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1973 The ommeC nt, April 26, 1973 Bridgewater State College

Volume 52 Number 27

Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1973). The Comment, April 26, 1973. 52(27). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/316

This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The


Future Growth ? of Library • By Yvonne Prevost Lately many faculty members classrooms are occupied by other Judah, Chairman of the College as well as students seem to be majors, YE't, the point which Mr. Library Committee, was con­ wondering what is going to be the N('ubauer seemed to regard as ducting Cl survey on available . outcome of the library situation. highly important was a loss of classroom space to see if more classes could be rescheduled I "Will the main floor of the library student services, such that the for' he taken up for classroom space", l.ibrary Science Dept. cannot set Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mr. ask many students. "We hope liP televisions, tape recorders and Wiltson mentioned that the not", has been the reply from other equipment for student use Ilumnnities Dept had formed and many. 1 mless there is sufficient room to nd hoc committee to study the On Wednesday, April 17, I had {'xpand. T also asked Mr.- need for classroom as well as an interview with Mr. Neubauer Neubauer if it would be more office space. On Tuesday, Dr. who is a Library Science teacher suitable to use the third floor for Judah said, Prsident Rondileau at the college. I asked him if a Joss classroom space. He said," Most and Academic Dean Anderson of space could affect the Library probably not since the third floor have called for an open meeting in Science Dept. In his reply Mr. ilrea is used for book processing the Student Council Chambers Neubauer said that it wold ilnd that ir would he difficult and' C~rdfloor s.u.) on Thursday, May definitely limit any future ex­ expensive to reloca te this :1,

Mass. Leads Nation Jumpin Joe -Ma.k.es. - in 'New Gra'ss Bill Sink Massachusetts may be the first :-pokesperson tor Committee for a N ·B· AC~Dra:ft ~tateto remove criminal penalties Sane Drug Policy and the National from the possession of marijuana Organization for the Reform of or if a bill pending before the state !\'Tarijuana Laws {NORIVTLl, two {'cmght fire. TI(' shatteJ;:~qevery legislature receives favorable m;lrijuana reform organizations. \few York - Bridgewater State ~coringrecord on the books just (lclion. "This legislation would give the ('ollege is just a small state col1ege Swim hidden in the sticks between about. He scored 40 points iIi five The Joint LE'gislative rom- ~tateitn ('xcellent opportunity to straight gaines and earned himself mittee on Social WE'lfare has study marijuana in an atmosphere ('eItics Massachusetts and Ernie D The ,\1 assachusetts Board of Hhode Island, it is most certainly herths on the ECAf' All-East team issued a unanimous favorable removed from the usual con­ and UPI All- New England Team. report on a hill which would im- straints of illegality." "igh<'f I'~ducationScholarship not il basketball power in New ('ould Illf'an the difference on England. This past season the (\nce ;lgain he led the team in plem('nt for a period of two years The marijuana hill, sponsored lt scoring, received the l\1VP Trophy _ the major recommendations of the hy'S('nator Jnck H. Rnckman of \Ih('ather yOU sink or swim Bridgewater State "Bears and W~lSt'lected co-captain. National Commission on Hrookline, is a combination of linilncially for the next academic finished their H\re wt>re somp. -arm ch.air possihility . of harmful effects marijuan reform are heginning to taller and smiled with pride at Joe t 'ol1ege stlldents have taken ad­ Wise. Yes, Jumpi' Joe Wise as skeptics CltRridgewaterStatewho resulting from that lise. reflect il change towards a more "antage of this scholarship this he's called at BS(, was the ninth t(,nded to downrate the talents of "This hill is unique in that it ra tional approach to marijuana y('ar to the tun£' of $100,500. Our pick of the Knicks which is the Wise. They'd point· to his-turn would only he effective for il two llse," said Ms. Semllels. "We hope I\S{' :-tmlents hnve done highest complementlhat he's overs or a handfull of mistakes \'('HI' period, after which the law that Massachusetts will be among n·mnrkably well as compared to probably ever received. and sneer to themselves. There' wOllld f('vert back to its present the lead(!l's in this change." other colleges and Imiversities in Three years ago Joe played in ean he no doubt Hbout it now· form." said Marsh:l Spmupls, '\lnss(lchusetts in securing' this his first varsity game for a ('ertainly the New York Knicks who (Ire abouflo- win lhe NBA title ~:!~ll).()()p('r year scholarship. Also, laekluster hoop team that TWO sse STUDENTS t ('nta t ive plans for funding (Ire struggled through the season. mllst know more about basketball' providing that this scholarship \!'ter his first year of play the 6'1 tillent then the arm chair beroesof Bridgewate State. Joe is good and INVITEDTO PRESENT will grndunt(' to $:~OO.()Ofor next I{oxbury resident he emmerged as \"(';11' tiS Ollr tuition increases to the team's leading scorer and he's proven it! RESEARCH RESULTS Ihis I('v('l !\TVP. He was off to a good start! If ~'Ollnrr interested, the timp to In his second year .Joe rally Two ('hpmistry majors who will t or a series of picolines, lutidines ~'dinvolv('(1 is now! ImNBWAL SI '11(11.. \HSII IP F()I{MS are in 1)(' gradualing with llonors next ilnd ('oIlidines hased on the far 111(' Finclllciaf Aid Office at this month have heen invited to infrared frequency shifts of 1im!' ~tudents presently receiving pr('sent results of their chemical ['(\[Imium-nitrogen (Cd-Nl honds, Benefit Auctiof~ according to Ill'. V[lhe l\1[1rganian, Ihis :-cho)(Jrship should report to resparch ~ltthe Thirteenth Annual Ih(' I"inancial/\id Office to {'om­ ('ol1C'ge Hpsearch Symposium of research advisor [0 hoth students. pI('«' their renewal form "p­ tht' American Chemical Society on Miss Demers' main thesis is the For Library_ plication. These renew:J! forms May 10 Iodide and honds) by the use of infrared and applying I'or the first timr can J. IVI£'t hy I-su bs ti tu ted Py rid ine nuclear' m:lgnetic resonance The annual Bridgewater State I Flynn director of planning and ~('ClJr('the proper "ppIication at f)privatives", and Mary Demers' !'pectroseopy. student has development. Each Ih(' FimlllCi(l} Aid Office and the College benefit auction for the paper will he on "The Reaction of spent about two years on his/her A Btereoset, books records and lim!' to r, :IS soon as possible. ligand strength (Lewis basicity) m:lin circulation desk, 2 THE COMMENT April 26, 1973 I{y "sharmg his office" I mean letting the class rule (IS well as being actively involved on those decisions thal would affect the Letters: whole class. This can he done Announcements· Ihrough assemblies. I feel it is most important that the class knows who their President is, as Plans for the "Weekend for. \ V\'omc'n's ~tlldyDay is heing II IS impossible to understnnd, possibilities of extending the isze wpll as the President knowing the I'onductpd \\'£'dnesday, !\:lay 2nd. lJ{'vel~pment"on April 27,28, 29 lor {'xnmple, why millions of ofpersonelandspaceofthe!lealth ~;tudent5in his class. We must "('minars. Work-shops and films are \vell under ",:ay. For the past pl'opl(' in the course of years must / '('nter so ilS t.o keep. pace with t~e work together as a class if we he two months the Yound World I(,:lrn Iwo or three foreign r/cm:mds wh.)c~this campu.s. IS 'ill presented throughout the ('xpect to share in the enjoyment I)('velopment group has been 1:1l1gllagcsonly a fraction of which placing on thIs Important fa.clhty. :md lTwmorable affairs that lie lil\' "n the morning, two seminars organIzing this educational and they can make use of later, and TiwStudent Hook F:xchange IS also nhead. A president can only do so .1'<' hl'ing directed hy womC'n of the fund-raising weekend. which will Iwr;cc most of them forget entirely ilOother. wor~~yestabliscd o~t milch, Hp,like any other person in \ mNicll n Friends Sprvice. involve Bridgewater and for of a hundred thollsand pupils :-;hoot 01 the S(,A. nnd I feel this lhe office needs supportors. ,·onl.'erning \\'on'H'n in ('mploYn1£>nt BrLdgewater State College, East \l'ho learn French for example, ~:~olllc~('xpand and h.ave some sort I feel that the class needs more nd \\'OlTH'n in prisons. Speakers Bridgewater and Raynham. han'lv 1\,\'0 thousand will have of an mventory publlshed to make :lctivities hath during the day nnd " I rom a m:ilp ('onsciOllSnl;?Ss' raising In place of the "Walks for ~{'riOl'lsuse for this knowledge ~'ollr~illingnnd huying easier. The night so we may beco!]1e a class--a L:l'OIIP \\ ill he holding 11 workshop Development", the Young World lalpr. while ninely £light thollseand implempntation of a Student dass lha t vands each one of us :11 noon. In the afternoon:-;eminars Development group is sponsoring in the who}p f'urU;er eourse of their .Jlldicinry Discipline Board of logether in il single goal. That goal '.1 ill he conductpd by women from iI "Weekend for Development". life will not find themselves in n' which .eommuters, dorm students, is to make the Spirit of '70 come and students from each class !:pm:llp I.ibera(ion.' These three The Weekend will consist of a forty po~ilionto make practical use of :llive to make the Class of '70 one of would hold the reins on pertinent . ('minars will focus on sexuality, hour fast in which volunteers will \lhat th('y had once learned. They I he most outstanding classes in the judicial is issue T ,!ternati"-e life-:-;tyles and health obtain sponsors for each hour they hClV(" in their youth, therefore. problems another II islory of Bridgewa ter: would like to work toward. T (':11'(' .. L·chniques and advice on fast. The money which the fasters ,d{'vot{'d thousands of hours to a T promise only one thing~to ('ollect· he to ~:trongly ~ will sent the projects ~:uhject favor increasing the elf-hC'lp and cervical which later is v:ithout ~:ervemv class to the bes-t of mv .. quality of sicial activities and T feel I'xaminalion. as well {lS birth \\hich thev choose during the \'illlle and llH'nning for them And abilities~to always listen to my thai lhis can he done by opening \\·eekend.· Fas-t forms nre fhe objection that this material classmll les, Hnd to make the Spirit ('ontrol Hnd pregnancy counseling. avenues for outdoor concerts. i available at the high schools, the 1J('longs to genernl education, is If of '71i ("omp alive. T hope you will alpr in Ihe ('vening the Loving hpld outside, descent big-name Bridgewater Slate College Student ll11smmd, since it could ,only be consider me for the office of V('minisl . Theater \\ill present p(lffQ~rscould be drawn, open \fyrna I amb's play "Bill Whzt Union Building, and at 91 Bedford !lphC'ld if people .re.~;linedall Prt'sident on Monday,'April :lOth, Ihrollgh their lifewhn'17they had hut P~H(rHdmittancewith ndequate I I

I~()om4()f) ('an I1lilk(' is thnt she will willingly Your opinion will influence the ~ecretary,Treasurer, and class student requiring financial aid to \Iork for th(' herrermpnt of her i)llrgin JlaU ~hapingof political platforms, representatives. finish his/her education. All ('onsti tlltional amendmpnts, job students presently €'nrolled n t Tlwre are rnnny things tnat opportunities, and the future of There will be a slide lecture of BridgeWater State ('ollege as ('ollld ('ontrivute to the berterment ! 'olI('gcs and Industry. Make sure I.iltin American Architecture with ft'reshmen, Sophomores or Juniors of tht' class. 1\1:mv students have \'Ollr opinion counts! '\Jr. Anibal Alfaro and architect nre eligible to ·complete and ap­ ('xp['('ssl'd :m interest in class" I )ear Students, W{' want to know what you think from Columbia on Wednesday, plication. Applications may be ~ponsored(lctivitics :md other I would like to take this op­ of the Women's rights movement­ "TlIY 2, at 7:00. Hoom to he an­ obtained at the Campus Police IlIndions that would hring the portunity to announce my can­ pro or can, how you evaluate nounced. Refreshments. Ad­ Station, completed and returned nl('milers of the of 1975 dass didacv for President of the Class of {'duca t ional opportunities and your mission gratis. Sponsored by hy 1<'r.iday, May 25, 1973. log('ther. As secreL

advilntagp of us nIl to get together qualified, ~;('nd'vou C\ survey form. The hours earlier than usual. and m;lke Ollr last two years at Although T held no school office ITS~~cl th~ s~~ will ~~~~~~.~~~~~~~•• ~•••••••••• ~ Hridgewat('r State more en­ during my freshman year, I feel distributed to legislative leaders, joyable. I would work t.o the best of thai I have hecome sensitive and mnjor corporations and Univer­ Editor-in-Chi('f !\,lanaging Editor l.inda I.apierrr .. Jim Ht'ith m~'ability to cHrry these ideas out. ilware of the problems of our class. ~ities. Th~mkyOll, I have had experience in both This major research project is

Pa ('rici~lKelleher ~chool nnd community heing conducted hy students of the \Ydting Sta ff organizations ('specially during (;rilduale Division, Rernard BlISilH'ss Managrr Fnmk Botta Ill\' senior vear in high school such H;lruch <'ollege, City University of \\'andalVIingola ,Mike Vieira :IS': <,dito~of the yearbook, vice­ \lpw York, N.Y.C, Yvount' Pr('vost chairman of the ('ity Manager's Typing Staff Philip Hackett '\Ic-mlwrs of the Class of 1975, Youth ("ouncH ( which was Elaine Sears (;ail LaB('O(' this lin1£' [would like to an­ responsible for the lowering of thE~' \t •••• IIi•••••••• - Cht'ryl Coash }1ary Chris Kenney nOlll1{,p m.v candidacy for ('lass drinking nge to IHl. Student COLLEGIATE NOTES D('bbi(' Riddick Buth I-Ial'1ow ! )('l<'gil!(' to the SC;A, AND TO (;overnml'nt f)ny Representative, l 'ndt'rstand all subjrcts, plays and

\()U/\INT I\'1YSI'~LFWITH YOU. r Pr('sident of the Inter-National ow'ls fash'r! ':lm running for this office because ('lub, lTIPmber of the Tnter-High of topics available Production Staff .\dvt'rtising Staff Kal'(,11 Zrichick n~l\'id1\ vila - Manag('r I rpel thaI I lwve the strength, ~llIdentCouncil (If; WE'll as our own IR hours of mailing ('nduranc(', lind nhility to school council, student ndvisor on with bibliography :\1ik(' '('(,SiN° l.iIlial} 1\rn('t - Acting Manag('r l'('pn'sent YOII in the complex the school committee. President .rool.not('s isslles which the S(~Awill face in of thl' <'.YO at my parish and Iso Pricl"s COMMENT it .a'. student· ~ed. bul ..... be •.....- the coming ;lc{'r\emic year. J am the first vouth to he elected to the luIN_I,M and operated' :neII:1v 250"·...... Ailletten also running hec

By Frank Botta Arter observing Mass on Easter W('ll, anyway, as his graduation Sunday, I waited for all the loyal day grew near, he found that the Nodists to leave before I spoli:e to nwan farmer Tom was not going to :-.JOf). "NOD." I said, "Something 1C'l'him leave this place because he has heen hothering me for years had not passed hopping and one now and I was hoping that you nddition course. could straighten out' my dilem~ "BIII," the rabbit jumped, "I mil." .. ('an't see \-'.'hy hopping is required "Isn't there a girl on campus for rabbits and whys·should I take . thnl can straighten out ;rout :HJdition' when' I've been dilemma for you?" . multiplying alhny Iife~"· "No," I s~id,"Only you can Farmer ,.Tom was jumping in help me out." heat. .. of ,mger and shouted, "If NOD just nodded. ~'ounon't get out of my office I'll "Where did the Easter ·bl1nny throw ~tudentcurriculum guides story come from? If anyone knows ilt ~·ou.Or mnybe I'll' have you '\JOD, it would be vou," I watched kicked out for eating carrots." as NOD hlushed, or mnybe he was The poor little rabbit left not just changing colors again. knowing where to turn. When he Well, it all started a long time got to the (IUadrangle he was even ago when BSC was a normal great more confused so he hopped over Ka.harl one time school and there were to see the.· king of the rabbits ('nough parking spots for all Knrrot King Preston. Karrot told ('ommuters. There was n poor little hunny not to worry but to rabbit that had spent four long keep his ('ars open for news of a IKE AND : years here working on his degree hoycott. so that he could go to the outside ""Okay" cried the rabbit as he world and make some "cabbage." hopped with joy. (oh hoy). But What You Feel Contparative I Is Better Yet • Education By Mary Chris Kenny.

The Bridgewater . auditorium the lights ; dlm~ed,to reveal. a stanzas,. 'i'mn would dance held a near capacity crowd that leather suited guitarist against a ('rotically with nbout Thursday night, ready for a good spotlit hackdrop, . The the stage, their shadows projected Workshop tim<'. It was given to them a spot then flew to the left wing on the hack drop. The lighting 'hundredfQI(t by the Ike and: Tina leading the way for the leadsinger 'Iffecting tll,ese results added to the Turner Hevue and their warm-up .md dancer, , dressed <'xc.ellence oL the performance. group, Estus. The concert started in flourescent orange silk (that left When the Hevue . did their' This a hit late, hut once it started, the little to theimagination in it's low' s'pecialties: "" lasting only way was up. Estus, a group cut design) and the three Ikettes, twenty minytes; and "Gonna Take composed of htree guitarists anda dnncers in micro-mini, low-cut, You Higher" there wasn't a Su:m:mer drummer played a few hard-rock passion purple dresses. . spf'cfator seated. . There were tunes of their own. They wound up Arter giving [I brief speech hoots and howls as Thia Turner did The Center for International with the all-time favorite of the thanking the audience for coming a slow, sexy number with obvious [':c1ucation is sponsoring a three ~O's"Blue Suede Shoes" which had and guaranteeing to take them implications

Prof. Of The Ages I'm Not There I;a Strata hy Donald Keay Bart Yoder PBOF. OF TifF-AGES By Patter II ('