
rrhe· Newark Post VOLUME XX NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1929 NUMBER 33 ALUMNI OFFERS F,Il,w',. ~~J,N~!,~~;:I;:'';Jl~9!:!:.T~, ,, , Hook "d 1098 ENROLL IN I To 0.", Public Sea,on DEPLORES LACK Ladder Company Carnival, !S howing the income from the vari\lus LOCAL SCHOOLS ,I Tickets To U. D. Games ATHLETIC AID booths and naming t he committee member in charge of t he booth: Lieutenant E. P. J olls. U . S. OF INTEREST IN J R Fader Auto $3044 16 • A .• assistant professor of mili- C'hal:les Ta ske l ·-F u ~· ~ ·it ~~· ~·:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. · '766:80 Exceeds First Day Enrol1ment tary science at t he University of TO UNIVERSITY H S th C d L I Delaware and a member of the STATE HISTORY . amwor - an y ...... 664.83 ast Year By 78. Expect In- University Athletic Co uncil. has Will Provide F unds To Sup­ H. Murphy-Milk Bottles ...... 261.66 crease To 1125 By End Of announced that the new season Edward W. Cooch Infolds Lit pl ement Coaching Staff; W. R. Powell- Ice Cream Cones ...... 372.1 3 Week. Junior High School athletic tickets wiIJ be here this tie Known Historical Fact Athletic Council May Re­ ~. ~. ~o~~~~~~~:i D~~~ ' : : :: : :: : :: :: : : : : :: : :: : :: : :: :: : ::~:~~ Given Home Economics ;~:\i~~~t~~~~c~I~~~~t~::~i~~~ 1'0 Order Of De Molay' lain "Gus" Ziegler As Line Mrs. T. J . Sprogell- Lemonade ...... • ...... 122.88 --- duced in price. wiIJ be offered to Wreath Placed On Cooch' Coach George Jackson-Variety ...... 364.49 The Newark Schools opened. Mon- the general public in order to Monument • C. H. Sheaffer-Groceries ...... 550.17 day. with a total enrollment of 1098. stimulate greater interest in DR. EVANS RESIGNES Morris Ewing-Beano ...... 686.30 the largest in the history of the local University athletic contests. ___ W H Henning Soft Drinks 28140 school system. and this is expected to Lieutenant Jolls and Joe Roth- INTERESTING POINTS M: M . G - C f ...... go to about 1125 by the end of the rock. director of athletics. wiIJ It is li kely that the Athletic Coun- ISS arle regg- on etti ...... 142.78 week. The total enrollment on the direct the sale of the tickets. The lack of historians in Delawar iI , and the Athlet ic Governing Board Miss Elizabeth Hill-Aprons ...... 83.35 first day last ,year was 1020. and a committee of students wiIJ to make known to the world the in (the niversity of Delaware will Mrs. L. E. Hill-Cakes ...... 178.71 There were 984 registered in t he assist in the distribution. teresting spots of the State and th meet today to consider suggestions J. L. Jones-·Canes ...... 39.68 white schools. and 114 in the colored The tickets. which were form- disinterest on the part of the public i from Lhe Alum ni Association for sup- Mrs. E. B. Grant-Penny Novelties ...... 225.72 school. There were 184 enrolled in erly $7.60. have been reduced to t hose spots. were deplored last Satur plemcn ling the coaching staff of t he Harry Hill-Novelty ...... 498.97 senior high school. and 296 in junior $5.50. and wiIJ be good for about day afternoon by Edward W. Cooch Univc rsity. The Alumni Association F. M. Lutton-Cal'ousal ...... 243.85 high school. Grades 7. 8 and 9 (junior 40 athletic contests during the attorney. at the fir st annual pligrim has long felt that the staff was inade- Corbit Crompton-Ferris Wheel ...... 529.63 high school) are crowded to about school year. These contests in- age to Cooch's Bridge of the Delawar qunlr Lo handle t he many sports in T. J . Sprogell-Vadety ...... 155.25 their capacity. cJu<;le al1 home events in football. State Conclave of De Molay. thc Un iversity schedule. and has of- Donation-R. T. Jones ...... ~ ...... 28.60 This year for the first time a f ull basketball. swimming. soccer, In hi s address to the group of mem fercd fi nancial aid fo r securing addi- D . E home economics course will be given baseball. fencing and track. As bel'S of the organization. who ha lional coaches. onatlOn- . L. Ricllards ...... 10.00 to eighth grade girls. A ful1 hour the admi : . ~ ion to any of these gathered from all parts of the Stat It is llnderstood that at the meet- Donation-Francis A. Cooch ...... 10.00 period has been alloted to this sub- contests va~ies from 50 cents to to take part in the exercises. at hi ings of the Council and the Board that Donation-Mary E. Wright ...... 5.00 ject. each day. This wiJJ al10w the $1.00. the tickets represent a home beside t he hi storic bridge tha thc na m of "Gus" Ziegler. former Miscellaneous...... 61.19 lower classes the facilities in this de- real bargain. has bee n named after his family. Mr AII -Amc rican lineman at P enn sylva- ---- partment and wil1 ' also reduce the Cooch told of the richness of Dela ia, wi ll be offered to assist in coach- Total ...... $10.638.70 amount of time necessary to the sub- ~======:!J ware in historic lore. and explained ing the football squad this season. It Disbursements ...... 7.113.69 ject when these girls enter senior how a Delawarean nearly took th is li l;rly that thi s suggestion wiJJ be ____ high school. PLAN 4.. HWORK part Washington had in the Revolu acccpted, as Zi egler was retained for Net profits ...... $ 3.526.11 The Newark Schools wiJJ again re- tionary War and how close Wilming part time work last year. He also quire one-half year of arithmetic r e- ton came to being the nation's capital assisted with the line at the Univer- view for high school seniors. This AT CAMP VAIL In appreciation of Mr . Cooch's work sityof Pennsylvania last year. He custom has been in force in the New- in the De Molay when he r esided in ill probably be r etain.ed to give fuJI SEN. • HASTINGS NEUTARKVV DAHLIA 'ark Schools. exclusively. for the past A. D. Cobb WI'II Take 12 Del- Wilmington. a gavel made from wood li mc se rvice. three years and its results were evi- that had grown at the side of Dela­ Announcement was made today HOST TO PRESS SHOW PLANNED dent in last year's tests. The Newar k aware Club Members To ware's only battlefield. was presented that Dr. David O. Evans. for the past ave.rage in arithmetic was 84 per cent. Massachusetts to him by Walter Sherwin. president three yea rs head of the Modern Lan-. • while the state average was 72 per of the organization. A similar gavel guage Department of the University cent. The grade 8 average for the Delaware 4-H Club work will again will be forwarded to the National of Delaware. had resigned to accept a Entertains Senate Press Re'p- 4th Annual EXAibit Will be state was 70 per cent. be represented at Camp Vail, at the Council. Order of De Molay. at Kan­ profcssorshlp at the University of resentatives For Week-end; Held In New Century Club, TAKES APPEAL Eastern States Exposition. Spring­ sas City. to be placed among their co l­ Briti: h Columbia, Vancouver. This is Invites Delaware Editors To Septe/mber 25 and 26; fi eld. Mass. • with a group of six boys lection of hi storic objects. after it has and six girls. accompanied by three been engraved to commemorate the ~~ :~ ::~; r:~da n~e l~~~~~;sw~iI :e ~~i~1 Meet Them Saturday Premiums Iiv~:u~.:~~ eSt~~eao~.~es~ wr::'~~~d $~~ representatives of the Extension De­ Battle of Cooch's Bridge. at present to fi l1 Dr. Evan's position ------and costs. Tuesday night by Magis- partment of the University of Dela­ Historical Points as head of the department. Someone Last Saturday Senator Daniel O. Plans have been completed to hold trate Thompl!on, after hearing evi- ware. will. however. be appointed to take Hastings introduced the press of Del- the four th annual exhibit of the New- dence in an accident case. which oc­ Many historic points but little The fortunate 4-H boys and girls known to the average Delawarean up th e vacancy on the staff of the awar e to the United States Senate ark Dahlia Association in the New- curred on Labor Day. Lofland ap­ who will leave Wilmington Saturday were brought to light by Mr. Cooch as Modern Language Department. Dr. press representatives. at a week-end ark New Century Club on Wednesday pealed the decision. morning on a special car over the Evans is a scholar of unusual attain- party give n the Washington news- and Thursday. September 25 and 26. Lo fl and was arrested by State-High- a result of his research work. Penna. R. R .• are: Mary McGinness. Among some of the points brought ments and is wel1 known through his papermen at Senator Hastings' home. As in the past the show will be way Officer Davidson on a warrant Wyoming; Ethel Austin. Milford; out by him were that Delaware once books and papers in the field of mod- Mapleshade. near Dover. strictly an amateur affair for r esi- signed by William Schwartz. follow- Elma Short. Seaford; Helen Pretty­ had a tea party equally as daring as cm F rench li terature. During the The Washington guests and the dents of Newark and vicinity and ing a n accident in_which Lofland drove man. Bridgeville; Margaretta Holton. the Boston Tea Party; t hat Samuel past yea r h e r ead papers at several Delaware editor s who arrived early in t here wil1 be no professional eXhibi a car into a car driven and owned by J Marshallton; Helen Robinson. Porter; Davies. one of the founder s of Prince­ meeti ngs of t he Modexn Language th e after noon. were enterta ined by the tors. No entry fee will be charged and.! Schwartz. The accident took place at John Keller. Milford; Leonard Sapp. ton University was born in P encader Assoc iation of North America. Dr. Senator at golf at the Mapledale the exhibition wil1 also be free to the the intersection of the Kirkwood and Magnolia; Clarence Huston. Seaford; (Contin~ed.!'n 'page 4.) (Continued on Page 4.) Counh'y Club. At 6 :30 a bountif ul public from 6 p. m. to 10 p. m. , Glasgow-Summit Bridge roads. when Edmund McCaully. Bridgeville; Med­ • - • buffet supper was given at the Sena- Wednesday. September 25. and a ll day Lofland atte~pted a left turn across ford Golt. Middletown. and John 1\ ~EN tor's home. until 10 p. m., Thursday. September Schwa rtz's \'lght of way. The evidence Montgomery. Wilmington. 1V! _ On Sunday. Senator Hastings took 26. establi shed that Lofl and's car struck In charge of t he party will be A. D. HOLSTEIN HERD LOCAL HORSE hi s guests to Rehoboth, and that even- Tables and bottles will be ready to that of Schwartz in the rear. a nd t hat Cobb, Assistant Director of Exten­ ing they left for the r eturn trip to receive exhibits from 6 p. m. to 10 Lofland then continued down t he road. sion, assisted by Miss Helen L. Com­ LEADS IN TEST TO STAGE SHOW Washington. p. m. Tuesday. September 24. and un- ~nd turning up a lane turned out his stock. County Club Agent of K\! nt • The guests from Washington in- t il noon on Wednesday. September 25. Itghts. apparently in an attempt to Cou nty. and C. R. Snyder. County Irvin Dayett And .J. K. clud ed Frank Smi th. Jerry O·Leary. Positivcly no entries will be received evade recognition. Schwartz followed Agent of Sussex County. Brookwood Farm High In J. J ames Ring, Edward Foli ard. Warren after that hour. Bottles wi ll be pro- Lofland. ·and obtained hi s license num­ These boys and girls have been se­ County Testing Associa­ Joh nston Announce 10 Event Wheaton. Charles M. Stevenson. Wil- \'irled for all single bloo m entries. but be r .and n.a me. Lofland ref used to wait lected by their leader s fo r outstanding tion; Jersey Herd Hor e Show At Tip Top Ii am K. Hutchison. Nathan Robertson. ex hi bitors must f urnish containers for until a Highway P olice officer could be achievement and leadership abili ty in Farms, On September 21; Francis Robertson and George W. nil va e and basket entries. No un- summoned to t he scene of t he acci- their 4-H Club activities. At Camp Second Combs. sightly ja:'s or t in cans will be ac- dent. A number of witnesses COI'- Vail they will join with 4-H boys and Post Entries And No Fees. Among prominent official guests at ceptable. . roborated Schwa rtz's testimony. girls from t he 12 other - North and Brookwood Farm. owned by Henry __ the supper and entertainment Satur- A co mmittee of professional judges Lofland was represented at t he Middle Atlantic States to take part in B. Thompso n and, located near Green­ . Tr vin Dayctt and J. K. Johnston. day were Chief Justice Pennewill. will place the awards and will be heanng by Magistrate Vinton. of St. a week's program of demonstrations. ville. Delaware. is again leading in owne rs of Tip Top Farms. have an- Governor Buck, ChanceJl or Wolcott. guided by t he standards approved by Geo rges. who signed hi s bond of $600 judging contests. r ecreation and lead­ New Castle County Cow Testing As­ nOli need a ten event. post entl'jY horse former Governor Pennewi11 . Senator the American Dahlia Association. for appearance when t he case is called ership instruction. and countless edu­ sociation. according to the August re­ show. to be held at thei r farm on Sat- Townsend. Co ngressman Houston. D., Single bloo ms should be shown 'with in a higher co urt. Vinton accused the cational features. port of Alois Leinen. tester for t he mdny • . cptcmber 21. The first class M. W il so n. Hayes Wilson. both of Is tems at lea st 15 inches long to show H l g h wa~ Police with persecuting Lof­ Specific duties are assigned to each organi zation. Its 13 pure bred Hol­ is Lo pnter the ring at 1 p. m .• day- Dover . ... and Robert P . F letcher . Jr .• growth habi t. Other foliage for deco- land. whIl e Officer Davidson contended state group by the Camp Vail man­ stein cows average for the month of en ised agement. and this year Delaware has August 939 Ibs. milk and 31.4 Ibs. been assigned to the 4-H forestry ex­ butterfat. This is more than 30 Ibs. ~~~~h:i:e~~~:~£; e;1f~r~{p~~~:~J were also ;;:s;:;~ h~::l~S . . INE\VA~j(60 WNS TO'HO(O"LOCAL . hi bit. Each day four members of the of milk and more than 1 lb. of bu tter­ group wi11 work in the 4-H Lunch Tip Top Farms are located on the J G 11 f AtlantiC City fat per cow per day. Counter demonstration booth. and Next to this herd ranks the pure I'oad from Newark to Appleton. two wa:ci:;:; $5~s: nd ~osts. on Monday: I ATLA' GOLFERS RADIO AUDITION every member of the group will take bred J ersey herd of J. H. Mitchell and miles west of Newark. by Magistrate Thompson. when ar- ....;.J , part in judging contests. Sons. of Hockessin. with 26.7 Ibs. but­ The events include both ha.rness raigned by State Highway Officer ._ - '~- During the last ten years over one terfat. Mitchell's herd has also been and sadd le classes for ponies and H h 0f kl S dl' mg hor ~e~ . F or how purposes animals T~:eosf:C: I~ t~s~:l:d thl~etc h:\ad ' I ~ ' a il~ Win 29-13 In Team Match. Entries For Local Contest hundred Delaware 4-H Club members leading ou r association for several Must Be Filed With Miss have enjoyed t his privilege of attend­ time . Geo rge Burge's Guernseys. of O\'el' 14.2 wi ll be classed as hO.l·ses. and ed Gasell a di stance of so me miles Sunday; Chas. Pie's 73 ing Camp Vail. and it is a source of Middletown. take the third place in lhosr ] .1.2 0 1' under . as pontes. The at a speed varying from 66 to 68 Tak CI b Ch . h' Nell Wilson By Sept. 18 ; much satisfaction to the Extension .iud~c, wi ll be Co lonel S. J. Smith a~d miles pel' hour. GeseJl paid his fine e~ . u amplOns Ip butterfat production with 26.2 month­ State Audition Oct. 1 . $25.- Leaders. that most of them have . re­ ly average. Ver y close Lo thi s fo ll ow Squil' Daniel Thompson. They WIll without com ment and was released. , QualIfymg Round Medal; 000 In Cash Awards. This tained t heir interest in Club Work George Pier so n's J erseys with 26.17. rese rve t he privilege of r e-classifying On Monday. Robert Clark, colored, Ginther Scores Well At and have given valuable assistance in Wilson Price's with 25.3 and Fred or rcjecli n~ uny e n t~·y . Horses must of Baltimore. was arres~ed by Office I' Riverton Year their home communities as local lead­ Martenis' Holsteins with 24 .6. be at the l'lng 20 minutes before t he Cunningham. and arrmgned before er s of you nger club groups. In milk production six Holstein c l assl'~ a r call ed. There \viJl be no Magistrate Thompson on charges of ~ntr y fees. AJI animals must also be driving without an operator's license On Sunday. t he Newark Co untry Local voca l talent, both male and (Co ntinut:d on Page 4.) entered in the names of their bona and driving with im proper r egistra- Club golf team of fi f teen p layers fell female. wi ll have its annu al oppor- LIGHTNING STRIKES 'rHIHCE HAS TON"SILS RE tOVED tuni ty. thi s month. to co mpete in the lid., own 1'5. tion. His fln es totaled $46 plus costs. on a li ke number of Atlas Powder t hird annu al Atwater Kent Nationa l During t he severe electrical storm Mrs. James M. Ba rnes underwent Th e ontinental Band will furni sh His car was held un til he returned Co!"pany divot scoo pcrs and beat Radio Audit ion. The ca sh awards Sunday. lightnin g struck the chimney a n op ration f or the removal of 1ll11 si(' du ring the aHernoon. for it wi th propel' registration; He them 29 to 13. in a poin t score. handi- have been increased thi s yeur to on the house of Anthony .'1'alucci to nsil s. at the Homeopathi c Hospital• 1111'. Dayett and MI'. J ohnston expect paid hi s fines and was r eleased. cap team match, played on the New- .$25.00 0 for the winners of the Na- I Kell s avenue. the roof of Wolf Ha ll . Wilmington. on Saturday. Dr. W. M. frOIll 50 to 75 entries and keen com- • > " a rk course. Righteous indignation tional Co ntest. Last year the prizes and a la rge tree on the grounds of 'Pierson perform ed the operation. Mr . . petit io n in each of t he ten cla sses. AMBULANCE CA LLS straightened the hooks a nd corrected 1'1 f J1 the sli ces of the Co untr y Club links- were ~ 17.000. Each winner is a lso' t he co lored school. Barnes was abl e to return home Tues- Fill ~~tr~~:~~_~~;~:~ in harness. The Newark ambulance .was called men. for in t~lC m nks of the powder- given a scholarship. Someone called t he fire co mpany day. (To be shown to cart or four wheel Tue 'day to take Francis Crow to the men appeared two rank "ringers." and M iss Nell Wilson is cha irman of the when the Talucc i hou se wns struck. local committee. and will announce. but no fire resulted. The bolt wh ich wagon _ prrIormance _ co nfirmation Homeopathic Hospital. after he had to rub salt in t his wound. t hese Street Work Progressing and ma nner 60 per cent, equIpment had both legs severely bruised in an ringers were none other than Charles next week. the date of the local audi- struck Wolf Hall tore a IIlt'ge hole 40 pc r cent ) . First prize'-:Cooling accident at the Continental-Diamond and "Buddy" Pie. thinly disguised as t ion. The state audit ion will be on in the r oof. Work on t he street improve­ blanket and ribbon; second. ribbon; Fibre Co mpany. Crow was helping un- powder monkeys. "Ike" Turner. of October J. 0 the local audition must 'lnent pro"ram of the Town of th ird, ribbon. load a truck of fibre, when a large Newark. won the medal in the match be held this month. An entries for RETURNS FROM HOSPIT;\L Newark is progl'essing a t u . . piece of fibre slipped and pinned him with a 76. the Newark contest must be fil ed with rapid rate. and it is expected ccond Event-Thl'ee foot Jumptng . JI Miss Wilson by September 18. Mr. Randolph Linden and Mi ss cJ a~ s. (Eight .lumps. none over three agTalhnest Ntheewawrak 'ambulance answered On Saturday. the qualifying round that the schedule for thi s fall f t 75 - for the club championship matches Entrants for the auditions must be Elizabeth Lindell. who were injured will be completed ahead of time. eel. Performance to coun Y i p;~ two calls during the week in Elkton. was played at the Newark Country between the ages of 18 and 25. and in a Labor Day automobile accident. Laying curb and gutter has cenL, manner and way ?f g~ ng th Elkton ambulance was under- Club. Charles Pie easily won the must be amateurs inasmuch as they have returned home f rom the Dela­ been completed on Park Place. per ce nt. Horses errtered 111 thiS class us. e . have not been paid performers in ex- ware Hospital. and are showing mark­ (Continued on Palt1! 4.) gomg r epairs. medal with a 73 gross score. H. G. Academy and Manuel streets. • • • • • I Lawson won the sliver spoon for the tended engagements outside of their ed improvement. Mrs. Linden, Whose and is nearly co mpleted on Kens F INE CANNERY BRAWLERS QUARANTINE ON DOGS LIFTED handicap medal way event, held In respective states. They must declare injuries were more serious. is still avenue and Center street. The an int~ ption to follow a musical confined in the hospital. grading is being fini shed on 1I1011io Williams and Bertha Goosly, As no further cases of rabies have conjunction with the qualifying round. career. and must be free of theatrical • • • those streets at present. Ce nter both co lored and employed at the local occurred in certain sections quaran- His gross was 87. and a handicap of tined on account of that disease, the 19 gave him a 68. net. or concert contracts. SELLS PLANT street will probably be paved cannery. were fined $10 each on State Board of Agriculture hereby On Monday. Eddie Ginther. Newark The National Radio Audition is early next week. and then full charges of disorderly conduct In Pd ' h' th t sponsored by the Atwater-Kent Foun- Herman Wollaston has sold his con­ attention wi 11 be given the Magistrate Thompson's court, Monday lifts the quarantine on dogs in the 1'0 .• stoo Slxt tn e money coun , dation to bring to light worthwhile crete block plant on South Academy drainage and paving problems night. They were arrested by Chief following areas: The towns of New- and flfth In scoring In the annual pro- talent each year. and to give talent street to Leonard Andrian. of Phila­ I rt (Lyndalia) Tuxedo Park Belvl- fessional sweepstakes. held at the on South Chapel street. y the means and opportunity to be de- delphia. Mr. Andrian took possession of Police Keeley and Officer Cunn ng- :re, a~ Stant~n, all In New' Castle I RIverton Cou.ntr Club. Philadelphia. veloped. the first of the week. ham, fo11ow ing a brawl at the can- county. quarantined July 13. (Contmued on Pal[e 4.) ncry, Sunday. 2 THE NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE ======NEWS OF THE NEIGHBORING TOWNS AS TOLD BY OUR CORRESPONDENTS

Seeking to R estrain Removal of mont-somewhere in t he neighborhood Stanton of seventy pupils in the two rooms. You Will Find- Trees By Officia.ls of Elkton Thirteen ma ll children arc in the Diamond Slate Protective Associa­ first grade thi year, the larg st num­ a Wonderful, Seasona hie Select ion of 11 b I' to enter at one time, for many Quality Merchandise in the Thc fig ht between E lkton City Mayol' McKenney a lleged t hat t he t ion will hold meeting in Stanton years. The school or chestra a l o ha Counci l and Standley Evans, r epre­ trees were dangerous and stated that Hall on Wednc day vening, ep­ A8CO Stores senling the State Forcst Wardcn, over he would r emove them regardless of tembel' 18, at 7:30, standard tim, ;'e umed it. weekly praclices, under or :30 daylight saving time, to the inst ruction of Messrs. Chalmers, the I' moval of trees a long t he side­ what Evans might say. Where Quality Counts! walks of E lk to n, which has been pro­ di scuss ways and means of detecting Barker and Mayer-all of Newark. LHter a special representative of grcssing at intervals for the P>lst year the person 01' perso ns who are steal­ the State Forest Warden CH me to E lk­ The Newark school-bus is once ~------~iRGI---~--­ 01' morc, neared a climax last week, ing ch ickens in this vicinity, the situ­ ton and looked the situation over and ation has become desperate and any again disturbing the early morning wh n Mayor Taylor W. McKenney the injunction papers were served on quiet of this peaceful li ttle burg, as was servcd wi th injunction papers re­ one interested in the work is cordially Mayor McKenney. invitee! to attend t his meeting. It is it rushes a nd roa r s up the road, stop­ strai ning t he city fathers in their ping at the Foul' Corner s to take t he tree-cutting activities. In 'peaking about the affair Mayor hoped to have some of the state offi­ McKenney said: "This is just what we cia ls present at the meeting. High Schoo l boys and girls aboard. Family Flour The injunction was optained by At­ have been waiting for. We sha ll now This year t here are four freshmen to torney-General Thomas H. Robinson, Friendship Lodge No. 4 is holding go f rom here-Elsie Ware, Bayard acting for the State Board of For­ see whether or not the town has juris­ Ib c its r egular meeting tonight. Bush, J a mes E lliott and Frank bag c estry, and is relurnable on or before diction over its own streets or whether they are controlled by t he State Thorpe ; seven sophomores-Ellen a nd 5 25 : 12 b~~ 49 October 7. It was issued Saturday. The Parish Aide of St . J ames P . E. Forest Wanlen a nd his deputies. E sther Cuna ne, Helen Elliott, E liza­ The Highest Grade Family F lour Mill ed! For the past severa l days t he town Church held its first fall meeting at beth and Sara Moor e,· Rachel Phelps "We wi ll a lso learn who will be has had a force of men at work mak­ the rector y on Tuesday afternoon, and Edward Bidwell; no j uniors ; and responsible fo r damage a nd acidents plans for the winter's work wer e dis­ ing preparations fo r layin g a concrete two senior s-Lois Phelps and Ma r­ Prim sidewa lk along the entire east side of that may occur from time to time cussed. The major project will be the garetta Thorp. Church street. In order to make a from tree falling 01' being blow n raising of funds to build a much Pastry Flour 5 good job of the work t he town co m­ down. A large numbel' of the trees needed parish house. A number of people from thi s vicin­ missioner s deemed it necessary to l'e­ a long our stl'eets are in a dangerous ity acco mpa ni ed the Christiana Fire The school at Stanton has opened ~ome Baking Needs !~1 move severa l large trees. condit ion." Company to Milford Tuesday evening. with record attendance, every avail­ Deputy Forest Warden Evans Mayor McKenney said that he A firemen's parade, postponed on ac­ ASCO Bakll1!{ Po::vder ...... can5c, 10c, 2~e ! served notice on Mayor McKenney able eat is occupied. The contractor s would lll'ge Attorney Joshua Clayton, on the new schoo l building, Vansant count of the rain from last Thursday .. : ...... t hat t he trees must not be disturbed cou nsel for the town, to prepare for evening, was the attruction, causing a 2~~~i~a~r:~n~0~od~~e~. : :~~~ . 1. ~in]~~ ' ~(;~ Bros., are pushing the work on the Baking Powder ...... can 9c: 17e a nd a verbal battle resulted. an early hearing on t he case. number of fire companies fl'om this Rllll1ford '~ ! n ew building r apidly and it is hoped ASCO SPIC~ S (Whole 01' ground) ...... pkg 7e that it will be completed early in part of the co unty to make the long ASCO Va mlla E xtract...... bot l :lc, 25c October. tri p in ver y threatening weather. Elkton Cecil Co. Anchorage MI'. and M rs. Ralph Stradley and Mrs. R. E li sabeth Maclar y and chil- ~:~1 Macaroni ' 3 pkgs 17c- Hearing Sept. 25 children spent Sunday at Wildwood, dren, HalTY, Alf r ed a nd E lla Mae During an electrical storm t hat . J. and Miss F lor ence M. Appleby moved; I passed over this section Sunday, The Board of Engineers fo r MI'. and Mrs. Ha rold Little and on Thursday of last week, to their lightning struck t he large barn on the Rivers and Harbo rs wi ll conduct children were the Sunday guests of new home on Lovett avenue, Newark. I ! 1~2g ~~r.~::i. cleani~~~~ed::t l~i '1~ I a hearing September 25 on the hi s father , Wm. Little. Mrs. I' rank Cannon and son of farm of Sohn H. Rehill, neal' North J Dus t Brushes ...... each 22c, .IO e E ast, and it bU1'l1ed to t he g round, to­ proposal for the co nstruction of Miss Dor othy Little, of Fairview, Wilmi ngton, were g uests during 'last a n anchorage basin at Chesa­ get her wi th several small outbuild­ was the gue -t of her a unt , Mi ss Lora week at t he home of Mr. and MrS'1 I l ~~\~~' ~n?:~~ih B~~ k ~l~ ' ...... : ...... e~.c~. ~ ~~ '. e~~I; g~ I ings. The loss is believed to be about peake City, to accommodate Little, last week. Geol'ge Appleby, near Salem. J Ivory Soap F lakes ...... pkg ge, 2ac $5,000. The farm contained several small craft using the Chesa­ Misses Alma Lucas, Alice Bradley Mrs. Mary E. Webber, of Wilming- peake a nd Dela ware Ca na l, Sen­ and Mar y E llen Frederick have r e- toll , one of . t he old-time r esidents of ASCO G· AI a utomobil e t rucks a nd machinery. Sparkling I n 9 ere pl bols. ator Millard E. Tydings was in­ turned to t heir studi es at the du P ont Christia na, was here in town on Tues- 0 3 25c Plus u sual bottle deposit F ire Sunday in the r estaurnant of formed t his week. High School. day, be ing guest for the day of her I the E lk ton Hotel called t he fire co m­ The board suggests the best Messrs. Preston Stradley, Roland daughte r, Mrs. J. Irvin Dayett of ' Pickling & Canning Time! pany to that place. The fl ames were place fo r such anchorage would Rothwell , Charles Boulden and Edgar Cooch's Bridge. ' I quickly extin guished with a triflin g ! be at Back creek, but that this J ones have e nter ed the Freshman Miss E lsie Green, of Camden, N. J., ASCO Pure Cider Vinegar . ... . 2 bots 2.3c loss. site must be consider ed in con­ class of t he Wilmington High School. was a vi 'itor over the week-end at the ! (lOc 1't;fund ?n jug) gal jug G:;e nection with the reconstruction Master Jack Rich retU'l'ned to his ~~~:h. of Mr. and Mr '. Raymond ASCO White Vmegar ...... 2 bots 25e I Charles R. F oard, of Elkton, has of the highway bridge across (10c refund on jug) gal jug 45c ! been granted a pate .t for a devise Back creek. sC~~~~S~~l ::~~ :~ ~:s:~d Frances Rich Mr. R. Earle Dickey, a chemi st in Mason Sa rs ...... qts. doz 79c : pts. doz 6ge used for measuring th" foot, to de- I " If reconstructed at a point will return to their school in Balti- the State Department of Agricul ture Certo (makes jell y jell) ...... bot 2ge termine the exact size of a shoe Parowax ...... Ib pkg JOe about 600 feet above the bridge, 1I10r e on Wednesday. at Dover , is spending hi s vacation at needed. The si mplicity of t he appar a­ I a 'dl'aw' would not be necessary Mr. John M. Lacey and the Rev. J. hi s home here. tus is one of its assets. Clarence A. and local inter ests would be re­ B. Vaughan were vi sitors at Milford, Mrs. Jane Cleaver was the week- O'Brien, of Washington, patent at­ quired to bear the expense of Del., on Monday. end g uest of her son and daughter-in- torney secured the patent for Mr. mainlenance onl y," the board Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Lucker, of Nor- law, Mr. 'and Mrs. A. Ingram, 0'1' - Butter Foard. @JJ -~ says. r istown, spent the week-end with Mrs. Hare's Corner. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram Mrs. Elizabeth Sparklin, accom­ Edward Murray. and Mrs. Cleaver spent Sunday in The cream 0/10 quarts 0/ Milk panied Sergeant and Mrs. D. R. P er­ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lacey wer e in Odessa, renewing old acquaintances. is used to make each pOllnd kins to Frederick, on Monday, where Lesli e F ord and daughters, of Cooch's Dover on Sunday. Little Mi ss Lelia Lynam, daughter she will spend a week. Bridge, spent Sunday with t heir par- Mi ss Nellie Morton, County Libra- of Mr. a nd Mrs. H. Vernon Lynam ~l~--;;~) ::~~~~.-.~.~.. ~. ~:;;:j- ents, Mr. a nd Mrs. Hal'ry Dayett, Sr. ri an, acco mpanied by Miss Smith, vis- of Stanton, visited her g ra ndmother ; Sweet Tender June Peas 3 cans 25c I Monday morning the r esidence on Rev. J ohn Moo re, pastor of Presby- ited the Stanton Branch of t he Coun- Mrs. J ames Appleby, over t he week­ ASCO Dutch Cocoa ...... 1h-1tJ can 20e Landing Lane, Elkton, occupied by terian Church, will take as his text ty Library on Monday. She had the end. f Choice Ripe Tomatoes ...... 3 cans 25c Mrs. Richard Rothwell , was partially next Sabbath evening, "The Gospel new County Library Book Truck, this 1\1i ss. Marion P help.', in co mpa ny destroyed by m e. The residence is Invitation." Public is co rdially in- is a new addition to t he service and wltb Mi sses Marion and E lva Davis 2 pl. bOis. 35c owned by Mrs. William H. Mackall. vited to wor ship with us. adds gr eatly to it. These rural of near T hompson Station, spent t h ~ :~;~ Grape Juice MI'. and Mrs. Thomas Brown en- branche have been of gr eat help in ~r s t few days of t his week in Wash­ The Board of Managers of U nion Car~::io~~rt:::;day Evap. Milk ______tall ClII lOc tertained on Sunday Mrs. Martha the pa. t to schola rs of the upper mgton, D. C. Hospital, Elkton, has a ppointed Mrs. ASCO Evap. Milk ______lall cnn tOe C. Leid y, of Newa rk, N. J ., night Pogue and daughter, o! Wilmington, grades and it is hoped to make them Mr . and Mrs. Raymond Louth we re Mr. Earle Brown and daughter , Ann, more so in t he future. the guests on Sunday of Mr. Louth's superintendent at t he hospital, s uc­ of Kirkwood, Mr. and MI·s. Allen Mrs. F. J. E llison is still seriously brother a nd hi s wife, Mr. and Mrs. C h e e s e .------{ C~~~~:lt! :;.~~ 21 C ceeding Miss Stewart, who r eturns to Limburger Jar Brown and daughter , Louise. ill at her home her e. Cha rles Louth, of Gibbstown , N. J. her studies in Washington. K. eep in mind t he date and place of MI'. R. Earle Dickey, of Dover a nd ~ r . and Mrs. H. A. Phelp recently The committee in charge of t he the good supper to be se l' ved on at- Christiana wa t he guest of hi s par - enj oyed a trip from Philadelphia 49c - 39c = lOc Saved! trap shooting tournament held on the ,ur day ev.e nin g", at t he home of Mr. and ent·, MI'. and 1111'S. Cha . P. Di ckey, on down t he Delaware Ri ver and in to farm of United States Marsha ll W. Mrs. J ulius C. Barr. Supper served at Tuesday. Delaware Bay, on lhe steamship Frank Mathus, along E lk River, on five o'clock, benefit of P a -tor's. a lary "John Cadwall ader" of the Ericsson Labor Day, has turned into the t reas- of Gla sgow M. E. Church. Ch ° to Line. rlSCD Coffee my of U nion Hospital, E lkton, the Mrs. Harry Dayett, Jr., and daugh- rls lana Mr. and Mrs. Olan J. Cleaver and s um of $1,559.30, the proceeds of the tel', Mary, and Mrs. Charles Laws children, George, Benjamin , Aud rey shoot, to be used towards the im- . pe n ~ Frid ay in Wilmington. The Ladies' Aid Socielv of the and· Burke, spent Sunday at Wh ite ]1rovement of the Nurses' Home. MISS Cele tia Wilson, of New Cas- Presbyterian Church met Wednesdav Crystal Beach. c o lie, spent Sunday with her parents, cvcning at State Road Chapel, as th'e Mr. Franklin Eastburn and Miss tb 39 The monthly dinner meeting of the Mr. a nd Mrs. E. R. Wilson. guc ~ t .. of Rev. and Mrs. Samuel L. Frances Lo~t h w~ r e Sunday evening E lkton Chamber of Commerce was On Thlll' day morning, about two Irvine. guests of MISS E li zabeth Cam II , of Richly frag ran l fl ll'l ~a liiryillg held Mo nday evening at the Howard O'c loc k, a car bearing a New J er sey -- I Stanton. H ot~ I , . wit h Standley ~va n s, president, , li cense. and driven by colored peo. pie, The lad ies of the Methodist Social ===;=;~~==:=:==='7":S=== Victor Coffee Iii 35c rresldmg. The meetmg was well at- drove m to the gate on the property of hm'e dec id ed on Wed nesday, October HOUSEHOLD tend ed. IHal'l' Y L. Dayett, demoli shing the gate 23, a lhe date of their annua l poultry We bu y and sell cond-hand Furni- and fence, a lso one wheel of the car a nd oyster supper . These ladies have ture. A first clas selection a lways in ANNUAL CONVENTION was broken. made a n enviable r eputation fo r t hem- stock at 10 ·ices. Hartnett and -==IN OUR MEAT MARKETS==- OF SUNDAY SCHOOLS ?n Saturday mornin g a new Ford, selves in regard to t hese supper s-so Willey, 517 e erson t., Wilmington. · Ii!i~i~~~i~imi=~i~ The Cecil Cou nty 'Sunday School dri ve n by a color ed man by the n ame please marl< t hi s date on your calen- Phone 7204 . r 2,7,ti a nnual convention will be held in Elk- of Charles S mi th, ran into t he milk dar a nd let nothing intel'iere with Fancy Fresh Killed ton on Friday, September 20, with ' tand of Norma n a nd Delaware Laws yo ur bein g present! •••• -.-••• ------.------.-.------: Broiling Willia m M. Pogue, of Rising S un, ? emoli shi ng mil k stand, and damage: The vi ll age Library has had com- T M SWAN Frying C presidi?g. . :.~~ t~~;a n ~sa~~o~h ea car. :fhe drivel' paratively li ttle patronage du ri ng the ° ° Stewing Chickens to 39 An lilt resting program has been pened b ~ . tSd aCC id ent hap- summer mo nt hs. But a number Of l CHIROPRACTOR prepared by t h.e convent ion co mmi t- the ~; r u ro~:C~ t~r~~s s~ I next day a nd new books are bein g broug ht .here t hi s Palmer Graduate' tee, to be held m the E lkton PresbY- I p • D 0 en. week, ready for the coole r weather 5th YEAR IN PRACTICE All Lean Wbole or t erian Church. T he Rev. Irvin F. 0 I Iand the longer evenings. Enough can 49 W. Main St. Ne~ark, Del. Smoked Ski nne HAMS Shank Ilalf lb 32c Wagnel', of E lk ton, wi ll make t he ad- g etown hardly be said in favor of H free dress of welco me. ___ library in a small communi Ly like t hi s, ' Phone 429 ~/ I) I A t t he mor~in g session the Rev. C. "fhe Ogletown school, under the able I and all who 81'e wise wi ll surely take I Oflice Hf,/Urs: V) ICE COLD 'tPPLE SAUCE 2 cans 25c L. Dawso n will make an address on leader shi p of M' J . S . h h advantage of t he benefits to be ob- Dllily ] 1 to 1 and 2 to 5. ~---,------~- "Why Our ~enomi.nation Should has had c hargel S~ f ~~~~e. mit , ~v ~ I tained from it. Tuesday, Tl1i rsday and II Work Together 111 Cecil Counl)''' The f' ame c 00 -- Ih ...... G nuine Spring Lmnb ...... I Revs. H al'l'Y ·R. Zeigler and J . If. Prct- .or ~o me t lllle, ?as settled down to the [ The publi c schoo l is in fu ll swing I Salurday ev ings, 7 to 9. tyma n will also make short talks. ~ohut~ n e of the tegu.lar fa ll -~e rm work. now, With an unusuall y large en1'oll - _._._. ___ ._ •• __ ••_ .-.-----•••- •• --. ___ l Loin Chops 10 50c II Shoulders 11> 30c "The P lace of Worshi in Char- . el e ar «; pupil s enrolled Rib Chops 10 45c Neck Ih ~2c I t B 'Id ' " . ' p. 111 the SIXtwe graden ty-es,l g Wh ~i th five of the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~ ac er UI II1 g Wi ll be the subject of number in t he be i' 1 Rack Chops I tb 32c Breast Ib J 2 1 zC un add ress by the Rev. James H. ~lI1g C ass. BishoJ1 at the afternoon session. "A The Subul'ban Co nstruction Co m- Proposed Standard fo r Church pany of Ardmore, Pa., is making ex­ Fi~i&Sliced B~l----- ~lb. pkg 45~ School" will be t he Rev. Maurice R. ce ll ent progress in the work of im­ Coal Shoveling Hamm's subject in an address at t he proving t he Ogletown-Stanton road Lean Bacon Ends . Jb . 18c afternoon session. a matter of interest to all re id ents of I During the ni ght session an elec- thi s little vill age. These contractors Time Is Here -- o -+r----~~- t ion of officers will t ake place wi th arc using all sorts of up-to-the-minute FINEST N ATIVE BEEF S TEAK. the Rev. Dr. A. R. Hibishman mak- road-building eq uipment and so a re Order your coal now, but ing the closing address on "Resul ts ablc to carryon theil' ~v o rk rapidly and Adults." a nd efficiently. order good coal. E very ton of Round I Rump Sirloin The officer s of the a ~soc i at i o n are coal in our yards ha. passed the Rev. Oswald Schwalbe, presid ent; Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Hawthorne a most rigid test, which in- Lynn B. Gillespi e, vice-president; had as guests 011 Sunday, Mr. and Ib SOC -I Iii SSe I Ib 60c Mrs. Geo rge Webb, of Philadelphia, sures your getting maximum Dr. J . L. T rone, secretary, and Robert ...... J. McCauley, treasurer. a nd Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Walto n heat and warmth at minimum ---~-~~ -....-~------of Iron Hill. ' cost. Mr. lind Mrs. Frank Morrison Jr. HORMEL'S Glasgow were recent visitors at the ho~ e of Mrs. Morri son's parents, Mr. and You Will Cut Down Waste and Save Money on Our Coal. Sold on ly ill cn n Flavored Sealed Whole Markr ! wl. Mrs .. George W. Davis, of Christia nl1. Miss Rebecca. Thompson, of Phila­ MI s E mma Currinder spent t he delphia, has returned home, after week-end wi th relatives in Baltimore. spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. c. E. EWING \ ') I { CHICKEN . .. J Geo rge Brown. Abili ty involves responsibility. N. ~ollege Ave. Pho e 114 IN GELATINE JELLY. Mrs. Ma rie Deiber t and daughter , P ower to its last particle is duty.­ Chlolilda, of Elkton, Mr. and Mrs. J Ma clar en. TheBe pricee elrectlve In our PIl\IltIIIVIiiI I Newark storn _ THE NEW ARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE 3

C. Kirk and rather, harles Kirk, mo-I Pa., spent Saturday and Sunday with lativ s and also attended the all-day ters, of wlll·thmore, Pn., are the IO f rolr. Hnd [rs. lI arold Langworthy Summit Bridge tor d to D I-Marvia amp Sunday. hi s parents , Mr. and Mrs. imrod meeting at Hart's hurch. guests of Mr. a nd Mrs. li' . V. V. hile- who w.:ore hel' guesL~ OVH the w('('k- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bendler and linnel.. MI'. and Mrs. Wilbur Ni hols, of ml1n. Dr. a nd MI·s. Ll.'on Hnl WhitemHn ('nd, hav i n~ returned from their ~Ir . nnd ~[r'. Noble avend r, f r?m ' hildrcn, Alb rt and Doris, attended 1\11-: . Cl'uch Kimble and three chil- hesap aile ity, spent last week-e nd h!IVe r<'.t ul'l1.d to their home in New Iweddi ng trip lhl'ough Vil'ginin, orth . \l'iilIl1nJ:tll n, spent Sunelay wIth t he Austin family r eunion at White dren, of Washington, D. ., is s pend- ) ol'k Ity aft I' a stay at t he White- arolina and l\lal'yla nd, en I'oule fOl' nen.r h.. "tlll'r fin d s i~tcr, M r. and Mrs. hrystal 1a nor on MonelllY. ing some tim at the home of her Mr. a nd Mr" hades Futty w I'e man home heL' . th('ir home in Adnms enler, I, Y. l\hl:;I,\,,1 (; .. 11 of nl.'ar Mt. Pleasant. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Butler, of Rbse parents, Mr. and 11ft's. Elwood Zebley. visilors!n E lk Neck last atu rda ~. I ptions recently secured on lhe Thr guests at th(! dinncl' wcrc Th . 'Inc! .\11'" William Naylor and Hill, spent the week-end with hcr sis- MI'. and Mrs. Maurice Minner and uphll n und ~ft- s . h a rl ~~ COO.llI1g, fnl'ln propertie' of Arnold Nnudain I lh'V' and ;\1r~, .'umul'1 L, l l'\' in~, II .. )I r, "k ni Tuwnsend, weI' Sunday t r, Mrs. Wa ite' ni'dtl1.(U)~___ foul' children, a nd Mrs. Georg of hesapeake Ity, wer c VI S ltO~ s h rc Iund John Ii'. Brackin, have be n closed and l\Irs. Ll.'on Altman of Philudcl- on J n~, I M El' MI'. and Mr '. Lewis hambcrlain, St wart and daughter, Betty, of laRt Sunday for the celebratIOn at hy ,D. uutlle l, real state a '('nl of phia, Mi gs l\lirium Gm), of la),lIIont, :'i,i'tor ; witl> he r 11I0tler, 1'5,' Izn of Bllitimore vi sited Mr. und Mrs, hester, Pa., weI' Monday evening Harl',' M. E. hU1'ch. Wilmington. The Naudain fU1'1lI was Ii~ s(>s Sam Pl'llIlington and Lillian Ben1lltr. Hurt'y ichols over the week-end. visito l's at Mr. an Mrs. Nimrod Services next Su n lay in Hart's L purcha 'cd for $30,000 and the Brackin [,'mzi 1', Bancroft and Puul Peach. \I r, ,J"hn ,,', .'ll'aughn, of ~ ~m s ]\[1'. and Mr:. J ohn Brooks and Minner's. E. hurch wi ll begin with Sunday , furm for $26,000. '{'hese farms join Lat l' in the e\'cIJing, III IIIhcr~ of the ('r',,,,, :-: . .r, was a week-end VI Sitor tlaughter, Mi ss Grace Brooks, were in Mr. Alfred loud, of t he Masonic chool nt 10 o'cloc k, Walter Wilson, Ifoul' farm properties recently sold to Young People's. oeiety of White IHY ,:i;h hi I ort t!~c n:to 111 '1 BO pJ ~nHn nt to yJU I' n J and daughter have r eturned home, af- bid good old summer tIme fllTtlWell. r., :-:::: ::1:; t~ t !~ rr:. ~t !1. F o :' r :'·r:: U';',1.1 tel' ~pe nding the summer at Locust Sq'ulrrel law being out, OUr boys are ~!'t' r ·::mn. cnll li n. hav'i'ng good sport, also good luck. . P O~t;~ .M~~ rry Murray was a visitor, Mrs. Hall and daughter, Mrs. Lydia ". C Ihoul1 Plercc, of Newark, and son Edward, Thursday, with JUrs. Kate a ' .. hf W'llm'lngton, spent Sunday at the E. 1.. Hollingsworth ~ __...... , 'heu aN IMulated Mr. and M'rs. Joseph Robinson, OI v 11 Wilm ington, and Mr. and Mrs. 01an home of Mr. and Mrs. William'Ha . ~ Specllll Del1W1I8tratlon Will Be Conducted by Mis8 Belen Otten During Week Be. Cleaver , ()'t Christiana, spent Sunday MI'. Robert E. MInner of Chester, Company ginning September 9th n wilh Mr, and Mrs. George R. JohnsO. . =;~~~~~~~~~~~~\ I Mrs. Arthur EVflns was In WI!- ! lUMBER I COAL, MILLWORK, min rto n hopping, Saturday. ON FEEDS, FERTILIZERS, ~ I r. ~n d Mrs. ' Lewis W ~ J1 s, ,,:ho BmD & JEFF~RS WILMI';WOCa· htlve been spending some Wne WIth Hauling 01' Every Description BUILDING MATERIALS , b r brothel', Harry Ni c~ol s, haye re- W k HARDWARE , ETC. 827 Market Street . ltlrned to their horne In lIaltlmore, Let Us E stimate on Your or ..~ ••W •••••••••••~ .. M~ I" and Mrs. Robert D. Rutledge, l . !.;;;;P;;;;H;;;;_ON;;;;E;;;;';;;;V;;;;J;;;;L;;;;M;;;;IN_Grt~O.:N_61;;;;2;;;;5;;;;J Phone 182 NEWARK of Mt. Pleasant, Mr. '1U1d Mrs, Merrit I" i 7111'(,) i ("i THE NEWARK POST, NEWARK. DELAWARE epl mb l' 12, 1929 4 Thursday. Karl Feucht, 7; Fred Martenis, 6; tive po stag lamps hn' b =:::::::::::, NEWARK DOWNS Wallace Cook, 1; John Govatos, 6; popular that a Ill' \\' stll mpeC:I1I! 10 The Newark Post IDEPLORES LACK _ _ _ F_o!!..n~~d_J~n_u~r~_26_~9~O-,-~y_~e_l~t~_E_ve~e~t_C_~0~n~o_n___ ' . OF INTEREST ATLAS GOLFERS T.J . HaroldH. Mit Littlchell e, and6; G Son,eorge Pier3; Wilson,so 1;n appeal'every ye~r In 01'one So-~ Yl'uro metim Th s PPtael'erral. · d f P 1) (Continued from Pa"e 1.) Pier son, 2; Irvin Klair, 2; Pusey Stutes postage st;\mI1: how:"etUnite4 Issued Every Thursday at the Shop Called Kells (C on tlIlue rom aa:e . • Passmore, 1; Brookwood Farm, 6; W. ~lmo st hulf a ccntul'y old be ,Wal Newark, Delaware Hundred and was pastor of the Welsh A s mall fi eld of 14 cut t he proposed L. Phipps, 6; Fred Stafford, 7. Idea was cone ived uf gil'i fO.t! he The Post Publishing Company- Publisher Presbyterian Church at Glasgow; six prizes to foul' so Eddie played just The aVP;'age cow in our association tOl'ical valu . ng It hi.. Charles B. Jacobs, Jr.- Editor t hat Abel Morgan, who wrote the first out of the money. He had a 74 and a producr.q 212.51 Ibs. milk and 22.78 . 'rhe fi.r st slamps Wll' pul on concordance of the Bible, was pastor 77 for 161 for the 36 hole test. Leo Ibs. of product had a 10 1 47 th fi rbl sl1cl'inl .erie ,ale Entered as second-class matter at Newark, Delaware, '6'Jtt-jlfat. Rer ~ under Act of , 1897. of the Welsh Tract Baptist Church; Shea, the home pro, took first money vadue of $22.78, and she returned for peared ,Ill .1 93 lo romnw nJ orat ap. Make all checks to The Newark Post. that David Jones, the chaplain of Mad with 145. There were two tied at 160, each $1.00 expended for feed, $3.68. lu mbu ~ s (hscovc l' Y of AI11~rica e Co. Telephones, 92 and 93 Anthony Wayne's army, whose stir- which pushed Eddie into sixth place. Feed' cost for 1 lb. of butterfat wa ~ ~v e r e slxt?en ?f th e~l' stalllps, ;aThere Th.~ Subscription price of this )laper is $1.60 per year in advance. rihg sermons drove the men into vic- The summary of the Newark-Atlas 29 cents and $1.16 for 100 Ibs. of 11\ denom in ation fmm One nglng Single copies 4 cents. tory, was also a pastor of t he latter match was as follows: _ milk. The amount of grain fed to one each one telling a li ttle of \~nt to $5, We want and invito communwations, but tho1/ -must be signed by the church. Atlas cow averaged 187 Ibs. (including dry Columbus in ight o~ I.and t~ee slot)': Writ61"S name-not for publioation, but for our information and protection. The reason these things are little Frank Clayton ...... 0 cows) and the cost of feed $6.67. ing of Co lumbus, th e Flag ~ h' Land. known, he said , is because Delaware Chas. Pie ...... 1 LOCAL H"O-RS· EMEN lumbus, the Fie or ('Ollllllbu; ~\ Co. has not cared for its national shrines P . F. Pie, Jr...... 1 bus Soliciting the Aid of I sa b~ll noUIll. H Ii! noll Ihtall.u. 3J1huuer.u. ,arka. itl'ttl'r .t;r~ltols. mrel'll. like other states, and has had a lack J. Sturgis ...... 2 lu mbu s W Icomed at Barcelonn , Co. \!lJ 1Jrrl'1l11 Air, .t;1ll111~inl'. nnll lI11rk for iEul'rl1 y." of writer s to extoll them. P. F. Pie, Sr...... 3 TO STAGE SHOW lumbus Restored to Pm'or C I ' Co. • - OUR M01bnll'TO. . Delawar e is richer in ~istoric lor e C. G. Derrickson...... 2 Pr esel~t in g . la~ive , . o h;mb~ unJ~U! than any other tate, he said, and it Larry McGarrity ...... 0 (Continued from Page 1.) nounclI\~ HIS Dl sco\'('r)', Colu mbu ' n· ~======~ I is t ime t he world knew it. One of the Jack Calfee ...... 1 La Rabld a, Recall or oilimb at _e most prominent men of the Revolu-I J. AllaL'(lyce ...... 0 not eligible to fou l' foot jumping class, bella Pledg' H J us, I a· SEPTEMBER 12, 1929 t ion is but little known, he continued. W. F. W~ l s(l n ...... 0 but can enter t hree-foot six inch in Chains I ~gl e~' e ~el s , Columbus ======::=====~======IHe then told of John Dagsworthy, of C. H. Caley ...... •. .. 1 classes). First prize-Halter a nd rib- Th' d V ' 0 ~n\u s ~Sc l'ibing His Sussex County, who claimed prece- J. C. Allen ...... 0 bon; second, ribbon; t hird, ribbon. an~r Col~I~~~:' ai~~l:lla and Columbus, Delaware's History dencc over Geu rge Washington as the L. W. Brinton...... 0 I Third Event-Three-foot six-inch Aft. - e r fi1I' ? years an0ther comme head of the Coloni al Anny. The two J. Harvey Dickey ...... 0 jumping class. (Performance only to rat lve . se ~· l e~ .(ollowed. known l1IaO' Edwal'd W. Cooch has labol'ed long and ably to bring hietorica l men, he said ,. had to go to Boston, W. W. Coy...... 2 co un t eight jumps.) First prize- Transml s ISS IPPI -Amaha stam . r ecognition to Delawar e and to D e lawar e's historic s hrines, and where the decision was in favor of Crop a nd ribbon ; second, r ibbon ; sued during the Tl'a n sm i ss i ~~ i P ~' IS· his d elv ing into the g lorious pa t of this state has brought to light Washington. Several years later, he 13 third, ribbon. In te rn ~t i o~a l E xpo ~ iti o n. T:: n~lnnde many surpris ing and significant historic ~acts . Last Saturday, said , Broo m Street Hill came within Newark Fourth Event-Three gaited saddle de t . the m e mbers of the Order of De Molay made a pilgrimage to !\ few votes of being t he national H. A. Turncr, Jr...... horse . (Walk, trot a nd canter. Con- to fl'ol1l one cent n$~lI1 a 1 0 n ~!l ;- ~nl!~n R' he Cooch's Bridge to visit the monument m arking the spot whe r e the capital. F. C. Houghton...... firmation manner s a nd styles of going Mi ss i ~~ ~~ ~)~ ~ F~I' ~lingI~I~qt~ ~t~r:~ i historians have ever y r eason to believe the American F lag was Reli gious Freedom C. O. Houghton ...... •...... 2 to co unt. ) First prize-Tip Top dian Hunting . Buffalo, Prel1lo~t :~ first unf urled in battle. While they were there, they were treated One of t he greatest things Dela- C. A. Owens ...... 1 1Farm Cup and r ibbon ; second prize, Rocky Mou ntall1s Tro G to a r ecital by' Mr. Cooch of facts in D elaware history, which ware offered to t he world, he said, was C. H. Hopkins ...... 0 Halter and ribbon; t hird prize, ribbon. Train, Hard ~ hi ~ ~ o[ oP~ mi;:~~·ing should be common and proud knowledge of every native of this reli gious f reedom, which was the J. P. Armstrong ...... 1 Fifth E vent-Ponies. (14.2 and un- Westel'.n Mining Pro Pector, W es tl:t~ state, but, unfortunately, are known to but ver y few. boast of all t he other states. Many C. B. Jacobs, Jr...... 2 del', walk, trot and canter. Perform- Cattle In Sto1'm and Mi s~iss i . R' . dEB Wright 2 ance and manner s to count.) First Brl·dge. c, PPI wet t t h Mr. Cooc h , whose h o m estead is but a few steps from the os nla yes, to eit scont ownll1u ree ligion,offer edbu ftr eedoDelam- .J. . P.. Cann ...... 2 pr~z e, \ ony brid~ e an~ ribbon; second The Pan-Amer ican Exposition i monume nt, and was u sed d u ring t h e R evolution by r a nking officer s var e foster ed all ,r elig ions. Bar- W. E. H~lton ...... 3 pl'lz.e, l'lbbon ; thn·d,.rlbbon. Buffalo in 1901 was marked by an on both s ides, including Washington, Lafayette and Green, told ~att' s Chapel, in Kent County, is H. M. F lggatt ...... 2 Sixth Event-Pomes.. (14.2 and un- other series, depi cting means of tra n· the visiting fraternity of a tea party in D elaware which was as called the "Cradle of Methodism." On H. G. Lawson ...... 3 del' showl! to ca ~·t s, eq ui pment, 25 per portation. A lake steamcr was S h o~~ daring and bold as that for which Boston is famous. He also re- the Delmarva Peninsula from Phila- J. B. Taylor...... 3 c?nt.) F irst prl~e, Pony .aalte~ and on t he one-cent stamp, a r a il w~y train lated how Broom Street Hill came within a few votes of being the delphi a to Pocomoke wer e established W. C. Brewer ...... 3 l'lbbon; second, ribbon; thIrd,. rlbb.on . .on the two-cent, an aulOl11ob ile on the captial of this nation. Mr. Cooch spoke of John Dagsworthy, Dela- the earliest Presbyterian Churches in C. P. Blest...... • . . . .. 1 .Seven.t~ Ev~nt-Four-f~ot Jumpmg fi ve-cent, ship canal locks on thc ei ht. warean, of whom but few have heard, but who claimed precedence the new world. With these also grew c la ss-E I ~ht Jumps,. no Jump under cent and an ocean steamship on gthe over George Was hington for t h e command of the Continental up the Qu akers, Episcopalians, Luth- 29 3 feet 6 II1chancees , no Jump over 4 feet. ten-cent stamp. Army. Both Washington and Dagsworthy w e nt to Boston, and the erans, Baptists and Catholics. Rival- The pairings and qualifying scores (\erfol''':I only, to count.) First The next special series celebrated cOlnmand was finally given to Washington. l'les t hey had but no persecutions. ~~ lI ot~:: club championship are as prize, br~d l e and ~Ibb o n; second.. hal- the purchase of Loui. iana from Mr. Cooch traced religious histor y in D e laware to prove that Ancient churches and meeting houses First Sixte. en tel'. ~nd l'Ibbon; third, crop and .rlb~on. France. The stamp s bore severall this state did more to e n courage r eligious growth and make of various faiths stand a ll over the Eighth Event-Three feet SIX mch the portraits of the men most y r ' h ' t th th t t . I . state, he said, as evidence of the great Chas:.Pie (73 vs. E. B. Croo~s (87); to ~: h a nd out. ~F o ur ju~ ps. ) .Fir st s i~l ~ for accomplishing it-R o ~:~io~: 'e IglOUS IS Ol'y an any 0 er s a e III o ur ear y nation. D ela- heart of Delawal1e which shut out P. F. Pie, Sr. (89 vs. L. H. Lewls (79); pl'lze,. breast s.hap .and ribbon, sec- LIVingston, Minister to France at the ware was tole rant and fostered and protected an creeds. . none but opened its arms to all. F. C. Houghton (81) vs. C. A. McCue ond ,. ribbon; t hird, l'Ibbon. , time; Thomas J efferson, Presid ent Mr. Cooch deplored the lack of historical records and interest What Valley Forge is to P ennsyl .. (90) ; H. G. Lawson (87) vs. S. H . NlI1th. Eve n t-~ a nd ~ hunters class. and J ames Monroe, special Amba sa: in Delaware . He said that an unfortunate lac k of writers had kept vania, Lexington and Concord are to Stradley, Jr. (78~: C. O. Houghton (~our Jumps. First Jump, waik to dol' to France. Delaware 's rich historical lor e a secret, even within its own New E ngland and Yorktown is to Vir-I (78) vs. P. F. Pie, Jr. (89); H. K. wll1gs ; secon?, trot to wing ~ ; third, The J amestown se l'i e. of 1907 fol· borders, and that indiffer e nce h ad a llowed many of its s hrines to ginia, so shou ld Cooch's Bridge be to Hoch (9~) v ~ . J. P. Armstrong (81); canter. to wings ; fourth, ~I s mount , lowed, depicting the lan ding of the fall into d ecay. Delaware, he said . All t he patriot ism IE. B. Wright (79) vs. E. C. Post (89 ); s~ rap JU~ P, rel:n ollllt, and ride from colonists 300 year s before and beat· What Mr. Cooch h as said is deplorably true. D,elaware's t hat was di splayed at other places, D. W. Ca uffi eld (87) vs. H. A. Turner, r~ng . ) F irst pl'lze, stable bla nket and ing t he li keness of Captain J h . Jr (76) l'Ibbon; seco nd , ribbon; third , ribbon. Sml'th and Pocahonta The fi to. n S h rInes are not m arked, and are unknown to many right h er e in was mad e d ou b Iy so at Delaware's " . ' r Sin the state. What has been done to bring D elaware t h e honol'able only battlefield, he co nt inued. He Second Sixteen ! e.n t ~ Event-Hunt pairs . . (3 feet gle commemor ative st~mp-t h at is t~ t l . tIt t h t h W h' A D Le 1 (92) L S 6 m C.h Jum.ps. Hor ses to be ridden at say one that belonged to 11 0 serl'e- ChIt.recognition duet' it , thha st Dbeen I done by private c itizens like Mr. ton,len m pomoved e(hi sou army a sowu the nf romas Philm g-- (96);.. P . C.ve VanSant v s.(98) eo nvs. pW.encer E. h un t mg d Istance: P erforman7e only was that of 1909 to mark the develop. OOC. IS Ime a e aware's w ealth of history be put on adelph ia to meet General Howe's Holton (93); W. Bradford, Sr. (96) to. co unt.. . Com~ m e d owne: shl p p.er- ment of the Alaska-Yukon.Pacific 'ecord for the world to see, and it is time that our historic build- army, which was mov ing northward vs. J . H. Dickey (102; B. H. Mackey nutted. Elgh~ Jumps.) First. prize, Territory, having for its design the ngs and s pots be cared for and marked. from t he Chesapeake Bay, onl y picked (98) . vs. F. I. Crow (93); Dr. Walter ~:il;~rsr i~~~n~lbb o n s ; second, l'Ibbons; portrait of William H. Seward , who men, consisting of 1100 "expert Hulhhen (93) vs. A. D. Cobb (98); ,. as Secretary of State negotiated the H '] A RIB marksmen" and 700 cavalry men H . F . Mote (104) vs. A. S. Eastman AUGUST REPORT OF purchase of Alaska from Ru ssia . • ere s ea argain known as "Philadelphia Light Horse," (96); H . C. Souder (94) vs. W. D. THE VISITING NURS Special stamp issues fo r the most Within the next week'or so, the Athletic Council of the Uni- wer e placed at the bridge to check t he Fowler (101) ; G. W. Rhodes (97) vs. ES part have been concerned with the versity of Delaware w ill offer t h e public season athletic tickets advance of a n army which outnum- P. B. Meyer (93) . The report of Mrs. Albert Krewatch territorial development of the coun· d f II U ' 't h bered them ten to one. This r eq uired a _ • and Miss Alice Leak, Newark visiting try; but the occasion of the electric goo. or a mversl y At letic events which take place at home all the patriotism of the 'men and at HOLSTEIN HERD nurses, for the month of August, light's golden j ubilee is not the first .durIng the school year. The tickets will cost $5.50 and will admit the same time made the Delaware bat- foll ows: time on which the progl'e s of .cien ce th~ hol.der to forty contests which include football, basketball, tle more intense. • LEADS IN TEST No. of visits, 196. Nursing visits, has been marked on a stamp. In 1909 sWImmmg, baseball, track and fencing. The single admissions to In concluding his address, he urged 163; instruct.ive visits, 43. a two-cent stamp, showing Henry these contests range from fifty cents to one

WEDDINGS the home of Harry 1\1 ormick where Ior guidance of f1~' - they partook of a qu ilT I potpie pre­ I' at night?" pared by Mr . Mc ormi ck. H re was a problem to which real . . . human int rest attached. The head of [ SOCIAL N~WS OF THE WEEK JI "";'~~;:~'~":~~;;!;;d~~:' ::00;;,': Churches the company accepted th eh"ll ng . He said: Edward O'Dwyer, of Frankford, M r. R. Justin Steel will attend a Miss Isabel Hutchinson is enter Helen Marie Kelly, daughter of Mr. " We a re pione'aring ill the fie ld or Phila ., visi ed hi s grandparents, Mr. dinner, this Friday evening, given by taining this Thursday evenig at a and Mrs. Arabrose E. Kelly, to Mr. St. Thomas P. E. Church a ir t ransportation and we will pionc I' and ~ Ir s . II. J . Gaerthe, on Saturday Miss Elizabeth McClellan, at the Wil- dance at her home on Nottingham John Rupert Shultz, of Boston. The R. B. Mathews, D. D., Rector ill the fle ld of airwa~' illumination." and .'unday. mington County Club. road. wedding will take place at half-past The result has been the greatest . -- ., foul', Sunday afternoon, September Morning prayer and ermon at 11 sy·t m of ai r b aeons up a nd down )Ir ~ . !I1a ry ]) vinney is spcnding Mi ss Blanche Malco m attended, last MIS Edna Samson has been III thiS twenty-second in St Patrick's Church o'clock. th Pacific co ast that cxists in the nnw lillll' with her niece, Mrs. Sam- week-end, a meeting of Christian En­ week with a severe cold at her home Roxbury, Mll s'sachu~etts. ' Sunday School at 10 a . m. U ni ted States and probably in the ;Iel Lit tle. Mrs. ~ittle .is r ec~ v e ring deavour Officers of Maryland and Del­ on Kentway. MI'. Shultz is a member of the staff All service on standard time. wo rld. Just as th Paciflc coast led from 1111 IllLllCk o_f mtestlnal grip. aware, held at Whitney's Landing on Miss Louise St~daughter of Mrs. of the ~o sto ~ Typothatae. He has the cO ~lntr y with paved automobil e the Severn River, Maryland. Walter Steel, returned to her home, many fnend In thiS town, as he was RESCUE SOCIETY ON AIR ~ o ad s , it is now leading the co untry lI urry llerbener and family, of here on Monday, after a vi sit of thl'ee one of the Craftsmen of Kells from The Rescue Society, N ew York City, wi th properly illuminated air beacon . Princ ipio, sp· nt Sunday with his sis- Mr. Paul MacMurray, of ·Easton, weeks in Ohio, where she acco mpanied 1913 to 1917. In. 1926, shortly after which ha ' been a regular r adio fea­ This cnter pri e represents the pro­ tcr, ) Irs. Leila Little. :1~~~~~I~~i:i~ee~~ visiting Newark her aunts the Misses Rosalie and Em- the death of Evel ett C. Johnson, Mr. gres ive or trumlln side of industry rna Pie. ' Shultz managed the plant f or several ture for the past t hrell years, will retul'n to the air on Sunday, Septem­ which cannot be figured in cold dollars )11'. Hn d lIlr ~ . R. W. Heim have re- months, later returmng to Boston to and cent ·. lu I'Iwd , :If er a two-weeks' vllcation in Mrs. Caleb Price, of Delaware City, Several N ewarkers will be among resume. his work there. ber 22, at 3.30 p. m., daylight saving lhe mounLai ns oC Pennsylvania. is a guest thi s week at the home of those attending the wedding this Sat- time, over WDEL, Wilmington, and a 'l UST BUHY DEAD ANIMALS her sister, Mrs. Joseph N. Reeves, on urday of Mi ss Louise 'Eliason, of New McCORMICK REUNION wide radio network. Thomas J. oonan, better known a s the "Bishop It ha ' been r ported to the State )Ii:,s ;\ Ia rir Gregg, of t he staff of West Main street. Castle, and Mr. Cyru!'t Pyle, of Wil- A reunion of the McCormick fa mily I the L' niv ersity of Delaware, has r e­ of Ch inatown," will preside at the Board of Agricul bUl'C that some of Dr. and Mrs. Fred Viehe and son, mington. Both of the young people was held Sunday, September 1, at t he mi crophone. The program will be th stock ow ners of the tate, when centl\' relurned f rom spending a few ar~ graduates o~ the. Wilmington home of Mrs. Harry McCormick's ,lays' wiLh Anna Little, of Steelton, Fred, of Rehoboth, were visitor s thi ' broadcast from t he old Chinese 'rhe- losing cattle a nd horses, a re not bury­ Friends School. MI SS Ellason later at- bl'other Thomas Harkness near atre, 5- 7 Doyel's street, New York ing the dead animals. The laws of Pa. week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ma rk Malcom. Mr. Viehe will attend tended Wellesley College, where she Brand y ~vin e Summit. Alllon~ those City. During the coming season Mr. Delaware provide thll t a ll dead ani­ was graduated a year ago. M.r. P~l e present were : Mrs. Hal:ry McCormick, ~Ir. and M rs. M. M. Daugherty t he U niversity here this}aU. Noonan will present many men, now mals must be bul'ied, under penalty of g raduated. from Cornell UJlI~ e r s lty Sr. and daughtel' lluth Mr. and Mrs. prominent in all walks of life, who the law. It is necessary that t his hav e' n'tu rned from their vacation in M r. and M rs. Thomas Armstrong, and has Since been c?nnected. WIth ;the AI~os Harkness ~nd so'n, J ames, Mr. New EnJ.t lll nd and Canada. owe their present positions t o work regulation be strictly · nforced, in of W inston-Salem, NOI·th Carolina, lu Pont Company 111 Parlm, N ew and Mr ~ . Thomas Hal'kness a nd sons, done by the 'ociet in t he notorious order to prevent th spread of di sease. ~Ir s. ~ I a ry Ri ce ancl daughtet:, Mi ss arc guests at the home of t he f ormer's J er ey. Cli fford and Thomas, JI·., Mr. and MI·s. underworld section. Stock OW11 ers are hereby noti fied Shelby Ricc, who have been spending parents, Mr. and mrs. ' John Arm- Mr. Charles Owens, who has been Harry McCormick and sons, Lewi s, The same b1'eezy witticisms, patihos that a ll dead animals must be buried the :uml1l 'r in rew England, have strong, on Nottingham r oad. suffe ring with a n infected arm has Charles a nd John, Mr. and Mrs. L. and tal~s of regeneration will again immediately afLer death. I' Lu rned Lo the home Df her niece, Miss R oselle Covey, of Federals- r eturned f rom the Wilmington Gen- McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. Frederi ck be heard with the setting in the back- ~ll' s . !. 1. Daugherty, 27 North Col­ burg, Md., was a guest thi s week at eral Hospital to hi s home, here, a nd is ~: g ~ :~ : : ~~~~~rE~~0~Ve~'~e~mo\1Etahrel gl'ouml of old Chinatown, w hi ch has H AIR IN oun EARLY ARMY lege avenue. Mi s Rice will be a soph­ the home of Mr. and MI'. Charles able to be about again. caused the programs to stand out as That long whiskers and unkempt Ol1lorc at l he Women's College of the Owens, on West Main street. lawn, and was enjoyed by all pi-esent . classics in radio broadcasting. ha ir were not in favor with t he com­ Uni vCl'sity this fall. The Misses A nn Ritz and Dora Law Thomas Harkness supplied all with In the inaugura l presentation on manding officers of the early United are vi siting friends this week in Sum- baskets of delicious peaches from his September 22, William A. Blackley States Army is show n by a recently R 0SS Evelyn Daugherty, of EI in friends ~ I i sfi ~~~l~~:boe~e~~:~t;~e~i_~~~~ mit, N. J. f~m . It was decided to met again will be the guest speaker, portraying found letter igned by Anthony Paso, Texas, who has been spending y a human interest story based on his the summe r with' her aunt and uncle, Member s of the Agricultural Club Mr. Geo. L . Townsend, Jr., left this ne t L_ab_o_r_D_a...... __--­ W ayne. The letter states that, as a week on a n extended busi ness trip in own career. The-,nusical part of the barber has been supplied for member s MI'. and Mrs. M. M. Daugherty, re- of the University held their semi­ LABOR DA Y FISHING TRIP program will include t he Criterion the interests of the New Castle of the company, none would be ex­ turnrd home last week. monthly luncheon at the Blue Hen Male Quartette co mprising Don Chal­ Rayon. On Labor Day, Senator Frederick cu ed for appearing "with a long MI'. !. M. Daugherty, Economist for Tea Room on Monday last. D. Downs and a party went on a mers, John Maxwell, Andres So rto, beard pI' s l o v e ~I Y ~ai~." Unive rsity Experiment Station, is at- The Misses Dean and Louise Steel, Mr. Warrm,1 Smgl~s left Flid~y on successftll fishing trip ' to Bower's and Watt Webber; the Hackel-Berge tending he National Tax Association daughter of Mrs. Walter Steel, left a two w.e~ k s va~atlOn. ~e will ~o Beach. The trip to the Reach was Trio numbering Aleck Hackel, Wil- XMAS SEAL COLLECTING at Sa ranac Inn, New York, this week. Newark on Wednesday to r esume first to .VI Slt relatives ~t Piqua,. OhIO , made on the steamer " Miss Bowers," liam E. Berge and Jaques De ~001. 1 Within the I ~st few year s stamp later gomg on to DetrOit and Niagara and the party included the following: The H. armony Trut:npeters,. Hendricks, collectors, not content wi th the in­ Mrs. J oseph Smerbeck and Mr. and ~~e~i~::i~i::o~~ the Ursuline Academy Falls. Senator and Mrs. Frederick D. Downs Clark and Hendricks, Will also be creasing number of new postage Mr . Chari s Dawson, of Dover, were Mrs. H erman T yson is visiting her and sons, . Harry and Earl; Mr. and featured. stamp issues, have added another guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. David Rose, who is ill at the • - • item, Christmas seals, to t heir lists. Doyle. Flower Hospital, is reported much niece, Mrs. William U. Reybold, Jr., Mrs. Archie. Peel of Welsh Tract, and at Norristown, Pa. . sons, Archie, Jr., Delbert, Joseph, SAFETY MOVEMENT As time goes on the Christmas seals Mi ss Marjori e J ohnson will spend improved. . Wallace, and daughter, Ruth; Mr. and That there is a human side to busi- a re said to be increasing r apidly in th is week-end at the home of Mi ss On Monday last Mrs. Mark,? Mal­ Mayor Collins and Mrs .. Collins lefn Mrs. Harry McCOI'mick, of Pleasant ness as well as a purely co mmercial value, although age does not always Cha rlotte C. Mllhaffy, "Oak Spring com opened her Kindergarten at her Thursday morning for Atlantic City, Valley, and sons, Lewis, Charles a nd side i illustr ated by the action of an determine their worth. Fo rm ," ncar Wi lmington . home on South College avenue with where t hey will stop for several days J ohn; Mr. , and Mrs. Lea McCormick, oil co mpany on the Pacific coast which the following pupils in attendance, at the Seaside Hotel. of Pleasant Valley, and Miss Alice has been erecting ai r beaco ns every Dean \Y inif red J. Robinson a ttended Betty and Bert ha Hanso n, Barbara Mc Cormick. 50 miles from Canada to Mexico. This Ihe wedd in g of Mi ss Ali ce Holloway Musselman, Marian E sther J ones, and Mrs. W. W. Fairer, of Columbia, F ifty fine fish were taken by the co mpany has been a leader in avia­ URSULINE to MI'. Alexander Shute Brown, in Roberta Benner. Pa., is the guest of Mrs. Irene Reed. party. Mrs. Archie Peel carried off tion development. Dover. on Saturday, a nd of Mi ss Vir­ the honors with a 7-pound trout; ACADEMY Mr. and Mrs. Geo rge Wood, of Del- Mi ss Marion McKim, of Smyrna, is Aviation has caused mothers (and gi nia ,'mith and Mr. Frank Grier, in while Harry Downs caught a 12-pound father s ) of, the present gener ation Wilmington; Del. \\'i1mingL on, on t he same day. Mi ss awa\'e avenue, spent Tuesday of this ~!ii~n~r!'!~ ~s Fra nces Hurd, on W. sha rk, a nd Mi ss Alice McCormick great anxiety and worry because of Robi nson spent Sunday in Washing­ week in Asbury P ark, N . J. hauled in an 8-pound flounder. Miss the interest their sons (and daugh- Opens S eptember 12 ton, D. C. Mrs. Mary West, of Florida, who McCormick enters the University of tel's) take in thi s newe t branch of Mr. H. Richardson Cole went on a has been t he 'guest of the Mi sses Wil­ Delaware, next week. sport a nd industry. Boys (a nd even Accredited by U ni versity of Dela­ Mrs. Eli ha Co nover has r eturned busineE trip to Chicago the first part son, at Oak lands f or some' tim!), left The party stopped at Dover on the home afLe r a visit with her co usin, of the week. g irls ) take to the air like ducks to ware as a High School of the First f or Swarthmore on Thursday for a home t rip, and made a later stop at water. Class. Miss Anna Marvel, in Georgetown, visit with Mrs. Annie Hodgson, of Dela wa re. The Honorable a nd Mrs. Thomas A. A mother said to the president of Academic, Classical and General Smith, of Ridgeley, Maryland, are that place, after which she will re­ t he oil company mentioned: Courses Miss El va M. Davis and Miss guest·, thi week, at the home of their turn to her home. "You are doing ever ything in you power to encourage aviation, which College Preparatoty Mari on Davis, of Newark, and Miss daughter, Mrs. George Dutton. Mi ss Etta Wilso n, of the 'Delaware . Phelps, of Christiana, are in naturally increases the sale of your Mrs. W. Ray Baldwin has returned Citizens Association, is spending her FLORIST ~~ . \\'asflinglon at t he Dodge Hotel. product. Do you not think you owe it to her home in Elk Mills, after spend- vacation at Bretton Woods, N ew DIRECTORY~·, as a duty to the mothers of the boys ing so me ti~e in Atlantic City, N. J. HampSbire. who fly the ships and the girls who Miss Virginia Wells, of Philadel- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Baker and ride in them, to help make aviation and Mrs. Wm. Priest, Mrs. phia, is a guest this week at the home young daughter, Melissa, returned on J. ELMER BETTY more practical and safe by erecting Gooden, of Wilmington, and of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Townsend, on Tuesday from a trip through the FLOWERS Alice Sentman, of Philadelphia, Kentway. Shenandoah Valley. FOR ALL OCCASION!J unday callers on MI;. and Mrs. sic-Painting-Secretarial Mrs. Nelson Fretz, of Perkasie, is Mr. John Dayett, who graduated DIAL 2-6122 S. Moo re. Orchestra visiting this week at the home of her from Perkiomen Seminary in June, 407 Delaware Ave., Wilmington Harvey Maclary and children, brother , Dr. Paul K. Musselman. ""ill leave shortly for Brown TJniver- Gymnasium Under Expert Alfred and Ella Mae, and Miss sity at Providence, Rhode Island, Instructor App leby, of near Corbit Sta- Miss Dorothy Stoll enrolled on Mon- where he will pursue his studies. HERBERT E~TH NETT have moved into Newark and day as a student at Beacom's Busi- MARSHALL ON MAIN STREET For Catalogue Address Principal Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Frazer, 1'4iss NEWARK, DEL· re ide at 47 Lovett avenue. ness Colle.ge, in Wilmington. Agnes Frazer and Mr. Robert Casper- DIAL P~O 2-146~ . George W. Rhodes and Walter Mrs. W. Green, of Georgetown, is son were recent visitors at Atlantic are expected home today from visiting this week with her daughter, City. FLO ERS OF ALL KINDS . expedition at Machapango. Mrs. Charles Essiner. Dean George Dutton and George, . Jorde, of Wilmington, ac­ Mi ss Marion Owens and Mis.s Isabel Jr., are visiting relatives in Seaford. u them on the trip. Hutchinson have returned to their homes, here, after ,spending some time Mr. and Mrs. William Northrop in de Haven Steel, formerly at skyland, Va. and young son spent the week-end at T~ACHER OF PI of the Newark Lumber Com­ Atlantic City. is vi sitin g in • ewark. Mr. Master Henry E. Vinsinger, Jr., left here last July to enter the who was recently operated upon for Mr: and Mrs. Filbert Fox and chil­ TERM BEGINS ~EP Law choo l at New Haven. He tonsolitis, is sufficiently recovered to dren, of Moorestown, New Jersey, ain here until the 21st, to ride be out again. have been visitor8 at the home of Mrs. r,Shop I Class lessons in the9r begin October 5 'rip Top Farms Horse Show, Fox's sis~er, Mrs. Frank Brown, on then retu rn to New Haven to re­ Mrs. Carl Rankin and son, Bruce, West Main street. S hi perusa l of Blackstone. and Master Teddy lng-ham returned FOR ALL 0 ASIONS 100 East Main Street I Phone 72-R home on Saturday, after a visit in Miss Sara Glass spent the week- Specializing \ in Green Potted Summit, New Jersey. f:~d.at her home at Goldsboro, Mary- P ts 708 W. 4th St. P ne 2-4644 The Mi sses Dorothy Hayes and Wilmingt Dorothy Al'mstrong have returned Mrs. Fitts, of Upper Darby, has and Mr . H. Everett Hallman, home, after vi siting friends and re- been the guest of her daughter, Miss bee n spending some time in latives in Verona, New Jersey. Hazel Fittts. and ew York State, are ~~~ ho me the last of this week. Mr. William Walker entertained at Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gillilande, of FLO I AND 'L dinner on Sunday his sister, Mrs. Rto ~l~ng:ort, ~i~~., tere r,ecent tg~st s 1400 Delaware ve. Phone 4388 EDITH BRAUN~' EIN' COLLINS Fleming and her daughter, Arcada, a e orne 0 e ormer s aun, 1'8. ;\VilmJngton I ~ of South Carolina. M. P . Malcom. 'chardson Cole J=W!iW~~~=====lJ Announce the openin of a Studio for Piano and Mi ES Elizabeth McClellan, of Wil- Mr. and Mrs. H. RI I• mington, was a guest this week at the young ' son, Andy, have returned to Dancing Instru ion September 3, 1929 home of Dr. and Mrs. Walter Hul- Newark, afte{ spending some time lihen. with relatives at Georgetown, Mary- McLANE BUILD} .0, 3rd Floor, ELKTON, MD.

Mr. J ohn Watson left on Monday land. I • I "KURE-LEAK" Phone 258, B. S. Evans Phone 43·F-l l , E. B. Collins for Chicago where he will spend sev- '1'0 BROADCAST SERVICES i eral weeks on business for the From September 15, this year, until Roof Coat.eng ~~i!~i~i~~3i~i!i~i~=~ ·i~=a=~=~=t.i8i~~i!~~=~=~~i· du-Pont Compan~_r._ June 7, 1930, the West Presbyterian Mr. Charles Marshall, of Staunton, Church, Wilmington, will broadcast ~ .>rree7seenrtvses LtehaekSRoaonfd ~~Mi~I~S·W Sti~Eo~ SW~·~H3

!~~r~~ I ~: le~O!I:1 ~::t~:~~ reheved The vogue for American music in ,l,; President Hoover has announced Europe, however, has bee~ dealt a lo~g evenings . . . that a careful study is being made to severe blow by ,~ h e p.opularlty of the I d t . th ·bT · f German song, I KISS Your Hand, I i:ge~~~:~al ~:e~s~~ It ~~e:utt~;/e~~~~ !VIadam," which has been ~rans l ated I will probably be done, but it will be Into eve~y l a~guage an.d IS played of li ttle direct benefit to the public if ~evera l times In . an evenlllg by. every Brief Cases - Pen and Pencil S s PHONE the orgy of spending by local .un.its wao~~~ O;~h~s~re~i~:~~~~~· h':;~leb!~~ of .governm?nt, that ha ~ ~ultlphed tran laled in French German · and Blankbooks - Notebooks - D ~~~l:S ciosstco~~~u:~.d agam III recent Italian, si ~ging. o r c h ~s~ ra s take a , greater delight III showmg off their English by using the English words. Westinghouse Battery ... AND YOUR . American corporations wi ll earn a $7 • 00 OLD flATTERY total of more than $10,000,000,000 this GEORGE W. RHODES COMPLETE ELECTRIC SERVICE yenr and nearly $7,000,000,000 will Elmer E. Potts Bllttery CO. have been distributed to stockholders I DRUGGIST The Telephone Book. Are the Directory oj 8TH & MORRO" STS. - little investors as well as big.- t"e~ Phone 4616 Wilmington Los Angeles Times. 0; ...... -...... -.. -...... -:...... ~! T hll r~dH ~', Sl'plemb I' 12, 1929 THE NEWARK POST, NEWARK, DELAWARE 7 Mermaid ra nked thil'd with 17 pel' cent each; l that all fruits, vegetables lind meats HEALTH CRUSADE OPENS Is t W Off S and P ennsylvania, Okla homa, . N. e- submitt.ed be placed in s l~ndard ball- "E ' hi ' D I · . 'th uyers ants- erings to uyers braska, Kentucky, Tennessee, MIRS IS- maso n Jars of the quart size. A sam- v.el Y sc OO .lD e,~~val e In C lCflntillu('d from P a~e 3.) sip pi, Utah an.d Wy ming tying f or , pie jar a nd shipping carton may, be ~o~:~I1~/~ e ~~ t h. CAlu S ~~!fe, bls. tht s.IOg~~ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING \Ir' C1wri,' "llIcnam e a nd E al'! fourlh place Wi th a 16 per centage oJ had f ree by eve l'y woman who wntes o. e e a ale ntl u eleu OS IS .' f \I II11linJ.(to n, and MI'. and new. cars p ur c h a s e~1 during the year. for it to th Nnt ional Canning , Con- ~~~re / ~~ e t~ire ~ ~~OnO'lol~r s 1iie~~~~~: PHONE 92 PHONE 93 Inat;1 "Il ~1"('llllll1(' e of Ann Arbor, F igu re on a baSIS of t he total num- test, D25 S. Homan Avenue, Chicago, Th t' . t . f th )11'>, :n'l: dil1lll' I' J.(uC'sts on unday bel' of ncw a utomobiles purchased Illinois. o.mson, ex cu Ive secl e. alY 0 e )lilh .. 1111,1 )11'., lIal'ry Brackin. d ur ing lhe year. New York purchas- oc ~et y, a nd her able a ss l s ~ant, MI·s. . NOTICE RATES: ing :104, 00 new passenger cars, Whi tehead, a s m~n~ as possible o.f the ' I of ~I~;wr !ru,' ,t, o.r ~ l nrt~ n" P e n n i n g - Want, For Sale, For Rent, Lolt and topp d the li st, followed by Pennsyl- TREAT SEED WHEAT 400 In state Will. be Not ice is hereby given to the hold- I 'It hi hOIll<" ~ l t' l maid ~ n Sun­ n ~ ~rl y s c~oo, s t~e Found--Minimum charee 25 cents; t,o: ;n'I1I11t: (trIOr tu ~is I .avlng yes­ vani a with 222,600; Ohio wi th 215,- "Trea t YOUI' seed wheat again this VISited, t~ tlY and tlln.ulate actIOn er s of the Bonds of The C uncil of each additional word over 25, 1 cent d'~ v fill till' l'lIivl'rs lt~ of Ala ba ma, 000; Mi chigan with 203,600; and Cali- fall to co ntrol smut." cautions 'ounty on the pal t of the teachel s. Newark, issued under aut rity ef an per insertion. fornia wi th 196,600. ' Agent Ed Wiljim, Jr., in a recent Two schools have ' a lready enrolled Act of the General Ass· Ibly of t he LEGAL: 60 centa per inch t,1 he II III ('nte' r hiS sophomore ~: State of Delaware, a lroved April ~h e:( w,n': .\Ii. Emma McLa ne of F ollowing are the American Mo- ~e tt e r sent to all farmers in New anc I as h as b een t h e custom f 01' many PUBLIC SALES: 50 cents per inch )~n • iutlln '\ I i,sl'~ Hcba D latoul', torists' Associat ions' fi gures howing ~a s tl e county. "Although, continues years, Hanby School No. 4, of New 28, 1920, numbered om thirty-o n All advertising copy for this page " Ih l~nl'l' 'l:I'O\'!'S of Mal' 'halllon, the number of new cal' pU I'chased in t he Agent's ' statement, "the amount Castle county, is the first in the state (31) to seventy-five (75), both in- should be in this office bef()re 4 P. M. F~~~ nlld ~al'!l I'l'nni.ngton, Ba ncl'?H ach state dUl"I'ng 1928 an(1 the Ilor- of bust or smut I'n the " ,heat hal'vest- to r egister for this year. While the clusive, for One T ousand Dolla rs, Tuesday preceding day of publir.ation. ~e3c h, II 11\1';1 I'd 1l(' nl1lso n, Pete RI ~ e centage that new passenger cars bear ed thi s season was much below the county schools did not open until ~~~\~~a~~~!h;l;i e r e~~e~~ut~e /:~ o/:f ~:tVb:tl;~na~a~~~~iJe:Os1Yi~~~eSday will \l' i\Jnintlili. Huh McLa ne of WIl­ to t he total passeng I' cal' registration I average that has occuned for the Tuesday, September 3, the entry from per annum, that id Bonds are called 1------,/" of. l I Fdll':Il'c1 l'\nudain, Samue l C. in each sta te during t ho last year: past four yeat·s, the small a.mount of Hanby school came the next day. Miss for redemption a d payment, and will WANTED 1 I1lI~fn ~I';nil \\'illiam l\ I a r ~ h Of. Mont­ Number of Per- smut generally found in seed wheat is Lida P. Hanby is the teacher and the be paid upon pr sentation at the F ar- State Ne\v Cars centage suffici ent w, ith favorable temperature children are most enthusiastic over WAN TED- A cook. Allpl." ~Ie, ~, .r .. , ~Ial'lll: ~I JI~ a l'l a a n~ h d h I II mel's' 'rr~t Co pany, of Newark, on " Philip Gnluntl nf Lod~, J. fhe.lattel New York 304,800 17 and moisture at seeding time this fall t e work. The secon sc 00 to enro October 192, at t he rate of one Mrs. H. L. BO HAM, rolk!r!' Iri(' llcl ~ 01 M I'. Pen l1ln ~ton P ennsylvania 222,600 16 to favor another heavy outbreak." was Eldora, No. 19, of Sussex county. hundred a d toper cent. of the face 9,5,2t. 22 Amstel Ave. nre al-" H:lu l'l1l11g to the tll1l ve r- Ohio 215000 15 The small amount of smut in wheat This week Miss Thomson is sending value ther of, with accrued interest 'f: Michigan 203:600 19 this season was due in part to (1) the to all schools data concerning the W ANTED-3 Roo ms for light house- , , 111', nn" ;\1rs. James of Mi!ltow?, California 196,600 12 general practice of seed treatment the health project contests to be held this ~~:~:o~'onds ~~e~!as~fo~~~:~s~er °1~ keeping. Mrs. CARL REGA , I V ~h nre in til(' l~ el awa l' e ~-I o s pl ta l, 111 Illinois 194800 15 past four years, and (2) the weather year. This educational fight against 1929. 9,12, lt. Newark, Delawm·ll'. Wilmingtoll. hanng been In a n ~ u t?­ Texas 169:100 11 conditions that were unfavorable for tuberculosis provides three sets of August 26, 1929. mobile arcide'n,t ,Ia~t weel" a l'e sttll 111 Massachusetts 116300 18 heavy disea se infection at seeding health scales which will be awarded The Council of ewarK • Eeriutl · l'Ondl ~IOI~ • New J er sey 112;200 18 time .Iast fall. . Why take chances on a at the expiration of each contest, one By Frank 011 ins, President . Mi ssouri 99,600 15 reduced yield and dockage in next each to the winners in Class A, which Indiana D5 200 13 year's crop whon seed treatment at a comprises the graded elementary Marshallton Wisconsin 91'400 14 small expense this fall will eliminate schools, (white), Class B; one and two Iowa 87'700 13 the chances. Commercial treating ma- room' rural schools (white) and Class Oklahoma 76'800 16 chines are conveniently located in C, rural and elementa.ry schools; Several "lIla ll boys were al'l'ested week r"I' the theft of lumber Minnesota 72\00 12 different parts of New Castle county (colored). a huildi ng owned by. Partick North Carolina 58'800 14 and al'e giving a thorough treatment The contest ending November 15 T1H'r \\'e r(' given warnll1gs and Ka nsa s 57'700 12 at a reasonable cost. Home treating I embraces posture and diet sugges- he ir parcnts had made the pay­ Nebraska 56'100 16 of the seed can be done with a small tions, such as school lunches, balanced Virginia 48'400 15 barrel 0 1' ehurn outfit. The practice meals, selection and care of food, ()I' tIll' lumber they were r e- Connecticut 48'300 19 of treating the seed by applying the milk, fresh vegetables, etc. Wilmington Sur .\ Icxandel' a nd children, Tennessee 43 't00 . 16 dust and soveling ove r on the barn The second contest ending January Phone 2-8885 FOR SA anll William Alexa nder, Kentucky 42:500 16 flo or is nbt recommended. 15, embraces health habits for winter =:=!.-::zl::::======. 'are re llllllCU to their home in Crans­ Washington 39 100 11 The extension a.gents continue to months. Such suggestions as fresh HIGHEST price paid for/ live stock, FOR SALE- Rabbit d gs. Purebr ed , aftcr spending the past Maryland 37'100 13 recomm end copper carbonate, "Copper ail', indoors and out, exercise and play, Call or write 1..... stock. Ready. 'l?t hUptL'S ON, Florida 36' 500 12 Carb," a nd Cet'esan since these ma- and propel' clothing are embraced in ATT - ru:ustC l', Pa. J Hack man and Miss Alice Geo rgia 36'000 13 terials have proven their efficiency in t hi s one. . I. PL , lIiott Heights, Alabama 35:700 15 experiments and demonstrations con- _ Health habits in ea ting .01' care of Phone 289 ~ewark. Del. 9,12,tf Newark, Del. Illl\'C relurned to their homes Color ado 33 900 13 ducted t hroughout the county. Two the eyes, embraces the thll'd contest \\eek ' ~ motor tr ip t hrough Louisia na 33'400 15 ounces of either of these seed di s in- ending-March 15. The students in sending in their FOR SALE- Leaving--Will sacrifice, West Virg inia 32'700 15 fectants to each bushel of seed wheat The last contest 'on sanitation, t en-piece wa lnut dining-'room sui te, ' and ;\Irs. Edwin Crouch spent suggestions must have used them, in Mississippi 29:300 16 is recommended this fall. safety and first aid, will close May 15. practice, fat at least a month, and the Oriole grey and white gas stove, past weck-e nd with t hei r sonJin­ wi cker suite, c hair ~ , eLc. and daughter, MI'. a nd Mrs. Sou th Dakota 28,200 17 results obtained are an essential item Arkansas 27,100 15 DR. H. L. DOZIER, p, Ehnrt at their cottage at in winning an award. Oregon 26 ,9 00 12 9,5,tf. 50 Delaware Ave. Beach Ma nor, Md. Sout h Carolina 24,800 13 ~======~ I ;\[rs. Powell Ford and sons, $1.15-$1.50 Better Hosiery $1.95 NEW WAY '1'0 FILL SILO PUPPIES FOR SALE - Pedi greed anU Edward, are enjoying a North Dakota 21 ,900 14 Maine 20 ,3 00 15 "Farmer-dairymen in New Castle Registered Stock German Police.! through the northern Ready now. Phone Mendenha\Y, Montana 18,800 18 , ' county who have silos to fill this fall ,jJ7 I need not have the silage tramped or 0 1' stop and see them. , Bringhurst, Lawrence ~~~ci:~S~~~mbia i~ : ~~~ i~ Iv di stributed during the filling process V. S.tJ3REWER, Eden J ones, Franklin U tah 13,400 13 ,I if results at the United States Dairy Kennett Pike, Mendenhall, I ;I' V. 9,12,lt. Penna. Melv in J ester are hiking Idaho 13,200 13 "') I ) Experim~nt Farm at Beltsville, Mary­ I the Grcen Mountall1 s of Ver- Arizona 12,700 15 I land, can be used a s examples of this thiS week. They motored to Rut- New Hampshire 12,300 14 GENUINE FOR SALE-One For4' on Tractor, in .. SUEDE practice," states County Agent Ed good working condition. \ _ 311111l1g thet e onMonday, a~d IVerm ont 10,700 13 LIZARD Willim, Jr., in a recent article on this H. A. PHELPS. to hike over the mountmn Ne\"" Mexico . 9,200 14 phase of dairy feeding. 9,5,3t PhoJe, Newark 7-R 4. five days. . Wyoming 7,700 16 $5 & $6 Four silos at the United States ThUlsday ~ v e nll1g MI'. and Delaware 7,200 17 $6.50 dairy experiment farm at Beltsville, Foal d, MI SS Roberta Foard, Nevada 2,800 13 have been filled the last three seasons and FI ank lll1 F oard were din- Total passenger car regis- without tramping .of distributing. The FOat~f a~h ~h:1;~ s~~ ~e~~ll~h:s:~ tration as of January 1, silage has kept perfectly in every in­ stance, and as much has been put in ,~ ! d. The dinner was given To~~~8 n ~~ ' ~~~~. ~ ~id . d~I;'~ 21 ,379,125 CLASSIC I LIMES IN THE the silos as in previous years when a of Mi s' Ruth Foard and her ing 1928 .. ... , . ... , .... 3,220,000 I small amount of tramping was done. FOR SALE-Jam {way 8-gal. heated \\'allace Foard, who have P ercentage of new cars The practice at Beltsville is to use fountains. Alsi. li ce-proof nests. the summer months in bought during 1928 .. . . . 15.06 SMARTES 1\ OF OXFORDS the regular farm teams and help MURRAY'S' POULTRY FARM. 1'hey left on Fl'iday for without hiring more than a few extra 10,3,tf home i~ DeLand, Flot·ida. men. Filling, therefore, is done rather CLEANING and Dy,eing Business, 1 Tuesday evening membel's of CANNING CONTEST slowly, an average d.ay's run being 40 New Crea.tion Fall Footwear store in Newark ~md 1 store in Wil­ ill Creek a nd Cranston Heights Hand Turned or Welted Soles or 50 tons. The corn is planted so it Companies par ticipated in the Mrs. K. H. Daugherty, New Castle ming ton. Reasonable terms. Call County Club Agent, is in r eceipt of a will nQt all mature at once,lthus mak­ Wilmington, 3-2624, 12 t o 1 p . m., parade at Kennett Square. Matrix - Shoes - Enna Jettick ing possible its harvesting at about L. Gass was host at a camp folder outlining the conditions gov­ daily. 9,5,4t. erning the National Canning Contest the right stage of maturity. Under . at his home last evening such conditions tralll,Jing silage is an Chri tian Endeavor Society of now under way in Chicago and in FOR RENT which many housewives in this local­ unnecessary expense, according to the . reek P resbyteri a n Church. United Sta tes Department of Agricul­ Shakespeare went t o ity ar e expected to have entries. The FOR RENT- Furnished Room, first Boys' Children's ture. If fill ing is done much faster floor . . last Sat Ul'day wi th a co ntest closes October 1. The basic id ea of the co ntest, which than was done in these experiments, MRS. F . E . STRICKLAND, friends. Shoes Shoes or if the corn has passed the propel' , Fl'ancis, Ernestine, Adrian is open to ever y woman and girl in I 8,22,tf 88 P ark Place. t he U ni ted States, is to stimulate in­ ll~!:=~~~~ stage of maturity, there may be some Jack Rich, children of the Rev. 422 MARKE]' STREET terest in the home preservation of question ubout t he advisability of not llr.<. I::l'l1e~t A. Rich, t his week tramping, the department says. DuRoss Will Treat You Right 10 Baltimore where they will foods. F or the best jar s in the con - l...======..J He stands on his past record in busi­ up th(·ir slud ies fo r the winter. test t he Sears-Roebuck Agricultural ness for fail' t rea tm nt. Don't hesi­ Lois Crouch entertained the F oundation will award 222 cash Christian Science Churche& tate to consul t him hen you want to prizes, totalling $5,825, includ ing a Rohc rta F oard, J ean Wood "Man" was the subject of the lesson­ BUY, SELL OR R NT PROPERTY grand sweepst akes prize of $1,250 for I I'o adbent at dinner on sermon on Sunday, September 8, in t he be t jar of canned .food entered "WE MAKE THE HOME A BETTER PLACE TO LIVE" EDW R DU ROSS all churches of Christ, Scientist. in the co ntest. The contest classifica ­ ng of membe rs of the Golden Text: "God said, Let us tions cover f ruits, vegetabl es and Aid of lh Mar sha llton M. E. make man in our image, after our meats, and every contestant is free ======wa s h Irl on Monday evening likeness: and let them have dominion Legal Notice home of Mrs. William Row. to enter one or all three of the classes. If It Isn't Efficient , , over the fi sh of the sea, and over the \ , The method of canning used is left , INCHES made for coming meetings 'I fowl of the ail' and· 9ver the cattle Estate of AIIJheus Pennock, Deceased. a supper to be held in the to the contestant, though the govern­ ment and state home demonstration : and over all ' the' earth, and over ever;· Notice is hereby given that ]Jetters futurc, It Isn't a ) ~)I ( - creeping thing that creepeth upon the Testamentary upon the E state of departments r ecommended the use of a pressure cooker for best results and ') earth." (Genesis 1:26). Alpheus P ennock late of Mi fI Creek the saving of time, labor and fuel. Among the citations which com- Hundred, deceased, were duly granted Jlpl~ton Women's Club will The contest comes at an opportune pl'ised the lesson-sermon was the fol- unto Lewi s Penno k and "Valter Pen­ regulal' monthl y meeting in time for the flu sh of harvest brings lowing from the Bible: "But now thus nock on the 31st day of Aott g ust, A. D. , Hall. Thursday, September to no end of edibles f or canning. saith the Lord that created thee, 0 1929, a nd all persons indebted to the h ~ nd Jacob, and he that formed thee, 0 said deceased ar e r equested to ma ke will be a n a ll-day meeting. Some familiar food packed in some Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed payment to t he Executors wi thout de­ Ill'ing a box lunch. f amiliar way stands as good a chance PET1RO ~ thee, I have called thee by thy name; lay, and all persons ha ving demands wil l b a demoll stration of of winning as so me article of fancy thou art mine." (Isaiah 43:1). against the decea sed are required to with a pressure cooker. combination with an unusual idea in : ;\11·s. 0, Otty, Miss M. 1 The lesson-sermon also included the exhibit and present t he sa me cl ul y back of it and the major prize may be , following passages from the Christia n probated to t he said Executors on or , . '. Pryor, Mrs. M. Ra leigh won as easily by some girl on the , GUa.ra.Jlteed a.bsolutely by the largest oil hea.ting ma.nu­ E. Robinson. Science text book, "Science and Health befor e the 31st day of August. A. D. threshold of a college career eager to , fa.cturer in the world and serviced by our own depend!l>ble with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary 1930, or abide by the law in thi s earn money fo r her education a s by organization Which ba.s been established over 80 years, Baker Eddy : " Man is more than a beha lf. her mother who is a veteran canner. ' material 'form with a mind inside, Address That the j udges may render a fair , which must escape from its inviron- LEWIS PEN OCK, opinion on the entries it is required Have our oil heating engineer make a survey of Aug. 24-A total of ments in ol'det· to be immortal. Man Marshallton, Delaware. your heating requirement~it ~ Jaces you under no ob­ ncw pa ssenger cars were reflects infinity, and this reflection is LEWIS PENNOCK, uy the motorists of the Iigation-llJl.d let P,TRO settle the heating problem the true idea of God . . ... Through W ALTER PENNOCK, for you. ( spiritual sense you can discern the 9,5,10t Executors. ,tates during the calendar \ I 192 , acco rd in g to revi sed fig­ heart of divinity, and thus begin to I =====:======the Ame r ica n Motori ·ts' Asso­ c,omprehend in Science the generic Legal Notice A. ~l. A. , National Body of Geo. W. ' McCaull~y , & Son term man." A ulomobile Association, 'WILSON INCORPORATED Estate of Annie E. Maxwell, deceased. W st St l'Cets, Wilming- REVIVING OLD DANCES Notice is hereby given that L"tters Contempol'Ury observers of man­ Testamentary upon the Estate of An­ lhe number of new .~ 103 West Eighth Street Jlurchased wi th the number nel's and cu stoms generally agree that ni e E. Maxwell, late of Whi te Clay lhe figu res show tha t during Funeral ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~OO~~~!U~ lone of the most agreeable and pic- Creek Hundred, deceased, were duly J ,007,000 more cars wer e Director ~======turesque features of Am erican coun- gl'llnted un lo CalTi W. Bryan on the Ihan \Iore j unked. The total = • try life before the Motor Age was Twentieth day of ugust, A. D. 1929, junked aggregated 2,213,000 r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l\ ' l square dancing. Now the radio and and all persons i debted to the said the granhophone have brought ci ty deceased are re ested to make pay­ on a percentage basis, Best Electrical Supplies I Covered Garbage Cans jazz into every farmhouse and under me'ht to the Ex cutl'ix wi thout delay, and all perso s having demands und Co nnecticut, motorists I the rafters where the corn is husked, Lawn Seed I ./ Paints ~nd Varnishel so that the old dances of the pioneers against the d eased al'e required to lhe highest number of new exhibit and resent the same duly cllrs. Registration of pas­ are not often seen. But lately, led by Henry Ford, many trying to induce pTobate,d to e said Executrix on or car~ as of J anuary 1, 1929, to- Carpenters' Tools of Every escription the present generation to take inter­ before the 'J}Wentiet h day of August, .G15 in Mi chigan and 261,­ A. D. 1930, 61' abide by the lay in this Conn cticut, of which 203,600 Awnings, Windo Shades est in the diversions of its ancestors, have staged stately revels where behalf. ,300, rcspccti vely, or 19 per I and Automobile ~urtains square dancing, led by old count;-v Carrie W. Bryan, Executrix. n eaeh stale, were purchased in Alfred ·D. ,P oples flddlers, has been the joy of he Address On the same basis ew Jersey, evening. J. Pearce Cann. Atty., and Montana ranked NEWARK, DEL. 507 Market Street Wilmington • Citl7.ens Bank Building. I\'ith 1 PCI' cent each; New Short---- absence quickens, love; long Wilmington, Delaware. lith Dakota, District of Co­ •••••••••••••, I ~: _iiiiiiii_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_..:J absence kills it.-Mirabeau. 8-29-10t Rhode I land and Delaware ===8==______==~==~======~==-=~ TH~E~N~E~W~A~R~K~P~O~S~T~, ~N~E~W~A~R=K~,~D~E~L~A~W~A~R~E~--_====_====~------T~h~ur· s d ay, NEWARK DAHLIA ~odge Notes SHOW PLANNED l. o. R. M. Minnehaha Tribe No. 23, I. o. R. (Continued from Page 1.) M. , a t a r egular m eting, held their . rativc pur po ses may be used in co l- first nomina tion night for their semi- Icctions and vase or basket entries. a nnual Icction of officers to take ROPER PUMP F Slring or wire or olhcr means of ar t i- place on t he la t Tuesday of Septem- E FECTIVE I CANN BROS., PRINTERS, . I His Firm Observing This boo kl et, cOI1 SiSlin I fi .inl suppor t may not be used. bel'. The fo ll ow ing were nominated: . F ARM WATER SYSTEM HA VE RECORD GROWTH I Ninth Anniversary ~ nge s lind cove l·, conlni ~ ~f tlt'n~ Visitors are r equc' ted not to come Prophet, Clar ence E. Denney; For the suburbar. or rural home From an investment of $1,400 to I hst of lodge an I mecr 'compl!t! t o the show room befol'e 6 p. , n. on Sachem, Nathan Davis ; S. Saga more, which is not connected to a community one of $250,000; from "1,400 squar e -....~ . Wcdn sday in order that the Judges J ohn J . Scott; Jr. Sagamorc, Clif ton water system, the Roper Automatic feet of floor space to approximately VIKI G NAP I ~ E(,'l'E D may have a cha nce to complete the ir Ivens and W ill iam Carey; Trustee, 18 Pump is recomt;nended by the Wil- 20,000 square f eet; from a ruling ma- BY work without intelTuption. Certifl- moo ns, E lmer Wilson a nd Leo n P ow- mington Plumbing Supply Company, chine to a plant equipped with the FH \" E DI TOIlTlO' ca tes of meri t will be awarded by the ell; Representative to Great Co uncil, 219 West Fourth street, Wilmington. latest modern presses, typ e- makin~ F requently automo bi le ~ ~l Association, and special prizes do- Fra nk H . Balling ; Alternate, Clar - There are three main factors in the and other machines of. the printing refen :ed to as the seCo nd \~ ave bet nat d by f ri ends of t he Association ence Denney. selection of such II system: trade; from t hree employes to over Amen can family, and a I me or hi will be awarded in many classes. All brothers a re r equested to be on First- Ease of installation. 100- that is the phenomenal record roads of the country \ ,it ~nce at tltt Growers of flo wer other than hand next Tuesday and place some Second-Low operating cost. made by Cann Brothers and Kindig, bear out this rema rk ~oh~ seem ~ dahlias a re urged to exhibit in Divi- more brothe1·s on the ticket and help Third-Efficiency of operation. printer s and stationers, of Twelfth is in no smaiJ m~a ~urc ~ cond itiO\i ion D, Class 18, most artistic vase or make this election one of the hottest Not a machine on the market may Iand Washington streets, who will ob- · strength durability a~d ue to ~ basket of flow ers, any kind or variety. in the history of Minnehaha Tribe. be installed with as little expense and serve their ninth anniversary on I has been built into the co m~ort Whitl The Association holds this show an- Brother Wilson, who is captain of trouble as this one-any handy per- Tuesday. The plant has come to be mobile. mo ern aut~ nually for the purpose of encouraging the degree team, wishes the members son can do the job by following the recognized as one of the largest and In one featUre a good the growing of flowers by the people to be on hand also, a s we have a few oomplete directions furnished wlt;h most complete in the State of Dela- shows a tn1e of cu nstruction of Newark, and is indebted to the candidates to Jlut through. each pump. ware, with its reputation extending to that of a fin e house. If Civic Committee of the New Century The cost of operation is trivial, far beyond the boundary lines of the of .the supporting piers of a Club for cooperation in making the Osceola LOdKg·e ?NFo.P·5 , Knl.ghts of lower than water rent in most locali- commonwealth. .or lowered, the enti show possible. ties. . . The company does everything from ImmedIat~al se d ely disto rts and Pythias, held a regular meeting on Once installed there are no service the writing and laying out of copy to doors refuse to perform The following divisions and classifi- Monday evening and was well attend- troubles, and it is a lifetime system. printing and mailing it. All sorts of functions. ~ ith the betler cations for entries are open and every- ed. The Entertainment Committee Every part is guaranteed against de- ruling and bookbinding, illustrating, ed automobIle, howeve r, one or one having even just a few blooms is met and is making plans for a busy fects and any part found defective catalogue printing, multigraphing, di- whe~l ti can b~ raised or lowered urged to make entries. fall and winter. The Enlistment Com- will be replaced without charge. The rect mailing, in fact every phase of out mterfere.lng with the action Division A-single bloom with 15 inch mittee continues to bring in new can- Roper is automatic and needs no at- the printers' art is carried on in this doors and WIndows. stems. didates and all in all it looks like a tention except the filling of the oil establishment. ' 'Yhe.n Oldsmobile engi neers Class 1, best decorative dahlia; big year for the Knights of Pythias. reservoir about once every six months. In September, 1920, William N. d~ s lgmn~ the new Viki ng, the Class 2, best peony dahlia; Class 3, The Roper Pump is on display at Cann, pres.ident of the company, his elght-cyhnder compa nion best hybrid cactus dahlia; Class 4, LADIES OF GOLDEN EA~LE the showrooms of the company and brother, Winfield L. Cann, now secre- WILLIAM N. CANN Oldsmobile Six, which is sofr best cactus dahlia ; Class 5, best show Ivy-Crow Temple ~o. 4, L. G. E., anyone interested is invited to call tary of the concern, and another prin- ' President of Cann Brothers and mond Motors, lit 37th and or ball dahlia; Class 6, best undis- and Ivy Castie, KnIghts of Golden a.nd lo~k over it, or furtI:ter informa- tel' established .themselves on the third Kindig, printers and stationers, of street s, :Wilmi ngton, this seminated seedling dahlia; Class 7, ~agle, will hold a . get-together meet- tlOn WIll be gladly furmshed on re- ~oor of 420 ShIpley street, where they Twelfth and Orange streets which frame dI stor tion was given . best pompon dahlia; Class 8, best mg on Sa~urda~ mght, Sep~ember 21. quest. . Installed a ruling ~achine. Quality will observe its ninth anniversary able attention and a special 1 single dahlia. The committee m charge Will present The sele~tlOn of a water supply for wo-rk .and progressive methods soon Tuesday. Starting in a small room was lIsed at the General Division R-vase or basket collection a unique entertainment, and the So- you.r pumpmg system calls for the ex- necessItated larger quarters, and the with paper ruling machine, the firm in.g . ground to test the ability 6 or more blooms, one or more va- cial Committee promises a real treat, e r~lse of con;mon sense rather than plan~ was mov.ed to 30q Torbert street. now represents an investment of V~kmg to wi thstand unusual rieties of dahlias. so, all ye Eagles, spread your wings sCI ence or skill. A brook, lake or a RapId expansIOn fo!lowed, and today $250,000 in equipment and emplo s WIthout the f rame di sto rti ng. Class 9, best vase decorative dahl- and fly to this meeting or you are go- well may be ~he. source of supply, but th: ~ompany occupIes nearly all the about one hundred people. y T~ e frame di stortion test ias ; Class 10, best vase peony dahlias; ing to miss something worth while. the chara.cterls~\cs. of the water of the bUlldmgs on that thoroughfare. The consIsts of a single metal Class 11, best vase hybrid cactus surroundmg dIstrIct must be known office, at the corner of Twelfth and - at a s ~ a rp angle. One front dahlias; Cl ass 12, best vase cactus A. O. U. W. FALL ACTIVITIES before the selection js made. Care is IWa shington streets, is light, airy and like a pilot jet b . g d d Th h t th~ Viking under test was dahlias; , Class 13, best vase show Tomorrow evening Anchor Lodge, nec~ sary to insure against contami- very cheerful. Choice furniture, taste- generated by th:l;as n;:m~ ·ca e ~~ thiS track until the ce nter of da hl!as ; Cl ass 14, best vase pompon No. 4, will hold a meetin~ of special natIOn from polluted w~t~r which may fully arra~ged, .provide.s an · ide~1 at- saline solution to circulate ~~~s th: wheel hub :-va s 38¥., inches above d a hl~a s; Class 15, best v~ s e collarette mterest. ~o . all the members. Plans flow. from farm. bu!l?~ngs, cattle- I m o~ ph e re m whIch to dlsclIss prmting evaporation causing the cooling fol- ground whIle the other three d~h!l~ s ; . Class 16, ?est Single dahlias. and a c tlvl~les for the fall and winter grazmg land, or Impurlttes from the problems. • lows. The co st of operation, it is ~ es te ~ on t ~ e pavement. With DIVI SIOn C--collectlOn of dahlias. months WIll be discussed and other cesspool. The cOJ?pany has a day and night stated is the most economical of m thIS p.os ltlon each door opened Class 17, best collection of 10 or important business will be considered. a - • force, v.:hlch e~able s greater speed in refrigerating process any closed Wl t ~ O U t dIfficulty, more varieties of dahlias-single All members are urged to be at the CHRIS-CRAFT PATROL .1 com~l e tlOn ~ f J?bs, at no sacrifice in . The ~ ngln ee r s explai n that, due bl ooms and vases or baskets. Quality lodge room in Fraterna l Hall at 7.45 BOAT AT REGATTA q~ahty and no Increase in price. The J. H. HUTCHISON'S the d ~ slgn. of the car, the greater a.nd count equally with da ylight time, Through the courtes of the 'Marine I wmter schedule is now in effect, and WORK PROGRESSING of thIS dlst?rtion caused by sIze and number of blooms. ENTER T-RAeINING Con structio C y t th f f the firm has a number of large orders one wheel hIgh above the ground Division D- vase or ?a ~ ket of flowers. Commerce ~tr e ~~p::~~t bUil~er~o~~d on hand. Other o~cers , besides the James H. Hutchison, local contrac- taken. up by.the spri ngs. This, . Class 18, most ar t l ~t l c vase O! bas- Miss Betsy Chaytor, daughter of local agents for Chris-Craft a 26-foot two brothers. mentt?ned, are Roger tor , r eports rapid progress in the ~xplam ,. ellll1lnates the f rame l, ~ t .o~ flower s-any kmd or varIety. Mrs. George Danby, and Miss Roberta model of the latter was pla~ed at the Cann, first vlce-'preslde~t; J. Harvey work on the two bridges for which he mg, which would. 1"e li lt If the DIVI SIOn E-vase or basket of dahlias. Leak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. disposal of the Diamond Stat Y Cann, second. vIce-presIdent; Joseph has contracts. Bridge No. 56, over w~r e not so de~ l ~ n e d as to Cla s~ 1~, best vase ?r basket of mix- Ge~r~e ~: ak , have entered the nurse~' Club, as official patrol boat ~or a~~t A, lIaley, assIstant secretary. Naaman's Creek, is nearing comple- thiS heunu s,ual tWIsting strain, ed varlettes of dahhas, quality, and tratJl1.1g school at the HomeopathiC regatta held at D I b h e tion, while the laying of the creosote :r abJilty of an automobile to arrangement to count. Hospital, Wilmington. B.oth were Labor Day. Th.s ~o:~~e eac btve~ BAKING DEMONSTRATIONS blocks on the Riverf~ont Bridge thIS unu ~ u a l test to which th e • • a graduates of the Newark High School a speed of 42 \ has cap a e 0 RESUMED AT GAS CO. (Third street, Wilmington) is about wa ~ subjected res ults In last June. ml es per our. half completed. actIOn and r iding CO lillfo rt_hr,tn. • _ • .The Senator Dav!d trophy, for the Mrs. Mary V. Gambeau resumed . • _ • which have made the IN MEMORIAM In loving but sad memory of our IN MEMORIAM :: ~~n e; of the Chris-Craft r~ce , was her baking demonstrations, at the Gas TAYLOR PLANT IMPRINTS ily just as much at home while darling baby and brother, Charles In loving memory of our Little which y w:s N~ri~e::lOteyl ~~~~s-~drafLt, Company offi ce yesterday morning. BLOTTERS FOR BIG CORP. road wi th their ~uto m o bil e as Lloyd, who died September 14, 1925. Baby, Donald Harvey Masten, who I or . Beca use school starts tomorrow, Mrs. seated around theIr fi reside Our heart's still sad, passed away two years ago Septem- Young, s ~l es manager of the Marine Gambeau's demonstration r evolved ?Iose to 100,000 blot~e: s were im- l r~;;;;;;;;~~~~·;;;1 What wo uld, we g ive to clasp bel' 14th. ConstructIOn. Company. The event about the making of peanut butter 1plln0 ted last ~e ek by WIlham E . Tay- His little hand ; his patient face The little bed· is empty now, was for a dI stance of ten miles, and pinwheels. and cookies, both of which 1 1" Inc., prmters, of Twelfth and to see, The little clothes la id by; the co ur ~e co v e r ~g. by the boat, whic. h are suitable to pack with school ?range streets. These blotters, bear- BLUE HEN TEA ROOM '1'0 hear his voice, to see him smile A mother's hope, a father's joy was eqUIpped wlth a 200 horsepower lunches. mg the name of a large corporation As in the days that used to be? In Dea th's cold arm doth lie. Scr ipps motor, in twenty minutes and The Gas Company is mceting wi th her e had spaces ~o r the names of vari- But some sweet day we hope t o 'Twas hard tSl pa rt f rom our twenty se~o nd s . Second place in this Imuch success in the sale of gas re- ous dealers, whIch were filled in by meet again darling, eve nt, whIch was a handicap a ffair, frigerators. This latest idea in mod- I t h ~ Taylor company. In addition to In Heaven, t hat happy life, I The one we loved so well, was t a l ~e n by Charles M. Oberly's ern r efrigeration, operates without thI S .\Vor.k, the company completed the No one calJ ftll yo ur vacant place. But God t houg ht best t o take him craft, plioted by Mr. Oberly. It was any ·machinery or parts to wear out pub.hca~lOn of 2,000 copies of the Ma- I ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sadly missed by A mong t he angels t here to dwell. a 22-foot lenlP'h model, capable of a Ino noise of any sor t, just a t iny jet' SO IllC directory, for the year 1929 -30. Mother, F ather and Brother s. Sadly missed by of 35 mIles per hour. ' INC, • _ • Father, Mother and Brother. SP ~dhil e at t he r egatta , Mr. Young r ~~ ----, r~;;-~~~~~~~~;;~;;;;~ II- HAMMONOM OTORS' '"~~====:::::::======scetolvreagd e numr ateesr oatus t hinquirie yarde sfo regardingr t he fall I Marine Consl"'uctl·O.r n Co. HARRY, I{--'VNYON,. INC OldMembers mob Witminile Sa glesto na Autona SeTrod"rvice a nd wlIlter , and closed a number of YACHT BUrDESl'GNERS DERS AND I WH OLE SAL t<; I We Are IN owAuocia in Outri oNen w~u ..lm ,. co ntr acts. Slmtiar inquiri es are re- I allhe Southe.. 1 Corner ~:\~;~ a~ ~ i~~ic ~~~~ s O:oi~l:eto C~~~~e~ I w.C~~~S_~~I:~ -~~p:~~RS 20 1\' a rkcl S!. Wilmington 37th & Market Sts. Wilmington r H EAT RE :;d ''''''g, " ' MO. > .1 "mm~Th:if . D,""" ____ Dial 8288 ATT E~ T ION THURSDAY and FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 and 13- I TUes ART STONE & JAMES H. . ~TCH1S0N I SEE AND HEAR CON; ACTOR RAMON NAV ARRO I I I IN '______I ;:~::n:~~n :c~to;:~::·~: . I ~I ~~~~;;~~~~~ / Phone 235 r ( I 1 "The Pagan" Phon·e 1696 I WJTH BEST COFFEE-- RENNEE ADOREE, DOROTH JANIS Genuine and DONALD CRISP Mocha & Java 55c Th (100 Per Cent 'l'alkingj M o l;!~a.~ea~ \~riI N o~ o~ a t~~~~ti or y . HEHO,\( TEA STORES SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14- I 721 Market St. Wilmington DOUBLE FEATURE BILL 219 w. 4th SI. Wilmington "Chasing Through 'Europe" WITH I SUE CARROL{ i NI; K STUART Copying Phone 3-821 Enlarging PH01'OGR lIS Tell the Sory. "BUZZ" ~TON The COM1\'lERCI L STUDIO 1 W. 6th St If you want security combined with the convenience of a I "The Youn; hirlwind" Mastel' Key set up, call on Best Lock Corporation, repre· News Topics Fables senting the Best Universal Loltking System, the ulti MONDAY and TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 and 17- SEE AND HEAR CbRPORATION "Masquerade" I on~K;;;te~OCK WITH Phone 2-2814 Wilmington 908 Orange St. ALAN BIRMINGHAM and LEILA HYAMS I Phone Z - SOU TALKIE COMEDY !-.:=~~~~~~~~, ~~~~~~~~~ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18- T~HiRSTY~?~=· I ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I CHARLES ROGERS Stop at any of the good stahds Cann rother. and ~ t1 IN alongM~;d;;n:;~f r ~Kndig, Inc. t~urttll atnmpu !J "River of Romance" Soft Drinks Welt Street CapitaJ and Su.rp1l1.!j $2,100,000 With Pep81-Cola, Orange Cr .h, Canada Pale Dry WiliDin"on, Del. Transacts a General st and Banking MARY BRIAN, WALLACE BEERY, JUNE COLLYER They are pure, wholeso and •• Story by Booth Tarkington ORAN~Eh~fius DAY AND NIGHT PRINTING Bu P f BOTTLING COMP NY SERVICE S. W. Comer 6th &: Market Streets er ormances at 6 :30 and 8 :30, Standard Time '2932 M.r~ro~:· 2.26~lngton Priat.... , p.,.r • ...,., I1Mk lla• .,. JJr.JJIIIIIIlIIlmmIllDlDDlWllllDJlIlJl1llllllIlllD1lJJlIJIJJIIIJJIDIDIDJD~ ~~~mm_i8iSi3i~d \:i------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ \iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiWiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiLiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiINiiiiiiiGiiiiiiiTiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiN______;;;;iiii-t