
People and Events of the Revolution

Directions: There are 15 people or events from the on this page. There are 45 descriptions listed below. 3 descriptions will fit each person or event. Write the number of the person or event next to the 3 descriptions that match.

1. George 9. Lexington and Concord 2. 10. Bernardo de Galvez 3. 11. , 1783 4. Marquis de Lafayette 12. 5. Declaration of Independence 13. 6. Battle of Saratoga 14. Battle of Yorktown 7. King George III 15. 8. Ben Franklin

12 “Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!” French general and statesman. Author of the Declaration of Independence. ¼ of the soldiers died from disease, malnutrition, and exposure to cold. The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War. 2nd president of the U.S.A. Spanish military leader. Commander in chief of the . The last major battle of the Revolutionary War. Document written and signed in 1776. Sites in of the 1st battles of the American Revolution. A turning point in the Revolutionary War. American statesman who negotiated an alliance with during the American Revolution. Author of . King of England during the American Revolution. Member of the committee to draft the Declaration of Independence. He commanded the French army that helped the Americans during the American Revolution. It confirmed the independence of the . Recipient of the Declaration of Independence. Battles that started the American Revolution in 1775. Battle in which the British forces surrendered. Leader of the soldiers at Valley Forge. He believed all men had certain unalienable rights. A leader of colonial protest from Virginia. “’Tis time to part.” Colonists who disagreed with the revolution remained loyal to him. His victories helped extend Spain’s empire in North America. He ridiculed the idea that kings ruled by the will of God. ’s plot to betray America was discovered at this battle. His son, William, took Britain’s side. The father and son stopped speaking. The Continental Army spent the winter of 1777-1778 here in . July 4, 1776 “Shot heard ‘round the world.” It stated that each side would repay debts it owed the other. He joined , John Adams, and two others to sign the Treaty of Paris, 1783. Member of the 1st and 2nd Continental Congresses who wrote letters to his wife Abigail. He wrote, “All men are created equal”. The French fleet arrived to help Washington trap Cornwallis. The Spanish governor of Louisiana who helped the Americans in the lower Mississippi Valley. On , 1776, he led his men to victory at the . 19-year-old French nobleman who volunteered to serve in Washington’s army. Battle that convinced the French to come help the Americans. He believed war with Britain was inevitable. The core idea of the document is based on the philosophy of . Despite the hardships, Washington & his soldiers showed amazing endurance.