Recent Literature on Lepidoptera

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Recent Literature on Lepidoptera 244 Vo1.14: no.4 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA (U nder the supervision of PETER F. BELLINGER) F. BIOLOGY AND IMMATURE STAGE S George, John 1., & Robert T. Mitchell, "Calculations on the extent of Spruce Bud­ worm control by insectivorous birds." Journ. Forestry, vo1.46 : pp.454-455. June 1948. Estimates that roughly 5% of insects (all stages) are eaten by birds during an outbreak of Choristoneura fumiferana. [P.B.] Gere, G., "Investigations into the laws governing th e growth of Hyphantria cunea Drury caterpillars" [in English; Russian & German summaries]. Acta Bioi. A cad. Scient. hung., vol.7: pp.43-72, 10 figs. 1956. Describes growth of larvre as mea­ sured by changes in weight and dimensions. Larvre reach maximum weight in middle oJ last instar; weight declines thereafter, & pupa is only half as heavy. Part of increase & most of decrease in weight are due to changes in water content. Development of larvre is retarded if they are reared in isolation. [P.B.] Gerhardinger, Klaus, " a ber die Einfluss unterschiedlicher atmosphiirischer Druckver­ hiiltnisse bei Rhescyntinre " [in German]. Zeitschr. Wiener ent. Ges., vo1.35: pp.89- 99 , 4 figs. 1950. Pupre of Graellsia isabel/d! kept at altitudes below 1000 m. die or produce weak adults; increased atmospheric pressure apprently deleterious. [P.B.] Gerris, V., "Kweek van M elitd! a cinxia 1." [in; English summary]. Ent. Ber­ ichten, vol. 15: pp.401-403, 4 figs. 1955. Describes rearing. Gibbs, Alfred J., "Gurleya sp. (Microsporidia) found in gut tissue of Trachea secalis (Lepidoptera)." Parasitology, vo1.43: pp.143-147, 15 figs. 1953. Describes life cycle of parasite. [P.B.] Ginet, R., ''La grotte de la Balme (Isere); topographie et faune" [in French]' Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Lyon, voL21 : pp.4-17, 27-31, 2 maps. 1952. Records Hoffmanophila pseudospretella breeding, & Blahophanes sp. hibernating, in cave. [P.B.] Glauert, L., "A strange 'ant-friend' caterpillar." Western Austral. Nat., vo!.l: p.153. 1948. A cyclotornid moth reared from larva taken from nest of Iridomyrmex de­ tec tus. [I. C.] Glushenkov, N., "New data on the biology of the Bollworm and measures for its con­ trol" [in Russian]. Khlopkovodstvo, yoU, no.6: pp.57-59. 1955. Heliothis armi­ gera. [Not seen]. Goater, Barry, "Autumn moths at elder berries." Ent. Rec. IS JOllrn. Var., vo!.69: pp.46:-47. 1957. Records various adult noctuids feeding on overripe berries. [P.B.] Gotz, Bruno, "Der Einfluss von Tageszeit und Witterung auf Aussschliipfen, Begat­ tung lInd Eiablage des Springwurmwicklers Sparganothis pilleriana Schiff." [in German]' Zeitschr. angew. Ellt., voU1: pp.261-274, 10 figs. 1949. Determines limits and optima in time of day, temperature, and humidity, for emergence, mat­ ing, and egg-laying. iP.B.] Goleman, Denzil Lyle, "'Biological study of the European Corn Borer in Boone Coun­ try [sic!], Iowa." Iowa State Coil. Journ. Sci., vo1.30: pp.367-369. 1956. Goodchild, H. H. "Sudden exodus" Countryman, Burford, vo1.53: pp.543-544, 1 fig. 1956. Emergence of parasitic wasps from Pieris brassiCd! larvre. [P.B.] Goodson, A. 1., "Hyd'l'd!cia hucherardi Mab. and its foodplant the Marsh Mallow (A/theea officinalis)." Ent. Gaz., vol.6: pp.66-67, 1 fig. 1955. Goodson, A. 1., "Notes on collecting the larvre of Hydrd!cia hucherardi Mabille." Ent. Gazette, vo!.7: pp.27-28. 1956. Discovery of larvre in roots of Althd!a offi­ cinalis. [P.B.] Grabe, Albert, "Caccecia unifasciana Dup. (Tortricidre)" [in German]. Zeitschr. Lepid., voU: pp.99-100. 1951. Describes early stages; foodplant Populus pyra­ midalis. [P.B.] Grabe, Albert, "'Capua relieulana Hb. ( an ausliindischen Pflanzen" [in German] Zeitschr. Lepid., vol.2: p.44. 1952. Sp. feeding on exotic Rhus typhina. Notes on Rhus-feeding Microlepidoptera. [P.B.] Grabe, Albert,. "Lebt die Raupe von Philea irrorella C!. versteckt?" [in German]. Zeltschr. Lepld., vo!'2: p.148. 1952. Larvre live exposed, on Bryum. [P.B.] Grab.e, Albert, ."Seltsamer Verpuppungsplatz von Dicranura vinula L." [in German]. Zeltschr. Lepld., vo!'2: p.140. 1952. Pupa fOlInd on knife handle, 10 m. from near­ est possible foodplant. [P.B.] 1960 Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 245 Grabe, Albert, Sphinx ligustri L. als Spatzenfutter" [in German]. Zeituhr. Lepid. vol.2: p.120. 1952. Passer domesticus attacking adult on tree trunk. [P.B.] Gradwell, G. R, "Hebia flavipes (R.-D.) (Dipt., Tachinida:), a parasite of the Feathered Thorn Moth Colotois pennaria (L) (Lep., Selidosemida:)". Ent. mo. Mag., vo1.87: p.253, 1 fig. 1951. New host record. [P.B.] Gradwell, G. R, "Batodes angustiorana (Haw.) (Lep., Tortricida:) on oak." Enl. mo. Mag., vo1.93: p.190. 1957. Gradwell, G. R., "Hosts of three species of Eulophus Geoffroy (Hym., Chalcidoidea), one new to science and another new to Britain." Ent. mo. Mag., vo1.93: pp.140-142, 2 figs. 1957. Larva: ectoparasitic on lepidopterous larva: (records from Noctuida:, Notodontida:, Geometrida:, Lymantriida:). [P.B.] Grandi, Guido, "Gli insetti a regime specializzato ed i loro 'adattamenti morfologii'" [in Italian]. Atti Aaad. naz. Lincei, Mem. Ct. Sci. fis. mat. nat., ser.8, vol.5, Sezione lIra: pp.1-59, 25 pIs. 1955. Includes general discussion of mining lepidop­ terous larva:, & descriptions & figures of spp. of Lithocolletis, Phyllocnistis, Graci­ laria, & some other genera, to illustrate morphological adaptations to mining habit. [P.B.J Graves, P. P., "Repeated mating of Irish Pieris napi." Entomologist, vo1.83: pp.274- 275. 1950. Records <;? mating with 2nd ;!; after laying eggs. [P.B.] Green, J., & W. Wilkinson, "Mites on insects of Skokholm Island." Enl. mo. Mag., vo1.87: pp.143-146. 1951. Including red mites on larva: of Zygoma trifolii. [P.R.] Greenbank, D.O., 'The role of climate and dispersal in the initiation of outbreaks of the Spruce Budworm in New Brunswick." Canad. Journ. Zoo I., vo1.34: pp.453-476, 4 figs. 1956. Describes weather conditions favorable to development of Choristo­ neura /umi/erana. Climatic conditions (a series of dry, sunny summers) preceding outbreaks may have favored the latter by producing greater numbers & higher fe­ cundity through favorable effect on developing larva: & also on foodplant (balsam fir) . [P.B.] Gregoire, Charles, "Studies by phase-contrast microscopy on distribution of patterns of hemolymph coagulation in insects." Smiths. mise. Coil., vo1.134, no.6: 35 pp., 1 pI., 4 figs. 1957. Including M egalopyge lunata; incomplete coagulation originat­ ing with development of cytoplasmic meshwork between hemocytes. [P.B.] Gregor, Frantisek, "Erfahrungen mit der Kontrolle und Prognose des Eichenwicklers (Tortrix viridana L.) in Miihren" [in Czech; German & Russian summaries.J Folia Zoologica, vol.5: pp.1c16, 4 figs. 1956. Describes biology, distribution, & con­ trol of the sp. in Moravia. Very important study in applied forest entomology. [lM.J von Griesheim, lise, "Vorkommen und Zucht von Anthocharis damone in Sizilien" [in German]. Ent. Nachrichtenbl., Burgdorf, vol.3: pp.104-106. Dec. 1949. De­ scribes larva. Notes on distribution of this local sp. and on its habitat on Mt. Etna. [P.B.J Grison, Pierre, "Sur la determination de I'optimum thermique chez un insecte, Ie Bombyx cui brun (Euproctis pht1!orrluea Don.)" [in French]. C. R. Soe. Biol., vol. 141: pp.1207-1209. 1947 At 25° C. mortality is lowest & final weight is greatest for weight of food consumed. [P.B.] Grison, P., & R Roerich, "Comparaison du developpement des chenilles d'Operophtera brurnata L. (Lep. Geometrida:) et Euproctis phd!orrh(l!a Don. (Lep Liparida:) a differentes temperatures constantes" [in French]. Bull. Soc. ent. France, vo1.54: pp. 12-16, 1 fig. 1949. O. brurnata larVa! ,develop more rapidly at all temperatures; minimum mortality at 10° C.; total amount of food consumed decreases with in­ creasing temperature. E. phd!orrh(l!a has optimum at 25° C.; amount consumed in­ creases with increasing temperature. Experiments on spring larva:; not strictly comparable, since former hatches in spring & latter in fall. [P.B.J Grison, Pierre, "Effets de la qualite de I'alimentation slIr divers caracteres physiolo­ giques de deux lepidopteres" [in French]. C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, vo1.242: pp.414- 416. 1956. Prolonged development & reduced mortality & fertility in Euproctis pht1!orrh(l!a & Malacosoma neustria fed on aged leaves only. [P.B.J Gulicka, ]., ]. ] amriska, & L. Korbel, "Zweiter Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Bionomie des Weissen Biirenspinners (Hyprantria cunea Drury) in Siidslowakei" [in Slovak; Russian & German summaries]. Biol6gia, Bratislava, vol.9: pp.35-59, 6 figs. 1954. On the food plants, parasites, and biology of this species in S. Slovakia. [J.M.J de Gunst, ]. H., "[Identification of the Corypha palms which flowered in the Hortus Bogoriensis during 1953 to 1955J. Appendix. Notes on some of the insects caught 246 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera VoU4: no.4 on the Corypha iilflore,cences." Ann. hogorienses, vol.2: pp.J47-148. 1956. Records Delias belisama & Hyhlcea puera at flowers. These palms flower only once in a life of 50 years or more. [P.B.] Gyiirfi, J., "Die Schlupfwespen und der Unterwuchs des Waldes" [in German]' Zeitschr. angew. Ent., vol.33: pp.32-47. 1951 Considers that well-developed un­ dergrowth in woodlands favors large populations of parasitic wasps, since many important parasites attack larv:e feeding on herbs and and shrubs as well as pests of trees. Lists numerous hosts of lchneumon disparis, Pimpla instigator, Theronia atalantce, A panteles spp., etc., and the foodplants of these hosts, most of which are Lepidoptera. [P.B.] Gyota, Tetsuo, "Short notes on the life history of M elitcea pha:be scotosia Butler (Nymphalid:e)" [in Japanese]. New Entomologist, yoU, no.1: pp.36-40, 3 figs., 1 table. 1952. Foodplants Cirsium sp. and S erratula coronata. [T.I.] Hadley, B. L., jr., "The Spring Canker-worm." Penn. Forests IS Waters, vo1.4: p.32, 7 figs.
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