GREEN CITIES: INTEGRATED SUSTAINABLE TRANSPORT FOR BATUMI AND THE ACHARA REGION (ISTBAR) GEF Project ID: 5468 UNDP PIMS ID: 4980 Atlas Project ID: 82231 Project ID: 91251 FINAL REPORT Submitted by Ángel Aparicio November 29th, 2020 Fundación Agustín de Betancourt Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Avenida profesor Aranguren s/n 28040 MADRID (Spain) Tel: +34 913 365 235 E-mail:
[email protected] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Recognition is due to the many people who dedicated their time to meet with the evaluator and share their experiences and knowledge, which served to produce this report. Rusudan Kardava, national consultant for the terminal evaluation, undertook the desk review of project documents and the interviews in Georgian. The UNDP CO in Georgia, and in particular the Project Manager and the Administrative and Financial Officer, attended the requests of the evaluators with diligence and efficiency. The evaluation team is also grateful to John O'Brien and Bahtiyar Kurt, respectively Regional Advisor and Regional Technical Support Specialist at the UNDP Regional Office in Europe and Central Asia. DISCLAIMER Due to the travel restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, this report was produced without conducting any field mission. All the relevant stakeholders were interviewed remotely, except those that did not answered to the evaluators’ requests. Once the terminal evaluation started, the project has been granted an additional extension until end of October 2020 in order to complete the construction works for the demonstration corridor in Batumi. The evaluation plan was adjusted in order to cover this extension and to be able to assess the completion of these works.