

St. Mary Church – Clearmont St. Hubert Church – Kaycee

Office and Rectory Email: 532 North Lobban Avenue St. John’s: [email protected] Buffalo, Wyoming 82834 Fr. Pete: [email protected] 307-684-7268 Mary Ann: [email protected] Website: Carol Gagliano: [email protected] Sermon link – johns-1

Parish Staff St. John the Baptist Church Pastor Fr. Pete Johnson 684-7268 Saturday 5:00 PM Parish Administrator Mary Ann Cummins 684-7268 Sunday 9:00 AM CCW Leader Lori Zink 620-5113 Daily Mass T - F 8:00 AM Finance Council Chair Steve Reimann 217-0119 Holy Days Janitor Mick Camino 217-1575 Anticipatory 6:00 PM K of C Grand Knight Jason Sutton 217-0468 servers: A Snyder,Day A of… Seeman, A7:00 Thiele AM SUNDAY, March 6, 10:00am Organist Judi Semroska 684-2171 St. Mary Church, Clearmont Lector: Patty Tass Parish Council Chair Vacant 2nd & 4th Sunday 12:30pm EM: Mary Ann Cummins Religious Education Carol Gagliano 684-7217 St. Hubert Church, Kaycee Altar Servers: T Fieldgrove, A Belus, M Ihnat, C Trustees Jean Urruty 684-7093 Zink, L 1Rebelst & 3 rd Sunday 2:00pm Phil Gonzales 684-5920 ConfessionsHomebound Ministry,Saturday Friday, 11:00am March 4 Choir Tony Fox 310-339-9162 Kathy Smith Saturday after 5pm Mass

By Appointment

Religious Education / Meeting Baptisms – Please call Fr. Pete, 684-7268 Masses begin on Friday, May 15 – 8am & 6pm.

Marriage – Planning and preparation 6 months in advance

Prayer line Requests –Jan Edgcomb – [email protected] or Honey Harriet, 620- 1890

Rosary Guild – Thursdays at 8:30am to 10am; call 307-660-4936 for meeting place

Sacrament of the Sick – After first Sunday Masses or call the Parish Office FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER FR. PETE: May 3, 2020 Happy Mother’s Day! Sometime today Altar Assisters: take a moment to reflect on the SATURDAY, May 9, 5pm sacrifices your mother made not only to Lector: give you life but to raise you. And if the EM: CUP: None “mother” in your life was not your Altar Servers: biological mother then reflect on what SUNDAY, May 10, 9am your stepmother, foster mother, Lector: grandmother did to help you along your EM: life’s journey. Ask God to bless her CUP: None whether she is in this world or the next. Altar Servers: Homebound Ministry, Friday, May 8 A reflection on this weekend’s Gospel (John 14:1-12) from St. Nilus of Sinai. St. COLLECTIONS FOR WEEK May 3, 2020 Nilus was a who passionately argued for St. John’s $ 2194.00 YTD $ 145,315.08 and defended the necessity of St. Mary’s $ YTD $ 4,074.00 renouncing all property and material goods. St. Hubert’s $ YTD $ 3,952.00 He was also a theologian and an ascetic writer. Poor Donations $ 410.00 Online $ 1585.00 Particularly interesting is that he was a of St. . St. Nilus entered MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK: eternal life in 430. Mon. 05.11 8:00 a.m. No Mass Tue. 05.12 8:00 a.m. Sergio Bermal Let us march forward intrepidly to meet Wed. 05.13 8:00 a.m. Sergio Bermal our Redeemer, Jesus, pursuing our onward Thu. 05.14 8:00 a.m. Sergio Bermal course without swerving until we come to the assembly of the and are welcomed by PUBLIC MASSES WITH LIMITED the company of the just. It is to join our ATTENDANCE BEGINS! Christian forebears that we are journeying, to Fri. 05.15 8:00 a.m. Sergio Bermal those who taught us our faith…. In the place 6:00 p.m. for all in our where the Lord will be everyone’s light, the true community light which enlightens every human person will Sat. 05.16 5:00 p.m. Sergio Bermal shine upon all. In the house where we are 7:00 p.m. for all our going the Lord Jesus has prepared many parishioners resting places for His servants, so that where Sun. 05.17 9:00 a.m. Sergio Bermal He is, we also may be. This was His express 2:00 p.m. Kaycee: Fr. Pete’s desire. Listen to His own words: “In My intention Father’s house there are many resting places.” And: “I will come again and take you to Myself, READINGS FOR THE WEEK: so that where I am you also may be.” Mon-Acts of the Apostles 14:5-18; Gospel: John You may say, perhaps, that He was 14:21-26 speaking only to His disciples, and it was to Tue-Acts of the Apostles 14:19-28; Gospel: John them alone that He promised there would be 14:27-31a many resting places….And what of that Wed-Acts of the Apostles 15:1-6; Gospel: John statement of His about people coming from all 15:1-8 sides to take their eats in the Kingdom of God? Thu-Acts of the Apostles 1:15-17, 20-26; Gospel: John 15:9-17 Matthias, Apostle Have we any grounds for doubting that God’s Fri-Acts of the Apostles 15:22-31; Gospel: John will is effective? With Christ, surely, to will a 15:12-17 thing is to accomplish it. In short, the Lord has Sat-Acts of the Apostles 16:1-10; Gospel: John not only shown us the way we are to travel, He 15:18-21 has also pointed out our destination. Where I am going you know, He says, and the way there is known to you. This destination is our for the sake of review the following Father’s house, and our way to it is Christ, as protocol is being used: His own words assure us: “I am the way, the truth and the life.” Let us set out, then upon ---The number of people who this way, holding fast to the truth and following can attend either the daily or in the footsteps of life. Christ is the way that weekend Mass is limited to 9 leads us, the truth that strengthens us, and the parishioners and 1 priest, a total of life that restores us to life in Him. To make sure that we really understand ten. This number is not His will, our Lord prays a few minutes later: negotiable. It might be extended “Father, it is My desire that those whom You later, but right now 10 is the limit. have given Me be with Me where I am, so that ---The number of Masses they may see My glory.” How graciously our Lord asks His Father here to grant what He being offered during this period Himself had promised earlier! The promise have been increased: two on came first and then the request, not the other weekdays, two on Saturday way round. Conscious of His authority and evening, one on Sunday morning knowing the gift was at His own disposal, He plus the mission church Mass. My made the promise; then as if to exemplify His filial submission, He asked His Father to grant hope is that everyone in the parish it. can attend at least one Mass Yes, Lord Jesus, we do follow You. But during May. we can only come at Your bidding. No one can ---Social distancing MUST be make the ascent without You, for You are our way, our truth, our life, our strength, our faith, maintained; i.e. six feet, front and our reward. We belong to You; be the way that back, right and left. This does not carries us onward, the truth that inspires us apply to families. with courage, and the life that fills us with ---Face masks MUST be worn. renewed vigor. ---Parishioners MUST call the Mass schedule during the COVID-19 Crisis: parish office (684-7268) and Tuesday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 register for a Mass. People in p.m.; Saturday at 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.; Kaycee are asked to call Bonnie Sunday at 9:00 a.m. The mission parishes will Gould. People in Clearmont are have their normal Mass schedule. Buffalo people are asked not to go to the mission asked to call Jeanne Camino. parishes. Those churches are too small to ---When registering please accommodate everyone while keeping “social give the number of people who will distancing.” People in the mission churches attend. Children and infants are are asked not to come to Buffalo given the small number of people we are currently included in the count. allowed to have. ---Please do not come to a Mass you did not register for. Public Masses are to begin on ---Hymnals and missals have May 15. Recently I sent a letter to been removed from the pews. all registered parishioners and ---There will not be any dedicated last weekend’s “homily” shaking of hands at the sign of found on our website to this issue. peace. I hope that the information has ---The Precious Blood will not reached you. In case it hasn’t or be distributed. ---Receiving Holy Communion the best information available from the Center on the tongue is temporarily for Disease Control and the Governor’s Office will determine if restrictions can be lessened. suspended. Please reverently The could, for example, allow Churches receive our Lord in your hand. to expand the number of people allowed to attend Mass to a significantly greater number Should the elderly go back to Mass? While provided that social distancing can still be we must all do our best not to spread this or practiced. any other virus, the truth of the matter is that I suspect it will be quite some time we cannot protect everyone. People must use before we get back to what we’ve been used common sense and exercise personal to. responsibility. If one is over the age of 65 with what Current restrictions and CCD. I am hoping are called “comorbidities” such as heart that we will be able to resume CCD in the fall disease, lung disease, diabetes, kidney but we shall have to wait and see what the disease or whose immune system has been Bishop decides and what kind of restrictions weakened by radiation or chemotherapy that we may have to deal with. It might require person should consult with his or her doctor CCD be spread out over a few days to about the risk of exposure not only by going to accommodate all the grade levels and any Church but being in any group setting during demand for “social distancing.” Carol Gagliano this pandemic and follow medical advice. and I will be discussing options. Likewise, those who have a fever, are coughing, or sneezing have no business Adult Faith Formation classes in the fall still presenting themselves in any public setting be on? Hard to say. I’m hoping so. I will have it Church, work, or school and are morally more information by July. obligated to stay home until they are well. Last, but not least, I would argue that Can we begin to have coffee and donuts this pandemic underscores that everyone has yet? No. I don’t think it is realistic to even a moral obligation to take the flu shot to help think about this until the fall, again depending prevent the spread of that virus which kills tens on what directives the Bishop gives to the of thousands of Americans every year. If the parishes. COVID-19 returns in the late fall or early winter, as expected, and we have people Men of St. . While we still cannot needing hospitalization due to complications meet, the May Magnificat books have arrived. from the flu, our medical personnel will have a Feel free to drop by the rectory to get your very difficult time trying to address both. We copy. Hopefully we can begin to meet by July. can each play our part to help by taking advantage of the flu shot unless one is allergic “Death is not the end. We were made for life. to the vaccine’s ingredients or has been told by We were made for joy. And in Christ, that life a doctor not to take the shot. and joy will be ours. Death brings the fulfillment of that life and joy, but we can live in it now. How long will this protocol be in effect? Even in the midst of grief. Even in the midst of Everything is tentative. Protocols can change plagues and poverty and confusion. If we are in in a heartbeat based on the data available and Christ, we have nothing to fear from the terrors we shall have to adjust as best we can. While of the world. They cannot kill the life inside us.” the overarching concern is to protect the –Dr. Scott Hahn vulnerable, the reality is that sooner or later we must get our nation’s economy back on its feet whatever the health risks because poverty will weaken and kill far more than COVID-19 will. The current protocol will remain in effect until June 1 at which time Bishop Biegler, using