December 3, 1881. ] Church Bells. 7 Bob, and College Single— in 36 mins. T. Houghton, 1; P. Johnson, 2; T. BELLS AND BELL-RINGING. Ellison, 3 ; P. Hamblett (composer and conductor), 4; J. Ellison, 0 ; T. Houghton, jun., 6. Tenor, 12 cwt. At St. Nicholas, Witham, Essex. A Mew Peal. 2 3 4 5 6 Ox Tuesday evening, the 15th ult., a peal of 720 Bob Minor, with 42 Sir ,— I forward the accompanying peal of 720 Extreme E 2 4 6 3 5 singles, was rung in 27 mins. G. Butler, 1; A. Chalk, 2 ; A. Fryatt, 3; W . K. E 2 6 5 4 3 Minor in three parts, with 9 extremes and 3 singles. I Hutley, 4; E. Garnett, 5; H. Sayer (conductor), 6. E 2 5 3 6 4 Also at the same church on Thursday, the 24th ult., a peal of 720 Bob should he glad if you would kindly insert the same in S 2 3 5 6 4 Minor, containing 21 bobs and 12 singles, was rung in 27 mins. G. Butler, your forthcoming issue, believing it would be of interest E 2 5 4 3 6 1 ; A. Chalk, 2 ; W. G. Richards, 3 ; W. K. Hutley, 4; E. Garnett, 5 ; H. to six-boll ringers. E 2 4 6 5 3 Sayer (conductor), 6. Tenor, 18 cwt. Both peals were composed by Mr. E 2 6 3 4 5 N. J. Pitstow of Saffron Walden, Essex. [A ll the above are members of the How to make an extrem e•' T ? 4 5 ? ? S 2 3 6 4 5 Essex Association.] 1 2 4 6 6 o E 2 6 5 3 4 At St. Mary’s, Sheffield, Yorkshire. C. Ott le y, E 2 5 4 6 3 E 2 4 3 5 6 Ox Wednesday, the 16th ult., a muffled touch of Grandsire Triples was A aeestock. One o f the Essetc Association. rung as a mark of respect to Mr. G. J. Hawley, formerly of the abovo S 2 3 4 5 6 society. W . Challoner, 1; J. Mulligan,’ 2 ; J, Dixon, 3 ; W. Burgar, 4 ; W. The Peal of Bob Minor. Booth, 5 ; J. Mulligan, 6 ; C. Steer, 7; W . Smith, 8. Sib,— Having read the comments made on Mr. Ellsmore’s peal of I3ob On Saturday, the 26th ult., eight members of the Yorkshire Association Minor by your correspondents, Messrs. Clarkson and Hollis, I beg to say rang a touch of 1881 Grandsire Triples in 1 hr. 17 mins, H. Mottershall, 1; a fe w words on the subject. I 11 the first place, Mr. Clarkson concludes Josh. Mulligan, 2 ; H. Madin, 3 ; W. Burgar, 4 ; A. Knight, 5 ; John Mulli­ his remarks by saying that such peals can only be rung by ringers who gan (conductor), 6 ; J. Dixon, 7. Composed by Mr. Jenkinson, Hull. Tenor, are perfectly indifferent to the musical effect of their performance. I beg 25 cwt. [Eighth man not mentioned.] to differ on this subject. I would not object at any time to take a rope to ring Mr. Ellsmore’s peal, although I have called Holt’s original One-part peal At St. Mary’s, Lewisham, Kent. several times ; neither am I perfectly indifferent to the musical effect of my Ox Saturday, the 19th ult., eight members of the St. James’s Society performance. In the second place, I will tell Mr. Clarkson that the individual rang H olt’s Ten-part peal of 5040 Grandsire Triples in 2 hrs. 56 mins., to that lie so warmly attacks is hut a young practitioner in this art, and having commemorate the laying of a Memorial Stone to the new chancel and tried his abilities on a peal of Bob Minor, successfully brings out the peal reopening of the church after alteration. J. Waghorn, 1; W. Pead, 2 ; which ho. published; at the same time he never saw’ a book on change-ringing : T. G. Deal, 3 ; W. Weatherstone, 4 ; H. Freeman, 5 ; T. Taylor, 6 ; G. Free­ but, to prevent any criticism, he showed his peal to several members of the man (conductor), 7 ; W . Bowles, 8. Essex^ Association who are practical ringers, and they said they never saw On Sunday, the 27th ult., after evening service, a quarter-peal of Grand­ anything like it before, and therefore Mr. Ellsmore considered if was his com­ sire Triples, containing 1260 changes, was rung in 45 mins. W . Bowlc, 1; position, which a young ringer would naturally do. Now I mean to say, Mr. W. Pead, 2; T. Taylor, 3; T. Sharman, 4; H. J. Shade (composer and con­ Ellsmore deserves credit for his production, although it was well known that ductor), 5 ; H. Freeman, 6 ; G. Freeman, 7 ; E. Freeman, 8. This peal was the same peal was rung many years ago ; but he did not know of it, nor did rung after the farewell sermon by the Rev. C. H, Simpkinson, who is leaving many others, and therefore how can ho snatch what lie never knew any one the parish to take charge of H oly Trinity, Greenwich. Tenor, 22 cwt., in else had got, as Mr. Hollis so boldly asserts ? H e did his best, and that is all E flat. that pan be said. I f Mr. Clarkson is one of those ringers who, in the course A t St. M a ry ’ s, W o o lw ic h , Kent. of a few years, get so self-conceited about what little they know as to not take Ox Saturday evening, the 19th ult., eight members of the Society of a rope for a 720 because it is not musical, I say the sooner he leaves the College Youths rang (with the bells muffled in memory of W. P. Jackson, Esq., ringing alone the better ; as we ought to encourage and not discourage young aged 77) John Holt’s Original One-part peal of 5040 Grandsire Triples in ringers, as Mr. Clarkson tries to do in his remarks. Hoping to hear no more 2 hrs. 52 mins. H. Bright, 1; H. Harvey,* 2; F. Bidgocd,* 3; T. Banister, 4; comments about this 720, and giving credit to whom credit is due, I remain W. J. Aldridge,* 5; I. G. Shade (conductor), 6; J. M. Hayes, 7; W. Greenwich. H. J. Shade. Harriss,* 8. Tenor, 14 ewt. [* Their first peal.] Lancashire Association of Change-ringers. At St. Cross, Holywell, Oxford. A D istrict Meeting for ringing will be held on Saturday, December 17th, Ox the 20th ult., by six members of the Holywell Society, a peal of 720 at Christ Church, Bootle, near Liverpool. Binging from 5 p.m. All ringers Kent Treble Bob Minor, with the bells half-muffled, was rung in memory of are invited. 'V7. J. Chattekton, ) Tr „ Mr. H. Pitt. H. Payne, 1 ; G. Lapworth, 2 : E. Harrison (conductor), 3 ; T. Joel Bedford, j 0,1' cs• Payne, 4; S. Hounslow, 5 ; W. Payne, 6. Tenor, 11 cwt. St. Edmund's, Salisbury, Wilts. At St. Mary’s, Kenninghail, Norfolk. T h e bells of St. Edmund’s, Salisbury, have been rehung by Messrs. Jerram Ox Tuesday, the 22nd ult., eight members of the Kenninghail branch of and Blackbourn of Spalding, who lately hung the light ring of six at St. the Norwich Diocesan Association rang a peal of 5056 Kent Treble Bob Martin’s in that city. They were rung for the first time on November 9th. Major in 3 hrs. 10 mins. J. Wade, 1 ; I-I. Eagling, 2 ; E. Everett, 3 ; W. Nudds, 4 ; J. Woods, 5 ; J. Cunningham, 6 ; J. Mordey, 7 ; R. Hutton (con­ ductor), 8. Composed by Mr. N. J. Pitstow— a two-part peal, and has the CHANGE-RINGING. six its extent home at four course-ends in each part. Tenor, l l j cwt. At Great St, Mary’s, Sawbridgeworth, Herts. At St. Margaret’s, Rochester, Kent. Ox Tuesday evening, the 1st ult., a date touch, consisting of 1881 changes of Grandsire Triples, was rung in 1 hr. 12 mins. G. Rochester, 1 ; G. Camp, Ox Tuesday, the 22nd ult., five members of this Society, with Mr. J. 2 ; A. Brown, 3 ; T. Saben, 4 ; J. Tarling, jun, (composer and conductor), 5 ; M’Leod of Gillingham, rang a peal of 720 Grandsire Minor, containing G. Brace, 0 ; N. Tarling, 7 ; H. Saben, 8. 38 bobs and 22 singles, in 28 mins. J. Sullivan, 1 ; J. M 'Leod (first _ On Sunday, the 13th ult., for evening service, a peal of 720 Kent Treble peal), 2; T. Tullett, 3; W. Stanford, 4; W. Baker. 5; E. Andrews and Bob Minor was rung in 28 mins., the first in that method by the home com­ R. E. Band (conductor), 6. Tenor, about 18 cwt. pany. G. Rochester, 1 ; A. Brown, 2; T. Saben, 3 ; G. Brace, 4; J. Tarling, At Soham, Cambridgeshire. jun., 5 ; N. Tarling (conductor), G. Tenor, 25 cwt., in D. Ox the 23rd ult., a pca-1 of 720 Plain Bob Minor, consisting of 18 bobs At SS. Mary and Nicholas, Spalding, Lincolnshire. and 2 singles, Was rung in 30 mins. by the home company, with three of the Ox tne 6th ult. a peal of 720 Oxford Treble Bob. T. Measures 1 • A. E ly St. Mary’s ringers. A. Leonard” (aged 10), 1 ; W . Summers, 2; A. E. Walker, 2 ; J. W . Crcasoy, 3 ; R. Creasey, 4; R. Mackman, 5 ; J. S. Wright Porter,* 3 ; R. Bacon,* 4; [A. Pilgrim (conductor), 5 ; G. Gillson, 6 ; H.
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