4/22/2020 will plant more than 1 million trees in memory of fellow countrymen who fought during the Great Patriotic War and worked i…


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More than 1 million trees will be planted in Altai Krai in memory of fellow countrymen who fought during the Great Patriotic War and worked in the rear

The Altayles holding company supports the international campaign "Garden of Remembrance", in which organizes tree planting in memory of 27 million soldiers who died during the war.

#sad memory

In the Altai Territory, the "Garden of Memory" will be held in , and Kamen-on-. Employees of a holding company with representatives of partner companies will plant trees. There will be no mass actions with the participation of the public and veterans.

For representatives of the administrations of cities, districts and villages, 300 thousand pine seedlings will be provided free of charge for landscaping settlements. The application must be made until April 30 inclusively by phone number: 8 961 983 23 77.

In addition, due to the cancellation of mass events, the Altayles holding company devotes all the trees planted in spring in ribbon and acquisition forests to the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. This is 1 million pines grown in the company's own nurseries. Two-year-old trees will be planted on an area of 218 hectares.

Thus, within the framework of spring actions and work to create forests in the Altai Territory, 1 million 300 thousand new trees will appear.

Despite the restrictions on holding mass events, residents of the region can join the action in an online format. To do this, send an e-mail to [email protected] about your relative, a front-line soldier or home front worker, and accompany the story with a photograph. During the year, Altayles Holding will establish commemorative plaques with the names of fellow countrymen near the sites where Victory Forests were planted in previous years. This is a suburb of Barnaul, Rubtsovsk, Kamen-on-Ob. In 2021, in these places will be the traditional planting of trees with the participation of all comers.

We were supported by:

Union of Journalists in Altai Krai Branch of the Russian Geographical Society in Altai Territory

ATTENTION! Promotions are held without attracting the general public, children, veterans. Tree planting is carried out ONLY by the employees of Altayles Holding and partner organizations of actions in the amount of not more than 6 people, observing measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection. The administrations of cities, regions and villages independently organize greening of settlements in compliance with all measures necessary for the non-proliferation of infection. https://www.altailes.com/v-altajskom-krae-vysadyat-bolee-1-mln-derevev-v-pamyat-o-zemlyakah-voevavshih-v-gody-velikoj-otechestvennoj-vojny-… 1/2 4/22/2020 Altai Krai will plant more than 1 million trees in memory of fellow countrymen who fought during the Great Patriotic War and worked i…

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Posted: 04/20/2020

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