Campanology No 1
5or ffk wee of t§c £tergj>, £f5urc$w.ud<me, cin5 £ 3an<j^(Rmger0,|a0 a rccord ofjflfc Soun&tng, ^ n g tn g , ©c&tcafton, and (Ringing of £$ur«5 Qj3el!Ce. N o . i . V o l . I.] WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16th, 1896. [P r ic e O n e P e n n y . JOHN TAYLOR & Co., c c CHARLES CARR,’ The Bell Foundry, QjSefffounbere anb SMETHWICK, BIRMINGHAM. LOUGHBOROUGH CHURCH BELLS, LEICESTERSHIRE. SINGLY OR IN RINGS. Founders of the ring of twelve bells of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London, BELLS EE-CAST OR EE- 1TUNG. the largest peal of ringing bells in the world ; and of “ Great Paul,” the Bourdon Bell, weighing 16 tons, 14 cwts., 2 qrs., 19 lbs. “ This bell is a BELLHANGERS (SENT TO INSPECT AND REPORT UPON very noble specimen of modern English bell-founding.”— Pall Mall Mag., Sept., 1896. Also the bells of the Cathedrals of Worcester, Newcastle-on- BELLS AND TOWERS. Tyne, St. Mary’s, Edinburgh, St. Patrick’s, Dublin, Christ Church, N.Z., and Singapore; of the Town Halls of Manchester, Bradford, Halifax, Foundets of the Jubilee Peal at Malinslte. Preston, Wakefield, Rochdale, Kendal, and Londonderry; the Royal ----- 4 Exchange, London; the Sydney and Adelaide Post Offices in Australia; and the University Buildings of Liverpool, Glasgow, and Bombay. New Brighton Lighthouse Bells, and Freemantla Town Ha!l, Australia. Also the “ A l e x a n d r a " ring of ten bells of the Imperial Institute, London. Hangers of the Celebrated Peal of Eight at Stourbridge, New peals, or Single bells.
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