Saltwater Fish Identification Guide

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Saltwater Fish Identification Guide Identification Guide To South Carolina Fishes Inshore Fishes Red Drum (Spottail, redfish, channel bass, puppy drum,) Sciaenops ocellatus May have multiple spots along dorsal surface.. RKW Black Drum Pogonias cromis Broad black vertical bars along body. Barbells on chin. Spotted Seatrout (Winter trout, speckled trout) Cynoscion nebulosus Numerous distinct black spots on dorsal surface. Most commonly encountered in rivers and estuaries. RKW Most commonly encountered just offshore around live bottom and artificial reefs. Weakfish (Summer trout, Gray trout) Cynoscion regalis RKW Silver coloration with no spots. Large eye Silver Seatrout Cynoscion nothus RKW Spot Leiostomus xanthurus Distinct spot on shoulder. RKW Atlantic Croaker (Hardhead) Micropogonias undulatus RKW Silver Perch (Virginia Perch) Bairdiella chrysoura RKW Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalus Broad black vertical bars along body. RKW Pinfish (Sailors Choice) Lagodon rhomboides Distinct spot. RKW Southern Kingfish (Whiting) Menticirrhus americanus RKW Extended 1st dorsal filament Northern Kingfish SEAMAP- Menticirrhus saxatilis SA:RPW Dusky 1st dorsal-fin tip Black caudal fin tip Gulf Kingfish SEAMAP- Menticirrhus littoralis SA:RPW Southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma No ocellated spots . RKW Summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus Five ocellated spots in this distinct pattern. B. Floyd Gulf flounder Paralichthys albigutta B. Floyd Three ocellated spots in a triangle pattern. B. Floyd Bluefish Pomatomus saltatrix RKW Inshore Lizardfish Synodus foetens RKW RKW Ladyfish Elops saurus Florida Pompano Trachinotus carolinus RKW Lookdown Selene vomer RKW Spadefish Chaetodipterus faber Juvenile RKW Juvenile spadefish are commonly found in SC estuaries. Adults, which look very similar to the specimen shown above, are common inhabitants of offshore reefs. Cobia Rachycentron canadum Adult D. Hammond Juvenile RKW D. Hammond Adult cobia are considered a coastal migratory species and are commonly encountered in near shore and offshore waters. Juveniles may occasionally be caught inshore. Other Inshore Fishes Striped Burrfish Chilomycterus schoepfi E. Vernon Northern Puffer Sphoeroides maculatus E. Vernon Bighead Searobin Prionotus tribulus RKW Batfish (sp. Unknown) Ogcocephalus sp. RKW “Baitfish” or fish commonly caught in cast nets or traps. White Mullet Mugil curems RKW Striped Mullet Mugil cephalus CM Atlantic Menhaden Brevoortia tyrannus RKW Striped killifish Fundulus majalis RKW Mummichog (Mudminnow) Fundulus heteroclitus RKW Fat Sleeper Dormitator maculatus RKW Bay Anchovy Anchoa mitchilli Dorsal fin originates over origin of anal fin. RKW Atlantic Bumper Chloroscombrus chrysurus Black spot on caudal peduncle. RKW Leatherjacket Oligoplites saurus Dorsal spines can cause serious skin irritation if stuck into skin. Offshore Fishes Grouper Black Grouper (Carberita) Mycteroperca bonaci Dull red dorsal coloration. Distinct orange spots. RKW Gag Grouper (Grey, Black Grouper) Mycteroperca microlepis Mottled brown body. Large Specimens (40+inches) typically USCG have black bellies. Yellowfin Grouper (Fireback) Mycteroperca venenosa Distinct Coloration. RKW Yellowedge Grouper Epinephelus flavolimbatus Tip of dorsal and pectoral fins bright yellow. Species is typically caught in deepwater (300+ ft). RKW Scamp (Broomtail) Long filaments on Mycteroperca phenaxTip of dorsal and pectoral fins tail and anal fin. bright yellow. Even Yellow Jagged Deeper Body USCG Tail and anal fin lack Yellowmouth Grouper long filaments. Mycteroperca interstitialis Snowy Grouper Epinephelus niveatus Small specimens have a 11 Dorsal Spines. black “saddle” on caudal peduncle. Angle of jaw is comparatively Usually, small species have white spots. less sloped. USCG Misty Grouper Epinephelus mystacinus Black “saddle” on caudal peduncle. Verticle black bands. D. Player Warsaw Grouper Epinephelus nigritus Broad Maxilla. 10 Dorsal Spines. RKW With mouth closed jaw is at a steep angle and extends to posterior part of eye but not beyond.RKW Goliath Grouper (Jewfish) Juvenile Epinephelus itajara RKW Updated 8/16/05 Membrane between Red Grouper dorsal spines even with the tips of the Epinephelus morio spines. Dull red body coloration occasionally with white blotches RKW Nassau Grouper Epinephelus striatus Dark stripe through eye. Black saddle on caudal peduncle. RKW Speckled Hind (Kitty Mitchell, Strawberry) Epinephelus drummondhayi Most common color pattern is a dark purple with white specks. RKW RKW Coney (Red Phase) Epinephelus fulvus RKW Coney Distinct spots on caudal peduncle. RKW Red Hind Epinephelus guttatus Black tipped fins. Does not have 2 black spots on caudal peduncle like the Coney RKW Graysby Epinephelus cruentatus Rounded Tail. RKW Rock Hind (Strawberry Grouper) Epinephelus adscensionis 16” RKW Snapper Red Snapper (AM Red, Genuine) Lutjanus campechanus 10 Dorsal spines Red Iris Juveniles (8 - 10 in.) may have a diffuse black spot. Angulate Anal Fin. RKW Lane Snapper (Candy Snapper) Lutjanis synagris Diffuse black spot, more prominent in smaller specimens. Horizontal Yellow stripes. Rounded Anal Fin. RKW Vermilion Snapper (B-liner) Rhomboplites aurorubens 11-12 Dorsal Spines RKW Queen Snapper Etelis oculatus USCG RKW Yellowtail Snapper Ocyurus chrysurus Deeper forked tail. Broad yellow stripe. Deeply forked yellow tail. RKW Snapper Comparison Red Snapper Silk Snapper ( Yelloweye) Lutjanus vivanus Yellow Iris. Blackfin Snapper (Hambone) Lutjanus buccanella Rounded Anal Fin. USCG Mutton Snapper Lutjanus analis Diffuse Black Spot. Fork tail Blue line under eye. Angulate Anal Fin. RKW Anchor- shaped Gray Snapper (Mangrove Snapper) tooth patch on roof Lutjanus griseus of mouth. Short Pectoral Fin. Slightly angulate anal fin. RKW Cubera Snapper Lutjanus cyanopterus Chevron - shaped tooth patch on roof of mouth. Large Canine Teeth. Long Pectoral Fin. Rounded Anal Fin. RKW Dog Snapper Lutjanus jocu Anchor- shaped tooth patch on roof of mouth. White triangular splotch under eye. USCG RKW Porgy Red Porgy (Silver Snapper, Pinky, Pink Snapper) Pagrus pagrus 2nd nostril oval. Light red body color. RKW Whitebone Porgy (Chocolate Porgy) Calamus leucosteus Small black spots on 2nd nostril slit - like. membrane between spines. Lacks red body coloration. RKW Knobbed Porgy (Jolthead) Calamus nodosus 2nd nostril slit - like. Very steep head profile. Yellow Spots. RKW Littlehead Porgy Calamus proridens Hump on head. Blue lines. RKW Jolthead Porgy Calamus bajonado Note: Specimen shown is 22.5”. RKW Jolthead Porgy (Anterior) Distinct blue line under eye. RKW Orange on inside corner of mouth. Sheepshead Archosargus probatocephalus Incisor - like teeth. Vertical black bars. RKW Spottail Pinfish (Ringtail) Diplodus holbrooki Large spot on caudal peduncle. RKW Scup Stenotomus chrysops Indentation above eye. Blue line under dorsal fin. RKW 10” RKW RKW Seabass Black Sea Bass (Blackfish) Centropristis striata RKW Rock Sea Bass Centropristis philadephica Black saddle Filaments on below dorsal dorsal spines. spines. RKW Bank Sea Bass Centropristis ocyurus No filaments on dorsal spines. Dark bars with blotches below. RKW Grunts White Grunt Haemulon plumieri Blue stripes. RKW All species of Western Atlantic grunts have red on inside of the mouth. Tomtate Haemulon aurolineatum Red on inside of mouth. Spot on base of tail. Red mouth. Yellow stripe from eye to tail. RKW Bluestriped Grunt Haemulon sciurus RKW When compared to the white grunt, the bluestriped grunt has a more golden appearance. RKW Cottonwick Haemulon melanurum Black band unique to this species. Red on inside of mouth. Yellow stripes. RKW Margate Haemulon album Red on inside of mouth. RKW RedThe on insideMargate of is the largest of the Western Atlantic grunts. mouth. Pigfish Orthopristis chrysoptera Small orange spots. Inside corner of mouth is red. RKW Jacks Banded Rudderfish Lesser Amberjack Greater Amberjack RKW Greater Amberjack Banded Rudderfish (Amberine) Seriola dumerili Seriola zonata More Streamlined. Flat Boot Deeper Body. Smaller Eye. RKW Juvenile Greater Amberjack Steep Head Profile. “Boot” on maxilla. RKW Lesser Amberjack Juvenile Greater Amberjack Seriola fasciata Steeper Head Larger Eye. Profile. Boot Flat RKW NOTE: Lesser Amberjack are typically caught in deeper water than the other jacks. Fishing vessels having snowy grouper or tilefish will often have lesser amberjacks not banded rudderfish. Lesser Amberjack Seriola fasciata Large Eye Jaw does not extend to midpoint of the eye, and no “boot”. Banded Rudderfish (Amberine) Seriola zonata Jaw extends almost to Larger the posterior part of the Eye eye. Eye is much smaller than lesser amberjack. Jaw extends past midpoint of eye. RKW The “Boot” The posterior part of the maxilla is much more broad on a greater amberjack. Banded Rudderfish Greater Amberjack There is a very slight Notice the steep incline of incline of the maxilla. the maxilla (the boot). The maxilla is comparatively broader. Almaco Jack Greater Amberjack Black Jack Caranx lugubris Steep head profile. D. Player Yellow Jack Caranx bartholomaei Long pectoral fin. Scutes on caudal peduncle. Yellow underside. D. Player Almaco Jack Seriola rivoliana Body comparatively deeper than rudder, lesser, and High dorsal fin. greater. “Boot” RKW African Pompano Alectis ciliaris Filaments on dorsal and anal fin. RKW Crevalle Jack Caranx hippos Scutes on caudal peduncle. Scutes on caudal peduncle. Distinct black spot on opercle. Rainbow Runner Elagatis bipinnulata Blue & Yellow stripes. Finlets on caudal peduncle. RKW Blue Runner Caranx crysos Long Pectoral
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