History)-06 Pg No
B.A. Part-III (History)-06 Pg No. 1 Shivaji University, Kolhapur B.A. Part -III, (History) Introduced from June, 2006 Paper -IV History of Ancient India (Prehistoric Period to 650 A.D.) Syllabus. Section -I 1) Survey of Sources and approaches to ancient Indian History : Sources literature, archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics. 2) Prehistory : a) Paleolith cultures - evolution and uses of stone industries and other technological developments. b) Mesolithic cultures - New developments in technology and economy, art. c) Food Production- concept of the Neolithic, Understanding the complexion of its beginnings. 3) Protohistory : The Harappan civilization. a) Origin - distribution, morphology of major sites (Mohenjadaro, Harappa, Kalibangan, Lothal, Dholavira). b) Agrarian base, craft production and trade, religious beliefs and pratices, art and architecture, and script. c) The problem of the Urban decline and Harappan cultures. 4) Background to the emergence of early historic India. a) Society, economy, polity and religion as reflected in vedic literature. b) Iron Age cultures with special reference to Painted Grey Ware and northern Black Polished Ware Cultures. Section –II 5) Material and ideological background : a) Jainism, Buddhism, Ajivikas and other systems. b) Expansion of settlements and urbanization. 6) The Mauryan Developments (C.200BC-C.300AD): a) Mauryan Empire its nature & bases. b) Ashoka’s dhamma - its nature and propagation, society and economy, art and architecture. 7) Age of the Guptas : a) State and administrative institution. b) Social and economic changes with special references to urban patterns, agrarian structures, land grants, coin age and currency system, trade. c) Cultural development, art, architecture, sculptures, paintings, literature, religion, sanskrit theatre. Shivaji University, Kolhapur B.A.
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