Office Use Code WHANGANUI HIGH SCHOOL Accepted Purnell Street, PO Box 4022, Wanganui, 4541, New Zealand Acc. Pack Sent Telephone: 06 349 0178, Facsimile: 06 349 0176 Entered on KAMAR Email:
[email protected] Notify AP and Dean Student Number ENROLMENT APPLICATION FORM STUDENT DETAILS Surname/Last Name: (As on birth certificate) First Names: (As on birth certificate - underline preferred name) Gender: Home Phone: Date of Birth: Intended Start Date: _____________________ _________________________ Male Female __________________________ Student Phone: Country of Birth: _____________________ _________________________ Home/Postal Address: (Include postcode) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Current School: _______________________________________________________________________________ Student’s year level Residency Status: First Language: Ethnic Origin: if accepted will be: (you may tick more than one) New Zealand Citizen What language does the Year 9 Permanent Resident student speak at home? Maori * Student Visa NZ European / Pakeha English Year 10 Other (please specify below) European Pacific Islands Year 11 Other (please specify below) (please specify below) Year 12 _________________________ ____________________ _____________________ Year 13 (please specify below Other ) _____________________ _________________________ *Indicate Iwi