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旅游减贫案例2020(2021-04-06) 1 2020 世界旅游联盟旅游减贫案例 WTA Best Practice in Poverty Alleviation Through Tourism 2020 Contents 目录 广西河池市巴马瑶族自治县:充分发挥生态优势,打造特色旅游扶贫 Bama Yao Autonomous County, Hechi City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region: Give Full Play to Ecological Dominance and Create Featured Tour for Poverty Alleviation / 002 世界银行约旦遗产投资项目:促进城市与文化遗产旅游的协同发展 World Bank Heritage Investment Project in Jordan: Promote Coordinated Development of Urban and Cultural Heritage Tourism / 017 山东临沂市兰陵县压油沟村:“企业 + 政府 + 合作社 + 农户”的组合模式 Yayougou Village, Lanling County, Linyi City, Shandong Province: A Combination Mode of “Enterprise + Government + Cooperative + Peasant Household” / 030 江西井冈山市茅坪镇神山村:多项扶贫措施相辅相成,让山区变成景区 Shenshan Village, Maoping Town, Jinggangshan City, Jiangxi Province: Complementary Help-the-poor Measures Turn the Mountainous Area into a Scenic Spot / 038 中山大学: 旅游脱贫的“阿者科计划” Sun Yat-sen University: Tourism-based Poverty Alleviation Project “Azheke Plan” / 046 爱彼迎:用“爱彼迎学院模式”助推南非减贫 Airbnb: Promote Poverty Reduction in South Africa with the “Airbnb Academy Model” / 056 “三区三州”旅游大环线宣传推广联盟:用大 IP 开创地区文化旅游扶贫的新模式 Promotion Alliance for “A Priority in the National Poverty Alleviation Strategy” Circular Tour: Utilize Important IP to Create a New Model of Poverty Alleviation through Cultural Tourism / 064 山西晋中市左权县:全域旅游走活“扶贫一盘棋” Zuoquan County, Jinzhong City, Shanxi Province: Alleviating Poverty through All-for-one Tourism / 072 中国旅行社协会铁道旅游分会:利用专列优势,实现“精准扶贫” Railway Tourism Branch of China Association of Travel Services: Realizing “Targeted Poverty Alleviation” Utilizing the Advantage of Special Trains / 080 2 河南信阳市新县田铺乡大塆村:耳目一新的“文创小店 + 乡舍农家 + 特色商品”旅游扶贫模式 贵州黔东南苗族侗族自治州雷山县:大力发展乡村旅游,助推民族村寨脱贫 Dawan Village, Tianpu Township, Xin County, Xinyang City, Henan Province: Completely Innovative Tourism- Leishan County, Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, Guizhou Province: Striving to Develop Based Poverty Alleviation Mode of “Culture & Creative Shop + Farmhouse + Characteristic Commodities” / 088 Village Tourism to Help Ethnic Villages Get Rid of Poverty / 174 万达集团“包县”帮扶项目:企业通过全要素投入推动可持续脱贫 中国旅游集团:对口帮扶香格里拉,打造标杆项目 “Counterpart Support for Counties” Project of Wanda Group: Enterprises Promote Sustainable Poverty Alleviation China Tourism Group: Provide Counterpart Support to Shangri-La and Build a Benchmarking Project / through Total Factor Input 183 / 096 湖北恩施土家族苗族自治州宣恩县:紧扣“融合”,全域旅游发展助力脱贫致富 穷游网:以文创产品为抓手,“文创 + 旅行”的多维扶贫实践 Xuan’en County, Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Hubei Province: Alleviating Poverty through QYER: Multi-dimensional Poverty Alleviation Practices of “Cultural and Creative Industry Development + Integration and All-for-one Tourism Development / Tourism” Supported by Cultural and Creative Products 192 / 104 四川达州市宣汉县巴山大峡谷景区:文旅扶贫与生态保护相结合,确保真正脱贫奔小康 世界银行格鲁吉亚伊梅列季亚州项目:用目的地管理组织(DMO)促进私人资本的融资 Bashan Grand Canyon Scenic Area of Xuanhan County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province: Getting Rid of Poverty World Bank Project in Imereti, Georgia: To Promote Private Capital Financing with DMO / and Building a Well-off Society Based on a Combination of Poverty Alleviation through Cultural Tourism and 112 Ecological Protection / 200 四川南充市仪陇县朱德故里景区:构建“三模式”,助推“景区带村”旅游扶贫 The Scenic Area of Zhu De’s Former Residence in Yilong County, Nanchong City, Sichuan Province: Promote the 甘肃甘南藏族自治州:构建旅游扶贫新模式,探索精准扶贫新路子 Poverty Alleviation through Tourism Featuring “Tourism Areas Boosting Village Development” through “Three Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province: Forge a New Mode of Poverty Alleviation through Models” Tourism, Explore New Ways of Targeted Poverty Alleviation / 120 / 209 贵州六盘水市水城县海坪村:“六业并举” 开创易地扶贫搬迁“海坪模式” 世界银行埃塞俄比亚旅游业可持续发展项目 : 克服困难长期推进,PDO 级别成果显著 Haiping Village, Shuicheng County, Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province: Building the “Haiping Mode” Of World Bank Sustainable Tourism Development Project in Ethiopia: Overcoming Difficulties, Exerting Long-term Relocation-Based Poverty Alleviation with Six Key Measures / 128 Efforts and Achieving Remarkable PDO Level Results / 218 浙江丽水市遂昌县龙洋乡茶园村:用“情境乡村”建设新路径破解乡村活化难题 河北保定市阜平县顾家台村、骆驼湾村:有计划、按步骤助力全县脱贫攻坚事业 Chayuan Village, Longyang Town, Suichang County, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province: Solving Rural Activation Gujiatai Village and Luotuowan Village, Fuping County, Baoding City, Hebei Province: Fuel the County’s Poverty Problems through a New Path of “Situational Village” Construction / 136 Alleviation Cause as Planned Step by Step / 226 中邮传媒助力甘肃甘南藏族自治州舟曲县扶贫行动:立足本行业资源优势,开展旅游精准扶贫 山东威海市西山后村:“农户 + 合作社 + 公司”生态旅游开发,助力贫瘠乡村脱贫致富 China Post Advertising Co., Ltd. Aiding Poverty Alleviation in Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Xishanhou Village, Weihai City, Shandong Province: Developing Ecological Tourism through the “Farmer + Prefecture, Gansu Province: Conducting Targeted Poverty Alleviation through Tourism Based on Resource Cooperative + Company” Mode for Poverty Alleviation Advantages of the Industry / 234 / 144 内蒙古鄂尔多斯市乌审旗:激发精准扶贫内生动力,为乡村振兴注入新活力 重庆巫山县:“五大措施”探索乡村旅游助推扶贫新模式 Wushen Banner, Erdos City, Inner Mongolia: Stimulating the Inner Driving Force for Targeted Poverty Alleviation Wushan County, Chongqing City: Explore a New Model for Promoting Poverty Alleviation through Village and Injecting New Vitality into Rural Revitalization / 242 Tourism with “Five Measures” / 150 福建宁德市屏南县龙潭村:用“文创 - 旅游”模式激发乡村减贫内生动力 西藏拉萨市达东村:“景区带村”模式打造乡村旅游扶贫标杆 Longtan Village, Pingnan County, Ningde City, Fujian Province: Stimulate the Inner Driving Force for Rural Dadong Village, Lhasa City, Tibet Autonomous Region: Set a Benchmark for Rural Poverty Alleviation through Poverty Reduction with the Mode of “Culture and Creative Industry and Tourism” / Tourism by the Model of “Driving the Development of Villages with Scenic Areas” 251 / 158 安徽六安市霍山县陡沙河村:从贫困乡村到高端生态旅游度假村的涅槃 河北承德市“一号风景大道”:打造风景道品牌,推进“非遗 + 扶贫”试点 Doushahe Village, Huoshan County, Liu’an City, Anhui Province: Nirvana from an Impoverished Village to a “No.1 Scenic Avenue” in Chengde City, Hebei Province: Build a Brand of Scenic Avenue and Promote the Pilot of Hi-end Ecological Tourism Resort / 260 “Intangible Cultural Heritage + Poverty Alleviation” / 166 浙江杭州市淳安县下姜村:打好脱贫攻坚战,旅游减贫成效明显 Xiajiang Village, Chun’an County, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province: Winning the Battle Against Poverty , and Achieving Remarkable Progress in Poverty Alleviation through Tourism / 269 四川甘孜藏族自治州稻城县:坚持“旅游 + 扶贫”思路,探索“定制服务”脱贫模式 Daocheng County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province: Stick to the “Tourism + Poverty Alleviation” Idea, and Explore the Poverty Alleviation Mode through “Customized Services” / 278 世界银行马其顿共和国斯科普里旧巴扎项目:对当地文化遗产的投资显著提振经济和社会的双 重发展 World Bank Project in Old Bazaar, Skopje City, the Republic of Macedonia: Investment in Local Cultural Heritage Has Significantly Boosted both Economic and Social Development / 286 陕西安康市石泉县后柳镇中坝村:凭借“作坊小镇项目”实现旅游减贫 Zhongba Village, Houliu Town, Shiquan County, Ankang City, Shaanxi Province: Realizing Poverty Alleviation through Tourism Based on the “Workshop Town” Project / 292 内蒙古赤峰市喀喇沁旗西桥镇雷营子村:精准定位乡村旅游,让大山里的美景带来财富 Leiyingzi Village, Xiqiao Town, Harqin Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia: Turn Beautiful Sceneries in Mountains into Wealth through Precise Positioning of Village Tourism / 300 北京城建集团北苑大酒店下栅子村“大城小苑”精品民宿群:全面发力打赢“一企一村”精准 扶贫攻坚战 “Dacheng Xiaoyuan” Boutique Homestay Cluster in Xiazhazi Village Developed by Beiyuan Grand Hotel under Beijing Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd.: Make All-out Efforts to Win the Battle against Targeted Poverty Alleviation through “One Enterprise for One Village” / 308 河北石家庄市平山县西柏坡镇梁家沟村:红色旅游助力老区脱贫致富 Liangjiagou Village, Xibaipo Town, Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province: “Red Tourism” Helps Old Areas Get Rid of Poverty and Increase Income / 315 黑龙江双鸭山市饶河县小南河村:另辟“摄影旅游基地”蹊径,实现脱贫致富梦 Xiaonanhe Village, Raohe County, Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province: Achieve Poverty Alleviation through Tourism with a Unique Method of Building a “Photographic Tourism Base” / 321 河南济源市:农旅融合创新帮扶,精准施策兴村富民 Jiyuan City, Henan Province: Alleviating Poverty by Combining Agriculture and Tourism and Increasing the Income of Farmers with Targeted Measures / 330 吉林延边朝鲜族自治州光东村:主打少数民族特色的“民俗观光游”,助力脱贫奔康 Guangdong Village, Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province: “Folk Customs Sightseeing” with Ethnic Minority Characteristics Boosts Poverty Alleviation / 340 安徽六安市金寨县渔潭村:利用“五个着力”,绘制乡村旅游扶贫蓝图 Yutan Village, Jinzhai County, Liu’an City, Anhui Province: Draw the Rural Poverty Alleviation Blueprint through Tourism with “Five Underlying Points” / 347 前 言 减贫是国际社会最为关注的问题之一。《联合国 2030 年可持续发 展议程》提出的首要目标就是“在世界各地消除一切形式的贫穷”。近 年来,旅游业的快速发展,发挥了强劲的关联带动作用,成为推动贫困 地区经济社会可持续发展的重要力量,给很多贫困地区及贫困人口提供 了脱贫致富的新路径。旅游减贫成为全球减贫的关键领域。 FOREWORD 世界旅游联盟(WTA)将“旅游促进减贫”作为重要使命之一,在 旅游减贫案例分析、理论研究、经验宣传等方面开展了一系列实践和国 际交流活动,向国际社会展示了旅游减贫事业的重要经验和巨大成就。 2018 年和 2019 年,世界旅游联盟连续两年联合世界银行和中国国际扶 贫中心在“世界旅游联盟 • 湘湖对话”活动上共同发布《世界旅游联盟 旅游减贫案例》,为旅游减贫事业贡献了范例和智慧,获得了业内的广 泛关注和高度评价。并以此为蓝本,2019 年世界旅游联盟与中央广播 电视总台中国国际电视台(CGTN 中国环球电视网)联合拍摄制作了《旅 游让世界和生活更美好》5 集减贫案例微纪录,向全球推广中国旅游减 贫的经验与成果。 为持续发挥典型案例的示范带动效应,交流国际旅游减贫经验, 2020 年世界旅游联盟继续联合世界银行和中国国际扶贫中心三方共同 发布《2020 世界旅游联盟旅游减贫案例》。通过相关国际组织、联盟 全球会员、中国文化和旅游部、国务院扶贫办公室、各省级文化和旅游 部门等多方面广泛征集旅游减贫案例。根据可量化的减贫效果、创新性、 可复制性、积极的社会影响和可持续性等标准,经过专家组遴选审议, 最终确定 41 个优秀案例。截至2020 年,《世界旅游联盟旅游减贫案例》 三年共累计收录 100 个全球减贫案例。 扶贫工作任重而道远,世界旅游联盟也将继续整合自身资源、优化 相关平台,汇集全球会员力量以及世界范围内的合作者,加强与国际社 会各方在旅游减贫事业中的合作,探索联合建立旅游减贫案例库、开展 旅游减贫研究、非遗保护等公益类活动。同时,联盟也将继续秉承“旅 游促进发展、促进减贫、促进和平”的使命,推动国际旅游行业关注减 贫和相关社会公益事业,为实现“旅游让生活和世界更美好”的宗旨而 不断前行。 tourism. Based on this, WTA in cooperation with China Global Television Network (CGTN) of China Media Group, shot a 5-episode short video in 2019, entitled “Better Tourism,
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