In the survey, 123 applicants involved in the development and promotion of the Ukrainian fintech sector were selected. 292 applications were received and 123 were selected and submitted to the expert jury for further voting. Basic screening of candidates was conducted among women working in and non-banking institutions, payment companies, startups and the public sector. The selection criteria was experience and results of work in the financial sector, publications on the fintech topics, participation in specialized activities, a proactive position in the promotion of innovative programs and products in the field of finance. The final list includes 50 women who are recognized as the most influential in FinTech industry of . The women in the catalog are listed alphabetically by name. This publication is made possible by support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.

The information contained in the catalog is provided for informational purposes only, without any obligation toward the Association. The Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies, USAID FST, EFSE Development Facility and the jury shall be not liable for any material or any other losses or any outcomes arisen out of the use of the data provided. All rights reserved. The use of data from the catalog is allowed only with reference to the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies.

© UAFIC, 2021

2 Content

Introductory speech, Rostyslav Dyuk, Chairman of the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation companies 4 Introductory speech, Robert Bond, Chief of Party for the Ukraine Financial Sector Transformation 5 Members of the Jury 6 Key facts 8 The Top-50 most influential women in FinTech 10 Upcoming events 35

3 Women are the driving force of Ukraine’s fintech industry There are still many stereotypes about women in everyday life and business. Some people say men are stronger, more resilient and able to work, they are more reliable partners or colleagues and business is not for women. Is it fair to say that such stereotypes have nothing to do with the real state of affairs? For example, a third of the world’s wealth (approximately $70 trillion) belongs to women, and by 2023 this figure could rise even more and reach $93 trillion. In many leading companies, women hold senior positions or are founders and their number is constantly growing. Gender diversity in financial companies leads to better performance. A McKinsey & Company study found that companies with more women in management and employees were 21% more likely to increase profitability and 27% more likely to show better profitability. All this shows that the patriarchal times in business are long over, and women play a very important role in it. And the financial technology industry is no exception – today we will be able to prove it with the help of the rating of «TOP-50 most influential women of FinTech». This rating is designed to show the important role that women play in the fintech industry of Ukraine and society in general, to tell about their successes Rostyslav Dyuk and achievements. The number of women founders or senior executives in fintech startups in Ukraine is Chairman of the Board of the 28% – this figure is even better than in Europe. We are confident that this figure will only grow in the future, Ukrainian Association of Fintech and the stories of the participants in the ranking of «TOP-50 most influential women of FinTech» will inspire and Innovative Companies other women to new achievements and accomplishments.

4 Women in FinTech: Changing the Gender Balance In the industry, women are often overlooked, and not celebrated enough for their achievements. We are pleased that this catalogue is a step toward acknowledging their contributions. However, lack of gender balance is at least as big a problem for the FinTech industry as it is for com- mercial banks. Finance remains a male-dominated profession, whether FinTech or big banks. To some this is an odd result: Fintech entrepreneurs are disruptors, so why wouldn’t they take a non-conventional path in utilizing the untapped potential of women? Yet the data paint a clear picture. In an Oliver Wyman survey of FinTech firms, women represent only 14% of board members, below even the 23% of banks. In a different study carried out in the in 2017, women accounted for just 29% of the Fintech work force. FinTech companies need to be building products and services that consider the ways women approach and access financial servic- es. To accomplish that they must embed diversity into their creative processes. Increasing the participation of women in a country’s economic life is goal that USAID has pursued since the 1960s. Research shows that increased involvement of women in the work force, and especially in Robert Bond finance and credit, promotes more equitable and more sustainable economic growth. The challenge for Chief of Party for the USAID Financial the FinTech industry in Ukraine is to internalize a culture of gender sensitivity in its products, its manage- Sector Transformation Project ment and workforce, and its ownership.

5 Members of the Jury

Dyuk Rostyslav Rashkovan Vladyslav Chernenko Serhiy Tiutiun Anton Lisnyak Yevhen Chairman of the Board of the Alternate Executive Director, IMF Chairman of the Management Deputy Chairman of the Senior Director, Head of Strategic Ukrainian Association of Fintech (Board member) Board of the First Ukrainian Management Board of The State Partnerships in the CIS and South- and Innovation Companies International of Ukraine Eastern Europe, Visa

Fallick Stephane Kartashov Pavlo Fisun Igor Nevmerzhytskyi Vasyl Member of the Management CEO at Ukrainian Shareholder of Oxi Bank, the Advisor to the board chairperson Board, Head of Development Startup Fund owner of UKRKARD of Creditwest Bank, member of the and Innovation Crédit Agricole Association of Financial Analysts

6 Members of the Jury

Kostetskyi Ruslan Iatsenko Oleksii Golik Zhanna Zadoya Yuriy Saprykin Denis Deputy Chairman of the Board Chairman of the Supervisory General Director, International Chairman of the Board Co-founder of of the Ukrainian Association Board of MEGABANK Financial Club “Banker” Concord Bank Sportbank of Fintech and Innovation Companies

Lezhnin Konstantin Danilenko Valeriy Zarakhovych Dmitry Denysiuk Oleksandr Deputy Chairman of the Board Deputy Chairman of the Board CEO and Managing partner of CEO PaySpace Magazine for Retail Business UKRSIBBANK of TASKOMBANK UAPAY BNP Paribas Group

7 Distribution by position 11 % – supervisory board 9% – founder

15% – expert

85% of the women from the 26% – CEO TOP-50 ­list are top managers

Distribution by areas of activity 39% – board level

non-bank 63%

bank 29% Most of the representatives work in companies government 8% providing payment services

8 Distribution by work experience


20% 18% 16%


5-10 11-15 16-20 21-25 26-30

All representatives of the TOP-50 most influential women of fintech have more than 5 years of experience

During this time, 36% of representatives have 60% of women on the list have more than gained experience in international markets 10 years of work experience

83% took up management positions 6 years after the start of their careers

9 Alla Vanetsiants Chairperson of the Management Board PIVDENNYI

Alla has been holding the position of the Chairperson of the Management Board of Pivden- nyi bank since June 2016. Her professional life is inseparably connected with Pivdennyi Bank. In 2013, Mrs. Vanetsiants was appointed Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board; in 2016 she became the First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of Pivdennyi Bank. During her career at Pivdennyi Bank, Alla is contributing to the develop- ment of online services and the implementation of the bank’s new digital strategy. Under Alla’s management, Pivdennyi Bank rebranded and opened 10 branches in a new format, launched a chatbot in Viber, Telegram and Facebook Messenger, and launched a new service – online currency exchange in Pivdennyi MyBank Internet banking.

Alyona Andronikova CEO Moneyveo

Group CEO at Moneyveo, the international fintech company, which is the leader of Ukrainian non-banking credits market. Alyona is the chairman of the Women in Fintech committee of the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies. Alyona has 20 years of experience in business, including about 13 years in the field of business management. She is a transformational leader, expert in development and integration of strategies, re-engineering according to Lean-concept, and profit maximization. She has also passed various programs in Cracow University of Economics, London School of Business & Finance, also has a Master’s Degree in Finance and in Business Administration (Executive МВА program at IE Business School). Alyona is a certified auditor as well as a certified expert of SixSigma methodology and ACCA DipIFR.

10 Anastasia Zimina COO Pri-Num

Anastasia Zimina joined Pri-Num in 2014. Since 2017 she has been holding the position of Chief Operating Officer. Anastasia has over 10 years’ experience and leadership in marketing with strong knowledge of the IT eco-system having worked with Systems Integrators and International Vendors. Expertise in strate- gic marketing planning, branding, and product development.

Alyona Shevtsova CEO LeoGaming

Alyona Shevtsova is a Ukrainian businesswoman, philanthropist and an active member of the Ukrain- ian fintech-community. She has graduated from the Institute of International Relations. Alyona Shevtsova successfully finished her master’s degree in Psychology at The Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv in 2017. In 2009, Alyona Shevtsova founded LeoPartners company, which provided legal support for financial companies and banks. In 2010 she launched the LeoGaming brand, one of the first developers of non-bank payment processing in Ukraine. In 2016 LeoGaming Pay financial company obtained an NBU license to transfer funds in national currency without opening accounts. In January 2017, the fintech-company LeoGaming, headed by Alyona Shevtsova, approved the rules of the LEO national payment system, and in 2019 it acquired the status of the LEO international payment system. As the CEO of LeoGaming and the head of the LEO international payment system Alona Shevtso- va achieved significant professional and financial results, having made the company one of the key participants in the Ukrainian fintech market. 11 Anastasiya Shevchenko General Manager, Partner Lugera Ukraine

Anastasiya is the general manager of Lugera Ukraine (Adecco Ukraine), the author of the book “Digital Era”, an independent fintech expert, the founder and CEO of Fintech Solu- tions, Co-founder of the fintech marketplace Let’sPartner. Anastasiya is also the leader of the HrTech Committee of the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies. From 2004 Anastasiya worked in the banking sector, and from 2012 to 2016 she headed the business development group of Visa in Ukraine. In March 2017, she joined the partners of the world’s largest international company Adecco for personnel management and outsourcing to implement global projects in the financial sector in 9 countries. In September 2017, she became a co-owner and CEO of Fintech Solutions for the implementation of training projects in the field of Fintech. In 2018, the book “Digital Era” was published by Anastasiya together with 35 of the most influential Ukrainian and international experts.

Anna Tigipko Founder izibank

Anna studied at CASS Business School, City University (Masters degree 2006- 2007) and European Business School of London (2002-2005), she has expe- rience in the financial sector – previously Anna was involved in the creation of individual banking products in the TAS group. In 2019, Anna initiated the creation of the Ukrainian izibank. izibank is an easy mobile bank, a fintech pro- ject created jointly with the TAS Group and operating under the TASKOMBANK License. Early in 2021, izibank officially entered the market.

12 Valeriya Vahorovska Co-founder and Head of the Board of FinTech company Fondy

Valeriya has 10 years of experience in the field of payments (corporate banking, investment consulting, fintech). She was engaged in improving the service of receiving payments, programs for corporate clients in Megabank and Oschadbank. At the end of 2014, she founded in Ukraine a payment platform – Fondy, the purpose of which is to help SMEs to develop their business in a fast and cost-effective way – to quickly start accepting payments online and increase their sales by entering new markets and selling internationally. In 2016, she brought the company to the European market, where in four years she built a payment platform for SME’s, which is regularly marked on the maps of the best FinTech companies in countries such as Great Britain, Poland, Spain. Today the company’s offices operate in Great Britain, Ireland, Slovakia, Poland and its clients are more than 14,000 entrepreneurs in Ukraine and Europe. She is an author of a series of publications on the development and functioning of the fintech market in Ukraine and Europe. Now Valeria Vagorovskaya – European fintech expert and Head of the Board of Fondy, but also an ambassador of the international non- governmental organization European Women Payments Network in Ukraine.

Viktoriya Mykhailo Chairman of the Management Board ALFA-BANK

Victoriya Mikhailo has been working in the financial sector for 20 years. From 1995 to 2000, she held the position of CFO of Alfa-Capital. After the acquisition of the bank she worked as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank until 2006. From 2006 to 2009, Ms. Mykhailo returned to the group’s investment business as CEO of Alfa-Capi- tal. In September 2009, she was appointed Chairman of the Board of Alfa-Bank. Under her leadership, Alfa-Bank opened an R&D division – Alfa Digital, which works on the development and improvement of e-commerce and electronic channels of the bank. Also the Sense SuperApp application was launched, which implemented remote video verifica- tion, used drag’n’drop technology, organized media space with the latest financial news.

13 Victoriya Strakhova Ukreximbank member of the Supervisory Board, ­representative of the state from the

Victoriya has over 15 years of professional experience in legal practice and works in the . Before her appointment to Ukreximbank, she worked as a professional consultant in the field of finance and jurisprudence, corporate secretary of the largest bank in Ukraine, project manager of financial sector reform of the National Reform Council project office, and legal and regulatory expert on USAID financial sector projects.

Viktoriya Tigipko Founder and Managing Partner TA Ventures

Viktoriya is the founder and managing partner of the venture fund TA Ventures, as well as the co-founder of WTECH – a closed community for women executives in IT and Tech business. Victoria is the founder of the development of the culture of venture financing in Ukraine, including fintech startups. Ms. Tigipko initiated the creation of all-Ukrainian network of free programming clubs for children CodeClub Ua.

14 Vira Platonova Senior Vice President, General Manager of Visa in Ukraine, Georgia, CIS countries and Southeast Europe

Vira Platonova is a Senior Vice President and Group Country Manager for Visa CISSEE. She oversees all Visa operations in seventeen markets across Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Southeast Europe. Vira Platonova is a highly experienced executive in the payment systems and sectors. Her seventeen-year career includes strategy development and implementation, business development and operational management. Prior to Visa, she was the General Manager for MasterCard’s representative office in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Central Asia. Previously Vira Platonova held senior positions in the Credit Europe Bank, being responsible for the organ- izations of bank’s processing center and development of business as a whole, and in the State Export-Import Bank of Ukraine, working in the payment systems and retail business department.

Galina Zhukova Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, responsible for retail business and network Crédit Agricole

Active speaker and participant of financial and fintech conferences. From 1998 to 2006 Galina Zhukova grew from an economist to a deputy director for work with private clients of the Kyiv Regional Directorate of Raiffeisenbank Ukraine. Since January 2007, she has worked at Crédit Agricole Bank as the Director of the Sales Network Department, and since December 2008 she has held the position of a member of the Management Board responsible for the management of retail business, the bank’s network and digital projects. Galina is currently the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, responsible for the retail business and the network.

15 Deborah Fairlamb Venture funding and development finance strategy adviser at USAID Com- petitive economy project USF expert

Executive level professional with 20+ years of corporate, entrepreneurial and government expe- rience in multinational companies. Deborah Fairlamb managed global marketing and business platforms that substantially increased awareness, revenue and clients for UBS and Lynch. She used her extensive experience of work in the United States for strategic planning and execution of new businesses in Ukraine, Israel and Georgia. Coordinated launches of two, new, innovative initiatives for the to drive national level economic growth. She also coordinated launch of Ukrainian National Startup Fund. She is the Deputy Head of the USAID Competitive Economy Project, which has implemented many initiatives to develop the startup market in general and fintech in particular.

Jane Klepa Executive Director of the 1991 Open Data Incubator, co-founder and former CMO SPREAD

Jane is an ambassador at WTECH community in the field of IT-startups, a social investor at Urban Space 500. Has been actively developing the tech community in Ukraine and abroad for more than 8 years. Initially building international relations with companies and their clients, now transforming and uniting the corporate sector with startups and government institutions. Jane teaches as a guest lecturer at KSE and IIB, joins projects as a mentor and advisor. He often acts as a moderator and speaker at international conferences, as an auxiliary element for the ecosystem.

16 Zarina Odinaeva Program Lead for Digital and Credit Infrastructure Programs, Europe and Central Asia IFC Co-Task Team Leader Financial Sector Programs, Tajikistan WBG

Zarina Odinaeva is the Program Lead for Europe and Central Asia Digital and Credit Infrastructure programs in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. The Program is to support countries in facilitating conducive legal and regulatory environment for digital and infrastructure development, open markets for the existing and new players to come with innovative products and solutions and support the private sector players to provide access to financial services for un/underbanked population that reside not only in urban, but also in remote rural areas through the introduction of innovative solutions and developing credit infrastructure for better access to credit for individuals and SMEs .The program interacts with governments and financial sector regulators, key private market players and professional associations.

Inga Andreieva Country Manager of Mastercard in Ukraine and Moldova

Inga Andreieva leads Mastercard in Ukraine and Moldova since September 2018. Under Inga’s management, Mastercard continues to strengthen its positions in the payment market. The company is actively developing digital payment services and fintech solutions, smart city concept, and financial inclusion. Today Ukraine is among the leading countries in the world in the number of NFC-payments with Mastercard cards in digital services Google Pay, Apple Pay, Garmin Pay and Mi Pay; together with partner banks the company ensured the launch of these services on the Ukrainian market. Since 2015 the company has implemented more than 40 smart city projects in Ukraine. Inga has more than 18 years of experience in the industry. Before Mastercard, Inga worked for the of Ukraine, as well as in commercial banks, where she has achieved significant success in building strong client relationships and ensured business growth.

17 Inna Meteleva Deputy Chairman of the Board UAFIC

Currently, Inna holds the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian association of fintech and innovation companies in the direction of AgriFoodTech. Inna is responsible for the digitalization of the agricultural sector using fintech startup solutions. As Deputy Minister of Economy, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine, Inna Meteleva was responsible for the development of the agricultural and food market, innovation and investment development of agro-industrial production, cooperation with international organizations on attracting international technical assistance to the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. Before that Ms. Meteleva headed the Kyiv office of the British investment group Charterhouse Corporate Partners, and also held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Board of Svarog West Group. Since 2020, she has been a senator at the World Business Angels Investment Forum.

Inna Tiutiun Deputy Chairman of the Board UAFIC

Inna has 24 years of exprerience in the banking sector, she worked in commercial, national and state banks. In a she went from a specialist of the second category to the director of the department of retail business and network management. In the National Bank she was responsible for payments, – the transition of the national system of mass payments to international standards and introduction of new models of electronic money. In the state bank she was respon- sible for the development of retail business as well as the construction of a processing center. Since 2018, she has been working in the Ukrainian Association of Fintech and Innovation Companies, she is responsible for payments and leads fast payment system in Ukraine. Inna is the Chairman of the Payment Committee of the UAFIC.

18 Iryna Starominska Chairman of the Board UNIVERSAL BANK

She has many years of experience in management positions in the field of finance, including experience in forming and managing effective teams in extreme conditions during the period of political instability in Ukraine. She began her career in the banking system of Ukraine in 2000 in KYIV-PRIVATE (later – TAS-). The total banking experience is over 20 years. Since 2017 she has been the Chairman of the Management Board of Universal Bank and this year the first Ukrainian neobank – monobank – started operating on the basis of Universal Bank. During Iryna’s work as a manager, optimization was carried out at Universal Bank, unprofitable branches were closed, IT infrastructure was rebuilt, new technological products were launched. Irina said in her interviews that the future is in digital transformation of banks.

Kateryna Danylchenko СЕО IBCH

Kateryna holds the position of the Chairman of the Board of the International Bureau of Credit Histories (ICBI). Ms. Danylchenko has more than 12 years of general professional experience in banking, project management, risk management, business transformation, product development and comprehensive consulting services. He has experience in 11 countries. Before joining MBKI, she held various senior risk management positions at several Ukrainian banks, and most recently was a consultant at the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, where she was responsible for credit risk management and credit reporting. Kateryna also prepared project frameworks and organized cooperation with stakeholders. In addition to her professional activities, Kateryna also organized numerous seminars and round tables.

19 Kateryna Limonova Project implementation team leader Idea Bank

Kateryna Limonova is the project manager of the Transaction Services Development Division (Digital Banking Department). She graduated from the Kyiv International University of Civil Aviation with a degree in Accounting and Auditing. She has also hosted the FinAwards and PaySpace Magazine Awards.

Katerina Melesh Еx-Сhairman of the Board TASKOMBANK

Kateryna has over 23 years of experience in the banking sector. In the past, Kateryna held the position of the Chairman of the Board of TAScombank and was one of the ideologues of transforming the TAS Group into the way of introducing innovations into the bank’s culture, actively developing the e-business direction of the group.

20 Ekaterina Mogilnitskaya Deputy Chairman of the Board UAFIC

As Deputy Chairman of the Board, Ekaterina Mogilnitskaya is responsible for the development of the EduTech direction, interaction with higher educational institutions in order to popularize the teaching of disciplines necessary for the development of FinTech specialists and the development of fintech Laboratories in universities. Ms. Mogilnitskaya has had extensive experience and has made a lot of efforts to establish cooperation between Ukraine and China in terms of innovation development, she is an expert on socio-political issues, author of many scientific articles and a teacher at the Institute of international relations.

Kateryna Rozhkova First Deputy Governor of the NBU

Kateryna Rozhkova has been working in the banking system of Ukraine since 1998, of which 12 years – at management positions: Deputy Chairman of the Board, Member of the Board, Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Erste Bank, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Finbank, later – Platinum Bank. In 2009, she headed the Department of Banking Supervision of the National Bank for six months, and from 2015 to 2016 she was the Director of the Banking Supervision Department of the National Bank. Deputy Governor of the National Bank since October 25, 2016. Since January 18, 2016 – Acting Deputy Chairman, Member of the Board of the National Bank. First Deputy Governor of the National Bank since June 15, 2018. Kateryna Rozhkova’s sphere of management includes issues of financial sector regulation and consumer protection. Working at the NBU, she made a significant contribution to the development of the financial sector strategy 2025 (which also includes the fintech strategy), as well as a significant contribution to the development of the non-banking financial sector.

21 Kate Shcheglova-Goldfinch Fintech and Regulatory Sandboxes Development Consultant to the World Bank

TOP50 Fintech Global, TOP100 Women B2B Thought Leaders To Follow’2020/2021 by Thinkers360, TOP8 Ukrainian Women in Fintech by PaySpace magazine, author of the mini-MBA programme “Digital finance 4.0” supported by the NBU and focused on open banking, senior project manager at NBU | EBRD on Ukrainian fintech strategy development-2025 (worked on the document, including the NBU’s sandbox concept, from Oct’19 till June’20, the Strategy was adopted by the NBU on June’20), the­ co-founder of Global Payments Day, global and Ukrainian fintech events’ moderator, fintech & tech bestsellers science editor (e.g. “Digital human” by fintech-guru Chris Skinner, “Connecting the dots” by John Chambers, СЕО Cisco). Currently World Bank’s consultant, working on the NBU’s regulatory sandbox launch.

Lidiia Yeremenko Head of Ukrainian Fintech Hub, PR Specialist Platon

Lidiia is responsible for PR and marketing of PSP Platon. At the same time, Lidiia is an ideologue and host of the Ukrainian Fintech Hub Youtube channel, where she con- ducts exclusive interviews with FinTech market and business players. Lidiia also hosted the following events: Digital Lending Conference 2020, PaySpace Magazine Awards 2020, as well as a pitch battle of startups, which took place as part of the largest FinTech conference in Eastern Europe and the CIS – UAFIN.TECH 2020.

22 Ludmyla Rabchynska Deputy Minister for Digital Transformation

Ludmyla Rabchynska is responsible for monitoring and improving the quality of public services, de- veloping the CNAP network, electronic trust services, e-identification, e-democracy, personal data protection and staff development of public service providers. The ideologist of the project “e-baby”, thanks to which parents of newborns can simultaneously receive about 8 government services from various authorities. Founder and curator of projects: Guide to Public Services, Platform of Action Centers, ID-14, ICEI, Unified online platform for interaction between government agencies and civil society institutions “Interaction”. Ms. Rabchynska is also the ideologist of a remote identification project based on the Ministry of Digital Transformation.

Marina Avdeyeva Co-owner Arsenal

Marina Avdeyeva is an entrepreneur and evangelist of the Ukrainian Insurtech. Ms. Avdeeva is a co-owner of Arsenal Insurance and the founder of Easy Peasy Insurtech. She was included in the TOP-100 successful women of Ukraine according to Novoe Vremya, entered the TOP-50 most successful women of Ukraine in the nomination “Finance” according to the magazine “Business”, and was the winner in the nomination “Breakthrough of the Year” of the international award ELLE STYLE AWARDS. Marina is an expert in scaling and profitable growth, operational efficiency and service quality.

23 Nadiya Hladkevych CEO РЕНОМЕ, director РЕНОМЕ SMART

Nadiya Hladkevych was at the origins of RENOME. Since 2006, Nadiya has been the CEO of the RENOME group of companies. Under the leadership of Nadiya Gladkevych, the company gained the image of leadership in the field of FinTech solutions, business process automation and outsourcing. The company’s services and solutions are used by banks and financial institutions in 20 countries.

Natalia Drik CEO Blockchain Association of Ukraine

CEO of the Blockchain Association of Ukraine, architect of the concepts of state digitalization, blockchain expert. In January 2018, she joined and led the project to establish the Blockchain Association of Ukraine (UAB).

24 Nataliia Kosenko Deputy Chairman of the Board FUIB

Ms. Kosenko heads the processing process of FUIB Bank, is an ideologist of the card innova- tions and interaction with fintech startups not only of FUIB Bank, but also of banks-partners. Nataliia Kosenko headed FUIB’s Donetsk branch from 1999 to 2009 and was appointed Chairman of the Board of Dongorbank in 2009. As the Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, Nataliia Kosenko joined FUIB’s team in 2011.

Nataliia Slieptsova Head of Global Events & MarCom Innovecs

Nataliia has more than 12 years of practical experience in the field of marketing, 6 of which – on management positions in the field of IT and telecommunications, banking and FinTech. Since 2017, she has been providing consulting services – helping companies with digitalization, marketing strategy development, team building, partner network development, anti-crisis communications etc. Previously, Natalia held the position of Marketing / HR / Admin Director in the group of FinTech-companies – Interkassa. Among the achievements: partnership with Visa, the victory in three rankings, such as the choice of the year, the best payment service and the best employer among pro­duct IT companies in Ukraine. In 2019, she created her own event agency Business Stand Up, one of the implemented projects – the first in Ukraine FinTech Stand Up, which tells about fintech in simple words and with humor. In 2020, she became the UAFIC Marketing and Communications Advisor. She recently joined Innovecs, where she holds the position of Head of Global Events & MarCom.

25 Nina Omelchuk Editor in Chief PaySpace Magazine

Nina is the editor-in-chief of PaySpace Magazine, an online project dedicated to e-commerce, payments and related financial services, payment systems and innovations in this area. PaySpace Magazine also covers topics of economics, the banking sector, information technology. Nina joined the PaySpace Magazine team back in 2011 and has been working to cover the latest news in Ukrainian fintech and the financial sector.

Oksana Markarova Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States

Ms. Markarova is the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to the United States of America. Earlier, Oksana Markarova held the position of Minister of Finance of Ukraine. At her initiative, in 2015 the largest digital open data portal in the sector E-data ( was created, which now consists of modules, and In 2018, Oksana Markarova received the Open Data Leader Award for the highest personal merit in the development of open data. She managed the creation and operation of the UkraineInvest Investment Attraction and Support Office and initiated the creation of the Ukrainian Startup Fund. Ms. Markarova led corporate governance reform in state-owned banks. The reform helped to restructure the ideology of state-owned banks on the path of innovation and broad interaction with financial technologies.

26 Olena Korobkova Executive Director The Independent Association of the Banks of Ukraine (IABU)

Olena has 22 years of experience in banking sector. She held senior positions in the Independent Asso- ciation of Banks of Ukraine (IABU) since its inception, and since 2014 has headed the association. Elena also works in international projects in collaboration with the World Bank, IFC, KfW and others. Olena Korobkova is the Deputy Chairman of the International Coordinating Council of Banking Associations of the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe (International Banking Council), the member of the Exchange Coun- cil of the Ukrainian Stock Exchange, the member of the Confederation of the Financial Market of Ukraine. Chairman of the Board of the Charitable Organization “League of Banks of Ukraine”, co-founder of the NGO “International Diplomatic Council in Ukraine”. Olena takes an active part in improving the regulatory environment of the banking sector, holding the positions of a member of interdepartmental groups of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.

Olena Sosyedka Founder of the open fintech ecosystem Concord Fintech Solutions

Olena Sosyedka is a founder of the open fintech ecosystem Concord Fintech Solutions. She is the Head of the Supervisory Board of ConcordBank, member of the Independent Association of Banks of Ukraine (NABU). She has many years of experience and deep expertise in the financial and banking industries. Olena initiated the creation of an independent processing center ProCard, IT company MustPay and became a co-founder of the digital charity fund “DobroDiy”. Further- more, she created the first open fintech ecosystem in Ukraine Concord Fintech Solutions (CFS) in 2020. The CFS infrastructure was formed by ConcordBank, ProCard, MustPay, ConcordPay pay- ment service, MassPay billing system, charity fund DobroDiy and a wide range of team expertise, which allows companies from different industries to create their fintech projects.The purpose of the ecosystem is partnership and development of the fintech market of Ukraine, instead of competition.

27 Olena Tuz Owner Simple Money

Olena is an experienced financier, ideologue of the digital transformation of the ­insurance and non-banking market. Olena is a shareholder of the financial group, which includes Simple Money, Simple Investand LM Management. Thanks to the unique adaptive scoring model, Simple Money’s portfolio for the first year of operation amounted to UAH 100 million. This allowed not only to maintain, but also to increase volumes during lockdown and quarantine.

Olga Afanasyeva CEO UVCA

CEO of Ukrainian Venture Capital & Private Equity Association (UVCA), Ambas­sador European Women in Venture Capital (from Ukraine), TEDx speaker, co-­organizer of the Ukrainian House in Davos, founder of VC chatrOOm.

28 Olga Gavrina CEO&Co-founder Chargeback Optimizer

The ideologue of the unique digital ecosystem for processing chargeback operations – Chargeback Optimizer Platform. Olga is card fraud management expert and certified chargeback expert with 10 years of experience. Olga has been working in the field of payment cards for over 14 years. During this period, she learned everything about payment cards – from how to make a card design, to the organization of processing. She has in-depth knowledge of the technical and operational aspects of the operation of banks, payment aggregators and payment card sellers. The company develops refund management solutions for banks, payment intermediaries and merchants to help companies avoid losses in card disputes.

Olga Ustinova CEO Vodafone

Olga Ustinova has been working to spread mobile communications across the country since 2000. Ms. Olga held senior positions in Ukrainian telecommunications companies, such as , Astelit, N-Pay, GSM Ukraine, and MTS. In 2016, she headed the MTS network, which under her leadership underwent a complete rebranding and received a new European name – Vodafone. During Ms. Ustinova’s managing, Vodafone intro- duced 4G, and the company agreed with Kyivstar to share networks. Vodafone also joined the project “Internet in the subway”, in which high-speed mobile Internet appeared at 14 stations and in the tunnels of the Kyiv metro.

29 Olga Filipenko Executive Director ALFA-BANK

Olga has more than 9 years of experience in the banking sector. Starting from October 2019, Olga holds the position of Executive Director of Alfa-bank. Prior to that, Ms. Olga managed the digital business. In this position, Olga built the digital business of Alfa-Bank of Belarus from scratch. Olga is also one of the ideologist of the Sense SuperApp application.

Svitlana Obolenska Project manager iPay

The project manager at iPay has more than 15 years of experience in the banking sector, headed the department for work with corporate clients of the Central region at Ukrsibbank. As a project manager at iPay, she develops the company’s products, which already allow people to transfer money and pay for the services of more than 5,000 companies on one site. iPay was also one of the first to launch a feature that allows you to pay tips in our favorite restaurants in cashless.

30 Svitlana Chyrva Regional Manager Visa

Svitlana Chyrva is Visa Country Manager for Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, based in Kyiv, Ukraine. Svitlana is managing the overall development of Visa electronic payments business in Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus, including relations with client-bank, merchants and other market stakeholder’s by increas- ing Visa’s footprint in these markets, and enhancing values the company provides to its partners and cardholders. Svitlana joined Visa in 2019 brining to the company 20+ years of experience in FMCG, insurance and banking. Prior to her current role with Visa, she was a Deputy Chairwoman and a member of Board of Directors of a leading Ukrainian bank. In this position, Svitlana managed a team with over 4000 people, worked out a business strategy (for retail), communicated with Bank heads and Regulatory Authority participating in round tables and conferences, and was responsible for cooperation with trading chains. Svitlana holds a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from KMBS.

Tamara Savoshchenko Deputy Chairman of the Board UKRGASBANK

She has 28 years of experience in banking sector. She started her banking career in 1993 at as an economist. At the end of 2004, she started setting up a back office in Ukr- sotsbank, which she later headed. Since 2009, Tamara has been managing not only the back office, but also the IT department of Ukrsotsbank and Bank Ukraine. In 2014 she was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Board, in 2015-2017 she was the Chairman of the Board of Ukrsotsbank. In November 2017, she was appointed the Deputy Chairman of the Board of Ukrgasbank and is currently the curator of the bank’s operations.

31 Kristina Karmazina Ex-head of e-business of PrivatBank

Kristina has more than 8 years of experience in banking. Previously, Mrs. Karmazina was the ideologist of innovative products at Privat24 and the expert in the devel- opment of Internet acquiring LiqPay. She has experience in managing and inspiring a team of 168 employees, and she also is a mentor for startups. Kristina is currently the Head of the project Bank Vlashogo ­Rahunku, which is jointly developed by Bank Vostok and Fozzy Group.

Yulia Vitka Deputy Chief of Party USAID Financial Sector Transformation Program

Legal and financial expert with 15 years of experience in the areas of financial sector reform, capital markets, access to finance and consumer protection. Yulia has worked at management positions on the projects in financial sector and capital market in USAID for 10 years. During these years, she participated in the development of a large number of bills in accordance with international best practices. Ms. Vitka is one of the authors of the Laws “On Consumer Lending” and “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Protection of Consumers of Financial Services” (draft № 2456), which gave the regulators the relevant powers. She provided methodological and legal support to the NBU and the NSSMC in implementing consumer protection regulations at the position of a Deputy Project Manager, USAID FST. She has been trained in consumer and investor protection in US and French regulators. Yulia is the editor and co-author of the textbook “Financial Literacy” for schools.

32 Yulia Kyrpa Partner, Head of FinTech AEQUO

Yulia consistently advises foreign FinTech companies and banks, seeking to expand their businesses in Ukraine. In particular, she assisted with the implementation of several first-of-a-kind FinTech solutions in Ukraine, including the first fully digital factoring platform, and a neobank, focusing on small entrepre- neurs. She further helped to implement one of the leading fully digital lending platforms and advised on legal aspects of cryptocurrencies transactions. In addition to her classical legal education, Yulia has obtained a degree in FinTech Law & Policy from Duke university of North Carolina, USA. “The Legal 500” has inducted Yulia into their inaugural Hall of Fame, while ”Who’s Who Legal” has included her into its list of Thought Leaders – Global Elite, among very few Eastern European lawyers. Moreover, Yulia is listed by IFLR1000 – Women Leaders among the top 300 female lawyers in the world and recognised by the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers (Europe) among top 10 most innovative lawyers in Europe.

Julia Metzger Member of the Supervisory Board PRIVATBANK

Lawyer, attorney. She has 20 years of experience in banking in the field of law, risk management, corporate governance and compliance. Currently, Yulia is a member of the Supervisory Board of PrivatBank, a representative of the President of Ukraine, Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the Supervisory Board of PrivatBank on corporate gover­ nance, remuneration and appointments, a member of the Supervisory Board of PrivatBank on strategy and transformation, a member of the Supervisory Board of PrivatBank.

33 Julia Pashko Member of the Supervisory Board State Savings Bank of Ukraine

Julia has more than 10 years of experience in banking in management positions. She was a member of the Supervisory Board of Ukrgasbank and was responsible for risk management. She has significant expertise in reforming state-owned banks and the banking sector of Ukraine. Since July 2019, Julia was a consultant for the EBRD’s Project Reform Cycle for International Financial Institutions (IFIs) Project Cycles. She currently holds the position of a member of the Supervisory Board of Oschadbank.

Jaanika Merilo Advisor to the Head of the State Tax Service of Ukraine, eHealth Coordinator, “Country on a smartphone”

Jaanika focused on creating a favorable business and investment environment in Ukraine by implementing e-government solutions from e-democracy to open budgets, procurement and e-health in Ukraine. Jaanika is considered one of the main leaders of the Ukrainian digital revolution and the development of electronic government services.

34 Upcoming events

UAINSUR.TECH DAY Digital Lending The event is dedicated to the transition of insurance companies The third largest online conference in Ukraine on to a new era of Insurance-as-a-Service. We will consider the digital lending and finance. It is here that represent- challenges that insurance companies face in the digital space, atives from leading lending companies, banks and the cases of successful implementation of online platforms into government officials will discuss the complexities of work and discuss how customer preferences are changing in the post-COVID world through informative talks and the realities of the digital world and meet the leading Canadian panel discussions on the most important trends in and Ukrainian InsurTech companies. digital finance and online lending.

Digital Banking Conference UAFIN.TECH The most anticipated event of the year on the topic The fourth annual international conference on the of digital transformation in the banking sector and latest innovations and technologies of the financial the development of the neobank market, where for sector and the largest conference on Fintech and in- the second year in a row leading bankers, investors, novation in the financial sector in Eastern Europe and FinTech industry experts, government officials, heads the CIS countries. Top Ukrainian and foreign speakers of innovative companies and all interested players of join the conference to discuss the future development the Ukrainian market will meet. of Fintech in Ukraine and the world.

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