Bell News Vol 27
^ittgere* T^ecor^: A Weekly Journal k f the Ringing Exercise; and Compendium o f Information fo r tk$ Clergy and Churchwardens. No. 1396. -VOL. XXVII.] S A T U R D A Y , JA N U A R Y 2, 1909. [P r ic e O n e P b n i ^ m GII.I.ETT & JOHNSTON, GEORGE H.COLDWELI CROYDON, Surrey. M AK ER OP CHURCH, TURRET, Makers ot th« Re-Hangers m a n Great Clocks New Iron Frames PUBLIC CLOCKf Md Bells at of the P e a l s at MIRFISLD, TOSm Toronto, Canada. Leek, stan. ■S*rilMATH« FRBK. Lav Courts, Loiiden. Lannton, oion. JAMES SHAW,SONftGi Tvyford, Baom. O H U B O H & C A B I L I i O m Birmmgham, Art Gallery. Wool, Doriat. CHURCH BELL HANQBRSS Londonderry, Worplesdon, Oathadral. LEEDS ROAD, BRADFORl Burey. TORU., ■■TaBMfBM MS. BELL FOUNDERS & HANGERS, Balli oaii Singly or ia Ring*. Chuoti BaM Sobool Belli, aad Fvotery Belli. CLOCK MANUFACTURERS, OLD B S II.S R B ^^ST OR RKHUHII CARILLON MAKERS. Masioal Hand Ben In lets, Diatonic or Chromatto Soalai. ESTABI.ISHED 1820 Huleal O IottB^^^gulU eu te M d Astley aod Sens, Ltd. Mmufucttifen by Steam Power of every JOHN PRITCHARD, h a v e MAD£ 4ncriftwn of CHURCH BELL ROPES CHURCH TURRET k PUfiLH BELL ROPE, Since the Reign of George III. CLOCKS. For Estimates send wetghi of Tenor, and Uata KBd Eatln»«taa hpfe*. CLOCK IIHD CHmUSG ROPE number and length of Ropes required to IM a n w f a o ' t M r e ■>-, JOHN ASTLEY & SONS, Ltd Greenleaf & Tristram LOUGHBOROUGH.
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