LONG BRANCH D. VOL. 10-NUMBER 277. LONG BRANCH, N. J., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER, 25 1911. 8 PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS SHERMANS SAFE IN KEYPORT GIRL IS HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS NEWJOTEL CHINA BUT TWICE AN HEIRESS HEBpPMNTS "Commercial" to Be Ready Head of Prudential Succumbs to Annual Senior-Junior Reception For Opening Before First OUT IN BIG FIRE Operation and Pneumonia IN A FEW MONTHS Largely Attended In Spite of - of Year. Attack. Inclement Weather. Councilman S. Hlrsehfeld, whose ap- Long Branch Missionary And Family Suffer Loss of Young Woman Who Figured In Scene At Docks Exceptionally pleasing was the re- plication for a retail hotel license was ception of the Seniors and Juniors to granted1 last week. Is pushing1 the alter- their parents and frietidi* last evening ations to his property. The hotel, to Home In Burning of Hankow-Battle Continues Bitter Against Father And Makes Threats in the Assembly Hall of tho Clmttle be known as the "Commercial," will be High School from eight to ten thirty ready for the entertainment of guests To Rage At Hankow But Premier Hopes of Arrest-Married Only Short Time o'clock. The hall was tastily decor- before the first of the year. The third ated with greens and made a very floor has undergone many changes, pretty appearance. Although tho and when the plasterers and carpen- To End War To Cuban weather was very threatlng, a crowd ters vacate there •will be ten additional of three .hundred and fifty guests rooms, The second floor will remain In the fire which swept Hankow, wore presett to enjoy the evening's For thp drat time since her arrival program. almost aa it is at preseat, being re- China, a few weeks ago, Rev. and Mrs. home, Mrs. Hafuel do Soquelra, for- served for the public dining room and Arthur Sherman and children, former- merly Miss Iltitli Decker, daughter of Tho progi am wan exceptionally apartments for the family. In the ly of this city, were burned out. Only SHIPS ANCHORED OFF well rendered. The High School Or- John J. Decker, of No. 317 West 54th rear the kitchen wll] be extended out meagre details have been received street, New York, and granddaughter chestra and the Boys' and Girlb' Gle* over the open court. A dumb waiter from them regarding their IOBB. of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Docker, of War- Cluba wore heard in nevernl st-Iec- « will be installed to convey the kitch- A letter received here this week by rou street, Keyport, with whom she in tioiia for the Hint time this year. The en products to the cafe on the ground: Mrs. H. B. Sherman, of Bath avenue, E ALL IMTERFERED CUT making hor home, consented to be In- riueic was high class and was thor- fJoor. merely states that they were burned terviewed yesLerday. oughly enjoyed. The selections by out at Hankow and were on their way MIFS Myrtle Sickles and Miss Wld- The rebuilding of the front of the Mrs. do SequetrSj oroated a scone on structure is almost completed. The to Shanghai, where they expected to Tug's Coal Supply Exhausted, ]ne Stabbed Four Times But mer were especially good and brought take up their residence. The letter the dock of the Ward Steiimpuhlp Line forth very favorable comment. Miss old Dutch design Is being carried out also stated that they were ail well and She Has to Go to Amboy No Serious Results Are as she arrived from Cuba on the Sickles was henvd in "The Going of In every detail, and one can, now safe and that further details would be st earner Havana Tuesday afternoon tfia White Swan," whirh IH more of gel an idea of the effect. The panel sent. For More. Anticipated. when shn scivrimcd and sought protec- tho stMlnus turn of mtiid, while Miss •work Is being inlaid with concrete and tion when her father attempted to em- Wldiner gave a monologue, "Daisies plaster, the green effect of the wood- It is expected that another letter will be received here in a few dayB, H was rumored la^t night that there Italian workmen employed on the brace her. Practice Hour," of a lighter turn. work being a pleadng contrast. The I when extracts will be published In the *W» two boats ashore off Long Branch. ailroad enjoyed a Jit Ho diversion She Is a blonde with \nrgo blue eyes Af the conclusion of the program, slanting roc.f, covered with tiling will esterday afternoon, resulting in one also be huifeiied in mlaison green. Record. There were two boats opposite this city and Is only nineteen years old but is refreshments were served by the Rev. Mr. Sherman has been a mis- but they were at. anchor fully a mile )f the number having to go to the a widow of five months. When asked young ladieb of both th« SenTor nnd The wholesale department will have slonary in China for the past twelve at sea, and when an investigation was Monmouth Memorial Hospital to why she evaded her father on landing Junior Clausen, while their guests «n- new fixtures finished; in keeping with years, during which time he has made made tills morning they were still rid- mve four rfniie wounds di eased. The from tho slimmer on Tuesday, she pjigetl In sorial ljitrrcourne. After the interior decorations. The rear of two extended visits to America, the ing tho waves. A tug was lighted rouble starto before the day a work replied: "While a poor working girl tlm gueptH were served, both classes the old store has been partitioned off, last time bringing hia little daughter coming up the coast yesterday after- ^'RB ended. lelix Gr&l&a and Mui'tin in Now York a year ago, 1 bocame ac- engaged In marching up nnd down as hay also the greater portion of the for an operation. While in America noon with a full rigged ship and' a 'ornataro had an altercation while quainted with my huebaud, aud, the alslrn of the hall while inuwic was elg&r store adjoining. These rooms Mr. Sherman was stricken with ap- bargo in tow. The tug cast the tow luttiuK uji a handcar. The fighters inpt my father's wishes, I went to played for marching. This was In- will be thrown into cne, making a spac- pendicitis and underwent an operation line, and was seen, to come in shore vere separated before either was iu- Cuba, whore I was married. My hus- dulged in until they hnd tired them- ious allowance for the installation of in Baltimore. He has two children, 'ured.- The flfiht was renewed near band, who was a couBln of Luis F. selves, when the affair broke up. apparently to observe the northwest ho Branch port depot,- (MR city, the retail business. A sideboard and a second child being born since their storm warning being displayed at the Kamoa, chief engineer of tho (-anal Without doubt It was one of the finest Hon. John F. Dryden. when the men were on their way del Ilotjue, now in tho course of con- i affairs ever hold in ihe EROOOI. lunch counter will be located in the return to that far-off country. He is storm warning .station in this city. home. rear of the cigar store, the rest of the a graduate of Chattle High School, Feeling assured that the'boats would be Newark, N. J., Nov. 25. — Former struction in Culm, BiMftHHwl a nmall The initi-i:irn. presided over by room being reserved for tables. The \ of this city. He is a very eloquent perfectly safe at anchor, the tug pro- United States Senator John F. Dryden. Luclan Acessa, who lives in IK'1- fortune while working on the canal, President William Frederick of th« plumbing conveniences will be on the ' preacher and writer and has heen ' ceeded to Perth Amboy for a supply of preaident of the Prudential Insurance mont avenue, look hold of Fornutaro which fortune at his death ho left to Senior riii';:. It was as follows: company, in dead at bis home here. A to pull the combatants apart. For hip me. On hearing of hln death, my ground floor in the rear of the present heard in St. JameB' Church and St. ]coal. The ship and bkrgtt are wjihont week ngo he underwent nn operation grandfather, on my father's eldn, wroto Ovorturo—Truo Blue, Kenneth, Or- building. Bath rooms will be on the Luke's Church a number of times, cargo, and are on their way to Provi- interference he received a punch or cheutra. from which he rallied well until a chili wo In the face. This wan too much to dotne and live with him at Key- second and third floors. Steam heat dence, IJ. I. The life saving stations seized him Tuesday. Pneumonia do port. After cloning up my estate a< March, The portly Major Rolfe , Or- has already heen installed, and when Battle on for Two Days and Night in this vicinity when asked for in- unishment for a peacemaker to en (MieBtra. velopod then, and Mr. Dryden Batik lure, BO he started in for revcnKe. ['uba, 1 milled for my grandfathor'a the mechanics leave the premises the Shanghia. Nov. 25.—Fighting is etW formation cooceming ttie steadily. r.ime at Keyport, whoro I expect to Introductory Speech, William Fred- houBe will be modern in every re- going on at Hankow. The battle has thought the aboVp version was correct, le pulled Iilti knife, and before he lvn the rest of my life.. On my way erick. spect. Mrs. Dryden, her son, Forrest F •ot through with wielding Ihe weap- now been waged uninterruptedly for It was learned this noon that the Dryden, and his wife nnd her dmigh mine I was extremely nervous, fear- "The Itevcnfie," Tennyson, Mlsa Stel- 88 hours. The rebels have had thoUnlP off shore is the "Aryan," bound 1 n had stabbed his nsBailant four ing that my father would be at, the la Kgan. ter, Mrs. Anthony It. Kuser, with hp , imon. Fomaturo WUR cut in tho fore- KAHN PROPERTY better of the engagement thus far but I*rom Boston, to Baltimore, Md. The lnishrtm}. were at the bedside wbe: Jock to meet mi\ aud Burp enough ho "Blow Soft. Winds," Vincent, Girls' tne outcome is in doubt. The Standard *ted Star Une tu^ "Buccaneer", started •fiad, right arm, sido and back. Ho was thorn. When 1 landed ho at- Gle© Club. denth came. The funeral will be heli led from his wounds, but otherwise to. CHA& ES HANDS Oil big tanks on the outskirts of tho 'from Boston Ndv<>niber 11 with the Tuesday or Wodnesdny at the Dryde tomptod to embraro mo, and I Bcrnam- HcK>ne from Hamlet, Act J. Scene 2, city were set afire by the fire from the fihip and barge in tow. The tug en- home In It road street, wllh Interim*]) liowed no Higns of the attack. ed and ran behind the custom barrier Gecorge Johnston and Martha Mc- W. H, WooTley A Co. Have Purchased Patrolman Kingaland, on duty In on tho dock. Not having a permit, ho Cuo. rebel «runboats in the river and nearly countered bad weather which mad* iti- nt Mount Pleasant cemetery. On th lie upper section of (lie city, h#S?d Building to Enlarge the whole plant WAS destroyed. roads on her coal supply. The tug re- day of tfie funeral all the offlres of th was unable lo go behind the barrier. "Kentucky Babe," Ofiibtl, Hoys' Olf Store. turned after her tow this afternoon, Prudential, nearly 10.01)0 In nnmbi hat an Italian was hfiinpr murdered Tho custom officials were kind to me Club. •I Washington Btro«t. He went to and bust lad me off In a cab with my Scene from Hnmlet, Act 1, Scene 4, One of the latest real estate-trans- Conference on Race hut the seas were two high to make nnd scattered over many countries, wi he Been© of t fighting in BlnisdeU the line fast. The tug Is now an- be closed. iidftilhor and a maid. 1 bought a Herman ttnyers, Ed Win Farslow actons te th© purchase of the Kahn >, Edwards' automobile. The wound- 1 1 pekingi 25.—The statement cnored :fcket for Keyport and here I am." and Earl Breece. buildinuldgg located a t 181 Broadway, by mamadd e byby ' TTflnamgz BhaSbao YYi i thathatt ththee goKOvV atawtit a mile off shore walling •d man was placed In tho machine for the wlhd t0 flbate KO that tne lino New Bungalow for Columbus Place "Dalnlo'H Practice Hour," Miss Agnes W. H. Woolley & Co. This deal has ernment had agreed on a change of Theodore Oranmer, contracting •nd taken to City Hall, being latrr When a&kod how much she earned iken to the hospital. After the Wldmer. been under consideration for some pIan and would not Cflrry out the orlg. -can be cast and the trip continued, builder. Is erecting a bungalow oi, when a working girl, aho Bald that she "Barcollo, from Tales of Hoffman," time, but the sale was only consum- ,naJ pFogram ot crushing the revolu- VQUB&9 Vk'tTo dresser], Pornataro earned 15 a weok. "My father kept mated a few days ago. | tioulsts at all costs is Inferentially To Bulkhead Beadleston property liis property, corn or Seventh avenue valked to his homo In Hillside avi>- Offonbach, Girls' Olee Club. and Columbus Plae«. It will cos $4 of my wages and allowed mo $1 "Tho Going of the Whit© Swnn," QU- To open an up-to-date exclusive! couflrmed ny premier Yuan Shlb Kal. George Woolley, the bulkhead build- ue. Detective Walling was assigned with which to niyaelf and soma- Man's and Boys' Store, Messrs. He told some of the foreign ministers er, has been awarded the contract for about $1,500. Mr. C'ranmer Is als< o the case and last night had all bert Parker, Mias Myrtle Sickles. making extensive alterations to tin :lmeH buy food with," HIIIS said. "When Waltz, "Pantiles for Tho't," Blyn, Or- Woolley & Co. laBt April leased this tJiat he inten$t)& to stop the fighting, erecting about 400 fmt of bulkhead in artles to tho light in the recorder's I wan living homo with him he used MOBS cottage in Cottage Place. cheat ra. building from the Kahn estate and. He uadi he 8ajdi a piau whereby he front of the Beadleston property . urt at CHy Hall. Luciano ACBBBII. to boat me and drive mo from tho their business has been increasing so vho did the cutting, wns reieacod un- house. I got out of work once and March, "Monstrat Vlam/* Joy, OU- hoped to end the rebellion. I the Runisoii Bluff overlooking the r H chestra. rapidly that they find their present Count Von Rex, the German minis- ' Shrewsbury river. Mr. Woolley has Edward Starr Very Ill- *er $1.5^0 ball f» h' appearance he told mo to go and find a Job ami quarters inadequate to accommodate Edward Staa, tor many years an his evening. The wounded - man not como back until I had found ony." ter, asked Yuan to explain what the leased his plant for an indefinite peri- aye ball in the sum of ?300. The the stock necessary to meet the de- plan was. The premier replied tlmt od to the •contractor erecting the new mploye of the Dobbins' estate, U Whon askod what BIIO was going to Asbury M. E. Church mands of their growing business, he could not do this as yet. as he did board walk at Anbury Park. The - seriously 111 at his Atlantic avenui if nesses were also directed to ap- i-> with her fortune, the young widow, Bev A. H. Bherhardt will preach In consequently, they derided to pur- not know whether it would bo success ichinery used for driving- piling, Includ- with eyes filled with tears, Bold; chase the property BO that they could home. Ho has been in failing healt) •"ar at the heaiing. ho North 1 »ir,v Branch Met.hodlst ful. It is generally assumed that he \nfr boiler, pump and pining, will be de- for several years. He is about 7 Pasquale ColpHlo, another peace- "Every cent that I own I will give Church next Sunday, 10,30 a. m., on make any desired changes. refcrred to Tang Slmo Yi's scheme for Hvered on ttm work just as soon as the to Vny grandparonts, who have alwaya 1 years old, and Is dependent upon th< laker, got In the way of the r.nlf> Good' News". Rer. Dr. John The store at present has a depth a conference between the government ( weather permits. •iiJfl generosity of friends. nd received a cut In one of his arms joon kind and good to me. I will see , District Superintendent, wlU of about 80 feet and they intend and representatives of the revolution- To serious results fire apprehended hat in their later days they will want preach In the evcnlag »t 7,80. All building an addition in the rear of 70 ists, with the object of rencbiug H Mount Olivet Baptist Church Dr. McSherry Going to London. "om the wounds received by either for nothing. My aim In life will be *«tn are rre« and a cordial wtlcom* !• feet more. Plans are already under compromise and bringing about peace, f the victims. I ;o make them happy in tbelr old days." consideration for the improvements Services at Mount Olivet. Baptist, Dr. McSherry, who has an ofHc( to strangers. Yuun's repression of hostilities, how- Church tomorrow will be held as usual. At this point her aged grandfather, and they expect to begin work soon ever, has not begun as yet, for not In the new Goldstein building. Broad The paBtor, Rev Edward Redd, will way, will leave Wednesday next on r Mr- Moran Improving. evidently not realizing that his grand- after the holidays, so aa to be in readi- only is tBe fighting still fierce nt Han- daughter possessed any wealth, laid To Wed Thanksgiving. ness with a greater Btore and greater preach at eleven o'clock. The session European trip. He will spend the John Moran, for many years en*ftg- Miss Josle Mcloiln Kali!*, daughter kow, but the government ha, sent two of the 8lmday wm bc _held ai ten greater part of hia time in London. ^d In the express business who has tils wrinkled hand on her shoulder and stocks and varieties for the Spring said: "Ruth, you will always find my of Mr. and Mm. Henry Kahle, of Nor- siege guns there to help the Imperinl ,clock Rev „ A Carroll of Rod leen a patient at the New Jersey season of 1912. I KutAn I J : .* 1 HI I f 111' "-'."i ill • . #-.-» 1 t .k x . • . < y h • • ' wood avenue, and Lester Stanley Holt, trotyls. The latter seem to be on toi Bank, will preach at night. Hate Hospital at Trenton for several homo your home, whether you are rich When the addition is completed agirfn nnd have once more driven the WEATHER BUREAU F0RECAS1 or poor." of Lakewood, will be married OR they will extend their cfothing cabi- revoliitfoufctn out of Ifnnkow and oc- service will be held Wednesday nighl. weeks past, in rapidly improving..He Thanksgiving day. The ceremony will expects to return homo in a short Continuing, the granddaughter said: >e performed at the home of tb* bride- nets tho full length, eo that they will cupied Tuforise hill fort. The rebels re The U. S. Weather Hureau forecast be adequate to carry at least 2,000 tired to Hnnyitng. Dr. Neal to Juniors time. "My father has been sending post elect, Ilev. Thomas B. Hughes, ot tin Dr. George H. Neal At St, I,uke's M. for the 36 hours ending Sunday 8 o'- cards to my grandparents, asking them Flrpt Baptist Church, officiating. Th* garments. The general situation in China lins clock i). m. not to have anything to do with me, They will also enlarge their boys' not improved in the last tew days. E. Church to-morrow night, will preach Telephone IVan Resigns. couple will live at 214 Second avenu*, the annual Thanksgiving sermon to New Jersey—Fair tonight anfi William Wi.l !!<:, who for years hap and he has mailed similar ones to my Lakewood, and will bo "at horn*" af- children's clothing section, as this The diplomats here have decided that Sunday. Moderate to brisk westerly frlonda and relatives. One of the department is a most importai> one the position IH such that it Is advisable the members of the- Ixmg Branch Coun- ieen employed on construction and ter December 1st. cil, No. 24(1, Jr; O, -If. A. M. His sub- winds. -epalr work with the New York Tel- cards he sent to tne road, 'Stung! The in this store, Lamson Cash System the legation guards should be strength Observations from display station, Cubanola Glide Didn't Last Long!" will be installed, and provision Will cued. They wlU therefore ask their ject will be 'The Bulwarks or the Re- ephone Co., this city, has resigned public." Dr. Neal will also preach at 43 North Broadway, lonit Branch, his position. He sometime ago pass- I think he intrant by that that my naa- •ocUl Circle M»t». be made for a food sized alteration governments for reinforcements. 8 o'clock a. m. band didn't live long. If he continues room. When all Improvements have the morning service. The Ladies' Social Circle of Middle Highest temperature yesterday, 53. il the ('lv)l service examination for to Bond these post oards, I will try town township was entertained yester- been completed, W. H. Woolley & assignment to the Jersey City police and have him sent to jail." Co, will undoubtedly have- one of the Wu Favors Republic Church Gives Drill Lowest temperature last night, 30 day afternoon by Mrs. George Day aft* Temperature S o'clock a. m., 30. force. He is now residing in Jersey daughter, Miss Lilla Day, of Port Mop- finest stores of its kind in the coun- Shanghai. Nov. 25.—Wu Tint? Fang, The Uniform Hank, In command of City, and wlil report for police duty Besides the fortune left by her hus- try., Change in temperature in 24 hours, band, Mrn. de Boquelra also inherited mouth. Thirty-one members and who is acting as the head of the for Rev. Aibury Small wood, as&isted In minus 20 degreee. he first of December. etgn board of '.he revolutionists, snys entertainment given last night, by a Bmall fortune from the grandfather, guests were present from Keansborg. They intend closing out entirely Barometer, 29.90. Abrani Barnes, on her mothor's sldo. Middlotown, Belford, Harmony and their present stock and are already that the insurgent leaders are willing the Mount Olivet Club. The drill Patten Line to discuss with delegates appointed by Baromater, 8 o'clock Jast night, The latter foil from a cherry tree last Port Monmouth. A musical and liter- making concessions towards that oved a feature.*. Mies Hattio Bell 29.64. lives notice that they will make the summer while, picking cherries in his try program was rendered, which was end, BO that they can open up their Premier Yuau Shih Kal the question ebster favored with a recitation as 'ast trip for the season of 1911 on of the establishment of a limited mon- Wind velocity. W miles. dooryard and broke hia neck. The greatly enjoyed by those present. A larger store with merchandise that did her brother. There were several Wind direction, northwest. Wednesday, Nov. 29th. 274to279* youug widow's father formerly lived is absolutely fresh and new. archy or a republic for China. They uncheon consisting of sandwiches, nteresling addresses. Highest wind velocity in past 24 at Keyport and at one time was quite salads, cake, relishes, coffee and Ice would be willing also to meet at some Patten Line ueutral place, but could not go to lioiir^to •' o'clock a. m., 50 mlleB. well to do, but his daughter said he cream wae Served. The Circle will Convalescing at Hospial. Peking, where the surroundings v^ere Salad and Home Made Cake DfNH31 ion, north west. Gives notice that they will make the lost all of his money. It is Bald that hold no meeting next Thursday be- John Heldt, Jr., a medical patient at present uncongenial. Will be on eaks at tho Bazaar tc Humidity, 8 o'clock a. m., 56 per laBt trip for the season of 1911 on Uie father had boen working but gave -nuHn of Its being Thanksgiving day. at the Monmoutb Memorial Hospital, night at the First BaptisM, Church. cent., humidity, 10 o'clock a. tn., 62 Wednesday, Nov. 29th. 274to273 up his job on hearing of htg daughter's They will meet the following Thuredhy is slowly convalescing. He Is able Ninety per cent of the Chinese, Or per cent. wealth. Wu said, were irrevocably opposed to with Mrs. i. Henry Walling, of Port to greet friends who call to see him. Seco stlk all colors, alFO some fan Rftin fail 8 o'clock p, rn. last night Great Fur Sale at Red Bank "Are you glad to be back In the Monmouth. and it affords him pleasure to dis the relent ton of the least semblance of cies 15c a yard at Goldstein's. * .84. Wm. Jackman and Co., America's United States again?" it"%'aB asked cuss topics of the day. It will be Manotiu power. He added: "If Yuan 'oremo^t wholesale furriers being over- One year ago today the wpather "You hot I am," replied the widow ftuaar To-Nlghl sometime yet before he will be ablc- is able to nominate anybody to tiie Oliver Byrens' Picture Tomorrow. was cloudy to clear, except rain oc- stocked, favored us with an arrange- "There is no place like old Broadway." to resume business. He is identified tbruite who is really entitled to reply Tomorrow th> half tono picture of curred 1.07 a. m. ment, to place on Bale in our cloak and At First Baptist Church. Salad and •with his father in the wholesale bot- sent the Chinese we are willing ic the Oliver Byron Engine Company suit department on the second floor, Home Made Cake will be on «al«. Get consider such a man, but we hre con Seco ullk all colors, also som» fan tling business, t heir plant being lo- will be given free with tho New York Whero Should You Go for a Good a full complete line of every desirable sorn*, its t.h* kind that tastes like soore. cated just off Liberty street. vlticed that there is nobody upon kind of fur neck pl^cs, fur muffs an1 cle» 15c a yard at Goldstein"*. ' • whom all can agree, and hence the World as a separate supplement Overcoat heavy paper. The following Sunday That's easily answered. Gorrey'B fur coats which will he sold by Mr. Alf formation of a republic is the only red §t Stuart, repr^senAaMvp of the If you are invited out for Thanks Patten Line alternative to perpetual strife." the same paper will feature the mem Misfit Clothing Parlor. 75 Broadway, Lin.n . Showar for Mia* W««ltey. bers of Reserve Hose Co, No. I. ' a little below Second avenue. A Jack man Firm, at. their wholesale pic giving dinner, send your hostess the Stamp* at Slawn'a. Mast's W*ar. Gives notice that they will make the es. l?pon the payment of a d*pos!t, 1 trin> out of the way, but it will pay, flcH-er» for ber t»b)». W« will d*)lv last trip for the season of 1911 on S* ^ rpsiilar actvertiMng section for we'll reserve till Xma* anything you Wednesday, Nov. 291 h. 274to279* The Thanksgiving: turkey will taeste had you to travel ten times the dis- er your orders. W. Q. Eleele, C«dar our Thanksgiving price list. W. G tance. select. Don't fail to avail yourself of avenue. 277to 28"* Patten Lin* • Etsele, 277to28(t* much better if there aro flowers on the this opportunity,(one day only Novem- Sexton BPos., undertakers and em itaible. Phone your order to Eisele, •IT** matte* tkat ttay will mike tfc* ber 27) Yours for your fur trade, Jos- lint trip tot ts* •*•»• *t Mil *n bfllmerg, 616 Broadway. Tel. 122 L. B. Patten Line the Florist. 277 to 280* Annual supper in basement of eph Ralz. Red Bank, N. J. • Pstttn Line Gives notice that they will make the Simpson M. E. Church, Friday, De- (Jives notice that they will make th* W«a»*so«r, NOT. ntk. t»«ta«?9* Mr last trip for the season of 1911 on Seco fiilK all colors, aln> torn* fan cember 8th, 1911. Tickets, 35 cents last trip for th* «•»••• *t 1911 os Atfv«rtifle in toe Daily Record. Wednesday, Nov. 29th. 274U279 ies 35c H yard at Goldstein's. 272-374-277-378-280-882-283 285* Advertise In the Dally Record. N«T »(k. Adv»rtlM la tk* Dally R***r», - •- Two LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1911 »o £>• PLURAL AND SINGULAR. &"XX beeln with a box, and tfas plural fs boxes, "WHAT ADVANTAGES" W But Hie plural of ox should tm IT HAS CLOSED oxen, nut oxes. Then one fowl la goose, but two are called Thanksgiving Sale Asks an investor, have PERPETUAL INTER EST-BEARING CERTIFICATES OF PUBLIC rum II Yet tlie of mouse should never ba You may find a lone mouse or a whole lot SERVICE CORPORATION OF NEW JERSEY PEHSIOH ROLL or mice, Begins To-day But the j,lural of house Js houses, DP* over an investment in bond and mortgage on real bice. Forty-seven Daughters of They Draw Pensions From If the plural of man Is always called men. estate? Why shouldn't tho plural ot be called Soldiers of 76 Arc the D. A. R.™ A Treas- j. n? Th« cow in tho plural may be cows or klne, Still Living ured Scrap Book Hut (i how if repailcd la never called b)nnli:i«-n!;il Memorial lutll. the Yet hnt In tlio plural would never be hoso, 1 AIMI Ihr plural of cat Is cats, not cone, greater than you can obtain from a first-class tnmbw to the entry, HIH-HW to itm luj niitfniml R A. II. licMl.iUMficrs nl Wa ^p1 ak of a brother and also of breth- ° man tile Billing mi ni'i»'imuiU'- WiisfiliiKlon, thpfc h ii trcrisiirnil s=frn;i ren; Hut, though wo Bay mother, we never say mortgage. \\w.\, surli WUH HI • manner in whJrh Utn L'hiirfieter n lii«h hnrc Rune into the So Hi- KngHsb, I think, you all will asree, nmvir]^ thc> lust nnine from the pension milking of Amerioau L!?tory. is tin- most wonderful language you ever 4. THEY CAN BE ISSUED IN ANY DENOM roll of I7TU. *'I HIM Rlad to KHUJI by return mnil did sea. Asburg f ark, It WHS (Ive yenrs ntrn that tin- last ,V«ur ri'qui'^i Hint I write ymi mm& —Penny Pictorial. INATION, thereby suiting the exact amount HcvnUil i'liuiry vvnr widow pensioned facts emKernin^ my curly ff!rlho I wo in llie r,ld iKHme ftt I'lyiU- tnrlau at tin- m«-iety, "bet'ause I inn in my iiim ly iirst year fiad tlireatencd corner oti Chestnut street. He wore a they write their own epitaph: 5. YOUR DIVIDEND CHECK REACHES YOU', '£?^Z'Zn™ iTTomian. "sto wiili mini |>||uducs>. so that 1 shnll wrinkled low linen affair tlmt gener- I have lost t!ie race I nevtr ran. 1 ally advertises a traveler in n day ON THE MORNING OF THE DAY IT IS DUE, «•"» Mrs. i>;ii,« s i.oruon. jnit I c (ilile to write niiich mow." Ami coach, uml on his hat vras the thick Napoleons pacing tlie beach of their , , , . I Allliuurli nilli llii' •!• Jit !i in- »lu£t of another country. Add rnggeil St. Helena with their Waterloo lost. tlou iiicid'-nh^iy tliAt because she fear* and you have no cares, such as insurance, taxes' „„.,,:- .,„ i,,,,. („ , |,, Bmoiiriiie, s. v.. gray whiskers, and you have the fel- Life's Lost Ports. and upkeep of property to look after. thy [mylns of IicvuiiittuiKU'y war peti- the loss of her eyesight she has. with low whose picture hi tho comic papers In one sense all life is a losing. UIH by HIP .government cuils. there ihc iii l ''m>l'>us of Striptnip, twenty oiio liymus and other luuid In hund with a Hj,'ht clutch. from ihe wrecks in tlie nlinshouses, they are just as safe and secure as the best mort- MII ni>>tifh from ihc Nntinnal Kuriefy one ii'icin of fifty-five stanzas! They were, watting for (he tide of traf- insane asylums, pi-Nun eelis. is, '"My 1 life has be. a ti fni:mv." Men who've ! "f iliv liRiicliiprx of Hi' AiuiM-iran Ilt-v- fic lo thin out enough to let thorn 1 gages and have tho equal advantage of being: TAX, ,,ii,ii«n. I;-,.I, ..r ih.-ro in itte daughter When Shs Spun Flax. across, But every time they attempted missed the murk: So.... who are stop- uf K !fll r f 7C1 T1 "I didn't think when I spun flax In | It ii trolley ear seemed to bear down on THE POKT OF MISSING SHIPS. plug in time's purgatory on the way EXEMPT IN THE STATE OF NEW JERSEY. " " - " ' - "' n; ;». nm.,«t my yousper dnys," writer nnotlior In ; Test, "And the Lord shall brins ihM to eternity's . However, not ev- them. Several times they were stam- 1 niviiili' iKimvni'lalurp "f tli" list wonl.l thunkltiff tin1 tso-ipty, "Ihit it would: peded back to tho curb, and they be- inU» Kcypt again in ships. '- Ucut. xxviii. ery storm tossed craft fiiils for eterni- Phone 1D32 Market or write Bond Department Intlifaff lli:ll. Tlli'i'e ;in' 1.111 Tn'lnw nml In? i r«7PDbld, :is I find it in the Innigula were trying (o mangle them under the This marks fearful prophecy against hia last port when be was Hung ovtr Vi'sl lhi> Diinilrl. tho lirociilrll siltillrf, ulii Ii (li*"orat;'s nty pold itpoan." wheels. the faithless, renegade Jew ot ancient the gunwale, but Nineveh was yet lii&, lirli iiiDiri Himndttig names of Hnpliroiitn, "1 WHS (lie .vnnii^est Of I welvp ehll- were. Decently 1 saw th:t.£ book of for descriptive circular. 1 be the port of earthly success. There** Siinirinlha and Alitpall are alno found ilren,' writes more thiin one il;m^h(er Her Investment. miiiiue title, "The Port <>f Missing Piitlms in Robert EL Lee's twurhlug Qtno!lj; tlic fnrty seven, nnd imp iin- of a Revolutionary soldier. And thera "Young .TIbson," remarked the Snips," The "Bureau Verltas" of Par- .school after the Army of Northern \ ir- npiuej them i^reellem ni'itliers tif ninny (4 one tetter wlii<-li Btates nnively, | Impressionable boarder, "gave is with its accurate record of cnannll- ginia is 110 more. 1 stood, hat in bund, 1 hllilri'ii. Imiy nil fl;(v nnd far Into the •My mother, hit ring but perea chQ | his wife $'J and told her to put it lles nt sea shows 1,101 sleam and s:iil- leaf stained cheek, before the monu- nljrht with tln-ir spinning, bakinffi dron of her own, tuloptcd my three - tng vessels lent each year, the sea'u Over the Cent-a^ Word Column 1 In the' stockiuK for a ra!ny day. ment marked "Apponmttox" in the old mending nnd manlfuld other honsehnii] orphan cousins. ' toll of over three a day. Some po out Virginia town of Alexandria. Some- eares. Klnilra. Ailella and Anrellu lire slu> did. She pat it in two stock- from port wllli flags flying nud orews and See the Bargains That The forty-seven survivors ore: Mrs. I injrs—silk. And they really did thing in the sad, weary, dejected face nn the list. tm>. wltb 1111 oecaslonal Sassn (isimni'er of (lienwood, la.; cUeerlng. They're never heard fmni of the Confederate private made me dalnly N.in-ls«i or Cinderella. Kllz.i look lovely on Main street yes- again. "Missing" Is the sad inessiifre Are Offered to You. Mrs. Terreasa Iloyt, Reafllnir, Kan.; torrlny."—Red lien. think of my own lost causes. On tee Ann. Mary Ann, BaraB Ann and Susan Mrs. Peliefen I.ii wall, ICnston, Pa.; to waiting ones. They nre somew hero day Ihe executioner's ns fell on John nro of the enm|Hitiy. of course. Mrs. Frances R Lovehmd, Fohlier, *********** •!• 'I- •!• * * •!• !• '!• * * * '1- * fr -yes, at the port of missing ships. the Baptist and Paul the Christian it Kan,; Mrs. Surnh Hatch. Port land, We talk with wonder of ocean's lre;is- looked like failure. Friday afternoon, Proof of F.c!ationchip. Coleridge Outdone. area buried heuenth the waves, but To elil;iin a peiiMlon from tlie Pnnsh- Mp.i Sirs. M;try Itishel, ('lintondnle, April 7, A. 1). ,'{0, the ilrnu on the cross Location of Fire Alarm Boxes I'M : Mrs, Sopl^ronla Bhnver <*ario, "You must have had a terrible ex- who ean tell the treasurer hidden in gasped, "It is finished!" Failed of his (erM of (lie Itevuhllioii 11 woman nuifit rhliteimmcn, N. Y.: Mw, Belinda perience with no food nnd mosqultoea the deeper, darker sea of human life port? stow hel- eli'iliillly hy prifvlllg Ihal awanaing iirnund you," X said to thepone down in the waters of defeat and &Iore!aml Tlmmna, AnUui'fl. Ala.; Mr.i j The Last Port. Bile Is n dittiKhter of n s..|.ller nf tr 1-- I-Mher Vyudy fiiiPpnriU'm, PoolrlllP, shipwrecked mariner who had been death: Oh, the wasted Rifts, long lost 4 Corner of Franklin and Second Avenues. ltevoltitlouary \v;ir, SMe must he nljle east upon !he Jersey sands. hopes that are now buried beneath" Ihe God pity the derelict! I've met him \. V.; Mrs. ITtanffa Stewart, Lwray, surface of our better selves! Now and on the high seas, mastless, half sub- 5 Corner of South Bath and Second Avenues. to ;.-lve the dale of her l.lrlh, Hie date Vn.; Mrs. Jfelliwa Henry, Poolrille. "Yea Just bet I had a terrible ex- of Mrlh of ijiiiii her father nml mm her pei\e!iee," he acknowledged. "My ex- liicn we get a glimpse of them when merged, n menace to navigation, no N. y.j Misft Jennnottc Blair, SolsvHle, ihe reefs are left bare by receding eye on the compass, no hand on \h& 6 Corner of Second and Brighton Avenues. and I lie nnnies of all their eliililren perience was worse than that of the \. T.; MIN. A del In Hntfh. ITatfhviiie. man who wrote 'Water, water every- tides, squandered treasures, pearls and helm, driven with wind and tossed, 8 Cedar Avenue crossing N. Y. & L. B. R. R. There reqiilrcmrnls are speraiasly >am Miuu.; Mrs. Mnry Ann Seott, Medwriy. gems of life that have gone down in now drifting. Hist craft the bflfk of |ilo eniiu::ll. hut several nu'eil n-OUHMl where, but not a drop to dtink.' With 9 Takanassee Lake, Ocean Avenue. Mass.; Mrs, Anivila M.D.umld, North me It was bites, bites everywhere, but the sea of our paar. skepticism. No freight reaches hii luive been ileharreil fi'oni reeelvlnapeu- Aliiiifctoii, Mnss.; Mrs. IMizabeth Chain not a bite to eat."—Chicago Record- port. No passenger descends gang- 12 Lyddy Cottages, Ocean Avenue, Elberon. Klnns lie;-a!!se they eould Dot lueel liors. ('olnmbus, (>.; Mrs. Nanism I h;i Herald. plank to greet joyous friends. "Dyna- them. The application In the national Ilint, Toledo. O.; Mrs. Mary Christo- The Voyage of Lifo. mite Ihe derelict" is the order from 13 Corner of Park and Elberon Avenues. organisation for h pen ilon intu't imne pher. Athens, Ala.; Mrs. Nancy Me- We are not at rest, but on n jour- every nation's capital. Without fnitU throiiLih the recent or some loeal ehap- Kenny, East M:iinfield, Mass.; Mrs. Often True. ney. Life Is a movement, a eeasolesn it is Impossible to please :inioil by let progress toward an unseen harbor. man. Say. mariner, don't drift into Iley J.iiwsnn Ilill. Lakeport, Cal.; Mrs. What is our haven? Where is that 15 Elberon Station, N. Y. & L. B. R. R. tpra fr.ini a inlniaiiir nnd from reiu-e Snsaa Nash, UrlshfTfli, Mass.; Mrs. that unmarked, uncharted wilderness Bentnrfre eilirens of the pensioner':* port? What is the end toward which of waters that Infidelity spells. Don't Kdythe /erlJe, Letart, W. Va.; Mrs. we nre either steering or drifting? 16 Corner of Park and Norwood Avenues. town voiiellltlH for her pood name anil Cinderella Catltn. Wnupaeo, Wte.; drift out of track of home ships—away Since our life's ship was first launch- from Bible, pniyer, church, God. Buy, 17 Hollywood Avenue, near Norwood Avenue. chnrai-lor. HaviliK SMIISH.HI all Iliesi. Mrs. Mary Iln.vt. (in-one, N. Y.: Mlsa ed on its sea we. have been soiling roiiuiieinent;! she will ri Ire V.^ s Mary Dun fort If. Attleboro, Mnsa.; Mrs. sinner, have you been sailing away somewhere, but where? I've watched from Cod off toward the cold north of 18 Corner of Westwood and Brighton Avenues. month. '1'he pension papers uscil are Welt ha A. Lymlc, flflrtford, <:onn.; vessels leaving New York harbor for sinllar In wording anil appearanee to Mrs. Harriet Sells, I.os Angeles. CjU.I sin and unbelief? Turn home, it's get- 19 Guire's Feed Store, Brighton Avenue. Scandinavia, Britain, southern Europe. ting late, eight bells, dog watch. Start those of tlu> aneMimiMit, anil when a Sflsa If til Ii ^hort. Xewhuryport, Mass.: I've watched them go out the Golden 21 Bath Avenue, opposite Prospect Street. woman 1H^ il'-monstrnteil IHT cii-it,ii home though colors torn, ragged sails, Ml.-s Sophronia Yorko, New Market, Gate on to the bosom of the great battered hulks. Make port. There will 23 Corner of Morris Avenue and Prospect Street. ity to receive one she Is inaile an lion N. II.; Mrs. I.uelndn Me Mullen, Now Pacts?. Some arrived at their destina- he waving of hands iind tears of joy. orary tuemlier of the society, exempt Market, 1ml.; Mrs, Tlruniali Howard, tion; some nre misslnjr. What boots it if start of journey be 24 Long Branch Station, N. Y. & L. B. R. R. from dues and tn\cs of the organiKa- P*armtngton, N. H.: lira. Atmlra K. Whore are those eomrades of boy-pleasant, middle portion smooth and 25 Corner of Third and Westwood Avenues. tleu ami receives a massive ^old spoon Leonard, Otta N, Y.; Mrs. Alilcal! hood, those friends of youth? Where Minny, if in end craft is wrecked, car- urntiinetiteil witli Ihe 1). A. Ii. iusi^ Stl'Ollff, Morris, 111.; Mis. Helen Hiir- are the honor men of your class at go sunken, crew drowned? Too late 26 Fifth Avenue, near Slocum Place. reif. K;!laniazoo. Mi-li.; Mrs. \;in isssi school or college, those brilliant fellows now? No; send out the "S-O-S" of dis- Th'pre never wns a frenernl law un Qlllepple. Upsburst, Vo.; Mrs. EHJW who carried off medals nnd prizes? tress. God's mercy will find you. Tho 27 Corner of Morris and Westwood Avenues. der Which the \\i.l*uv el- .3.-un;llter of n Aim Spencer, Marios, S. C; Mrs. Jnlhi Some have arrived; Rome li:ive disap- pilot of (Jniilee will steer you home. 28 Norwood Avenue, opposite Campbell Avenue. Ue\ohiiiuKiry Rotdtef ennui receive » Aim Demaray, l.nke Odpajsn, Mich.; peared. Your jilunnii catalogue does Out beyond the sky Hue lies the sunlit penBtnn from the p:nviTiiinenf. Any Mrs. Synih Cainpliell, \\'aslnn^!on; mil bear their name. Out, of your busi- [gfld of heaven. Make your port, drop 31 Corner of Ocean Avenue and Broadway. wntiKin win) obtafeed sn.-li ail was en Mrs. l,nvini;i Crofat, Punhtiry. Con*.; ness friends miiy '2 per cent arrived; your auehor; you've reached your soul's 32 Corner of Broadway and Second Avenue. aided lo i!<> se only by Hfiecin! act of .Mrs. Mary Knyes. Trim-eton. III.; Mrs. !iH per cent failed. Some weakness, la- haven. congress, and there were hut three Emily Welter, arid, Mkli.; Mrs. Caro- temperance, dishonesty, instability, 34 Broadway, opposite Third Avenue. sn.li art.-*. The urnnlui:: of llii--e three lin«' Johnson, [InsHnps, Neh.; Mrs. Tearher-It isn't proper for you to some unconquored sin, bus wrecked 35 Broadway, at The Edwards Lumber and Coal Co.'s Mill. pensions, however, o "CHgioneii f-nch n S;irah rail. Bauborn, X. Y.; Mrs. I.u sny, "Vnu can't learn me nothing." their course. LlUe Hartley Coleridge, Advertise in the Daily Record. tli«,,l of npiiliralioni from daughters of • iii'la Tlcrsh-.v. Wliyslde, NeU.; Mrs. Pupil- -Tea, 'Us. 36 Broadway, near Morrell Street. Rpvolullmiary Biid irnrol 1812 Sftiiters Ilunffntfl, Itlvofslde. Cat, and Teacher— Why? 38 Broadway, corner of Norwood Avenue. that word went forth tmm WaiUng- Mrs. Caroline Unndall, BprlnRfield, Vt. Pupil—'Cause you can't.—New York Mail. 41 Corner of Grand and Buttonwood Avenues. C3" See Us for Jhe holidays "^ TO SAVE U. S. MANY DOLLARS NEW PEERAGE FOR CURZON. Up to the Standard. 42 Branchport Ave., at Cloughly, Nicholl&Co.'s Lumber Yard The returned fresh air kid was tell- 2 Pair of "INTERWOVEN" Silk Socks in 43 Corner of Washington and Lafayette Streets. Captain Knapp Knows a Way to Make Given Barony Open to Heirs Female by ini: his mother of the wonders of the Expensive Charts Cheaply. Primogeniture. eonmr.v. Fancy Box $1.00 45 Branchport Avenue, near Bennett'3 Store. <':!,>t;ihi .!. .1. Knupp, Bftva) bj^ros I.nrd Curzun of Kedlcstnn. who was "And. say, inn," be said, "out at An- r:ip'n-r, iwpfvts (-n save tin- gorers- an Irtss hamn, imt was Biaflo an e:iii gola they (ret milk from cows, nnd it'H 46 Corner of Joline and Edwards Avenues. just as good milk as auy."—Buffalo rncnl :i pretty penny in HIP uvitti-r ol of the United Kingdom In tb© corona* Every Suit a Prize Winner 47 Corner of Sixth Avenue and Halberton Street. tion hmiors. bft« IJIM'H gawttsd as I'.ar Kxpress. supph ini; HR> expl Bftlve cli.irfs ro- on Rnvenwdulc of Itavensd.-ile. In ile- We pride ourselves on having tlie best made 51 Corner of Sea View Avenue and Liberty Street. rillircil for tilt* urn i:;:it inn nf n;iv;it \os- fauli ot uiale issue his oldest dmi^hlcr Once Was Enough. 52 Corner of Patten and Port-au Peck Aves. (Pleasure Bay). will HMHUDQ Ihe lif!e nf !i;imness lla- "How often does your road kill a Tin- liy<1fvr;p!w>r him developed :i \T?uwdnle of K[i\ensil:ile, ;ind It win beman?" ftftkod a facetious traveling, 53 Corner of Patten Avenue and Riddle Street. llBDiJod down by IMT to lief eldest male Kiitesniiin of B Central branch conduc- $15.00 SUITS 54 Corner of West Street and Columbia Avenue. 1'lmln ifttm-nuiliv Jit RhmH OflfrtWefi ht'ir. In default of stub heir the tiili> tor Hie ot tier day. I tlHh of ibe cwM of tin* prwnt copper ".fust mice," replied the conductor in the State. The Materials and Workman- 56 North Long Branch, Oliver Eyron Engine House. 1 phili* ontrra\T"t I'Mnrt. TftPW (••nnner- I.nrd l!'ivenxd:ile's wife wns HI:iry nouily.— Kansas i'lty Journal. ship is all that could be desired, and the j plsile chni'ts BPB [troilucc-il at Ilu* mtp Victoria Letter, daughter of L. /. i.^i 57 Corner of Sea View Avenue and Fay Street. ter <>r \S'ii;t]iu^ti!i] and CblcASO, Sin- Between Girls. pattern's are just as neat as they can be. of fixity per day, wltU« ihe frbote 1 312 Corner of First Avenue and Laird Street. ! lii!in:n':tpli rrproiliH-iioM, wliit-ii is de died la 100a, leaving tlaree dauyhtera "So you think of going aviating, 1 I'huvil to to ui'iri' mvnrufo, fan I-1 This tfl (he tlrst ereatloa in '2~M years AT 512 Corner of Liberty Street and Hamilton Avenue. 1 by an Mn-lish soverplffa of l peerage "Yes. Wlifll's thp proper costnme?" innifd out at tin- mta of 1,'joo per bereditabla in th.- female line by prr SIGNALS : boor. "I really don't know. However, I IWL'eniture. should wear my best stockings."—, 1 Tap, Open Circuit. 2 Taps at 12 o'clock M., Test. 2 Taps' Plan Cen

1 The Big Little Dept. Store §1 Wet Weather Shoes for Men and Have You a Bargain E Just the Weather for Heavy £ Cenvict-Canker Raported to e Wear Doaili In Prison. Underwear, Boys We have diem in the lead lag g High Cuts and Regular in tan grain water proof To Offer the People of Long Branch ? S makes. Derby Ribbed, Fleece Lined, =• soles, also other splendid working shoes Is there something you want to buy at a bargain ? Have you something that you want and in Flannels, to exchange for something else ? Remember that this is the market place of Long Branch. Frcm 39c up to $2. $2.00 to $4.00 It is the piace where you can get together with your neighbors and match your wants with their desires. WOLF LIEBERMAN I H 228 Bruadway. Long Brancli, N. J. zz CLARENCE WHITE'S, 9 ER£ ¥i The Price is Only One Cent a Word ^miHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiir- Why not get busy and let your wants be known|/ BEATTIE FUNERAL PRIVATE. The World's Worst Penman. •Most reinai liable ;iinong execrnble Body of Murderer at Homo of Fathar RUMSOLIEWS writers was John Roll, Ihn barris- In Richmond. The officers of the RuniHon (Ire HELP WANTED—FEMALE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR SALE ter of wfiotn I.orit Rtdon aoid t<> the Richmond, Vu., Nov. 35.- Before pay- (company us nominated nt a recent lirlwc ri'^enl lhai h« was the ablest ing HIL* deuth penalty Henry C. Bent- meeting are us follows: •ijuiiy lawyer of his time, though he WANTED—Girl for general house TO LET—at exceptionally low rent- CHICKENS for sale. 133 Lipplncott tlo. Jr.. signed u ['onfcsHlon In the President—Clarence Ford, • •otiM "ncil her read, write, wnlk nnr presence of his spiritual advisers that j Firs! vice president —George H. work. Must be good cook and lam .1 for Immediate orcupaney; SingU- arc. « 277tl' mm talli ' Hull was a ciippU'. and din dress. 121 Franklin avenue. 27fito278' louse, 7"1 Broadway; OHM side douhlo lu« i-oiuiuilUnl tlu« L-rinie of inurdcrini; itiite. 20 Pigs for sale. C. D. Corlies. Wi'sinuuland Decent fomblned with his wife on Midlothian turnpike July IOUSO, I3(ith avenue; both sides double bis Htnmnwr t" make his sppoch unin Second viec [)reBi4ent—William .1. WANT EL—Girl for general house lonso, Ilcrrtan Place. J. \V. O-onrow, 275 to 2S1> IS. Murphy- work. Apply J. W. Flock. 276t,o27f Ifili-iblc. Tlie characti-r of lii^ writ gent. ?77 to 280* PUBLIC SALE Standing wood in in--, ap|tcais from his own Mat omen I Tin- innifssiim WHS made public. Ac- Secretary Low is NenhaUBer, H acre lols at Kaumtowu, Dtn1. '1. V. • (Ufliu^ to Uif [lev. Benjamin itennis, Treasurer (-'rank McMuhon. WANTED—Skirt finishers, to scv* *TO LET—Cheap for the winter thai ue had three stylo, oua ot wh'uh D. Oorllea. ^75 to 2K1* lt« cuultl rwid, bui his clerk could not, :i i-uiilVssluii was t'.mlhU'U to blin on t'lteif James P. Murphy. Iiock3 and eyes and burtons. Mon « iidji-lining Bank's nonth s, (i room bout while the si'cmid was intelllgihlp t" his Nuv. 0 by Bt'iiltk*. Thin was four days Foreman of hose wagun—James P. mouth Bkirt Co., Goldstein's New, bldg •lotei, First avenue, VanHuel and Holt. FOR SALE—Green Mountain potatoes. Broadway. 276to277* « i.Tk, b«( it*u to himself, and ilH'ihird previous to the in lion of tlie supremo Shay. on. 277 i J T. \V. Cooper, Jr., 93 Cooper avenue. biifHtHl both of them. Something situ i-our( of npiJPHla refusing a writ af vv- First assistant foreman of hog*? wa- 274 to 277* rttr null new dial. Two dny« Inter TO LET—House, Wcstwood ave., Hnr is told or Henry Word Bwchfr. gou Itubtrt Wilson. vvhuse dftHRhtcr, Bftlnff as his roiiylst. when Governor William II. Mnnn de Second assistant foreman of hose WANTED. — Operator* to make water and gas. John Lawley. 27510280* ..FOR' SALE—Eleven shares capital Hinod to extend clemency Kent tie en slock, Long Brandt Basking Company lj;t«] thres chief rales-tlml no dolled W&&Q!l CliarleH Ward. meu'B ulght shirts, learners taken and FOR RENT—5-room flat; city water U>lter of his was meant for an "I."(ei'eil ui«»i (lie serious endeavor (o Foreman ot book and ladder—John paid while learning. Steiner & Son Inquire of Daniel Doran, Record IJuihl- seek I'iirdnii for tils deed, nnd hlfl eon- ind gas; $8 month. 294 Branehport ing. 272 to 277 that no crossed letter stood for a "l" Wilson, Jr. 213tf Avo. 274tf. and that m> capital letter ever began IV* si mi says ho believes be was at First assistant foreman of hook JI soiitrnct'.—I.undon Chronicle. peai e with his Maker. and ladder—IS, A. Pomuhrey. TO LET—South side of Alpha cot- FOR SALE—Fresh cut violets. Jos- eph Juska, 65G High Street. Long BANKER MORSE NEAR 'DJC body was removed to the fam- Second assistant foreman or hook tage, also Third story flat. R. H. ily homo, from whore thu funeral will Hughes. 261tt Branch.' 207 to 27* and ladder -IJanScl Shay. MISCELLANEOUS Drunkenness In China. hits* place in private Sunday. Trustees—-John lltntfilmann. Wil- As regards tbe sobriety of the Chi llam Menrs, George H. Hale. John TO LET—6-room house, Atlantic Teaching the Teacher. DEATH IN PRISON GOOD Work horse will be put out uid Edwards avenue; G-room apart- iK'sc there seems to tie n diffrreaci? i»f Paly. John tiiogan, Sr., James F. for trip during winter. Address, box ment, Central Ave., city water and The toucher of tile first grade in the opinion, and it is a eal. it bury Park; Benjamin p, Morris, Long never heard of such Impudence." members will be enrolled neact Frl- .lohnuy bolted for the blackboard made for Mr. Morse's release was ill the affair is let drop, llut, un the' Branch, or anv sgent. 146tf health, and Mr. Taft as an alternative niiier liand, if he is noisy and shows aj WONT HEAD PRINCETON. dny aignt. 1'rofcBsur Ueor^e W. LOST—Gold pin inscription 49. Re- and drew, half a dozen cattle brands— Wllmol of New Bruuswlolt v.fll ^jive to commutation of 1 he sentence or- disposition to quarrel nnd light, he 1st the flrat losfion In Bight reading, ward, .lean Dcnegar, Goldstein's. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE the Flying D. the Lazy B, the Trian- dered the transfer of the bunker to nt once taken lo bis rooms mid com Dr. W. T. Pir.noy Rcquestfc That His 275to277» gle Dot. the Lazy Crutch, the Bar 7 tin- Inited States army hospital nt Name Da Withdrawn. Next Sunday will be observed as and some others. ppiled to remain there until the effect 1 Fort Md'hersuii. Qa., where he will cif the U(jtK>r lias worn nway.—New | L'.Iilmniu. Md., Nov. 25,—Ht, John Thanksgiving Sunday at the Method- FOR SALE—At a great to "What's them? ' ho asked. lal Church. The pastor will preach elope an estate, a lol oft Hiipluon ave., receive medical treatment bat will ho Vorfc Sun. ;; T. l Uiii'y o," |his city antiaiinem HORSES FOR SALE Tbe tencber couldn't guess. kept under surveillance. . llul In- liad le.inested tlmt Ills i..>nM- a Thanksgiving serpion in th*; morn- West. End, N. J. Size of lol 100x300 "Well." said Johnny, "don't you talk i -• u:.':.'r.r.^i iioui eonslderatioa as IOR. At nighl his Hubject will lie Only $91)0 to a quick buyer. Title free R f Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 'jr..- Charles W. Concerning Freshmen. 1 FOR SALE—Team of Horses...Ap to me no more iiliout them thins .von Moisc. the former "ice king" of New i. i. • •; 1.1. >: J J o! Pi'Iuretou university. "Nine Iuji]"atp[.' ply Chester M. Tninx, 223 Broadway, and Jear. Apply to John J. Lively, call letters whe:i you can't tell cattle] James, aged live, and Sarah. n;:c;i tbti eampoa. They discussed the Onw ihe Who.'e of It. wifl be "A itii of Advico from a \vise Otttiwu. Out.. Nov. 17.-The firatses -Wit-kershain mid tbe attorneys who on of Canada's twelfth parliament merits of tiio caso from every Ride, A1.:.linger tvt'eiaos beentlSe (ho Man." TO LET—Furnished room, improve- t-ASY tcrmi monthly for beautiful have hud his ense In hand. .lames usually preferred the frenliowtt. Domes, all Improvements, on Norwood opened by the I>uke of Oonnnujiht. v.o.id was BO -srniill ban a coaaterpart Dr. I). Harold Kin-p examined the ments, cheap for winter months, 248 He is a sulTerer from ltright's dis- while Sarah always sided with tMr In an old inhabitant of l.uss, a protty .children of the Oceania school Tues- tve. J. II. Parktr, West Long Branch. Th appointment of i\ lariff comuiis- t»rtsp. and tUe turn in his condition 1 Broadway. 273 to 27S* «*»B an impoi-tnnt feature of the onviiitvx. little village mi j.och T,omoD(1 side, i'::v nfiernonn and found tbein in a 159tf nt the beglunlag of Hip week alurnied One iiftpmmm •Tames was I nil tin- Scut Inud, who at last bus Ueon i«r- healthy condition. u from the tlu-oue. 1 tiio physicians. itrross the campus, holding tiffhtly loi Mi:tilcl to climb th'. mountain whicti Union Thankagiving aervJoea will BOARDERS WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR his father's hand. His liitlc face WH bus filled fit) large a purl of bis hurl- be held in the Prt'isbyt'. rian Church nuite jserious. anil bo kept looking be >ir.-n -•!)! the (lays of bla MJe. In Luas on the morning of Thanksgiving day WANTED—Two boarders in private RENT. Why Does It! bind lilm more or less fenrl'uily. Hlnl be Iin.s lived, us ills fathers lived lx>- BI II o'clock. • t*. fiM family. Address, 186 Norwood ave. LIST your residential properties MiSS SHERMAN NOW father, deep in meditation, was not no ITore bliu, and 1'rom LUMS In? haa iwiver 277 to 2S2 NoUifng quite equals the con- and farms for sale or rent with S. C. crit of the niiin who imagines tiring until linally ti small voice Bald: | luul the anihiUnn to Journey, area n* Making Up H«r Mind. Shann, 32ft Murk«u Bt., Newark and that (he World owoa him a llr- "Futhttr, they wouldn't mistake u li; ij'.ir JJM (jl;i,-'^u\v. Hut some one got Do you |QV« auotherV ho asked snd- MONEY TO LOAN Long Branch. 27(i to 28ti lug.-^Detroit Vtoo Press. tie boy for a freshman, would theyV- him lo the top of Ben Lomond I no ly, after she had refused lo murry him. Woinatfs Home I'-cnnpauion. otlier dfl.r. "I'm not quite mire." H110 lumwerod $1,OC0, $2,000, $.3000 or $5,000 to AGENTS WAMTED '•Kli, inuu." said lie, with great sole witb bored politcnesH. "Father hasu't loan on first >;ond and mortgage. Ap- Threading of Pearla. pit his commerdal rating yet."-New Gauze For Jealousy. Marriage In Private at Bedside iouffratnlfttinn, "inil the world's a bl£ ply to W. A. ytevens, Helsley BuiM- With the Persians tho writing of Vork Times. SALESMEN WANTED—to sell trees u li! Show me tnat letter! i poetry nnd beautiful sayings is tit - place wlii'ii ye come to view tlie whulo ing. 256tf ot it!"—IMmdee Advertiser. and plants. Experience not necessary. Husband — "What letter? of Sick Fattier. scribed as the. "throudUW of pciirl'." Steady work. Highest commissions WWe—Toftt one in your hnud. It'fl I Maybe You Don't! •jjivabfe weekly- Wriln for free out- from ii '\vo::ian. I can KOO. hy the writ- fit. Pony Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. You Fftssibly aon t care to wear In?, nnd you turned pale when .YOU Now York. Nov. 2.%.—Reside the Nick your new suit to work with, and whj saw it. bed of tier rnflier, William Walts Shrr should you? when you can buy a fine WORK WANTED—SWALE Husband—T«e: here it; is. It's youi* infill, Misri Mftlred SlHTinan today eu- order madp suit, just a trifle worn, dropsuinker's bill.—Jled Hen, lirnl the ranlcs of the Hrilish nobility for very lHtlo money, at Go^cey'a ffi&- Work Wanted by a competent man. by iveddlng Lord Camoya, The wed fii Ctotlitsg Varlcr, 75 Broadway, Al- Any occupation durable. 037 Broad- How He Took It. Ainu syaa to save taken place Dec. 2 »PERRETRATED BY WALTA\cpQUGALL•:• so separate ccuta, trousers and vests. : way 277-278* }jul owing lo tlie aiBpsfl of Mr. 'Mwr [GINKANDBOOB >AXtHE SUFTRAGISTS FAIR P00R|IMKE BOOBFALXS^FMMBISADI STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. man the flu to was set ahead. The mtnus! iiKctiiiK i>r tlie Stockfcsldera i-lcliost heiiesses in America, Lord CmttO/i is euiii|iarativcly pool*, In splic nt (ho fart that lie in of the bluest Puzzle Picture blood of the Inited Kingdom. I!" \< Judge-Yon pleud not guilty to tha 1 twenty-raves years old anii came into cilftl KG of having stolen these two his Htto upon tin. deatli of hla fatlM-ri fiouuds of stiufl'. Have you juiytlmig In iMi" il'm title dates bade to I2iii. to sny ? \\ tu'ii the itrst Ilaron ('Minoys eoin- Prisoner—Well, your honor, 1 thought nianded (lie left winp of tbe English snuff wns madi! to be pinched.—Comic Cuts. army at A:;iri they have no me f«»r tt. nmIjHiMilllmi c»f tin; imsUir, the Hev. j A man wastes a hit of time asking Cburlei \'. T. lUrbewn, who is unr] qtte*tkrai thitt he dop.^u't want an- Indlcfmesi few the BBrder <\ra rflJM B dislurhsmce with- cliuri-h ivas »>! In |i]i>jiii]fc']ucnt of thi 1 1 OOEiN out blowtiw nb'nit H. tiiinili ! clijtr^p. BELOMO TOHIM ii in i ilitlii.ult lo size a man tip, Some "f !'!<> B-iiiuHi merabera object rrt to 11"- :r •';.-'i-t'-f f.f tlir> t-l's1e!iilti'ij 1ml the true mearare <>r a wnmnn is fettown only t» her drewiraafcer. The mea win hadn't »KHI0& prop- | Sael tic Could Do. tty in interest tin tux ftwassof b nl- Joe Btaali v.i'i ; tluiuttutf Ijiwt nutuin-i \-,-.r n ttklkin% tiboni the pjod hr would after rt'O-1 l.irJs. Hi- was :i pctor shut IN A FIX and. t!n>t;;'.M t:i.- gttfS« bfstlitfet liim "Oh! let's Ploiic." uM Harnltl. l.sil'V :i i .!' i. fBil Of l.lv.!s, Ili>I]P fl'H li.-r. :, i:)< nun. Tin- Dm i-iclit .jr BiM '• Twould !><• li .••. iliuii Iicikiiow." Said she, "If you i' n'' hirrv. you'll Frederick K. Ball Bbw - tbe i-r.iili. uid notuitis. tmt m Eloi>e on paiia'stoe." Vlol!«—1MSTRUCT1GH—Pint Nod lir.N rj-t? in B Brest etead, "By Find papa. - ORCHESTRAL MUSIC FURNISHED. pi-ii. .-ir. r<" ::unln ttUH M sliifl their ANSWER TO YESTERDAY'S PUZZLE. quarters:1'-;LM Angelas TiUJes. U;:£ide do.vn under arm. I 111 Stidio, 70 Norwtod Are FOUR LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1911

th*m quick Movigh, eihrwtaa »ubllih hlia and H»r Instincts n«var gueaisi, with all tb« trimmings, and fait, i( DAILY RECORD. Tbat the ftir.itli of Her specie* ia ISSUED EVERY WEEK-DAY truat to luck. Viore deadly than the male! The bulk of the afternoon ptipera ITIZENS RUDYARD KIPLING. Credit BenJ. BolBeeau Bobbltt Edlto; sold here, by the way, are printed in the morning from eight to ten o'clock. NATIONAL THOUGHTS WORTH READING SUBSCRIPTION RATES They can't in the very nature of Courts, like laws, are not cure-alls. Terms (Postage Free) outside of thethingH contain as late or aa accurate BANK They are only struggling against the An established CREDIT with a City of Long Branch and the Long conditions that created them. These newii as the Record, which goes to OW LONG BRANCH, N. J. conditions they can In a measure al- strong bank is something every Branch mall delivery limit*. pn-i'fc at three o'clock and RO1B all the c leviate with better dispensation of nne year, la advance .... |5.0new0 s of the world in the interim, justice through a little love fn the CAPITAL, SURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED law.—Judfle Ben. B. Lindsey. person, at some time, needs. T^ree months, In advance . . 1.SS6 which are the busiest hourn of the day One month, In advance ... .60 and productive of moat newa of con- PROFITS OVER $250,000; COMMUNICATIONS A savings account with the First Single copies, in advance . . .02 sequence. Oilers unusual facilities and assures its customers Acquitted; Resents Slurs National Bank of Long Branch, Published by prompt and efficient service, courteous tiditor I-ong Branch Record: », M. TAYLOR PUBLISHING CO. TO MOVE THE SEAT OF WAR. I beg to ask if you will allow me a N. J., will help YOU establish and liberal treatment small space in your valuable paper for Chas. L. Edwards, Sec'y and Manager, All aigiiH point to the early transfer Depositary of the United States Postal Savings a question or two. one. 192 Broadway f the seat of hostilities in the Turko- Why is it that a person who has LONG BRANCH NEW JERSEY Funds bet'n found "Not Guilty" of a crime tiiUan war from Tripoli to the Aegean that he had been chtirfied with and Day Telephone, 291 Long Branch. Sea. State of New Jersey, County of Monmoutb, City which he had never committed, has to Night Telephone, 387 bong Branch. The war has dragged diBcouragingly of Long Branch stand the slurs and unpleasant re- markw of other people. On Thui'sday, Saturday, November 25, 1911. for Home weeks. The Italians are A STRONG CONSERVATIVE BANK November 23, at Freehold, 1 was found Business on Business Principles iniir no ground. On the contrary, "Not Guilty" by a jury of twelve men CANDIDATES' CAMPAIGN EX- they are having difficulties in holding who were drawn by the Court to de- cide my fate. StlU, I cannot pass PENSES. their own. L're.&H (lispatchi-H tell of Those four Kanaans who tarred and crowning fact, the highest achieve- along the street unless I hoar untrue Failure lo file accounts of expanses iiaiifi "repulsinK" Turkish advances, leathered a voting woman teacher will ment, tjf all our history—and we have and unpleasant remarks made in re- Jn the recent election is a criminal passed it by, not heeding it. And the gards lo my case, I beg to state that a clear enough Indication that the serve a year each In prison. That's onVnm: under the new corrupt prac- testimony of this man in good and true. unless these unpleasant remarks are A Liberal Income Italians are on the defensive. paying dearly for the escapade. But, He lias been a student of our history stopped at once I whall cause warrants tlcpB law which may rrault in Indict- In a country topographical]y HO un-a! I hough they are lucky to Ret offthroughout hie long life. He hasto be issued against persons mftkfnK In order to secure a liberal income, ment ami even a pritton sentence* favorable to HiiccesHful military opera traced our betjinnlnffH and our growth them and will prosecute them to the it is neceasary to put your money with that punishment, It's not likely and he ban studied deeply the story of fullest extent of the law. pound interest. Monday Is the? 1HH(. day allowed by ions by invaders and opposed by that they'll have many imitators. the dark feud which once rent UH apart. Geo. F. Cramer, The New Jersey Mortgage & Trust law for filing them this year. And un- Arabs who are familiar with the Me has long dwelt among us, but he 22 Norwodd Ave., Company assures Absolute Security succ^&Kfut candidates an vnA\ an BUC-country and to whom war is second looks at us with discerning eyes of a Nov. 28. Long Branch, N. J. for all funds entrusted to it and pays Roosevelt innlHts he's not a candi- foreigner. He is aa impartial aa he is ccfssful ones are equally affected. lature, and handicapped by climatic a very liberal rate of Interest. Now !•- date. Of course not. Hut that doesn't penetrating. Musk at Reformed Church a good time to open an account with Thoro nn» two nworn (statements conditions and disease, the Italian mean that he's trying to dodge a nomi- \Ail us think about rhis ineaUmaMe There \ ill special music at the us and let your funds increase at com- which have to be filt-d by each candi- forceB In Tripoli are al a tremendous nation. jewel of perfect union achieved at last. First Reformed Church to-morrow. In yound interest. date. One 1H by the candidate and MsadvantaRe Hy confining the war For a little while, let us drop the other the evening the choir will sing a spec-, woes of fiscal surfeit that have af- ia] Thanksgiving anthem entitled"Stog mu«t show the moneys contributed by :o Tripoli they will invite practically EDITORIAL COMMENT. flk:ted us so much, and think about Unto God," by Clare. Prof. J. A, Mat- or through him to his campaign com- iitcrminable warfare at tremendous this treasure of treasures, this boon tuck will sing "Sing Ye Praise," from J 1-2 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Deposits mittee—which in most cases IH him financial ions and to the damage of It's Busy Dodging Most of Them Btirpas&lag prosperity, this union, McndelBfohu'B Hymn of Praise. In wlik-h Britain'^ ambassador and Amer- Ih? morning the choir will sing "I will self. This must be filed with the the prestige of Italian arms. So far as con be seen, tlie. office is NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE & TRUST COMPANY iot *e**klBff Judge Alton R. Parker or ica's historian has observed and form- Magnify Thee," by Shaw. County Clerk for all offices except On the other tiuml, a blockmie of any of the other old favorites—Atlanta ally stated The "perfect union" which LONG BRANCH, N, J. Congressman and Governor. ho Dardanelles would be a simple task Journal. our fathers bought, is it achieved at Lincoln Established Thanksgiving last? Is th°ro any one who cftii nay i In 18ti8 the i>atriotic Lincoln for- The other statement la required of tor the Italian navy, Turkey having that it has not been achieved? And is it Every E'ection a Recall ever established Thanksgiving holiday the treasurer of each cant> usually the candi- JIOW of all at tho Turku by shuttJIIK 1 by proclaiming a day of Thanksgiving, Although it Kcems dltflcult to realize ace of the recall, mantis* ,U> dlfpensa little woes aside ?—New York Evening his action being promply followed by Fifty Years Ago Today. date himHeU untl must be an itemized off thoir trade with the outside world. with u number of public servants on Mall. ft world without wheels, tliese useful the individual proclamations of the Nov. 25. Hpuercs, which huve now become ne- record of all money received and from These tltlngH being ao, U'B iiieon- inurilively short notice.—Washing- .governors of the states, who named ton Star. i the same day. Since then, by common Captnin Chnrk\s Willies, com- cessities, were not used in England un- whom and all money paid out and to oivable that Italy should content her- The Female of the Species. til comparatively reteut times. It was (Copyright 1911 by Tiudyard ivipllng) ! consent, the first announcement of the niiiudi'r of the U. S. steamer Ban to whom and for what specific purpose. self with playing at war In Tripoli is It An Argument? Jflciflto, \vb<> sei2etl the t'oiifed- not till the year 1,108 that the very When the Himalayan peasant meets ' day is found in the president's pro- ornU1 foreign commissioners Ma- This In the ease of local candidate^ vhou she poaossen tlie means of bring- One argument against con! iiuipil tlio he-bear in his pride, clamation, and the day HO named is first carriage with wheels attached peace ift that the powder in the battl. • son tind Slidell on the 8th, was was made. This was built for and by must he filed with the city, borough ag her antagonist to his knees. Only He shouts to scant the monster who also named by the states. accorded a public welcome in DH deierioratea ami explodes, killing will often turn aside; the orders of Queen Elizabeth. The or township clerk. he determined opposition of the Funeuil hall. Boston. hundred* of men at a time. Has Mr. But the she-bear thus accosted rends Red Bank Child Dead. first public conveyance tbat plied for Strict compliance with this law will Powers, it would appear, could avail neRle thought of that?—Charleston hire ns a cab w:ts not In use until the peasant tooth and nail, Arnold Frederick Brown, the Infant Twenty-five Years Ago Today. save all candidates much trouble. to rent rah) her. And, for the sake of News and Courier. For tlie female of the species is more son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Brown, 1025, while the ancestor of our dear deadly than the male. of Shrewsbury avenue. Red Bank, The supreme court of Illinois old horse lmaes, the Mtnpeconcb. did anlty, it will be generally hoped Lock Stable After Horse Is Stolen formerly of Sea Bright, died yester granted a stay of execution to not arrive on the streets till 1 (151). BEGINS AT HOME. that that will not materiulze. We may be illrelict in B«f©guarding Man's timid heart is bursting with day. from pneumonia, after an illness the Iliiymnrket anarchists under Wiio can tell how mnny years It will sentence of deiitu In CbtceiRf. I low many persons atop to think luimaii life, but no people on earth cai. tlte things he must not say, of only three days. He was three l)e Uefove we ran dispense with wheels L>(iunl th>e moral fervor with which we For tlie Woman that God gave him months and twenty-nine days old. Erastws Brooks, nuted journal- altogether?—I^oudoB Mail. that the moat valuable conservation PUTTING IT UP TO THE GRAND hunt for the responeibU? rmtn after the isn't his to give away; Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two other ist and one of the founders of la that of the public health? This event.—N«w York Evening Post. Hut when hunter meets with husband, children, a boy and a girl. The fun- the New York Kxpress and the JURY. Associated Press, died in New was one of the strong points made by each confirms the other's tale— oral service Will be held from the Banking Ia All It's Branches Brown home at 1.30 o'clock tomorrow York. Judges have no control over grand Tlie female of the specie is more P'ood Expert Wiloy at Cranford, when deadly than the male. afternoon and will be in charge of JOHN G. SACCO & SONS he* pointed out that State supervision luiias In New Jersey. The Grand In- Rev. Dr. H. Hidgely RobinBon, pastor BANKERS of the First Methodist Church, Red Law and Equity. ami regulation is the only solution of luest IH supremo in its particular Hold, But the Woman that God gave him, 117 So. 7th Ave,, Long Branch every fibre of her frame Bank. The interment will be in Law nnd. eqtstty are two fblagB whlrh the problem of disease prevention.— Is complete independence having al- (.t len wood cemetery, West Long God hath joined, but which luau liatU i INTEREST I'AID ON DKPOSI IS Proves her launched for one sole is- put asunder,—Uoltou. Newark Star. ways boen deemed neceasary—al- sue, armed and engined for tht> Branch, in charge funeral director Robert T. Smith, of Ked Bank- Mr. ThiB government supervlalon is :hou#h cases have been known where same, Brown conducts a grocery store at hat Independence was purely theo- Brutalized Women in London And to serve that single issue, leat the corner of Shrewsbury avenue and necessary, of course, but it's not all the generations fall, retical. London dispatches de&cribo the re- Oakland street, Red BanK. that's required. sult* of the suffragette rolt on Tues- The female of the species must be TCach individual can do a thousand VH impossible, therefore, for a judge day night as exhibited In the police deadlier than the male, to coerce or bulldoze a grand Jury, be- court yostcrtlay, where 223 disheveled Woman Dies Suddenly. timr-8 more toward the conservation Unprovoked and awful charges— Mrs. Cornelia Vitali, wife of An- ause the body is aware of Its great women, some with eye* blackened, of hit* hi'iilth than can bo done by all were arraigned mid sent to jail. Scores even so the she-bear fights; tonio Vitali, of Willow Btreet, died (be governmental action evar dreamad powers. Thai being so, it's entirely of policemen were injured. Some Speecli that drips, corrodes and pols suddenly at nine o'clock this morn- proper for a Judge to call to the at-wer« stabbed with hatpins, oihers bad ons—even so the cobra bites; ing; from heart trouble. Her hus- of. Scientific vivisection of one nerve till band was in New York at the time tention of a Jury any flagrant neglect llieir faces badly bruised or their teeth osened by wernvni vising brass Knnrk- il is raw, uuti knew nothing of his wile's fatal CAUGHT "FAKING." f UB duty of which ba has knowledge. a. When women brutalize them- And the victim writhes In anguish— illness until he returned this after- to insure everthing that is insurable. If it iike the Jesuit with the squaw! noon. Coroner William H. Morris, "Beattie Dtsa in Chair Refusing to That at least Borvea to arouse public lves, when they adopt the way a of Jr., view the body and issued the bur- didn't, do you suppose so many men would do the Hooligan and slum dweller, what Confe. H lie Murdered Wife," read a utiment and there are few juries So It comes Man, the coward, when ial permit. The burial will be in •outUderatkm -can rational men giv*> charge of funeral Charles F. Morris. it? Think it over. There's a reason. You heavy Hve-eoluiun bead in a popular which would dur« defy public senti- to any demands they ure frying to en- he gathers to confer ment, clearly oxpresBed. The jurors ce?— Newark Star. With his fellow-braves in council, have enough to think about to make your bus- New York afternoon paper, not gen- does not leave a place for her Advertise In the Dally Record. It emlly known aa yellow, freely circu- have to live among the people who Where, at war with Life and Con-H1 pay you. iness hum, without laying awake nights think- pass judgment upon their acts and Uio Brother Will and Charles science, he uplifts his erring lated here yesterday afternoon and The merry -go-round of the Tafts ing about what you would do in the case of len are scarce Indeed who would dare bauds early fa the evening. Part of the about Boss Cox of Cincinnati must be To some God of Abstract Justice— race the odium that would always cling pleasing to him as it Is pu/zliug to St. James' Church accidental loss by fire. story appearing underneath read BJ which no woman understands. Corner, Broadway and Siocum Place- to them as a result of a public others. Cox has quit banking as too folio WH: 'hard a. game." Hut ploying politico REV. E. BRIGGS NASH, RECTOR knowledge that they had violated their And Man knows it! Knows, more- 7.45 A. M.—Holy Communion. "!tc*ut( le was awakened when the with thf Tufts is different. over, that the Woman that nost ; I'l'-msj oaths and obstructed jus- When Brother Will us a prospective 10 30 A. M.—Morning Prayer, Sermon guard! and his spiritual adviser, the God gave him .. and Holy Communion. H. W. GREEN & BRO., tUv. John J. Fix, went to his cell. tice. candidate for tin* Presidency turned Must command but may not govern; l&ftt the bOM, Brother Charles was shall outlirall but not enslave 2.30 p. M— Sunday School. Mr, Fix, who has labored arduously For the second time since he hasBO put out. that he would not let hiy him. A30 P. M.—Evening Prayer and Ser- POST OFFICE BUILDING. LONG BRANCH mon. lo have BeatUe confess, made a last •on on the bench Judge- Foster sent paper, the Timos-Slar, take notice at And She knows, because She warns pica to him. liea11ie once more re- hack a grand jury the other day with It. Now that Brother Will lias switched around and one bunilrcx- case and when?—N, V. World. HOUSES rlafmed, as lie ended hl« appeal, "is viously decided not to. TUo retiult Bacrilt'Ke. If guilty, speak ' this time will be watched with inter- A Treasure Ignored t. The Ktatement that the jury ia This grumbling na!i- & Son which will be continued as heretofore. Kelsey Warm Air tence of the law was fulfilled, fa Judge Poster has put the matter iMiinfancy of i In* currem y and the strongly up to the body, however, and scarcity of It—this gfeftl <-oni|>!;iiniii:; shook his head hi the same dogged [.ation needed a loiviKner to tell it Generator fixed the responsibility. And it's pos Representing only strong and old estab- fashion." that It lias, without feeedt&s it folded The Kelaey has been su- Bible that the jury's final action will AB it turns out—as In fact the Kec- to its breast the mosi pTOCtom jewel lished companies, which have a long record of premely pucceseful in heating that It bas ever sought or ytann d for. ord had published at three o'clock not be final, in which case it will have homes on liills or in exposed to be judged by subsequent develop- The other nieht, after some elotjut-nt fairjj|ealing, we solicit your further business their was a confession, written Wed- vruml>Ung had been done at the an- locations and the most dis- nesday and signed yesterday morning. ments. imal dinner of the Ch;unt>er of Com- assuffftg you that it will be our aim to give tant rooma can be perfectly All the above was fanciful—toot to us** B9MC8 of tbLs city, tlie Itifiht Hon. heated. Proof of tuts is ab- .lintM's Bryr<\ British ambassador and our best service and attention to any and all solute and we will gladly a shorter and uglier name-made out New Jersey railroads will pay auihor of ihe "A&WQAH Cn mm on- of the whole cloth. |1,971,86.21 more taxes for this ptfftf ^talth." ni;i an iHhlrrsn in which he business we may be favored with. show it if you call. And Beveral other metropolitan af- than last, the total amount being usoi) Qww HoHtoa vorti: "I'be south is unit id tO yon in the Sold only by "^ ternoon papers published substantially H*t4?,6M,37. What would the State, North by a tie ?o close and by a JAMES WOOLLEY the same dope. the Bchool and the taxpayers do with- fiicmlsliUi so true th;u never before JAMES BARHAM CO. Jt's only occasional 1 y theae papers out it? The State is fortunate in in Us histovy was the nation so en- 'ir*'iv one Jis now." HARRY B. SHERMAN No. 278 Broadway, Telephone 134, Long Branch, N. J. get caught no red-handed. But it'gmore ways than one in being a rail- Merer bt-f<^ro tho nation ^« pntirely Business now under the name of WM. R. WARWICK. their rule to get facts if they can get rnatl center. one as »uw! That, i" it !s true, is the LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1911 ITVE

"Bosh! Because sbe humiliated nntl There was the odor of aruica all nl'out him. and be felt that he had been rub- Benefits From Running. An Old Smoker's T&- menaced bim. That was the reason, Unnnlng is ilio great beautlfler of fisr- "Hang it," remarked P oltl *'om' and who can blame him? A goat has bed and rolled and twisted about. 50111 in u GOAT VS. BOWSER feelings. He can distinguish kind "Thank heaven he lives!" he heard uie and movement It gives muscular muter, dropping into a ' * development, strong heart action nnd wmoker beside hia daf ewwaalon, words from threats. He has Just us Mrs. Bowser say. 1111 nmv lve much right to respectful treatment as •'Lives?" repeated the doctor. "Why, free lung play. The muscle comes "Ive busted my pipe/ He Tries to Conquer Savage where it ought to up, ihe shoulders go Koi to go through the r^re of break- a human boiiig, nnd I shall insist thai woman, he wouldn't be killed witu nn lilis Beast by Kindness. nny goat entering upon these premises as! He'll have stomach ache for u few back, the loins hold the trunk well bal- lug In a new one." '**' railroad hflfl it extended to him. This closes the days mid then be ready to do some anced, uud tho feet take their correct break it m for y*"" returned uU friend. "What? \> d^'t uuderstand incident." other fool thiug." positions, it was running which made 1 liNIIWAL HAD SCARED COOK. "But it leaves the goat in the back ihe Greek figure. The more active that nicU? It's an' * smoker's recipe, yard!" protested Mrs. Bowser. tribes of Americas Indians have been Till your new ptp*-hut wet the inside , Poor Pusiy. of the bowl nrafUtf11* **« Set Jt 'n'otl "Do you want him left on the roof A lady who owned a tortoise shell runners from time Immemorial, and no3d u out of the Head of the Household Insists That of the house? He will do no harm from the chest to the heels they are Ptartod and tuf cat called her grocer up one morning window with ti mouth forward. The Intruder In Back Yard Had Not Beftn where he is. I do not want my dinner and gave her usual economical order • much more beautifully built than the delayed by this incident, aa I may go ni,'"i'4o of wbite men. Ilunning peo- draft will kor it alight us well as Treated With Prooer Courtesy and an order for dried beans, hominy, yes- you could by ufling on it. That will | to a club this evening." ple have usually tbe firm but elastic 1 1 Consideration, •«* M* Demonstrate* terday's bread and so forth—and sho lake the raTtf >*"n< ss out of it. Try His System. Advises Wife to Study. concluded with a request for 1 cent's texture which is the beauty of llesh.— it and see/'-tefaaiige. Thanksgiving Special* The cook limped around and dried worth of cat's meat. Exchange. Dy M. QUAD. Tbo grocer sighed, for this order [i "(jpi right, 1911, by Associated Literary her tears and got the meal on tbe Pr«s.] table. Mr. Bowser looked out of n would have to be delivered three miles All Happens In a Second. jlincf Swimmers. a way. But as be was entering the in all Departments H. BOWSKIt came home to back window and saw the goat watch A second is the sihnllcst division of It is a ending puzzle that all ullud Items in bis order book the lady called uro a e (o uo ( an dinner an hour abend of his ing the back door, and as he sat at the time in general use, and when we cou swlnuue' *'' ' * «lwost table he said: bim up again. wider that in one year there arc about perfect! Ptro'gut course for very con usual titae tbe other after- "Mrs. Bowser, you should spend the "Mr. Sands," she said- "Oh, Mr.01,558,000 of these periods it woulil noon, and be lind scarcely siderab distances, though no more evening reading up on natural history, Sanaa!" certainly seem ns if It was enough for guidaifl is given to them than some B! i foot iii (he house when Mrs. Bow- "Yes, madam." or ca or Turn to the pages devoted to the guat iili practical purposes. But, after all. specit " " whistle coming from si r ;;i*?elpd liiui with: "Mr. Sands, I want to cancel that a good deal can happen iu the fraction tad study them well. You will get order for cat's meat. Tbe cat's just of a second die Inning goal. A blind man. in ••] urn glad you have come. We facfdeslring to go Iu a straight line have Uad an awful time nrouud bere." some new ideas." ?augat a bird."—Washington Star. A liKht wave, fur instant1?, passes "How new?" sha asked, ijQ^Sses the curious power of being • I Kuppoae tht? eook haa seen a rat through a distance of nlmut 180,000 nit to <1o so utmost exactly. A pro ORCHESTRA MUSIC down cellar," lie replied. "Didn't you ever read that a pont miles in this length <f about ••Well, can't a ront wander into our "Then rend it. In disposition he is twenty miles a second. illl umi strength, and the result wi«, TO-NIGHT kid; yard without nn enrthquake fol- (So per cent of young men who kind, but en unjust act rouses him to are sowing wild oats art? permit- A nming fork of the French standard iitrvelous BO far us the straight ^***?r- luWlttRr ferocity. When aroused lie fears ting somebody else io pay feu' I ribrales 870 times per second t»> pro- ig of the blind was coacerw&—ten- "But (hla is u Rjivapo creature. Cook nothing on earth. Had the cook aSk their oatmeal.—Galrcston News. ] duee the note A on the treble staff. don Globe. w:is hanging some wash on the Hue I f> ed this gout Is a kind and pleasant when Hie f-' :it came ttarosgb (he gate. H#> Made the Sale. way to go out of the yard lie would Clay Eaters In Africa. Site called to him to got out, nnd be "Yes, t*»»* property ia cheep enough. have gone. Let this be a great moral In the colony of upper Beneffnl c(i cnine for her on the jump ami knock lesson to you." Mythology Up to Data. \Vh.v l'o you want to sell it*'" "Say. pa. who s Pegasus?" N'igpr. near a place named Pio^- IH] her down. She managed to pet into "Are you going off to a club and iUJI "Yon won't give me uwayV" tUe kitchen, but she thinks she Is hurt "IIe'n the only horse that con tow oxistrt an edible llnnr" Advertise in the Daily Record Bowser to Try Kindness. Home Companion. mini In ibis neighborhood that doesn't und n gallery has been drivenlf" ™ "No, mn'jitu. I propose to turn him inovo in btgh society, and I'm loue- earth for Hie extraction ofllc ™" out aud close the alley gate almost, at The Printer's Error. s'une."—Chicago Tribune. stance. It is not only •""* on "e once. I wish to give you a Jiving; ex- "My pigmy counterpart," the poPt wrote ia tt fow spotit, bubutt , broken into pi ample of wbat I have been saying— Of liis dear child, the darling of liis 10 iuhllb| that kindness can do anything with heart, incheInc —s across,. ..is. soli„ l to' , - Then longed to clutch the stupid printer's oulltr01111y °™0VLM>' the goat." throat tants of the surrounding ^ "You will go out and ask Billy to, a radius of some twen< mlIus- Jt ls When That set It up, "My pig-, my counter- rs that please withdraw, I take It?" part." said by French explr "That's exactly what I shall do, and —Harper's Weekly. natives consume sevc- I>OUI)(ls ( in Red Bank or Asbury Park thus yuur sarcasm will be lost. 1 shall strange food every d" A similar cus- Guarding London's Treasures. tom is fuund in thrudnn •^tootb- ask him, uud he will depart quietly Youlh s aud with, respect for me." London's art treasures are most er parts of A£tiGr Compan- La MAISTRE LACE & J. GROVER "And I can look out of the window?" jealously protected. The National Ion. , EMBROIDERY CO. Phil Seamon "If you so wSsli, Cook can also look gallery. In addition to having a secret Handkerchiefs, Laces, Em- The largest men's outfitting Broad St. - Red Bank system of alarms, is patrolled day and• ,jv8 the Bishop. out. In fact, I'd rather you would. Ho ro broidery, Curtains and Linens store on the New Jersey coast, Men's Hati and Furnishing Object lessons sometimes have tboir night by twenty-two constables aud A certain l^ au ftrdeut ******* Hosiery, Corsets, Underwear. the finest ln the State. f uud of llia flock I I n I MINI MAIll: TO ORDER value." twenty-five employees. At the British ' of teetotal!,' « «• - Cor. Cookman Ave. & Emory St. h "I don't believe we have a drop of museum the millions of pounds' worth to whom ' preached for years, ASBURY PARK. THE UP-TO.DATE SHOP of treasures are protected by over 200 ei Ie8S Superior Clothing, arnica in the bouse," said Mrs. Bow- leaning iP P drunkenness against per aa he shoved b»ck from the table. assistants, including eight keepers of Hats, Furnishings departments, fifty-three assistants, "Wli>>B"" cr'e(^ *ne ^*sn°P. inox- THE HOME Shoes for the Whole Family Mr. Bowser looked at her In a pity- nlue second division clerks, twenty- and Shoes. ing sort of way, but made no answer. pressi^ "locked. "Oh. WilUlus! You Best styles duality and lowest two chief attendants, ninety-six at- Bta e a m of Good Clothes for Men and Boya at extremely He was above answering such a fling. in tl' ^ ^ ^ sorry, I am eorry, pricee. tendants, five boy clerks, twenty-three j ju^orry!" low price* lie went up and took (mother look at boy attendants, forty-three commis- tbe goat from a window. William wan , the bishop TYUS passing on Wil- ./. KRJDEL sionaires and fifty-one laborers, while ' j.s pulled bimsolf together and hie- Ceokmin Av». PEARSON'S still on the job. He had a position a number of detectives in various dis- Asbury Park N. J. ;ibout ten feet from the kitchen door, I /Hghed after bim: RED BANK Hrond St. Red Bank IO\Vtii:u QUESTIONS THIS COOK. guises keep an eagle eye on things iu I "Bishop. Msnop!" aud his eyes seemed glued to it. Hisgeneral.—London Telegraph. yard. I have tried to frighten him, whole attitude showed that he was The bishop hastened back in the This Tnido-1 wetting for that door to open and hope of bearing a resolution of re Mark IB a guar- STRICKLIIfS but he glares at me uud shakes his pentanoe. hiuil." some unfortunate being to emerge. Writing on Wood. antee on every- uat for belter Mr. Bowser led the way down to the He Begins to Grow Doubtful. Rome persons who maUe a stud "Bishop, if you are renily sorry I for- thing purchas- kllcheu, whore the cook sat crying, A doubt crossed Mr. Bowser's mind, the subject are of the opinion th1 give you!"—London Mail. ed at the DRY CLOTHES, HATS Bad iu judicial tones demanded: and at the same (ime a chill crept up first writing was upon thin pi-**9 GOODS STOKE & FURNISHINGS "I want you to tell me exactly what his spine. Was It possible that he wus wood. From their conveniee tllI? JOSEPH 8ALZ, Marked Resemblance. Cookmun & Orand A Red Bank. Asbury Park huplioucd when the eoat entered the mistaken about goat nature? He would seems probable. Bucb boria were "Grace, is ttv.it Rweatoeart of yours otley R;IIP," speak words of kindness, but— used at an early period byJO Qrfteka nn mictioneerV" "No. father. Why1.'" "I—I told him to get out," was the re- "Have you given up the idea?" asked and Romans and were fr'uent!y cov" "Because tie keeps on gating he's go- Beach J ckets and Vest r«ITV DELICATESSEN Rcpalrlng. Prescription Work MIH. Bowser just then. 8l of coursi% erwS with wax. which " ' ing—goiug—going, but be hasn't gone The warmest and most durable LI 1 I & LUNCH ROOM NocitniH'clion with any otherefltaMlshmeol "Vou told him to get out? Why did "Madam, you ought to know me by yet'." W. C. WISEMAN more en oily written U,A tlnm the bare 20 Broad St., Red Bank you tell him ihutV this time," be firmly replied. "I do not /as USGd CTnipa knit garments on earth. wood. Where war Next to Ford & Miller. KICKR \CT1NG OPTICIAV get. ideas to toss them aside. When 1 603 COOKMAN AVENUE, Information About Goats. were readily erase-^ "lbbiu/ witIJ Good Sense. Hpp-ciiil prices on overcoats. B. BL'IM. "I was afraid of him." make up my mind thut a certain policy 110 le ot Good sense is us different from KpnJttx Sandwlshes 5c & 10c Pnw- 'Phone 294. Asbury Park, N.J. is right I stick to it. The goat is to be the blunt end of » ™ *** . PI. 3UrT, RKD BANK "P.nt why were you afraid of him? 11 To maUe the a« perception is from invontlon; ypt. Were you ever attacked by a goat? induced to depart." which served for j* ; thougb distinct qualities, they fre- lie caught her smile, but snld noth- wiili,1K more .jlble It appears that Pid n float ever even menace you?" DStilnoe quently Buhsist together. "1 h?.d an aunt"— ing. Descending to the kilchen, he some bliick . was smeared found the cook again in tears and said over (he suifc of Ule wblte W!1X aud "Never mind about your aunt. You lbe pay you were afraid of the Boat, Did to her: remained J- ""utched marks. he betray nny signs of anger?" "You will now watch and listen and "1 can't say." discover bow to handle a goat. Let the Curiosities of Color. '"Diil lie glare aud stamp a foot?" lesson sink deep into your heart." jlr any Kevere shock you will be "MebUt he dklu't." His heart was thumping as lie threw , iUely to find that you have bo vcrviVi A. K. BENNETT, GROCER "Of course he didn't. In wandering the door open, but he hail bluffod and ™/ toinporarily color blind. Your through the alley he saw the open gate must make good. Tor tbe moment he „ ception of green light lias probably anil filtered. He Haw you. With no and William looked luto each other's , jne, at least partially. White objects 591 BROADWAY, Telephone 90-R LONG BRANCH, N. J. preliminary warning, and without the eyes. Then the goat began to back, will then appear to you of a reddish •lightest excuse for your attitude, you away and Mr. Bowser to chuckle. l purple and green objects to be very \ yelled to (lie goat to pet out. You hurt wns looking Kindly and tbe look wr much duller In liuo than ordinarily. and humiliated him. You angered him. having its effect. Any one can make hinisolf or herself You probably stamped your foot or Goat Suddenly Changes Mine5 Thanksgiving Week is also Bargain Week at Our Store raised your arm as you shouted, and he temporarily color blind by wearing a "Will you please leave the yy 7° pair of ruby red glasses. The prolonged hid every reason to believe that you that I can shut the gate?1' he'0 y We have a full line of lueuul to attack him. He therefore at- action uf red light on the eyes ends by You will find among other Specials some of the asked. living out tlio nerves wliich receive rod t&cHed you, You simply got what you TIIP Rout turned and wa^a JJ^f' llIa light. Cousoijuently when the glasses d-eservefl." and Bowser followed amr* , National Biscuit Co.'s Noted Inter-Seal Package Holiday Delicacies at Except- "That is Iiardly the Tvay to talk to a. hand to Mrs. Bowser, vJ Was look" are at last removed a rainbow appears girl after she lias been frightened und ju^i from a window. > _ to have only two colors-yellow and Goods at Unheard of Prices. ionally Low Prices. hurt," eliidetl Mrs. Bowser. "Didu't 1 tvll yoanat words of blue. kindness"— , We will sell on November 25th, 27th, 28th and 29th New Sweet Cider . . 19c gal. Goat Was Humiliated. J on r lld Too Many Hard Jolts. "Madam, your opinion on this case Tlio Koat turned " ' ' ° "We're got to move our seismograph may be ;tsUi'd for later on!" replied Mr. nway from here. This is a bad loca- Regular 5c Uneeda Biscuit . . 6 pkgs. for 23c Bowser us he drew Uinisplf \ip. "I were n ilillHt the do0P As tion for U." came home to find my house all upset. uttbt a «10Ut: - Regular 10c Nasbisco, 5 o'clock Teas \ o _i,rfc rn_ Don't Forget the Street number ' •er to• ill r "^'10Ut: moveiueomoveiueott the "Why HO?"' I am told about a savage goat. 1 am 1 1- • and Graham Crackers . . . j •> PK§S. [Or nd dlsa )eared iuto "Old man Armstrong, who Jives 591 Broadway, near Norwood Ave. told (hat he half killed my cook. Is it co-it tuine Pl across the street, keeps continually ( No More Than 6 Packages to a Customer) my husiuess to tiud out tlie particulars jr n er r 0TVReI disturbing tin- instrnmont by his tre;il- A. K. BENNETT. or not V" Vii li ^ * ^ - I* * op nipnt of the young fellows who < ome - G WaS D tlie lou 1 "Bui the ffoal butted her." - his ev* "!oWMer ^°* ° in set Ms daughters."—Chicago Hoc s ' tko family doctor, "i'.nt why--whyV" •mil " \ ,\ <-nt>!; : ni tha rat surroundrU liim. Mr. L L Showem Just a Little Exercise on a Slippery Day By Ryan Walker

MOUifc f TRusTyTO ont /i -^J 6f AfJT -i>OUK___/-- Ifji SIX \ LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1911

Renaming Indians. Some yeara ago in order to make jpoings of Our ffustling Merchants I net I* inheritance of laud more simple MX H.S. FIVE PERSOiLS nnU secure our government COIHIOIK -Mii.fl FJorenco Bennett left to-day himied I>r. Charles A. Eaitman, n Kewarlt to sjjtnd a few days with Sioux Indian, to rename more thai: ulster, Mrs. Charles Mania. Follow These Ads. Closely From Day To Day. They Are Con- lf,,. V, A. M., are as recently purchased for the Bel- "Wlno.ia Otana." The favorite iiiinv.1 ' Bank Young Men t ) be present in n body. Tno boy or- phatically the beet place to get Chrysanthemums ord Grammar school will be sol up for wo*uen men us "she who bus s» atlon last niglii by ihc ehefltra will play. MJHH Ilelgelmafl and New Market Grand stock, all colors, $2.00 17. Tim game was play text week. A large American flag beautiful home," which Dr. -Eastman Miss Neebiti will fcini! fiolos. The sub- and $3.00 per dozen. Smaller Bodutlon courl and was WALL PAPERS •has alao been purchased by the Hoard linn AngUrlr.cd In the pstnmymk ject of ih*> address by the pastor will Phone 175-W 144 3rd. Ave. quality, 75c and $1.00 pop dozen. I crowd, if you are at ai! particular,what <»? Education of Middletown town- "(ioodhouae.- Hut by fur lbs bardpt-tja largo sizt bi\ "What woould you do il you had Carnations only a di(;iti h in live?" 3 on set. ship, %3\A v.'U\ be raised on Friday, task WUK in Qndlnjj new imim>« for Irjr . tilings lively. Legs of Spring Lamb 12c lb, Pine nuaiity, all colors, 60c (><'< i>mVt- 8tfi, al 2 o'clock. The af- absurdities of Imllun iiowniu-liitur... | The contest was ie of tfl pir dozen, including ferns. ( More to see and more worth fnii' wtif|ge in-charge of three HOCIP "ItuulHiied Cojotf was a ymina li*-|ever p Hunk, Auto Dispute in Court Shoulders of Lamb 10c lb, Rcces lies at n«]forr Corn's court Thursday in collect ;i 20c per long string, Itufus Eastmond, MIBS Dot SeeWV. ward for the High School tw Pork Chops 15c lb. *^«Linan at lunt recorded the owner of t'yciomen plants in bloom, 35c Jr. O. U- A. M.—William H. Uenltett; ed ii great game and wa (ialni against PhHlp Bcbmidt. Cox the tin.-., , dj (rlbiil records under Best Lamb Chops 16c lb, each. Melvin P. Yard, William Mate*; P- 0II e cheered by the spectators. In was repi'Pst?atfHl bj W. A. Stevens, and the noiK-onjUi***,, j f "Robert Chrysanthemum plants In pots, O. S. of A,,—Daniel T. Hendrlekson, tll 0 o flrHt half, McQueen threw Iwo Win. I., Kdwards ayneanl tor Schmidt. A. F. Golden, Puuipian." Prime Rib Roast 14c lb. fine atock, 75c to $1.50 each. Lewis D Richmond, Theater C Wai- heta and in the second half t ,/ndKG Corn has y\nw rendered judK- 579 Broadway. Make your own home or some- ling. ftvfi buHkets, iiiKiirlng victory for meat in favor of Cox for $87.06. Mr. Sherlock Holmes1 Koine-Made Sausage ISs lb. 'Phone 165-J. Schmidt claimed Cox kept the machine body else's homo glad by order- Mr. Hendrlckeon has Ipeeo chosen Sir A. Conun Doyle often rt"'"UltP(1 ing some oi* our llowers or a in garage longer thau was necpsaary, iis chairman of the joint epDitnlttue. Incidents regarding Dr. Josepwenlti tit-ii Benjamin VanKeuren, one of plant. We will deliver with li*1 |j;iiil for fiarLs histalhd. The speakers nre ex pep ted to be the dlstiuKuiHbfd Scottish surgooni guards Tor the AHSO< lation team, wli your card. County Superintendent Jtfin En- from whom his character of Sherlock WH Injured afar tho eye in a recen a!,o psid m-auey on account, UIM! right. Uriah Seeley, of Newark, a na- Holmes was drawn. One of tho roost game, >^olved ii blow on the iajure. •sceptlon to Lhe manner ia which ...THE... WE HANDLE ONLY PRIME p tive' of Helford, Past Commander of roinarkablo was this: member In |aHt nl^bt's contest, undj his books. Cox, however, &). Q Siseh. Elorlst (be a. A. It. of New Jersey, and Pa- In: Dell woa lecturing to his class in was forced to withdraw. He was re ved bis chMiiL 1 R. M. HARRIS STOCK I 327 Cedar Ave. West End triotic Instructor; Major Chns. B. Hurgdfy, of which Doyle was one, wlieu I placed by Lester la^jjer, one of Our Steaks, Chops, etc., are al- 5 Tel. 627 West End I'nraons, of Red Hank, and Major In regard to tho subject he remarked: teachers In t be District Meeting,«f Red Men J SHOE STORE ways as juicy and tender as a William H.' Foster, of Baton town, "Of course this man has been a sol Prof. Jacob ("reveling, ectimg-aeere- district meeting of the order of = US BROADWAY. they can be. Quality suaran- both battle scarred veterans of the dier In a highland n-glmeut und prolt i:i?y of the Y. M. ('. A., refereea the will be held In Takanassce Civil War. S" - - nbly JI bandsman." f,.-ttne in h!:j usual style and gave gen- K\y11ni, 111iH city. Tl111rs- teed; Full weight, likewise MIBH Dot See ley, the well known The man hud the soldier's swagger, eral satisfaction. Harold Voorhia.' Vins. Pet-ember 7th. The I American Boys' liis*h Cut price low, too. elocutionist, will recite "Back in War but was too uluirt to be anything but a was timer and Bcore-kefiper. MRS. J. HILL, Ts will be present, and vlai- Shoe $3.50 grade Days." Tho occasion will be dis- lundsiijiiti, the doctor explained. Tli-a Tho H ore: n 11 urn nearby tribes will COLES' LOHS BRANCH MARKET Hair fcmcsir.g, Manicuring, f* tinctly a day for the veteraas nnd man velicmcntly denied this nnd Bald hool. Y. M. C.A.' clal M^aasga, Shxmpocmg, ttii. horn a cordial g^eet- Saturday Only $2.98 ?22 Broadway the (J. A. It. posts of Atlantic MiK'u- he wns a SIIOITUJ Dr. Bell, atiui Frank Ayres Edwin Lavis] Full (In* of Hair Qucdi. Cnic», Mflr. Tal. 111-W. landK, lied Hank and Keyport an well unHdeBt that hi powerH of reasoning forward. Roam 1. N rw Qoldet«in Bfdg. as the S. of V. ClimjiB at the lust iwo ami deduction had not. led him astray Arthur McQueen, Paul do la ReunaUle a-Words on Third 1 All Our $2.50 Shoes All Leath- places will be invited to attend in a had tho man stripped and on the left forward. Page; the* bargains in body. side of Ids chest found a little blue Clinton I)or«?muB John Quinn are | ers Saturday Cnly $1.98 MI>" branded on tho akin. The doetor The flHg will be rnised by Henry center. them. Hicks Original Candies—Fresh For Saturday Truax, of Bel ford, who served in Min iht>it declared to ills cloai; JPBKO Sabuth Eugoae Magee "Thin man was a deserter. This la | All Cur $4 Shoes all Leath- Civil War. AH Old Glory ia unfurled guard. HICKS' ORIGINAL BLACK WALNUT TAFFY 4CC LB. to the breeze, 50 school girls dressed the wny they were marked in the Cri- Knsley White Benjamin VanKeuien 1 ers Saturday Oily $3.19 The demand is so great that we tiHve lo make it daily. Positively in white and wearing Hashes made of mean days, though it is uot permit! guard. the finest (if its kind in t!i(3 world. the national colors will sing the Star now." Substitutes— Lester Decker, lienja- m>ttMtuititiiiI)MHlilttttUlilMlttnHHJ Spangled Danner. AH present will miu At water, Arthur Rysraon and join in the chorus. There will alBO When tho Duke Scrubbed. Leon (Jordan. Tel Purely origins 1 HI the town. Don't f;lil to try It. be a novel distribution of small ; ill. When the Duko of Q>burg-Oottta Will Baskets—McQueen 7, Ayre.s 1, Do- JQQ BROAD CHOCOLATE PINEAPPLE CREAMS 25c Ib flaRs M souvenirs. Music lor the ox- j ii very young royal blgboeH ho v I'Mtiutil, (Jordon 1, Magne 2, Van- i asion will be furnished by the Key- ] 1 Ivin's Market 11 CHOCOLATE CARAMELS, (alien by his mother, lho Ituchoss ot Keuren '2, Davis 1, (Minn 1, Atwater 24 A lb. bag Y Tel. S60-R § 25c Ih port Silver Band. Albany, to Mr. Wesley's school fur 1. POUIB-—Ay res 5, Mapeo 3. S 2nd Ave. \ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL After the ceremonies the Invited j boys. Before taking la the royal West Flour 75l youngster tlie mauler stipulated thnt 1 HICKS IW'F'G CO., I Phone 62-J. Long Branch, M. J. guests and members of the three RED BANK GROCER ASSIGNS. 12 lb. bag 38c lodges will be served with refrenh-1 the new* pupil must conform to all thu | Sausage 2 lbs. 25c I inentB my the members of Pride of rules. Tills was agreed. Thomas F. McGrath, Monmouth Street llelford Council, Daughters of Liber- j <>ii<> dny bis royal hlghnesH upset a Merchant, Turns Business Over Pure Apple Cider I Liver 3 lbs. 25c 1 ty This affair Is expected to be a bottlu of Ink on ibe door. "Get a buck- to Adjustment Corporation. 19c gala day for llelford, whose Inhabit- et of water nnd wipe it up," Bnld tha Thomas K. McGrath, who ban con- I Salt Pork 10c!!). I ants will take this means of showing matter. ducted n grocery store in the Cook Large Basket Fancy WM. BRYAN 1 GILT EDGE SYRUP 'their appreciation of the effortB of] "But," objected his royal highness, & Matthdws block of store In Mon- \ Good Table Buiter 32c lb. | 1 HJi the Middletown Hoard of Kducation "you don't mean me to scrub It uj\ mouth street. Itcd Hank, for the pant Sweet Potatoes 30c Pints in Mason Jars 10c towards giving their children educu-1 do >'ouV" etghteao tnonthji, lian ma.de tin assign '"(Hllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllll). tlonal farlllttcB second to none. "Yes, ladled." ment for the briu'fit of his creditors. | RIberon Florist | Quarts 15c "Hut you must forget my irrnndmoth- Th« doors of llic grocery were closed Htate ('onimlsslon of Kducation, Mel- Karo Syrup . 8c can c vln A. Hico, of Leonardville, prf'Bi- er lg the queen?" Wednesday nlg&t, nnd Thursday the S ^ ^*y Trolley to the Door. £ following notice was placed on the dent of f"te Board, 1H a member of all "Ou the contrary," said the maelor, s Flora] Tributes ant) Mowers 5 6 pkgs iSSSs" three orders. Albert Itunyon, of Bel- "I remember it very well. Get the wa- front tloor: "This business has been I5 DEAVER| ford will present the Hoard of Educa- ter." turned over by bill of-eule to the Ad- 1 for All Occasionn. Palms g Scouring or Soap Powder tion at the flag raising. Whereupon his royal higuaoss tba justment Corporation, ;1O Church tSt., AT THE Cash Grocer § Duke of rnhurg-Gotha scrubbed.— New York City, for liquidation for the . Rockwell Ave, | S and Plants Rented at Reason- r 20c Chicago Tribune. benefit of all tho creditors." Mrs. Joseph Ely'* Funeral. 22-J. I S . £ The funeral service of Mrs. Debor- The grocery store was opened up . & p. Store 2 able Rates : : : : : •• ah Ely, wife of Joseph Kly, of South How tha Dust Gats In, al:i>nt a yofir tind ;i half ago under the LANDSCAPE GARDENING £ street, who died Thursday morning, When thy barometer falls the nir namo of aoorgo H. Williams Company. A SPECIALTY A. C. leieit Go. around expands Into a larger volum About ilKlit months ago Mr. McOreth folloulng a stroke of apoplexy, will 1 Good^utter S A fine selection of 'Trees, s be held tomorrow afternoon, at two nnd the nir tosl&e tho bookcase, 11 took charge of the. business. Ho lived dotbflfl closet and the cupboard also In Waverly place, Red 'tank. It in Fancy Table Shrubs and Hardy Plants always |. o'clock, in the Katontown Presbyter- on hand. i E ian Church. Friends and relatives expands] nnd forces Itself out nt ever> understood that Mr. McGruth is going. 307 Branchporf km are respectively Invited to attend. minute orevlce. When the bnromotr! io move to Jerney City. TEL. C59 WEST END E Rev. Pwlght h. Parsons, of Shrews- rises ngnln the nir inside tho cupboard, bury, pastor of the church, will offlc- '.!•• well fin out Hide, condenses und Reception al Middletown. 2 for 5c 28c doz. iate. Members of Pride of Crescent shrinks nnd the air in forced back Into Tho mem ben of the congregation or Council. No. 5, Oauuglitors of Liberty, the cupboard to equalize thu pressure, tlie Kefonni-d cluin.ii <>r Midilletown lemony and Crescent Council, No. 95, Jr. O. suitl along with the air In goes tin* iseiidered a rer sp4 ion last Tlmitsda: Fancy Navel V. A. M., of Eatontown, will attend dust. Tin* smaller the crevice the niKhi. at t\n> ]i;u onage to tbe pastor 15c doz? the service in a body. Mrs. Ely, whoi Rt nmger the Jet of nir, t ho f n rt her Rev. Clmi-lea Wiilfnm Rocder and Mi>. J.CDISBROW KW'B tho dirt. Witness tho dirt tracks Oranges was 62 years old, was a member of I Hot der. The mimae was crowded LEADING STATIONER si> oft on Heen in Imperfectly framed the Daughters of Liberty and Mr. Ely Hiih (ho well wishers of the pastor ami envmvlnfs or photogruphs. netnember, Telephone, 262. is an active member of the American hiH Wife, and a most onoyablp lime war 30c doz whenever you see the barometer rising. Mechanics. The interment, in charge had bj all. Several pleaaent addresee Crystalized of funeral director Charles Breese, | tlint an nddltloanl charge of dust JH While you nre not very entering your cupboard and bureuti W.M'H . madf, Iftclud-Ing orte of aprecj will be held in Groonlawn cemetery. tuny ;m;l \\;jiHleriu£ what drawers. U!:MI by Mr. Etoader. Several muci GINGER cai •se'.crilonH were also rendeed. !<<•- "ii ;ue gohiK to buy for Ohrist- !'n Hhemenl.s of L'ako, B&Bdw c'lis. coffee, nlv Lodge Holds Smoker. Keeping It Dark. present*, Think About Pineapple Fingers A smoker was given lust night by The black sheep of the Wnrywolk fruit and ieo cream, wiii^'i liad liprii Washington Camp, No. 15K, P. o. S. family had distinguished himself a:;aln. ]ii"''pared In nbmidai;fo by lUc ffUCJ I KAUFMAN'S I astman Kcdak of A. of Belford. The meeting wtio "This In the last straw!" groaniMi bin no re. t'm concluding featureH oi" B Irop in Glace an open one. Daniel T. Hendrickson respectable brother. "Pin golu* tu 'ave very deli,;hU'ul eventLg. Mr. an.l Ml:. B'lYAY GASH MARKET was chairman. Addresses were imuk- it put hi the papers that I've changed Rnfder Wfire but reoently marrii'd, a'lil 1 SPECIALS for TO-NIGHT the coi:i;rf?,a.iloii t*K> 1; t !ii;-i nn.'i'.n^ Ol by District President William P, my name from Wiirywulk to Wobble* Ttl. 9-J. 225 Broadway CHERRIES Steinhanser of Aabury Park, iicv. way, cos of my brother's dlsgracla' making Mrs. Roetftr'a better act;imin- and MONDAY Klljah Reed; pastor of the English- thf name. I'll 'ave it printed on 'aad- 10c pkg. town M. E. Church and several olh' bills nir distributed by tin* thousand. Lamb Chops , ers. After the spraklns, the mem- I'm determined nobody shall suspect Settin Funeral To-Morrow bers of the lodge who numbered SB, that I'm rein ted to 'ini."— landau Ideas. The 1LiiiH'i-al Ben'ices Of Morris Bet- and over loo Invited guests, partook iin will take phuis tn'inairuw aftew SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY* Stewing Lamb . of refreshments consist ing of sand- Vigilant and Speedy. noon at h:i!i'|I;IM three oVlork Instead wiches, cake and coffee. Old fashion- "There's nothing slow about Jones." flfjwo (iVlui k rs originally Bet, frosi Shoulders of Lamb ed clay pipes the choicest mixture? "I guess yoii never loaned him mou- l h; home, ti;f Obc tcaa buHdinc o^o- from the plantations of the Old Dc t>" ilto the Oolden building, Rev. B. Mor- Pot Roast 8c lb. and up Legs of Lamb . minion were then passed around and 'Oh, yes 1 have. That's wluit made rt« will luive chiiri-M1 of the services. those present were still further ex- HIP speak Hint way. I loaned him $10 hilarated, not only by tho tobacco Legs of Lam!) 14c lb. 3 lbs. Chopped Meat Nix mouths ago aud I haven't been 1 fumes but al^o by well chosen re- . Historic Books 152 BROADWAY able to catch him since." •— Boston Former Councilman Harry T. IIUKI- marks on the part of several mem- Truuseript. Best Compound Lard •PHONE 49-R bers of the order. Beside the As geti recently IOHIMI ihnctild books in Shoulders of Lamb 11c lb. Hghtful time, much good resulted to his father's library. One wraa tfe« Salt Pork . . Washington Camp from the meeting Fore* of Character. I'sahr.s of DftHd print I'd in 18391 :ii- Roasting Pork 124c lb. as sufficient applications v,-»-o rectyv "I thought \«uir ivife forbade you to uther W'flihi fir's 1 Me i ionn.i'y pilnicd in Stewing Beef . . ed to ralBe the membership beyond mnrry again whou slio died?" LftJO, ami t&e ( Hrv a Reference !'.i!)'«- Prime Rib Roast 14c lb the century mark. "So slip did. but now I'm going to licaiin;; ih,' ffWte of ISL'S. Tin' hoo'.:J CITRON, ORANGE show her whn is master In this house." \^ ere originally thd proUwty of .rep • Fresli Hams 13c ib. 2 lbs. Pork Chops —London Opinion. miah Mlot'.'Re-u, ffttb t of tin' lull' 8eti- Not Repeaters. fctor Hufns @Io4geU ;md prandfalli'M- HomeMaile Sausage . anHEMON PEEL 1 Fresh Shoulders 11c ib. A Philadelphia woman who has ex- The Laziest Man. of tin fnrau'i' t MIIH ihitan. Jen tnlah Pork Loin Roast 14c ib. perienced much trouble with her »prv "Wont to bed nt 8 o'clock last night." ants and who recently found hersclf "Wliy BO early?" ty in New Hampshire tor & nmiihiT 9f Homemade Sausage 16c Ib. while indisposed entirely without (1*> "My shoe came untied, and I thought years. The books nro in good slaio of Cranberries 10c qt. inestlc help was obliged to send net I'd snv<> the trouble of tying it again." preservation. husband to an .employment agency one •-Pittsburgh rust. G. Lard 9c Ib. 3 for 25c morning with a view to obtaining tb>\ Naval Salutes. needed help. Fretfulnees, Orijrlnnlly n town or n wnrship fired A WfcEK The huiiband returned about 1 in Ule Do not (rive w;iy to fret fulness, tt off its fiiuis on the approach of friend- Will iumlsli Leaf Lard 8 liis. $1.00 3 cans Condensed milk BUY AT ONCL nftoruouu wearing a most distressed takes tlte fraprum e out of life nnd ly strougerfl to show that they luvl Your Home expivssion. leaves only weeds where a cheerful such faith In the visitors' peaceful ii> 25c *1 have only a few .,. "What's the matter, dear?" nsl;ed t';" disposition would cause flowers to tputions they didn't ihink it IIIHTNSII'.V Fresh Eggs 28c tioz. fl£» CHEEK PIPPIN wife. "Were there no servauts at tin? bloom. to keep thi'ii1 Kima loaded. Hence the employment agency?" navnl salute. Sweet Cider 23c gal. "There were Blathers of >tn," return- DtWt tlmu lore life? Then do nrtt APPLES "V vill surely lie all ed the husband grimly, "but nnfortu* squander time, for time is the stuff Old Fashionad. left Fresh killed fowl, roast- FBll this -ivci; Kflter cnier nately they bad all worked for us be- life Is made of.—Benjamin Franklin. "Wliara tlu> ticiulile with you isd fore."—Upplncott's. your fianct*? Is ho jpalona?" some I BBS 1 a])l>lo. •"Wfll, he toB't osnctly jealous, but ing Chickens and Jersey i "tCoal We Give Green Trad- Trademarks. Read Cent-a-Words on Third he's what you imi;l)t call old f;i-!i- About 100 trademarks are PefrUterafl Page; there are bargains to ionod. IIo doesn't wniit me to 1"' Hi' Rabbits. ing Stamps EHRENHALT, each week at the patent office in Kujrt'd to "anybody clse."~Wnsliiny(oM s. VANNOTLGDALCO.; • 224 Rr,i«d»«y, LonlCrah .., . ., J\ ashington. them. LONG BRANCH DAILY RECORD, SATURDAY, NOV. 25, 1911 SEVEN

SNAPSHOTS OF STYLE. Our D«//y JTiorf JYory Black and White Effects In Millintry Women's World Vary Modish. A. M. Townley Many black hots nre trimmed in Mew* you'd bide Rtont?n in H loml oi wlitte. Immense rrowns, bunds and hny." "What's that?1" shouted Deacon bows of white in He or ma lines art) AN OPEN Thomas. "Say. you old IIOK stealer, used. don't you KO talking about me or I'll Many evening frocks of chiffon are QUESTION knock your head off!" trimmed with lace llounces and tiny Peace was nmde between the two sprays and knots of silk or velvet flow- By M. QUAD men, nut n moment Inter flood will ers. THINGS YOU NEED FOR PRE- Silk serge makes this smart costume. Copyright. 1911. by Associated Lit- Junes hroURlU Benjamin Schermerhoru' PARING THE THANKSGIV- erary Press. 11 mighty "Inp between ihe shoulders It is trimmed with satiu and fringe; and cried out: consequently it shows all the new fash- ING DINNER 1 "How Is it. old man—do you lick ion features. The blouse gives the Double S.&.H. Green Stamps. j Aa per the bills ou the farmer* barnn your wife us often as you used to?" for miles around a circus made its ap- "1 never ticked her!" pearance in the town of (iosbeu one "You nre n liar!" Carving Sets, $2.45 Up. day and set up its tents. Among the "l^eunue wt nt him!" farmers wbo drove in to see things waa Universal Food Choppers, There wore two or three other out- ben! there is JabeE Stebblas. but he dida't think it I breaks, but by and by the dove of a bit wlclied to view the elephants and peace enmt'. and all cried on one nn- Coffee Perculatora. euuiels os they paraded up nod down othcr's shoulders. Then Deacon Black The Universal and Rochester. the streets. stepped up to the eider pall for the Everybody knows thai most of our None hotter. I'eople noticed that he seemed to be third tinvp and huskily said: birds come north to their nesting grounds In the spring and KO south iu Savory Seamless Cookers. feeling extra good as he drove in. but "Ladles and gem'lea, we have met The Kind that roasts Meals, half tin dour later he astonished every- lo test this hard elder question* nod, the fall. Some of the longest jour- neys are inado hy the sinnllest birds. Turkeys, etc., to perfection. body. He uttered a preliminary whoop hy gum. «e are goiag to do it! I say Prices very rensimjible. ov two auti then pit down from bio ft won't intoxicate, and the man who A few species leave the far north in wagon to ( kle one of the elephant*. says It will Is a liiir!" August and September, making enor- Of course ilie circus men interfered, "Knock his bead off!" shouted Saul mous flights over the ocean to winter and then be cut loose and licked three Johnson. homes in Ihe southern hemisphere. of them before he could be quieted. "I'M knock yours off Instead!" whoop Thus the Rolden plover leaves Suva IIo was hauled up before Squar' War- ed Goodwill Jones. Scotia nnd Hies without a stop stniifjht IOKE WAS ON THE DOCTOR. ner fur disturbing the peace, and the I teuton itlacU stopped Ihe row by to South America, wintering tin Hi* iqunr". who had known him for thirty drinking another plot, nnd while the nnmpaa of Argentina, » journey .if He Got His Fee, but Ho Was Not years, said: cup was going around Jabez Stubblus ttome 5.000 miles. 2,500 being over tho Pleased, maKing a Will. ocoan, without a stop even for food. DOCTOR whn oivns a fnRhi«nnhle Always cnl! in a lawyer to make n '•Jtibez. I can't make it out- You ire ran into the house und said to his one of tue peacefulest men around wife: On the P-aqitlc Hide the golden plover house on the heights telU this will. If one cannot be procured tben leaves the Aleutian islands anil Ron.s A Joke on himself: write your wishes In the simplest here, and nobody ever saw you drunk, "lla.nner. you come out to tho barn Get the Original and Genuine but you must have taken a swig or two iti about ten minutes and you'll see 2.5UO miles to Hawaii without :i rt»Hl "I wns awakened the oilier morninz •wTil.-i you i*nn. Never try to use whsit more fun than a boss can draw." siml winters in (ho nut hern hemi- about '*\ o'clock by Uie violent ringing you m;iy consider "legal terms." Few to make you act as you did. I'm going to let you go, but my advice to you i3 lie made no mistake. Ten minutes sphere from the Society Islands to of my doorbell. 1 got up, throw opeu persons realize, how difficult it is tot lifter the third pint was down Deaeon Australia. With this bird tbe north- tha window nnd snw on tho doorstep nj;ike ii will. A classic example is the to beware of the flowing bowl in the a man evidently under the Intlueuce of HORLICK'S future." Black proposed a country dance, and ward trip Is slow, and the eastern ci Ichrated Lord St. Leonards, at one all began to shuffle and cavort and sronn crosses the continent of South liquor, but very miuli excited. UOK> lord clianrellor nf England. IIo "Squar", it was hard cider—nothing hut hard cider," explained Jobez. "I nine. America. Mexico, the prent plains itmi ** 'Ilow museh y' charge to KO I" was ihe foremost, conveyancer of his MALTED MILK (out a drink of hard elder two yeara The horseplay lasted about a quar- across Canada to its arctic nesting; U'o&rsle? be nsked. 'It's very Impor- d; v. niiJ yet when he died an Informal The Food-drink for All Ages, old. and it made me lose my bead." ler of an hour. Then they fell upon grounds, while the western birds go tant.' w II was found in bis cont pocket, hur For Infants, Invalids, and Growing children. As Jubcz waa a chuit h member, the one another's necks and cried. Then up the Malay peninsula and along the "'Five ilollnrs,' 1 answered, thinking ri 'tlly written when he was at the Chinese and Siberian seaboard. TIUIH of the long ride and my lost sleep. PureNutrition.up building the whole body. brethren hnd to take up his lapse from 1 ifiU'on Hope charged Deacon Black 1 pi hit of death This will occupied tUe grace, and nothing else was talked <>f with putting only a rent In tbe contri- those birds make the enormous jour- "'All light, ho said. 'Hurry up—It's cfurti Tor years and served "to point, Invigorates the nursing mother and the aged. ney of 112,000 to ir», mites each very 'mporiani.' Rich milk, malted grain, in powder form.: fi»r two wefks. Then, at the Instance bution box ihe Sunday previous, nnd a moral uud adorn a tale."—London the latter called Deaeon Hope a hu- year.—St. Nicholas, "I hustled Into my clothes, had the A quick lunch prepared in a minute. of Deacon linker, who bad been drink- 1 Mall. ing bard cider for twenty-eight years man hoc. Then the fight bepan. It horse nnd carriage brought arcana to Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK'S. went all over (he barn and out into the front door and started off with my und never stubbed bis top over it. a Japanese Houses. Inebriated caller. Finally we arrived Lighting a Cigar. committee of six was appointed to in- tbe yard and over the fence, and when Japanese houses nre built rather to Hot In Am? &"*5k Trust It ended six men lay where they hud it Cannrslp, nt the address he had A Spanish cigar ixuiUer came to town vestigate ami report. They drove^out resist earthquake than to withstand gives me. 1 drew up tho horse nml TV:I1I some line cigars nnd some notions A Minor Consideration. to Ktebbins' place, and he drew n pnil fallen and slept nnd snored. fire. They nre exceedingly Hghl bam- .lahez hnd to drive to town to pet boo or frame affairs. Instead «'f strong woke up tho RlumhoriiiK drunk. of liis own about smoking them. He The ambitious young woman wns at- of elder and took them out to the barn. " 'Here wo nro,' I snid. - pr niui't1;! one t hut was rolled to a tracted by an advertisement, one line The deacon led off with about n pint liolp to load them into his wapon. and foundations firmly Imbedded into tin* one by one they were delivered to earth there are fiat stones, OH which "'All right.' was his answer. lie put beautiful point and made the barest of which read, "How to Become an nnd smacked his lips and passed the their homes. Of course there was UUWN Of SII.K HBIU1K, the frame lightly rests nt Ihe corners. tits bund Into bis pnekot and drew out piuirtiire in Us ytuoUiiiK eml. Then Author." The advertiser claimed that cup. There was n wait of fifteen !i roll of bills, from which he peeled A minutes to watch results. They didn't mure talk, nnd It was a week before Much structures will survive earth- he * truck u match and held the Ha me by his method fatluiv was Impossible. peasant Idea, yet is made with sepa- liVvf. So the ambitious young woman sent pun out much. Deacon liliick got a die committee reported. Tbe substance qiinke shocks Unit would crumble io el; lit Inches under the Up. lie bepui rate sleeves that are sewed Into ih' heaps bouses more solidly built. " 'Munch 'bilged,' said he. 'They on the necessary tritllnj,' mini of mon- little playful and threw Goodwill Jones of the report was: aruiboleH, the edges of which are piped. io draw, and presently the tobacco was "Owlns to the fact that a cyclone Within the house Is simplicity Itself. wanted i' ehnrge mo $12 at tir livry ey, and by return mail she received a on his back, and Saul Johuson turn- JUDIC CUOLLBT. ataltlfi.' "—Brooklyn ISagto, bunting. Flip on which was printed this bit of ed the hnnrtlo of an old tanning mill i-ume along nnd destroyed the barn be- The cottage may contain one or a doz- "li's a sacrilege," snid he. "to com-advice, "Write something'." so fast as lo shake the whole thing fore we had finished our test we sun't Tnese May Man ton patterns are cut for en rooms, at tho owner's whim, at any pound the burning of wood with the "But," nhe. protested by letter, "I down, but these things were not re say whether hard eider intoxicates or (lie Bkirt from 22 to 30 Inches waist meas- moment when ho chooses, to let Uie. In Crowded Quarters. burning of tobacco." corded. not. Wo surest, however, that it be ure ami for tliu btouse from Zi to 42 Inches curtains down. If he. wishes lo retire Elliot 1 Woods, superintendent of thi» already have done that, and it hasn't bust measure. Sund 10 cents each for caphol, rccciilly told a story about rt Jt can he dune. Get a cigar, not kept mostly fnr tin peddlers." thpHo patterns to UIIH office, giving num- he ran mill •• his bedroom by drawing been printed." The pail was emptied and Juliez re- new southern member of the house nei'ossui ily .Ppnnish. try it in secret nt "We congratulate you," was the re- filled it. He wasn't in on tie. drinks, To this day the question Is still an bers, sklit 7M4 and blOUSfl 7818, and they down nroiind him. nt. any spot on the a doser range and win o few small open one, and whenever an "antl" Mill be promptly forwarded Io you liy floor that ^uitn his fancy, curtnins whose frugality he Is commending to ply. "If you have written something but his face were a broad grin after moll. If In haste Btffid an additional two hl< congressional friends. bets from your friends.— Chicago Post. that second driak had been taken. nKks Deacon Black bow he came to be cunt stamp for letter postage, which In- made of paper. This mnlerlnl is Irnmi- you already are an author. Publica- luf-ent enough to admit light into Hie 'i'ho now tin*niher arrived in town tion is a minor consideration with "Symptoms" soon developed. Deacon under n hnyrlck fast asleep thnt day Kiirut< more prompt delivery. When order- his reply is: ing nut; coupon. Impromptu room without destroying and hunted Supcriiiiendcnt Woods up Ruins of an Ancient City.' which we have nothing to do." Hope, who hnd been carryin't a bland its privacy. For a bed all Ihe .hi|i;:- I iimm-dliitcly. countenance, suddenly sobered up and -I wns blowed out of a barn, sir, Adjoining Lake Titaenca, in Peru, i ml ley stunned instead of asleep, sir, No Size nese needs Is n heavy quilt or ivrn. I -l reckon Id like to look at my lie the rolns <-f a great city whose Safe From Collisions. turned to Deacon TtiOBWi nnd said: I quarters." said he to tin' luipeiiiHend "When I was in the rnHrot.d busi- "Deacon, durn your hide, but 1 be itid 1 don't want to bear no more talk | With the house everythlns I" imimir- ori.:in »a« its much a matter of eon- 1'ieut It, sir!" alately rteas. A Japaaess will not I cnl. jcriure JHiO years ago us it is today, ness," Riiid Channoey M. Depew onee, lie was taken to tho hoime office "the presiilent of a small line wall- tolerate u dust collecting carpel tacked aeconUng to tho records of the lucas. upon bis door. lie prefers gifum woven ! building nnd Rhown to ono of the soli- The sUma walls of the largest build- | etl on me to request an exrlmnijc of mats, which he cnii take up nnd clean i s'ati'lally furnished ofTlee rooms. iaes vvfrp of excellent workmanship, courtesies. I interrogated him. and he every i\»y. Cushions on the floor do I "Tilts IH [.in-." hiiSd Ihe new member, :wA (lie gateways wore elaborately Bfild proudly: doty as chairs, anfl ahout the only nr- "lift wlnie ore my other rooms?" carred, ll\ idem-e in abundance ex- " 'On our line, sir, not outy has a Daddy's BedtiriK ticle of wood furniture in (he house is "Oh, yon e;m'l Uava anolher roots i^is thiit (lit* inhabitants were skilled collision never occurred, but on our tho tiny table whore the family driak for several yoars, not until you have millions. At present tho region is cold line a collision would be Impossible.' their tea.— Philadelphia Ledger. become chriirmau of a commUlL'o," rc- niid arid und entirely Incapable of rip- "'Impossible?' sain I. 'Oh. come: I When a Little t>IIed Woods. know that Ihe latest automatic safety ening cwflals. It is inhabited by a Game of Noted Man. "My Cod!" exclaimed Ihe southern- few hardy monntiuneers. It is evi- devices are excellent things. Rut Im- Prince Gets a er, "how do yon expect me to sleep, possible is a large word.* I lie Prince See* His The hostess begins hy saying: "I dent Shit tho clicuate is entirely differ- 1 Fine Gift! THE PUMPKIN PIE. know :i celebrated poet. Tin- tli'st port cook, eat and wnrk In one roomV"— *' 'It's literally true with us, sir, he Present ent from what it was when the plateau 10T us Boi forget the ripe, juicy of Ills name Is black, and the lust I* nu New York World. waa (ho center of u large population. replied. elevation." " 'Sow can It be?' said I. 'S nice to pet presents. Isn't it. daddy.'" Evelyn said as she came up- pumpkin, symbol of the Thnnks hlnlrg wltb the foretiuRpr of her right hand poked admiringly forward. L giving festival! It Is to be fear-l The pluyer responding "Coletidgfl" " 'Why,' said he, 'we own only one 1 in turn describes (he mime of some} train.'" Oli thtit finger shfiiie n fitU* silver ring set with blue hearts. It was a ed that the success of the pumpkin GORCEY & SON ^'Ifi from Aunt M;iry. .Inck wore n pin to match in his llo nnd eyed it n| W A V it of fretting is one that grows rap- •I'.'M lovely to get presents," replied daddy fondly ns his thoughts wan- kin pic the following advice, true and fare." Give only the profession, noih- -Wt: CI.KAN GLOVES— fluently the subject of newspaper ar- dered to the lovely book of prints that Aunt Mary had brought him. "but it's idly unless it is sternly repressed, and tried. nolXW nf M from the private note- Ing el^e. The following names reaN of I mticr, a teaspQtmfuJ (MK» of tho happiest holidays la the Will Positively and Permanent- an unusually caustic comment upon bis short tinif ago Emperor William of (iprmany sent the young prince a lmn'f hut-In,"] or ton, V«m know of the rmmey dress, he remarked to the writer. "I Kinder, inn'iiult tt'iispoouful of Qtltims ?-tvtuSfn bliss their flncUs dnwn from Rheumatism in every form Is WMtcd mi ••I>rink" Omt is nccdrd in the homo guess by the time that fool is as old as of Ahyssinia have a laste for gay things. Of course if some one gave you a liic mountain* where they lime heeu lo purchase fu»d nnd clothing. OrrlQe has gun. Jack, you would want io no out and shoot with It, but tho little Abyu- ami n linlf itibJeNpoonful <>f suit. Bake caused by Uric Acid and Uric Saved UIOUBBMU of ilriiikinff It i I am he will enre more for comfort wilh ana rfiwt. Serve wlih cheese. nil summer. School is dosed, ;iml tho Acid deposits lodging in the nt d t gi rittly Rlttl&I! pi'inep hnd Ills tnken away from him and placed in some place w|it!re it '•'illiireli go to meet them Ifl pTOOa*- olu y Put p , tbnu fashion." 'nay he seen, btit not uiscd. A I rift! In HIM-! HI M recipe for pump inusclcH suul Joints and the only pd r IT pill. Your mofley will In- rr- Nto&s, sieging soogs, ringing bella and MIOCeMfal way to trout, tho tlfs- tiirncil if nft.-r a triwi it hut. failed la ben- kin pie filling is us I'ullmvM: Tnke si ••The same thinp Bfi doubt happened to the little emperor of China when I waving Bftffft. As ii reward for their Btn is l\v a harmless nre.purn- efit Corti l.ut Jl.nn & box—a mere trifln Thomas E. Watson III. sumII pumpkin, rut it in halves, re •K)un eompurrd with llicUnimuit « ilrinking the cznr of Kussin. with nn PVP to making the future ruler of China his friend, j enthusiasm the farmera treat them to liun ih;i! will iliKBolvi-, absorb nan will •peftd In a day for llquot Savannah. (3a., Nov. HI.—Thomas E. Quire the seed* nnd the rind and cut s«r?r iuo Uttle- follow a wonderful toy railway outfit. Tho railway was ac- :i dainty supper of sweets and enket*, and Bllminata the Uric Arid. <-''i!in in :tn,l K'l • Uvs boofeM nnti let «i Watson U reported seriously 111 at his l&to plow 11(*i 1 of steam until the Ifcll you of tiiu guud DURING is doing. cepted, and thnnUs were sont t.t tbe czar in the emperor's name, but DO doubt which they ore allowed only on holi- Kline's Rheumatic Remedy home with pneumonia, lie luis beeu Uie cwtljr tov wns put carefully away by ihe little boy's guardian where, he pumpkin |g soft and Ihe water nearly Werts Pharmacy, day *. Cures hy removing th(> cause. (ouiinrd to fcis bed 11 week. can look at ii. Inn, alas, iipver handle. all off. 175 Broadway, Long Branch. I The children of ItuHsia play murbleti Knr W.H hy H. S. Meyers, 119, Press the pumpkin pulp through a "The president of Krancc to make himself agreeable to the king of Italy with the knuckle bones of sheep. Hth uvenue, Long Branch. Cut stem To each cupful and a half of cave the king's t-hildren a doll city, a charming toy nod very, very costly. this O&4 for future reference. The little Italian prince und his sisters, who have for everyday use toys of the pumpkin add one cupful of milk. The King and the Cat. Uie simplest kind, were shown the gift, but beyond being told It belonged to a cupful of scalded crenin. one well An anclPM courier owned a cat, BE THE TURKEY tbflro they have likely never had a chance to play with H. beaten ogp, n half cupful of Btlg&r, ilanriwime and sleek am) tame. The king. MB master, gazed thereat "Hoyal children may get more costly gifts ihan ordinary children, hut with salt iind innce, to tuMte. Hake And coveted the same. pATJEN[INK It seems to me that tbe little boy or girl wbo has Just plain toy* that are not Tough or tender you can carve with ease slowly in a single crust. 1 too good to handle every day Is much better off." "Sir lielOon.* —'twas th king who spoke— , Priscilla Aldan's Way. "Thy rat delight a my with our carving sets. Prices range from low Members of tin- famous Alden fanii Qlva hT to me an*) thou nhalt have Dally (except Sunday). ly h:ive n recipe for pumpkin pie Whatever tliou dost prize." I Leave New York, West SDth Street, down to high up. ivhii h they will iell you was con J2.00 p. m.; Battery, near South Ferry, Sir HHilon then was nore of heart. ; 2.30 p. m. cocied by thr* fnir Prim-ilia for the dis Vrt ho could not rofttn, ON THE JOB ll<* K,IVO his oat unlo the kin*. j Leave Long Branch for New York, Lumber, Shingles, Mason Supplies, Devoes Paints and Col- i•riniiunliup John Alden. Sorno nu , Rockwell Avenue, 7.20 a. m.; PleaB- 1h"riti"s claim that ii WHS this his- jure Bay. 7.30 a. m.; Sea Bright, 8.00 cious pic ml h serwfl n^ fiJ Vi •->•*-*>•-'•>••,•<•-• For Atlantic City. 9.30 a. m.; 4.17 p In K3 BR .li-hc m , via Red Bank. Sundays, 9 25 i Quick DHiverie. < urleonR Tri-afmi-nf ftm Quality. Barred Out. m. WEST LONG BRANCH NEW JERSEY liHVP Wl I iiiiiny For Freehold (lenve N. T. ft L. B. , R. R. Station), via Matawan. 7.12, 9.04. fanA*-4h&#~&J, | 111 fuinlllcs" i low if thctTd 1147 a. m ; 4.17 p. m. Bundays, 8.55 CHANDLER AND MAPS, «MI u ••fri« U-iIt Ii! 1111 Telephone 56 West End N. J. 80. R. R. Crossing snttea > II. m.: 4.32, 8.60 p. m. Office and Yard 70 8. Broadway. in--IJ..H Men • till'11. Pack. > •—kew York only. Long Branch, N. J. Telephone 33. I W. O. BESLER, W. C. HOPE, tiN in HIP Dally Hpcord. • V. P. 4 O Hi, O. P A. BIOH* LOlfO BRANCH DAILY BBOORD, SATURDAY; NOV. 25, 1911

lee be authorized to purchase settees, moveable blackboard and three clocks 4O,00OINSTAH. SIR GILBERT PARKER. ROBBERS HOLD OP as requested in Prof. Gregory's re- port. Adopted. ' Enrjtiih Novelist Sails on th» Rosolved, that Prof. Gregory be au- GOLDSTEIN'S Campania For American Visit. thorized to dispose of old desks in TO SEE BIG GAME TOORING PARTY the basement of the Grammar School. ^^"^ Broadway & Liberty St., Long Branch ; Adopted. Long Dranch, Nov. 24, 1911. It was moved, leconded and passed A regular meeting of the Board of that tha bills be passed and warrants Harvard Meets Yale In An Anloisi Returns Highway Education, City of Long Branch, waa ordered drawn for same. held on Friday, November 24th, 1911, On motion the board adjourned. naal Game at Cambridge. man's Shots and Escape. at which tho following members were JOHN T. BRITTON, GENUINE present: Messrs. T. R. Woolley, A. T, Secrotary. Woolley, FYancln, Eaton, Dlodgett Qano and Ftrltton. WEST LONG BRANCH NEWS GRIDIRON A SEA OF MUD. THEIR TRUNK IS TAKEN Mr. T. K Woolley presided. The minutes of the last regula The old First Church has choBen mooting and the meeting of Novembe James Atcheson to represent her as Both Tumi Are In Good Condition For Party Speeds on After Bobbers Cu 8th wc«re read and approved. delegate to the Lay Electoral Confer- Final Cfr.sh—Lineup Scei Regular Straps That Held Trunk fn ftaar Hesolved, that Mr. Daniel Kdwarda ence, which meets in Ashury Park Playen Who Hav« Battled All Saaton Machine—One of Band Thought t be appointed for the term of one year next March, - Willis Woolley ia the For Their Raipactiv* Schools Fac« Have Been Wounded. dating from December lBt, 1911, reserve delegate. Each Other In Final Struggle. ness manager ut a salary of J7Q0 The Epworth Loftgue social given EUizalKMh, N. 3., Nov. 35.—Mr. on myable %in equal monthly payment! in the hall on Wednesday evening was p, Mass., Not, 25.—Ynlo and Mrs. Frank KvertH at New York nn us duties to be the same ae notet both socially and financially a suc- Unrvard are playing for football hon- Mr. and Mrs. John Williams of th n hia letter, which follows: cess. $16.38 was received. ors here this afternoon. The fieldI s place, were held up in (he nutomobli "For $700 a year, payable in equa The (Tuners' Union were the guests SILK tnuddy nfter a Hteady rain, although near Kenllworth by hiKhwuymen on jiBtallments monthly, I agree to atof Frank Antonidea last Monday eve- it deep covering of straw was used to end to all repair work for the echoo prevent a soggy turf. In the Htadlum after it running buttle, In which «ev ning. A large number were present. em I shots were fired, the auto part buildings, superintend same, hiring After the business meeting refresh-, are about 40,000 partisans of the two mochanlc.B and ordering materials at universities. Hpi'd with oulj- the joss of a trim menta were served. Thoee present ALL COLORS which had bees fastened on the bai he lowest possible competitive prices were: Rev. C. B, Fisher, Prof. Tharp, The Yale team cntne over from An part of the anto and In which wer make plans and specifications, scur James Heyer, Eugene Bowman, Frank liiiriidult? to f'mubridgo this morning. clothing and jewelry valued at sev ng estimates on same when the cost Sherman, James Atcheaon, Clarence The Hstmird team held ,t» last prnc- erai humlm; dollars. 'f work would seem necessary. Stllhvaggon, Richard Cornell, Walter li'-c Hi Hie rafn. The vanity »ieu The party was at u dark place on th "Supervise all construction on which Sherman, William Morris, Willis Wool- Nlipln'tl nud fituuibled ultout for three- an architect and contractor are em- ley, G. M. Vanhuel and Arthur D. Van- Also A Few Fancies Springfield road nnd were halted by quarter* of nTI hiiu:-. About the time loyed, reporting to the building com- Note. the vtiroity hml ftttUuod Its vv bnnhe«, one Hashing a torch while th mittee often as nocesBary, and acting The members of the Sewing Club Manilla more than Wju uiid(. r;*i'tiiliiiit*'.V according to their direction. and jJtOQ Harvard alumni cmne iaaPt'h-j other covered the party with n rt were the guests of Mrs. Harry Hopper inf.' down to the liuld behind a band. volver. "Attend to receiving fuel, authority on Wednesday afternoon, Those pres- All expected to stt their tentu »nd to WEEPS ON STAND. Mr. KvertH attempted to start th ieing given to act ghould there be ent were: Mrs. J. D. Van Note, Mrs. machine, nnd one of (lie men cut th evidence that quantity and quality ie E. Clayton, Mrs. Walter Sherman, cheer it before the departure for tfte' lot according to contract and order. country, where the tenm spent List Mra. O'Shaughrstsy Tails of Shooting •trapB that held the trunk. Mr. Wil Mrs. Albert Woolley and Mrs. James night. The team, however, had re | H*r Huiband. Hums drew a revolver nud na the rou "Trusting you will consider my prop- Atcheeon. 15c yd. osition favorably, I am, turned to the locker building, but rath-1 Now York, Nov. SB.—Mrx. Frances chine started fired nt the marauder! Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Heyer spent Sun er than dHippoint'the big crowd Coach OSInmglnifKKj', on trial lu general ses The wommi dropped into the bolloi: "Yours truly, day with their daughter, Mrs. Ralph 1 f;i ii;Jii "ii sent Ills pi ay era out on to slous for murder In the first degree of the nuto JUHt In time to escape t\v "(Signed) DANIEL. EDWARDS." Field, at Perth Amboy. Mrs. Heyer the Held again, nnd they ran thetried on the witness stand to describe bullets that whizzed over the back A communication was received from will remain there a week with her with a teachers' meeting at eight length of tbe playing field nnd back, her emotions when she lired the tshot Heat, one of which clipped a piece fros he engineer, Mr. De Camp, in refer- daughter. "Chattle Chips"and then I went to ray Kindergarten then reluming to the dressing room. | which kUJed her husband George anc Mr. KvertH' coat. nce to the extra work made by the Mr. and Mrs. R. It. Hughea, Mrs class to play from eight forty-five to Ight school. Same was ordered filed. By Nix. nine-ten. The next period was Gen- There are more than 40.000 people in what her motives were in firing it Another exchange of Hhots followed loFoph White and Mrs. Fred Van Note "Dame Fortune" certainly smiled Once tears got the better of her and but the inpirln the auto escnpod being Resolved, that the Janitor be paid visited Farmingflale last Thursday. eral History, then Psychology; chor- the Stadium this afternoon regardless on the efforts of the Seniors and Jun-us practice for cantata 'Joan of Arc': of the weather, j the cross examination was suspended \ttt. It IH believed that a bullet frou 1 extra per night for each night on Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Note and 1 hich there is night school. Adopted. iorB last evening, when she caused Gymnasium work and 'Bight singing' Uutli teuum are Ju good condition, lor a few minutes. r>r. M. H. Greg- Mr. WiHlsmm revolver waa ettecUvf Wr. and Mrs. Prank Sherman spent the 'leather to clear up for their re- ory, the Bellevue. alienist, testified that Resolved, that the engineer be paid and 'ear training' did up the morning according to the trainers and coaches. a a scream was heard nn they \?er Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wylie ception; for big preparations had until tweleve five. I then went to Harvard IK plaiiulng to begin the gnniu he believed she was insane when she peodlDB BWay, 2 extra per night for each night on at Wayside. The men folk went in hich there ia night school. Adopted. been made and; had It rained, every- Mrs. Perkins' for dinner and hurried with a niMh. The lineup Is: killed bar husband. search of game. thing would have been a loss, both back to the Institute at fifteenmin - Harvard -smith; left mA; Hitchcock J When aba found t&a letters under his Reeolved, that the minutes of the Irving Green and family have moved In work and financially. STOPS TRAIN WITH PISTOL leeting of October be corrected so* utes of one, lo practice with Miss left tackle; LeullG, right guunl; I'nr pillow which told her that he Intended on the Lippiucott farm. Mr. Green Snyde's solo (one of the teachers > inentcr, center; Finher. right guiird: to resort her in England she said that s to show that Mr. Hamilton's salary was burned out last Saturday eve Elizabeth Man Held It Up In Order No as raised ten dollars per month and It will be remembered that a short for the special Cecilia music. Then Mtnrer. right tneklo; Felton, right end; she wax surprised and disappointed. ning. The neighbors and friends | vocal lessons from one until fifteen to Miss It. ow the members voted. Adopted. around have fixed them up with clotti- time ago, letters were invited from lY-tter, quarterback; • CamiibBll, left Then Hue told about taking tbe re- Elisabeth, K 3., Nov. 26, — A fusl the graduate^ ot Chattle, on their minutes of two; then vocal practice, hnlfhnek; Wendell, right halfback; volver from a bureau the day she Bhot Resolved, that warrant be drawn for ng and furniture. irnln on the Jersey Central railroad 10 to Mr. Hamilton to correct salary present school life, wherever they use of Speaking Voice and Theory; Hunt.ogtan, fullback. | her husband. node an unexpected stop at Kl Morn M Iss May Seymour, of Monmouth might be attending. Below Is an ex- after that, the special practice Bpoken r October. Adopted. . • Beach, Bpent a few days this week Ynle~Avery, left end; Scully, left "And tiren you fired the shot?" asked Hlalion, midway belwoen HoHelle am The secrotary reported that the cerpt of a letter from Miss Margaret of above. Wasn't that a good day's tackle; Francis, left guard; Ketchaw, Mr. ltosalsKy, her nttorney, with MIOB Venie Lane. work? I was indeed glad to go home. KHXHbeth, V>ec»ufie of the "wiW west' Celly Co. and the Quire Co. had been Parker, who is attending school at eenler; McDevitt, right guard, Paul, "Then I fired the fJhot," she answered netliod of Jnnie.s Stui-gp of this town George W. Bowman, of Monmouth Potsdam, New York, which we arMey vocal teacher, Mrs. Bryant, sayw right tackle; Boroelsler, right tmd; In a low tone. otifled that their bids wore accepted road, had a slight stroke of paralysis printing with the permission of Mrs.my tone quality has improved and Bows, quarterback; Camp, |©ft hnir Thomas Davis of New Yurk ha<] or the varieties on which they were Simon Ford, for whose wife Mrs jeeti hiK gue«t overnight. They went i Wednesday. W. S. Parker, her mother: my volume la growing. I sing so dif- back; 8 [JU Id ing, rltjbt halfbnck; luiuu, O'NhaiiKhiiessy hnd been maid, wsi and that the Quire Co. had noti* Mrs. M. V. Poole and Mrs. W. B. ferently, I can e^rcely realize, that fullback, o the stiitlnn j««t us the train was ed him that they did not want the Potsdam. N. Y., called to testify an to her character. Norton visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank A Tuesday ,night, It is myself.' He said It was excellent learliiK th? Rtution. Kturjie luul t on tract for the varieties of coal on :*oole at Lake wood on Thursday. lislol and fired a shot. The englDti Nov. 21, 1911 UNCLE SAM'S TEAMS MEET. The case will probably go to (he hich they were low unless they Mrs. Samuel B. Harrold and son, Irlvor, IteliPvinB it a ton>e youths heve to by myself. Mlsa Crane and some mu- in replanked. great pleasure, to assist in the move- Ian n wholt'Hiiie robhory. Thore wan bell ana clock system and would would win, but ho declared it would e pleased to have bide advertised for. sic teacher from out of town listened Percy VanSchoIk dislocated his arm be a great battle if the Navy wasn't ment holdup, but nerve WHS Inokins, WMl STANLEY DENIES ROW REPORT to the chorus and afterward. Miss while playing ball a few. day ogo. The subcommittee appointed to get Rosolved, that an advertisement be victnrloim. liree boys arc now in the Rnyonne serted in ono or more engineering Crane called me, and both she and Mrs. Sarah Stevenson is on the sick, up n prograiL for celebration in New nil, oharmed with consptvney. No Break With Littleton, Head Staal the music teacher complimented my Tin- Aviuy contingent does not aji- apers asking for bids on bell and list. pear to tte In a Jubilant mood. Tlu» York city mode Ha first report through Tin* prisoners gave their namtw as Prober Declare*. accompaniment. We began today Mra. Kathryn Edwards, Mrs. Eliza- Chairman George V. Kunr,. ocK system in accordance with the Washington, Nov. 25.—Representa- eleven and substitutes appear to hq homaa Gtady, fifteen yearn old; )ocifications of C, A. Slocum, M. B. beth Price and Mrs. Margaret Haynna Mr. Kunz suggested thnt an Imita- nmes O'Toole, sixteen yenrs old, nnd tive Stanley, chairman of the commit- fu splendid fonu. hut neither the dopted. spent Tursday with Mrs. Sally Ciiam- com lies, <'npt»lu Ilyivlt, Hot TruintM tion to come and see New York' cele- lUrtfm WelHiiKton, lifteeti yenrs old. tee M hich is Investigating the steel berlaln at West Long lii'&nch. luale be extended to King George. Mr. vil :nv employed in the Atlnntlc ami Resolved, that a warrant he drawn tt-UKt, Is so much stirred up as a re- Tut bill will venture a prediction (hat r Arthur H. Thomas for sixty cents the Army will -win. Tuthill declares ECuBft expressed the belief that lu the 'acitie Tflii rouipnuy liern us diivers sult of tbe published reports that he Reliable Underwear event of tbe king being unable to ac- correct an error made in his bill. and Representative Martin W. Little- Appearances. every Army man is fit. The absence nd ool lectors. dopted. of Dean, the greitt defensive luilfiisu-k cept he might send the present Prince ton of New York had had a row over Your attention we wish to call A capitalist at a dinner said wittily of Wales as his representative. Mr. BrUton was made chairman of the question of continuing tbe com- to our Men's and Young Men's of a suspected gold mine: of the Army, who is ill at the post! BIRDS ATTACK MAN. e fuel committee by action of the ini«Bion's Inquiry that be gflve out a hnsplml. served lo deaden juMluiloii Underwear. "Gold mines are like human beings— oard. signed statement on the subject. We have a most complete (lint might otherwise have hepu fell loomfield Reeident Wounded by Flock Mr. Blodgett was appointed as a they can't be Judged by their appear- hi ihp prospects of a. passible victory. FARLEY MAY VISIT IRELAND. Cbairmtiu Stanley and Representa- atock of the very best and (n Heart of Town, ember of the fuel committee by the tives Beall of Texas, Gardner of Ma»- ance. You know what Frank H. Slork- most reliable brands on the ton used to say about judging by np- After Consistory Probably Wil, Be the Bloomfleld. N. J.. Nov. 2."».—Frank resident. tmchusetts find Mctiilltcuddy of Maine market. STARTS SUFFRAGE CAMPAIGN. Guest of Cardinal Logoe Jock was nttneked hy I ftock of black- Resolved, that thirty days additional tbeu united in a statement denying peflranees: [tome, Nov. 2.".-CnrdinaJ Michael .s in it vuctmt lot at Rroiid street me be granted to the Property Hold- there had been a break between Stan- "'Don't trjist a man because he Uoytl George Mak«s Good Hit Promi»e liOgae, primate of lrelfuid, la coming KkHMntiyUl swenuv. He svistulnod s' Association in which to accept the ley ntffl Littleton. W. H. WOOLLEY & CO. carries a silk umbrella—he may hnvo to the Women. h.ic to attend the consistory. As he iiinfnl injuries of the necU, face, roposition made by the Board of Ed- 1S1 Broadway left a cottyin one in Its place.' " f-.(inrlon, Xov. Ui*».-~Lloyd (Jportie nuuh ami CarUinnl Designate Farley of New end and hands. cation in a previous resolution, anil nn address at (he nnuutil gathering ol York are great friends. It Is likely thnt 'he scene of tho Incident: is almost copy be forwarded to the same. ITALY PLANS BLOCKADE. Advertise in the .Daily Record. the National Liberal fetlerailon ut Bath \\w latter will accompany the Irish thp oentpr of the town. Rock in dopted. iiml la dotug so made good his promise prelate buck to Ireland", where there shiff disturbed the liirdn. who were Rosolved, that hereafter the salary May Evan Try to Fores Dardanelles to sturt n campaign in fuvor of n wn will be a small celebration before the ttag over n crust. He tried to beat the medical examiner be paid Commerce Threatened. man HiitTia^t- amendment to the pro American cardinal sails for home. hem off with his lianas, but wtia un- onthly. Adopted. Constantinople, Nov. 25. — Neutral poeed mjuiixMtii suffpag4 hill. u-ressful until schoolboys came to his Resolved, that the grounds commlt- couunorce Is seriously ttn^firened by f\J T| BROADWAY He devoted one hall" of his long the proposed blockade of the Darda- Weather Forecast. 'Keue. A hundred tiny wounds were e be authorized to have the fence nelles by Italy and Turkey's consequent speech (o iiu earnest plea for broad 1'iilr JIIHI colder today; tomorrow fair, iade by the birds' bills. A physiiiun Primary No. 1 repaired. Adopted. democratic Kiifl'ruge for women. lit defensive measures. \J1A\J THEATRE illi lialag temperature; high north- (tended to his injuries. Resolved, that Prof. Gregory's action The ambassadors of the foreijm pow- Ufgcd, among other things, thnt Vritec i-th'ily winds, diminishing. regard to permits be sustained. women nre enfranchised not 'only in ers heve are conferring on the ^bjfrt, WOMAN BADLY BURNED. dopted. its It is believed that Italian action will < 1 rent H rim in, hut in Kurope. t he.v Resolved, that Mrs. W. D. Schumway would see to it that the hind was no! General Markete, j not IK* delated much longer. It la BUTTER — Firm; rerf.pt i, 3.961 t>«rk- appointed at a salary of $1,000 per drenched with the blond of their BOOS ( asoline In Water Explodes While Be- thought thnt Italy may even try to Lgn; !••»••'> ' • '••' ••;•"• .:*N per lb., 83tta> ing Boiled. *ar, to date from November 13th, fmce the Dardanelles and dictate peace If women, he said, through their en Me-: hfM extras, 31^a32Hc; held lower It Adopted. Irani Hisomeiit saved the world BttC Mount Holly. N. J., Nor. 25.—Mrs. at Constantinople. TO'NIGHT war ihey would have just Hied theji ril EkaE—Flnn; receipt*!, 1,987 boxea: ewis S. Clininbers was saved fi-oni IteHolvod, that Miss White be ap- •rent inakf, Bpeclali, per lb., T~ eirid l)urned to dMth in her bsBM ilnted a teacher at night school at f»te before Qa6 anil man. salary of $2 per night. Adopted. Crew Down With Ship. ily by iir.imiit rosfup hy n«inlibors. Resolved, that the following text Tokyo, Nov. U5.—The Japanese tor- er condition is sericius, hut not npces- pedo boat destroyer Harasumeh, driv- sok be adopted: Modern Knglish ACTS en by n storm upon n reef o#f Cape WEATHER EVERYWHERE. irily fattl. ram mar, Kmeraon and Bender. Mrs. Chmnliers put some ffMQUae in- Sltna last night, sank with the loss of Ivanla and nearby, whites, dopted. forty-flTe members of Its crew of sixtf. Usual High Class Motion Pictures OVwervations nf the Cnlted Anl of kerosene Into some wnfor to Resolved, thai chapter 1, section 17,i,"•;.['' tipnrmry browm, 4Sa43c; ffatbered ush rlothus and (hen phirod the lioll- States weather bureau aken at ,ri)WH tuid mixed. 34a40c. of the Rules and Regulations,"be S p. ni. yeslerdaj follow POTATOB*— Firm i Maine, per bag, $2.88 ? «u top of the wtove. In a few win nended by the Insertion of the wordB 1 emp. Weather l4.fi©; stulf, f •"•<;<:' w, Mirhlgan, 1B0 lb. ba». utos Hier*» w»s n terrific pxplosiou. "olumbus Day" before the words 38 f'loudy B.£&a2.Btt; Sootch, per bas. W.flSal.88; tin. Chiunliers' Iniir was ienit(?4 and HANSON 2 PERFORMANCES 2 \pw York iWMs, anulliern, per Pbl., |2a8. flood V'riday." Adopted. Albany H Cloudy PKKSSEO POULTRY —Turkeys flrm; burned off. Neinhbors who had henr«l Resolved, that the tuition charges Atlantic City . . 40 Cloud v •bloketis *rait; «priti« r«eae, Maryland, her si reams ruslied in|o the house mid r high school nnd elementary school THE UPTOWN STORE BoMOS 38 Haiti ,Pr H* IttttO- put nut i he flames. First Performance Starting at 7 P. M. UVK Pori.THY—Weak. Fhall be $25 and $10, respec- Our lines of Winter goods com- ButTalo 28 t'loudy I1AV ASl> 8THAW—ftteafly. Uveb'. for the llm UaU year a pupil I'liicago :;n Clear Mi:ATS—1/ve veal calves, common t© $5,000,000 Offered For Timor. attends, and $15 and $7. respectively, prising St. l.ouiw B9 Clear •hni.c. jH-i- mo Iba., $6.60a9.75; live calve*. Lisbon. Nov. 28, Holland has offered 1 Admission . . 15 and 20 Cents >.). li.B0a4.te; barnyards, J2.76ai.6O; weet- £0f the second hall" year a pupil at- Blankets, Bed Quilts,Lacies, Men s New Orleans . . Hear >III ;nbl Houtliern, J3 20a5.26; country tfreai- -V-KKUKKt for the. Portuguese part of tcml:<. provided the attendance-- ' and Children's Underwear, Sweat- MATINEE DAILY AT 3.15 Washington ... Clear 69 BROADWAY