Harpers Hall presents:

Dråm (Erik Ask-Upmark, harp; and Anna Rynesfors, )

Swedish music workshops, potluck dinner, and house concert

Saturday, February 23rd, 2013 from 1:00 – 8:30 pm

At the home of Teresa Bailey in Los Altos, CA

Email Verlene at [email protected] to make your reservation. Please indicate which part or parts of the event you will attend. (Workshop 1, Workshop 2, Potluck, Concert)

Email Teresa at [email protected] for directions.

Costs: $25 per workshop, $10 for concert. Attend both workshops and get concert for free.

1:00 - 3:00 workshop 1 – Swedish Harp Tunes 3:00 - 3:30 break 3:30 - 5:30 workshop 2 – Dance Tunes on the Nyckelharpa 5:30 - 7 dinner break (please bring a potluck dish) 7 – 8:30 concert

Swedish Harp Tunes with Erik Ask-Upmark

Full disclosure: There are actually very few Swedish tunes written especially for the harp. But there are tons which work perfectly on that instrument! Erik will teach – by ear – some easy, accessible and foot-tapping tunes that will have you at the center of any Scandinavian session! The workshop is geared towards harp players but any instruments are welcome!

Dance Tunes on the Nyckelharpa with Anna Rynefors

This is a workshop open to most traditional instruments, even though it will be led on the nyckelharpa, so bowed instruments gain a certain extra perspective. Focus lies on Swedish dance tunes and how to really make them danceable. Bowing, phrasing and ornamentation, as well as tempos and beats are all ways to create the right feeling and “sväng” - essential when playing Scandinavian dance music!

Books and CDs available. All proceeds go to Dråm.

See page two for bio!

About Dråm:

With their fresh and unique take on Nordic music, the Swedish musicians Erik Ask-Upmark and Anna Rynefors - known as "Dråm" - have taken the roots music community by storm. With much charm and a big sense of humour, they perform traditional Nordic music in a captivating way that speaks to audiences everywhere. They have both received the prestigious Zorn award and the title of "" ("Official master musician") and have toured extensively in Europe as well as in America.

The quietness of Sweden’s deep forests and wide open spaces shows through in Dråm's wonderful flow of ear- caressing musical sounds, where the haunting and mellow Swedish blend perfectly with the sonorous qualities of the harp and the unique Swedish instrument, the Nyckelharpa ("keyed "). Dråm approaches Nordic music with respect and love, imparting a contemporary and passionate character to tradition, while maintaining the very soul of it!

In 2012, Dråm went on tours in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Poland, Italy and the United Kingdom.

More info and an updated tour schedule are available at www.draam.com and on Facebook.

Dråm: Anna Rynefors - Nyckelharpa, Swedish bagpipe Erik Ask-Upmark - Harp, vocals, Swedish bagpipe, Härjedalspipa