa Yalkins and Stacey Schroeder con­ report lo be presented 10 lhe board aboul the lributed to 1he effort as well. educational program which could be im­ According lo first-year head coach Tricia plemented there. Varialle, 1he gymnas1swhodo nol always gel On Feb. 14, Fenton said lhal she would no! the hrodlines are the ones who make this learn he making a recommendation to lhe board to sogreal. "Tht')' are always there 100:· she said. 1110\·e the sixth grade lo the Middle School for "Their scores ne-.-er go belO\v the 7.0 range. ~eptember 1990. She explained that o..-cr a They arcalwa}~ up there. They arc alwayscon­ \ear's time and prepara1ion was needed before sislenC 1he Junior High was converted to the Middle Varialle is also l'ery proud of her own per· School in 198i. Recently. tht: Middle School formance in her first year as head coach. "You wa.< recognized as a "School of Excellence" by wanl 10 keep lhat 1i11e:· she said. "There is N1-.; York Sialc. always someone coming up from the boll om. Fenton said she was asking Klein to present There is lhe pressure 10 keep thal lillc and to Ire ide.i toa •.1rie.1y or 1>e0plc, inclufog s1alf. keep e-.-eryone tlse below you:· ,upcf\iso~ elementary principals. parenlsand Alter winning lhecharnpionship last \'Car. communily members. lO gel their input. She the fulure of lhe team was uncerllin because concluded by saying, ·we will nol be ready for the team's liesl performer, Tamie Marshall. ,uc h a mO\-e in Seplcmber". Wendy's older sister who now allends the Asbestos RemovuJ Sophomore Wendy Marshall led Hicksri/le Uni11!rsi1y of Massachuseus. graduated. On lop Cop10i11sMells,.; Ya1kins a;id Kacey Knauer k. an dtlempl to reduce asbestos removal i11 alle1'e111s. scoring a lo/al ofJS. 7 0111 ofa of 1ha1. there would be a new coach. al/er being a1i:pJJleJJJ/tUJ1ru11Y_dWJn/Jinn~. rt ·~eei-e-l)'One woili liarder,saiil Wen- --"ship plaque. · (rontinut>d on pag~ l ) polsilile 40. ------'tlirksulllr ~llustrnl pan4ime f~ l.11 5'12·'1111 1 (20.l) S.lf,-1281 :HCYI'EJS~ - income and propeny lax weallh. llicksville has aides: two full-lime leaching assistants \11>uld a higher propenyt ax 1\1.'allh per studen1, mak­ be hired for the elementary schools. ing ii seem like a \\1.'allhier area. Levillown ( continuea on p age Z?)

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WI oPpo$ilt w,~ ·..._ Call toll free: 1-800-528-2255, at. 16 lllckeuillr 3lluetrat,~ NrwG - lllckoulllr. Nrw Uork - i!;~ura~au. :J,bruaru 22. rnoa Poor-) ------H 0 M E T 0 w N p E 0 p L E What A Surprise!!! They're Really Proud Boy, weie Grandma Thcbn and Gra,,d~a Pou land Morin Mah·eseare so \'Cry hap­ John Lnngone, Sr.surprised to find out that py. They recechl!d 1,urd that son Matthew, theirgrandd~ughter's first birthday party was has been elected vice president for finances of really asurpnse 40th weddinganniversary for the 6.000-memberStuden t Association at State them! Uni,l!rsity of New York at Plattsburgh. Chosen forth is post in a campus•wideelec· Little Siri Langone's big number one was lion. he will be the chief financial officer for on Jan. 17. The big bash was held on Jan. 21 at the local V.F.W. Hall on South tlroadway. All the adminis1ra1ion of a budget totaling more than $850,000. In addition, he will manage in­ the children. Jane and John Lnngone of \l!nlory totaling nearly $450,000. Hicksville, and DinneandJoe Barbargnlto Malt hew is a sophomore business manage­ of Corona. pitched in to throw them the party ment major and on Feb. I was selected by Col­ •. and what a srea1tim e they had. lege President Charles Warren as one of 11,u student members of the Plausburgh College Foundation general membershi11 The founda· lion is a pri\'ale corporation lhal raises private funds for SUNY Plattsburgh. An all•around student. Matthew is current­ ly treasurer of Thu Kappa Epsilon (TKE).a social Christopher Seal/ Bmmber fratcmily, and participates in intramural fool• ball. soflball and soccer. Joe and Carolyn Are Ecstalic Dad, Pou l Mnlvesc, is 11residenl of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cirlncion of George Malvese & Co. on Old Country llicksville,are proud to announce the birth ol Road in liicksville. (Long Island's oldest their first grandchild. distributor of -er equipment). Matthew's h,u ChrlstOJ>hcr Scott Brurnber was born brothers, Peter and John are just as proud of at 1:59 a.rn. on December 3, 1989 at St. Fran­ him as are his parents. cis Hospilal, Wihninglon, Delaware. He weigh· Looks like Paul Mal,l!se will ha\'e someone ed 8 lbs., 13 oz. and was 21 inches long. really capable to take 01,:r the business when Grandparents, Joe ond Carolyn, and Aunt Thebo and John Langone Sr. Ill their sur he plans retirement. doesn't it? Keep up the Lee Anne Abbrlnno were on hand al the prise 40th ll'edding anniversary part)t Sir/ Langone good work. Mall hew. hospital and Uncle Al Abbrinnowas at home in Hicksville awaiting the exciting news. Bright Students Stephe11's Marrying ... Christopher's parents are Lyndnand Scott Stale University of New York College at Mr. and Mrs.S1e,-eSchenckand Mr. and Brumber. Lynda is a graduate of Hicksville Oswsego has named two Hicksville students Mrs. frnnk Hernandez are proud and Higli School. Formerly of Sylvan Beach. N.Y.. to their President's List for the Fall 1989 happy to announce the engagement of their Scott is prcsenlly stationed al the Naval Base semester. Kenneth Kelly of High Street, a children, Stephen and Doris. in Philadelphia. The new mom anddad brought junior broadcasting andm ass communication Stephen is a 1980 graduzleofHicksville High their baby home !o reside wilh them in Ctav- major, and Sherry Mitchell of Walsh Lane. School and a candidate for a master's degree mont. Delaware. · a political science major. maintained grade from Hofstra in May 1990. "Evel)une is thrilled and e.xcitcd. 11 has been averages of 3.60 oral>O\l! to be named 10 this list. Doris received her master's degree from a vl!ry happy time for all of us:· said Carolyn. Congratulations Ken and Sherry. Hofstra in December 1989. Editor's Note: Enjoy )1JUr first grandchild, A N01-ember 1990 wedding is planned. Carolyn-now you have a good excuse to ask A Proud Grandparent Joe lo take )1JU lo Delaware for a visit-he'll 111 the Navy . . Mari11es . . & Air Force want1ogoand see the baby as much as you will. Rose Pacchinno, of Hicksville. sent me a Navy Scaman Recruit Jomes McGo",111, ' (continued on page 6) nOle with a phOloenclosed stating: "This is my son of Catherine and Kevin McGowan of beautiful. happy granddaughter. Rebecca Hicksville, has completed recruit training al Mal/hew Malvese Leigh. who will be celebrating her very first Recruit Training Command. Great Lakes. 11· Social Nole From Joyce Jlicluluill.t Jllu.strattb News birthday on Feh 17. Her proud parents are Jim linois. lspn,sently cnoaoec::1 In a.n c ..-1on$1vo ma.11- Joyce J urgensen of Hicksville, was lng program so that newcomers to our and Cathy Pncchlnno.also of Hicksville. Her A 1989 grduale of Hicksville lligh School. awarded Salesperson oflhe Month for January araa can read our weekly endea­ grandfather Vincent. and I think she's a 'liv• Ji m joined the Navy Reserves in September 1990. al the Schlott Rcnllors Plainview vors and bacomo 1ogular subscribers. ing doll .' She's our "baker's dozen" 1989. During his eight-week training cycle. he office. She was named as lhe lopsales associale grandchild-our 13th:' studied general military subjects designed to of the month in her office. Joyce specializes Yol... l •ao• to .._Ma'lbc Happy Birthday Rebecca. 111epare him for further academic and on•lhe• in real e.~lale in the l·licksville. Beth page area to ttldu•Ule t1hHtrate d Newa job training in one of lhe Navy's 85 basic fields. and said, "This is a wonderful office 10 work Marine Pfc. Michnel Murray, son of in. People art' great and,l!ryprof essional. They NAM E Helen and Eugene Murray of Hicksville. 11,:re so 11underiul lo me when my son, Paul. has completed recruit training at Marine Corps was in Panama:· ADDRESS Recruit Depot, Parris Island. S.C. Joyce has been a consistenlly high achie\'CI Michael is a 1989 graduateofliicksville High since she entered real estate and has become CITY/STATE/ZIP School. a member of Schlott's Multi•Million Dollar During his 13•week training cycle, he was Club. PHONE taught lhc basics of battlefield survival. I-le was Joyce is also a 1967 graduate of Hicksville introduced lo the typical daily routine that he CHECK ONE: High School and currently lives in liicksville 1 YR C ...... $1 2.00 will experience during his enlistment and with her husband. Richard, ana 15-year•old studied 1he personal and professional standards 2 YRS C ...... $ 21 .25 daughter, Eliwhcth. Her sons. Paul, 19. and 3 YRS C ...... _ ...... $30 .00 traditionally exhibited by Marines. Peter,2 1, are in the A:my and come home on Gary Hinton has been promoted in the leave as oflen as possible. SENIOR CITIZENS RATES U.S. Air Force 10 the rank of captain. He is a I YA ...... - ...... $10 .50 Rebecca Leigh Pacchiatio missile warning operations crew commander 2 YRS ...- ...... $1 9.00 with the 8th Missile Warning Squadron at 3 YRS ...... $27.50 Good luck Sue & Jerry Plot.M: ~ CJ.Operw»c:nc,tlOI\PM' Eldorado Air Force Station in Tc.xas. ,.u ~ addr'IUnoNl,Ol"lljlb&afWJ .Judy Romnuosent me a nOlesaying: "The Method or Payment (enclosed) many friends of Sue and Jerry Llp•on wish They've Been So Busy □ :II: 0 e □ Check encl. Dorothy 10 extend their best wishes for much success I met ll'esnofske the other day. I 111111/l/ll llll lllJ in theirnew business! Sue and Jerry, who reside hadn't seen her for a few years. She 1old me expires in Hicksville. recently purchased Berger's that she and her husband. Bob, reti red from Delicatessen, the original landmark kosher Grumman last January and they haven'tslop­ MAIL TO: deli localed on Old Counlry Road in Westbury'.' ped goings ince. They just returned from a 111,-e­ Anton Community Newspa.pen Stop inand say Hello-they'd IOI'!! I0 5ee)1>U. ly trip toWoodloch Pines in Pennsylvania_ They P.O. Bo• 1578, Mineola. U, NY 11501 went with lhe Grummun Retiree Club. Bob is an old high school friend. I went all The Hicksville Illustrated News (l/S!'SJ,l!:-:.-0, through school with his sister. Mar~elln. Postnwtor. Sood lddross chanQOO to Loog When 11'!! were in sthool lhere ll'erc so few in Island Communlly H-•· Inc. P.O. Bo• 1578. Mineola.. H.Y. 11501. fnlen,d u Sdays by Loog Island sisters- so )1>Ugot lo know them 100. It was Comn-..nlly N9"lll)lpOrS. Inc. 132 Eur Second Joyce Jurgensen named Salesperson of tire Slnlet.Mineola. NY 11501(P .O. Bo, 15781 l'toooe great. ll'eall have lots of good memories, don't • (516) 747-8282. we Bobby and Marcella? Month at Sch/oil Realtors. 2 199 9 1 ------lllcksulllt ] lluntratr~ Nrws • l111ksulllr . Nrw • ~~--•:,:b__ru:_ •_'.::,U__~_. ___u_ll_•-:-•:--·• 7YW"~ JFi~i:ll',;------;;, 1 7 renovaled with a new ceramic tile. complete Complete Renovation with an awning. The new look also includes PR more windows and double doors at 1he en- ,._. For House of Donuts trance. The entire structure oft he House ofDon uts "We're trying to make it bigger and bet• on Broadwaya t East Marie Street has beengul ­ ter ... and make Broadway look more led and will be completely renovated and beautiful;' Sai.aklis. the 20-yrorc(H)wner,sai d. enlafBC(I, accordingt oc0-0 wnerN ickSaza klis. With a completion dale set for mid March, lhe shop will ha\'e a bigger dining area wilh Recently Engaged? 28 seats and an expanded food lis1which in­ Wfty nol ltl 11'11]/0nt in UM /iomttou•n inau• ~y cludes cakes, cookies, Greek pasleries. salad, so,din~ rht inpnnatwn Qnd, pfuwlo rk Hicksville sandwiches and soups. Illustrated News. JJ1 E111I Sttond Sr .. Min1,lla, Ntu• Yori 11501. The outside of the building will also be


Neck Pain May Result From Arthritis

,\ common medical problem rcfcricd ma,• be needed 10 aid 111 the exact 10 a rheumatologlst Is chrome neck pain. diJg11os1s. Neck pain may affect many Amcncans Fonunatcll'. most neck pain can be some time In their life. success{ ulh· ircated without the use of Frequently, neck plln results from ar- su rgery. Depending on the diagnosis, 1hrill1 of 1hc spine. spasm of the nee~ a11d 1£ your symptoms do not improl'e. On Valentine's Dax James Na1/ca11 of Hicksvillebu ys lo11gs1em ro~es for his f111ure bride--lo­ muscles, 1nnammauon of the joims in you may bc referred to a rheunmolog!st be. Jone Fbrsloe of East Meadom from Ed Alle11 at Purcell Flonsl, /83 Broadway. the nee~. or pressure on the spmal \a specrahst In mhrll!S and muscle (ll!t1stmt('(/ Photo) nerves. This pau1 can occur at rest. or disorders). with mo,·emcm, such as turning the Your rheunmolog1S1 Cln establish a11 head. In fm, ani1h1ng that puts p,c,,urc rndMduJlrzcd 111cd1Cal progrJm. This on 1hc spine ma,· result 111 neck pain, nm· 1111ual1'- Involve rC!I, analgesic island t'hc discomfort of neck pam may be mcd,catlon, :rnd local heat. Specral Jilli· l.ARGE SELECTION 011h• an occasional dull Jchc. or a severe, rnnam111a1ory 111edtea11om, specific ex• telephone ol shaip, deblhmmg p:,tn. Most arutc neck crciscs, Jnd physical therJpy may also answering DISH GARDENS & pain resolv~s by 11self. However. If the be rcquued 1£ the pam is persistent. You FIOWER ARRANGEMENTS READY FOR PICK.UP plrn " very severe, pernsu. or Is should keep in 111i11d tl1J1 most 11cck • service, inc. a»oeiatcd wrth parn or numbness In the pam will improve with proper medical anns, you should consult your physician, management, and needless pain could MAIN om cEWE iis 5-4444 Proper ueatmem can only begin once be avoided wnh prompt medJCll the cause of the 11cck pain Is known. A aue11uo11. FULL • PART TIME • VACATION I comprehcns1vc examlnltlon, lncludrng Arrhrrrls srrtkcr one our of sc1·c11 pco· HOURLY OR MESSAGE RATE J cornplc1c mcdicai history, and a pie. Lc;im chc /Jcis. CJ/I for your com• I ph)'Sical cxarnlnalion arc usuJII)' re· pllmenwyropyof'11-.:Jolm Appro:idr National Westminster Bank USA Building quired. X-rays. JS well JS blood tem. · An Anhrtc/S Overview... 20 Jeruulem A.. , , Hicksville, HY Dr, RichJrd If. Blau rs a board-ccnlfled Rheumatolog!Sl practicing StJr'fi ng Nassau and Sullollc Sm c tJ 1945 In Manhmet. :;t6-48~·6SJ2 and W~tbury. :;.t6•QQ7·6S:;. • •••.....,,.__ '-10 - THANKS FOR BEING A GOOD S.O.R.T. On Saturday, January 20th, ORGANIZATION S 400 Oysfer Bay Town residellls broved a willler outbu,st of snow and roin to help place 11,000 Singles For Cha.rit.ics Cub Sc out Pnc.k "607 Cub Scout Pack "603 Cub Scout Pack nJGa recycled Chrisfmas trees along the dune line at Tobay Beach, Massapequa Klwanis '1-H Sunrise Council Maasapoqua Mustangs L.I. Beach Buggy Assoclntion Our Lady of the Island, JC of C Nassau County 4-H Manv thanks to all of those voluntee,s - Boy Scout Troop • 224 Cub Scout Pock 11 377 Massapequa Pazk Young Republicans K ey Club those named below and those whose names Coas t Guo.rd l\uxilla.ry Frank M . Flowe r & Sons we did not get - as well as the thousands LJLCO Nnaaau County Volunteer Services St. Killo.ru R.C. Chuzch South Shore lludubon ofTown residents who contributed their discarded Della Sigma Phi Fraternity Cub Scout Pack #696 Christmas trees fur helping to make Cub Scouts, Syossot Futuro Farme rs o f l\morfca Pla.lnodgo High School Voluntcon for WildU!o this reeyeling/bmh conservation project an outsfanding success. Boy Scouts, Oystor Bay/ Ea.st Norwich ''Tobay Bonch Duma'' Wobcl oa Cuh Scouts, Maas11poqua Boy Seoul Troop "293 Cub Scouts, St, Rose M.uusapoqu.a Fire Dopartmcnt 4, 11 Club North Tobay 4-11 Cub Scout Pa.ck #439 Boy Scout Troop 11604 N.Y.C.. Fircfighton, Ladde r Co,#143, Boy Scout Troop #90 Ouocns USDA Soll Conservation Sorvico Town of Babylon Boy Scout Troop n339

eparaf'e ~ ANGELO A. DELLIGATTI S r7 Town Supervisor Oyster BaysI b l " ~-·L·:--"·~ Howard T Hogan.COUNCILMEN Jr. Tho mas L. Clark Recyc a eS Douglas J . Hynes John Vendrno Today .,~ElO• otWG• nr ~:~1: .- ~ : ~:~limo ~:~~a~du:,~1:mon s ______::• -=--=::______, Town Clerk Recerver ol Taxes PAJD FOR IN PART WITH A GRANT FROM NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT or ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION ------Last ~l/4 million ~le said- bye to their •

l )\ tT I Ill l,1-,1 ( 1\l'II (' 11111111 h-,. 2;11).< JOO ,,·11· )11rk1·r<, lrn Piel I ht· lw-,t 11f wll 11 I,, 111k-, ll.111·111111lt-r,11 Tlwll;111k111 :\l'\\ )ink rt u ·1 le u mcl I hl' I,,..,, t . ..,, l1>,111 .ippn ,,~11 -.,·-,11·111111 r,•1;111 IJ.111!<1111.~. \\'itl1 Tll,• li(J .\1!111111· l.0,111. 111· do 1111111111!11", 11 h.11 II I .tk1 ·-.. 1110..,, 1>.111 k-... rla1 -.. ,., 1·11111·1·k ,. to cl11 1"111·1· !0111111.1111i"1qw 111·11 111-,1.dl 11w111 lo.1n r.111<-cl l loml·n11·111•p., Edi!,<", 1rl11d111nt onh (!t\l·-.11111.11!,n'.it r.111" lllll 100'~,nl till lllll'fl'-.1 llld\ lwl,1'\ d1·1h11·11hh·.• N,•11 <·u,-t:-- 1n r01ir nH111<·1·. I ),11• or 1111!,lll Our mw l'nonty ('IJ 151111' 0111_\' CO that !!,on, upwilh 11Jll•n·-.1 r.ite;, and clrn·-,11·1 l!,<1 haek dnw11. 1, ·.., tlw only l 'I l 1•1 ,u'l11•11·r 1w1·d . lkt11•ry1·t 1n nlkr ln·1· 1 heck111l!, \\'llh bo1h l'nont1· '-,;i1·111!_!,,111cl l'nnri11 { I)'' rtwn.-.:m,1n Chn th,· l,1-,1 w.ir ,w ,llhkd .,1,11· rn·w llr.111l'lw-.. 1!,l\·111L!, "" l h1· la rl!,1·,-1. ·11111;,t rorn1·1rn' lll suburban hr.111d111e111ork 111 !.!,n-,1ttrNt·11·fork.Orer lillyofour bra1wll1", offer full srrv11·t· bn11ki11~n11 Sat1inla\' and 1110::,t ,1 rl' open Thur..,

Were making it hard to bank anywhere else. ------lll-elysloreonSoulhOyslerBayRoad .•. Feb. a replica of TheMayllower.J'here will be a guid­ 26 will be lhe day Rosemary Dlmdourian ed tour of Boston and many other enjoyable willbecelebratingherbir!hday ... and"Happy Birthday Grandma. Molly Walker;' wilh lol'e e-.-enlS.11 you call Mimi al 433-8781 she'll be able to lell you more about ii. from Robble,Jennlfer, Bryan and Kri•tl Mimi said. " We welcome singles and Walker. couples. If )'OU come alone you'll be 1,-elcom­ Named To Dean's list ed and made lo feel comfortable. Usually Christopher Ryan of Dil'ision A\-enue, e-.-eryone who joins a Melt)' League trip always has been named lo the Dean's Lisi of Stale has a good time and comes along the next time Uni1-ersily College al Oneonta for lhe firsl Oyster Bay Town Supervisor Angelo A Delligalli(ce11ter)a11d ~ouncilman. 7110111as I. Clark we plan a trip:' semester oflhe 1989-90 school )-ear. Chris cam• (fourth from JeftJco11grat11lateffi cksuillc ~ire Depar(me~t offi_aal~(lef( to nghtJ Pat Scan/011. 1\-e visited Bos1on and I absolutely loved ed lhis by being in lhelop 10 percentof his class. ISi Assistant Chief. Gerry Gagliano, Capta(n; 1bny W1gdzinsk1, Cl1(ef. ~11/ Schuckman 11, COIi(· ii. ll'sacily-but not a city. II you decide to go • LeMoyne College sem word lhal they hal'e missioner; JoeGiardina, also a Co111miSS1011er followmg the d~d1ca110~ ofth e~epartm efll s bring your walking shoes because there is so placed Catherine Eberle, daughter of Mr. neu:esl ambula11ce This 11ew11ehic/e was put 10 use at the A11ta11ca Fltght #52 pla11e crush much 10 see. I would have 10'>-ed to slay there and Mrs. WIiiiam Eberle, on the dean's !isl. site in Cove Neck. for a week. I remember walking through lhe Catherine, a graduate of Hicksville High beautiful park-going lo antique shops, going School is majoring in malhematicsand isacan­ down to Faneuil Hall. and most ofall-going didale for graduation in 1991. CATHEDRAL DR. MICHAEL F. GARGER/ CHIROPRACTOR HOUSE CHlRO!'RACTIC AWAXEN VOUR HEAl.lNG ENERGY ADMISSION HIGH QUALITY S4.00 ANTIQUES CHIROPRACTIC TECHNIQUES G) FOR OPTIMAL HEALTH ~ SHOW Our om Is to c1eole IIAI.ANCE for you. so that you con "odd years to your life and life to yov: yeors". Don't put off you most valued asset. yourself. FRI., MARCH 2 FOR THE 11:00 A.M. to 9 P.M. • EMPHASIZING • CATHEDRAL WOMEN SAT., MARCH 3 • Vvhobslic Apµooch • Sports Injuries • Muscle Balancing CATHEDRAL HOUSE • Nutrit10nol Aworeress • Mos! Insurance Accepled as FuU Of Portiol Payment 11:00 A.M. to 7 P.M. 50 CATHEDRAL AVENUE GARDEN CITY, N.Y. FOR APPOINTMENT CALL 939·0031 ~•S!A!


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Save up to 50% On Men's Suited Separates JCPenney Save 30% off Mon.-Sat. 10-9, Sun. 12-5 On Select Men's Dress Shirts 516-931-6000 401 So. Oyster Bay Rd., Plainview PLAINVIEW STORE ONLY t\\01 ~~ 61 i


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MARCH 1, 2, 3, 4 ::1 ~lrl r.uiq ,.,._,. t1 .ut•lll.w 11 1Jt..• ,..~ 11 .1••,.. 1 zC ll( GI.UII AOl,,IS$IOH A!M..f 1100 I J Z wmo1 f HIS r.:xt.tONCACU.J suo I I _a I,

F~rmer f'!'A Honomry life!?ocipients jo in newho11orees: {from left. back row) Karen Garbus. Eileen Millis. Barbaro Smalt, ArleneRudin. Nonna Goerke, Ann Freyeise11 (Front row)Jan District Ho11ored Guest Terry Moehri11ger and her lrusba11d. 10h11. Boord. Terry Moehri11ger. Peggy Gill.



Weve COMICS POSTERS TOYS planned for SHIRTS MOOELS GAMES your FIGURINES BASEBALL CAl!OS SCIENCE FICTION VIDEO TAPES r emergency. THE ARTWORK ol PETER·C·XNIGHT NEW COMICS EVERY THURSDAY LATE NIGHT HOURS Dr. r_,1itch Goldman and Head Nurse BIG DISCOUNTS Sheila Kennedy ~oth know that preparation is the key to handling any emergency. Like everyone else on our Now we want you to do your part. Emergency Room staff. they're Our new booklet can prepared through years ol help you prevent . t1ainIng and experience lo provide rhe best possible care lor =and .. plan~ how •• to,,,.,~ handle lJ · !he people of Long Island. And them when they "- we've given them a new facility­ happen. Call us at one specifically designed for (516) 496-6527 . providing fast. efficient for your free copy. • emergency care. ~ Syos;;L9£>E!l~~~y~!!X.v~1~?pital REALM 11 Your community hospital 3 ay s-,o....,eo,,,.,,.,,,q, Hicksville ...... is. .. , 1356 WILLIS AVE .• ALBERTSON ~«JIC)~Oo» ~~.. !;c~ .. ~.1!\ouled -... &nt-«>nnsrioreUn.vt."1.H , ~ •no on Row't• IC7) • 011 (In Video Encounter) - - - 0Vlf'ft-e.6lna'l$,Ur¥1(~"' ~ I 932 8 .___,...... ,.,---'-_"""·:...:...P'Ol<:....:..:.-:.::...1__ - _ - _ · _--__-_ -____J I-- - (516) - ~ 581 (112 mile South of N.C!J1h1UD..State Pkwy.) . ------liirshiptoJan8oordandf'eilg_~Gill.fami- joinl'llt0!,>ethenohonortho~whode1,~c1heir Entert~inmenl wa, 11ro1·ideJ by thr sons Ann Fr.:1dsen and Ian Mullre wish 111 I), PTA members. teachers. administrators, time and enel)ly to the children uf the ,rhoul llick:,l'ilie lligh School Madri~dls under 1he thank all 1>hoi,1Jrhed so hard 10 makethel'\1'11· !loard1ru,tee,,a11d membe~ofthecomrnunity community. Jireclion ofl)arren Lou~ec. Dinner cha1rpe1- in~ a success

FOR ALL YOUR TRAVEL PLANS VISIT llside Travel, Inc. 20 w. Ma11c Sireet (Just West or Broad\'lay) ti H1cksvillc. N.Y. 11801 Meet Mimi Linden If you're going around the world or just "around th e cor­ ner", I'd love to help you with the plans. Your trip will be my p!easure! Come in and say Hello or just give me a call: Mimi linden 822-6370

We need vou. American Heart ,la Association V N1U~a.u Region lln11orary Life ReC1piet1N /'eg_qy Gill and Jan Bourr/

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\\lhcn c-..'1:p'-mtlin\.!, lhc pussihili1h. .-~ t.1n..· ""ntlk~s~ ll°s im· S10P BY OLR BOOIH 196 Al Jlrl.'Ssh--c how ~,-~n 1hc- ::-li\!hlC!'-1 \.." hJll\!C l ·t.111 l'J1 lhu11..·'-· yuur THEfOMf ho me. ·1h e front dour wdnrnh:~ your \!lll'Sts. hul 1h1...· insid e IMPROVEMENl ut your home tdls them dho ut you. l:~pn::;s Y'-)Ur'$l.·lf \\i th ,1 • EXPO Al THE $h1tc ly cn1rurn.:c. hrillinnt ~l~ li\,!ht. t.1pp..:-1 izin\? l~itdh.:11 or c.~· NASSAU COLISEUM tended cxpdnsi,~c li,;n\! ~irc.. 1 . It ynu l."illl i1thl\?irn.. • 11 . w1..• ,,ill MARCH 1. 2 ,iccomplish ii. Your \!lll", 15 \\ill '-' I' ut?,WO'. AIJlHORIZ!D • AND 3 PHLA CONIRAC!OQ Your hnml· \\ill s.:1y YOll' ■

348-1973 • 46 7-24 71 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ------}Utk•ulllt 3lluotrntrb Nrw•. llickuulllr. Nr1u Uork · ili~ur ubou . .Jcbruoru 2~. l99U llugr• l In his opening remarks, Hynes said that dril• ing a car is more difficult than flying a plane IKiwanis Key Notes \ andlhat many pilots have agreed with him. He Two New Members Installed referred to !he crowded highways with fasl· moving \'Chicles, thP effect aging has on !hee')~ The Hicksville Kiwanis Club added two new the onset of arthritis on the ankle and key joinls. members to i1s rosier at the Feb. 7 luncheon the varieties of inclemenl wealher. the close meeling at lhe Milleridge Inn. Newly install• proximity of cars. trucks and buses, and how ed members are Susanne Wischncws~'V a sales they all work together 10 force driwrs to make representative wi1h McBee Systems. and split second decisions to avoid ~ccidenls. He Douglas Lake.district manageroffirst tm'ESlors also spoke about the problems of maintaining Corporation. Wischnewsky was sponsored by safe driving practices in light and heavy rain, Palricia LeComple, and Lake was sponsored as well as driving in snow and icy road con· bv Robert McGuinness. ditions. · Installing officer was Past Kiwanis President Hynes distribuled two brochures: Defen sire Dr. Keilh Pastuch. Drii

Families are Special 7 GREAT at Ground Round REASONS Moms, Dads & Kids TO COME I Love Our Daily Specials I I TO I FOil COMPUMENTAllY GLASS I VISIT WITH OF WINE Oil TAP BWl I ,.I ______W/ENTREE .J • TEDDY Mondays: Moe the Irish Psycrlc - Cord Readings every Mon evenng 6 PM 'till?? • Reservations a Must1! BEAR ,, Tasty Tuesdays: Er,:,v a FREE Homemade Dessert with Every IJ,!Y1ef Enlree. Every Evening! fr Wednesdays: Cajun Nrte - A Variety of Steak. Ct.cken OI Fish Prepared in our Cajun Style -:, Thursdays: Dimer For Two - Chateaubriand - • FREE Rock of Lomb - BouiDoboisse (selection varies weektv), FACE ,•, Fridays: Fisherman's Seafood Delight NIie - Featuring Golsby's Famous Fisherman Ptot1er (brorled a fried). PAINTING! * Saturdays: Our Chars Special Nile - Cajun Steak & Shti'np Prme Rit:\ Somon & Tuna Steaks. Chicken a Beef Oriental (selection varies weekly). * Sundays: fusto Ntte - 5 Great Pestos & Sauces To Choose From - Kids' f\:Jsto Includes FREE Soda & Dessert. MONDAYS & All You Can Eat Buffnlo Wings Fri. & Sat. LIVE MUSIC ,A 'YS or Chicken Fry 6.95 per person TUESDn Children 12 and Under 2.99 HI. f-eb 23 Gemlri - The 'Best of the 60's & Top 40's Sot. Feb 24-0NI.IN&- "The Brossy Sounds of Chicago's Best" WEDNESDAY All You Can Eat Fish Fry 4.59 All You Can Eat Clam Fry 5.99 11/ 3 Reviewed by Newsday & FRIDAYS Kid, Pay What They ll'clMh, Kid• 12 a nd "The most distinctive of au nHe club~ with good food, efe" TUES DAYS 'f~\!iiln°:~~!~ p:1fl°ed~?/~rdf,~(n~u;!~~~- 1067 Old Country Rei. WeslburY. NY. ff JC KSVJLLE (1/4 me_, ol Y/ar'do;;f1 Pl(wy) • 516•997•3685 2 00 No. B'way OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FOR WNCH • DINNER •WE NIGHT , CATlRING IB'way Mall) 433-1177 ------?t11uulll1 )lluetrnt,~ :Xtw• - l11cksulll1 N,w Uurk - a:11ure~•a. J1bruaru ;?;?. 1ggu l)agt-11------

Fronk f(rnes. a traffic safety sen'ice representative for the Alllomobile Club ofNew )ork (01righl}prrsentsKiu:anisProgromChairpersonf..'lfieKrogm(1JmuilhcopiesofAMbrochures. At left, Kiwanis P~idefll Dr. Joseph Lupo,

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1MOST INSURANCE------PLANS ACCffllD. WI ARE. MEDICAII PAlllCIPATIIIO PROVIDIR.- . 11 'TSrnoabury lfoad, Hlcksvllle; Mon. • Tues, rhu" 10 a.m-9 pm 681 -EYES (681 -3937/ Sat. • l0a.m•Spm,Sun.11 am.•Spm (I mlle W'C1t " ' So. i f ROM.I Clo~d Wed & Fri !)5 Ave ra.Re or Better hi":'lf' s,,.,Jt \I-UiS,t' Cut!K~ r-.tl Principal Uonor Roll Lbt \ndit'\\ &ml.at<, t:nn~.ui~I,, s.,_..,nth (;rode 11,t11>1C.>l, J1:n1t0111l m \ \Khlld L.,p.lm.'(J llel:ff ChrutOl""I Comolli Ahlsm,il Se-'t!nth Grade \hch,y,J Jt-n,'TW l•m~h"1 8.uio­ Rufino&-fltlt!'Z Mr,:lunCt>n. ll«h ~nn B.iru,., \\l'!'?J1th Bo(1rt Dll'Ll Coor,tr Jcnnlf(f hl!rmaw,

Am1Abralwt1 Enn M,me Ad.mu Replace Your Aging MO! Mm1nnAld!o 0 lwAbhtn Su>hllwil,cu Buried Oil Tank. Kri.1,i<, ltlchtl G.lngi Neha P,11,1 llubert Chu Su'1n Gaylord Melw.i r... ~rcut litithClancy lwGosa!i, Uuric Fl-.ut Oeoonh Coll•)' Michiel c,u,.,,. Jennifer l'ttrn An.,Ld, Cont,nt, \\ilh,1111 ll.,,,y J,rrod Pleile! Choose From 3 Great Offers! Sl"")O'Amdr, 0,... 11., S..n Holland April Rodngutt o.n~, G,orgc lntclu.ino Anthony Sp,ranu Mkhtlc 0, F1h1'1'1• Jennirer fa~ 0.tnrd 0, P,nho Kt-lly Klein Lif.lL>t., Rri.n Decl:v 85•89 Averngc JOS

Marriage & Personal Counseling A Little Time ... A Big Difference When personal and famil)' problen\S se.?m • Offer ovonoble only through The General's New Customer Pockoge Pion. overwhelming, a little time with an e·xperi· enced, caring, psrchological counselor can Contcmlnoted soil removol S150.00 per ton make a big difference. or o moximum IOod of S1500.00 For 18 rears I have helped hundreds of peo- N••,:i};;:,~;'i,·~~w pie cope successfully with depression, aru:ie- ...,,J c,nuO

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The Adult Community of Unprecedented Luxury The lifcstilr you'1t earned. The IDCation you'l'c wanted. The luxu ry you'l"e come to expect.

We-"' (Mlt w be 1M fi~ m1rnnm1 (0Camun11 ) OCt loat Mind ;and IU\t ,,,.,'fflkd C\tn uat IP' n tl1tb C\Pf'CU!h)G, ~ DU) 'HU U\~ maltd lbc f~ rrtlrrmnu com,n1u1,11y l\"JWbw 111 ltui COUii.ii), 1I not 1hic • 011J TIie Gtttabt'ur. u adWl comuMy ol 11pmtdcud huur,: oOm. l'NdNM, lk c~~) ,1nd camnJcnc ~ """"""'""""" l l>row !p<'CU'Omol-nlffll nd -....U. A1Tll,GlftallN1 --.llh.-..lftt ~~~ l:T ,: ,:7.:,::~r~~ ::,~-;n, ~~;'.O:V: =~~u~u~\ : ~ ~oa n ( (11\(la(W)' ~ "'wd ia ~u COii!~). oo l.t'f2S l)Wld'1 WDtd Go&d Cou,. Tbt G:m:ibNJ 11,iJl \alr\h ,our VICOlllr,oai:slr,& ,Wld.a.tcb ol ncdkett ud ~· )OIi . .... JU('f-d'-micd ll I -.J~ }OI IIC\ff drnmtd pol\.bk 1 ~ mffll • ttJs 00t of°"' "-llf N 1bt rm~ J:'tn~ :r.:~::1 !:'c!!::;:.- r,Mn\klall ~ amoa,

t======~~'ENJJ=->-=- ~~....,, -==--==:::::::1----1 The l 'rut llalln1ar.., of l..u, ur~ R.t1ln-mc111 Lhlni,: P"""""""' t, _,.,., ocJ) (',I/ 1!161 '1!-6.W ~ ; 1.-,1..a.a l ,t"l"~•l ~ .&.1S.or~S&.M~ »E\AJ&.\ w,.,.a-,u,1"°ud.O.wrS.,.h;rn••,i, Lifelong Hicksville residenl Jennie t.> I '-- to--Old(o,,.otl) L.....i USl•Oli.SC'Ollllll} blf.Jr , Uf11>Gc,bvd Ko,.! liflM:•GfflMil t.l.lJ t.1 litC,f'rl'~r tttru..-r Pesinkowski has been blessed with the com­ panionship of her 9-year-old cat Holly. Holly is a joy lo be around. according 10 Jen­ nie. who says !hat her cat na-er wanders off her property and !hat all the neighborhood kids come lo play with Holly. St. Ignatius Loyola Church Jennie's son, Felix, got the cal from Bide-A­ Wee, but because he m01't!d into an apartment welcomes you to join and couldn't take the cat. Jennie took her in at six weeks old. In lhephoto Holly(seeanuw)enio)'s a binh­ our parish community day party for George the dog (background). who turned 16 }"ears old last }"ear. When this pho10 to was taken. George, along wilh Spice the dog and Fred the cat, were visiting Jennie's house while their owners v.-ereon vacation. All three ~EWYOUR s~ animals are donned in 'Happy Birthday' hats for George's special occasion. ~~ DURING THE ~~ Ifyou 11uuld like Juur dog. cat.gerbil, bird, e/c. featured in this column, write us at SEASON OF LENT Hicks,oflle muslroled News, 132 East Se­ cond SI., Mineola, New lork J/501. Include a Emphasis on our Christian family lives of com pas, clear pho/o, which will be returned if)'UU in­ clude your name, address and phone number. sion in the company of Christ our Prophet, lei us know what makes your pel so special, our Healer, o ur Light, and our Life. his or her name, any tricks he or she c.in do, funny stories and any other information you think will be important to include. Eucharistic celebration to begin promptly at 7:30 p.m. on Monday evenings. In ournext column 11e will fCillure abc.wtiful dog owned by the U/Jllcl,'a. And for /hose March 5, March. 12, March 19 who sen/ us pidures oftheir prized pelS, please be patient-Every flicksl'ille family will get a March 26, April 2, April 9 chil/lce to show their pel in upcoming columns. Keep 'em coming folks. Celebrant-Fr. Franck Sacks, CM, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Theology. Memorial Parade St. John's University Plans Underway Weekend Celebrant, By P.Pf:. Carmint A Somma St. Ignatius Church Special Meeting Ton(qht The William M. Gouse Jr. Post 32B, Veterans o!Foreign Wars of the U.S., will be hosting lhe Annual Memo1ial Day Parade on Monday, May St. lgaatius Loyola Church 28. All civic fraternal and 1-eteran groups are requesled to have a representat_ive al our 129 Broadway meeting to formulate plans for lh1s a-ent. This meeling will be held al the V.F.W. Hall Hic/csviiie, New York 320So. Broadway. Hicksville on Feb. ~I at Sp~. The Memorial Day Chairman, 1s Conme (founded 1859) Steers, for more informalion call him at 822-5938 or call the V.F.W. Hall at 931-7843. At Fork Lane Anumber offi[1h grader siudents from Mr. The students performed in front of Mrs. Pisani's class at Fork Lane dramatized a well• Rieger's class. Her students include the follow­ known story for young people. The scriptthey ing: Cara Baum. Michele Bray, Rran Ferraro, read was entitled King Midas and theGolden William Jacobsen, Kathleen Larson, Patrick Touch. McGowan, Christine O'Connor, Keith Wilch a The students did an outstanding job. NOi only and Sean Sullivan. did the cast perfect their speaking pans, but Mr. Pisani·s students said it was a pleasure they also designed theircostu mes and scenery. to perform for such a wonderful audience. The special sound effects through musical in­ E"eryone involved in the production learn• st rumen ts were a super touch to the per• ed a valuable lesson that it's belier tog ive than formance. to recril'e.

Members ofth el ('C Arenuefifth and sirlh gmdeclwm.\ under thcdin:c1ion ofmu sic teacher Miss Fmncis, perfomui1g al the a,1111111111·i11terco11cert heldlast month al theMid dle School

The Furk lane fifth grade cos! performing King Midus and the Golden Touch include (bollom rou:· from left/ Robin Goldberg-Marygold. Abbl')' Toich-a111101111cer 011d special eff~c/S, Alm Akkam-leander. (top rou} Tnsha Philpi11- A11ru11~Mary Gaylord-King Mida~ Michael Demuth-Catala11. Da1111y IJJsita-Professor Mt'SSOr. 011d Keith Crom1rcll-la11dcr and assistanl special effects. This "!011th. St. Ignatius Loyola School wonsored its a1111ual Spell1i1g Bee for grades S-8. The1 L'11111erss/1011·rr here 1l'i1h Beecoord1i10tersecc11th gmdelea che r Mi's. Wngner are: First Place.: MikeC oen (seve11t(1 !J!ader), Secon~I Plac~: Chris Fi11$erlwt (fifth grader). and n u'rd Place. A11tho11y ~mare/11 (sixth grader). 71/t')' ICIII compele III thezo ne let•el bee on Mardi 29. Co11gmtula11ons and good luck!

Alia Akkam AbbeyToich

Robin Goldberg Trisha Philpill 'FnesefifthgradestudentsinMr. Pisani'sclass at Fork Lane have prO\-en to lie out~tandinR scholars for the second markin~period . Cach student mamtameda90percent +awrage. Congratulations! HEALTH AND F I TNESS "Culinary Hearts': .. Better Nutrition for Healthy Hearts Hy Wendy S Whelan SI. Francis Hospi1"1 • I l\.'f,1,!,· dfl• t•Jllflg b, 111•1 !ht"" d,I\, From lt•;incr me,11,10 hiQh-hJ.,_,, too,h. ..._.lt-urniiitw foo{l.... \\(•l•,H ill\tll\t•"i lllt.Jrl 'f.)r ,1 lhuui,thl pro• c.·c.,., th,111 11 t'n.+r h,i, Thi-,. ht.•i~hlt•11c•tl dwarc·nt"-..,. dic1a.r, rxpt:rb~\. h,L,t"t.1hlt,h• • t:d nuuitum a\ one of lht· lall.""'I 1m·lhocf, of J)tl'\cnti\t: mt1.l11;11w The r,•,tr ol C'l~!-:('1:I ,1rtl'UC'~ I(, l' llOU~h lo mot1,·1ttl· nw,t (H:uplc- 10 reduc,· thc.•ir d1ol~c1nllC\t1!s.. FJ<.lmmatanuh hhltil'\ of heart ch\l•aw. and ,ou ,egot lutlt•t·hrnn•hut 1oor1t'lll}'ltllr bod) IO\hUd mun•he11lthvf,,rxl, For m.uw thl'not1unol JUL'\l'ntl\t•uutnllon ,, Ion~ u,mJut· ,\ hfc111rn, of h1gh•fal. l11gh­ ,,-h11111 ''""'' ""''' h,,w taken ,1, 1()11 on th, tlf',trt ,uul hlood \~1,,t•I, Fm 1l10"-t.'\,lioh1Wt' t.·1lhl'1 h,ul ,1 hl•.trl ,Ult1lkor,ur~t·n tt1, OHl't.l ttw ,·fft., 1, of ht·.11t d1'tw·~·l·. eat1111; 11i,:h11.-.rn ,111,..·idt· •• lh-'\\ lf•.i,t.• 1111 hfo. Siron~ mtcrl~ i,bdn~, ho\\ n ,.,, (nmnn1111• I\ h"'ldt1w~ tn loc,11 lw,1lth .md f1lm•,c. pro• i:ram, ol all 1, JX, For !ip, on uu:mpor,11111!,t t,l,althi,•r hN.)(b 1ntothtird11:1~ nu,n· 1l1an t>nl 1huu!>.llltl loc;1l l'C\ult.•111, ha,·,• 1lar11c1piHL'C.I i11 1lu,•Culi1hu, Hcarhn,ur,t.. _t1 JO--hourL.Jm.. \1• 1 lw1w.lp~MmHour:? • hvur""l~\1011,.)t•Jl1•n."tl JI St F1,1nu, llo,p11.,I, The ll,•,111 Center. Rn,l;n The rour,1.• i~ t,mght bv a fl'qh1cred Heart HealthymcalsMe dcliciousl)' simple when you·,·c lemncd huw to prepare them al 1herap,•1111r d1e1111a11 of the ho,p11,1I u,111~ a Culinary Hearts Kitchen l'ro~ram. Grnins. bean<. ,•cgctablcs. chicken and fish provide 1Ht1n11unal g11u.lel111c\ ad\'i,t'd I)\ lhl· low cholesterol. high protein al1erna1h·cs. ,\mcru:d11 llcart,U-'-'X'•'l100 It ,,,l,•..ag11,'(l 1n ~i~t 1-1moru.• \,ho w1,h~ 10 Impron: •1Jk)ll \1t111yor the lklrt1c111an1~ 11, the progr,1In arc J>Jllcnts with fa11111ics of those with high !,Cr\'C as an intcrn ctt\'e forum, \,·hctCb\' Iheir eat1nq hab1r5 ;ind includes prar11ral in• m rere-sted in prt..l\cllllVl' nutrition, ,,hilc d1ol1-.1crol lc~ds. a11d with J>t.'llplc who h.o\'C Mudents can a~k qu('St1011-- and wcchc pc;. lurmation on ,clec1111g the proper foods. o1hc~an:formcr p..1ht.•nr-.of 1hc ho-.p,tal "ho diabetes. a rt:' O\er,u.•ight. ·or ju~I "'"Ill a sonaltLed auention 1<'au111g 11u11111onal labels. planning menu, ha\'C :.ufferl'tl from heart .Jil111c11ts. Tiu: pro­ l1c;.1l1h1cr dlC'I. Practiral in C\cn· ,ense. the course al\O and 1irc1-.rmg hc·allh, food, ~ram Is al\oO popular \\'ilh tl1c fmnilic-s of hcan Cl,1,ses;irc no lru~cr Ihon 20 ~tudL·n1~ ;1nt.J U1 .., .... :, ,cs how to 1c.td and l.'\ ,1lua1c lhe nu1n­ conlfn uod o n Hft 1) Self Defense WINTER 1990·91 Instructionr.------il • BuUds Confidence I I • Toning I I SEASON COURTS I I 35 WEEK SEASON • Self-Coordination I(! ______!]I &. Control Starts Sept. 12, 1990 MEN • WOMEN • CHILDREN RESERVE NOW Ju-Jitzu • Chinese Boxing • Kick Boxing WHILE IT'S STILL IN OUR POWER CLASSES FOR ALL AGES TO GIVE YOU A CHOICE OF DAY AND HOUR! 6 months •go, 1'1• dovtlop,d *---, *-----, mor, u tl contfd#nct STROKE JUNIOR b• CIUJl lhoy rHl/y IU<:h you ind 1,1 you lurn.'" of the DEVELOPMENT -D•vld Karp,n, 16 WtSlbu,y WEEK PROGRAM Register-Now As A Ufetlme Member Of." CLINICS ages 8-17 TUES. & SAT. LESSONS plus AFTERNOONS fl1,'- PRACTICE only 11050 per person 1~ SESSIONS • 938-8079 • FREE BABYSITTING WEEKDAYS 12 West Carl Street. Hlcksvllle (Across from Goldm&n Bros.) • 2-HOUR. WW<.ENO CLASSES 4105 HEMPSTEAD .TPKE., 731-4432 Opau Mo~ lbra ftt. S,00 p.-...10 p.m.: s...t. 10 &.m.•1.00 p.m.. OoMCI Sor.d.ly · · BElHPAGE, N.Y. . · !irnltli S: Ifitm&li - _:\ntpn Qiommunttu Ncwupn1mo - .!Jc,, b ruarII 22 · l !l!lll • vuyr ccu H E A L T H & F I T N E s s

(c-ontfnued/rom pa1e l ) Mush room Salad Mediterranean Chicken 11onal labels of food products. Students arc en­ A Pinch of Salt couraged to bring in labels of foods that claim Yield 8 :.t:rving:; I chicken, 3 10 ~ pounds. cnl up, skm and \'isihlc fal rcmO\'ed or 3 whole chicken 10 bc"lighi'" or"I0\,0-<:al". "Very often:· ~'SUn. Approx. Cal./Scrv.. 1-1 l if )uu'reonasodiurn-reslriclL'lil. skinned. lrimml>errcr ¼ cup dry red wine .. sheh·es.'' ½ cup diced red onion ½ teaspoon dry bas11 glutamale(MSG), baking IXJl\\lcr. bakin~ 'o(~l 1 Tas1c-1es1 i ng new foods, learning how 10 in­ ½ cup diced pimientos ½ 1~aspoon dry oregano and brine. 2 1easpoons red winr vinegar tcrpret nutritional labels and menu-planning V, lea.spoon black pepper or V, teaspoon Herc arc some other tips for cutting, C'.'pcr, red onion and and under chicken pieces. Pour 01I and wrnc vour food has been flavored in Ihis wav. mu shJre healthy recipes of 1heir own. pimientos. over chicken, Sprinkle with basil, oregano a!id ~;in leave salt off the table. Do nul add 1110 Anyone inlerested in regis1ering for the 2. In another bowl, combine lhe red wine tlack pepper. Cover baking pan 1igh1ly with cannl'd orprcic,'SSCowder and baking sollo ru citizens. Morning and evening classes are drcs.,ing. Serve as isor on a large lenucc leaf. make your own baked goods, b111 lhc lanvr available. should not be used as a remedy for inch~c,. 1ion or in cooking vege1ables. If yu11 u.1ke )"111 own bread,. allnlcsalt will co111rol thcaLlum o1 thc yeast. When baking, ,eek 0111 r" 11 ""' which use the smallest a111ou111s of h,1k111g powder. baking soda and sail. Stay a1,•ay from foods thar arc ,·er)' .,_,111 cured with salt (cured ham) or kept in brrnc (pickles. olives. etc.). Steer clear or reg11 l,11 c..mntod souporslt..'l\v(forc.-.:amplc.a 10-uurnt• con may easily contain 2200 10 ~111111 milligrams of sodium). Sodium In Water Thcal'eragcadult uscs2102½ quar1,(~ 11, IOglasses) of waler each day for drink111~. 111 coffee. tea andolher be\·cragesand in cookin~ Drinking water contains a numhcr nf minerals, including sodium. The amuunt ,·,uies greatly from on~ water supply lO a.not her. Depc11dingon i1ssourct\ water Illa} conlai,1 1500 milligrams of sodium pcrqll,111 and somc1imes more. Ask your doctor or Health DcpMt111,•111 Selecting and preparing healthier foods can be easy. says Linda Dunn, registered dicli• ,1bou1 the sodium in your local ware, suppl\ tian, pictured a l right. during a recent Culinary ~lca rls Cour>c al St. Fran.els Hospital. ,our American Heart Association office r11,1~ (c:onti11ucd on page JJ NASSAU GUIDANCE & THE WHOLE TOOTH COUNSELING CENTER INC. Iii· by Laura Selub, D.D.S OFFICES ON THE NORTH & SOUTH SHORE & MID-ISLAND \, CLEARING T HE AIR S,,,,CJ 1.. 0 0 0 You'd be surprised - or perhops you wouldn't - by !he number MARRIAGE PERSONAL of 1otolly unsupported dentol opinions. or ossumptlons. !hot con­ COUNSELING PREMARITAL • i' tinue to prevail despite o il the evidence against them. • 0 & FAMILY For example. It's generally believed tha t we con expect to INDIVIDUAL '!, ~ lose permanent teeth as we advance In age. The aging pro­ PSYCHOTHERAPY "' #':,Oroot -P" I' SEX THERAPY cess itself does it. You grow older. you lose your teeth. Nonsense. Excepting occide,..,ls and conditions we're born • COUNSELING TO COUPLES & INDIVIDUALS w ith, we lose teeth due to conditions !hot con be intercepted •PARENT-CHILD• PARENT-TEEN before they become ser[ous. The villains ore decoy and gum • REMARRIAGE & STEP FAMILIES and bore disease, and they hove no noturol lmmunity to sound. • PHOBIAS .• PANIC • STRESS prompt professional treatment. We specialize in working with couples where one It's up to you. Neglect your teeth. and they'll pay you bock party is at first reluctant in spades. with serious p roblems. Time will tell. Neglect tokes many forms. Let's soy you hove a toothache. FEES BASED ON ABILITY TO PAY/SLIDING SCALE You ingnore ii. After a while, the toothache stops. You're reliev­ IN MOST CASES OUR SERVICES ARE COVERED ed. Nothing wrong. ofter olL you think. and you put the pain BY YOUR HEALTH I NSURANCE behind you. happy not to experience It anymore. . That's unwise. Pain is the body's message that somethfng rs NOTE: Nassau Guidance & Counseling Center, Inc. requires profe s• wrong. Would you ignore severe abdominal pains that "go slonal degrees and accreditation rrom all of Its staff. In addition we Insist that all our staff havo very extensive oxperlence. Wo Invite you away?" Hardly. You would toke them seriously. Please do the to Inquire as to the credentials of our counselors. some when 11 happens with your teeth. And visit your dentist. · Also. don't believe the over-the-fence opinion that loading WE STAND BY FOR EMERGENCIES. OUR up en calcium. as by drfnking rots of milk. obstructs tooth decoy. Everyone needs calcium. It's essential for building sound teeth STAFF CAN BE REACHED 24 HRS. A DAY ond bones. but lhol's as for as it goes. Calcium Is in at the crea­ THRU AUTOMATIC PHONE REROUTING tion of your teeth. Later on. drink oil the milk you like, decoy (ALLOW AT LEAST 6 RINGS) co n proceed undisturbed - If you tc,ke ii for granted. 221-9494 Sponsored by the Office of LAURA SELUB, D.D.S. CALL ANY DAY/A NYTI ME A l'mar, Grc,,p Pr=, • SHARON A. ESSNER, 0.0.S. Pediatric Otnlisl · 40·0 l'la::i Bulldtng, So. 0\~ter B,y Ro:id, Hicksville, NY MAIN OFFICE: 2093 BELLMORE AVE., BELLMORE Coll for your check up lodoy- BRANCH OF, FICES IN GLENWOOD LANDING & HICKSVILLE (516) 822-6155 2ND APPOINTMENT FREE WITH THIS AD i'lralt~ 1i: 1Fitncss - Anton

(continued /ro,m pase 2) ...._,11 dnnk:,. Hli\\l'\l'r, .1., a QClll'r,11 ruft..·, duh Heart Healthy Cooking illM> ha\'l'lhis i nfomtJliun. (N,LS..'-clu Chapri.:r. ~Kia ha!'i-J !ugh soc.tium r.:onlf..1111. \\ hilc ,cltzcr 1!\ low. CJrtx,ni1l<."d na111r:\I \\.llCrs vary hum 71} -152~) ,uu t.1111 al"') h..ivc th l..' w;-11l·1 from Ttw C'uli~an HeMt~ l\at,: ht•_n <.'ofJk in~ dL~on11nuingmC'-:1- vour ~upply ~IHll~i,:d hy a con11nerri;;I , er)' lo" 111 high in ,odit11n. 11·11c1ll'IW IIO,,i­ ,n11rsc designed h) the Amc11ran Hca,1 1icntsthroughU1eu111c•111 and .\, -..,c1atto~~or p<."Oplc whuwanllolearnhm\ 111cdicmt- lf"i.uning and L> Goodman. I l,1111ick. Su,"n,111. J-10111c1m,1al!et.lw;11crsoft~11c1:.~houkJ run Ccr1a111 types of OlC'dirin('.S ( Ollltl ill A,'<.'>, mlshral trflt·natltled lo lh~l\alcr 11· lhc,ohcningpro­ \Ollr dic-1 Chl'("'k lalx.'I!, on O\'Pr-lhN t111 11wr The three-1\eek cour..c shO\,, >ICJ>-0) -,tcp tcchnol()!lists, d1ctitia11:., lw!ha\'ioral mNlirinc t·t~ , . \\'hen havingi"1\, o;11crsof1cncrin•..ialh'0 Soft drinks. eilher regular or luw-calorn:. hunatc uf soda). ,11Hibio1ic,, cough oHt.•r, a \\tde a,o;;<.;0r1men1 of fl'\'iPl~and e.itrh maima111s ~n 1n1crn~I ml'dic1nc µrJlln:l' in 111:i~•hem;,,dewiti1 \,t iler high insot-np1t~ lrxli\) drink sellzcr wawr or /Jit•1:· .,\mer1ca11 Hc.111 ,h "(.. x.·i,11io11 (HUn.l' for iln\'\)llt: llll t"rt½-lt"IJ Ill ,\ ht•Jlchicl Thomr«.0n ,II 51(l-7-1 l-2i7G , h1h.wdtlas,1lcl\\ -Ci\lori{\altt'nt311\'cto~m!.l1Y lif1.:-.,.t\ It··· ~1_\ 0tIr rc~1Mcrt'<.I d1~1ki,111, \\ho \\·ill tw t~athing 1he cour,l\ 1r~ 1101 ju,t for Hu111111us (chick pea spread) 1 Raspberry Pudding hearl patient:.,. but for amo11t \, ho want~ 10 Yi,•ld; S servings learn how to lake hi~ or i1er fa\ uritc• rccipec., Sctving Siz,- ,.,, Cllll andallcr thcmsoth;,1 thcyarcreall\'goodfor Ap1>ro,. Cal./S<>rv.: ~02 Yicltl: 6 scrving< ~()U ~ n,p, chirk pc,1s. drnmcd {reser.·c li11uip0011$ , ...,11illa t•x1rac1 to µ1 C\r011011 i!. \\'Orth,, 1>u11ntl of ture." s.111101a,11•( Y, I te,1>fK<11n) ll•,11·,•s. Sprinkle "'ith paµrlk~ . G.1rni;h pl~lc 1 iablei1>0011s (cmon JU ice .. • cup tnh111111,;mund ,csa111c 1,a,1l') ll,wards thai cnd th1~ hawdl'~lop•dafull with :,.liccd cutum~r. chl'rrv tom;1toe"' r.ir­ 1 10-ounCl' packa~c frntc-11 ra~plJ,•rric"' I In" hlendl'r. pufO'cchrtk JX'aswilh lemon rut ,1ick:. anrl.!,4:?r'\'l"Wilh a wh.otc ,,·heal b11.·ad lha,wd ,m1ern flalhrcad (pila)in h,,lf and fill rlrc n1ixcr or whirl in a blender until srmx,th. roun-.cli11g, ,,nervc. · n1t.'tf1c-inc and t,ln!C'Mt,ack progmrn h>r non• ,11nil11r 10 ,l ~mooth. crc;irny peanut butter. such asshrcddL' ·r.,tiini ,~ av1.1ilablc i11 Mitltllc 1-:...1~crn choppedcucu111b.:r, etc .. m11ch as you would dlld che.s1 pain. Th<' 1>hysiciano;;areplt.•,1~-d to ;tmJ \

compassionate oualltv care ll'isil Long Island's Educatlonal Illness store offe ring with Individual Attention Comprehensive Fitness Tutoring • not a quick sales pilch. COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION Find oul what works best Instead of what simply ·sells" best. With llil sales pressure. Most Major insurance Plans Accepted • NO Fault • Medlr.are since 1985 • workman·s comp • Union/Empire Plan 6 Jerlc:ho Tpke. ULTIMATE ATNESS ~QQ.I 333-6480 .POST CHIROPRACTIC CENTER Jerlch,o, NY LON.Gi;VITY.callER X Dr. Ira S. Fisher MORE THAN A 1FITNESS STORE 320 Post Ave., Westbury .-. · · · 333-3253 . LIi: 40W. Go west 1/2 ml. to Jericho Shopping & Exec. Plaza EraltlJ & .lfhu,ss - Anton (!:ummunitU ~,u:npupcrn - 1frbnmru 2.!. 1990 - \lugr •In HEALTH AND FITNESS Understanding Angina Is The Secret To Controlling It for more tlun ,..; million Amertcans. run- Angma ,snot a hart >tt.ick. a!:hough In· 1cmpotar)' reduction m blood flow to the There arCJlsosurgtcaltcchnlqucs to rel ..-. mng 10 cuch ii bus or d1s.ig,rec1ng \\sth • adequ>re blood flow to the heart ts common heMt mu,cle. Hem arrack ts caused by per· angina by lmpro,in~ the blood supply t~1 h spouse d0C1n·11uu lc.1vc them out of breath forbothcondJrlons. TheO\'erwhclnungausc mancmblockageof blood 00\vthrougha cor hem. or ar1gry, suchphys1alc.,rnJonoronouonal of thc:secondluonsrrn.irrO\,ingof thcanen· onan• merv 10 the heart muscle. Angm> In Itself can bca wam1r1g>1gn 1h1• stre>s an tnggc, an uuck of SC\'CIC chest caused by mherosck,os,s. Not ooh·., the · a pcrsonisatnskoftuvmga hem attack It 1 pains. pain of a heart amck usually much more An~ml can be treated with drugs that af · rmpomm 10 consult J ph,·s1clan 1[ 1·ou Im It's a condition call .ing111.i, .ind 11 afflicts SC\'Cre and prolonged,, hem mack causes feet the supply of oxygen to the he>rt mus• cxpcncnced angln•. so you w1U kno11 ho·,1 .ibou1 300.000 Amenc.ins each year. pcnnanem d,magc 10 the hc>rt muscle- de or the hcm"sdcmand for oxygen. Others to keep it under control. If you or someone Anglru, or angina pectorls. "• symp,om angina generally docs not. Also. angma ts a cause the blood vessels to relax. you know has angina, here arc J few sug~c, ol acondmonknownasmyoardi.ilochcmta. ______..,_.,. ______!11111_!!11 __ 11!!• tlons to keep in mind: an nudequatc blood flow to• part of the • Sta)' under your ph)~iclan·s care hcartmuscle.Angmaoccunwhcnthchem C I h I musclegetscnoughbloodfor lh , . ,n,. ·, '"! "with ana"5'in a, the Row of • omro )'Ourp )1IC3 actil'lt)'.Bca\\'Jre o! nccds.bu11101cnough10acc.i:::iucetl,~ bl d I t f tJ h t what physical arnvltlcs b11ng on'""' hcartwhenlrisundermodmtcmesssuch 100 ,O par. 0 1e ear. ~gln•~t,•vold t~bm lghfpobosslbl br asdurmgc.,crcl~. 1 , { l1<1h r, mem t tanguu s rou. tJ ut 1 Thediscomfortohngu,aoccunmostcom ~ musc1e IS no eno'-'5' ,or the strenuousnen 0~ the lCUVIII' rather monlv during exercise or with emotional :.-. & . , th thantl1edumlon.ll') topaccyounclfand stress: Although the pain lam onlv. few ,t,..,,,£:2-. -..;.,___ those limes when e not over cmt. mmutcs.thcspnptomsanbcfnghtcntng- ~ "' • Avoidcmotlonalupscts. hcavlness,tlghtncs~opprcsslvcpaln,burn• , ½\'~rp--~ heart is called on • 1\doptgoodcatlnghabtts.OlgcsuoncJUSl"S ing.prcsswcorsqu=lng.usu.ill,•bchtndthe -~1,,• • ~\ '" · • ..._, the hem to \\'Ork harder and to ,cquuc breastbone. The pain an spread 10 other ,.r '. .\ \11 , ~ • lo do m,,o re more blood, Avoid heavy meals and ud1 pans of the bodpuch asthe anns, neck or I\ foods. Relax for a while after eallo~ jaws: Numbness In the shoulders. arms or wo,vk • Don't smoke. . wrtm Is also moc1atcd with .ingma. •------••••------■ , Control your htgh blood prc»ure.

Family C~iropractic Health Care Offices DR. . ELLEN COYNE

Complete Chiropractic Services • Special personal and caring a ttention • Nutritional and exercise counseling • Free spinal care guidance classes • Family care ~~!IJl~il'•• Slulltrlng. • Sports injury • Adull bngua,cc: Obordtn, ie. 11rol.:c:. head lnuma. • Holistic Health Care ■ Prh'ale praclk c: In c:lthtr the prhary or )OUr homt or om«. • X-ray services Cmllird b)' Amtrlc-a.n Spc«h. lluring M>odalion and ~.l .S. Pre-School, Sc-hool ,\ gt and ,\dull ln•uir.111u• Pldm ,\rc~11trd ALLAN J. RABINOWlil. M.A., C.C.C. ■ Tel. 935-0132 932-0287 ■

TOWARD BETTER FAST! EASY! HEALTH WHILE STILL EA UNG ALL OF YOUR FAVORITE FOODS!!! ~ Dr. Sheri R. Brent, ~,r; Chiropractor cfe1t~aaf ~ cflm WIIlPLASH OUJCKtY. SAFELY & WITHOUT HUNGER.•• CAFFEINE FREE • VITAMIN ENRICHED That's righil This "Breakthrough" weighl loss producl can help you melt away Whiplash (or hypcrexmy ,.;._i,;;.;------­ as '" fhe low buck or lumbnr spine. ~1:ry 11cc!den1, even !hough minor. ,,_,,,. ... MIi m, my O rs dly (IUSA O ~ dly Whal c:iuscs whiplash? A whip­ (Srl.9$AO 50dlyJUpply/11"5} pt,sS3.00lo-""""1f.,.. it IS ll wtse ldc:i lo have a spinal ~ - -mcut llmlODUCTQ™1J- las~ c:m happen lo anyone. A car exnmlnalion. t4-.. nrc,drnl. n bnd fall, a sudden blm•: in n football game or n fight u DR. SHERI R. BRENT - ...::::-... - -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--- Chiropractor 20<0i.t'NINDGtN)AD roller constcr ride all have lhjs 8EUMORE. NY 11710 potential for cnusing whiplash. C52 Stewart Avenue H00-541· 1563 Bethpage, N.Y. (116) Qt-1490 ':f 0w do yo u know if you have whiplash? Many mild whiplash in- (516} 932-5077 lfo1lt11 :i: Jfitnm; .\ntun

\i ,11hh1ui10 rt." t.·111,ttuht...., c 111IJrcn·">htxJ\ tf.lll..,, ,mrl, r 11, Utt'' 011tn ,I f,in111\ l',1h•ut1,H • ll,1\{'J

l,11 h..1.,un 1t.'J'l."\i,11.tn1l1l,IIIII~ 1111ht· IM'lt\wn• • Em fHIL~g4•"1111drt.•II hH\,1lk11, rnlt·,1l11~t ,i P111~Port1J: 1,1l1lr ~ mH,l\ltt m,11 or d,11H • ( mdup1•t1 ( ,,111t·li 1 -,,.,p,•1,111\1' t \l1·1h1••I I\ \\•,)t-. ·111t.'\.o:Ulll'"-llltl11-., 111dil'i.llt!lh.11 ,ll'U\ I• ti,~ 111,ol th\·i,,uk lhl·hli1.1r, ,111dt11l11·thK.1tl 111U'li ~ ,nild ru,1kc• f1,r hour, 011111\,11 ,,I lu11 (j,14,.il\urnt1011tor\1,ur<;,,""''l.." ·111/d 1 i~~ {\ 11 \1•1, dH• 111ll"" nl w\,•fitl \Jfh1bll, 111 lhl'• ,1t1r,1~ tu111,. F•H tfll•r,•u1lnr111Jho11 no k.t'l'l1IIIQ',ourkul, Old C11unrn fc.lr,1lt CHOLESTEROL LEVEL IS HIQH? • Tdsts I You should h,1vo tunner specific 1es1.s • Reduction Program rl_'~utr1r phy,11,:Hl ;.u,.:tt\'11\ 1ngl'IIH'r 11110 uu11 done by a phys1c1an as to your indMdual I SAVE 55.00 cl,ul~ ,dU"dult• HO\-. itboul it11 t·\l•nin~ \,nlk medical c:ond11ion A c:ompltle med­ ical eiamina!lon 1o 11t1 evaluation ,s I Ot1~~'.~:.~1:,~:u~~~110 (hilh n, ,,,thout de•~) drouud lhl' T HE LIFEGUARD SYSTEM 1ecommended PH YSICIAN SUPERVISED I St0,00 R•guhtr '•• m•1~hhorh1•>d! WILL MY INSURANCE OR M EOICARE COVER ALL OF THIS? • Cholesterol Normalltotlon I FREE • 81.0OO PAUSUAE • flmld \our cl11h.Jrc11 ~ l'XC'iH•r•u-111 fnr Generally yes. E•cep1 for your annual Program TESTS • OLUCO$E dCdUCllt>le. I 't'JVlllill ar1ivi1u~~· ,\,·11111111nRr1nd h1kmt: 11, • Diot Thtrapy I 1\',,tri Crc.'rs!tro Screen,fl; WHAT SHOULO I DO IF THESE • Weight Control T,earment 1lw ,umml1r, .,k:,itm~ J11d ,nm,h.ill li~lu, 111 TESTS INDICAT E THER APY? lhe physician wperv,smg your 1ests NIii • Blood P,essu,e The,apy I lht• ,, inu:r Sli11t .:111t'\\ fJm1I\' rmriuiun ,urh recommend a specific management pro­ • Wt"llness Prog,am I ,1, Su11d;1\ touth foultMII Jl,1111(•-. \l.arl-. lht: gram according to your ln<11"1dual needs M aJle sure the 11ea1men1 program 1s I Ttll1 coui,on entl tln puton lftl•d d0CI0r supervised anct also d1ve1s111ed SENIOR CARE I btlow 10 • 55.00 dlac.ount tow•tdt EXAMPLE. THE LIFEGUAJ10 PROGRAM I 1ct••nln9, CAN STUBBORN CASES OF :::~::•,==~~~~~~• Un de rs tan ding HYPER-CHOLESTEROLEMIA BE MEDPLEX HEALTH CENTER I N•m•---- TREATED? 400 No. Broadway Yes. Ttle LIFEGUARD PROGRAM tlas • 1 :::1 ----- spec,af therapy available for sucn Jericho, Long Island Heart Murmurs 1 T,I. s1ubbom cases. by Michael K. J nson. M.D.• W HAT IF MY CHOLESTEROL IS (516) 931-1600 •~I Ma":.l•-_ F•m•I• F.A.C.P.. F.A.C.C. NORMAL? ______. Do scretmng e-.,ery sue months ..\ lw.Jfl murmur i,rn•~fC"1l·;'tth· tL1t rt...,1 or ,,1tht'\l'n"i">t.i) physlclan._ nun-and o th~r medic.al profuslonab4 200.000 people have p a rddpa ted '" p.J1l•ll~1t11~11~.• li~hllwalll'\hll'".'' '\VOlOPt! The OPTIFAST Progr•m of \1,1«.lght losL S tudies have •hown lh■ t up to 80% of OPTIFAST" t ire.ate.cl patient• m ■ y lo•• more than this acnounl; t h i,, av.. raa• lo•• iJ 85 round.._ ll1l,1l kout'.'l-).1nit,, upv,.·r lltMdr..1111 "1\hth,nmw.t But C\.'.._-n more en..lll(l'. A rtu... ~ X·I J\' th

ser.eat the pleasure of the chief executive. The only saving grace for us is that the system works illllt JJnut.stnr '.s well.(On 8/ 11 /88 1wrote an article about this relationship if you want a copy). (!torn.er There is not a president who does not want By Dr. Joseph P. Frey the good times lo keep rolling. Lower interest rates stimulate an economy. It is good fo r opi· GREENSPAN VERSUS BUSH nion poll ratings. itdoesgoodthingsforapres~ dent can turn red, while and blue with rage and media. especially from the 1V economists. that dent and the president's party at election time. the fed will not and does not l1a1e to budge. left any doubt about interesl rates foiling. Reren1ly President Bush and Pcderal Reser\'e Unless business cycles have been repealed, ThaJ's our sys1e,m. chief Allan Greenspan had a meeling. Ii was I believe that President Bush is making a E1eryone said the economy was sliding in­ as confrontalional as it could get. The presi­ lbeli~thatwewillei-entuallyha\eareccs­ political mistake by not allowing a recession sion (howbral'c Iam with this startling predic­ to recession. The economy needed stimulation. denl wanls in­ to happen now. It is one ofthe few areas where tion). How seien~I do not know. The longer the The president said so. The problem was terest rales to he has not followed President Reagan'! recession isdcla,yed, the more President Bush discussed with Mr. Greenspan. godown(who example. will regret the delay of its ~tart. If it comes at The fed responded by forcing the rates up, doesn't?) Mr. If you wi ll , remember the dark days of rhewrong time~before lhc 1990election or his more Jhan one percent. The economy has not Greenspan is 1980-81. Fed chief Paul Volker and President re-election campaign), it will hurt his ad­ nose-dil'ed, ii hasslowed. lnnalion has ir.creas­ hal'ingnoneof Reagan brought on one of thewor.tpost-WW minislration and elecrior. plans. ed. The fed has made its choice. The president that, lhank II recessions. It broke the back of !he high in­ lie cannot e.xpect much help from the hastn lil'ewilh that. Ne.xi week we will go into )'OU. flation 11ewereexperiencing. President Reagan Federal Reser.l!mslongas inflation keeps creep­ this problem further. People11on­ went on lo unprecedented popularily. That ing up. That iswlhat the fed will fight first. This der why the Doctor Frey is 3 professor ofim estments and recession and deflation [01101,ed a classic pat­ has been demonstrated in recenl weeks. finance at l/U/ C.W. Post campus on long Federal Re­ tern of presidents. Get the bad limes behind In early December you heard nolhing in the Island. serve system us early. Reap the rewards later. does not have lo do what the President says. The Federal Reserve hasa different agenda. The truth of the matter is that Jhe led is Jruly They arc responsible for the health of the looking for,o unique oolunteeropporlllnity? 77,e OmbudseroiceProject ofFamil y Service independent of the federal g<11-emmenl because money of the United States. Secondarily they Associmion is in neeclofvolunteers toserueaspatient advocates in Nassau County nurs­ the President has no power of removal of any ing /tomes. are responsiblefortheeconomyof1he United The Ombudsperson cou help patie111s adjust to institutional living by working with g<11trnor. Onceag<11ernor has been appointed Stales. Wheneier push comes 10 sho,e. the nmsing to and confirmed by the Senate there is no con­ Mme administmtors i1wes1igarep"1ient complai111s and help resolve 1hem. Federal Reser.e will come down on the side A sl'.\0 day 11mi1ing /Jt'gins an Feb. 21 and runs lltf1!uglt Ma(dt _2. All (?mbucts!'ruice trol. The Presidem cannot el'en reappoint a of protecting the money, its Yillue and stabili· oo/untecrs arr:• supervised by social workers and recerue ongamg m-servrce trammg, as governor after the term expires. ty. This means that they will fight the in Oat ion ,cell. For mor.e information, call £velyn 1Veinsteii1 at 466-97 /8. It is a crazy system. unique in the world. All dragon before they will stimulate U1e economy The OmbudserviceProject is a program ofFamily Servicellssociatio11, operated mrcler other g

ROB E RT R . McMILLAN'S est sign of quality- when in fact that quality can only emanate from caring teachers and not from masses of bureaucrats or palaces for schools. School boards and school administrators are now on the defensive. because Ihere is a growing fi_x:uson school t_axes. Andove:311 )ha!_is pro­ Direct Line bably good in the current climate. "Consolidate school d1stricls 1s the Before we get carried away in Lhe fi_nger-pointing pro~ess of casting cry from some quarters. Before 11-e get carri:ed a'.1-ay, let's l_ooka t the facts. blame for high ta.xeson Long Island, 11 would bea good idea for many Consolidation will provide only momentary relief and will weaken com­ of us to take a look in the mirror. There (lira COfC' ~ POOi • OtUI Hc<:Ji Uttof\l munity support for our schools. Are we ready to bus school children ~ Pl'n6. WWJ,n ~ is enough blame togo around. With un­ for miles? Cosmetic catchwords will not go 1,0 the heart orincreased school l'On \I.'..,..~ N"'1 • ~RN,c,r,tat H"' nltft ~ ~ • Flor.al PNlt Dup,,ld! paralleled growth in the late 1970s and taxes. • t'~ObKnt:t • tlkbnlk&awu,r«t,,._.. • u-rtnown ltbwlc • ,1,1..uw~ ~, 1980s, paymenl of ta.~es Wilsn'I gil'en 100 lncreasinglhesizeof classes is also not the answer. We should howe1-cr • P&..lmww,IOW ~iot Ila-~ much thought. The "Midas touch" was take a look at centralizing the purchase of supplies and services. We • O,,.tta.a.,r:ri«rp,uc:POot •s,o.MfTl'it:luM Jcndlo Tl'lbllnc • WblbYr'J 1lfflu all around us. We went 1n twehe years. should reduce administrati\e staffs and take a close look at Albany­ Thit: l.oftq--ltt.nd,tt CNMII ~ IAOOoo) The IDr!V"hLlnoJn \,Soul.h Shor~ ~I from 400,000 jobs to Ol'er a million. It mnndnted local expenditures. From AID•Seducation to sex education ~ b.u-MI • t&M Nonhpon ~ma- was a "go-go" economy. and fire safety, over one hundred stat~pro ,grams h~,e been dumped on Gt.ro:kn C:by Uk UOnOmJc limn o4 Wft11 hlAnd Then, suddenly. it sta rted to come local educators in the last ten }-ears w1thou11 e.~endmg classroom hours apart. There 1,l!re warni~gs a~ut elec­ or providing state aid com~ensurate with the ex~an_d­ Kul v. Anton. J1. tric rates the length of lime 11 takes to ir.g cost of education. In fact, stale aid. as a pe_rcenl~geof school district OC'ac:~ Su.u.tK-.r Anton dei-elop piece of property, thepri~e of expenditures. has gone down. The resu1lt 1s a higher percentage ol Co-PublbJ1'.'f ~ J.udce- Mo.n.u.ttk starter housing and ta~ rates. The voices, school expenditures coming from real ei;tate taxes. E.tttutn~ ~ I 10 l!k! Pub,bhtf at first, 11-ere hardly audible 0\-er the din The approach suggested by Congressmain Tom Downe)' to look al ways Mkb.K.lsat&hllJ Otn'CI Of o4 ~iJIIOni of expansion. !'can remember personally in_early 1986 urging that more to reduce local taxes should be examined ,carefully and must com our Wllll4tn Dth-ffllha), Ir, be done to create housing for people earnm_g under SS~.000 a-year. I schools as 11-ell. The selection of a panel of Long Island e.1perts 10 look DirmOf of Prodocuon at ElkcnB~nRAn said 1hen and repeatedly afterwards that the filll~relo provide such hous­ ways to reduce taxes makes sense. And Ihere appears at this time to e.n•cu~ f.di1ot ing. coupled with high electric rates. taxes and 1mposs1blede1-el_opment be bipartisan support for the commission: . . , Chrlstint Lfoonatd Sod..ti Ne-, Dkcctvf timetables(not the strict standards)would mean slowed expansion here The public focus on the process of prepa~mg the comm1ss1on s report CCr.!c':?. 1-:dlttn,.r,: and a resulling depression in the housing ma1kel. "'.ell, guess whar? could help the public understand alternat 1ves to acn1e1oe implementa­ MJJOf ,\(CO,mt Ackx•t1tAA-I,! in tion of changes which will make a difference. We must go berond taxes. l'r-.._ ~"lml Sur,,mnr~·n.>.•m have often equated dollars , penl per student as the t11gh- ■ ut r.»t Second SUttt • Mloc:ola, NY lf3'Cl ------!!tck&uill, 3llustrot,~ ;>i,wn - "!lt,knulll<. ;>irw Uork · J~11ra~au, ifrbmeru ~~. 19911 l)og•-~- • Becoming Storytellers ,~ Saturdar. April 28 is the d.ile lo! the Nas..ee:1use the odds Spelling Bl>e Winners $180.000 and said in order lo participate in are it \\'ill continue:• Fenton said. Busy Month for Stmle nts The School Spelling Ree took place on Jan. "mass purchasing" with olher districts. h~ In response to a question. Fenlonsaid "ideal• 29. The winners \\\!rr Jeanine Forgie (eight ly" kindergarten class sizes would range from Father Robli1so11 a11d Holy Fami!v swdenls needs acommi tment from theboardand dcct• grade) and Victoria Wilkie(sL\lht ,llternateWilS IS 10 22 students as e.xplained at the board's Dennisf'emer, Mal/hew Barba, Rober1Gnf. sion on hO\v to purchase. lie explained thal a SeJn McKenna of the sixth grade. These 14 percent savings could be obtained by pur­ Feb. 7 meeting. fith look al /heir kindergarten photos Imm studen1swill represent Holy Family School at chasing through BOCES. If financed over a Fenton staled the district is using a "preuy 1981. 71,ese s/udents graduate 1/tis year. the Zone Spelling Bee in the Spring. three-year period. an additional $21.568.32 good formula" in projectingenrollment.1\clual Ari Workshoµ would be incurred. enrollment in Hicksville public schools is now On Jan. 22 15 seventh graders and IS sixth TheDislrict's current ralio for computers is 4,401. Projected figures for lhisiear1,~re4,390. graders went 10 the first workshop al the I for everv 17 students. If lhe new computers Parents spoke regarding class sizes and Metropolitan Museum of Art. A special pro­ are purcliased, the ratio will drop lo 15:1. The breaking up classes in lhe event of redislric­ gram has been set upwi1h the Museumby Ted district's goal is IO:I. ling. l'enton acknowledged that a "different Olis to teach students lhc cnllure and values A resident suggested the district look inlo teaching style" is necessary in conducting a of other countries. The children ll'ere splil in­ leasing computers wilh a buyback provision class of between 28 and 30 and said there is lo three groups, each led by a lecturer. During at 1he endoflhreeyears. He suggested thal the "no easy solution:· the dal' some students created drawings of system could then be upgraded at a nominal · Budget stalUei orc!Olhesof Ihe day, along with poetry lee. This will be looked in1 0. according 10 Assis­ Bennell said the budget has generally in­ writing-again reflecting lhecullureand 1alues tantSupe rintendent of Business WilliamHall. creased 5-i percent ay earor appro.ximately $1.5 of that time or gnluti It \\\lS a most enjorable Resident Dori Bernardo questioned addi· 10 3 million. Citing this year's projected $9.8 and c.xciling trip! tional staffing costs al time when the district million increase which could rise 10 $12 million Nutrition Prcscn tn t(on was looking to close schools and cut staff. with the loss of stale aid, he said "the board There was aNutrition Prese111a1ion. a Boces Brown said, "It's not agood time for me to be has to go through eacha nd e1-ery !budget Ic ode·: program given by Mrs. Boehl lo the second and up here" addressing residents and said figures In an inlerviell' \\'ilh Assislanl Superinten­ fourth grades. II was poin1edou1hOll'lhey make were not 1~1 available on additional teacher dentofBusi ness William 11all. this newspaper choices every day and how advertisers 1ry to assistants.and aides. Other ~idents queslion­ raised a question regarding lhe possible get them to choose their products. Mrs. Boehl Fa/her Robi11so11 Pfl!Sfll/S pill toH oly Fami• ed lhe value ofcomputers in the elementary duplication of a budget item for English as a then discussed being a smart consumer and schools. Second Languai;e instruction. TI1is will be look­ Jy studenl Nicholas Marcan1011ia 1heclasse.~did their own "shopping" from food Pre-School Education ed into and could result in as much as a ads. Dr. Daniel Kremin, Director of Special S500,000 decrease in the projected budget. Education and Pupil Personnel Services, Residents questioned liabilily insurance presented a "re11!nue" plan lo provideaneduca• coverage. the district's legal fees and why an lional program lo pre-schoolers. The respon• ~dditional assistant principal was still retain­ sibi lily for identilicalion and provision of ed after lhe two-year lransilion period al the Special Education services for children ages Middle School was over. Fenlon explained lhat 3ihrough 5 had belonged lothe Family Courts. Mrs. Mar.;hall as Assistant Principal meets with but is now the responsibility of individual lhe 1eamsat the MiddleSchoo l ona daily basis. school districts. This program is fully funded providing supe rviso ry and instruction by Nassau County. guidance. The board, she said, had decided to Hicksville may opt to send ils eligible continue lhis position beyond ihe two-iear students to a program outside the District or period. it may apply 10 operate a program within ils Resident Tom Voss offered his perspective own buildings. Having the program in on thebudget. e.xp= ing concerns wilh main­ Hicks\•ille would allow students lo ha1~a "nor­ tain ing an underocc u­ malized, regular school setting in their own pied Middle School while closing elementary hometown;· according to Kremin. schools. Regarding computers, which he call• Heestimates tuition received from lhe Coun• ed "excellent tools", Voss said he \\'as unwill­ ly would approximate SIS,000 per child and ing lo ha1-e his children "al loo early an age could generate a lolal of S300,000, which become 100 familiar with tools that take the "would more than cover the cost of lhe placeofcritical thinking''. He said a general pur­ program''. pose computer as a word processor was like Ho(• Familys1 11de11ts visiting liteM e;ropo/ita11 h1nseum of Ari /f,0111 Mt) M11:,e11111 coordinator The plan calls for ha1•ing a 4-day, 2½ hour "using a cannon to open a door ...We're go­ Ted Oli~ Melissa Gimberg. Nic.ole Ba11ma11. Cory /bccia, C/Tristopher 7'ro11101110na. Michele program for 3 ~-ear olds in the morning and a ing to ha1-e lo look very hard at e1-ery dollar we lane. Mal/hew IYhilmore. Carmela Makabali. Arllhony Neglia 011d Kc/!•' Rea !'Hlay 2 ½ hour program fo r 4 year olds in the spend''. afternoon.,\ kindergarten-type classroom with Board Meetings a bathroom is required. Start-up costs are Asthemeetingdrew to acloseat II p.m. with At Our Lady of Mercy estimaJed al $118,000. Kremin needs adecision insufficient lime lo review Code 2000, Benneu from lhe board by lhe beginning of March in asked Fenton lo include an item on the board's December brought many happy occasions 4B • Satsuki Shirnamura order 10 begin the application process. next agenda to have all future budget review ior Our Lady of Mercy students.One of these qC · Rebecca Walsh Projected Enroll ments !11cetings conducled as official board meetings happy occasions was being chosen Student of SA -Gianni laboni In reviewing projecting enrollments, Fenlon in order thal achon could lake place with the Month. The .. Mercy Spirit" was lhe main SB · Kerry Gallagher said, ·we ha1-ediscrepancies across the district in class sizes''. respect lo tfte budget. He expressed his con­ factor inchoosing theperson lo represent their 6A -Joseph Noto cern Ihat Cardella and MacBride had nol auend­ class. GB -Tonya Kialyic Woodland A\'Cnues' kindergarten th is }~ar ed lhe l'inanceCommiuee meetings in Januaiy isat 1hedis1ric1maximum (28). which accord­ Kgn. A.M. - Matthew Prussman 7A- Patricia Kirn and February. iB -Thomas Whitmore ing to Fenton "concerned parents:· In project· The next meeting of the board of education Kgn. P.M. - Catherine Trirnarto in~classsize '. f"4!'hruap· Z--l.. l~t GAH.-\GE RUlLOJNG AT PLANT NO. l. will bt: ®bituaries 110.~ l!llUl'l r-,•C,t•i\t"J b\ tht' HOA Hf) or· CO~t ~tlSSION r.n~ m,,11s,ro~E1;, ..r th, ll!C'K~\'ILLF. W.\TER OISTlllCT.at ih<· HICKS\'ILU' 11'.Uf:lt Pl. ~1rh11I~, J Hr-1g.rnd1, Tre.a.'iur.: '. ·"~uente l\'11gh1, a residen1 of Penn- R1thard .<\ _ Humlnn, ;-,,,•HPt ;ir \ Leonard. her daughters l'ir~inia Donnell} J9'J{',M\'i h1ch 1imr-.1ndplllt"~lh1.•ysh.11l tw• puhlir ______u:?~~JT--=~IOOJllth 1 , fnm1erlr of Hicks-ille. 1ia.,<;ed a11ai 0 1 and i'-.incy Cobb. her son. Glen Ur,;:hel. her ,~ t:itF.t;r~t~F.r.'REt> ~1ETAI.. GA HAGE ,,!, I~ at the age of 92 father. Hen1: Ha~hagen, Im si,tcr. Addaide Hl'll.Dl:SG AT !'I.ANT NO I lir, \\ n~hl i, survi"ed b)' her daughter C:O~T IV.C'T I<<). I GEl11lle. passed away on Feb. 13. if ht$ hid i-. aC't'<'IX<-d, ht,"' 111 t·ntl'r 1ntn 3 l'd hy lhl' b ithfot 11crfor Goldman's with his brother Howard. for ma net' ,,r the contra<"t. DY onm:n or r111: I Jn, his daughter, Wanda. his sons. Wiliiam manr years. He came lo llichsville al the ZON ING UOA IIDOf' APPt:AI.S RJndall and Brad Rulillld. his sisters. Jo.m Th"' IJoa rd or Commiuioner.s of t he 1'011' )1 Of' Ol'sn:R ll,W. age or't2 from the Bronx and was a 1943 UICKS\'JJ .I.E \\ATl-.:H DISTHl CT n.•.s,:rve~ the OYSTEI! IIAY. i-:E:11' \'Olli( ______Q1~190 IT.:SIJ

ll'lth Ed) !htShcp(trd Iouch of S11m and a mostly blonde. bl~m Before beginning this week's "Bon Voyage" population. Martinique and Guadeloupe are column. lei me !hank !hose readers. who sen1 lruly Gallic in appearance and character, wilh Jeners. Your commenls, advice. opinions, etc. GULOTTA HALPIN CALL FOR REGIONAL ECONOMIC /NIT/AT/Vt: French langua&e. cuisine and currency. St Nrusou Cou111y E.1~1Jtive 71,omas Gu/ol/a and Suffolk County t:xecutive Patrick flafpin .ire always welcome.as are )'Our questions. Mrs. Thomas relains ils old world Danish charm H a in Roslyn requested information aboul a (often hidden by hordes of shoppers. eager 10 011nounced they U'i/1joi11 forces Jo help the long lsla11d economy as IImor~ ":J''.' a. defense: Caribbean \11Calion she wanled 10 lake and ask· lakeadl'illllageofits~erousduty.freeCUSloms orientetljob base. In their third annual OfJP('(Jron~eat !he long fslnnd Assoda/1011 sECf!nonu~ ed me whal island I could suggest allowance).St. Mart in is divided down lhe mid­ Summit he/don February 7, Gll/0110 and Ha/pm said they hareagrred Jo form a Bteounl) f'or )'OUreaders. who are undecided abou1 Fl:ace1ime Economics Adj11Stme111 Co1111cil comprised ofthe Island's leading goi-emm_e_nt. dle betlleen !he Dul ch and French sections, and business, civic and labor leaders to help long ls/011d plan and 1mplemen! the tro1!s111011 where in 1he Caribbean lo visil, all I can say visilors, rree lo mi,.e bel\1-een 1hem, are affoJ11. 10 a peacetime economy This grollp ui/1 ll'0rk 011 SI/ch aspects as !,'Omenng fimdmg for ts. ii depends on how you ll'ilnl lo spend )'Our ed a ias1e ol each cullUre. Much of San Juan's 1'aca1ion. Unfortuna1ely, lh is column is 100 old Spanish Oal'Or has gi1-en way10 sleek high a high•IL'dmology incubator at the Sw1e Unirersity ofNew )ork a( Stony B!fJOk and a1_1roc- short lo give )'OU a lull run down on lhe Carib­ rise ho1els, excepl for lhe cily's old walled 1ing busii1esses 10 relocale lo long /s/a;id Sho1111 al'!!// tor) Pamck flalpm, LIA ~rrsider!I bean. island by island(which description would James L Larocca and 77,omas Gulolla, addrt.~ing the 1,0001111endces al the f.coflom,c historic se1-en-block area, which still retains SummiL help gi\'eyou a good picture ol whal lo find on lhe charming of lhe Spanish Empire. 11hich island). Bui let's gil-e ii a lry. Back a few years, e1-en Christopher Colum­ The area COl"eIS 01-er a million square miles, bus, in a letter lo Queen Isabella. "fsaw so many Happy Birthday Girl Scouts from !he Allanlic Ocean 10 lhe Caribbean Sea; islands 1ha1I could hardly decide which 10 vis ii 11or1h lo lhe Grealer Anlilles, soulh lo lhe firs1:· So loday too. lhe lourisl rnus1decide !he March 12 is 1he 781h annivers.aryollheGirl 1oday's girls race lhec halle11bies or 1oday's 11'0rld. coasllines ol Panama, Colombia. and lype ol atmosphere and activilies he/she wants Srouls- lhe world's lill!,'esl l'Oluniaryoiganiz.a­ You can help 1hem grow and dt?\-elop Iheir lull Venezue11. Les.ser Anlilles on 1he east and Mex­ in lhe Caribbean. Is ii trendy Ocho Rios in lion lorgirls. Since 1912, mill ions of girls ha1-e po1en1ial. preparing Ihem 10 become 1omor­ ico's Yucatan, west. Tu lry 10 lump lhe area Jamaica. wilh its clubs and discos and raggae had 1heoppor1uni1y 10 make new friends, learn row's business. educalion, gomnmem and logether is impossible; each island isasdil-ers.e music? Is ii oflbeat locales )OU want, wilh sun­ new ski lls, and becomeconfidem individuals religious leaders. You can make a difference! lhrough Girl Scouling. as it isdeliglnful: from 1'0lcaniccraters10 palm­ ning. sports, and solitude. as offered by !he TI1ere isan activity juSI for }OU 10 malch )Our fringed beaches. rugged coasllines and moun­ Brilish Virgin Islands ol Anguilla or Nel'is or As lhe world changes and becomes more cvmplex, Girl Scouling mO\-es wi1h !he limes. lime and lalenls. tain peaks lo lush rain forests. cactus-filled lhe British Windwards and Grenadines, Sall Cay Afew hours? Do a 11urkshop, wrile an arti• desert and verdenl jungle vislas. and North and Soulh Caicos ...all are an ad\w­ The oiganiz.alion conlinues lo find new ll'il)"S 10 help girls and )'Oung women de1-elopasense cle, chaperone a lrip. One day a monlh?Assisi There is 1he informalily and quielude ol lurer's paradise lor1hose who enjoy being "!he a lroop leader, make phone calls, design a flyer. Monserral's black volcanic sand beaches and only ones around': or l'illues and make meaningful con1ribu1ions 10 socie1y. The all-gi rl experience or Girl assisl girls in career exploralion. One day a 1he jet-5el exci1emen1ol Jamaica's Moniego Bay. To relurn 10 more people. lil'ely ae1ivi1y, 1>-eek? Be a lroop leader or assis1an1 leader. There's !he liny, placid island of Tobago and sighiseeing, shopping. gourmet dining, and Srouling presents girls wilh a 11'0rld where Ihey can lake lhe leadership position. II provides an coordinale lhe cookie sales for a group, help the slimulalion or ils sisier island or entertainmelll, vaca1ioneis ha,-e a wide choice girls race lhe challenges of 1oday's 11'0rld. Trinidad; 1he isolalion and ruslic beau1yor SI. of Caribbean islands: colorful Martinique. environmen1-maybe lheonly such environ­ Barthelemy and Dominica and lhe •pi riled ac- where you can gamble lhe nigh! away; ment agir l will encounler during her formative Why no! gi\-e yourself a gifl lor !he Girl 1ion in Puerto Rico. There are islands offering Guadeloupe, home or 1he beguine and )'e<"lrs-where lhe special needs and inlerests S<:ounts' Binhday and become a ,ulunleer?The lhe lranquiliiy and relaxa1ion of soli1ude on merengue: Aruba's rouleue, craps and black­ of girls come firsl. fe\l'ilrds are many- a sudden smile. a warm secluded beaches and Olhers wilh a myriad ol jack: San Juan's splashy casinos and after-dark Girl Scouls or Nassau Counl)' provides an hug, the salislaction of a joll\1-ell done. Call Giil sports, shopping. and nighllire activily. To pin­ spectacular musical re,•ues ...and more. opponunily for you lo mold 1he fu1ure. By Scou1s of Nassau County al 741-2550-you'II poinl 1he area cuhurally is impossible. as Euro­ There is so much more 10 lhe Caribbean: becoming a Girl Seoul \'Olunteer. )'OU can help be so glad )'OU did! pean, African, and American cullures and lrom ,oodoo and beauly 10 sleel bands and 1 ancestry mingle 10produce a,'asl array of peo- scuba diving . ..wha1e1-er your pleasure. il 1 ple. cus1oms. styles. and language. . awails )'OU here: a region of sun-drenched lnhabi1ants ofBarbados (where areas remind beaches. lurquoise walers and azure skies. spcc­ a 1ra,-eler or parts of Scolland) speak English lac uI a r scenery and year-round warm wi1h a deligh1ru1 lilt and 0\-er 300 i-ears ol 1empera1ure. British 1radi1ionareseen in 1hena1il-es' courtesy for furthrr ,nformalJOn. ltt)OUr rrou/ ag,mr ar and grace. In Curacao. 1h~O;r,'Oris_D~lch , wilh contact thr Caribbton 71,umm ASSO

canon color Laser copies whlle you wait! From photos. slldes and your color orlglnals. Enlarge or reduce from 50% to 400% on one of the best color copiers avallable. see tor yourself! canon Color Copies Quantity B½ x 11 11 x 17 1·5 S4.50 S6.00 6-10 S4.00 S5.50 11·25 S3.75 S4,75 At the Nrusou County MU5eum ofAri in Roslyn 1/arl;or. the e.\hibj11on "t:gon Schiele. A 26-50 S3.50 S4.50 -~ · • " tll'don Satunfoy erening, Jarwary Jr. 11 //ha gala rrcepuon 51·100 S3.25 S4.25 • Ce111_e1!11,a/ R~lroSf)IXl_t\e. o~ re Hon Rober/ I McDonald. Depu!l'Co11nl)-£rccu111ea11d ParlJCtf)Olm,qm i/1ef~;i'!'e, uc f lhe Museums BoardofTrusJee.{ The e.1hibi1io11 II illcon­ conveniently located ln Mineola-Call Mike Skahlll fo r additional Amol~A sag~;~;· 1s. '~!,~'%i!um is located 1uo troffic lights II est of Glen Coce Road Information. ~;;U:,J,':J::J Bou/erard /Route 25.,1) /fours ore JJ.00 through 5:00 /WL. Tuesday 1hrou_~h C5161 747-8282 ext. 170 Sullda) ------.\nlon Q:ummunitu i'itwspop1u - lllrrk 11r .Jrbruoru HI. lUUU • \Jogr 3

Martin Burns- Our Man In Washington • • • • ing that the Senate t:thics Commillee would An Unusual Development find D'Amalo innocent or any wrong doing, Cuomo replied, "I hope he will be. He·~ my The Environmental President? /JyMart111811m, senator. Whal doiuu hope-he&ielsconv1cted 8) Martin BulllJ In what can be safely regarded asan unusual of something?" Cuomo 11-cnt on to add lhal, led many to question Geof!ie !lush's commit­ political development. New York Gol'ernor "lle's !D'Amalo) been very good lo us. I know During the 1988 presidemial campaign, men110 thse 11\1! environmental issues. The Mario Cuomo has come to 1he defense ~r him. I like him:· George Bush frequently expressed his concern EPA and the Army Corps of Engineers had Senalor Alfonse D'Amalo (R-NY), who 1s Cuomo and D'Amalo have long had a for the environment and his desire to go down adopled a \\'Cl lands pro1ec1ion policy thal was presen1l1• under investigation by 1hc Senate poli1icallysymbio1icrela1io~~hiptha1has~h in hislory as "the environmenlal president:' desio/1ed to implement the p~i~ent'~ "no net Ethics Comrnillee for using his innucnce lo fascrnaled and puzzled P?l~11~J obser."ers. In loss' policy. This week the administration back­ Environmen1alists were lhrilled and surpris­ ed off Ihis landmark policy andadopled a policy helpfriends,relati11eSandpolilicalallies1owi11 • 1986, Cuomo was rnl1med. by so1_ne ed when the presidenl announced his inten- federal housing benefits and or con1rac1s. Dem~crats, including Se~. Daniel Patrick 1ion to nominate a bonafideenvironmentalist, which one EPA official has been quoted as say­ ing wuuld permit "damage to wetlands from Speaking at a meeting with New lark Post MO)•mhan (D-NY). for not dorng enough lo help William Reilly, to be the head or lhe En­ the North Shoreol Alaska to the E1-crgladei' edilors and reporters. Cuomo said 1ha1. "As ~lark Green, D"Amato's 1986 Democratic vironmental Protection Agency (EPA). If lhis soon as he [D'Amaloj gels vi~di~~led. he'll go challenger. • . weren't enough, 1he presidenl was also com­ In aspeech al George1own University, Bush upso far. it'll change l.'\>erythrng. Cuomo was In a leller 10_ Ct)omo, DAm ato lha.~ked the mitted to work towards updating the Clean Air retreated from the position he had on global meeting with fu;/ reporters and editors the day sa:-ern.?r for his · ~'Ole of _confidence and lo'. ,\ct. To some environmenialists it looked as ii warming during the presidenlialcampaign.He after it seemed thal Stale Allorncy General rismg abo1-e part1sansl11p .. .10 vou_ch for_mi he might really become the environ menial said, wha1 we need now on lhe global warm­ Rober1 Abrams(DJ indicated that he might be integrity:· D'Amato, in a telephone 1~1erv1ew, president. ing issue is more study. One has to 11tmderwha1 interested in challenging D'Amalo for re- c;,:pressed his hope \hallh_eSen~le E1h1.~Com- happened to "the While !louse affect'.' During the 1988 campaign, Bush was very ell'Ction in 1992. Abrams is thought by some millee would fimsh us dehberauons as . qu1~.kly outspoken on the issues of global wanning. also What has happened to George Bush and his lo beilll impressive enough senatecandidale as possible·: ~ut acknowledged tha11h1s might known as "the greenhouseelfect''. and protec­ commilmenl 10 the em ironmenl? ~!any 1hal he mighl scare some lesser known 1101comcunt11Mayor June. The senator went ting our wetlands. He pledged lo deal ag­ obser.ers in Washington feel that Bush is listen­ Democrats out or the race. There is a percep- on 1oadd that he had pledged 10 cooperate ful• gressil'ely with the issue ol global warming ing loo much to his chief of stall,John Sununu. tion among certa111 Democrats lhat D'Amato ly with the Ethics Committee and lo e.x1iress saying 1ha1 he would use "the White House af­ lhe former governor of New Hampshire. may be far mor~ vulnerable in 1992 than he his forceful convictio11 that "the facts will fect" 10 deal with ii. On the we1lands issue. he Sununu hasadmittedthal he rewrote the presi­ was in 1986. dcmonstralethat I l1a11: foughl for all of mycon- promised lhal during his administration lhal dent's speech on global warmiing. He was long When asked~· aPos1 edi1or ifhe wasassum· s1i1uen1s:· 1here wuuld be "no nel loss" of wetlands. known lo oppose the wellands agreemenl Wetlands are environmen1ally valuable designed by the Army Corps or Engineers and becauselhey naturally filler pollution. recharge 1he EPA.. F'unhermore, 1heactions1aken by the An Editorial ground waler sources.and act as nurseries for administration on lhe wetlands and global war­ 1he young of manv species of fish and wildlife. ming issue seem 1-cryconsistent with Sununu's Passage from Ezekiel Thegreenhouseaflect or global warming is lhe record of g:il'ernor of New Hampshire. By ,I ,II, 1/o.wnthal phenomena. accurdingto many scientists. lhal Geori,ie Bush seems to ha1e some pretty good The 11:011t!erfu/ ,rork ofCol'e11a11t House mus/ 1101 s/011•da1111-1/te you119 propie 011 !hesm'l!I pollution in lhe air is trapping heal on the instincts when 11 comes IQ the environment. cwt'r u•ait um,/ 1hea111horities decide1rhmeiw 1ltC1•mil decide . . but the uwk 11111s1co111in11e earth's surface. thus warming lhe planet. He really should listen 10 Ihem and not his chief IV1tlt Ccm/1110/0'Connorand Mr. A'osemlwl ire ,,',gea/111'/to ltai·e supported Co1•erw111 ll011se In recent weeks. h11> keyde.,.elopments have o[starr. to wmirwe and 10 inCfl.YJSl' /heir suppor/ .••Th e kid 11.lto is cold tonight mn't u•ait. T11e words across the lronl page read; "Times Square Priesl Probed: Former male prostilule cilcs 'gHIC 'Swords into Plowshares' "Too cold ou11here: · Teri Thorpe says. "No good for lhe bones. You are i~ung: lifo 10 le.id:' The young man nods, says thank you for lhe sandwich and lhe hol chocolate was just fine. lie By Martin Bums menl and lhc rebels ha~-c begun 10 meet in sai,; he will stay0 1 his aunr's place In Brooklyn, he is just fine, fine. lie ,tcps oul of 1hc passenger When former President Jimmy Carter fen Atlanla, with former Presidenl Carter acting "an a1 a corner. Washington in January of 1981. he left without as mediator. Carter made a series or visits to Then he walks away bul she knows he is nol going to his aunr's place in Brooklyn. She knows much recognition and Ii Ille respect. In lhe past Ethiopia lasl year and convinced bothsides 10 him: she kn01<; so many )'oung people wl10 come our inlo lhe s1ree1s at nighl. [ewyears, Carter's activities as a former presi­ bring 1he issue to Atlanta. Some1imeduringt.hcnight he will wander back. cross 1hcsiree1 again lollredocksand offer himself 10 one or 1hc mm wailing in lhecars-for S20, maybe SIU, depending on how desperaleheisgeuing. dent ha1-eslowl)' been winning him a measure 11,u of the respect that eluded him as presidcn1. previousauemplsat mediation between Now hen! is the ,an cruising slowlydown Broadway, so late 1hal only Irouble is walking Ihe sln.--ets. Through Ihe Carter Center. which isa public 1hc Ethiopian g01-ernment and lhe rebels ha1-e Eight young men, late leens. early 20's. arc leaning against store windows. and Ihey rush forward. policy ins1ilute associated wi1h his presiden­ broken down. so there is no ca use for unbound­ Teri T11orpe know~ almosl all of lhem and so docs her partner, Coddington John They pul sand­ lial library, former Presidenl Carter has sought ed optimism. Nl.'\"ertheless. most practitioners wiches in lhc hands reaching through lhe wind01<·s. lhen get ou1 10 lalk. 10 remain ae1il-eon international issues. Slud)< of inlernalional diplomacy would argue lhal They pass oul cards wilh an address and phone numbers and ask lhe young men 10 come around ing the "urld's inlernational organizations. negotiations are almost always preferable lo not the nex1 day, maybe something can be \\1lrked ou1fo r 1hem so lh~-y can gel orr 1he streets. Maybe Carter noticed lhal 1ery few olthem w-cre equii>­ talking. On a more posilil'C note. the represen­ I\\~ or 1hrce will show up. maybe none. ped or designed lo deal with the lype orcivil talive of lhe Ethiopian g01-crnment has been Some or lhem hal'e been on the slreets for four and five years. ll'ilr Ihat is all loo common in the third world quoled as saying that his governmenl ap­ Where do )1>u go. where do )1>u sleep? llere and there, hem and 1here. today. Wilh this in mind, hesoughl lo fill this proacheslhetalkswilh "a new spirit olbroacJ. Money? Well.you know. anyway. Look.some drugs. and "-e lake lhings. \es, sure. \\'l!ll1>rk logcther, mindednesS:' one of us pushes the guy. theother lumshim around and grabs. We don't like lo hurt lhem, bul sometimes. 1uid. i~u know ..• F'orO\-er a quaneror a century, a brutal civil The Constitution does not spell out any par­ Ms. Thorpe, driving slowly and using lhe car phone like a radar sel. manages 101rack down I\\~ war has been raging in Ethiopia between the licular role for a former president. Indeed. whal 1een-age girls she has been looking for-runaways. One is pregnant 8o1h carry knil-cs and razor g01-crnmen1 and the Eritrean People's Libera­ do you doonce you ha,-c been president of the blades. She arranges for beds and food and help 1omorrow. lion Front. The Eritreans are fighling for the United Stales? Isuppose lhal )1>u can join the Ever)' night Ms. Thorpe and Mr. John look for )1>ung men and \\Umen who an! pros1i1u1es or ad­ independence of \heir homeland, which is boards or major corporal ions or go onthe talk diCls or lhie..-es or all three, or just lost-lhe untouchables of lhe cily. located in northern Ethiopia. According toone shows and leclurecircuil. Al any rate, helping No sen1imentali1y, jusl a sandwich, a cup of chocolale, offers or help 10 !hose who understand estimate, the war and the famine ii helped lo 10 "beatswurdsinloplowshares" seems lo me whal help mearu.andcourtesy: Ell!ry_dru_g-riddcn prostiluleon lhe docks isasir. l'l'CI)' lost girl a miss. create ha1-e cost a million lives. 10 be a most nobel occupation fo r a former Abou1500,000 youngAmencans h1-em !he slrcelS monlh afler month , year afler year. They have Roo!ntly, officials from the Ethiopian g<:,,-cm- president of 1he United Slates. much m common. _Atn_ios1 all \\'Crese.xually or ph)'Sically abused. Most cannot wrile well enougli 10 fill oul a job ap­ pltca1,on. They .ould not know how to go to \\1lrk if lhcy had \\1lrk. Capitol Hill Journal Many will die in the stn-clS or iri jail. Some of lhem firs1 will kill olher people in lhe s1ree1s. 8yMar1t11Bu111s Ms. Thorpe and Mr. John dcvole their lives lo looking for lhe unlouchables. They 11urk for an government adminislers 307 million acres o!~anization called Col-enant House. So do 3,000 other slalf people and 11>lun1eers in JO American Mrazek Pnys Tribule which are used bycaule ranchers and spends cities and 6 abroad. Rep. Roben Mrazek (D-NY) look 10 the noor aboul $63 million each year lo administer Ihis Somemancrisiscenleis where )~ungpcopleof 1hes1rce1scanwalk in for abed or a meal. Oihers or the House of Represen1a1i1-es 10 commend hugeamounl ofland. In order to use this land run hoslels for )~ung •~olhers or residential programs where l.'\'Cry)-ear 25,000 )~ung people, wilh lhe 37 fire and rescue companies and the 12 10 graretheircaule, ranchers pay a total of S22 eno~h strength and w1ll 10 lry, can &' by 1he Rev. Bruce Riller, amember of lhe Franciscan order ed to the crash or Avianca Flight 52 in Cove You cenainly don'I ha1-e to be an expert in . Father ~uer·~ perronal appeals raised scores or millions for C01man1 House. O1her good OfBaniia: Neck. According 10 Mrazek, those who helped IIOns dcalr~g w11h_lhe los_1 and addicted S-O~etimes look_on ,wistfully as they slruggle for funds. lo deal with the results of Ihis awful tragedy agricultural policy lo figun! 1ha1t heg<:,,"ernment Falher Riller praises lhe mtenm-e 1herapeu11ccommuni1res lr~.e Phoenix House and Daytop Village. are "livingpracti tioners oi lhe finest instine1s is losing money under this rurrent arrange­ lie Sil)'S C01-enan1 House can be a hridge lo 1hem from lhe streets. which reside in each of uS:' ment. If 1his weren't enough, lhe go,-ernmenl The headline ~nd stary apf)Cilred in The New lbrk Posto 1110,1//1 O!(J Tltt')' ll.'/!ll' basedorr/yo,r is I0\1"ering the price it charges ranchers lo graze llte 11rJfl'Io/a )'01111,r tnONrdroseo,m (tltlter later soldht• U'OS o lrobii o/lt'ar. A!ir,, tire;r, ; In addition. Mrazek had inserted in Ihe Con­ 11 1111 lheir stock. from $1.86 per animal unit a month nron_ lras turr1etllr1111sell1111~ o flS),lr,otnc cMrc Fat//er Hriter lros dl'F!ied tire ol/"!(1tio x gressional Record a leuer from NIM' York GO\u­ to $1.81 bt,ginning in March. 11 nor Mario Cuomo commending Long Islanders . S111ce/lrestory Ctlllln!JIJIIOI/StO COl't'l/0(//llouselrorelolle110/l.?Sp em'IJL IJ/;Jr/101111,wpnJ­ for their courageous response 10 the tragedy. This story may hal'e a happy ending for all j{'Cts Ofl/1111(/ tlruo1111tl)•or1t/ obrvad has lraltetL or us who pay laxes afler all. Rep. George "Bud­ Tlreparposeoft//isro/1111111istonw11irtltltetlro11S011d,·o/A111en'ru11s1,'lrolrol'esuppor1edth · Where the Grus t. Greener dy" Darden (0-GA) has introduced a bill, fl.R. &,~ o,go111'zotio:1 ofthe ti'Orrls lro111 f/.elu'el 011 rrhidr Co11r'eltll11t l/011se 11,,,;fou,r,letf us It is one of L~<.\le situations which seem to 775, which would require that ranchers pay fair 1borl(ld 110-.wlf byoatlr. I 111a<1e o rovma,rt milr)1J11 . . •a11tf;v11 /Jtxo,ne nNirc .. happen only lo lhc federal government. The market 1alue for grazing righrs on federal lands. COJ))'rtght© /990 by the New lork Time Campany. Reprinied by permission. r------~n_t_•n_

LEO. Ha,,dlom• Jow1Sfl guy Wllr'I g ood CLASSIC BEAUTY with U SI lor h ie. AU. YOU t.EH OUT THERE wt'O're llrtd OI build. •2. S'1 I', dar'\ Ml and mt.rll«NI. Im 1111.0 ad prM«(afiont,_.I oon, klok • day o 1aac:i,11 ..-no an1or• iravot_..o, dancit19. Dear Rc,1Jcr1 ~:.~,=~~~~~ doll' lhlln 29. wcnn m, Ott, a.scribe rn• Jovel', 54okS m••· ◄5 •. Wlln sltnllat Dec\· s•1fflll'W'IQ ano lent'd, Sinoolt, """'"' ef.ttVft­ ;rouNS"'INFttlPfSolll.te.EXT 6231. Clllnl ~y. LQOlung tor a 1emk '-"f ~~~=~mil'llmtJ 1moun1 ot ctl9S1 l'lalt, ATHLETIC, PETITE, Clnln~!O obon t EXT 6212.. ..,. d. SOPttSllCATED, ~l9WQ,t'lat W0fNl'I. ould you like to mc~t , p,rtncr, ,uggedWllhdna.36--d.EXT 6"~1. \llioma,'I. !I◄• )'4•, W'tiy, lrnpt.tlNO, l'ldoptl'I, tJn. detll, mitny tn1e,ests.. SGob ttiot"'• malt, ~- n,1Clf'1Hd. mid-40$, HOit.i aoothif, HELP ME! P\oo.se ~ ma irno yOOI' l'IOl!I" !O n co1np.:miun, or just a fricmli l!H5, hOMSI llnG eJ!adlot\111, 10 '1\orO W CAAZY NEVADA OflL (2>) ..... - ~:~~:,~~x'¥·~.IO ~ warm: I'm cx,ld ol4 hOto JNh.f'I ma.lo. ftll!y LOf'lg bland OIJY (2)-.35}. I love lh• ;ood end bad tlmM and Pot,t,lt>icl s81'1C>Vl 2'6, 5'5", 1IQl)f Na, blvt, e,,M, bn),,rf\ ti.Alf, The oO convc:nicnt-it'!t fast. And it workst female, NII:, ◄ 0.. lovOJ of !NI ans, Wf\de 111'\d~ll"llt.rclUl'ICl..rd &.oaO'lg--letmfeco. =~~~~~coun~pa.,1, surl)l1Md. EXT 0027. lonalllp and maybe lo Hf1HI oown In Iha for example, if you call on w ~'tlne~d,y, r-.rUl.lfe.EXT 6121. ~.. c:~ ~~- -~~ SUCCESSFUL ARTIST Wlln t:nit,eranl P«• SEEKS OLO,F.ASHIONED TYPE. Wl'hl• ~~~and- Myrac:o~ s~. po.o, OI tNld and k:l'W'ff Of kJt 1491, ~.3"4.6", 11101M,waru,~-•n 11's entirely possihk lO orr:mgc • Jmc HOT JE"MSH HOMECIFU... ~••. M -"f, '1. MtrllCl~. ~-a.n..~ twDr. eolh'os o,.tldOoB•IO'l'lr,g w ,>man, 25~l ~, P'oiu• :W before the weekend. ~z~~~cr~:O: TALL ' H TERRIFIC! J•• ISl'I \IIJOfflai,. ,1, ld.4 telal()l'l5,l'IJ) w.th art k'llaaioM'I man (• 2· lri,n aM gooG ~ (kM mt). t,ll VlS OI = 6"2'", ~ wf'lltl m.ai., "40s, I loYt 11\0iWO, SO), INancia.,Y "°"'•· !No tr.,vDI w:tf'I ~ Gl'\JQ1,. T~ec:t\AncoOl'IIOvel EXT &4cS ~ · ~~• mwt. ~,ng 01A al'ICl n The service operotcs 24 hours a day. mOV.os, QOOd tioou. ,;nusc, M. 0000 locxl. a,ordorar1 andQOOGhm~ EXT 6t~ in~• claw,,, ll)n9 •a/lt.J.. tong 13!...,_ Sflf'-fMPLOYEO .m~e male-. :,4. GT, 1 it> LOOKIHC FOR SPEOAL , ~ gl'OLII) Of TALL, PRETTY. p,o!"'slCINII 'l'fMt lt!NIIO And it costs only SI .50 a minute. MSW91ffl.~Mal'IIOQN9U>wfti#e lt>s. t,nlwn f'lllit, ottpys b/cy~ l'IQ. lrav o,1.-.g BRfOHT, SLIM. i:,rotes~I woman, "40. nut., •9-56. g· •• "Mtll kW,no, 1$Jerq Nion. (0(.A WwlJ. c:,4o,t,n u . ~ . U1 poop:. arod If you want 10 experiment fir,i, c.111 :11 ~.:': :;u~.;:.- P1oa,,o be DriQtll. ,OtTtfr.l>C', p,o•et-a,o,,,,aly ...., II i-..J~ ~ no IO'M Ol !N (~ot~a).fcli,,UIIEXT 52l5. LA.es DS'fCt"O~~s. llll, MC. &Jea,1 ~.~'lta.'°""'· , tlr~t0-JO.£XT 6029. =· lnto,osfing, int 4Wll man ol w.vrn1n d/10 MOIi.. and •~ IOI' • cx,rnmlfled ,.,_lao: WQl'T\lil1, 3'1, Ooc,n't thi-. bc.u the b.u::,, the letter SEXY ANO REFINED tila,;Ji. WaU ~ SI.ICXO$tlul ~ ■ OMIMJratar. Soeli.1 li.,nd, SHALOM: Olvorcoo JOWdt'I ffl4l& cxns.td• "">'r 29. 1--"S ma.\t lot llne8tt ra,!~p. JEWISH PROF(SSlON'AL WOMA.!JUII hale~ ~Soutnotng~ 40- ared r,anc11om• and ln1, l1gon1 11 lall a,,o so. Mut,I I). lnlolllgaru, ha·,· & Hl\11 OI ..sllT'I Wl'I~ 11 M~ J0¥1'11J, a.nd lv!Mli klaNlty wrilin~ th~ posrnl dcl:lys, or any othd ~ir~i~~-ONaDt'ld ~•~1:_a::...:,~•:~ i:! ~,~~~ =~:O:~:tf'Jo~ncing, /ill ano gOOd (not Qrthooo1). Woo'O ~It.a 10 tToOQt &n 1.'lrK· mu.oum1. Call w;1y 10 meet qu:ilny pcoplci TWO BLUE-EYED FEM.ALES, o«n 20, one ~"::'~tlnMf out •nd 11Ve. 1all lt.dy, 1ltndo1, bll91'1I, HMUOUI, sopftll!IC:alaG, 11\aflOa'fy inaopenootd AG• loin the thousu,ds uf smgks whc, P'ol~one:~•• tudenl. lcOJng lor ATTEHTIONI ACT NOW! YIIJ,a,r,UM's be1• gi,:nl WN::• etw..v.n mu, is, tn·, sto'.s J&-12 pt,t;u.e. EXT 00"....0. t;°.,~:r:=;~~~u~ ~ -.rtita cntilllAn rerna~ 12S-l0t, found :z parmer throui;}, l'rn,on.11 000 1 STOPU Cot;io,et• VP, ory hanr:uome, =-:tir":s~ ~hrMo ~~~~~x f ~1.t un. 8o my ~·n ·. l)fOWTI MJf arid 'l)'OI. gre,«I 1riapo, D1,1lo,1:uc. Start your uwn m•SN1Wornan(t"&o OLONDE AHO BEAUTIFUL-and al10 ~I TUEJ1E, era IN>IA ~ "'Clt'Nn \lfflO 'W.11\1 t:,'igtt M

up the pap<:r. ~ JEWISH FEMALE, :U, a:,suac:1 pc1J.n1t,, ~~~~~:.=:.:1~:c,'=·= ~~aA•ln fflH'<:h Comeoo,. Cal ~gro.,t'ic: ..,... b(ighC. warm. alf\M. C and C.OflSldti8CS !)tatty • 1111 MAW: IQIT!p;w. ~ ~!if 1r _: YOUNG PROFESSIONAL MALE ;; =~~~~ lnl~~-iu~:!~~ d'tDGffll.~.onjoyts.aia'!Q,~ l~i \_'"1 '•"; •, OS, Wlnf;I, thOal,e,, otc:. lnio,as.iod h 5,0IS() lcw, HICE ORIENTAL MALE &Jtome)', 30, si,·. ~~:a=~-~~~-'()' ~~tt,woman With~ wu,. c.ttng. ootltl'\l.wc, romant'c. •lnG1•. So.u -AL 't.. __, . a:ttacwt Asian o, wM• !lffi&!a., ,- 20s. !'::Ct!a~~~~~S~Jv~;h~a;:~:~: HICE-LOOKIHC, IN-SHAPE ChOra.d wtlilt b ~ 0t mer.. EXT 6110. ~~ta\ -=-, ~ i--onmonie ~ mall), 32.0, t'lQno •l. wnd;IJ:y M,)QJl'0, q~ w'lltc.d, iooklng ~.a!,,:J,h:~~-~l~~~iu1J"J:~ :~~~• for c:cmtnillOCI talllonthlp. J.lusk, m0¥1ff, pGC4tJ wtv:ltJ lemaie, ~. son14~•• aocu,f hOc.Aer, travet, lo"•· l,i~hla, a10 a 1ew INl'9"ftecan..,..,•10QGOW-EXT ~21, ~•C:~~~}"~.. Jlon,r,Jp. No

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FOA WE(J31 den1150-60wt1orememt>t, 673.aon .ttMJ 1ncent...._ d•,a. cooks. extremely reason­ FULL/PARTTIME CLERK/TYPIST CAll: ~-'"'~ :r.J6 the Lonotome Train tncl­ U J.1711 able ree5. RECEPTIONIST aonl or Ptllllonlno tho -· 37.Jll Fo,18;.11101~eo-...s.n1c.Co. F1on1 d ..lt. 0rtf\o Pl'lonu. AU10IOOrlYE GovetnorToln'ffl.stlg1te11le 01'ttrslllt<1C11ti..t ll'l(T;JdeD1Jl, • P.uty Helpt!(J • Nu11es aoot-... 1n111unc•. c:on,pu1a,, Levlltown School 80110. ASS£MILEJll,HOUE'fll'C RKlA lt1g, lr;,fng, df,~tctllno.W Po, c.,s .. :»41 DRIVERS • Bab'(SiltOIS ' Aidn moc.ll'n 0111c:,, ffltn!II)' atmoa, AIIO looking lo, CO• EMt1U1llOSW~1»tfflbl. dfita tn1ryup.• 1-.Mw1/Jlrain. Sc.Jl.00!81.1• Clusll 1 Menapequa.. C..11 -RV'~Uobie Hotnes . .. Q Ing Pfodf.lCIS C 1!101,11 b ceL gro-tti POltnll•J. COff\. • Bartenders• Ger atrrcCa1e l)h,, .. a.m 01dln111ors ot Reunion ti "'°"'' or wUtlraJn ec,,,,,,,,,,.,...... ,.. 4) ~f900tdldlTIHNit,.24htl,. P'•~Mfff~hlt. MetnOflolH S Classof 'S9 f\lld F!Olk1ays & V1c,all()ft • Chaulleurs 798-6786 C.WSWlnliea .. An0fOf0ofOlhy Deller. Call (21'2)tTl--).L40 C.11 M,. A.t!>PIPIM ..,,, 11'4700 ... ~ - ~ carol Collect by 2125, O.RIVERS .n.d, linmed! 1$ & o<~S.... 50 INSURANCE AGENT -. PLEASE FEED S700 IOS 1,500Wookly ...... ,,,...,. Auto• Fire• Life - FULL TIME 516-938-8038 ~· THE BIRDS Aucl(W'IS ,. 53 Commercial NIIIQUe$'M s: WlntfH • to,ms wlll bfcc,y•rl~ NO WEEKENDS 56 itll lOfffltOl l~!O,CM;rnt l1,1f,1I Must becheerful , enthusiastic and willing GOVERNMENT J08$!NO\llril1tng Coll«I- o;,ig lllllfll, u,,o. alal• tHHd In ~QI,!/.,.. bOlft lktllo10cu,,on, 6769 Musi 1'1.t.,. awn 1oor• 711,2100 PLEASE CALL Ol'OVl!:A IWIIHE M1,11t~/'IOW.tllH~t10f tlAND'rMAH, AM-rn.r11tnt•l~n; 515-5-13,.&811 •wto~f\1.Aic, l0t~1"gc:111t1p.t1ty_,'1111Pfl ENROLLERS 1or,•Ol'ecl.•-"~m..an.0..,.,.11t01i...... 7')11 m:1~, lJ<,IQe'\QOOdbnet,la ,-,""'"' f"\A.1,ltt.1(!N.RT11MtPOSlll0tiS -•Jr GGOd P!Y t.2t_.C-Q Mon, Frl. 9.5 p.m. ,1111!1 ...o,tn,tt.c&CaJI ...,. 1110,. 10 t!,11011 "'"•"c'•l ri bu.St&-.351_.797 Slt,s.tWUO S.,Vlc:;.. Pf<>',)l&n, ll'o, IF 't'OU "E ~Ing 10t • lob.,• ,.,.,.,., n BAA MA.IDS. U.ATE.HOEAS Emplo-,e,, 'l'O\J ·NILL 8£.COMPU45Atto UPT0 S!~•IOA'I' s 1e,~~:.:~;.::.•r,:~.~:,~~;~ s..eoa,-- k>$lruei,oti ,. COOI\S EAI\N EXCELLCNT lr,(QU[V EARH roctA.NYtlMEOR n o E,_o,erltr\Ce Ntt.alHff SefWIC:111 IO~lpyou ln\'OUf M.cC!'I IMSCELLAHEOUS All 1lor-n-. ••..-.ntMY WO<\. J•w.4,y, tN.C0HYC,11[t1CE E• P.Mttlt~ed • 11hlc,Oo.tft91()f C..UMr JOfdan 541~)'0\lr.O 10NYPAU...-1,le1te.r ,..,~-s ~ H>C-l.l"U&tblr C..llt,t,.n t0& 1Z. 10.,,_ ou,e•• Call 141~!>-1651 C...cwllvt ,,.,, ta.er, Alt,•-"Y. N V E,, 1 fll~N"I' ~ h~ 10J·HM700 16 tl1-lt>0, u t.. fo, S.,,to, ~te>n 11:ol mYSCAH1 P'ROfESSN)NAL SCR"r'IC[S 2 Help Wanted EXC:mNGJOOSIUAUS1R.4UA­ ~-P,.,~SEN,c,n 11 EARN EXTRA Conllru(IIOl'I • manii! ac1 u11110 IMMEDIATE Cornou~ Sc,v,c;es 18 m l~no• I Kffl.tflU •IC. SVONE.V .&CCOUHTSPA'f.liOt.E CLERK. 800KP.CEPU'I WA.NrED •Fie.• P[RfH,M E.LBOAN E•OA RWm, c:.u,,.,l,ng INCOME OPENINGS 19 Rotl(l"I &JU 4eA 0100 n,t Full cri.1110• =o Gent,al tV.l.OOORUE.TI<1l'l1oortall0ft ,e • l.ttdgtt•Co..,11111er 111• 170c. NoPnoneCallstoMake FoNnC>¥ eo ACTORS· MOOEL.5 • E,;'1114$, BE c.1,.n1 0, 1, oe,i.tl!II CALL llOW' a, Not1r1S,1'1~1,.L l•N6·1J6 0115. e tl IUA 4C• II Real Estate Sales He*'' f"tl>"lf:)S 0,0TVH...,1~ ••111.o.!,\lf-ot'S. $tt,.71l4t~ CLERK People Call You Hl1,1,W,,1b4e). (UVSCAfll l!1 nl)1.1~(M'1ui10101JO.OOO c.n~tSt Small. congonlill R/E of• 83 77'9-7111 bL TSOl (t4'fSCA"1 Busy Gl en Cove ph3r• 516-623-3126 Uco. o,a,dcn Clly vicinity ,,._..~ a,, BOOKK.EEPCA FIT macy. FIT. PIT.exp. help• E-. p prul'O,. bul no1 nee• ;ta,;,@ a5 ADMINISTRATIVE ASST. l!\t,l..lt~Ag«nl 1 P•"-N,)410• i:io a,:.aelll')&~ oll.ceo ..t.at. Musi navo 3 plus years e.:.:• 10 como1c1a 11,1tn,no. 'NOf~ , 1 ,21... 105 Seth Manz o,-,,.-,o.,, u,n c, nfni. t1J.m 4011 oerience & possess good nomo For lnl(Um.allon tend Hlf-adcSIUUd tia mped FITTIMQ N ODE.l PfJ customer & commvmca. enve1011c. !ncnn long Eu~t>hl.l'lt90 11,t...-iol..C-au~Fti Sl6Z11 1SOO Weeki'( newspaper now t11r 1r,g I ull time aave1 t•smg sales E.Qt position 1or Huntington and tsllp/Bays11ore areas Con• O..SIOII 1oct or send resume lo, COMPUTER OPERATOR EARN BIG MONEY! J.anc v.:ue IN SUR.AN CI:. M CLEAICAL I~ THE LONG ISLANDER Ka-J ~CJ\;~L. P•oceHl'10 FULL TIME, PART TIME pm U~1n)Olr,,"'!f,e-1,'Pn-l, O\ll • 1tl Ml(IOO Hi.rt u•ln. RelUfl'lff We~on,e. Zi13 ""1111S1•Ht Grc,1\ N.ei....,,. ALL THETtME! 1,,.,000 tiwnt•"-Q!Qn NV 111,~ CP.A hr"'-,.lu!Mime Sl;lnctie J oyit OECORAHNOJS•ln Esc:enen1 o.t~fltt CALL 1'4TER.IOA Susan"-'..,..~­ JACK WILLIAMS ~01•1•nO'lted•rour!'lel~S..~ P;t,rvat Alnat 427-7000 Call 516,487•4110 01 1"g a1J.tl1 lteo1nan-1awal1101, ,11n • • 1101,11-a,O Nachl 718 -224-0900 739-0909 CU'10'ftd•CCt.llC:WI ffl~ ~ ScollO

ANTON COMMUNITY NEWS PAPERS IN NASSAU & SUFFOLK: The Island's Largest Farmingdale Observer - Floral P.irk Dispa1ch - Garden City Lite - Glen Cove Record Pilot - Great Neck l=\.i.:?co,d - H1cks1,11lle Ulu~trated News - Jer1:ho Tribune ... !..cv:U~w:,- "7r1bur.:: -- Monha~sal Circulation of Paid P1ess - Massapequan Observer •- Nassau lllus1ra1ed News (Mineola and New Hyde Park) - Oyster Bay En1e1p1lse Pilot - Plalnv,ow/t:>ld Bethpage Herald - Port Washington News - Roslyn News - Syossel Trlbune - Three Village ir,mes (West Hempstead. Franklin Square. Elmonl) - Westbury Subscription Weekly Times - The Long-lslancJe1/Norlh (Hun1ing1on Township) - The Long-Islander/South (Islip Townshipl - Northport Journal - East'No11hpor1 Vo,ce - Newspapers By U.S. Mai l To 125,000 Homes With Over 300,000 Readers ------~Anton ng.r ill. 2 Help Wa nted 2 Help Wanted 2 Help Wanted 2 Help Wanted 2 Help Wanted 2 He lp Wanted 2 Help Wanted

M EXP ROOKUEPER? •t1t1• noona • wull Kno• ledo• 111 lf'E'RE EXPL1NDJNG . .. pn&wl. Min 161.1. PC. 4lH)OO COi\m GRO\V wrn I LJS ! . M, FfT OUYJOAl FAIOAY $(,,'N~... otr,pn,g&lk)()k. \.ff~G- Ql-'1:13 ti.11111.. n 9 10 "'"' LANDSCAPERS Ffl. M MAlnl STAY HOME AND EARN o.o.nct.ao... ~_p. pr•l. • llt ltW, PIT & FIT NEEDED ijtfw:1"1tkel'l,M. L~~t•nemtNf WOfll. OtfT1t1U!i)nolcftt ..mol«ct1>- P•oO''tl\,. 811111,u• & CoU~• PART-TIME resume lndla.dng po,ltlon code in confidence to: ;r:,n::;:irs V Pfl bac~o,oilnd o,•rd 11.1 , • ., 110MI ptOIHIIOC'laJ Ol!JC.& [.a, t~,~}4 \ 1IYI Ka.bpou1b OOMir,ti,a.leD,000)'1' ~~ c•1tet1IOOPf"W'IObtit,..1ntlJ I lo ,.. PIT l"AVELAOEHT Jlf;nOnnc-1 Dqtuuoon ( R.E..:,S l) •t.1n grHI Ul•ry + be'Wllltt. Pn,d1nt1JI lnsuranc, Ca. E.ap.Conqsnllilottlcelt!Loc:u,1 516-484-5400 Vl1Jlel, F1f.1.ML Suite 130 77S.3915 f'YPl$T PfT 171-3200 PAll CORPORATION 60Clmlt•Lindbergh Blvd. L,.Mn.lp ht llOO X()KTII E.K~ HOUUNAKD H\if!U~100Ymaot.\Vllltra1non IBM PC· t2.)0-.fi lOo, uy S,Stht Uniondale, N.Y. ms3 Flll,...,iua FAST IIIW,.'°E\l' l'ORX IIS-4M M r.,JU.t on-"""rr tMPCl'l'" OH◄U Att. llon Mlller(MGR~ PARTTIME REAL ESTATE A.:1:,on1lb._peoplt~IO SALES MECti.\NIC. DIESU. & OAS P4.Ar:t1ME •-ortt 10,, T\I tent.al CG.. In II c.i.n l"'lm•dh11• opening 101 n.tn.o~eie1,,..1\.6CI&.[.), Cott tlolp,lal C.Ufft o;ipa,tunlty 6..c.Ql'ld1Uons.. mothalfdN lHp,trt,OC'l llt'IU.ac:- R£$TAURAN1HELPWAHUO SECRETARIES f.ARH~toWhourtOsla!Llt• B•l'IQU411 l\tlp-MJF. Hts.•.m.•no ru11 f~ toc,~ y.c:.M'JI,. nm,, Qu•111,a lses pa,o u cat,onJ , ,._$1t..$'1n. t2<$pm,.'4pe1 Paik. fil&.l54 2lfa0 !!:.~11!~1:~"~~r.~,,;. p.m tat•1e,1• l'ltlp,MJF Ea,t, nolfGtYt etonusJ1ncen11••s.. nr F~traius.. P411d ""• ton,M11MUMl~ONl'IHH11. nr-.C.IIMt. ~IL $50 BONUS Ae~tlfll• O.Ol!lf ~ to llont.lhol daft. bl'.. preltHtd, b\/1 wlll H•l11 ,11-111.ouo MECHANIC WfJrillfD -o,--. '" TV Nlnla l COtTTPM) lfl CALL 326·1277 M,Ollco,'t'ltMtionac,fllf-otc,on, NEW OFFICE STAFFING l oolt,t• P. nee.us.art Clood ll)Cfl 1\Q,)pll• lL Fluk>MOtYI 6 l1donu1111,1•MtW teJI Nr•n 5-'&IJ', <:afl I« • ~I ...... 944.7171 We have Immediato openings lor expo,lencod lS2 5tOO sec,otarles wllh Word Procosslng skills: ~ , ,11.a.m. • ,o.m PART TIM£ ~ntnQt & tomt RETAIL •tt-.ti:,(IQM.CtMni.c.nM.QOOd •Ml41,..'IU C\lttome" cont.-ct HARDWARE WORDPERFECT PART TIME,EARN $6 Rf.Al CSl'A.f£$ALES/REHl'AlS c.u T{To,M JCMnOl"lf:Qi'IMl•1t•-,t IO:S'Alt F,.cil.tfn.t Jt,f,u Uf.121$ E,ipe~enced person only WORDSTAR PaJOYie.tlJOf'lslt40i14~ 51=.~:"'Ji:~;•:pc:'nr~,,,!~~ wllhgood background In MACINTOSH MEOiCAL RECEMIONIST lonuSlll'ICfflllWS hardware. We olfer ei­ 3 days.1f1u1MO ..,1co,r ... t,-ain ic !Ml• rv ~taJ Rcip. ,n =1~:~~=',:4~· Aeglsterbelween now and 2128190. Work 70hours and W,litlttn.N>s.l ,ROWlUS... ,. 11,1,n• •• w•leome. Fife in­ cellent salary, plusM ajor to•n 1,a1n1no 101 hlgb co"'° receive a S50 bonus. HORTH SHORE HOSPITAL ,AO.tit.i$U...... - Medical. Permanent post­ NVAS[SA10£.""4NIOCftdf:<11 A"tJll),j\-oOl,...tr""CIIOQl.lll~,c U.S. IDl1tK,pA.. 1 ,, ~.SJffOll\l'llHftOUI can Shltu;inll.l~ •MF,9-3 ('lt,,i,rtklr~, ..),'"4:'Sllolf'0.11 uu.ao lion wlthgOod future.Op, WINSTON TEMPORARIES ,..,., M Ft.a, t 4 Ttt , Upm ~tf'otll'Ttllfrancu<«11~'-"~ .. 1II..Sl.lnlt001&0t.m1WMI» porrunity for advance· - 160-8 Roule 110 30 Newblldge Rd. SQ.-M-.tt, lffldrtou,,__ t,#IQcOINt,(,tt.:,H!,IIQtr-HH .ri ment. Nor1h Shore area. Huntington Station East Meadow ~•lllill,lt~fNOC.•NeliP• C•II 51..... I\\ $1.. nt, 1111 IIEAL ESTATE SALES ,,. "..-itr,lrOtfttl'llloCAI .I ~ Coll Bob (516) 421•5400 (516) 735-8100 n...-susu ,n.._~rtpul~ b,no,,,e, ~OOOperp.11. Jo,n C.I Ve. O.tblfuh l'OVf~ftOOOPfOl•stk>n• SU-lMJ •la.- na1n1no "'" Bonus "t' up to 516•676-0387 W• rn.lh... Jlif'.N eo').,Co,mm.c.llTo,conlldtf'- fl'PJST SATURDAYS,, l1VHJ1N(ilON m ni.rltnel1UM 1hUlnl~. SALES PE.RSON NUDED•t VILl.AGEOF"F1CE.S.S.i-tA¥ '1l..«M PA.f\T TltlE GREENVALE PHARMACY Fo, Pore Wn,,1ngtonAccO\l.n- RElAIL SALES• Uil.Un io sen CJ Ill UNLIMITED INCOME! 1•n1,or1n looU.H~tO(i<­ o!~~:tno LaRouRol1y Fn 5 c:•1'.- 10 a m..-6 tun.. or nee C LCfh(,Tfpll'>O, ,111110 ■.Uriu:,at, MoodJILIIJpellf'IQ 6cmt M tUi.atw•.•Ma. ASS(MDLE PAOOUCTS IN'f'OUP c;ovn11n9 S1uc:l•nl• to ent.r 334.4333 tto()f.'lll'Ol\.Plico..iki~lnlOm $m.&t.lofl.uW...SUMi9:W7-:lll. ctt..nf•.o.li; on IBM CClmO<'U• MA.ntRSCHOO(.HOURS CA.ll l:N-UIO OWNtfO~E.t.ASY \'YCIR,I( Sa1. atl\.Ulilif~ EJ:CE.lLE»T PAV NO EXPlAlENG.C OffIC [ WORKER19001'1,KECPE.R bl• (O,,,Pl,lf•r Mut t be ,..-_~1,. Sfocllwo,\k\A.1.&USIONl.Hr,. n«,.. •Ultl~cart'IPYIM,IJ.ng.nwc, •rtelld• llhdala•nlr,t.nettian, Pl•Jn,ww IJ6.~7 ... RIDll $AUS Pf.R:SOH NHOED.C,llL1• HRS.INCL SUN auuu. car Pt•t.. Good P•7• OOoCI t.COM1llitlk>rlt. Non-t~ef. 0.1/NCTllt. S&laly.COfnm..0.0.hl) M:CM?AAtlV$1' PIU.CTiCESUllS l1H2t-4Nt,ut. H1JII 'la/ftffo,c,;o.t.:llli;,:o.U'IPl)WIU.l bi.MIils ~~U•ar.•. c.o. RECEPTIONIST ~,(~goe.l~INfl, 7 11,773-)021 PIT CLERICAL PLWlll'I &1•.1, 111• ttQ C.aJI Ann. N<.lr.,A&O W~M. ~ Mo,M, Fo, b\J.-y orgtnlullon, 1n- 68J..U.'1 !M-21!,9 iloi;,ttCW,,.1,t.. r.h .,.,.ffllil'--• ~D~Hku.,,._.,H. Utyp­ ...-.-C.OS,,qnt,& Olhc;edvOn. 04•id.,.almus1c,ea~iaM1~ SALES • f•tn HOCl{UOO ..'- &.H 78a.3737 , ,,,d1c;nt1oard, a ccu, c,u,, 1)100:U-C:I lh•I 1•1U ll••lf l.MIUOWl\,,. rrrunoui., Aoc4, PART-TIME PERSON n •eO, ffl•--• tel•t1al• lo •P Q1,1•ran!Hd S-~ '- PIOOfl-'•GeN•tm.ftb&lldl.._. 2'0).~2100. " 11.1'1 Ptltc>l'lf\•( ,t,~fn(I.. Ut~t lo t Olf'/1 C4w. .,.. tp•ut•I)~ 'tllol••oH ",a;.f.awt"1COl.lll-"4ofL •V•"Cf. •nd SECRETARY 0,,,ll~'"41n11,ah,,,1U\Cl'IOM CleHc•I orion• :',!;-:~8:~e~~!~;_:: ~.,,:; ... llh i,ec•••.a,,- 111,wunc• M C\.IA.ICA.l/OAJA OttRY ~IIY• "'u1L Ute Met~ P<9f • O<'• ll•T I, ~

"Bad news. We did a background check "It's the obedience school's oo you. .." formal surrender." .\1tto11 l!:uuununllU Nrwspaptro - IDrck of J"rbrunru 19. 199U • tlagr 80: 8 Bus iness 5 Dom~tic Situations 3 Siluations Wanted 3 Situations Wanted 4 Domestics 6 C hild Care Opportunities Wanted 6 Child Care

900KK.U9EAAYA1L NURSE looll.lrig '"' P«Qte Outy MATURE WOMANw1II c:a1• lot HOW TO OPERATE YOUR OWN Allff4.30&\V.el'lo0s t\OftM- cit& c;&rino_ 111:h.uli. f&I&. AVAIUBL£ NOW ~yw,11-ot\1, & 1.11). E.,.• a. o, PROFITABLE bl.!1inen. JOln hVtt C&ll 1:W-1713 (:all 7$1-11711 I \ol,lffl 10 pl~ ln!tlhQtnl .\ •-l11Nlf=-•..,~•v.tt'dtlt11YtO'tCJ10.tie41t1 1 drttJ• ol Ollrtf DfOtpatOIJ.1 begin- m, b.1'Plattr>N'~2f!U~•' ) \Yee~d.$. f'I. wun.8U-.IC07 tu.. ,.,...,..,.0- ' rinponsib1t3t--ye,1J>Ok3h1! I~ "·'-- S1nd .SASE lO Ma,1110, Otl\.lf,,11'~ 6)1!>"!1.-4,0p_fl'I. Cti1LDCARE•LIVE•IN HOUSE dJan t,o.,.....,.:M-f itndlo, twi1 En1, ,i,,1u1 \10 Cy1p1u1 .-.u., 4 Domesti cs slllM•hOlta.,1.1~1etoWOf\2 8 Business Flal\Oers.NY 0901.{NYSCA~~, ':,~~~,,~:.::~~~:· CLEANING d•r• •H.,ly. T • rn..-5 cun. '" """' u •tll1..IJS,3 altllf 7 p.m. ON.111N1eli.a1,a.S,,.1sakl¥t•r. Opportunities 1 .,,..ect, N ,o wor,lnD "'°"'•"' A i;;.vEALENCE.D hDV 1!11e1 ••HII RAREFltH>, log homes ' l ''t ICM' YOLII tOddl_. WutbU,Y, ,V~~~~;::~i%~ ~~::~!s -462"1112 18AIY s,n•• w••no ro• ~l"CllamU1-2<~l'«lc1&S...... _...... " l 1\1, &3,y, rOldLf'rLlSat.,:uu~ I tt,:;:,9'We, S101ut uu C..il QUALITY HELP ACTIVU Ul/fUAUlH ro• SALE lf".._h~H t..lClu..t.VT ll'olCWil l!" H0VSEIC£CPER tvaal5 ct.ya-.,...... _ ,~1 arH '11•2:ff41 t1111FU!Q_o.i..-11Mattt-'k_il!Q hons , Relt, lfil.50e:1 REFERENCES l BONDED hl\\',11111.'III 100\ ,,,u1~1I h) HOWEATTEHOA!IT0- ...... Tl... WECLEAN Ki:l.1llt ~•lilt '"'Ulf\'UI 11 \h V~T\IA.EWOMA!f P'E.EOEDtoc.~ NNded l o, ont &,.)'Ut•olO tioy. I OE 'tOUA OWN 80$$1 GROUND 11•11s-t ,cHILDCARENEEDED C'.11! llo11 ll11.lr.111,111 /o,,nt•ntiJtmyt'IQr'WE.NOflnpon_ MCrft,Frl ~ l.~7;JQ p.m. FlOOROPf'N-UNLIMl1EDPOlUf• lbMHUIl.li.tPor\ Wnh. Ti•II I h'\' l•)\JU.t,'\\,0(,;11111 l('lll~ . • •~ero.r"por,sll)tt. USA !For 11.,,,010 6 r ide 10 local Tl.A L. f\lLUPJ Sl6--'42-C1eJ MFiS.r..7,0l.49 c,11 Enn1no.: 717.JS11 "J HOUS-.ct.EANINGAVAILABLE DU'SINESSOFlHE!iO's"'SECRElS t ull~,, t11'--1W-l'l!I 883·0359 11c,iool t or g & 10-y,. Olds- 1 MY POUSH HOUSE'l

9 Real Estate n Homes For Sule 12 Homes for Rent 15 Apts For Rent

ElMONT1LFRAt~KLIN SOUA.Rt OAAl>E.N CITY S.--4 8A. L.AlltOIC.. G LEN COVE Buu1llul 1vnUt .l•fC)OfflCOIIAQ.. WANTED TO BUY bfancl MW Ul ♦lkM'.. IIJfl"' ~111- Real Estate como1,11ty ,.rio.a1tr{nocOl\doso,co,opt) GARDEN CITY 1m ,CAC.g11 , Sl,050. C.ll 51t..127o0990 Coll671-8317 COVE REALTY 621-6 161 ~--.wttinds. 6 BA, 31,\, bal h&,COlonlat, al1er6p.m. Pf1""1p.als0rity OYe,tll.od p,oocmy, llbtary OLEn COVE. N ow 3 OR. I\\ b• tfi GREAT HEOC UTAT lS IO'AALP.AAK!ot' JSff.nitWf'Ub.ith.tovr,tun\'l,Wt. yOUrt9 unk>r • (Ml't•n fH110~DI• lOt'Vt~IPl:~&!Bit= Expanded Ranch. 4 Br. High O•k• Realty ;.~~=•~f=~I M:. S~.f3llt~4•\0.I.,.._ 871•6522 676•9287 o.. , , v,111>1.oll6 '219,000. Addl lolt1RII 31/l Baths. Skylight,, (,.,:j~ll)1~t.101l QLEHCOVE HIOH ELMS HUHllNOTON-Fvtnl11\itd 3 BR, I Low Taxes ~U\.t ll•pptiancO'L Walk 10maU & ll Homes Por Sale • BR COLONIAL H1e~lll• t hOQ~lng, Sl.100.. 11\, b.Utll,, lrptc;.., WflP,-&tOVnd CaU7~1-l1l4, s ..rt O,JiM t OLENCO\IE•So•dov•31mt.•UI\ CONTEMPORARY CAPE '375 K 11undr-,. SIOO lurnltM'!J Of unlv i dtcll, IGP 121_1"4) 01,rnllC. 1", PORT \'I.\StilNGTOtl 5-llDWl~ CSWESO\IOto.MPINM. COt◄VEHIEH1'TOSCH00lS. n1~ed. G1J.tg.&1. .tCJt.AhJfMf\lllt,t.. SHOP91H0.URFI t,no ttf!1.11-«>tStX4:CACSohl. Must See - Owm?r s 1.rsot~t>rld.5Ch1 SJIXIO. GlENCO\IE !!:_;:,~~-'~'1~~:~i!~ MINH S-421,000 HOUSES OF WORShlP ..-11U~R SIU .!00 ewl'I•' Sp.ac1ot11 modo,n ~ DR ,111)1.s. ,...... ,.. 4 U.AOE BR, ll• lfl111D0111-1111• SANOSPOAT 883-7780 L.aul'ttJt'l~' UOt- OLEN COVE C11p1I, IUM) )i.ll(MII •~•IU'tQ 676-6815• Im~ occvp.anc:y .ltU. n•• b a lh, n,.. • lnilO• S, S81S,S~• Ul!IIIIU, f/fll.s.111-!l Dttnl 4 11\l.l,t t11pel• PT. WA5HIHG!Olt.2'R. , ...... DEERPARK IOEALSTARTERI s:uoo:1.aR.2b1lf\ ..u ,100. I fd, l'IHl•d l11"111'1y 1oom. or1,• l1 High Ooks Realty P0UlD'41 M.t0 Split ~•nen, LO Unl(lw l on t\GUk. LR"" t..ood J;f'lt.kf• Uu.s, MANYEXTJV..5- PORJ WASH, • O.acon HUI ll.lWt WATERFRONT Town & Country R.E. 671-6522 676•9287 ea1 In counlfy k ltci\•n. USTSE[ \P'!~l10N.,-O.ntt tNrnlnQ SIOWI, DR. ~bl'a.~rr.~s,~p,i'I 883-5200 GLrn COVE,mll:>d•m 2 on. l~I Ctlh04rt1 ct!lllng, LR. ~ 8R, .l)Jl'IQ51n.000 buch, l ♦ nnls U ll~,000 Ptlnc. SOUTH SHORE 0.,.2b.t1M.l# .CfNMO~l,O,. LOW TAXES Sl7S,OOO 1100!,"' ' l~D41Kh. S 7SO l!I appuan.ce._ l'i, c.u O&f1ge, 931·0807 ...,., ... Co,:ycOIIIIQ&\'LO&Dy\0'\..28R. COVE REALTY 621-6161 LR, DR, .. IL, d11cii; ano dock. -.ll,lffl,1~•1- tn\.nalOO, to... VANCE REAUJ ~C~U$1Vf GREAT NECK~ , m •~I, p111~tt la•H. 111~ Wtlt 10 ttore. ~ltcl•lattOfr,ome.,tetl... aot ROSLYN t,ome, lhnln•1s women. "'0"'• K~, tt•tn 611-3Ht ISUP.1 1torycotonla1•9 ,m._ zu, PORT WASHINGTON • ..,mme,hckN. srno-..1,tl cooi.lno Rela.&Slcu,1 9a,• 2!: S W.990, 2n.2117 3BARancl1on ,~ ac,e.LAA,pk.. tV jSt6) •6'•Bl7 (516)242•2981. Owner lrM'Kul11e,eA,OTe1'1,lZ..OlR $119,900 navc,ll•blt DR, o,n.. EJK, 2\\ blllM, play, wflrpk..,'ZEl,C:,2bllhs, DR,.thef, ,oom. CUN CQVS•lmfN,C.,4BA.,.2t»lr,s. mo~n,vr1noow,.oec.a.nnl1h 489•7596 or 483-8334 w.U.AAOwlWf~• kN•L£i~ Utllnglow,.O•lehout.e ...,,,. rOREAf HECKGa,donCll,APL 1K1 t>am1.,2 Yt·cat g ~•90-LOW Bl!Sg. Pflf'\CI0.,,11 on1r 0LfH'NOOOLAN0lN 0•adorlbHt Btenas • -•1rn1h • tn,u ... •Ill\ 1.U:.£6. ROBERT flOAEA EASTISLIP CoiunJn,fq,f'ICft.l8A.2Dall'IS,larrw- GtKlon In~. Dol'I w.lnyt~n11,- " " INC IPAU ONLY. U19,00G W(SflURY-CAALEPl.S.0. HARDING lnvntmenl RH11W "OA.1 b•tn, I.ft OR. ,11(,, t 1,1 I COLONIAL SPLIT lytm., ()tl~l'!IIUlWOOOoc:I H 1"ng 1,D"tc.f'O.a); Mani.I~ 4 • ea111a.w 5 16-tt1•4!fo!i0 f2'9,000 767-0037 t>~L.. 2<•• o • •• o• ~ .O?O REAL ESTATE fHI": OR .th•ncrtooors fta,O, i,g C•lln7,U,N Cou:11,y VrTl•Ot •iu .soo,not sE.-CUF~BR,,lMl,2h . tlDatti :165,-6606 8U·3810 Colt>nl•I. tov11\y CIIOPlll'f, .,1 ctitoc:,cLl -,.- BR.oia-n1v ot1gom Mo,,tau_\...t 8R, 1ero•oec.-. 0~ PORT WASHINGTOH ,1n,1n111n. 0flll 141ftlly tiom•' U\ t,t1Jroom., tvllbilff'!t fol iup1nMOl'l. l-<11 0•1~ W-.- P.ENTORBO'l'I WEStBURY EXCLUSIVE HICKSVd·'1... f\an<. n SJl"II Cl0ll'U.5CO ..,m.l'lllo hrf>O'IIIC.. El~. FOR.. l on +- 2 D111t.s • s 1,800,'mo fH-110 7 or821-U.JA GltN COVE Ryo11eld R.E. Dt'IClo, 50111 $-115,00IYl.l.OOO m1t1t11 BR, t Y, b101s,l•m11r llf9' OriU Cl'" SANDSPORT 883-7780 o.n-N/slldl"UdOOft,OWOrfocM~ 671•33•6 guden 011110. llnlshtd Da m i . LR.11.llet'ot.nJOAc.omOO,.I BR.? PORT WASH l.£GAL2FAMILYIST g a,soo. SEAlum ,31toiyCL• f'III. Oite.,, 011100, dow D•th-. WIID IIOl.tl\()l)OtCh, slUC- L EVITTOWN OAHAOE. FIN, O S M1',. SJT!:i 000 la Aou RHUt U 44)l3 \"lhM\c~KcaW~Clr-.,.011 10 -sc.noola, a11opp1no, AR, 0Wt~£A~ co.. S-2,!iOO/mo. ?1:/·H1•■ 1, 1, OHIOMd l BRRMKtl, A4aJJ1ed bHCl1U. golf Aluminwm l l OYD HARBOR Aru,, own•I. S I OOjQ. Y.lwCArl)t!!I.Hl>,llll*•n. t,11GMn. '0MlnlihOwef, fM.lvltl\ll 114,if'lg l.C)l;.d!.t.MUII l'\tOIICl'd 111nc.e & t'ltAI corilrot, Lg [!It I\C~ Ort l1n01C•~d \o • ettt 10>$?5.$.000 NO tl)'0Wfljtl, w , 1.,1ot4111t11u M1u ~7511\CI SJ7SOOO Ownllf mu tl ttU 1mmeol1 11tly, i1M'fl·•&.u W EARESWAMPEO.,.,ct~111,W'III 111. Cail c,-.-o,, 1 O o r ...,-.ci..oo,., Cf,lllotOttwlrlilllng.s Spec11cvlar wo attMl1-J. Ge'> PRESTIGIOUS Ing 10Aol'II A>Home In d e 11, 111ttlt Barrier Free Roally m,u1e con1,moor• rr. , ye.,r, .,1111. c , 11 tiomu Am• 1lc 1 , °'o 3 actes, u,.a.at AU 0Uer1 $1(;-354-4000 795.3779 674-4048 contldOtcd CAIi NORTH SHORE AREA GLEN COVE 516-424•5•08109 On Northern Blvd., Brookville vicinity/East LDCUSr VAU.EY:'. l rml.. uu1111u Sprawllng8roomR a.iich ln 13 Homes To Shore lncl~ S71!t. c;ul-Oo-sac Y, acre gunllo Norwich. 1/, acre. Proresslonal location. COVE REALTY 621-6161 EXCLUSIVE KENSINGTON 25 pool• suriounded DY ttrrck miles from N.Y.C. 3 BH, 1'/z baths, new kit- G.AROEN CtfY, U'1FUAN.tm-all LOCUST VALLEY: 1;;1111,, 'Z OR, G.N. 10 Yr. Old Home pa.110 & raised deck. l.11 Cil1tle$..n!,U Jel&. 1,1,61,ZO ..... \ U)NOICACitr.,J)• d •w~U'O.• • &R.2Y. t,1lht,,A/C.flrt~K&. lmmacul111 $'"145,000. chen, gas h eat, gas f r1plc., separategarage. COVEAEAIJY 621-6161 oil10. U.)'\lorne, 2 c.ar garage, Mlt.t4HA$SE:T 2 ,oom !Ull'I a pl ~ In cQ!ld,tlon. ,t,.fler-6 Pm, !!~~~~~:-=:J':! owner. 671-9413 OWNlA 111(04.ICEO S2U,IOD Low Low Taxes! S365,000 ROOMMATE WANTED w .slkRR.&21-0,.,,11 $1MIJ..HIIO TO SHARE HOUSE 466•7418 By Owner MA.NHASSET l rm tu rn Dsml. tPI, nearallSlnQkOCCUP-ll\\, $ec6 ral. Princlptll 01\I)'• SMC 000 Owl'\ D♦droom , s.n110 ll• lftQ 00\IE.ANMEHl H0"'4ES 167S ln Pl~I· boan1ll)tl..onwaodod v, •ere. c,a,. ,on,ompowy 110,11•0 ,.s. PORl WASH Duolo•.3 OR. 1VI 11, Aepoue11iont C•II (1J A.p,lng $198,000, Ihom e .,.,,uo1ng di., ~H., den. Bf\, 21'1 win ... Walk 10 11IL M1at SEA CLIFF b .alh ..lg LR.DR.E.IK,bsmt .~•Iv• Cok,N,ll~lo',-Olyt1oe-WlldtlrMt ~7,&,c)(), E• I. GH to, CV'- H._ S2J9,99Q. WllY UHJ 111 1'1$., , nong & w110,. nNI Knoot l l'ld ~ll. Ulwfhpt(.., ~ SOUTHOLD ttackll1ng. ?&R.D•~ 'fllrw:to"'a. OntMbtatn.3BR, 2D111th s, lr~c.. DR. hHl•O Sl.ln po,cfl.,.., N EW rtn1 r•po lis L Graclous5 BRColon1al LRIDR 1rp'4:& 9 44-ltH CIIIS\.22).J46l li•I tK.ilincts l" POAT WASHINGTON man T0l• l 1•n 1 lor 3 • I 1,500 1 •Uiff,Yc.ablntll1ndc:v1tQl!'lt1lt \ 1 OO(U-R~u lr). o•l/nQvtnl I.Ill ~:t.~:!ri:r~~o~e~: 1~ All Sito OJ Apt•, Olfk u , And .o.rk. F1nu,MO blffll~ ~omp141tt ~111fl1ndrepo-..FOfc-v utn1 MIO or 9 & B. R1duc•d ID W ES1' ISUP, $132.G?0, Mlnl, 3BA GILREAlTY 671·2300 HOLIJO R•nt•lL Somo A••il•bl♦ • ll" . , ... U,JP4I 1r\d bit. Notr 1i11s,cat11.«X>.2.-2-1.~1 • .-..1. 1629. Sffl,000. RIIJ'\Ch t011u•• o-.,ne,. :U 2..072il For llflffleM 1PfW;ltf .A)110o~n-tn1n2• Marion King Aoalty ROSLYN BARRY REALTY o,,l'"Cl~· •llHTllDIIIWIQ. GOVEflNMENl HOMfSt,omS \.00 15 Apls For Rent P11t'do,llt oi,IJ CeJt~ 1 t 73••5657 MUST SEE! 627-6609 883·2244 {U~~•"•091,nqu,nl tu: ptapef' Homes For R ent 141-4$\2Atter$p.ll'II. UH e nd , eoo's- Fof cuntnl ltSIS. ConttmOCJarrR~ncn""'"°"~ 12 BAL0YIOW, S 179,000, 2. l>~~n,.,Dostg-netlnl..-k>i• Ra nch, lrl)IC.. poG'. S..000.. olngetc.. &RFw0• I00,\ 11S,Q00.11,0cf., 5B1\3ne--lt.1llbaln&,m&Jle18R GLEN~E::baculve3 8 R.3bltn 516-Ql-Zlll A1t110.00Pffl wall\ RR, $229,000. RMC.h, ffpf(., CO"nl. NC, 1pplnc:-.., O,OWM!ll1 , I DA,.,.alklOUA'l, l ull• SP,ln)Jfll, .,.,n,.s. Un- St&-SJ&.117~ 883-7780 Olt.S1,600, $hOl»l•&l•r. FloHID£•g11•ot. SAN0SPORT ual vsc.. m1n11.:1,• s.Rosly11 B ROOKVI LLE;. Np JV. lffll. • • t>- OLE.H HEAD: t.!lnl J 8A, l!i'i bllh $,600pt11mltl. For Sale - ..,,... L ...... Only. SSff,000 Colonlel. ,1ppll1nct11, hp~ g 1,1 pli1 1'1G-U , pool, Oltc. Inc.I. I 1,4!,0 - I A.prU 15.. $1,000. PORT WASHINGTON COVE REALTY 62H>16 I OLDWESl8URY: 3 8R.2 ba\hCol- Call 516•767-7084 U O• I 2 tsrnlly, ~ • lbty • 'l!O 621-5167 t•o-,~l• :,plnca..l'h ~IIIHllll'IO, BROOKVILL£,.f'Ufnlwlld2tm,cot, HIGH ELMS · GLEN COVE apt. O'iltf' lllf•OL Con'flllnltnt. 11, 700. ~ ga. Pat\ lnQ, P"C)I. S7SO IN:I an JUl"1'1• tMS120,000f,'IOl1~~ 621-6161 SE.A CUFF-I. ,m.,ftH I Incl.. Sll50, ~H,NGTo~,. • Estate Alea A.ISO H'91Yfl ldand 30R.2Datti.. 2 hpk-.., OR, 11,mllr u,ge lamlly room wllh tlrepla.co 7 DR, 2 91H con•OE STYLE EL!r,,1 0 Nl EA.51·2 ,mt., ltJII t>atn, rm-.n\Od'1L S1,17!1 5.a~.,e:1.EA~noec1C1p.. , HOME.LR.E11(,FAMILYR).l, All 1 C.ntnil ;alt eoo<1itfoolnQ 1;~~ ~~.♦0upl«.. 1 1-"0¼ , pNu1,1n11ance.1m1h. HC. S.nol• 2 BR. 2\11, bltn Dvp-1....., DR. moo BR.lbaUU,MW>-11-.nlc•'Pfd IOClledO'IOVt•-tlnd pk)l 'llll llft • (lftlenp,tl'O, Sffl. ~~-c• ll ~1no U00.000. SE.ACLIFF E.U(. s l\YIIOftll, Jacu.uJ, d.CU. Sec~rll't 5'/Slllffl----- S360,000 m 111ur• IV1<1,c1plno , U> t1 c f •lltf8~m. 'Iii• H1111 All Kay1I Stor,boo., V1<:1011•n Dn m1gr,1h• CA,C.COl'l\el11PQl'II)', S. t,~~. For Apoolntm&nl Call. 0 1h•c J . E • c e ller,1 Du~ ,1 uni a,ourua • en 1\-1 t111P1,. s 21,.000ow,1ER/8ROl<(A ELMOf41'EAST281\"fUl-tlKIQl.a, Town & Country RE Days: 516·294•8811 (Mr. Burns) Rundquist Really 51nglt1 & pe-lt \l\•kOIM S 1.:)$() t' 11\0pP'I\G & tr,ns 627•3100 516-674•3298 671-2300 J!?,1,ffi 883·5200 Eves.: 516•671•8317 GIL REALTY :\nton lr111nmu1111u ;:,/rwopaptr• • IDttk uf Jfrbniaru 19. 1990 • tlagr 91!: 22 Out Or Town 33 Offices For Rent 15 Apts For Rent 19 Co-ops/Condos l 9 Co-ops/Condos 26 Plots For Sale 33 Offices For Rent Real Estntc GREATNECK.NEWlYFVRN PRO, OfFICESUOL£TQJtnec,..,...OC,$Q n F1,11t111t1it0 ornu 1n ot11c• GIJICEJi~\..,,., 18'\ "'"' W(.Jleu«Y, 19RConoo.doQrrNf\ 8UILOING Lor FOR SAlf (I HS.olla.Pl:#t'QtDid;.fln,~ PO«T WASMIHGTOtf ,..,._ litl"II Un.DMHJC:Li,-.-. flil4; Ii pOCI ,_..,,. ltN)o,1lt4_ t,y TIOGA COUNTY rn,at11,N'Oflh~1~51,-..atl\SO Cati 8"'1ldlne. P1,Y tM 11.000mln lrt-- •trl(..ll'Oa"""'1 o,~1a1•11 tt~~LIAR,.Ca,t S.M,o•ot ,..,1 OWMf. Cnc.d \0 l'IMlt t.luJO.' ... SIR•~ltQ00111Jr6W:t"fl: 4 ..11 100001·!1.S47-471 ./~I -I HIKlt• ltom H 'n: GREAT NECK P"rw•ltOIIK'tl"01,1f ~~ac,t.,S~ 0•" t.00, Propt,tlU. OL£.N 0A,c,S.,3BRCo-oo. f,~ ~ bUS!r'IUI 11111• P,uoge bldg OYSTER BAY lll\.t :w,tM),IC"fl I ~~,_,. , Ulldlkno.fOUlteQ~tfftnentL ~~ W.C.a,DwgW•t•.rm.WM ~ 2; Mortgages p.&rll!!'9 2DIU.LIRA.,t6-'82-4250 FQ, ,,.. bftld'lw,, c:1111 o, w11 t• HARDING rwa,.UMQOI~ 20 Seasonal Rentals QREENVAL£•1 olllCU UOO 9.,,y Hill Ad 6 Ro1,1t• 106,t:IW 1lf.3.'1-;'003 601•MN70I "'.. ,. C.11 82\ ~21 1 ,,t\Ol>.1ttdolllc• ,pac., 2,000 REAL ESTATE l-\llAUU'tR.D 4il. 7 IQ JI 0.1o0td l JO,.,q It .. vhlP, POCONOSCA.MEllW:I( Ml Bo,:31 N.,.ll.'\.'o'~ty.H't l)SH KISS FORECLOSIJRE.\ 9'4-3870 W~'\ lo~ ~nl1AI01neShO.. BANKRUPTCY GOODBYE! HICKSVILLE 1f,~ 1001 to, ac:coun1an111Ar w,1.. ,s:~e.1 1 7tB-60Qtd C11lltc110, cont,~100 GLEN OAKS CO-OPS ~111P,)'(Nr~• Pl'NA5tUHGTOH"C4t~ltlO 28A 5 ~OOfn o tuca. - 1 BA • 1h pk.. 1700 t ll , ...,n • l'Oe>Uon 10 bllf ~tlK I ,.jn.lhc;.. l tUIOnt l. Cofl... nltnt 10 28R.Jt.000inet l'lfill l coy .tDI Ot fUldfl\CL Ownt, 601-3916'31 bOtplltb .... , kM.n.. :r.~:ili~:-:~-::·~::-,~ JBR, sr.io+ 31 Space For Rent 516,596,0952 U.200+-. S.aGhll 111 SU.ffll ot 61Wl•228 23 Vocnlion Homes OL EN ►iE.\0 • 3rm ~pip_ Fullt 1&R.1n, .. LaanWu•MJ• BOCA RATON. FLA. c 11pe1e,o Ample p,11, 1no 17,0 +- 18A..U~w'1'oen •• ol ul!hlltt. l81\_ l r1'.-'hUL EXCELLENT GIL REALTY 671,2300 Ocun 1, Co11n1,-, C1utt tul- NASSAU POINT PRIME RE'TAIL LDC. GIL REALTY 671-2300 o.ntut1600illll!IN.tlf;~l"QJ OFFICE SPACE SO CUfP:.WtlfMN'.18R, OIi.it conoo. ,..,oc-a,, .vc. ,u •o~ ADllof Conneet lcu1ot1 the HOO SQ. Fl, Ht.10 of Hu:"ll~lon s,osm...,,,,.. ,.,,,."""•' da:f\.p.tlll.~UlU 'ncf 11,250. Iw ••a•rr. n•.,•• '"•" I R•M• • fUIJJl(.ool.• Otovp nollh to,kol LOng l1l1nd. 4 V•ll•Qe.. Newly rtn01'•1td 1 no OIIIU$pt.c:w1Gf IfjC:fJbc.t1.1tJfi,llylt.1ll\""'4c:ontmi .. ~ t.ll"IW""Shed, S,39,.00&, lilt, \ Of 2 PR0f£$Stt)~IAL$- COVE REALTY 621-6161 ty h1ffll1Md. SUJ)OO.. YCl10ld3BR.3blhc0\lntry o«o•ttd. Mull r,e ...." c.tl 1tc•~7/pho,\t11C:opIOfsal.. BOCA RATON, FLA. Ill fir 3 fm, tUlftClr 1af4 L.ow "Wnl. S,Ullffl,o H N ' '" S650F"'"AIJ F.,-.1IC-IOsi"Q AVAILABLE 17'00,flUt. batll. lt.lfl, 1tnov.t1..a, all AO• -~ 1r,0t.o~ lnHIC'IC.SYl\.lE CfNf(RPORl tlhll\CCI*' h!QUtl l(ty111-P.<.. SOUTHAMPTON, ·t...i,urScN-al!Offif,•il.lS.tOIIOOS. euurv SALON dose1 span, 2 ~ ..r tlut,, SAG HARBOR rn.n-,•.iru0u)e110c..,m~ 10 IDEAL FOR OM~t'h~~:&~, J1o~S \ ~~: LIRR. 3 1 mil'I !tom ~M Stl Town Grove Really Walfllront. l>fHl •OIOt.i• Hiott • JEWEUtt • OOUIIOUE Cot'lwn.. nll'(fOc. No~lc;ourt:t, ol Boca Rallcftonl00• ?671t.O-~ • ARltf lCI.ALl',t.U.S,ttc. J ■ cquelfneJones Broker flOS.Pol.tl.1&'111ioOCHno fwduceOf'Cov&38R.lbacl'lt, ea,, r.,.... -sa , · 261-3918 A.uln; S 120·.. ~ti 1,800,Boca GAV 2CM~tl'lten:Clrf\ ~1'.\11· 7tl42:l,,l.4f) D•p CMn In v•raoe. 822•34a6 0$, $1.. 141 ,zt'N hn.. 133SK FIRM 11=11 Cl$7/ll~ STUDIO APT IOI ,.n1.Au ll Im• ~••!•tt !7!.-l:900 COASTAL MANH.\SSET AUTOMOTIVE Joi"! Nori" $no,. AulO M•II '11:t.l to NORTH CAROLINA M.tnhl Utl lf•ll'I Slt llon 7 C.tl 11 1th 1fX1/t'rt 11{ ,.,,mr ""11frrJron1 un 1hr /umt1I -Volt.I ..., ...... _ _I l1'rO(t..8H1.1l1f1.1lo!llc• I lddmonal C'oou·: nm'!( rnJm' 11w, IUC'flla, ur.. , 1iftftr I uni b(.md Nl:Wl'f~~n..tl!WldtoN OCUNF~OHT SOUTHOLD CO-OP FOIi SAU Hi,ul•rw:• Hugo did not ,.,.,m p.a1kl~ Call: ,t6D--:MOQ ,ono.MOO.J.11~ 1w•~~· I \II,. Loci.~ Folly, A Goll I So""" \.-or r1m nd 28'l~~Wfflo'I.~~ ao.1,f'a O.lio,t1 CliJDlyt...... ,.1 W.tlerlt0n1Ccmrnl.lNtylOUtt4 -.i4NHASSET1PL.A.NOOME ~Id, 1o;o1 mo.0000r;g,-N1...._ 1,t()OtQ, ti,. ltl Ill S1.2()0 ,lncluO,"O Tim I lllOttun ,,,,n/ fl"'\Ulr11rr H /N t/f'f'tfr \l(U(ltt"II "" E...... ,iu.- oi, U-..l11t~1la.lW.tl~f 0...lah«'ac:ed W.tlfffl'MI • dNp ctlf)ffl• I WIier doclo.. In oround poo1, hUt. lll.tleh,611.0120.. ., u,rc-1 tu 1,rw1r.111ur pr,1~J; llntl/t'Utmr, J hrdrow11,, DIIHltlbtKh, • OA,:ZY. bllt\a, -1 b..,thnimn,.. u /H)...,,J,•r,rlt)l,i, 1/i•11, 111,rurJ. u A11,hr11 1olfh Slle l&m rmJlrplc., \.A. DR. I;, £.l"K.. liORTH S..oRE TOWEftS: \'ihelhff tCH')'oll111 , :zoru1nu11ona.. 1 f'-- 11'1\. 'fl.M)'l,of!IL J.c~ 33 Offices For Rent /Jrro11/u,, 1111'lo4. ,1 J,.,,.~ ,.,.,;,, ..· 111t ....J. C uthl'flrul, ,'II WffllUilff.,t'G ffllL.tllltLsa50. Bll)lllGOl~III-IAITTAU.LJY.. ntt1,ia.ay,at1tw1r,or111c..,onN ,.,,, J J,rrrfqc"N JJml J ,vr ~N,:r, ,I !p,.Klf/U;.\, 1m,fll-lru·I MIN(OLA-28A.i t50;lBR,SUlOO, mtM1~1hl.wtntf'u:n1QfO'II>~ Cm 11,11/ llun,111,:11,n., 1111(111,>1vuumu114 1 I htJur tu ,,,• .,.. CMhl'IQt ,:•11• uoorm.tn..,_._.lo.ll.& zm., H1m•••h• • 110m 1,21 900 24 Time Shares 12.J Rm S1d!H, rrCH1tPa1~1ng ),,rA. thl\ r!t'l(Utlt r'll'1l,•,-.1mbtr/t"\ t/11,) 11 / '""' h {i.Jrl(I t,1 . • OOI UM.Cl:IOO•~lZ-00,..\&31 Homt,ji from W.000 Hill'""lltad T£i"- lr/t !,ilfh t'1lll'lll'll"\llht/i,V tu !flit" u/ (hr t1Uttf)n'1 r.rnnru 16 Apt s Wa.ntcd PU.YA u r•OA. AROBA 1·800-443,7891 \'l.atl'llng1oi,, DJ,lhO,y Wtek 7tn UV,tto..NE. '-1•~ nlln. Co-opO'mE•IA c lOHY,u,., l o •na,.d,nrylhla.. g< . I I 1 b(llm. llffPI 5 Rant Of BUY F~fEt!fAT &HEC. FEMAL£SE(KSA.P1.,GLNt<1ro-Pt s n.ooo lfftll.0..Mt. C.IJ• ll•rl PJ"1t12 0//rrtd ot S1,IJU.OOU. Wu.II. A.IR, Und,tf S,CO. 411 :i'ol20 .... FLOROIA KEYS 516,735-6681 I ur mu,,• i,ifu,mutfor, 01 w ,,111•,lutr iJrt Ufll>iJlrlllf/r"I r;o , ,.,,_ by -.·tt,, montl"I or C1Jtll.J{t u:.,tt,•r ,\t1,,,i, Ill teuonlnouuti!ullt~ TIM E SHARE ,,'10J ,1}7,l]()(J 17 Apts To Shnrc -- 1 BA condo, IUIIJ 11,11/"llll'I.O, •tter,lew,. ttnn•• courlt. I Beautllul South Gl~COVf OAUt NECK/PROF' '-1 /FNon, PORT JEFFERSON ntlhn,1,p-,I ~~h4 POOo1 ITw o1'1\lllomcu UlQt1cnin- I Seas Plantation Q•llNHNII& lBl\.2C.ll\s "MldlC.,t.lC'fU.q FIRM ~~,.._,,,\1 ~~.m- ,r,----G~~ .•. GuJIOI' lo01)y ..1 1n e.nleital"l'W"I 1m. LONG BEACH NCAROL INA EXT.450 --..:-, ..... ,..._--= -·-· __ _..... -; £1,,.,0,. pa,,1ng, n c.tnt, '2»,000 ASPECTA CULAR YlEW w.tt... tr..,1 ltom.-..q111.ncto. Q,alld,,..,,.J 26 Plots For Snlc 19 Co-ops/Condos Rv.Mqulst AHIIJ BA, 2 ti•lh Open COt!UC>I 'II• 111-)IOO t~•41nlfl9 IOOnHS•I\ On !he 2 u :,u, Cold .Spring Ha,oo,, PORT WASHINGTON 35 Building For Sale M<.ond lo,,,i W•ll 10.. s.20:5.000. 21", atlft.M•PZ. Plac:.-. beach. ar1 Hllhllflg!On U 90,000 .. C.tU 8111 $1AINMAI TfR cup•I fb~n•o12•~ COLONIAL APARTMENT/ BLUE POINT 1120.000. OFFICE BUILDING WATERF RONT C-,11d•,a. 1-IOO-lf7•1111 HUNTIHOTOH SOUTH For Sale By Owner For S• I• o, •••~ t!NU ..IOJ PAIMIELOCAf.ON E.aull, nt W..,ic,.,.,)' IOUIIOl'I, l~K $260,000 M o.gnlflcent Tri-level condo. all the right stulf. 2 boat 10% c:10. Hoben n o,u ,.._~,"" Owl\ef1b,of,1f t$11l o1 U-1UO slips... Fella wfndows.Jemalr, Casablanc11. built-inbee r I Must See Sl'l't,Sl..\mlllla,\. tap.best I-:>eatloninc omplex.AMustScel Musi Sell! (516) 391-4550 Traditional charm, coupled with ma- N. PALM llfACHCl1:. fU.. Reduced lo S450,000 Firm SOUTHOLD Jor remodeling throughout, accentu• I P~~~r.~:.. Bay Front Store ,.,11.. OI EIHllllh1I b••cl'lu, 37 For Sulc 516-363-2841 , nam~lp~llletlf'llt and Prlacln• •tit Stfld)' oucn ates the warmth and beauty of this a " '••l)le ~ • m ~ Gk>nou,'M',1,a.AUp,t1m.l1a.Ont magnificent home. Master bedroom • eonao..• fQw"9f\ot,jM._l. of .a l.Jft01 S'4Sf,SOQ. EXCEL PRIME 11;05LYN ClAftDEN S no:.!~,~;~1Nc.. encompasses a cathedral celling and RETAIL LOC. F'lor•I'1.0WUrlbfll&JIDUI'•" Lg, 1 BH. Co-oo1 t,om flOZ.000. 1-t00-m.a•n Marlon King Really Co«iJorlM~'li~P&ri, ttll fOf Aiid1•1 ltpl.• A 734,5657 spiral staircase leading to a cozy d e n. 1,'00lQ II, Hub ol Hunllnoton 'l'I00....C~W.JM,.,..[ll( t.on~le"~~~~':i~·:O· Ylll10-. Ne•I)' te!'Kh.tla

HU'fllfritatOM $'TOAi! CHE"Y U NOVA ·u MERCE:0£$1ENZ. ·1lhlDS.Oao Mlf'CWESA F"OA[,GN FC&\ SALE.. CM!1~ •••,,._to-.- FORlll.DIT •111.Q PtS AJC e , u11en1 tl'-St11,1;ht8~ hP Ot:y COllklOf O~yt Of•""•\HTI MERCEDES BEHl Sl.C ,t1t 't6-JQ t2U ll'IQS6CIOM!HJ1•,_mao.1, ;,o,1•bl•• ll'Qtl AU,-..,.ei,Ht..S:2.2$0 ~'i•lrhftoOI011711MO:Z .. 3 .ooc, D "2 ••in; •11ont• ~~"lr.fl:tl'lyCO!'i.a•ll'IVI Pl(tf'IJvP. Ctt£\i'f' lm1~!,1 Ht11? O'- ._C:., e,c,tlentC.On01tion A.1 ♦ 1ng ,.. .,. $ANOSPORT 88J.n80 AM.f'.u.. PS,,,u, eano.~-,,•ta• • a:J-0953 •""'oo . 5£.,\GU'ff ""'~rv­ tlfln~•' \'tirrGOOOfllnNnOtf>l'ld. INDOORO.ARAG!" PRINTING PRESSES t.o..,,a.toni.S6501nC:t,~ '3,l.,2701 SPACE AVJJUl!JLE 785-7655 Eves. FOR !;ALE M0lt1(AS.. GIL REALTY 671-2300 CIHINKll'AIU s s s Co1okSb.t tiooltlflllf(H,f No,lr.>t1•t,,!i0n I 1"2$ O N M11ltl wllh ct1•ll't CloHL Oti11Uly m1le1nHJ •••• t.tSTIWA1.Z~PotlA, tJOl)aQ CHCYY,ICt(,UP ttrt MUST SELL C,S1h•r1 and •"•flop♦ .at• bo"9f'll &lold. o't' .. u""'' ~1.,,1 ~ SlOOffllN1 lM:Plm.fll ,...,c .111,on 1" to11nt cw,'""' 1111. t•.~· CMChhon ....,-.,. dn .... I ,,w1-i 1979 Bror,coCusiom •.(•• • FOR SAlE; NINTENOO ~1ua.w ott to,,o ,,1111,. n♦ tdt ffliN>f 8'lna"t'w~ll.S..I\O 1 tU on MYIII wjln C"-• '., 3$1 M ;,it.. C..Sa/ly TEC~O BOWL G.1me """°" ll.OUO 911--$731 •~ec:J. Engine. o.c,....,., 1ncJtOfty11UtlW4'1'tl ~AMIFMs1erooc.sse11& s,anel Hew' Bough! ,n - (516) 773.3043 WESTBURY ouplltate.. SA9.95, Bottau11Jlt ,i,.,, •••• \nan 100 516·271·5310 Call Flo: 931-7"7 ous. Of l'IOlltSOIUlt 8USYOlDCOUIITRY RO,_D 7'7•1262 HI, 140. Mon., INDOOWOUTOOOA.i:;aJ.. lf\O to, I CAI.L! T"11.. W•d.. & S11., M~nS.10-. mnU'la. 2 ahOfl i,,,ia Orot N•clo. (516) 74 7-1035 G•Nl$hQw"Aoo,.,Lqr.ation oooae MA.XI VAN 191).-Yety Od, URR7 ....Z'SJ.3.t21 M·F 10-4 J!l~,M..C.llfHl.931◄ 78,) OLDS 1979 t 1'!i014 '1 ,. 20014 ti ~•gt I.IAUHASSET-1 C1J. ♦ 1.G-ell•n1 AU•5Pfll. l350 COff'Wl'llln• ~~RA. ORIENTAL RUGS DIESEL. LUXURY lt.l~ EDIATE. l17Sln,o. t 1 mo OU>Otl Ar.tNl lNGS 0000EPOU..Afl0l9t3V l,i\MGI FOR SALE PUCHMOPE019l'l:NlllOkCI.U1C. OWNER "'4nof..-ot'..4M-2611 c:.(Jf'M'l..627-8168 H!liJf!.HI Ca.th ,11/IJ •fHICond RESTORE/PARTS ShlfP Lap!OO Computer ll50..$1tt0•1elS4•1~ff• IO.oll)t' C..ll 11-1 0!,00 ANYTIME MINEOLA l/WIOOrl ,wttl. I~ OE•l"DOOR Aller6p.m. P41d' c.o 711-J,,U•• ~ GAAAOEIS10AAGE SPACE 671-1509 A\IAJl,.A.Blt. I 1$tMONTH 8:2M777 SOFA & CHIAIR SALE WANTED 0Jow•1c.ntt~I SUMMER PAINTER u1\.1no FOI\SAlE. rt1,1 Ori11'11,tpa!f'\l• ll-.1••1'1 PfO-lnC-1,.J, OIICl' 1.ct IOOIS A•IIIH w.icrun1,.,. •c: • cu"""••114'1 P■ ,lf'IO lrotn lo, 1ngt, m•rioo•ny Cf♦U\AQ l.ttllt ....,~1 . S1!i0f0fh011'l E.lUllfl\l ,:ioo Ql/to-,'llof~H>IIC:•l.,lh.alc. NOME. Rt0-000 OUIOOO" '"'" Botoflt1, ...... Otg1f'l. l,l/l'\Pt. DIie. tit.lie ,M.<151)9 c.,, 1N8 HA.ALY OAV10$0N Gooo cono1non -••"Y c::omlor 154-lUl 93:7-0464 LD• RicJ•t. e,a,io,....,n, 2.000 CAllFORSlZt LA~ 8ES1 OFFI Rt 7M-191t ~ Nftl'f U..a 7J1..JlUot471-1000 l'l'IL '\illltlOaOK,(."1~,.■c COSbf'IO.. M ll'II COMI • ..-1.111 CALL 785-4134 191$, C\I.IQffi STEFIEO BUICK !iOffl♦rHt rtt,RA 1~Gl.• lliWQ,..,,avlQ.6M. ltlfl!U.OOOMQ 51 Bazaars bfvt•l;,JJy~ \owffl~• f,JI', io.titd •IMt'I ear i,i•I),,. JPJOO S1&•271-C2S4 COMPONENTS F10,,oa d"... n onlrtl H.000 "'!9 F""67Q:l.,_.IAU.,.,,.... J&S.1117 OLDSMOBILECUTLAS u-.. ".,,., -0,1g,1,,1 Pac,•o•n? fOROGAAJ-10 ~lNOV,GN 191) FURNITURE FOR SALEIII 0nt.)0~•30Wlllt.lCN.n ?: DOOOE CttAAG.ER CIERA 198• VENDERS WANTED t CyL Oi°""o, ft.NOi fnU\CW ,.~It t10NOA O rac.sm,,. or,co. o.nc:n. ~:r~~~lh~f= 516-767-0007 WANlEDMUStOEINW.IMTCOl,o 2w. !l""H.btii1M"iCt.1•nl0t1• JVC fy1n11ol• • El"IPUe C.r• Sat. Eve 3131, Sun. 4/ t C.11 Effl 7\~·'19•1'Gn. •♦lr. lo, 110ft(.,lt \IJOD.M0, 57'9,.D6Qli HCQD 1 7$ or $~J(,(I!> J!) u,110-• O••IH own:, •MS Temple Sinai, ..... 1..oi.a•llkt Co.'11127!i0.Sl75 JVC CUMl!I l,010)' 810 k R MassapHqua FIJRSALE 516-731-2001 SIOO. A.l.UA..,C£'1) (516) 484•2653 "klctll'\ICS24&N:IOla~tt~ll• 799.4452 <4Cyl1no.<, NNTWt.L Sl,500 t97'$ Cnt)'I i.t N•WPOtl I CYl. 4 o, lgt,Jpb,.,U,l,fN ltdlo On• 48 Articles For Sale ti:u $15'0 ...... Pl.YMOUl'H ·41 5 w1.1,dow Coiw. CN1Mf'C~S1'"471.&M& l)ll.eAJl•l"IOS.-.·• 8MW I 19'$ • &Ii. lblk" 11141,f !Ut• ••• ~ rNlOI:• ns ••tr- ""°ti .\ISO OIIO&til• MIii.A ComPK1 1-NlMtltl!tl'k>fSSOd,~ \l.!, Ho~. 8u1 011., o~u s,,ooo KJT\I.W.•,...._~.e.oo. 811-<5ll1 BEAUTIFUL RINGS FOR SALEI Sysltfl\ • •o M•tll ll"C.IIOM♦I ; 1 54 Antiques/Art ~,...,,,:nl6 • ONE SAPPtUR( AND DlAMOHOP"IRJ,J,AID BEA.UflFUl STONts blinOeQuAIIL•'"·'''OIUlllln•t I Pf•Ut.. llme.r; !11,iU)I PIOQrun• GO'IEAAtiiUtNT SE:QfD Nd» • ONE MARQUIS HVtlf. OIAMOHOCtil?S SH.APEO ~ ln.ltil• CU. OU.I! 1•~ G.C. lo, ,.1 ~'9))~~••i~to ffom l100. co,,..enu. cr.,.,,.a. POJHlAC FIFIEIIRO till • ONESTUN t~INGPDRlSETltr Wlifl[OOLOWITH Ot.-i,-t0N0 OflO S.leetlOn 7 IM-4~6 IUICKCEHlURY?I Pott,cr,.,ar\Cloltlff~llte•~ 1uI0 rh•r~e• 1 touc:r, lt(On:I AC. A.II po• •'• ltll • fl•tl, CHIPS lrom•Jt IO\lfC.,.,ni t!)HOC1.11> 2 CH, 1>0••' 11e••lflQ-bril~A pro;,e,uu Fo, 011,-,. "=wkl• N~ll'll.tUOt.S&50l 14K -~,._l.)~RNU&na, I.IOl).4,&l-»uut. 11& All COlO. EXCELLENT CONDITION, All SIZE SO<. t>on,g.l vril)'S1M•un.. t11llluno, m•llQn. COQdt.adr Aun-'••11. Alto~twetl~l.l----1:li Cdlll-704601 oon ,amat• to, ,c;o,nplll• •ra· gooo 11,uonca, SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY 55 Collectibles SIOO HP..JHO PLEASE CALL 74',t212 DT. HO BETWEEN tA..M. A 5 P,\4. ASK FOR DRl00£T '"" Call 516-4,87·3667 ooYCJ'IHMltnl al.tl.to-ic... SM819NICOS BUY· SELL· TRADE hom 1100 COrY•nu. Cll••••, • o-,. ••If. • 1tll1tfl• llc,. fllll't .-Q\illped, '°'" rN,.~o,..,c_ T'Jw°™'nlll~it,ll()Qt,mal'IOg.■ny CoUKN1lu,1,1rios.tSflQtlOl'lt. BUICK REGAL ~l.•"ldoti.-c-ool,M;.ti.d Ofi,p 0.n.tf..s4.900.E'wtl"41•14M ·as p,opwUti.l:-0,~GIMOi BEAUTIFULSUNOURST d1•ulnQ u.tM-.cr').. t l l ChOl'IOeUer. tC11IPl\lfH, & e,on,u ERl £ Blti1.t, 11111 ~.ti, ,ho-.-tOOfl'I IJIOO'IUI-JK?ul:W&. lOYOlACEUCA or .. ~ E.t. HA.HOM.ADE CERAMIC GORGEOUS GLASS t.2'•7NG o,apt11n, oe,m&n. McK1IQM, H••l'II ~. FI.OO.~t6t)l lQ6&1 -lO Foreign Cors Kr•nlcn I Baen conlOI• Piano MOI/ING-HOUSESALE S650Mg 2<11J.7271.JOM HONOAiCVCWACiON 1911 Fl,_. Q~1lur DOyMg,11, 8/room. ORO.AP, YAJ.1At1A CONSOLE CA.MARO 1H38ERUNETT.-_ NOi ,imnlng,oody A int ••1, Model 60IXl.. F11il l.rfbc,&. Pfll•la. BROWN MICA I' tof1 , Q111ftClla.tMr'J C.IOc).. ,.,.11 OOod conchhOI\ Otst oue, V.W. RABBIT '81 ••floly 01,01.1nth. • -c•11 cono 8JAUC fk&U11, 57X Ltw IN-. .JII '-111\INI. MWl."Q mHl'llM, o,olO M'-'ll Nll S,),000,.18S..20P~ po,Hf, m)PS, " .. 1 .,..._ (516i) 889-6206 CONVERTIBLE uDdtrt\nc~tSNll lteel>llonl ano PIANO SSOOO nogoll1ble AWH4 CASSETTt. TtOPS 1..,,.,..,.,,1125.1'1141158Ill mote. H•QOtt.tt>le. ...,.,~o'f AMAHA t1•t1111Ianc HEE.DWOR,t.JUOO "9tttct cona,oon.. M.llloQany DAYS 7~9~410 (516) 935-3014 mtin)f llnllll.14,000. Eve.957-7859 265-7396 759-2862 53 Auctions 611-7U.07H Ct.MUNET USED ONCE SU)or LEASE UP-MUST SELL!! b ..l Oller '42~1 MUST SELL COUEOESQ£RE'RJGUlAtOA lrn MA◄ U C.me1a P1•M'IIIY J.5,QJX).S~1507 -.,111ng0"1' Ma1•11.■ lt>ulc.&nO. 1987 Honda Prelude SI 55.000 miles OANISHmoo.tt1CIM•Otc>On'IMI, C-Of»'9fllidtolte\rftfiltfl•lt CARS UNDERS100 Black exterior/dark grey Interior l•bl•. c ritlrt. r,v1ch & ser.,,, FOR OUICK SALE! AC/cruise control/power windows/power sun e61-7QIA CALL SIil ltti';.j • r:,·1 .. THEGovl.Surplu>Dlrtctory DlHING ROOM. M•l'log1ny roof/cassette deck w/equallzer Dfe.,,.,,.._.L,hOnl .& • .,.. . , Cltct 1960. 516-928·3971 Gel TM Fae Isl Only $34.95 New brakes. tires. battery (Evenings) PUBLIC AUCTION SALE SAT., MARCH 3 • 9:30 A.M. (516)627-0780 $9,800 EARLY AMERICAN CON-EDISON· ASTORIA. N.Y. Ext.J467 FURNITURE C:all 516-829-3315 lor Information OV[II ,oo CARIS:. "U Ctg,,'°4' Quale, lo•CS.0.117 Dooo• 000, (3) 'a,I AS" ,o,md &:11111110 ,oom Ubl• NEW MAGIC CHEF Ooog• 600. (7/1~ uo SM"l;(111'17~ ttc::Oft s.w-.(26)'1$& -eJ • 1lt1Ac.n• 1ra.lt.1Htt.t>f... 6I ~tes.. 1n-c.■11 ooooconc1t110n.M1111 EJ■cl,~5'.tlAC♦ l09 ts Van• :l 19)W81 Fo,O E.»0 PaMt; '12 Foto El50Wln0ow;()J"'&2 FOfO ToponlyfoiNle £ l"°Win.oo-. (•I) '17~$ 0oCQt- Mlf\l vr1th0ul bl.M'Mn-al:tnOna LOTUS lrURBO ESPRIT JAGUAR ·11 CREAM PUFF 483-0953 ·&:G'4Cl!i0041•.C PrU. lr. - U001a\U4.ll 10,000 ml ,~,~ lbcW4.. CK,lffl tyell~, Ulllet..S10,500, !ir~·f!~~;~3,~::;::•i~~~fr~~o 7500,Ttl. EAc:opUonell Tll\., ~ Ja' Dwc::11.1,1 t,q, ~ ~0•' O♦ft-C.k A Otulck. i~•' WlfldOflt 4 1111 i 516-889-2356 Ateon-fO'I la<:UUy 1t"2'XhA.,._ 131$1 $1, A.tll)t'ja. UV ~o.ooo · 0:CftC1S.f IHDOOft$ TEAMS:EVER'l"lt11NOSi:U3A.$-LS\"lttE.f\E.fS.COMP\£TEP.t..rMEUT CNEVYC10VANIIOB.f'IC),M,new I Prwm,kJ,nlrdaffltillorui..Cot1 OFFICE FURNITURE SAL£ DAY IH CA.SN OR GUA.RANTE.EO FUNDS ONL'fWl'Tti CASN Ch,lc.~. gooClllr•t.S1~MO 511,-363-2841 JAGUARXJ4t!111$ SlJ00. l'i ff'I04.,0t(I. tJNHt war FOR SALE OEPOSlTS AT K HOCKDOWN. C.1L lll-21G

PIA.HO-Oto ,,.c, C,ot1sO.lt. REMEDIATION ANDI 1,1prfgM he•• COJ'ld '79!t llAllAN CRAflSMAN OR TUTORING THEN 10,.,...s,~.rt.,6- Need A Job t"\Vl,lltn E, pntuion,Rttd.ng • 01\AHllE • WAflll[ • fill Done Professionally? 4 M,elh DV c111hJ,ed Roo.n; 6 'TIL PIANO • ICITCNU4S • Fl.OORS U.atnll'l'Q O\u(>,llli.• !ea(l'!e, • FO't(R$ • COUNlDfJOPS Call a Professional bc4ti~I ff\Oll'lll"()l'I~ I.CMf­ wurlltnt Spinnfl GOOd ro, ~ ,~1Mi11no9f.t!'ti,e,,e(" NOW • WMAOOWS• Call Proletype ..... ft"bl.-,.!~C;altN!C!. 484-25'8 (alter 6 p.m.) Music tor all occasions 111,-1791 293-9755 An all around typing service g Free Light Shows -·--­ Low Prices flM:ftOOpl&JefpianOLfHIOf'ldlO 516/333-8158 o SATT\110, Cut~l SAT tocr..1 We cater 10 your every neea OllgMl.c.t,on.113-4«.66.... J.C. FENCE ,_,_,, ,!J Eo.. NYS C.nrlftd EnoJ1tna A..o;n-g Weddings are our specialty AICHE.NIACHUI "4001 B•U All !(Inds ol Fenco Vbu,nomeo,m1"4 l45,Q.A.COUtl.lCbul~Wllh Wl:Jod, IIM..IHC. • •• 1115 ,~• t~•li•t U OO htl ollu Ca ll Steve 516-226-6773 tU;;.ttany FREE ESTIMATES PROLETYPE l4t-nf1,JO,.A C..llAttlK~p..lft. 11111111111111111 l 'rofe,"on•I ti'gol T)p,n~ S.r"'" T£ACHIHQ SPECIALIST. M.S. J M EUTEAfAl~H.tENl Dl1c: Jack, 516•248•0381 le•1ni"9 di1-11>U11lei I 1~1,11111 Joc,trslor ,11occ.a110r1.,,. Clo-,,,l'll.. 70 Boats For Sate 58 Services u1adH, 11 .,... ,. Uptl~~ m t glclt-ri•. ca,r,\n l. Ut Ve,ou S16·121-10l'I tllt:1Jp..m.. ttl•mti~ !I 1&--)86.2110 11 fl Qlnt,on J M40CAJtPE1" & UPHOlSTERY 8o"M1te•r and 1,alltr N•,_ c .an ANYTHING NEED.. . CLUNCAS 1AAIN 10 OE A DIESEL. Special Occasions u1s.20QU11'N)ONn,o No..-w;,!M • Repahfng • Doutil• pr0AI mlUvth SPOCIII ~tn;.flooO r•~lll QjH•I lkfl1'0!.Cl,l't ll\ltlh11e, El\ t9r66WELlC~Fl N<1'1ASP'f0Efl NO ~O~u~,~ All oc,a"lon...J HtNllJ9.236& ARNIE Does U all c.i,- !.. kl.CT laD0-2AJ-41•? 2th II T,-ln ~50ttn,ougti nun t • (1) 711-1'1•1SSO LOOKING FOR T'TPIST 15,QOW£EKlY l'Lii.!•L Nt-ttr t.sed c.fH.... , c,,oo• oJUct.sOtl\Omtt Oi..el,nlll\ltMf'\ta11-M--."'i1•1\fl) f\, Lout Reta. FfN EsHrn.ates (H)S11l• l>tflOft wlllc.t.,.n your • Senola11J'llps A"aU301e 196$"'"'U!H A-$' 6' COC~PlI ""'1t•k • Rool11t9 • SJC•l'Q 8ARMITZVAH P-"CK...4GE B•ncnu 6 T11m, Ctnt•r 00110 bilS.l'l•HotOl'l\cfa,r,omtt)QIO C.r•mK & Vi")'I Til9 Call: ' PIIV4l8: Auditions bClto,n. R•~DW tal♦J.. Oy Aopolntmonl. • GUARANTEED FUN . cuddt c.-Dln, anct10, cuthlOfl• Call: 593-7427 Sp.-c1a11cmgln tn1,t1,00. $1,$00 FIRM. Boll In •mnp,fle 20ytalnbu-.JMU WACKY WICKER WALLPAPER Call (5t8) 93M537 tooRaltr.-,eu JljOJ~.llJl&OI• IO.llm-5offl 20..)0$.J CALL STEVE: 796·9140 REMOVED \516) 759,2437 alttt Eom 7$1-!IStO AKhll\l 516-746-6387 GRADYWHlfE8712 It. ?lOHP tooD SHOPPINQ AHO E"4n II p.lJJ\led o~'itf, lnclud,f'W2 WORD PERFfCT TAAH1U40 Q).OQ."01.Do'IM..RS EXCtlLCOHD OTHCR HOME SlJW,CE5 u~.,,_1 rodt..FREEESt H ANDS ON PRlVUE REASON• WARAEHTY 8UY N£\Y 80.41 Joo fflUi:1'1 IO oo, u, ll-.il l · ESTlll 19'7 '-BL£ RAl£$ 7"'3lll ffl00(\~27~t.Aorn. FINDER SER¥1Ct:S do )'01o1r RDIOYE LEAD SAYUlONEY 6 7 Catering ONL0NOOISTANCCCALlS z,19101J.!,-9cm AJ'ldmot•tta.ntOO • Adic,,tt1ti.i MARTY PEARL MFGt9100ffCV, 18FHl7970n~ PT10t11y POO'-t.anlt 6 1 Pets For Sale ~~:o~t~cr'~=u~ • 0VtJM"tl 516·431-7250 1~ 1,a11u w/r,c•·•, OOlflO 10 Poll Ot11c• Of o,y ff!Om Y0UAWAlER • t>l•t•1· CUSTOM CUISl:HE £~•"'"'"• ••1t11n; ""tn.cn Etirts-arnllm ,..a,111 CB cl•.,~•"• P•I cu• SOUOCARIIONBL.OCK~U-EA • WMS 0ALMATl0fl PUPS ,_.,F 81\'I IC.l~tft9 IO)'Ol,II nttdl) O.c;I t1ncs.r afl(l~t. pt•nl•. 04d toti•. flOU&UII • 600&.,'l!Cf CH Sim:! 0.t,M OBED TITLED l!ftO fflOI'.._ OIM ~lffn• ~IJNlloodc1~ltdlOPtf1« \JOOOtltm .\ff"OfttlADLE 121,a Rudy to oo' PII & .-,. .. 1,11,ur Aeoonu,•• .&CT TOO.Aft • FAAJ.n&-1 ••'°"' tt.onto,anyOCCHlon. ,s 115) 618 6606 For Det.ils WANT A OnEDQWtJ.1) OWMf~pl(l,l'.OOOL f"rH IS4illffry S1WU-IUJ 1 796-267• TANZER n -ttSlPl,fl fto,,,,,,_nue.2riula, • Ck>ttt.t • sui,w,..,., 21,mAjt,5250 c.lt Paul.1671-M,89 We'll caled C::ill• FREELANCE PC Donn .a or Do,ee n 73 1\forin11s CONSULTING • \'i,too(J*f10KU • A•l'\1/'I-OI 111 trrari & .§on • l(ltcn.e,,1 • WI~ 63 P c t Sc1·viccs 242-2605 243-1958 Apollu\lon Dcr,okX)fflel'II use, • [)oo(1-lntJ£.oll t1•!n1,..o lf\Lbllt, t130S..M 111 "Expert Moving and Packing • ShHf•UC:"' • Motd-"G• SIGN UP NOW FOR •rcMtwoo,,r,o W OODWORKING • LOVING CARE • of your M ost • O.iik»"Ql,ln1U111,1lon• Ooco WINTER STORAGE CALL ROBERT • C•bl-nth • 8Afl • Etc MAIN1£•N ANC£ "AT COLONY MARINA" $ 1&-776·054 6 Tt'easured Possessions" PAINTING Ol"°"n IOYO\lr Dtl ltJyOUrFIOm• YOUROWNPRIVATECH EF • fnltflOt Uld bLtOOI • by1ellt-t»tU1~~G.a,1H111 on Hempstead Harbor FLOORING Cil'r, w Hemp.' 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Cl'l'IUal Oaulc Ondtl'a byAwua•W!nnil\Q S1500G0t.OCAAD NOlu1noo-l"lt' •Bu•,,,._.. FREE LIGHTING - EXPERIENCED.AIC's - Pno1og1.1otte, No aopo1tll 0walll'1 cnh • 0· FELONIES Fr. S750 • 0..1-1'" "•nc.. ~,.. sao Qlll ctlli!lc.tt•I WILLS Fr. . S100 • IOOS..n"t 731-8176 AIS0nH1iy 1~•Qll•JUYt,r';Uted, • WATS J - SPECIAL f x - \ IJl'IIOCUttd VISAJMC C .tll 1 i211J 971-32~.• nyhma. 1NYSC.lN) UNCONTESTED DIVORCES • FAX • More No Party Too Big or Too Small S750. plus costs 69 Reunions REMOVELEAO CALL TODAY And Mo1e lhan 100 250 Old Country Road u.-,m011 (516) 579-DJDJ • Priority Pollutan1s Mineola, NY 11501 · (516) 336-6277 \L-"11h nus NI Ftom YOUR WATER (Lcffl'I? Messa~) All Reunion (516) 746-7400 SOUOCARBO" OLOCKFIL1£A Ads MUST AFFORDABLE Be PREPAID ACTTOOAVI Evening- & Weeken13 Appclnunents Available SCREENS&WINDOWS 59 Instruction 62 Pcls For m-1111 $25 5 lines. 5 weeks Free Consultation REPAIRED AT Adoption YOUR HOME. 8ECOMEAPARAI..E:GAL H•IJon. $301 Inch box, 5 weeks . 11,. Acct•dlltd . AHo,n.-,. In• CALL GARY! $lt\lC.lotd,HorMS~udy. ULIOl431 (HYSCAN} CHEMISTRY, ~ks. C..!Cuful. 64 Lost & Found NYU ♦IN TOUCH Biology, CQmouHr Sc~l'\CL For ACCOUNTIHGnAX 1t10•• wno 11\e 1rieb eoi>callon CLASS OF 1941 PRC.,AAATION SE.RYICU D.J. Company "''"°"*It. COiiea• ,... , o, t11gn Women's Pf'lysfcal • ' • ·• Re1u1nt-f'-r.on.1l. • SPECtAllllHO IN STA ll tt:noot. ~11,tt._,5892 CtOLDRf.N HEAA'TIAOKEN co.-wate. Pay1ou, SHOWER REPAJRS BAC,.•.,.GERMANSHEPJUU>.MIX. Education DtPI. s.1u EXPE.RIENCEOTUTOR FREHCH, • ""°"'n11no 6. ~-ttPlno Professional Disc Jockeys and Me's • l(rfc!kf.N & I AtH fLOOA NtU1lllE.0. l0$TM AN.SW~ Pathllndo,s &. Sel"YicU I TILE INSTALLAl tON SAAHISH l GERMAN--eitn.t mf TOHOWIE. Pt0 10.CALLU$4 Rockoaks.,ProaaeContacl • Flntllci~I Pl&llnlngl An • tytlt F ull Llghling & Special Effects System lnM.ltedl\.ke-nMd horn• or your•~ AZt.1051 lw• A..ll.711,·ttO·M lt Mary G~Breden • H05118fl0000 ,,..., ..i!:: . P.11, S1W 5"-1UJ BRIAN t MANLfY, CPA r,nhllmat.. PIANOANOVOfCELESS0NSW1tn 718·224•5534 TH(A[ SA M. WADE. CPA We Specialize in •111-410 • SMITTY cie•u~•- lnno,a1h• l moaetn Wedding, • Anniversaries • Sw,:~1 l6's • Bar/Bat tecl'll'\,C~t.C..11. Sl~Ol F(-MALc~lAN4WMITE,._.,y 822·6629 &al-9439 4l&--Sla-;QHS tNM1:,.• .-i•1raJntd ~·UJt C~I Mit.:van·s • Graduations • Corpora le Parties t-Ue,.5otn. PiANO LESSONS AVAILABLE REUNION 10, o•glritier, & lritumta1a1e SL r'ancrH $choo1, ANITAGOLDMAN C.N.M. D.J.'s with tlixkl'llt. Ca!J Gt!;i 87 I-G7' I FOUND IOllliU Sl'l'leil •M• Jr,! or.lldal,H,Y c.,,m.o '4v1M Mldo11 1le tRE.ES1UMPQJUN01N0 pood\o.Nu,700.ri.tfOnA,.,U'f'il• 5f P-uct1al M~1~.... 1066 Hick.av Ille Road IO• ft He f'l•l cou•, tlul t\O l1g,. Jurie,et THE MAGIC TOUCH H.a,o 10 QH •1 ttum~, ou, PIANO LESSO MS Mauapequa. Now VotJ.. •~Uy Homt~ne,alco,,. C..HRoo. U I MSQ UyOU,eieoriuw).e,r.~ol i...atn l)IUIO IIOl'l"l t.•Dftl9'1Ced tne , ..... ol 1957. Pl••H c.~ (St6179S.9"8 lt•CIOU "'fl(Offlt CAil l ot lt-k.lltr MA1nrmi1.c.CAit LOSJ BLACK CA"J.111t1U• coP., HhlJl,tt• K 4JJ!9klu ~IW.Hft. AIH- M•-6-mos.>Cl4a IIIICl LOHAII\• 0•1•no (!ll l) 8y I DOOIMment only Any Occasion (516) 584-5954 ♦24' 225110,aPPO,nl.m.nl For 116-1717 R(w.AAD. LORI 161-1191 !:"s!:!! o, K.ttny St,o,,o f1tl t Ho.solltl Blllhlng Room Oollverre.s ------,------.-,-n1on 0:ommunltg c'lrw1papu 1 - Ulrrk of Yrbniaru 19, 1990 • I.lag, 12&. 1•.tO-P•O l •h••hoftt b-911\g BRAVO PHOTO Advertising Network region(s J )'Ou ,. ol\•l It ro-.; •'• Orte o t 2'• I~OIO Counlry AD w ish to reac h ., 'atr.e IJt.... U ll'DtPI 11:i Gerald Colllna. PPA • CIOt.lnQ• lrotn l300 AW6fd WIM/ftO PT'lotog,1~ OAVID0£VA.NUfl ACROSS SO Pierced with marble France Mruk 79 Garden eye• lilHU,-qv• 731-8176 1 Composer lusks 91 Ancient 128 Took the bus 40 Ship's main SOfO Alban 51 Pea soup ascetrc DOWN soaal cabin 82 Peasanl, in J~,~~1, 5 Coarse filo lngredrent 93 Keeps Clean 1 Sibenan 41 EJOm 15 Meager lo prtch 103 For the MASSAGE 32 Corn unrt 71 Ross or R,gg Eyes Are 16 Hold in 60 Decreo birds? CALL: 34 Ouant,ty of 72 Illegal pitch Smiling· repugnance 63Calloway 105 ·Lorna - . paper 75 Negligcnl 118 Becomes o 17 Workbaskot 64 Anagram for 107 Melancholy EXPERT TAX 516-338-2644 35 Foolball n Humble sailor 21 Fernando rate 1OB Made public ,.,..,._,.._,. & CM, utt.llon s1ais. 80 Biblocal word 120 Fable's mos· and AJeian- 66 Lab animal 109 Announce R«Mll'l.Ui.katH 36 Brown and ot reproach sage dro 68 Glossy paint loudly Sffl&J1 ~ and~~ Wl!.ht• Are you H 11,eo 0111~ll'lg •n• 46 Alabama and 89 Asian fesllval Robon 37 Nol '!;:;le Majors 119 Down In lho 718-670•51138 UAAION'l"Cular,,1tm~ IOI 2 11110. COlnfflulffl ,,on, Alaslca 90 Belgian 127 River In 38 Star wter 78 Slory slarter dumps GN • lelnot',IOINl•NO ur& .....,tQ'l,a,'f\H"tC,. MIDftl,._,..g, llANHASSO ,uaUYJC• t.,.... lfl_"-'"'" "•oo--.°"" ,,. h t.-..Oco.llll).rt­ oet'~ ,....._,1•- IN C OME TAX ..[ ~ ND-111, 7H IM.$ Preper, tlon M....,IPNn..10•4P,M.. llf"~~AolO M..-N.uc.1 627-9443 MASSAGE,A,GIFT NYS LICENSED 81 HeaUh & Flfness 516-352-1579

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It Never Rains But It Pours North dealer. trumped 3 1lurd diamond In dWllmy, East-Wes, \"Ulnernble. anf•r which he discarded his la.,;:t NORTII dmmond on the j ack or clubs. West A KJ ili a ruffed with the hcan fh·e and al.-.o got <;;> 982 111, A-K of lnlmps. hu1 Sou1h made 0 - thr contrnrt for n scnre or 590 points. .... f.:UJ r, I The dral illust.rates 1tw over­ WEST whchnin>: 11u"·er ofn t'ro~rurr. South A IO~S ma,: of lwan., 111 ur,ler t•, t..'lk(• a 0 10!)!'-,':° 1ocik al 1h1.• ~ TI,l, Jm1\•,•tl \o '"' ,1, A ru, lrbptrc-d mon• wht'n \\'t.'!->t. noung The hiddu,~· ch111tm~ ·~ ltt;\J"\h uf tllamoncb. c:on North Easl Soulh Wesl 1lnu<-d with tlw at"' aud f\llOther I ... I O I <. h(""'J.rt. 2 • 3 0 3~ 4 0 South was now ln sad shape. He 4 ~ Pass Pa.~ Dblc rould nt.•nhcr ca....:.h dummy·~ clubs 0J)('ning le-ad - two or d1amon~ nor ruff rU\) of his diamond losers ln Many seemingly norm.'l-l lc-.td, dumm\". All told. SOulh lost two turn out t.o bf> vrr)' t•xpen-.1\'c-. ,pade.:. 1wo henn:. and four d1a· Consider t.his dtn.l from a wam of montb, making only five tricks where four match where Sout.h got to four 1hr pre\ious d<'Clan•r had madl· ten! heans. doubled ai bol11 Ulble-.. I It- lost 000 pomts wnh lh~ \'Ny same At the On;t 1able, ll"es1 l~d a t•arcls w1t.h whic.•h th\! fm.t t.h::cl:irer diamond and SouLh h3.d an i't")' lime -.cured 590. or tt~ ltt" ruffed tn dumm}, kd ,1 cluh Not that thr '('<'Ond South dill w tus ace, ruffed another diamond. ,u1}iluu,: wrons:. The d1fferent·c Y."3.S then dlSCMdt"d bolh hi-a ~pade.:-. fill thl' thac m thl' ftrsl table We-st 111noc,.'ntly K-Q of club,. lf'tl a dl:uuond nnd 1hus cost :,hfl.S('lf A.l'te:r ru.nlng n ~µ.."\tit>. ,h-d.ut.•r 1,--UlO point..

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Cl,o "''' COl.lpO" ,u,,a m ,1,1 10 tC(),0\-11l ' l l\U~ ul l.u•i: IJ •nd U~ l-!»t•lf A, c-wt M.....-ota t•Y 11)01 Illustrated HICKSVILLE NEWS Jilrk•ulllr )llustrtttth :'.lirw• • lllrkaulll•. Nnu Uork · i!i4ursbau . .Jrbn,aru zi. 19911 \Jagr..JO · Have You Registered for the Li~ns SK Run? St. l,g n at i u $ CVC> lfyoulikelorunyou won'1wanl 10misslhe cleagentofConli nenlallnsuranceCompany. By Barbara l ewis Hicksville Lions 5K Run on Sunday. April I. Prizes are awarded for winners in each age L.______;...______. Aproressionallylimed , well organized race group, as well as given out in general :-arnes. Final Reglstrnlion will beheld on March points. Jeff Puglia made 11 points. Mike along 1he na1s01Hicksville, lhe I.ions provide Pre-regislration before March !5 is $10. Lale 11 from 9 a.m. to I p.m. in Ihe Old School Base- OelBagno 6points and Kevin Capobianco. for a fun and competiti\'e race wilh a repu1a1ion registralion the day of the race 1s $12. menLAlatefeeofSSperchildwillbecharged lheKnicks.Andyl'aydamade IOpoinls,James for high quali1y prizes. Professional sports for all registrations recei~-ed that day or after. McVeigh made6points, MikeCicardoSpoinlS footwear and equipmenl arc don ated by The race begins al HolyTrinity High School, There are NO exceptions. If you would like to and Bryan Gorman had 2 poinls. Goldman Brothers of Hicksville. Goldman 98 Cherry La., on Newbridge Rd. (Rt. I06). in avoid this extra late fee charge contact Barbara In Q-..,rtime ... Knick.• 43 Pistons 41 Brolhers is a major sponsoro flhe race, along Hicksville, al 9 a.m. The high school is localed Lewis al 68Hi947 lo regisler. Ag real game played by both teams. High with Na111-es1 Bank USA. Wcslbury federal Sav- 1/2 milesoulh of Old Country Rd. Call George Tra,·el Teams scorersforlhe Knicks were MikeCicardowilh ings and Montana agency of Hick,'Ville, a cir- Monlana with any questions at 938,3600. St. Ignatius is l'ery proud to provide our J9poinlS.JamesMcVeigh 16poinlsandChris childrenlheoppol1unilytoplayonlra\\~lleams. Connolly with 14 poinls. This year we are happy to announce a travel Pistons 30 L.akers s by ENTRY FORM · LIONS 5-K RUN· APRIL 1, 1990 learn for our boys in grades nine and ten. We A real team efforl the Pistons. Brian LAST NAME FIRST NAME M I also offer for Ih eboy s a fifth, sixth, se1-en1h and ra111-eu made 6 poinls. Robert Bungert, Ste1-e l,_1_1_1_1_1_t_l_l_LI_I•. I LLl_l_l_l_l_l...,l _1_ 1_1_1 ,_, eigbthgradeleam. lnourgirls' soRball we have Locke, Brian Baricevac. Jeff Reinhard! and I.Ur,UOAD()ll(.S.$ S1RCU an eighlh grade 1ravel learn. All youths who are Phillip OeMartino all made4 poinlS each. Vin- 1_1_1_j_1_1_1 1_1_1 1. t_1_1_1_1_1_t_LJ t_l_l_l_i_,I LLLI t_..1_1_1• 1_1_1_1_t registered in C.Y.O. will hal'e lheopportunity cenl Barese and Mall Patwell made 2 points SUl( 7lP will be 4 "I "I I_I I I_LI I_I l_l_L1 ' to1rvout for1hese1eams. Anot ice mail- each. !'or the Lakers. wi1h points each, Nick ISCJ(.u..4-'w.OW 1~.JH ed to all youths in these grade levels. Gonzalez and Andy Fumagalli. 1CA\I Cq.J8~1b()0L QA1(C)l&,,\I~ At.f"ASQJ' 1_t JI _1_1 L i_l t_t._1 I_I 1_1 l_t Doyle Baseball ""'-Efll,l,,\l,.E !,.ll Doylesa1elli1eclinicisgeared1odeveloping Bulls :11 Pistons II pla)ers or all ages by imprO\'ing lheir basic PlayinganothergrealgameforlheBulls,Jefl Pl.EASE COMPi..ETE THE ENTft'I' FOF\M READ THE f-OllO'MNCi SlATEMENT mo SIGN BELOW skills. If your son or daughler is inl'olved in Puglia wilh 14 poinls. Danny Sydor with 13 ::.!~~=.:;~-~..:~~~~==ir:,='=~':','~=~o!o.tw~,•;::o.~~~, baseballorsoftball,allendingDoyle'scliniccan points. Mike De!Bagno and Craig !'inn bolh ~11.....,.1•$,."00l,.O.OU,,.CII:~... ~ • Nil.... ~ f"okit, ~ ...... F.• 0.~'\1.,.-.,()-""M,~c-ty,,-.. 10,• ...-.011'-••~IMtltw....._ ~(l'l10l ....., • u,q'tfl b .,...na .. ~'"~!Jd,,._ ...... ~ ....,,,, l .t""•l 61'<1..«.t'ff\J,IIMIP"',.... helplhem impl'Ole lheirskills. N01onlydo1hey made 2 poinlS each. e. , \1.,,0~ ...~11 -iillll .... ~ct,,,....,•--"''rP'l~~"'-'1N41"-""-'tl'I' .. ~~~ ,.... .,. , ,,.,..rtr,~ .... ~-tD¥1-,-1 .. li:lt~-"""'.,,.,P"°'°9"~' ~~· ~p,c;:.... . 1.,~0,6"'1~­ learn baseball or softball, bul discipline and ~0IQ,_ti;:._.,_c,oi......

work elhics. P. Doyle salellile clinic is a lrue Sponsorships SIG.NA.tu.RE DATE learning experience. So come join Doyle for the pasl two )'e'!rs I have been wriling lllurc.ktf,1•t'!f l6 ~i,:dured!UICf'IOll(!(),.Wgu,.-uo i..111)- Baseball on March Ii and 18 in Hicksville.St. todifferenl businesses ororganizalions in lhe Ignatius CYO will be hos1ing this clinic 10 all Hick.,'Ville area 10 help support our organiza­ )llUlhs in Hicksville. To regisler call Audrey An- tion throughsponsors hiJl Thispasl weekI was - drews at 933-0887 or Joan l'amiglielli al extremely pleased lo receive a sponsorship Hicksville Vs. Hicksville in Soccer Tournament 935-6369. from Chief Tony Wigdzinski on behalf of the By A 8/itkcr and DannydePinho. TheirfirstgamewasaO-O Bas kelb:ilt Highligbl:i Hicksville !'ire Department. Theenlire Board The Hicksville Minulemen, lhe 1977 B lieagainsl Amity. Their second game was a 4-0 5th and 61.h Grade League of Directors or St. lgnalius CYO and all our lral'elling soccer learn, entered two teams in loss to Valley Stream. Thelhirdgamewasa 4-0 2/3 Bulls 35 Knick& 23 families cannot Thank our volunteers or the the Oceanside lndoorThurnament l'eb. 11. and roule owr floral Park on h,o goals by D'lntrono. Playing for lhe Bulls. Danny Sydor wilh 12 Hicksville !'ire Departmenl enough. came home with firsl and second place one by dePinho, and another by Braun. The lrophies, as lhe two learns faced each 01her in fourth game was a 2-0 victory over Oceanside. 1he Championship game. with Braun pulling in both Hicksville lallies. Soccer Registration For Children Ages 3-6 Their record of two wins. one loss and one lie The Hicksville Americans Soccer Club IO a.m. lo 2 p.m. If your child is in 1his age The red team hadJorgedaSilva ingoal,sup­ pul them in S,c-cond P/Jce in Division "ll'; sci· will be registering children, ages~. for the group, gil'e him or her lhe opportunily 10 ported by Robin Blicker. Tim Dallon. Brian ling up a semi-final game against floral Park, spring season on Sunday. !'eh. 25 in lhe00,'S play Ihis dynamic sport . Rigcrl. Anlhony Noya, Andres Turcios and who was first in Division "Pi'. They won 2-0, gymnasiumo!Hicksville High School from Robert Wagner. Their firsl game was a I-I lie led by two D'lntrono goals. againsl Oceanside, with Turcios pulling in lhe score. Their s~cond game was a breathlaking The red team and lhe while learn faced off 4-3 win over Elmont, on goals by Rigert, Tur­ fo r Ih e tournament championship, and the reds cios, and 11<0 from Noya. The third and fourth completely outpla)-ed their teammates for a 4·1 games 11-erelough 1-0 losses to floral Park and viclory. Noya scored two goals. while Dallon Valley Slream. H™~w, Ih eir head-lo-head win and Rigert had one apiece. Whitman had the Ol'er Elmont placed them in second place in white's lone tally. Division"A" and ledloa semi-final againsl lhe Cooche's notes: Congralulations lo my "red" Division ''B's" first place team. Valley S1ream. learn for a morning ofinleresting, winning soc­ □ In their best game of lhe day, lhey defealed cer. Congra1ula1ions, also, lo th~"w hite" leam Valley S1ream 1-0 on a goal by Dalton. for !heir greal effort. Special thanks to my .... The while learn had Declan Healy in goal. Assistants, Tony dePinho and Pele Whitman, •' ~,'~r;f' • I supported by Kenny D'lnlrono. Brown. for lhcir help in coaching lhe lallcr leam. l "1 r t Bobby Braun, Mike Whilman. Tracy Koeller, I. • I • . -, ) Doyle Baseball Registration Underway , Doyle Baseball is onth e rnol'e. In every cor­ Doyle provides as lhey are instructed in basic ner of lhe Uniled S1a1es and many parls or fundarnenlals in a unique aunosphere. Doyle Canada. lhe Doyle slaff will be conducting Baseball's Coaches Program is not a "sit down - . Satellite Schools. The program is geared 10 take no1esclinic''. Each coach lislens 101hein­ de..-eloping pla-,ers ofall ages by imprOl'ing 1heir s1ruc1ion and performs the basics of each skill \ ' :1/ basic skills. being taught. They also work on lhe field dur­ The Sa1elli1e School program has grown ing 1he player's school and learn to recognize ~, because ii reaches everyone involved in an player problem areas and make correclions. organizalion. Parents. coaches. and players all Each coach will also recei1~1he Doyle Baseball benefil from lhe program provided by Doyle manual, "Developing TheSuccessfu l Coach''. Baseball. All Parenls are welcome on field during a If )Ourson ordaughler is invoh-ed in baseball Salellilc School. They are 1<~lcometovideo the or softball, au ending a Doyle Baseball Sa1elli1e program. lake noles, and follow thei r pla)~r School is your bested••~itional effort. Net on­ lhrough eacho flhesessions. They are 1hen able ly will lhey learn baseball, bul discipline and lo work wilh their pla)~r al home oral 1hef1eld strong work elhics are emphasized. Doyle is with a purpose. Best of all, parents are able to being hosted by St. lgnalius CYO and is open Taking a break from their difficult I raining sessions al MartialScience Academy al /2 Wes1 monitor progress and be a posilil-e innuence loall youths in Hicksville.Join Doyle Baseball Carl Street areowr1erGraham lewis, llicksuillestudenlS /izo Fo.~ Greg and Doug Eco11imoq as lheir youngslers grow as plai~rs. on March 17and 18. To regiSlercall Audrey An­ • Niki/a Miglis, (sitting) Jason Tumer. Michael and Brad Murphy a11d Mathew Goodman of Coaches litnefit from lhe specific program dre1>'S 933-0887 or Joan l'amiglielli 935-6369. Muuontowrt