Rochford District Council Minutes
INDEX 1988 January - December MINUTE iNDEX 1988 ALLOTMENTS Allotment Competition: 318,417,456 ANGLIAN WATER AUTHORITY Sea Bathing Water Quality: 22 Section 16 Main Sewerage Provision — South Fambridge & Ashtngdon Park Estate, Rochford: 71,181 Ferry Road, Hullbridge — Sewer Provision: 151 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh — Sewer Provision: 151 Capital Programme 1987/88 — 1991/92: 263 Privatisation: 550 ASSOCIATION OF DISTRICT COUNCILS Constitution: 392,492 Conference and Exhibition — Blackpool 1988: 412 AUDIT Complaints Procedure: 128,491(E) BRIDLEWAYS Bridleway 38 Rochford — Proposed Diversion: 70,399 Proposed Diversion of Bridleway 27, Stambridge: 340,555 BRITISH RAIL Meetings with: 460 CABLE TELEViSiON Consultation on Franchise Arrangements: 395,469 CAGEFIELD ROAD, STAMBRIDGE District Plan Working Party: 153,336 CAPITAL PROGRAMME Capital Programme 1988/89: 15 Capital Programme - Lift installation - Civic Suite: 272 Draft Capital Programme — Clements Bali. Playing Field Pavilion Extension: 451 Provision for Construction, Fitting and Furnishing of an Emergency Centre at ilockley Woods: l7,49l(c) CARAVAN SITES Halcyon Caravan Site: Riverside Trailer Park Ltd - Licence Amendments: 228 Hullbridge Yacht Club: 229 Brandyhole Yacht Station, Hullbridge: 430(a) The Dome Country Club and Caravan Park Ltd, Lower Road, Hockley: 430(b) Spacing of Caravans - Progress Report: 440,511,528 CAR PARKING Doctors Surgery Site, Websters Way: 24 Market Square, Rochford - Parking Space for Disabled: 264 Pooles Lane, Hullbridge - Bus Turning Area: 420(i),5O1,511 Hockley Village Centre: 463 Pooles Lane Car Park, Hullbridge - Trading: 562 ROC/925f88 - Extension of Public Car Park, Rear of Public Library, Southend Road, Hockley: 563(ii),588 CEMETERIES Change of use of Agricultural Land to Cemetery - ROC/561/88: 487 CHAIRMAN' S ANNOUNCEMENTS Visits to Doggetts County Primary School, Sweyne School, Westerings: 43 Radiotherapy Unit Press Conference: 43 Attendance of Pupils from Rayleigh Jnr and Gt.
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