Selwyn Katene Powerpoint
Treaty Negotiations in Te Whanganui a Tara: The KhKahawai and the Shark Selwyn Katene Ngati Toa, Ngati Tama, Ngaruahine BACKGROUND Te Upoko o te Ika a Maui or ‘head of Maui's fish’ Kupe 1000 years ago Tara son of Whatonga - Te Whanganui a Tara From 1820s Taranaki & Kawhia tribes through rights of conquest, continuous occupation, ohaki (gifting) tangata whenua KEY ISSUES Effectiveness of small iwi ggpgroup, Ngati Tama (NT) struggling to assert its identity, mana, and tino rangatiratanga Role of the Crown, and others, in attempts to re-establish autonomous iwi-specific voice & focus for advancement of NT interests CLAIMS Tw o N gati Tama claims: Wai 735 claim Ngati Tama ki teUpokooteIka Wai 377 claim Ngati TamaTe Kaeaea Main claim number Wai 145 Wellington Tenths Trust & Palmerston North Maori Reserves ◦ The 8 gene ra l cla ims merge into large r natura l grouping of iwi, hapu, whanau, and marae interests – Port Nicholson Block Claim (PNBC) – to negotiate and settle on behalf of all TkiTaranaki clilaimants CLAIM AREA Some 209, 000 acres covering the greater Wellington area: 17,,py900 acres NZ Company claimed to have purchased from Taranaki tribes ◦ 137,242 acres of ‘wasteland’ Crown gave itself title to on assumption tha t no-one hdhad title because not occupied or cultivated by Maori CROWN BREACHES Accepting as valid purchases by the NZ Company, which could not possibly have constituted a legal sale or provided valid title to the land CROWN BREACHES (cont) Disposing of wrongfully acquired land by sale to the private sector, grants
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