Church Bells Vol 7 (Bells and Bell Ringing)
December 2, 1876.] Church Bells. 5 Sir ,— Can any of your readers kindly send m e a copy of a set of rules that the Cathedral in 35 mins., consisting of 750 changes (corresponding with the have been found to work well for, (X) a Working M en’s Club and Reading-room; number of months that Mr. Royle lived). The ringers were:— Messrs. W. (3 ) a Clothing and Boot Club ; (3 ) a Coal Club; and (4) for the Belfry ? Cross, treble; Leather, 2nd; Holdgate, 3rd; Yates, 4th ; Lowcoclc, 5th; Moreton Pinkney, Banbury. T h e V i c a r . Brazier, 0th ; Grimshaw, 7th ; Astbury, jun. 8t li; .Cachus, 9th; Withers, tenor. S i r , — W ill you allow me through your columns to thank those who have Conducted by Mr. Cross. W eight of tenor, 25 cwt.; key, D.— Reported. so kindly replied to my letter of the 18th inst.? J. S. H . C h a m b e r l a in . Ringing at St. Giles’s, Cripplegate. Sormead Vicarage, Buntingford. O n Monday, Nov. 20th, twelve members of the Ancient Society of College 1 A. E. J.’ will be much obliged if any one could give her the address of Youths rang at St. Giles’s, Cripplegate, a true peal of Stedman’s Cinques, any establishment where fancy-work done by ladies is sold, and what com consisting of 5014 changes, in 3 hrs. 52 mins. The hand was as under:— mission they charge for selling it. H . W . Haley, sen. treble; H . Haley, jun. 2nd ; G.
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