.........m DEUTSCHE NAXOS SCHUBERT-LIED-EDITION 4 SCHUBERT Mayrhofer-Lieder, Vol. 1 Cornelius Hauptmann, Bass Stefan Laux, Piano THE DEUTSCHE SCHUBERT-LIED-EDITION I In 1816 Franz Schubert, together with his circle of friends, decided to publish a collection of all the songs which he had so far written. Joseph Spaun, whom Schubert had known since his schooldays, tried his (and Schuhert's) luck in a letter to the then unquestioned Master of the German language, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: A selectiofi of Gerrfian sorfgs ~villcorrstitrrte the begifari~rgof this edifio1r;it 1si11corfsist of eight 1~011mies.Tlrefirst hvo (tlrefirst of ~nich,as an e.1-arnrple, yo11 willfiffdirr our letter) corftaifrspoems ~srittenby yorrr Ercellerrcy, tlre tlrird, poefr)' by Sclriller; the forrrtlr artdfifth, 118orksby Klopstock, tlfe .si.xflr by Motthiso~r,Holty, Solis etc., the se1,entlt and eight11 contai~rsorrgs by Ossion, x~lrose works are quite e.~ceptionnl. The Deutsche Schubert-Lied-Edition follows the composer's original concept. All Schubert's Lieder; over 700 songs, will be grouped according to the poets who inspired him, or according to the circle of writers, contemporaries, members of certain literary movements and so on, whose works Schubert chose to set to music. Fragments and alternative settings, providing their length and quality make them worth recording, and works for two or more voices with piano accompaniment will also make up a part of the edition. Schubert set the poetry of over 115 writers to music. He selected poems from classical Greece, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, from eighteenth-century German authors, early Romantics, Biederrrreier poets, his contemporaries, and, of course, finally, poems by Heinrich Heine, although, sadly, the two never met.
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