Wai 2180, #3.3.67 IN THE WAITANGI TRIBUNAL WAI 2200 Wai 237 IN THE MATTER OF the Treaty of Waitangi Act 1975 AND IN THE MATTER OF the Taihape: Rangitīkei ki Rangipō Inquiry District AND IN THE MATTER OF a claim by RON TAUEKI and WILLIAM JAMES TAUEKI on behalf of themselves and on behalf of Muaūpoko and the Taueki whanau CLAIMANT SPECIFIC CLOSING SUBMISSIONS FOR WAI 237 Dated 23 October 2020 TamakiLegal Barrist e rs & Soli c itors Cuilam Building, Level 2, Osterley Way, Manukau 2104 PO Box 75-517, Manurewa, Auckland 2243 P. 09 263 5240 E.
[email protected] Counsel Acting: Darrell Naden / Vanshika Sudhakar / Krishneel Naidu / Matthew Hill MAY IT PLEASE THE TRIBUNAL INTRODUCTION 1. These closing submissions are made on behalf of the Wai 237 named claimant William James Taueki (“Mr Taueki”) and on behalf of the Taueki whānau, the hapū Ngāti Tamarangi and Muaūpoko (“Claimants”). Mr 1 Taueki’s whakapapa is as follows: Te Uira Te M ou Pua ki-te-ao Tireo Te Ruinga Ru atapu 111 Potangotango I Karatuauru Ta~uw ae T Kurait uhi Ru atapu illl Tau eki -:T Kahukore I 1 Ruhina Iha~ Ra w inia Tanguru Rereoma ki T Tiripa Ha peta Rahui Haa re Nga pera Te Keepa Rangi hiwinui Tangi Te Ke keke Tame Toka Hu rihanga Hema Ho hepa Te Pae Maureen T Ronald Will iam 2. In 1840, the Claimants’ tupuna and Muaūpoko rangatira, Taueki, signed te Tiriti ō Waitangi (“te Tiriti” or “te Tiriti ō Waitangi”). These submissions address the Claimants’ claims regarding Crown breaches of te Tiriti ō Waitangi that Muaūpoko suffered between 1840 and 1992.