"Best Religious Sites in "

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9 Emplacements marqués

Thousand Lights "The Divine Connection"

Built in the 19th century, the historically prominent is a glorious structure infused with traditional Islamic architectural elements. The mosque got its name from the exceptionally large hall where a thousand lamps were illuminated at a time. This is an important religious site for devout Muslims in the city, and there is a separate praying area for women. When fully illuminated, Thousand Lights Mosque is a spectacular sight to behold, as its architectural brilliance is accentuated by the magical lighting, and there for all of Chennai to see by night!

+91 44 2538 3333 (Tourist Information) Peters Road, Chennai

Parthasarathy "The Pallava Design"

With its aesthetic design and brightly colored hues, the Parthasarathy Temple is a spectacular religious sight in Chennai. Dating back to the early 8th century, this temple has visible Pallava styles merged with modern improvisations. Located in a convenient location in , the resident deity of the temple is Lord Vishnu in his glorious charioteer by Mohan Krishnan (talk) avatar, where he acts as the helper and guide to Arjuna, the great warrior in the epic 'Mahabharatha'. This holy spot is visited by many from all over and from neighboring states as well. The adjacent pond is beautifully maintained with construction in the center and that completes the surreal ambiance.

+91 44 2538 3333 (Tourist Information) Singarachari Street, Chennai

Temple de Kapaleeshwarar "Temple de Shiva"

Ayant comme toile de fond un réservoir d’eau sacré, le temple de Kapaleeshwarar est couronné par un gopuram aux couleurs vives. Les dieux, déesses et créatures mythiques qui ornent sa façade surplombent les foules tourbillonnantes de fidèles qui se réunissent en masse dans ce site propice. Considéré comme la résidence sacrée du Seigneur Shiva et by mountainamoeba de la déesse Shakthi, le temple d’Arulmigu Kapaleeswarar est un édifice monumental de quatre étages qui incarne plusieurs divinités hindous. Pendant la journée, la lumière naturelle suinte à l’intérieur, donnant à ce temple un éclat splendide, et la nuit, des projecteurs l’illuminent depuis l’extérieur, augmentant sa beauté nocturne. Ce temple accueille des milliers de fidèles semaine après semaine, qui viennent y demander des bénédictions au Seigneur Shiva. Résonnant avec le son de chants fervents et de prières chuchotées, le temple de Kapaleeshwarar est l’un des édifices les plus célèbres de .

+91 44 2536 7850 (Tourist Information) North Mada Road, Chennai Basilique Saint-Thomas "Architecture majestueuse"

Située près de la plage Beach, la colossale Basilique Saint- Thomas est un site impressionnant. Bâtie en hommage à Saint Thomas qui visita Chennai, elle attire des fidèles de la ville mais aussi de l’extérieur. Cette église vivante accueille des messes régulières qui réunissent de nombreux Chrétiens qui viennent en masse en particulier le by Prof.+Mortel dimanche. Une statue de la Vierge Marie ajoute à son charme rustique, et cette cathédrale vaut vraiment la peine d’être visitée pour son architecture ainsi que son importance historique.

+91 44 2538 3333 (Tourist Information) Santhome High Road, Chennai

St. Mary's "An Architectural Marvel"

The 17th century built St. Mary's Church is the oldest British-made structure in . The gigantic tower is the highlight of this architectural marvel which has striking features such as a bomb-proof roof. Repeated renovations on the main building have still surprisingly preserved the original glory of the church. The interiors too have been elegantly designed, and the walls are adorned with vintage paintings. The one that depicts the legendary scene of 'The Last Supper' is particularly striking. St. Mary's Church is one religious sight that one cannot afford to miss!

+91 44 2538 3333 (Tourist Information) Rajaji Salai, Chennai

Ashtalakshmi Temple "Eight Divine Faces"

With a fantastic waterfront location along Elliot's Beach, the architecturally astounding Ashtalakshmi Temple presents Lakshmi, the Goddess of prosperity in her eight expressive appearances. Inside the temple, lies five separate units having a premier sanctum with Lord Vishnu and Mahalakshmi, while the other units display the rest of her by Public Domain incarnations. The temple is replete with skillful rock carvings along its wall, and a bright combination of colors which manifest a blend of architectural styles, many of which came after recent renovations.

+91 44 2491 1763 Beach Road, Elliot's Beach, Chennai

St. Thomas Mount "Truly Legendary"

A well-known hillock with immense historical importance, St. Thomas Mount is one of Chennai's most famous tourist spots. It is believed that over 2000 years ago, St. Thomas, Christ's disciple, used to live on this hill top and was martyred to death here. This is how, the hillock got its name and significance. The view from the top of this mount is simply breathtaking, and one can see the entire city spread below in all its glory. In and around St. Thomas Mount, there are quite a few churches, schools and places worth paying a visit to; the shrine Senhora Da Expectacao also known as Our Lady of Expectation, being the most important of them all. One cannot afford to miss this mount on a tour to Chennai.

+91 44 2538 3333 (Tourist Information) Off Shill Shrine Road, Chennai Senhora Da Expectacao (Our Lady of Expectation) "Not An Ordinary Shrine"

Built in 1523 by the Portuguese on St. Thomas Mount, Senhora Da Expectacao (Our Lady of Expectation) is no conventional church but actually a symbolic white structure, that stands majestically on the scenic hilltop. This shrine was built on the spot where St. Thomas died, way back in 72 AD. It may be small, but nevertheless is historically significant and evokes a sense of melancholy and wonder. Next to it, there's a chapel and a wonderful golden structure depicting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Off Shill Shrine Road, St. Thomas Mount, Chennai

Shirdi Sai Baba "Religious Worship"

Shirdi Sai Baba is a popular worship spot for tons of local religious folks and even tourists. The trust has also created a serene space for people to sit, and simply enjoy the mystical presence of peace and tranquility in its atmosphere. In addition to the statue of Sai Baba, the temple also houses sculptures of other Hindu Gods like Shiva, Ram, Krishna, Ganpathy which by Public Domain are a beautiful site to see.

Gowramsnkovil Street, , Chennai

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