Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1973 The ommeC nt, April 26, 1973 Bridgewater State College Volume 52 Number 27 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1973). The Comment, April 26, 1973. 52(27). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/316 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. The COMMENT.'-'%J ........Jl.J COLLECTIONS Future Growth ? of Library • By Yvonne Prevost Lately many faculty members classrooms are occupied by other Judah, Chairman of the College as well as students seem to be majors, YE't, the point which Mr. Library Committee, was con­ wondering what is going to be the N('ubauer seemed to regard as ducting Cl survey on available . outcome of the library situation. highly important was a loss of classroom space to see if more I "Will the main floor of the library student services, such that the classes could be rescheduled for' he taken up for classroom space", l.ibrary Science Dept. cannot set Tuesdays and Thursdays. Mr. ask many students. "We hope liP televisions, tape recorders and Wiltson mentioned that the not", has been the reply from other equipment for student use Ilumnnities Dept had formed and many. 1 mless there is sufficient room to nd hoc committee to study the On Wednesday, April 17, I had {'xpand. T also asked Mr.- need for classroom as well as an interview with Mr. Neubauer Neubauer if it would be more office space. On Tuesday, Dr. who is a Library Science teacher suitable to use the third floor for Judah said, Prsident Rondileau at the college. I asked him if a Joss classroom space. He said," Most and Academic Dean Anderson of space could affect the Library probably not since the third floor have called for an open meeting in Science Dept. In his reply Mr. ilrea is used for book processing the Student Council Chambers Neubauer said that it wold ilnd that ir would he difficult and' C~rd floor s.u.) on Thursday, May definitely limit any future ex­ expensive to reloca te this :1, <It 10:00 am to discuss the pnnsion of the department, and equipment. When asked if it was h'lc.kground and ra tionale to that even at present, all library really necessary to have more' temporarily locate some orienta tion classes were being classroom space, he referred me classrooms, and faculty offices,in held in one classroom, which in-_ to Mr. Tom Watson, the Librarian. the new library, I hope that all diea les how they are crowded for On Monday, I spoke to lVIr. faculty memhers and students who Joe Wise • space. Most of the other Watson. He told me that Dr. share :m interest in the future of our library wilT attend! Mass. Leads Nation Jumpin Joe -Ma.k.es. - in 'New Gra'ss Bill Sink Massachusetts may be the first :-pokesperson tor Committee for a N ·B· AC~Dra:ft ~tate to remove criminal penalties Sane Drug Policy and the National from the possession of marijuana Organization for the Reform of or if a bill pending before the state !\'Tarijuana Laws {NORIVTLl, two {'cmght fire. TI(' shatteJ;:~q every legislature receives favorable m;lrijuana reform organizations. \few York - Bridgewater State ~coring record on the books just (lclion. "This legislation would give the ('ollege is just a small state col1ege Swim hidden in the sticks between about. He scored 40 points iIi five The Joint LE'gislative rom- ~tate itn ('xcellent opportunity to ('eItics Massachusetts and Ernie D straight gaines and earned himself mittee on Social WE'lfare has study marijuana in an atmosphere herths on the ECAf' All-East team issued a unanimous favorable removed from the usual con­ The ,\1 assachusetts Board of Hhode Island, it is most certainly not il basketball power in New and UPI All- New England Team. report on a hill which would im- straints of illegality." "igh<'f I'~ducation Scholarship ('ould Illf'an the difference on England. This past season the (\nce ;lgain he led the team in plem('nt for a period of two years The marijuana hill, sponsored lt scoring, received the l\1VP Trophy _ the major recommendations of the hy'S('nator Jnck H. Rnckman of \Ih('ather yOU sink or swim Bridgewater State "Bears and W~lS t'lected co-captain. National Commission on Hrookline, is combination of linilncially for the next academic finished their a This season as co-Captain Joe and Drug Abuse by several other m,lrijuana bills H\<lr! The status of federal basketball campaign with a ~TClrijllana really hecame concerned with Pliminating criminal penalties considered by the Joint Legislative fin<lncial aid to assist college modest record of 12-12, however (l hecoming a team player. He with regard to simple possession of ('ommittee on Social Welfare. ~.tlldents is large question mark for the Bt'ars it was their best that will only he resolved after a finish in 11 years. Rut Tuesday in didn't shoot as much. passed a lot marijuana and profitless transfers . ~('veral other states besides more, and worked hard on defense, of one ounce or less, During this '\Tnssachusetts, including Mnine, long and hitter fight between Mr. the NBA draft one very good team \j ixon ilnd ('ongress in the ensuing thought enough of a Bridgewater It h9rt his national ranking. The two year period, the Special T('xas Clnd California, also have months. Ilowt'ver, 'the single state ~tate basketball player to draft ~rear hefore Joe was the 8th leading I,('gislative rom mission Studying legislation pending which would scorer in the country, this year his Drug Abuse would conduct an decriminaliza private possession ~upported program for student him as their ninth round pick and financial .lid is looking hright in namr w<lsn'ton the charts even ('xtem;ive study of marijuana use of marijuana. right now Bridgewater .. State's tprm!' of its funding for next year. :1 thletic program stands a 'little though he was.doing a lot more. in this stale (JS wpU as the "Attitudes and policy towards I'r£'!-i('ntly, 402 Hridgewnter State at i Tht>re wt>re somp. -arm ch.air possihility . of harmful effects marijuan reform are heginning to taller and smiled with pride Joe t 'ol1ege stlldents have taken ad­ Wise. Yes, Jumpi' Joe Wise as skeptics CltRridgewaterStatewho resulting from that lise. reflect il change towards a more "antage of this scholarship this he's called at BS(, was the ninth t(,nded to downrate the talents of "This hill is unique in that it ra tional approach to marijuana y('ar to the tun£' of $100,500. Our pick is Wise. They'd point· to his-turn would only he effective for il two llse," said Ms. Semllels. "We hope of the Knicks which the I\S{' :-tmlents hnve done highest complementlhat he's overs or a handfull of mistakes \'('HI' period, after which the law that Massachusetts will be among n·mnrkably well as compared to probably ever received. and sneer to themselves. There' wOllld f('vert back to its present the lead(!l's in this change." other colleges and Imiversities in Three years ago Joe played in ean he no doubt Hbout it now· form." said Marsh:l Spmupls, '\lnss(lchusetts in securing' this his first varsity game for a ('ertainly the New York Knicks who (Ire abouflo- win lhe NBA title ~:!~ll).()() p('r year scholarship. Also, laekluster hoop team that TWO sse STUDENTS t ('nta t ive plans for funding (Ire struggled through the season. mllst know more about basketball' providing that this scholarship \!'ter his first year of play the 6'1 tillent then the arm chair beroesof I{oxbury resident he emmerged as Bridgewate State. Joe is good and INVITED TO PRESENT will grndunt(' to $:~OO.()O for next \"(';11' tiS Ollr tuition increases to the team's leading scorer and he's proven it! RESEARCH RESULTS Ihis I('v('l !\TVP. He was off to a good start! If ~'Oll nrr interested, the timp to In his second year .Joe rally Two ('hpmistry majors who will t or a series of picolines, lutidines ~'d involv('(1 is now! ImNBWAL SI '11(11 .. \HSII IP F()I{MS are in 1)(' gradualing with llonors next ilnd ('oIlidines hased on the far 111(' Finclllciaf Aid Office at this month have heen invited to infrared frequency shifts of 1im!' ~t udents presently receiving pr('sent results of their chemical ['(\[Imium-nitrogen (Cd-Nl honds, Benefit Auctiof~ according to Ill'. V[lhe l\1[1rganian, Ihis :-cho)(Jrship should report to resparch ~lt the Thirteenth Annual Ih(' I"inancial/\id Office to {'om­ ('ol1C'ge Hpsearch Symposium of research advisor [0 hoth students. pI('«' their renewal form "p­ tht' American Chemical Society on Miss Demers' main thesis is the For Library_ plication. These renew:J! forms May 10 <It Harvard University. demonst.ration of the formation of hilve to be returned to the IVfnss ,\ndrew J)ervan will give a paper Ilew tellurium-carbon (Te-Cl si'holnrship Office hy May 1, 197:1, On May 3ed "ntitled "Pr'eparation and honds (ns opposed to the well­ ~o rlon'( put, off this {,HSY task. ('\wracterization of Some Com­ c'stnblished metal to oxygen SllIdents that are interested in plexes of Cadmium( II> Iodide and honds) by the use of infrared and applying I'or the first timr can IJ. Flynn director of planning and IVI £'t hy I-su bs ti tu ted Py rid ine nuclear' m:lgnetic resonance The annual Bridgewater State ~('ClJr(' the proper "ppIication at f)privatives", and Mary Demers' !'pectroseopy.
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