What Is Our Maritime Heritage? a Marine Education Infusion
7* DOCUUNT RESUME ED 211 376 SE C36 .'AUTHOR Butzow, John W.: And Others Tint What Is Our Maritime Heritage? Marine Education Infusion Unit on Ships andSailing. Revised Edition. INSTITUTN Maine Univ., Orono. Coll. of EducationA. SPCNS AGITCY National Science Foundation,Washington, !LC. PUE DATE. 60 GRANT F-SER-8008177., NOTE 7 p.: For related documents,see SE-f1:6 055-059. Produced through the Northern New England Marine Education Project. Contains. colored print 'whichmay not 'reproduce well. , AVAIL/iBLE FROM Northern New England Marine Education ErojectrUniv. ', of Maine .at Orono, 206,Shibles Hall, Orono, ME04409 -- ($3.00). EDFS PRICE MF01/PC03 Plus Potage:,, . , °_.., DESCRIPTORS *Activity Units:'Erementary Secondary Education: Environmental Education: Instructional Eatexials; *Interdisciplinary Apprpach: Intermediate Grades; Junior .High, School Students; Local History: *Marine ,Biology: *Navigation: North American Bi%story: s -- 'Oceanography: Water Resources _ IDENTIIERS *Marine Education: Shipbuilding: *Ships ' '. ABSIIRAICT ` " The heritage of ships and boats of northern New England serves as the fbcal point of thisinterdisciplinary; unit for fifth th*ough ninth-gradestudents'. Information on. maritime heritage, buoyancy and flotation, buildinga whitehall rotting boat, masts and sails, basicbf sailing, and northernNew England ships and shipp ng is provided in the teacher's section. Corresponding . illustrat ons, are included. A variety of student activitiesinvolve making sa ling and floating model boats, singingsea chanties, playing bard games, reading'pcems andprose, and making scrimshaw,. Lists of' rint:and nonprint resources and pliaces to visitare provided. (DC) 4 e . , . ..., e., \ t 'i *******0*****1!********4c**********************iig************************ * Reproductions supplied by ERRS' are- the best thatcan be made * * from the original document.
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