Measures Implemented by the Government of Georgia Against

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Measures Implemented by the Government of Georgia Against Measures Implemented by the Government of Georgia Against COVID-19 Report The Government of Georgia 1 Table of Contents Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5 1. The Fight against the Pandemic .................................................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Stage One – Preventing the Spread of the Virus ..................................................................................................... 6 1.2 Stage Two – Slowing the Spread of the Virus .......................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Stage Three – Managing the Spread of the Virus .................................................................................................... 9 1.4 Stage Four – The Gradual Lifting of Restrictions and Adaptation ......................................................................... 11 1.5 The Assessment of the Healthcare System ........................................................................................................... 15 2. The State of Emergency and the Restrictions ............................................................................................................ 16 2.1 Purpose .................................................................................................................................................................. 16 2.1.1 Legal Aspects............................................................................................................................................ 17 2.2 Restrictions ............................................................................................................................................................ 19 2.2.1 The Suspension of Air and Land Traffic ................................................................................................... 19 2.2.2 The Suspension of the Educational Process and the Transition to a Remote Mode of Operation ......... 21 2.2.3 The Prohibition of Travel by Car .............................................................................................................. 22 2.2.4 Strict Quarantine in Individual Municipalities ......................................................................................... 22 2.2.5 The Restriction of Public Transport ......................................................................................................... 23 2.2.6 Restrictions in Penitentiary Facilities ....................................................................................................... 24 2.2.7 The Curfew ............................................................................................................................................... 25 2.2.8 The Restriction of the Gathering of More Than 10 / 3 People ................................................................ 25 2.2.9 The Restriction on Entering or Leaving Big Cities .................................................................................... 26 2.2.10 The Restriction of Economic Activity ....................................................................................................... 27 2.3 State of Emergency Management ......................................................................................................................... 28 2.3.1 Operational Headquarters on the Management of the State of Emergency ................................................. 28 2.3.2 Governmental Hotline 144 ............................................................................................................................. 29 2.3.3 Quarantine Zone Management ...................................................................................................................... 30 2.3.4. Healthcare System Management .................................................................................................................. 31 2.3.5 Food Supply Management, Logistics and Price Monitoring ........................................................................... 33 2.3.6 State of Emergency and Safety Control .......................................................................................................... 34 2.3.7 Assisting and Repatriating Citizens Residing Abroad ...................................................................................... 35 2.3.8 Assisting Persons Residing in the Occupied Territories .................................................................................. 36 2.4. Adaptation of the State Machinery to the Emergency Situation ......................................................................... 37 2.4.1. Distance Teaching .......................................................................................................................................... 37 2 2.4.2. Adaptation of the Detention Facilities ........................................................................................................... 37 2.4.3. Business Safety Monitoring ........................................................................................................................... 38 2.4.4. Production of the Facemasks and Disinfectants ............................................................................................ 38 2.4.5. Regular Supply of the Public Services ............................................................................................................ 38 2.4.7 STOPCOV Fund ................................................................................................................................................ 41 2.5 The Emergency Situation and Accountability ........................................................................................................ 41 2.5.1 Public Communication .................................................................................................................................... 41 2.5.2 Public Procurement ........................................................................................................................................ 42 2.6 Emergency Situation and Humans Rights .............................................................................................................. 42 3. The Pandemic’s Impact on the Country’s Economy ................................................................................................ 44 3.1 The Georgian Government’s Anti-Crisis Policy ...................................................................................................... 45 3.1.1 Supporting Citizens ......................................................................................................................................... 46 3.1.2 Support for Business ....................................................................................................................................... 47 3. Lifting Restrictions and Resumption of the Economic Activities (Exit Plan) ......................................................... 48 4. Annexes.................................................................................................................................................................... 50 Annex 1: Current Statistics: as of 01-03 June 2020 ..................................................................................................... 50 Annex 2: Comparative Data on the Pre- and Post-Restriction Vehicle Traffic ............................................................ 53 Annex 3: Statistics on the Vehicle Entry/Exit in the Urban Areas ............................................................................... 58 Annex 4: Anti-Crisis Plan on Tourism Revival .............................................................................................................. 59 Annex 5: Anti-Crisis Plan on Agriculture ...................................................................................................................... 60 Annex 6: Anti-Crisis Plan on Education ........................................................................................................................ 62 Annex 7: Anti-Crisis Plan on Development Sector ....................................................................................................... 64 Annex 8: Ad Hoc Regulatory Plan and Monetary Measures ....................................................................................... 65 3 Abbreviations COVID-19 The coronavirus disease 19 SARS CoV-2 Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (Novel Coronavirus) RT-PCR Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction WHO World Health Organization CDC American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ECDC European Center for Disease Prevention and Control NCDC L. Sakvarelidze National Center For Disease Control and Public Health LEPL ADB Asian Development Bank AFD French Development Agency AIIB Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank EU European Union IMF International Monetary Fund KfW Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ENQA European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education UNICEF United Nations Children's Fund WB World Bank VAT Value Added
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