Lara Marie M¨uller Doctoral Candidate Contact Information Email:
[email protected] Phone: +49 151 651 050 44 Academic Education PhD in Economics since 2020 University of Cologne, Cologne Graduate School of Economics Research Interest: Media Economics and Economics of Digitization Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Johannes M¨unster,Prof. Dr. Bettina Rockenbach Double Degree: Master in Economics 2018 - 2020 University of Cologne, Germany (M.Sc.) and Keio University, Japan (M.A.) One year of studies at each institution Bachelor of Science in Economics 2014 - 2018 University of Cologne Including two exchange semesters: - Warsaw School of Economics, Poland (SS2016) - Pontif´ıciaUniversidade Cat´olicado Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (WS2015/16) Research Interest I am interested in how we can design media markets that best serve society. For this, I aim to conduct mainly experimental research to gain insights on Welfare effects on digital media markets, for example in the context of personalisation or misinformation. Professional Experience Research Associate since 07/2020 Chair of Media Economics, Prof. Dr. Johannes M¨unster,University of Cologne Teaching: Exercise in Media Economics (Bachelor and Master), Seminar on Media Mar- kets (Bachelor), Supervision of Bachelor Theses Freelance Journalist 2018 - 2020 Covering mainly economics for German news outlets, magazines and broadcasters. Cus- tomers included: Handelsblatt, Welt am Sonntag, ada, Die Welt, WDR,, Frank- furter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, among others. Lecturer at K¨olnerJournalistenschule