Christ the Savior Orthodox Church 1400 Coastal Highway; Fenwick Island, DE 302-537-6055 (church) / 410-213-1238 (rectory) /
[email protected] BULLETIN OF NOVEMBER 12, 2006 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12TH The Nativity Fast th th 22ND SUNDAY OF PENTECOST begins November 15 and ends December 25 with the 8:40a.m. Hours celebration of the Divine Liturgy. As a reminder every Or- 9:00a.m. Divine Liturgy thodox Christian who wishes to partake of Holy Commun- Coffee Hour ion on the feast of Christmas and thereafter must avail Parish Council Meeting themselves of the Sacrament of Confession during the Na- tivity Fast. Confessions can be heard following any service TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14TH or by appointment. In addition to a thorough examination APOSTLE PHILIP / SAINT GREGORY PALAMAS of our conscience and a good, frank, and open confession 7:00p.m. Compline; Confessions of sins, we should strive to prepare ourselves to celebrate Christmas by keeping the fast, increasing our prayer life, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH reading a spiritual book, and becoming more generous in BEGINNING OF THE NATIVITY FAST our almsgiving. TH THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 16 2007 Orthodox Wall Calendars / Pocket Planners APOSTLE MATTHEW from Saint Tikhon’s Bookstore are now 7:00p.m. Compline; Confessions available for order. To reserve a calendar or TH pocket planner please sign your name to SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18 the list in the back of the church. The total 6:00p.m. Vespers; Confessions costs of the calendars and pocket planners, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH including shipping, are $3.00 and $2.00 RD respectively. 23 SUNDAY OF PENTECOST 8:40a.m.