Transition from Extensive to Intensive Agriculture with Fertilizers

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Transition from Extensive to Intensive Agriculture with Fertilizers Tran itio1fo Exensive to intensive ithvr~tio.a1 _Potash Ihstiut 1969 Transition from Extensive to Intensive Agriculture with Fertilizers Proceedings of the VIIth Colloquium of the International Potash Institute held in Israel 1969 Contents Opening Session Dr. R. HAEBERLI Opening Address I I Prof. Dr. 1.ARNON Transition from Extensive to Intensive Agri- culture in Israel with Fertilizers 13 1st Working Session: Attaining Maximum Yield Prof. Dr. K. MENGEL Factors Limiting Maximum Yield 27 Dr. J. WARREN WILSON Maximum Yield Potential 34 Dr. M.THIELEBEIN Plant Breeding for Increased Efficiency Dr. W. M.TAHIT in Fertilizer Use 57 Discussion, Session No. I 69 Dr. G.W.COOKE Co-ordination Lecture for Session No. 1 71 2nd Working Session: Irrigation and Nutrient Uptake Dr. G.W. COOKE Plant Nutrient Cycles 75 G. DROUINEAU Influence of Irrigation on the Distribution of Fertilizer Elements in the Soil Profile 96 Discussion, Session No. 2 106 A. DAM KOFOED Co-ordination Lecture for Session No. 2 107 3rd Working Session: Interaction between Nutrition and other Factors of Plant Growth Dr.D.SH[MSHI Interaction between Irrigation and Plant Nu- trition III 5 R. BLANCHET Some Interactions of Cation Nutrition and M. Bosc the Water Supply of Plants 121 C. MAERTENS Dr. ELOY MATEO-SAGASTA The Interaction between Irrigation and Plant AZPEiTiA Diseases 132 D.LACHOVER Iron Deficiency Problems in Peanuts under ADELINA EBERCON Irrigation 138 Prof. G.C.CHISC( Interaction between Irrigation and Fertiliza- tion in Mediterranean Grassland 144 Dr. A. BAR AKIVA Methods of Diagnosing Nutrient Deficiencies in Citrus 160 Discussion, Session No. 3 168 G. DROUINEAU Co-ordination Lecture for Session No. 3 171 4th Working Session: Economics and Planning of Fertilizer Use Prof. Dr. H. RUTHENBERG The Economics of Introducing Fertilizer 175 Prof. J.HAGN Problems of Fertilizer Requirement Predic- tion in Intensive Agriculture 185 L.AUDIDIER New Trends in the Use of Fertilizers, New Products and New Techniques of Application 190 M. HASEGAWA Changes in Agriculture and Fertilizer Use in Japan 197 Prof. E.YALAN The Place of the Second Generation in Rural Space 208 Discussion, Session No. 4 222 Prof. Dr. H.LAUDELOUT Co-ordination Lecture for Session No. 4 225 5th Working Session: Educating the Farmer for the Transition from Extensive to Intensive Agriculture G. FRADKIN Training of Agricultural Extension Officers 229 6 T. GANS The Impact of Courses for Fertilizer Techni- cians 234 Dr. J. Noy Irrigation and Fertilizer Extension 237 Discussion, Session No. 5 241 Dr. Th.WALSH Co-ordination Lecture for Session No. 5 243 Lectures held during technical Agricultural Research and Fertilizer Use excursions in Israel Dr. M. GISKIN Problems of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer A. MAJDAN Use on Huleh Muck Soils 249 Dr. Z. KARCHI Nitrogen Fertilization of Wheat in Israel 253 SH. H. DAJANI Short Outline on Agriculture in the West Bank 262 Dr. D.SHIMSHI Irrigation of Wheat in the Northern Negev 265 Dr. SH. FELDMAN Transition from Extensive to Intensive Agri- culture with Fertilizers in the B'sor Area Israel 267 D.SADAN Soil Tests for Fertilizer Recommendations D. MACHOL under Extensive Conditions 277 Dr. U.KAFKAF Dr. R. HAEBERLI Closing Address 281 7 Opening Session Chairman of the Colloquium: Prof. Dr.i.Arnon, Honorary Director of the Volcani Institute of Agricultural Research (N.U.I.A.) Israel; Member of the Scientific Board of the Inter- national Potash Institute Opening Address Dr. R_ HAEBERLI, Member of the Board of Administrators of the International Potash Institute Before the meeting starts, my first duty is to convey to you thebest wishes ofDr. Gallay, President of the Scientific and Administrative Boards of IPI and to excuse him for not being there. Dr. Gallay having not recovered from a severe illness has unfortu- nately not been allowed by his medical doctor to attend the Colloquium. Giving me the honour of speaking in his name as Swiss member of the Board of Administrators of the International Potash Institute, he entrusted me to express his deep regrets, the more so as he was particularly interested in the subject of the Colloquium and also as he would have greatly appreciated this opportunity of visiting again Israel. The theme adopted for the Colloquium Transitionfrom Extensive to Intensive Agri- culture with Fertilizerscould not suit better another country than Israel. Israel, within a few years in often unhealthy and difficult conditions has been able through a prodi- gious amount of undiscouraged efforts, and clever and hard work to transform her agriculture into a modern agriculture supplying the major part of the food require- ments of her people and also exporting in increasing quantities to distant countries top quality products, results of a high level of intensification. International Conferences and Congresses organized recently have been dealing already with the general aspects of the transition from traditional to modem agricul- ture, trying to point out the technical, social, and economical obstacles to the evolu- tion of agriculture. None of them however have been considering in details the role played by fertilization, factor of production, which is regarded with right as a good criterium of agricultural intensification. In adopting as theme of a Colloquium the Role of Fertilizers in the Transition from Extensive to Intensive Agriculture, the International Potash Institute will, I trust, open new ways. The sessions and the excursions foreseen by the programme, will give the opportunity to recall the rapid evolution undergone by the agriculture of Israel as example of a mediterranean country, and to study how fertilization together with the other factors of production can still contribute to further the intensification. But I would blame myself of insisting too much on these aspects, that those who have been in charge of preparing the programme know much better than I do. Before expressing them my gratitude I should like to say to Mr.Maas representing the Minister of Agriculture of Israel, how we are honoured to be able to open the Col- loquium in his presence. I dare say that we find there a mark of interest of the Officials of Israel for our Collo- quium. I should like also to compliment you on the beautiful Auditorium and cam- pus in which our opening session takes place. It shows in itself how well balanced have been the efforts made in intensifying your agriculture, since this campus is one II of the main educational center for the research and extension officers engaged in agri- culture. I should like to express my gratitude to Prof. Arnon, Honorary Director of the Vol- cani Research Institute of Agriculture who kindly accepted to be chairman of this Colloquium whose main features were suggested by him on occasion of one of the last meetings of the Scientific Board of the International Potash Institute. My best thanks have to be extended to all the members of the Scientific Board of the International Potash Institute but first of all to Dr. Cooke, Deputy Director and Head of the Chemistry Department of Rothamsted Experimental Station (U. K.) and to Mr. Drouineau, Inspecteur Gdndral de la Recherche Agronomiqu (France), who have always been ready to give their valuable assistance in preparing this programme. I wish to address my warm welcome to all the participants of this colloquium and espe- cially to the lecturers and authors of communications who in spite of many other com- mitments have agreed to contribute to this meeting and to introduce the results of their research, to the coordinators of the sessions, and to all the scientists attending these sessions. It is perhapsjustified before the opening of the sessions to recall briefly the main activities of the International Potash Institute. Today, we observe two very clear tendencies which are increasing all the time. The one is the growing complexity of agronomic problems, which leads research workers to specia- lise more and more. The other is the ever more pressing economic requirement which compels the farmers to use fertilizers in the way that will give them the maximum benefit. The International Potash Institute in its particular field tries to fill the gap between these tendencies and without dissociating the potassium from the other plant nutrients aims at collecting and spreading to all those concerned with increasing agricultural yields by the proper use of fertilizers, the most recent results of scientific research. The activities of the International Potash Institute may be classed in two groups, i. e., in- ternal and external activities. The first comprise, notably the collection of a copious scientific literature (technical publications and original works), its study and classifica- tion and the making of card indexes covering the various problems relating to potas- sium. The list of external activities is very varied. The chief ones are the editing and pub- lication of a monthly Review = The Potash Review, of a Press-Bulletin = International Fertilizer Correspondent, the organisation of Congresses and Colloquia, the sending of missions abroad. Such a wide set of activities could not be completed without a regular cooperation with a Scientific Board, consisting of 15 research workers who are in the first rank in the domain of Agronomy in their own countries and have established international reputation. It is this Scientific Board, which chooses the themes of the Congresses and Colloquia, de- fines their frame and suggests the countries where they should take place, as well as the names of the speakers to be solicited. Further to a cycle of meetings dedicated to the vast and complex problem of the influ- ence of potash and other nutrients on the quality of food crops, a new cycle has been started in 1967, on the Role of Fertilization in the Intensification of the Agricultural Pro- duction.
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    Disclaimer : The Following is an unofficial translation, and not necessarily an updated one. The binding version is the official Hebrew text. Readers are consequently advised to consult qualified professional counsel before making any decision in connection with the enactment, which is here presented in translation for their general information only. INCOME TAX ORDINANCE [NEW VERSION] 5721-1961 PART ONE – INTERPRETATION Definitions 1. In this Ordinance – "person" – includes a company and a body of persons, as defined in this section; "house property", in an urban area – within its meaning in the Urban Property Ordinance 1940; "Exchange" – a securities exchange, to which a license was given under section 45 of the Securities Law, or a securities exchange abroad, which was approved by whoever is entitled to approve it under the statutes of the State where it functions, and also an organized market – in Israel or abroad – except when there is an explicitly different provision; "spouse" – a married person who lives and manages a joint household with the person to whom he is married; "registered spouse" – a spouse designated or selected under section 64B; "industrial building ", in an area that is not urban – within its meaning in the Rural Property Tax Ordinance 1942; "retirement age" – the retirement age, within its meaning in the Retirement Age Law 5764-2004; "income" – a person's total income from the sources specified in sections 2 and together with amounts in respect of which any statute provides that they be treated as income for purposes
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