
Budget Review Sparks Community Interest 11'11h the 1hreat of schoolsclosingaswell as 11,eenonnous proposed budget increase :nany more res1dcn1S ar~ becoming inl'oll'ed with ,,hool board proceedings. While the conference room in 1he Ad­ ministration Building was more than sufficienl Jncorpo1aI,~g The H,c~sv,lle Ed,t,on fort he less 1han IO residents whoallended 1he of the M1d-lslanc1 Herald fan. Ii FinanceCornmillcemeeting, rnon?lhan lHQ A,atOO\ Co,nmvnilt Htw101~n ol L°"O h l1"0 a hundred turned out on Feb. 14. forcing 1he Vol, 4 No. 35 Hicksville, N.Y. Thursday, February 22, 1990 3,6c per copy 41 RloQhh fl... ,. • ., C•"lrll Olhc• PttoM 1'1 ,iu meeting to be held in one of the high school cafeterias. The FinanccCommittccsupcrscdes all Olher board commiuees during the months of Gymnasts Take County Title For Second Year January, February and March as 1he Board 11.'Jie,,~ the Superintendent's Proposed Budget. 1 \\1th the exception of Code 2000. lnsiructional Services, all budget codes were reviewed line­ b)•line in January, Se-.>eral capital projects \\l!re presen1ed in depth by administrators at lhe Feb. I~ meeting. Code 2000 was no! reviewed line­ b)·~ine as time became a factor. Assemblyman Fred Parola also spoke lo residents concern­ ing proposed Stale Aid cuts. Board Trustee William Benn en. as Finance Com mince Chairman. officia1ed at 1he meeting. Board Trustees l'alricia Rooney and Jo Ann Millen berg also sat al 1he Board table and par­ licipated in discussion. Board President Mark Cardella ll'l\S detained at work and Vice Presi­ dent Daniel MacBride was excused. Board Secretary Jamr.s Martillo and Ttuslee William Collins were in !he audience. Superinlendenl Catherine Fenton took Ihe opportunity to make se'>'eral announcements. .Jnco Trnnsportation On Feb. 26. Jaco Transportation (a new sub­ sidiary of Educa1ional Transportation Com­ pany)will replace H~mrn Transportalion as the Di~1rict's major bus supplier. Letters 10 parents. as requested by Trustee Rooney, will be senl notifying them of the change. Fenton said thal ii is anlicipated 1hat mosl of Harran's dril'ers will be hired by Jaco and run the same routes. Llnless1herearenew bus dril-ers who mus1 familiarize themselles wi1h NASSAU COUN7'l' DJl'IS/ON I CHAMPS: (From nm,; f1v111 left} Dale Hoff111u1111. Karey Knauer. Melissa Kugler. Nordo Mosr,vpierro, Star· lhe roules, no dela~ are anticipated. Regular ,y Schroeder. (lbp row) Kollry Knauer, Me/rssa Ya1kms. Wendy Marshall. Darm Kolou>icz, Lanrie Pease. Coach tricin Varriale. drivers will wear ID badges with Iheir piclures and names. Substilule drl,>ers will wear ID's By Michael J. Maloney dyMarshallonthepullinglogelherofthisyror·s bu: :here may be instances when pictures are Sports Edilor learn. "We all knew that we could do ii. We were not available. Jusl as Ihey h~d done all year. the Hicksville really psyched for coun1y·s:· As pre11ously announced, monlhly meetin~s High School tiirl~ Gymnas1ics team perform- Ili cksville won every cveni e.xccpt the ,.,,ult, will be held with the drivers at whith time ed belier than their opponents, winning the where1hey 1,-eresecond with a score of 39.2, Hicksville administrators are welcome 10 share Nassau Counly G)'mnastics Championship for Their scores in theothrre\'enls ,,-ere as follO\\'S: complainls and ad1•icc. Drivers will be aware the second slraighl year. 39.5 in the une-.-en bars, 36.55 in the beam, and or all State and Hicksville regulations and buses Hicksl'ille's score ol 156.05 fell short of their ,to.8 in the floor exercise. To some Hickvillc will be affixed with decals advising ol a corn• goal of 160, bulled their closest competilor. gynmasls, their scores 11-ere less than they had plaint phone number. Oceanside, by more than to points (145.65). hoped for. Harran drivers must submit new jobapplica­ Massapequa was third with 144.75 and Great "We could havcdoncbeller:· s.iid Marshall. tions. 1\ro residents volunteered 10 sen-eon Neck North's 135.85 earned Ihem a fourth-pli!CC "Seriously. we all had a bad mce1:· an applica1ion review comrninee. bul legal finish in the eighHrorn tournament held a1 "Id,dwell this whole season, except forihis counsel has advised Ihat there mighl be acon­ Greal Neck North High School Fell. 13. meel'.' echoed Pease. "I 1hough1 I did a good flict of i111eres1 with lhe people who WendyMarshall.who11,-odaysla1erwon1he job, but the judges didn'1:· 1-olun1eered. On Feb. 26, when the board is Nassau County Individual Championships, led Obviously, the judges liked Hicksville·s per• gil'en the names of the dril'ers, this lisl will Hicksville in all e-.-ents. scoring a total of 35.7 forrnances enough lo lhink that they desemid become avai lable 10 the public. poinls oul of a possible •10. tobethebesl in Nassau Coun1yfor1hesecond Middle School Laurie Pease. ~lelissa Kugler, Kacey Knauer s1raigh1year. Oiscussion was held al 1he Board's Special and Narda Mastropierro follO\,l!d with fine per­ Meeting on Feb. 7 regarding mo\'in~ the si.xlh formances to round oul llick!,-ville's main per­ ~rade 10 lhe Middle School. II had been an• formances, Good performances b)· Dale nounced al 1ha1 lime that Gerald Klein, Mid­ llolfmann, Dawn Kotowicz. Kathy Knauer. dle School principal. would be preparing a Melissa Yalkins and Stacey Schroeder con­ report lo be presented 10 lhe board aboul the lributed to 1he effort as well. educational program which could be im­ According lo first-year head coach Tricia plemented there. Varialle, 1he gymnas1swhodo nol always gel On Feb. 14, Fenton said lhal she would no! the hrodlines are the ones who make this learn he making a recommendation to lhe board to sogreal. "Tht')' are always there 100:· she said. 1110\·e the sixth grade lo the Middle School for "Their scores ne-.-er go belO\v the 7.0 range. ~eptember 1990. She explained that o..-cr a They arcalwa}~ up there. They arc alwayscon­ \ear's time and prepara1ion was needed before sislenC 1he Junior High was converted to the Middle Varialle is also l'ery proud of her own per· School in 198i. Recently. tht: Middle School formance in her first year as head coach. "You wa.< recognized as a "School of Excellence" by wanl 10 keep lhat 1i11e:· she said. "There is N1-.; York Sialc. always someone coming up from the boll om. Fenton said she was asking Klein to present There is lhe pressure 10 keep thal lillc and to Ire ide.i toa •.1rie.1y or 1>e0plc, inclufog s1alf. keep e-.-eryone tlse below you:· ,upcf\iso~ elementary principals. parenlsand Alter winning lhecharnpionship last \'Car. communily members. lO gel their input. She the fulure of lhe team was uncerllin because concluded by saying, ·we will nol be ready for the team's liesl performer, Tamie Marshall. ,uc h a mO\-e in Seplcmber". Wendy's older sister who now allends the Asbestos RemovuJ Sophomore Wendy Marshall led Hicksri/le Uni11!rsi1y of Massachuseus. graduated. On lop Cop10i11sMells,.; Ya1kins a;id Kacey Knauer k. an dtlempl to reduce asbestos removal i11 alle1'e111s. scoring a lo/al ofJS. 7 0111 ofa of 1ha1. there would be a new coach. al/er being a1i:pJJleJJJ/tUJ1ru11Y_dWJn/Jinn~. rt ·ma~eei-e-l)'One woili liarder,saiil Wen- --"ship plaque. · (rontinut>d on pag~ l ) polsilile 40. --- ---- ------'tlirksulllr ~llustrnl<h 1\'c:um. llickouillr. 11't1u Uurk • il~urshau. !fct,r11aru ~=. l9Ull 1Jngr-~ , • . .. · ed 1 1ti e board "see whal qualified for · !ugh la.~ aid which wa~ 1m- Since most schools are seeking contractors for ~enton suggest .1•13 1 . lemcntPrl in 197'9while Hicksville doe; no• Budget (conllnurd/rompagt lJ !he summer, demand increases the e.xpense l(1e bids come 111 ~s and thcn ~on~ider Pt' p Parolasaid Iha! while Cuomo "can relalel!• during Iha! season, linga cap of SI m1lhon. An app1 ication lot _1e H I .. h .. 't d tand hw despcrak costs for 1990-91 (currently estimated al 52.5 Fenton explained thal asbestos removal State ll'ould ha11.' to be filed for a change 111 ar em .e ~a~ un crs million), Fenlon said that 1he board at its ne.lt meeling, 1muld be asked 10 consider ''&'oing to would take place during long weekends ?r Hickl'ille's Managcm~n l_ Plf, hrl be ourns:~~~~~~::~ resident Pat Love's ques1io .. recess breaks and not while students were m In response 10 a queslion rom · 1 ten. [$, . h d • bid" in the nc.xt month for asbe.~tos removal 1 school. Air quality te~s mus! be done during Pen1onsai~ Jnly jobs !hat could be done wi_thm regda/rd 1 la1\ ~adne/s'!~fef.re-~~ 1 during school months. instead of only in !he m~ 1t ;~fa summer. The District's architects and con­ and after removal before students are all011• a shon 1ime span would be pu1 oul lo bid. an or u · ay rn .. · . .. ed back. Work su~h as re-insulaling may lake Rooney questioned !he reliabilit¥ ofcOnlf?C• acknowl.cd~ed that 1~)S wah,s a p~pudla'. uem,., sultants hal'esuggesled tha1i i will be "half the 1 paI ce wh 'II e stu denls are ·in sc hoo. J IO"',,. n1en1ioning 1hcproblems. th1s)1?arw11h. butunhkellh c ..• because we arelo,cc " 1a1" cost" to undenake removal durin~ such lime. roofers al BumsAvenueando1l burner repairs al'e ,1rs1. ,-----------,,,::a~;;;a..__ _ _______-, at ll'oodlandA11.'nue. In orderno11opayhigher Science Lnbs IT'S ALL prices, Fenton said )1lU are "stuck wilhcertain Gerald Hirshschein.
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