Suzanne Fredericq Department of

RESEARCH INTERESTS Biodiversity, phylogeny, , molecular systematics and biogeography of marine macroalgae in the Gulf of Mexico and worldwide, especially

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Fall 2007-present. Professor, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Dept. of Biology 2002-present. Freeport-McMoRan/Board of Regents Support Fund Professorship for Coastal Biodiversity Research, UL Lafayette Spring 2007-present. Research Associate, Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C.

REFEREED PUBLICATIONS Fredericq S., N. Arakaki, O. Camacho, D. Gabriel, D. Krayesky, S. Self-Krayesky, G. Rees, J. Richards, T. Sauvage, D. Venera-Ponton & W.E. Schmidt. A Dynamic Approach to the Study of Rhodoliths: a Case Study for the Northwestern Gulf of Mexico. 2013. Cryptogamie Algologie (in review) Sauvage T., P. Payri, S.G.A Draisma, W.F. Prud’homme van Reine, H. Verbruggen H., A. Sherwood & S. Fredericq. 2013. Molecular diversity of the Caulerpa racemosa-Caulerpa peltata complex (Caulerpaceae, Bryopsidales) in New Caledonia, with new Australasian records for C. racemosa var. cylindracea. Phycologia 52: 6-13. Lin S.M., S. Fredericq & M. H. Hommersand. 2012. Developmental, phylogenetic and systematic studies of Apoglossum and Paraglossum, Apoglosseae, trib. nov. (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta). European J. Phycology 47: 366-383. Sherwood A., O. Necchi, A. L. Carlile, D.D. Laughinghouse, S. Fredericq & R.G. Sheath. 2012. Characterization of a novel freshwater gigartinalean red alga from Belize, with a description of Sterrocladia belizeana sp. nov. (Rhodophyta). Phycologia 51: 627-635. Krayesky D., J.N. Norris, J. West, M. Viguerie, B. Wysor & S. Fredericq. 2012. Two new of Caloglossa (Delesseriaceae, Ceramiales) from the Americas, Caloglossa fluviatilis sp. nov. and Caloglossa neotropica sp. nov. Phycologia 51: 513-530.

GRANTS AND RESEARCH SUPPORT 2011-2014. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative RFP-I. Consortium LUMCON: The effects of the Macondo oil spill on coastal ecosystems. (D.L. Felder & S. Fredericq) ($644,939). 2011-2012. Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative RFP-III. Stop-gap Sampling to assess the impact of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on macroalgae and macrocrustaceans in the northern Gulf of Mexico (S. Fredericq & D.L. Felder) ($93,093). 2010-2012. NSF DEB Systematic Biology. RAPID: Impacts of the Deepwater Horizon crude oil spill on the diversity of macroalgae and macrocrustaceans inhabiting deepwater hard banks in the NW, NE and SE Gulf of Mexico (S. Fredericq & D.L. Felder) ($185,608). 2013. NSF DEB Systematic Biology REU suppl. RUI: Collaborative Research: Marine algal diversity of southern Central America ($6,250). 2013. NSF DEB Systematic Biology REU suppl. Collaborative Research, RedToL - phylogenetic and genomic approaches to reconstructing the Red Algal (Rhodophyta) Tree of Life (J. Lopez & S. Fredericq) ($12,500). 2012. NSF DEB Systematic Biology REU suppl. RUI: Collaborative Research: Marine algal diversity of southern Central America ($7,500).