EAZA Antelope & Giraffe TAG Introduction & report on some activities Joint TAG chairs meeting 2016, Omaha Dr. Jens-Ove Heckel Zoo Landau in der Pfalz, Germany EAZA Antelope & Giraffe TAG chair
[email protected] EAZA Antelope & Giraffe TAG • Antelope & Giraffe TAG continues as one of the largest and most complex TAGs representing 50 species (and approximately 90 taxa) in EAZA zoos • our remit: try to retain as many species as possible in healthy populations in EAZA collections • currently the TAG holds 11 EEPs and 11 ESBs; 4 species are part of ISBs; the remaining species are monitored (Mon-P, Mon-TAG). Chair Jens-Ove Heckel Landau Vice chair Sander Hofman Antwerp Vice chair (till 11.2015) Tania Gilbert Marwell Vice chair (since 12.2015) Kim Skalborg Simonsen Givskud Sub-group Okapi & Giraffe SG Sander Hofman Antwerp Sub-group Woodland antelope SG Kim Skalborg Simonsen Givskud Sub-group Savannah antelope SG Catrin Hammer Goerlitz Sub-group Aridlands antelope SG Ian Goodwin Marwell (Sub-group) (Mini antelope SG) (Klaus Müller-Schilling) (Hanover) Studbook keepers/Program managers EAZA Antelope & Giraffe TAG meeting 2015, Wroclaw Coordinator Conservation Tania Gilbert Marwell Coordinator Research Eulalia Moreno Almeria Advisor Veterinary Sven Hammer Goerlitz Advisor Genetics Rob Ogden Edinburgh Advisor Population management Laurie Bingaman Lackey USA Advisor Nutrition Marcus Clauss Zuerich Advisor Husbandry n.n. Advisor Education n.n. Regular support and advice also provided by: Exec. Coordinator - Collect. Coordin. & Conserv. Merel Zimmermann EPMAG / Population Management Kristin Leus Population Biologist - Collect. Coordin. & Conserv. Kristine Schad Good links to: IUCN SSC Antelope SG, IUCN Giraffe & Okapi SG/Giraffe Conservation Fdn., other EAZA Ungulate TAGs, BIAZA Hoof stock focus group, AZA Antelope & Giraffe TAG, Sahara Conservation Fund/SSIG etc.