Eye on the News
[email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:XI Issue No:67 Price: Afs.20 www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes WEDNESDAY . OCTOBER 04. 2017 -Mizan 12, 1396 HS Mattis, 36 rebels Dunford to testify on killed in Trump's raids New Strategy AT News Report The US Defense Secretary James KABUL: At least 36 militants Mattis and Chairman of the Joint were killed and 15 others were Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph wounded in different crackdowns Dunford are slated to testify on within past 24 hours. Afghanistan late Tuesday night to In a press release issued here, the Senate Armed Services Ministry of Defense, (MoD)said Committee. Trump announced his that Afghan National Army strategy in mid-August in a speech (ANA) in collaboration with that critics said was light on Afghan National Police (ANP) specifics. Among the major and National Directorate of changes Trump shared was Security (NDS) personal has dropping any timeline for conducted joint operations against withdrawal. The president said the insurgents in different areas in US presence will be based on Nangarhar , Laghman , Kapisa , conditions on the ground. He also Paktia , MaidanWardak , Logar , said he plans to put more pressure Kandahar , Oruzgan , Farah , on Pakistan to target terrorists’ safe Badghis , Ghor , Jawzjan , Faryab havens within its borders and , Kundoz , Balkh , Badakhshan called on India to contribute more and Helmand provinces. to the fight in Afghanistan. But Statement said that in these questions remain about what operations 36 insurgents including specifically the administration is two Daesh affiliates were killed seeking from India, how it plans and 15 others were injured.