244 Vo1.14: no.4


(U nder the supervision of PETER F. BELLINGER)

F. BIOLOGY AND IMMATURE STAGE S George, John 1., & Robert T. Mitchell, "Calculations on the extent of Spruce Bud­ worm control by insectivorous birds." Journ. Forestry, vo1.46 : pp.454-455. June 1948. Estimates that roughly 5% of (all stages) are eaten by birds during an outbreak of Choristoneura fumiferana. [P.B.] Gere, G., "Investigations into the laws governing th e growth of Hyphantria cunea Drury caterpillars" [in English; Russian & German summaries]. Acta Bioi. A cad. Scient. hung., vol.7: pp.43-72, 10 figs. 1956. Describes growth of larvre as mea­ sured by changes in weight and dimensions. Larvre reach maximum weight in middle oJ last instar; weight declines thereafter, & is only half as heavy. Part of increase & most of decrease in weight are due to changes in water content. Development of larvre is retarded if they are reared in isolation. [P.B.] Gerhardinger, Klaus, " a ber die Einfluss unterschiedlicher atmosphiirischer Druckver­ hiiltnisse bei Rhescyntinre " [in German]. Zeitschr. Wiener ent. Ges., vo1.35: pp.89- 99 , 4 figs. 1950. Pupre of Graellsia isabel/d! kept at altitudes below 1000 m. die or produce weak adults; increased atmospheric pressure apprently deleterious. [P.B.] Gerris, V., "Kweek van M elitd! a cinxia 1." [in Dut.ch; English summary]. Ent. Ber­ ichten, vol. 15: pp.401-403, 4 figs. 1955. Describes rearing. Gibbs, Alfred J., "Gurleya sp. (Microsporidia) found in gut tissue of Trachea secalis (Lepidoptera)." Parasitology, vo1.43: pp.143-147, 15 figs. 1953. Describes life cycle of parasite. [P.B.] Ginet, R., ''La grotte de la Balme (Isere); topographie et faune" [in French]' Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, voL21 : pp.4-17, 27-31, 2 maps. 1952. Records Hoffmanophila pseudospretella breeding, & Blahophanes sp. hibernating, in cave. [P.B.] Glauert, L., "A strange 'ant-friend' caterpillar." Western Austral. Nat., vo!.l: p.153. 1948. A cyclotornid reared from taken from nest of Iridomyrmex de­ tec tus. [I. C.] Glushenkov, N., "New data on the biology of the Bollworm and measures for its con­ trol" [in Russian]. Khlopkovodstvo, yoU, no.6: pp.57-59. 1955. Heliothis armi­ gera. [Not seen]. Goater, Barry, "Autumn at elder berries." Ent. Rec. IS JOllrn. Var., vo!.69: pp.46:-47. 1957. Records various adult noctuids feeding on overripe berries. [P.B.] Gotz, Bruno, "Der Einfluss von Tageszeit und Witterung auf Aussschliipfen, Begat­ tung lInd Eiablage des Springwurmwicklers pilleriana Schiff." [in German]' Zeitschr. angew. Ellt., voU1: pp.261-274, 10 figs. 1949. Determines limits and optima in time of day, temperature, and humidity, for emergence, mat­ ing, and egg-laying. iP.B.] Goleman, Denzil Lyle, "'Biological study of the European Corn Borer in Boone Coun­ try [sic!], Iowa." Iowa State Coil. Journ. Sci., vo1.30: pp.367-369. 1956. Goodchild, H. H. "Sudden exodus" Countryman, Burford, vo1.53: pp.543-544, 1 fig. 1956. Emergence of parasitic wasps from Pieris brassiCd! larvre. [P.B.] Goodson, A. 1., "Hyd'l'd!cia hucherardi Mab. and its foodplant the Marsh Mallow (A/theea officinalis)." Ent. Gaz., vol.6: pp.66-67, 1 fig. 1955. Goodson, A. 1., "Notes on collecting the larvre of Hydrd!cia hucherardi Mabille." Ent. Gazette, vo!.7: pp.27-28. 1956. Discovery of larvre in roots of Althd!a offi­ cinalis. [P.B.] Grabe, Albert, "Caccecia unifasciana Dup. (Tortricidre)" [in German]. Zeitschr. Lepid., voU: pp.99-100. 1951. Describes early stages; foodplant Populus pyra­ midalis. [P.B.] Grabe, Albert, "'Capua relieulana Hb. (Tortricid.re) an ausliindischen Pflanzen" [in German] Zeitschr. Lepid., vol.2: p.44. 1952. Sp. feeding on exotic Rhus typhina. Notes on Rhus-feeding Microlepidoptera. [P.B.] Grabe, Albert,. "Lebt die Raupe von Philea irrorella C!. versteckt?" [in German]. Zeltschr. Lepld., vo!'2: p.148. 1952. Larvre live exposed, on Bryum. [P.B.] Grab.e, Albert, ."Seltsamer Verpuppungsplatz von Dicranura vinula L." [in German]. Zeltschr. Lepld., vo!'2: p.140. 1952. Pupa fOlInd on knife handle, 10 m. from near­ est possible foodplant. [P.B.] 1960 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 245

Grabe, Albert, ligustri L. als Spatzenfutter" [in German]. Zeituhr. Lepid. vol.2: p.120. 1952. Passer domesticus attacking adult on trunk. [P.B.] Gradwell, G. R, "Hebia flavipes (R.-D.) (Dipt., Tachinida:), a parasite of the Moth pennaria (L) (Lep., Selidosemida:)". Ent. mo. Mag., vo1.87: p.253, 1 fig. 1951. New host record. [P.B.] Gradwell, G. R, "Batodes angustiorana (Haw.) (Lep., Tortricida:) on ." Enl. mo. Mag., vo1.93: p.190. 1957. Gradwell, G. R., "Hosts of three of Eulophus Geoffroy (Hym., Chalcidoidea), one new to science and another new to Britain." Ent. mo. Mag., vo1.93: pp.140-142, 2 figs. 1957. Larva: ectoparasitic on lepidopterous larva: (records from Noctuida:, Notodontida:, Geometrida:, Lymantriida:). [P.B.] Grandi, Guido, "Gli insetti a regime specializzato ed i loro 'adattamenti morfologii'" [in Italian]. Atti Aaad. naz. Lincei, Mem. Ct. Sci. fis. mat. nat., ser.8, vol.5, Sezione lIra: pp.1-59, 25 pIs. 1955. Includes general discussion of mining lepidop­ terous larva:, & descriptions & figures of spp. of Lithocolletis, Phyllocnistis, Graci­ laria, & some other genera, to illustrate morphological adaptations to mining habit. [P.B.J Graves, P. P., "Repeated mating of Irish Pieris napi." Entomologist, vo1.83: pp.274- 275. 1950. Records <;? mating with 2nd ;!; after laying eggs. [P.B.] Green, J., & W. Wilkinson, "Mites on insects of Skokholm Island." Enl. mo. Mag., vo1.87: pp.143-146. 1951. Including red mites on larva: of Zygoma trifolii. [P.R.] Greenbank, D.O., 'The role of climate and dispersal in the initiation of outbreaks of the Spruce Budworm in New Brunswick." Canad. Journ. Zoo I., vo1.34: pp.453-476, 4 figs. 1956. Describes weather conditions favorable to development of Choristo­ neura /umi/erana. Climatic conditions (a series of dry, sunny summers) preceding outbreaks may have favored the latter by producing greater numbers & higher fe­ cundity through favorable effect on developing larva: & also on foodplant (balsam fir) . [P.B.] Gregoire, Charles, "Studies by phase-contrast microscopy on distribution of patterns of hemolymph coagulation in insects." Smiths. mise. Coil., vo1.134, no.6: 35 pp., 1 pI., 4 figs. 1957. Including M egalopyge lunata; incomplete coagulation originat­ ing with development of cytoplasmic meshwork between hemocytes. [P.B.] Gregor, Frantisek, "Erfahrungen mit der Kontrolle und Prognose des Eichenwicklers (Tortrix viridana L.) in Miihren" [in Czech; German & Russian summaries.J Folia Zoologica, vol.5: pp.1c16, 4 figs. 1956. Describes biology, distribution, & con­ trol of the sp. in Moravia. Very important study in applied forest entomology. [lM.J von Griesheim, lise, "Vorkommen und Zucht von Anthocharis damone in Sizilien" [in German]. Ent. Nachrichtenbl., Burgdorf, vol.3: pp.104-106. Dec. 1949. De­ scribes larva. Notes on distribution of this local sp. and on its habitat on Mt. Etna. [P.B.J Grison, Pierre, "Sur la determination de I'optimum thermique chez un insecte, Ie Bombyx cui brun (Euproctis pht1!orrluea Don.)" [in French]. C. R. Soe. Biol., vol. 141: pp.1207-1209. 1947 At 25° C. mortality is lowest & final weight is greatest for weight of food consumed. [P.B.] Grison, P., & R Roerich, "Comparaison du developpement des chenilles d'Operophtera brurnata L. (Lep. Geometrida:) et Euproctis phd!orrh(l!a Don. (Lep Liparida:) a differentes temperatures constantes" [in French]. Bull. Soc. ent. , vo1.54: pp. 12-16, 1 fig. 1949. O. brurnata larVa! ,develop more rapidly at all temperatures; minimum mortality at 10° C.; total amount of food consumed decreases with in­ creasing temperature. E. phd!orrh(l!a has optimum at 25° C.; amount consumed in­ creases with increasing temperature. Experiments on spring larva:; not strictly comparable, since former hatches in spring & latter in fall. [P.B.J Grison, Pierre, "Effets de la qualite de I'alimentation slIr divers caracteres physiolo­ giques de deux lepidopteres" [in French]. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, vo1.242: pp.414- 416. 1956. Prolonged development & reduced mortality & fertility in Euproctis pht1!orrh(l!a & Malacosoma neustria fed on aged leaves only. [P.B.J Gulicka, ]., ]. ] amriska, & L. Korbel, "Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bionomie des Weissen Biirenspinners (Hyprantria cunea Drury) in Siidslowakei" [in Slovak; Russian & German summaries]. Biol6gia, Bratislava, vol.9: pp.35-59, 6 figs. 1954. On the food plants, parasites, and biology of this species in S. . [J.M.J de Gunst, ]. H., "[Identification of the Corypha palms which flowered in the Hortus Bogoriensis during 1953 to 1955J. Appendix. Notes on some of the insects caught 246 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera VoU4: no.4

on the Corypha iilflore,cences." Ann. hogorienses, vol.2: pp.J47-148. 1956. Records Delias belisama & Hyhlcea puera at flowers. These palms flower only once in a life of 50 years or more. [P.B.] Gyiirfi, J., "Die Schlupfwespen und der Unterwuchs des Waldes" [in German]' Zeitschr. angew. Ent., vol.33: pp.32-47. 1951 Considers that well-developed un­ dergrowth in woodlands favors large populations of parasitic wasps, since many important parasites attack larv:e feeding on herbs and and as well as pests of . Lists numerous hosts of lchneumon disparis, Pimpla instigator, Theronia atalantce, A panteles spp., etc., and the foodplants of these hosts, most of which are Lepidoptera. [P.B.] Gyota, Tetsuo, "Short notes on the life history of M elitcea pha:be scotosia Butler (Nymphalid:e)" [in Japanese]. New Entomologist, yoU, no.1: pp.36-40, 3 figs., 1 table. 1952. Foodplants Cirsium sp. and S erratula coronata. [T.I.] Hadley, B. L., jr., "The Spring Canker-worm." Penn. Forests IS Waters, vo1.4: p.32, 7 figs. 1952. Figures of stages of Paleacrita 'lJernata. [P.B.] Hardtl, Heinrich, "Untersuchungen iiber die Fauna der Taraxacum-Arten" [in Ger­ man]. Beitr. En!., voU: pp.69-95. 1953. Lists spp. attacking T. officinale or T. koksaghyz, including some 75 Lepidoptera (mainly Noctuidre) . [P.B.] Haftom, Svein, "Contribution to the food biology of tits especially about storing of surplus food. Part III. The -tit (Parus atricapillus L.)." Kon. norske 'Vi­ densk. Selsk. Skrifter, 1956, no.3: 80 pp., 26 figs. 1956. Sp. eats adult Lepidoptera; also eats larvre, especially of Geometrid:e, which may be stored for later consump­ tion. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "Euphyia luctuata Schiff (lugubrata Staud): a recent British record and notes on its life history." Enl. Gaz., vol.3: pp.27-30, 1 pI. 1952. Third British record. All stages described and figured; reared on Epilobium. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "An original account of rearing Lllceria 'lJirens Linn." Ent. Gaz., vol.4: pp.319-321, 2 pis. 1953. Reared on Poa annua, and Dactylis glomerata (less suc­ cessful); all stages figured. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "The egg and pupa of lunaris Schiff., and salicalis Schiff., (Lep : Plusiidre)." Ent. Gaz., vol.4: pp.266-268, 4 figs. 1953. Also describes egg of Herminia barbalis. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "An account of rearing fimbrialis Scop." Ent Gaz., vol.5 : pp. 95-102, 1 pI., 2 figs. 1954. Describes all larval instal's and pupa; foodplant yar­ row. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "The pupa of Hada nana Hufn. (dentina Esp.)" Ent. Gaz., vol.5 :pp. 223-224, 1 fig. 1954. Noctuid:e. Haggett, G., "Further observations on Calophasia lunula Hufn." Ent. Gaz., vol.6: pp.152-154, 1 fig. 1955. Describes egg and early instars; records molts; foodplants Linaria spp. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "Note on the larva of Chloroclystis debiliata (Lep. Geometridre)." Ento­ mologist, vo1.88: pp.212-213. 1955. Biology; on bilberry. [P.B.] Haggett, G., & A. J. Wightman, "Field notes on lIydJrcecia hucherardi Mabille with description of the egg." Entomologist, vo1.89: pp.67-70, 1 fig. 1956. Also records parasite; notes on adult behaviour. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "A descriptive note on Xanthorhoe biri'lJiaia Bkh. (Lep: Geometridre)". Enl. Gazette, vol.8: pp.167-170, 1 fig. 1957. Describes larva & pupa. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "An account of rearing Lithophane lapidea Hiibner, with descriptions of the egg, larva and pupa." Entomologist, vo1.90: pp.287-295. 1957. Foodplant Cupressus macrocarpa. [P.B.] Haggett, G., " L~rv'" of the British Lepi·doptera not figured by Buckler." Proc. Trans. south London ent. nat. Hist. Soc., 1955: pp.152-163, 3 pis. 1957. First part of a pro­ jected series; descriptions & colored figures of larv:e of Arenostola fluxa, Sedina buettneri, musculosa, Chilodes maritima, millefoliata, E. ex/ensaria, E . intricata arceuthata. Notes on distribution & biology. List of spp. whose larvre are needed for description & illustration. [P.B.] Haggett, G., "Notes on some larvre of the A pamea Treitschke (Lep :Cara·drini­ d:e)." Ent. Gaz., vol.8: pp.223-225, 1 fig. 1957. Distinguishes mature larvre of A. Jordens, A. infesta, A. crenata, A. characterea, & A. obscura on pattern charac­ ters. [P.B.] Haggett, G.,. "The habitat and habits of Rhizedra lutosa Hiibn. (Lep. Noctuid:e)." EntomologIst, vo1.90: pp.184-185. 1957. Larvre feed in reed rhizomes especially ",here drainage is good and reeds are stunted. [P.B.] , 1960 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 247

Hall, David M., "The use of Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner to control the Western Grape Leaf Skeletonizer." JOllrn. eCon. Ent., vo1.48: pp.675-677. "1955" [1956]. Colonies of larvre of lfarrisina brillians (Zygrenidre) were sprayed with suspensions of spores of the bacillus. Considerable mortality was noted, but control was not sufficient to justify its use instead of insecticides. [W.C.] Halleppanavar, N. L., "Two new eggs parasites of Virachola isocrates. Fb." Science & Culture, vo1.23: p.253. 1957. Hymenopterous parasites of this Iycrenid pest of pomegranate. [P.B.] Hama, Eiichi, "In the life-history of Anthocaris cardamines isshikii Matsumura in [Mt.] Yatsugatake (Pieridre)" [in Japanese). New Entomologist, yoU, 110.1: pp. 22-31,4 figs. 1951. Hammond, H. E., "Cllcullia, Schrank: absinth ii, Linn: (Lep: Agrotidre). The Pale Wormwood Shark. The British status of the species, with particular reference to the Midlands." Ent. Gaz., vol. 2: pp. 191-197. 1951. Describes early stages, biology (food­ plants Arte1llisiu1ll absinthium, A vulgaris), distribution. [P.B.] Hammond, H. E., "A list of previously unrecorded food plants of lepidopterous larvre, with additional notes on preferences, etc." Ent. Gaz., vol. 3: pp. 59-68. 1952. Food­ plants listed for some 70 spp. reared to imago; 25 other spp. listed with foodplant which permitted full larval growth though the imago was not allowed to emerge. Macroheterocera only. [P.B.] Hammond, H. E., & Kenneth G. V. Smith, "On some parasitic Diptera and Hymenop­ tera bred from lepidopterous hosts; Part I, with a description of Frontina ld!ta Mg., (Dip: Larvrevoridre) ." Ent. Gaz., vol. 4: pp. 273-279, 1 fig. 1953. List by parasite species; including apparently definite records of parasitization by a muscid and a phorid. [P.B.] Hammond, H. E., & Kenneth G. V. Smith, "On some parasitic Diptera and Hymenop­ tera bred from lepidopterou, hosts. Part II. Misc. records of Phoridre, Larvrevoridre (Dipt.), Braconidre, lchneumonidre, and Eulophidre (Hym.) ". Ent. Gaz., vol.6: pp. 168-174, 1 fig. 1955. Includes some new records, mostly of parasites of Noctuidre and Geometridre. [P.B.] Hammond, H. E., & Kenneth G. V. Smith, "On some parasitic Diptera and Hymenop­ tera bred from lepidopterous hosts. Part III. Records of Tachinidre (Dipt.), Brac­ onidre, Ichneumonidre, Encyrtidre, Pteromalidre, Eulophidre and Scelionidre (Hym.)." Ent. Gazette, vol. 8: pp. 181-189. 1957. Numerous records of parasites of British Lepidoptera. [P.B.] Harcourt, D. G., R. H. Backs, & L. M. Cass, "Abundance and relative importance of caterpillars attacking cabbage in eastern Ontario." Canad. Ent., vo1.87: pp.400- 406, 1 fig. 1955. Pieris rapd! most important at all seasons, though less numerous than Plutella lllaculipennis (much smaller) on later crops. Trichoplusia ni a minor pest. [P.B.] Hare, Edgar J., "Euphyia luctuata Schiff.: some further observations." Enl. Gaz., vol.4: pp.163-164. 1953. Supplementary to the paper by Haggett [Ent. Gaz., voU: pp.27-30]. Harper, John L., "Biological flora of the British Isles. Rallunculus acris L. (R. acer auct. plur.) ." Joum. Ecol., vo1.45: pp.289-342, 11 figs. 1957. Lists numerous insects visiting flowers, including Micropteryx calthella, feeding on pollen. Larvre of Trig­ ollophora flalll III ea, A grochola lyrh7lidis, Ceram;ca psi. Triphd!IIa orbona, Phlogo­ phora e1llpyrea, Cnephasia langana, C. interjectana, & C. pasillana feed on Ranun­ wlus ssp. [P.B.] Harper, John L., & W. A. Wood, "Biological flora of the British Isles. Senecio jaco­ hd!a L." .low·n. Ecol., vo1.45: pp.617-637, 2 figs. 1957. Includes list of 32 Lepidop­ tera feeding on this plant; records parasites reared from Hypocrita jacobce.d! & HOllld!OSOma nimbella. Records 15 ssp. visiting flowers. [P.B.] Hartley, P. H. T., " camouflage." Endeavour, vo!.7: pp.97-103, figs. 1948. Discussion and illustration of the main types of animal camouflage, with some ex­ amples from the Lepidoptera. [P.B.] Harville, John P ., "Ecology and population dynamics of the California Oak Moth, Phryganidia califomica Packard." Microentomoiogy, vo1.20: pp.83-166, 6 pis. 1955. It is concluded that density-independent factors, especially cold winters, are more important than density-dependent factors in altering the numbers of this sp. [J.T.] Hayashi, Keijiro, "Collecting Zephyrus eggs in winter, and breeding thereof (1) - (3) (Lycaenidre)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchll, vol.5, no.1: pp.31-34, 4 pIs., Z figs.; no.2: pp.12-15, 4 pIs., Z figs, 1 table; no.3: pp.35-40, 4 pIs., 7 figs, Z tables. 248 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vol.14: no.4

1952. Collecting tiny eggs of during winter is a fascinating technique re­ cently developed in Japan. Many young hobbyists are engaged in the sport. The author Hayashi is one of the prominent leaders of this school. These papers disclose eggs, larva:, and pupa: of 21 Theelini completely. There remain only 2 spp. unfig­ ured: one, Iratsume orsedice, was published in Shin Konchu, vol.4. no.12, 1951, and the other, N eozephyrus hisamatsuanus, has not yet been studied. Foodplants: N eo­ zephyrus smaragdinus on ; N. taxila on Alnus; N. ataxus on Cyclobalanopsis; Fa'Vonius /ujisanus on Fagus; Iratsume orsedice on Hamamelis; Thecla jonasi, aphidivorous on Quercus; Coreana ibara on ; Artopoetes pryeri on Ligus­ trum; all others on Quercus and/or Cyclobalanopsis. [T.!.] Heddergott, H., "Zur Biologie und Bekiimpfung des Erdbeerwicklers A cleris (A calla) romariana Zel!." [in German; English summary]. Zeitschr. P/lanzenkrankh., va!. 62: pp.220-235, 18 figs. 1955. Describes all stages & biology; foodplant straw­ berry. [P.B.] Heddergott, H., "Cnephacia argentana CI. (Lep., Tortricidll!) als Schadling on Fkh­ tenkulturen" [in German; English summary]. Zeitschr. angew. Ent., vol.40: pp. 332-342, 7 figs. 1957. Describes all stages & biology; destructive in spruce stands. [P.B.] Hedges, Alfred., "A remarkable case of convergence in the pupa and cocoon of two agrotid moths." Ent. Rec. & Journ. Var., vo1.66: pp.129-131, 2 pIs. 1954. Anarta cordigera & Hadena bOlllbycina both have spined pupa: which can move actively up or down in their tubular cocoons. [P.B.] Heimpel, A. M., "The pH in the gut and blood of the Larch Sawfly, Pristophora erichsoni (Htg.), and other insects with reference to the pathogenicity of Bacillus cereus Fr. and Fr." Canad. Journ. Zool., vo1.33: pp.99-106, 1 fig. 1955. Records pH in blood & in parts of gut of larvae of M alacosoma disstria & Bombyx mori. The gut in these spp. is too acid to permit normal multiplication of the pathogen, except perhaps during starvation. [P.B.] Hennig, Rolf, "Die tierischen und pflanzlichen Schadlinge unserer wichtigsten fremdlandischen Holzarten" [in German; English summary l Zeitschr. P/lanzen­ krankh., vol.61: pp.25S-269. 1954. Summary of enemies of exotic trees grown in Germany. Includes records of Dendroli1llus pini on Pseudotsuga taxi/olia & Picea sitchensis; Grapholitha pactolana on P. sitchensis; Dioryctria abietella, D. splendi­ della, E'Vetria huoliana, Dioryctria pini, Panolis fla1llmea, & Lymantria monacha on Pinus strobus; E'Vetria duplana, E . turionana, & E. buoliana on P. murrayana; D. pini & Cnethowmpa pityocalllpa on P. nigra; Coleophora laricella & Grapholitha diniana on Larix leptolepis; Gracilaria cOlllplanella & Grapholitha amplana on Castanea sati'Va; Tortrix 'Viridana & Euproctis chrysorrhll!a on Querl'Us borealis; Neptil'Ula sericopeza on Robinia pseudoacacia. [P.B.] Henson, W. R., & R. F. Shepherd, "The effects of radiation on the habitat tempera­ ture of the Lodgepole Need Ie Miner, Recur'Varia 1Ililleri Busck (Gelechiida:: Lepi­ doptera)." Canad. Journ. Zool., vol.30: pp.144-153. 1952. Wind, orientation of needles, shade, and other factors affect mine temperatures and presumably result in differences in rate of development. [P.B.] Hepper, F. N .. "Biological flora of the British Isles. Silene nutans L." Journ. Ecol., vo1.44: pp.693-700, 3 figs. 1956. Records Hadena spp., Coleophora leucapenella, C. silenella, & C. otitll! feeding on seeds or (last sp. only) on leaves. [P.B.] Hering, Erich Martin, "Schwedische Miniaturen" [in German] . Opusc. ent., vo1.16: pp.81-88, 2 figs. 1951. Recorcls N epticula con jus ella mining Betula pubescens; N. plagicoletta, Cosmopteryx scribaiella, & C. lienigiella in Phrag1llites communis; Lithocolletis dubitella in Salix caprea. [P.B.] Hering, Erich Martin, "Veranderungen in pflanzlichen Geweben unter dem Einfluss minierender Insekten-Iarven" [in German]' S'Vensk Bot. Tidskr., vo1.45: pp.42-71, 1 pI., 12 figs. 1951. Describes reactions of plant tissue to activity of mining larva:, including some 30 spp. of Lepidoptera. [P.B.] Herpin, Rene, "Notes d'entomologie agricole" [in French]. Me1ll. Soc. nation. Sci. 1Ilath . nalur. Cherbourg, vo1.44: pp.65-69. 1950. Records Vanessa cardui on arti­ choke; Hydrcecia micacea on potato. [P.B.] Herter, Konrad, "liber die Orientierung der 'Springbiihnen'" [in German]' Bioi. Zentralbl., vo1.69: pp.565-579, 18 figs. 1955. Describes methods of locomotion of Carpocapsa saltitans larva: removed from Sebastiana capsules and supplied with artificial glass 'jumping beans'. Reactions to light and temperature are also des­ cribed. [P.B.] 1960 Journal 0/ the Lepidopterists' Society 249

Heslop, 1. R. P., "lIpatura iris imago attacked by birds: with some observations on the status and future of this species." Ent. Gaz., vol.6: pp.175-177. 1955. Records jays and a magpie attacking adult; thinks increase in bird life in Britain is respon­ sible for change in habits of , which has become less apt to settle in ex­ posed spots. [P.B.] Heslop, 1. R. P., "The breeding log of an II patura iris in 1954." En!. Gaz., vol.6 : pp.69-85, 3 figs. 1955. Detailed account of rearing last-instar larva (on Salix cuprea ) and of the process of pupation. [P.B.] Heslop, 1. R. P., "Pupa of II patura iris attacked by larva of Cosmia trapezina." Entomologist, vo1.89: p.l06. 1956. Heslop, 1. R. P., "Hibernating habit of larva of II patura iris Linn." Entomologist, vo1.90: pp.42-43. 1957. Spins on leaf or stem of Salix cuprea; leaves are attached to plant by silk. [P.B.] Heslop-Harrison, J. W., "The foodplants of II braxas grossulariata Linn." Enl. Ret. & .To urn. Var., vo1.69: pp.48-49. 1957. Records local populations of this polyphagous sp. which refused 'Vulgaris or cinerea, the preferred foodplants of other populations. [P.B.] Hibbs, Edwin Thompson, "An investigation of European Corn Borer populations as related to corn planting dates." Ohia Slate Uni'V. A bs. doel. Diss., vo1.63: pp.113- 116. 1952. Abstract; Pyrausta nubilalis. Hicks, S. D., '-'Another on Rhus." Coleopt Bull., vo1.6: p.29. 1952. Epipaschia superalalis, feeding on poison ivy. [P.B.] Hierhold, Emil, "Beobachtungen bei einer Zucht von A glia tau L." [in German]. Enl.Nachrichtenbl., vo1.3, no.3: pp.I-2. 1956. Describes rearing; one probably un­ fertilized egg hatched, but larva died. [P.B.] Hill, Alex R., "A survey of insects associated with cultivated raspberries in the east of Scotland." Ent. Mo. Mag., vo1.88: pp.51-52. 1952. Records of Lepidoptera in­ clude Arctiidre, Noctuidre, Lymantriidre, Geometridre, CEcophoridre, Hyponomeutidre, Plutellidre, Micropterygid

Hutchins, Ross E., "Flight speed of certain insects as shown by wind tunnel tests." J ourn. Mississippi A cad. Sci., vol.4: pp.109-110. 1953. Records speed of 'sulphur butterfly' (Colias,' Plzcebis?) as 7 m.p.h. [P.B.] Hutchins, Ross E., "The jump in the jumping bean." Natural History, vol. 65: pp.102- 105, 9 figs. 1956. Biology of Laspeyresia saltitans; normal jumping of larva in seedpod is said to constitute random mechanism for shifting fallen pod to a spot sheltered from heat. [P.B.] Hyde, George E., " A further note on A patura iris Linn." Ent. Rec. {5 Journ. Var., vo1.66: pp.98-100. 1954. Biology, in Britain. Hyde, George E., "A new moth in southern England." Discovery, vol.17: p.493, 3 figs. 1956. Figures of egg, pupa, & adult of Hydrd'cia hucherardi. [P.B.] Hyde, G. E., "A story of disappointment." Ent. Rec {5 Journ. Var., vo1.69: pp.79-80. 1957. Account of partially successful rearing of Heliophobus albieolon and Heliothis dipsacea. [P.B.] Imadachi, Gentaro, et aI., "Preliminary notes on the life history of Arhopala ganessa loomisi Pryer (LyciEnidiE)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, vol.6, no.13: pp.28-30. 1953 . Foodplant: Quercus gilva. [T.!.] Inoue. Hiroshi, "On winter flying Alsophila (Geometrid iE )" [in Japanese]. Shin Kon­ ehu, vo1.2, no.2: pp.16-20, 4 figs. 1949. Inoue, Hiroshi, "A list of feeding plants of the Japan e~e GoometridiE" [in Japanese; English summary]. Bull. Takarazuka Insectarium, no.74: 20 pp. 1950. Lists food­ plants of 147 spp. (many only from records for European races). Foodplant index. [P.B.] Inoue, Masasuke, "Parnassius glacialis (PapilionidiE)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, vol.5, no.4: 3 pp., frontispiece. 1952. Including 11 photos of eggs, larviE, & pUpiE, with short notes by K. Hayashi. Foodplant: Corydalis sp. [T.!.] Inoue, Masasuke, & Keijiro Hayashi, "Photographic album of in life" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, voU, no.9 (special issue) : 24 pp" frontispiece in color, 40 pis. 1952. Life histories of 116 spp., including Parnassius eversmanni daisetsuzana, lEneis daisetsuzana, Pararge deidamia, thore, N eozephyrus ataxlls, Thecla () jonasi, etc. A very fine book. [T.!.] Ishihara, Tamotsu, "Some notes on the eggs of three Parnassius-butterflies (Papilio­ nidiE)." Trans. Kansai en!. Soc., vo1.15, part 1: pp.23-26, 2 figs. 1950. Carefully de­ scribes eggs of p, glaeialis, P. stllbbendorfii, & P. nomion, and gives a key. [P.B.] Ishii, Tei, "Natural enemy of butterflies" [in Japanese]. Shin Konehu, vo1.4, no.4: pp.7-9, 3 figs. 1951. Isbii, Susumu, "Jumping of the larviE of Zizeeria maha Kollar (LyciEnidiE )" [in Japanese]. Insect Ecol., vol.4, no.11: p.93. 1952. First instal' larv", jumped as far as 10 cm., by drawing bead and tail together. [T.!.] Ishimura, Kiyoshi, "Life history of Mawlinea euphemus HUbner in Japan (LYCiEni­ d",)" [in Japanese]. Insect Ecology, vo1.4, no.10: pp.27-34, 1 pl. 1952. Foods: San­ guisorba in first 3 instars, and Myrmica (ant) eggs in the last instal'. Confirms re­ port of T. A. Chapman (1919) & adds more information. [T.!.] Ishiwara, Seiicbi, "Life-history of A COS11leryx castanea Rothschild et Jordan (Sphing­ ida:)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchll, vo1.4, no.13: pp.2-8, 11 figs. 1951. Foodplant: CiSSllS japonica. [T.!.] Ishiwara, Seiichi, "Life history of T heretra oldenlandid' Fabricius (Sphingid",)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, va 1.5 , no,12: pp.8-10, 4 figs. 1952, Foodplant: Cayratia ja­ ponica (VitaceiE ). [T.!.] Ishiwara, Seiichi, "Life history of T heretra oldenlandice Fabricius (Sphingid",)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, vol. 6, nO.10: pp.23-25, 4 figs. 1953. Foodplants: Ampelop­ sis, Cayratia, Vitis (Vitace",). [T.!.] Issekutz, L., "Der Weinstockschadling Theresimima a11lpelophaga Bayle-Barelle in Un­ gam (Lepidopt., Zyg",nid.",)" [in German]. Zeitschr. "Viener ent. Ges., vo1.42: pp. 33-43, 56-61, 75-79, 4 pIs. 1957. Detailed .description of biology; also maps distribu­ tion. [P.B.] Iwabuchi, Fumito, "Ecological notes on the larva of Parnassius glacialis Butler" [in Japanese]. Collecting {5 Breeding, vo1.13: pp.331-332, 1 fig. 1951. Foodplant: Cory­ dalis sp. [T.!.] Iwase, Taro, "Notes on the life-history of Japanese Plebejina: (LyciEnid",)" [in Jap­ anesel Bull. Takarazuka Insectarium, no.41: pp.1-8. ,1948. 17 spp. discussed. [T.!.] Iwase, Taro, "Ants, ant-cows and Iyc",nid larv"," [in Japanese]. Bull. Takarazuka Insectariu11l, no.48: pp.1-17, ~ figs. 1948. Feniseca, Spalgis, Taraka, Liphyra, LaCii­ nocnema, Megalopalpus, Eullphyra, Aslauga, & Maculinea are discussed. [T.!.] 1960 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 251

Iwase, Taro, "How to identify 'Zephyrus' larvre (Lycrenidre)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, vol.3, no. 7/8: pp.12-15, 5 figs. 1950. Iwase, Taro, "Life-history of Maculinea euphemus Hubner in Europe" [in Japanese]. Insect Ecol., vo1.3: pp.47-52, 4 figs. 1950. Japanese version of Dr. Chapman's papers (1919, 1920). [T.!.J Iwase, Taro, "Entomophagous Lepidoptera" [in Japanese]. Bull. Takarazuka Insec­ larium, no.75: pp.1-18, 6 figs. 1950. Chiefly Microlepidoptera; with an addendum on "Entomophagous Lepidoptera in Japan," enumerated in English with their prey. [T.1.J Iwase, Taro, "Notes on the life-history of Japanese butterflies (1) - (5)" [in Jap­ anese]. Bull. Takarazuka lnsectarium, no.50: 20pp. (Papilionidre, Pieridre, Satyr­ id.re) , 1948; no.53: 20 pp. (Danaid,re, Libytheidre, Nymphalidre), 1949; no.55: 18 pp. (Lycrenidre), 1949; no.56: pp.1-12 (Hesperiidre), 1949; no.57: pp.1-7 (bibliography & addenda), 1949. Many figures. The first comprehensive serial work in this field. [T.!.J Iwase, Taro, "How to identify !lrgynnis larvre (Nymphalidre)" [in Japanese]. New Entomologist, vol.1, no.1: pp.3-12, 3 figs. 1951. Key for 9 spp. in Japan. [T.!.J Iwase, Taro, "Lessons from here and there (1) - (3)" [in Japanese]. Trans. lep. Soc. Japan, vo!'2: p.15, 2 figs.; p.19, 2 figs; p.33, 2 figs. 1951. Larva: & pupa: of Zerynthia, Euthalia, & Caligo, all unfamiliar to Japan. [T.!.J Iwase, Taro, "Lessons from here and there (4)" [in Japanese]. Trans. lep. Soc. Ja­ pan, vo!'3, p.6, 2 figs. 1952. Larva & pupa of American Megathymus, unfamiliar to Japan. [T.I.J Iwase, Taro, "Lessons from here and there (6), (7)" [in Japanese]. Trans. lep. Soc . .Japan, vo1.4: p.6, 3 figs.; p.19, 3 figs. 1953. Pinnacle of eggs and sword-shaped horned pupa of Papilio demolion (Java), and monkey-faced pupre of Spalgis and Feniseca. [T.!.J Iwata, Kunio, "Biology of ichneumon parasites on bag-worms in Japan, I." Trans. Kansai ent. Soc., vol.15, part 1: pp.35-47, 5 figs. 1950. Parasites of Cryptothelea for­ mosicola, C. minuscula, & Canephora asiatica. Figures anterior ends of larvre. [P.B.J Jacobson, L. A., "Effects of starvation on larva: of the Pale Western Cutworm, !l grotis orthogonia Morr. (Lepidoptera: Phalrenidre)." Canad . .Journ. Zool., vol.30: pp.194- 200, 4 figs. 1952. Mortality porportional to size of larvre & inversely proportional to temperature, but individual differences are marked. Importance of starvation in control is discussed. [P.B.J Jackh, Eberhard, "Schutzvorrichtung zum Bau des Verpuppungskokons bei Arten der Gattungen Bu((ulatrix Z. und Lyonetia Hb. (Lep., Lyonetiidre)" [in German]' Zeitschr. wiener ent. Ges., vo1.40: pp.118-121, 206, 4 pIs. 1 fig. 1955. Larvae of B. ulmella seen to erect 'palisade' of silk bristles around cocoon site (isolated larvre excepted); larvre of L. clerckella built loose net of silk at one end of cocoon site. Structures supposed to protect larva against disturbance during cocoon spinning. [P.B.J Jakob, Otto, "Die Zucht von P. apollo ex ovo im schlesischen Flachland" [in Ger­ man]. Ent. Nachrichtenbl., Burgdorf, vo!'2: pp.49-50. 1948. Describes rearing Par­ nassius apollo & P. delius on album & S. maxima. [P.B.J Jakob, Otto, "Sommerschlaf verschiedener, bekannter Tagfalter" [in German]. Ent. N achrichtenbl., Burgdorf, vo!'2: p.31. 1948. On beginning of hibernation of 'Va­ nessa' spp. & Gonepteryx rhamni immediately after spring eclosion. [P.B.J Jakob, Otto, "Das Einsammeln bzw. die Zucht der Raupe can Lim. populi" [in Ger­ manJ. En!. Nachrichtenbl., Burgdorf, vol.2: pp.87-88. 1949. Notes on biology of Limenitis populi. [P.B.J Jakob, Otto, "Das Vorkommen und die Aufzucht der Raupe ex ova von Pl. matronula" [in. Ge~man]. Ent. Nachrichtenbl., Burgdorf, vol.3: pp.31-32. Describes rearing Perzcallza matronula on Taraxacum officinale. [P.B.] Jankovic, Lj., "Contribution to the knowledge of Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar L.) 1950" [in Serbian; English summary]. !lcad. Serbe Sci. XXXI, Inst. Ecol. Bio­ geogr., no.4: pp.139-147. 1953. Virgin <;? <;? no longer able to attract Ci Ci after 3 days but lay infertile eggs. In copulation Ci usually on right side of <;? Of 100 <;? <;?, at death 40 had laid all eggs; remainder had from 1 to 31 unlaid eggs. [C.R.] ] an':ll~ulle, E., "Note complementaire sur Gelechia rosalbella Fa!." [in French]. Lam­ bllllOnea, vo1.55: pp.85-86. 1955. Complementary note Oil life history of larva of G. rQsalbella. [P.V.J 252 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vol.14: no.4

Janmoulle, E., & L. Sarlet, "Remarques sur la faune beIge (suite)" [in French]. Lam­ billionea, vo1.55: pp.100-101. 1955. Notes on Pieris rapte & Geometrid:e, principally in winter; records of 4 rarely recorded micros. [P.B.] Jansson, Anton, "Studien iiber schwedischen Chalcididen. 2. Aus minierenden Klein­ fliegen und Kleinschmetterlingen geschliipften Arten" [in Swedish; German sum­ mary]. Opusc. ent., vol.17: pp.1-10. 1952. Records parasites reared from mining spp. of Eriocrania, Lilhocollelis, Phyllocnistis, Nepticula, & Dyseriocrania. [P.B.] Jansson, Anton, "Studier over svenska chalcidider. 3. Klackta arter" [in Swedish; German summary]. En!. Tidskr., vo1.73: pp.178-182. 1952. Includes notes on para­ sites of Pachnobia rubricosa and Eupithecia innotata. [P.B.] Jansson, Anton, "Studier Over svenska chalcidider. 4. Kliickta arter 2" [in Swedish; German summary]. Ent. Tidskr., vo1.75: pp.255-265, 1 fig. 1954. Records of para­ sites of Eupilhecia spp., Catoplilia syringella, undetermined psychid. [P.B.] Jarvis, F. V. L., "Larval diapause in A patura iris (Linn.)" Ent. Rec. IS Iourn. Var., vo1.66: pp.212-217, 237-240. 1954. Describes egg & larval stages. Wintering dia­ pause takes place during 3rd (of 5) instar; thediapausing larva develops a pro­ tective color pattern which varies with the background. Onset & termination of dia­ pause are described. [P.B.] J eHers, William Aloysius, "Influence of atmospheric humidity during the prepupal and pupal stage of the Southern Armyworm, Prodenia eridania, using air-dried peat moss as a pupation medium." Ohio State Uni'!!. IIbs Masters' Theses, no.71: p.117. 1954. Abstract. Jenkins, L., & G. W. Thomas, "European Corn Borer attacking cotton in Missouri." .lourn. econ. Enl., vo1.49: pp.270-271. 1956. Pyrausta nuhilalis attacking cotton stems & bolls. [W.c.] Jinta, Ryutaro, "Oviposition of Satyrus dryas bipunctatus Motschulsky (Satyridre)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, vol.3, no.10: pp.22-23, 1 fig. 1950. Drops eggs among grasses like European Eumenis. [T.!.] Jinta, Ryutaro, "Hibernation of (adult) Curetis acuta paracuta de Niceville (Lycreni­ dre)" [in Japanese]. Shin Konchu, vol.4, no.13: pp.17-18, 4 figs. 1951. Jinta, Ryutaro, "Life-history of Murray (Ilesperiidre)" [in J ap­ anese]. Shin Konchu, vol.4, no.1: pp.12-14, 3 figs. 1951. Foodplant: Pleioblastus chino. [T.!.] Johansen, Carl A., "History of biological control of insects in Washington." Northwest Sci., voU1: pp.57-59. 1957. Notes on naturally occurring parasites of Malacosoma spp., Argyrottenia citrana, Archips argyrospila, Carpocapsa pomonella, & Bembecia marginala. Records of introduction of parasites for control of various insects. [P.B.] Johnson, G. F., "On rearing nubeculosa Esper." Enl. Rec. IS Iourn. Va,.., vo1.66: pp.102-103. 1954. Johnson, l H., "Larval coloration of Deilephila elpenor." E1I1. Rec. IS Iourn. Var., vol. 64: pp.145-146. 1952. Data on color change from green to brown in reared brood. [P.B.] Johnson, l H., "Sexua I selection in Lasiocam pa quercus L. f. callunte Palmer." Ent. Rpc. IS Iourn. Var., vo1.65; pp.258-259. 1953. Reports <;? refusing to mate with some 40 ;1);1) before accepting one. [P.B.] Jones, Verna, & P. W. Richards, "Biological flora of the British Isles. Saxifraga oppo­ sitifolia L." Iourn. Ecol., vol.44: pp.300-316, 2 figs. 1956. Larval foodplant of Orph­ ne tenebrarid (in Alps). [P.B.] de Jong, D. J.. "Preliminary investigations on apple and leaf rollers" [in Dutch; English summary]. Meded. Direct. Tuinbouw, vol.14: pp. 131-150, 14 figs. 1951. Biol- ogy & control of Capua reticulana. [P.B.] de Jong, l, "Early worminess in apple" [in Dutch; English summary]. M eded. Direct. Tuinbouw, vol.19: pp.100-104, 10 figs. 1956. Biology of argyrana. [P.B.] Judd, W. W., "Cactecia melaleucana Walker (Lepidoptera; Tortricidre) and its hy­ menopterous parasites reared from Trillium gradijlorllm (Michx.) Salisb." Trans. Amer. Micr. Soc., vol.71: pp.125-128. 1952. Records 1 braconid and 2 ichneumonid parasites. [P.B.] Judd, W. W., " julianalis Walker (Lepidoptera: Pyralidre) and its ich­ neumonid parasite, Cretnastus gracilipes Cushman, reared from Typha talifolia at London, Ontario." Enl. News, vo1.65: pp.73-75. 1954. Judd, W. W., "Four species of lea.f-tying moths and their dipterous and hymenopterous parasites reared from mayapple, Podophyllum peltatum L." Trans. Amer. micro Soc., 1960 Journal 0/ the Lepidopterists' Society 253

vol.73: pp.401-404. 1954. Records Macrobotys d!glealis, Hyponomeuta multipunctella, Archips melaleucana, A. purpurana. [P.B.] Judd, W. W., "Grasshoppers (Acrididre) and caterpillars (Arctiidre) impaled on thorns by shrikes in the vicinity of London, Ontario." Ent. News, vol.66: pp.225-229, 5 figs. 1955. Judd, W . W., "Hyponomeuta multipunctella Clemens (Lepidoptera: Hyponomeutidre) and its dipterous and hymenopterous parasites." Trans. A mer. micro Soc., vo1.74: pp. 265-267. 1955. Foodplant probably Euonymus; 3 parasites recorded. [P.B.] J ulliar.d, Charles, "Le parasitismc des chrysalides de f7 anessa urticd! en Valais et au Saentis [in French]' Mitt. Schweiz. ent. Ges., vol.25: pp.49-55. 1952. Records various parasites and discusses factors affecting r ate of parasitization. Also speculates on causes of variation in pupal color, and reports toxicity of butterfly meoonium to chrysalids & their parasites. [P.B.] Kac, Arnold, "Poznamky k specialni akci hubeni mury osenni" [in Czech; Russian summary]. Ochrana Rostlin, voI.19/20: pp.87-88. 1948. Some remarks on the control of A grotis segetum in Bohemia. [lM.] Kalandadse, L. P., "Development of the pest insect fauna on the tea plant in the USSR" [in Russian; English summary]. Ent. Obozrenie, vo1.35 : pp.637-647. 1956. Lepidoptera attacking tea include Parametriotes thed! (also on camellias) and a va­ riety of general feeders (especially Tortricidre). [P.B.] Zimmerman, Berthilde, "Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Entwicklungszyklus ·des Apfelwick­ lers, Cydia pomonella L., mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der zweiten Generation" [in German]. Zeitschr. angew.. Ent., vo1.39: pp.259-301, 20 figs. Phenology of all stages in Bonn, Germany ; control measures. [P.B.J Znoiko, N. V ., "Vrediteli semyan zheltoy akatsii" [in Russian; Insects injurious to Caragana]. Ent. Obozrenie, vol.32 : pp.49-55. 1952. Observations in the south of the European part oJ the USSR. Among other insects, the injury by Etiella zinckenella is described. [N .O.J Zoebelein, Gerhard, "Der Honigtau als Nahrung der Insekten. Teil I" [in German]. Zeitschr. angew. Ent, vo1.38: pp.369-416, 16 figs. 1956. Records Epiblema tedella, Phalonia hartmanniana, Laspeyresia strobilella, Atolmis rubricol/is, Lithosia deplana, M amestra iu/minea, & M elitd!a aurinia (adults) feeding on sugary secretion of certain Homoptera. [P.B.] Zwiilfer, Helmut, "Zur Kenntnis der Parasiten des Tannentriebwicklers Choristoneura (Cactecia) murinana Hb. Teil I" [in German]' Zeitschr. angew. Ent., vo1.39: pp. 387-409, 5 figs. 1956. Lists numerous parasites & analyzes their frequency & contri­ bution to mortality in early stages. [P.B.J Zwiilfer, H., & M. Kraus. "Biocrenotic studies on the parasites of two fir- and two oak­ tortricids" [in English; G erman summary]. Ento11lophaga, vol.Z: pp.173-196, 3 figs. 1957. Study of parasites of Cactecia 11lurinana, Eu(osma ru/imitrana, A rchips xylos­ teana, & Tortrix 'Viridana, and of interrelationships between hosts, parasites, & hy­ perparasites, in an area near Ribeauville, Fr ance. [P.B.]


Yamafuji, K ., H. Omura, & M. Miura, "On the transoximase" [in English; German summary]. Enzym%gia, vol.16: pp.75-80. 1953. In Bombyx 11lori. [Po B.J Yamafuji, K., M . Eto, & F. Yoshihara, "Uric acid in nuclear preparations from Silk­ worms" [in English; German summaryJ. Enzymologia, vol.17: pp.Z97-Z99, 1 pI. 1956. Yamafuji, K., K. Hirayama, & A. Miyata, "Depolymerization of desoxyribosenucleic acid hy virus inducer and Silkworm enzyme" [in English; German summary]. En­ zymologia, voU7: pp.352-358, 3 figs. 1956. Yamafuji, K., K. Hirayama, & M. Sato, "Desoxyribonuclease in Sil~worms treated with virosis inductors" [in English; German summary]. Enzymologza, vo1.18: pp.22-27. 1957. Yamafuji, Kazuo, & Katsuhide Hirayama, "Nucleases and proteases in Silkworms in the early stage of viral infection and chemical induction" [in English; German sum­ mary]. Enzymologia, vo1.18: pp.120-124. 1957.