Allis-Chalmers 20-35 Test 151
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University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Tractor Test and Power Museum, The Lester F. Tractor Maintenance Repair and Restoration Larsen January 1928 Allis-Chalmers 20-35 Test 151 Tractor Museum University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Applied Mechanics Commons Museum, Tractor, "Allis-Chalmers 20-35 Test 151" (1928). Tractor Maintenance Repair and Restoration. 5. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Tractor Test and Power Museum, The Lester F. Larsen at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tractor Maintenance Repair and Restoration by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. -c The Allis-Chalmers 20-35 Tractor Here is the best tractor Allis-Chalmers The operator's seat has been brought has ever built, a powerful a -plow machine, forward and raised, so he has a clear, un with a rated horsepower of 20·35, selling as obst ru ct ed view of the furrow wheel. the lowest priced a-plow tractor in the world. The tractor has more drop-forgings by far This tractor has been developed and per than it has ever had before. These mea n fected until it is the outstanding unit on the added strength and longer life. T he motor market today.Many new accessories have is fully sealed against dirt getting in through been adopted as standard equipment and the air, the fuel or t he oil. many refinements were made to add to its For the major jobs on a fann-plowing, life and increase its efficiency. threshing or the exceedingly heavy work of Not a single detail has been overlooked in combining there is not a tractor in its power consideration of the work it must perform. class which can compare with the tractor Take, for example, the muffler and spark for power, handling ease and ability to arrester which will prevent many grain fires. stand-up under hard service. 4 "Power and Profit with Allis-Chalmer s ZO- 35 Tr actors " AU.IS-CHAI1MERS... _ ....C20-3?>. • TnACTORS• r Built for Hard Work From wheel to pulley the tractor is de lator, a double-action air cleaner, a spark signed and developed t o use its tremendous arrest er muffier and many other accessories power without overloading. The crank as standard equipment. shaft, the gears, the valves, the pistons We recommend that. with proper cafe everything is built t o take the full load with and cleaning of the Oil PurOlator, you can out .overst raining and weakening any part. run the tractor for 100 hours without chang There is power to plow with four 14" ing oil. At the present cost of oil the saving moldboard plows, to pull a 32·inch separa here alone, compared with other tractors, tor with all attachments, to operate a 16 will pay for an Allis-Chalmers 20-35 in foot combine, a 10-foot one-way disc plow five years. or a a-row lister. The length of the life of every wearing The Allis-Chalmers 20·35 tractor is com part has been more than doubled by im plete, with nothing ext ra to buy. Every proving the design , the method of lubricat t ractor has the fuel strainer, the oil PurO- ing and the materials used. "Po w er a n d Profit w i t h A l l is-C h a l me rs %0 - 3 5 Tr a ct or s " 5 Roomy and Comfortable Platform for Operator The Allis-Chalmers 20-35 Tractor has a can stand or sit as he d esires, always with platform which is especi ally d esigned to the control at his finger ti ps. make operation of the t ractor easy and con On the dash ahead of the operator the venient. A big , spring-mount ed seat is so cont rols for the governor and magneto are located that the operator has a clear view mounted. A gauge for registering the oil of the furrow wheel and is also close t o the pressure is also placed here, so the operator control levers. can keep close check on the pressure lubri There are only two levers - one for gear cating syst em. shift ing, the ot her for the clutch . As an A steel tool box is provided on the plat- added safety factor a foot brake is provided. form. This is wa terproof and can be This is so sensitive and positive that a slight locked. tou ch holds the t ractor on the steepest Everything is simple and handy. To grades. operat e an Allis-Chalmers 20-35 Tractor The operator has plenty of leg-room. He from this platform is fun - not workl fj "P ow er a n d Profit with A l lis-C ha lm e rs %0-35 T ractor s" Husky Drawbar for Heavy Loads T he full power of the Allis-Chalmers serving as a guide for t he sidewise move 20-35 Tractor is carried throu gh the draw ment of the drawbar, when necessary. bar to the plow, combine or other implement The drawbar on the Allis-Chalmers 20-35 which is being used. Therefore. it is essen is simple in d esign and const ruction, but tial that the drawbar be strong, well-built exceedingly strong and efficient. The loads and so d esigned that it can be readily are transmitted equally over a big surface reached and attached. and there is no one particular spot which A heavy l ' x 3' st eel bar is securely carries the brunt of the burden. Longer pivot ed on t he tractor frame and it is so life is therefore assured for all of the parts, located that the full power of the tractor is and also for the tractor it self. transmitted t hrough it without loss. Many t est s were made before this design Supporting the drawbar and taking all and const ruction was adopted and since of the upward or downward thrusts is a then it has proven its worth in practical 272' steel angle, wit h a %" x 27'2 '" bar service. " P o we r and Pro fit w ith Allis- Ch a lmer s 20 -35 Tr a ctors " 7 • Short Turning Radius With a short turning radius the Allis The steering wheel is big and conveniently Chalmers 20-35 T ractor can be used almost located. so the operator can st eer with a anywhere. The ext reme outside radius is minimum amount of effort. This ease of 15 feet 5 inches and the inside radius is handling, t he speed with which the tractor 7 feet 3Y2 inches when making a short turn. responds to a touch on the lever, and its The drawbar is so const ructed that it can ability to maneuver in narrow places makes swing in back of the tract or t o carry t he it ideal for any job, whet her on the belt implement on an ext remely short radius, when necessary . T his is particularly valu or drawbar. able when operating a disc-harrow, a com T his feature of the Allis-Chalmers 20-35 bine or a similar clumsy, hard-turning T ractor is worth special consideration when implement . There is no ext ra length or determining t he Qualifications of the ma width than is necessary t o make a well chine for your farm . It enables you to use balanced powerful tractor which should tum more land for actual farming and this, of in as small a circle as possible. course, is profitable for you. 8 II P o w er and Pr o f it w ith Allis- C h a lm er s 2 0 -35 Tr actor s " Clear, Unobstructed View of Furrow Wheel from Operator's Seat From the operator's sea t on the Allis Most import ant . perhaps, is t he fact that Chalmers 20-35 Tractor , he commands a when t he operator has this accu rat e control clear view of the furrow-wheel. He can more and can see exactly wh ere he is going the accurately cont rol the tractor and a clean, speed is usually increased. It's safe to go even job of plowing is sure to result. faster when there is full visibility. The seat has been set up high t o give the Less room is required for turning with opera tor this advantage and he also has a this construction and so more land is avail clean, well-proportioned hood ahead of him able for straigh t plowing, instead of a bi g to sight along. These things can't help but head-land being necessary. affect the Quality of workmanship which is These are all benefit s which result because turned out . and they explain why the work of the features offered in the Allis-Chalmers don e with the Allis-Chalmers 20-35 Tractor 20·35 Tractor. T hey are all given as standard is uniformly much better than the average. equipment. No extra cha rge for any ofthem. "P o w er a nd P r o fi t wit h A t t i s s C h e t m e r e 20- 35 Trac t o r s" 9 n 1 • ... ..... , . • ,··'1 ~. "",!II ....'''" \ 111<1, ALL!5· CHA'l!!MERS QO-;] TnACTORS • Steel Wheel Equipment T he steel wheels on the Allis-Chalmers formed by bending the tire.