Comparison of Parallel and Pipelined CORDIC algorithm using RCA and CSA Diego Barragan´ Guerrero Lu´ıs Geraldo P. Meloni FEEC - UNICAMP FEEC - UNICAMP Campinas, Sao˜ Paulo, Brazil, 13083-852 Campinas, Sao˜ Paulo, Brazil, 13083-852 +5519 9308-9952 +5519 9778-1523
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract— This paper presents an implementation of the algorithm has two modes of operation: the rotational mode CORDIC algorithm in digital hardware using two types of (RM) where the vector (xi; yi) is rotated by an angle θ to algebraic adders: Ripple-Carry Adder (RCA) and Carry-Select obtain a new vector (x ; y ), and the vectoring mode (VM) Adder (CSA), both in parallel and pipelined architectures. Anal- N N ysis of time performance and resources utilization was carried in which the algorithm computes the modulus R and phase α out by changing the algorithm number of iterations. These results from the x-axis of the vector (x0; y0). The basic principle of demonstrate the efficiency in operating frequency of the pipelined the algorithm is shown in Figure 1. architecture with respect to the parallel architecture. Also it is shown that the use of CSA reduce the timing processing without significantly increasing the slice use. The code was synthesized us- ing FPGA development tools for the Xilinx Spartan-3E xc3s500e ' ' E N y family. N E N Index Terms— CORDIC, pipelined, parallel, RCA, CSA, y N trigonometrics functions. Rotação Pseudo-rotação R N I. INTRODUCTION E i In Digital Signal Processing with FPGA, trigonometric y i R i functions are used in many signal algorithms, for instance N synchronization and equalization [12].