419 Abstract—Red grouper (Epineph- elus morio) modify their habitat by Fish assemblages associated with red grouper excavating sediment to expose rocky pits, providing structurally complex pits at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic reef in the habitat for many fish species. Sur- Gulf of Mexico veys conducted with remotely op- erated vehicles from 2012 through 2015 were used to characterize fish Stacey L. Harter (contact author)1 assemblages associated with grouper Heather Moe1 pits at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic 2 coral ecosystem and habitat area John K. Reed of particular concern in the Gulf Andrew W. David1 of Mexico, and to examine whether invasive species of lionfish (Pterois Email address for contact author:
[email protected] spp.) have had an effect on these as- semblages. Overall, 208 grouper pits 1 Southeast Fisheries Science Center were examined, and 66 fish species National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA were associated with them. Fish as- 3500 Delwood Beach Road semblages were compared by using Panama City, Florida 32408 several factors but were considered 2 Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute to be significantly different only on Florida Atlantic University the basis of the presence or absence 5600 U.S. 1 North of predator species in their pit (no Fort Pierce, Florida 34946 predators, lionfish only, red grou- per only, or both lionfish and red grouper). The data do not indicate a negative effect from lionfish. Abun- dances of most species were higher in grouper pits that had lionfish, and species diversity was higher in grouper pits with a predator (lion- The red grouper (Epinephelus morio) waters (>70 m) of the shelf edge and fish, red grouper, or both).