The LepidopterologicalSocietyLepidopterological Society of Japan uebwt TYans. Iopitt Sbc. Jkepan 52(1): 1-10, December 2ooO Copulation of 7Veozepliu7rus japonicus (Lycaenidae) under captiye cqnditions Michio IMAFvKui), Takeshi OHTANi2) and Tsuyoshi TAKEucHi3) i}3)Department of Zoology, Graduate Schqol of Science, Kyoto University, i)ima@cLzool, Sakyo, Kyoto, 606-8502 Japan; e-mail: 2)Museum of Nature and Human Activities, Hyogo, Yayoigaoka 6, Sanda, Hyogo, 669-1546 Japan; 2)
[email protected], e-mail: Abstract Observation of behavioral mteractions between sexes is important fbr undierstanding of the color patterns of butterfiy wings. Such observation, howeyer, is very rare fbr the Zephyrus hairstreaks which sometimes sho-, conspicuous sexually dimorphic coloration on their wings. Copulation of a dimorphic species ?Veazephyrus japonicus was observed in a large wire-net cage in the Museum ofNature and Human Activities, Hyogo. Out of 12 malos and 10 females released, two males attempted copulation, and one successfu11y copulated with one female during the observation period from June 11 to 13, 1999. The copulation time -'as about 3 h. A large spermatophore was later confirmed in the bursa copulatorix by dissection of the female abdomen, Significance of induction of copulation in the Zephyrus hairstreaks is discussed. Key words ?Vkozephynts J'aponicus, copulation, Theclidi, hairstreaks, Zepbyrus. Introduction Subtribe Theclidi, the Zepityrets hairstreak, is a bielogically intriguing group, because it contains a suitable number of species to consider and also because of its rich variety of morphology and modes of life (Saigusa, 1988). Furthermore, this group is interesting because of its behavioral variety; wings of some species exhibit sexually dimorphic coloration while those of others are monomQrphic (Kawazoe & Wakabayashi, 1976), males of some species are perchers, whereas others are patrollers, and the activity time is species specific (Fukuda et aL, 1984).