Appendix -

list of Verpons,

Tbe follovlDg is a list of the , aientioned la the

^urma iuraija, arranged In alphabetical order: ^

1 . /.si.

It is 8 '*. According to Dilcshitar it mepaures fifty I thumbs in length end four inches in width. It is also Known as hhadgs and is ooiiiiaouly worn on the left side, i-t is used in cutting, rending, loi>ping and striking the eneaty^, It is k mentioned in the HV^. to denote e sscrificjal , Its use in war is referred to in the a V^, la the Vs- its use la Bssocl- ated with iiva^. The Kurme mentions it os a wearo: of Visna-'^.« • 9 m. The sons of Karttsvirya, viz. ijurasena, etc. fou';bt with the demon Vldeha with this ^ It is also referrei to 83 8 « 7 weapon of K-j-sne V^sudeva .

2, Astra or ^astra. i ^ I Astra and Sastre both mesn * arrow*. It is nlqo known as

*lsu’. The bows nnd arrows are frequently montionod in the • ti Samhltas and Brehme^es , They v/ere the chief weeports of war

1. WAl.pp. 116-118. 2. HV.I.162.20; X.7 0 .•!,ato.,

3 , AV.XI.9,l;df.also VI. I. p.47.

4. t’HV.p. 102. 5. Kur.I. 6 . U . j

6 . Aur. I. 22.55. 7. ^Gr. I. 25.23; 25.?5.

8 . '*.AI. p. 93.

522 523 in those tlraee. The fi, Br.^ has a story regarding the origin of the name ’ i^are’ ( arrow). The making of error.3 Is also — 2 described in the Agni Jhirana , The Astras are frequently referred to in the Veyu inirana also. IJgneyastra, Batamastra and Vedasiras Astra ere a few types of Aatrps inentiofied by the 'a / t Va"^, Hirenyekesipu ann his army released e shower of opatras

I upon the warrior, Purusa sent by Visnu for the destruction of the demon^. The various estres employed by the four' sons of

Hirajyakanipu, viz, Prahrade, Anuhrada, Smuhrada ant., iirude were respectively Brahma, Vaianava, Keumara and Agneya^. [ IliranyeKsa / I A is said to have used the Pnsupati Astra against Vlsr^‘\i°, x-iaucira,

Varuna, Prajapatya, V^ayevya, Knubera, Aindra and '^gpeya were I the Astras used by the sons of king hirttavlrya g;:aj^Gat the demon Vldeha”^. Another type of Astra, viz. Brahmasii)aa is the one by which Slvs bringa about the total destruotloi) of the _ g / I universe at the end of two Parardhas , Hlkhepdin| o u d

Havlrdhana and Precinabarhl, son of Bavirdhana ere referred to » Q as the foremost aniong the wlolders of all types of jastraa .

The food of a ■^astrajiva ( professional warrior) anh a J:5eetra- vikrayin ( one v/ho sella arrows) la tabooed by the | urma^®. of, also under ’ ;5ora’. !

1, B.Br. 1.2.4; 2. Ag. 245.,12.

3. Ciiv.pp.102.3. 4. Kur, I. 16. 46. j 5. htir,I, 16.48-49* 6. Kur. I. 16. 61,1 1 7 , Kur. I, 22,56»57. 8. Kur. II,> 46 .6.'

9. ktir, I. 1 /4.,1 9 ;1 4 .5 2 , 10. Kur. II., 12 .12. 52if


Bpps alpo denotes ’arrow’ in the HV^ end later. It is / mentioned rs the weapon of Virsbhndra who was deputed by Oiva for

the destriiction of JJek^e’s sacrifice, where Vi^nu was overwhelmed r- t by bis Ba^as^. Of, also under Astra or Bestra,supra.

4 . Oakra.

Cakre or ’discus’ as a weapon is not mentioned in trie Vedio

Index. The Mtiprakasika includes it under the category of

’mukta’ (throw'n) weapons, it is a circular disc vrith a small

opening in the middle with four, six or eitht spokes. It is used 3 for felling, breaking, severing, cutting, etc . It is a revolving 1 weapon made of iron or steel used in offense^. It is also referred - s ' -6 to in the Agni Buraga^, The Kuriria mentions it as a weapod of Bevi .

and also of Varaha, This Cokra-weapon which has a brilliance of a

thousand suns appeared before Jayadhvaja, son of karttavirye, when

he worshipped Visfju, He killed the demon Vldeha by name by using 7 ^ 8 the Cakrn , It is known by the name of Sudarsana and w'cs received

by Vi§nu from i^iva on propitiating him by means of austerities^.

The Gpkra is also connected with the naming of the forest Knimi§a,

The story of the naming of the forest is included elsevvhfjre^^.

5. Banda.

It is 8 ’staff* used as a weapon and jaeatloned from AV^^onwerds.

1. hV VI.75,17; AV.III. 23.2,etc; Of also VI.Il.p.65. 2. Kur, 1,15,66, 3, Hitiprakas'ika lV.47-48; Of. hAl, 4. 4;3I. p .53. 5. Ag. 252-5-7. i 6. KHr. 1,1,39; 12-54;6-14. ?. Aur. 1.22.62, 8. Jtur, 1,22.64. 9. Kur, 1,22.66. 10. Of. Mytris and Legends abgut Bratuiia. 0}, III 'rieligion’j 11. A7. V.5-4; Ai. i3r,2.35; B. Hr. l-5-4-6^etc. 525

It is elso described es r or 8 kind of tow rp included

under the muKte cetegory . The use of i^ande is mainly referred

in connection vlth ijive. Hence the epithets of i^ive:

i'npjadhpk, iiadapfjin, etc^. In the Kurraa it is referred; to as a

weapon of the Hudrss who destroyed i^oK§a'a sacrifice , i'he

King is also directed to punish a Brehmana thief by a i-^a^dn

made of steel .

6 Dhanus,

Dhanus is the ooramon name used to mean the *bov,'' in the

RV end Inter^. The weapon was composed of a stout staff bent

into a curved shape end of a bow-string made of a strip of y> cow-hide^. The bows and arrows are the chief weapons of the

mukta (throvring) group* The very name ' i^hanurveda' taCening

military science proves that the were the chief

weapons of war in thOvse times. Its other naaes are .dPrnga,

Kodan^a and Aarmuka^, The Agni Buraya^ gives details of a bow,

Braolnab^rhi, son of king ilavirdhana, is stated to be a master

9 T of i»hanurveda , 3o were Arjuna Karttavirya who was killed by

Rama Jamadagnya , Andhaka, son of Amsu, and Bhejamana, son of

3attvata. lifting a Uhanu was the feat by which Rama won -11 Sitf Dhenu was supposed to be the best amoving the yantras, / TO for biva le said to ts Dhanu amoyng the yantras .

1. Of. V.a I.p .107. 2. CHV.p.103. 3. Kur.1.15.45. 4, A u r , i i * 3 2 ,6 . 5. RV.VIII.72.4; 77.ll; AV.IV.4,6;; VSj.S.XVl.lO; S,Br,^etc, 6. RV.VI.75.11; AV.1,2.3; IV.6.4; 7. ■VAI.p,93. 8. Ag.245.5-6 and 7-10. 9. Kur.I.14.51. 10. Kilr.1.22.19;24.30;24.35. 11. Kur.1.21.22-24. 12. iur. I1.7.1 2 . 526 7» iioilE* I It is p meoe or p club, an offensive wea^jon also known by

other npaies like Musala, i^arigha, etc^. It is a heavy rod of

iron v/ith one hundred spikes at the top classified under araukta

weapons by the J^Ttiprakasikn^, It is able to destroy even

elephants and rocks. It is not mentioned in the Vedic Index, _ / _ 3 In the Vfr*Siva is often addressed as the wielder of Onda . I — ^ I _ Virabhadra used it in his raid of Dak§nyajna7 In the iuraa it

«■ is mentioned »s one of the weapons of Devi, of the dudras, of

the i^arusa created by Visnu in order to kill the deinon king / 5 riiranyakesipu and also of kr§ria, one of the five sons of

karttavlrya, w'ho used it in his encounter with the Danpvs, viz,



It is the 'plough', a v/eapon as heavy as 'iludgal©' It

is not mentioned by the Vedic Index, it is the weapon of Hama

Vasudeva^ and hence he is called as Halin^,


It is the 'corselet' or 'breastplate' possibly ma!de of

metal and referred to in the AV and leter^^. It is the

1. tl3I.p. 53; /A/iI.p.18, 2. Dltiprekasika V.29-■ 34. Of. WAI, P.113. 3. Va. 30.237; 30.247 etc. Of. CfiV.p.105 h. ^R. 30,124; Of.CHV. p.105. 5. Kur, 1.16. 37-39. 6. kur . 1.22,58. 7. Awl, p.22. 8. Kur . 1.24.71-72. 9. Va. 96.64; 96*75; Of. CHV. p.105. 1 0. AV. XI,10-22; 3,Dr. ; Ai .Dr.7. 19.2; Wirukta V.26,etc. Of. also VI, p.143. 527

ooiamonest nome for gmour, b defensive weapon-^ . in the i^Oirma

there is a reference to 'Uerlkevaca' worn by king l'

of Asiuakp,), who being efrpid of Kama resorted to the forest*.

10, khadlra.

It is probably a stuff of khpdira (Acacia catechujj wood. T I ivhadira is mentioned in the Samihites and Brahmeijas-'. Ifhe

king is advised to use this weapon carried by the BrrbJ^aga ! . thief on bis shoulder in order to mete out puniahuient "lo hici^.

11, Lpg.udp. I 5 It is a *h<=*avy rod’ or a ‘cudgel’ with metallic feet two

cubits long end encased in a sheath of leather. It is used for

cutting, hitting, striking and breaking”. It is claesified 7 under the mukta category of weapons’. It is not mentioned by

the Vedlc Inde;?, Its other forms are i-agura end i-ngulp and may

mean a club, stick, staff or cudgel” , in the kurma it Is referred

to as one of the weapons which can be used by the king for _ •, Q punishing a Braiimapa thief of gold^.

12, Mudfiara

It is a ’hammer’ or ’hammer-shaped staff*, throe cubits in

len^jth with a strong circular handle used in breaking heavy

stones and rocks^^. It is classified under the ’amukta weepons'^^

mi. 1. P.23. I'i 2. kur. I.21.14; Of,,sl80 VS.83.179 Cf.OHV. P.105.► j 3. Ten. 5. 3.3.7,1; Ai,Br.2.1; i3.Br,; 3.,6.2.12; Of. VI.I .p.213. ( 4. kur. II .32.6. 5. AWI. p.l9. 6. W-Al. P. 103. 7. kitiprnki^ika. 1V^. 42—43. B. AD. 9. kur, 11,^2.6. 10. Vt'Al. PP . 113-114. 11. iMItiprakasika. V. 35-36. 528

pnd i.g referred to by Keutllye^ es e movable maotiine for it was

also used rs p missile. The Vedic Index does not mention it.

In the Va it is associated v,ith Virabhedra and the Bhutss .

The five sons of King Kirttavirya used this weapon against the

dansvp, Videha by name'^. It may also be a mnllet, a club or a


13. Tlusola.

It is e pestle-shaped ’club* included under the rntuKta

V enpons by the KiTtiprakpsika. , It is not mentioned by the

Vedic Index, Aautllya calls a gada, musala and ya^^i, movable

/ *7 niachinep, , It may be a pestle, club or a '. The King was

to use this weapon carried by the Brohraaga thief on his

shoulder in order to mete out punisliment to hlm*^,


The only reference to the use of Kakha (nails) as weapon

Is found in the story of Hiranyake^ipu v.nen Kpraaiinha k ills

hiranyakpsipu by his nails-^.

1 4 . Be rasu.

It is the 'axe' referred to in the HV and later 10 , It

was composed of a woooen handle and a blade made of steel and

1. Artbas^stra (TrJ p.lOl. 2. Va. 69.253; Of.UliV.p. 105. 3. Kur. 1.22.55. 4. AjJ. 5. Of. WAI. p.114. 6. AM. P.18. 7. AD. 8. Kur. 11.32.5-6. 9. Kur, 1, 16, 72, 10! i;V.I.127.*3; A.28.8; AV. I I I .19.4; Al. 9.1; 12.10; ^.Br, 3.6.4,10yetc. Of, VI. I. p,492. 529

Vvpa used in nutting end rendint? it is one of tde ^cnukte

weppons'^. it WPS the weepon of i'ere^u-rtaiae-^. According to

uote it is identicfil with V^jra^. Virebhedra is ssid to have ^ C / wielded the perasu in his raid of i>eksp-ypjna; i^ivp is called

Ahenda-pprfiv4u^* In the kuraie the irarasu appears as the weapon

of bhairavp and his followers and also of ijiva’^.

1 5 .

it is the noose of two or three ropes which Kills the

enoray at one stroke. It is triangular in shape with! bells of

8 • 1 lead attached . The ■-tV and later Sainhitps mention it to mean

a ’rope* used for fastening or tying and is the chief weapon i of Varupa^. In the Vayu I'urRna the i-'eae is sssoclate'd with I Siva^^. In the KQnna»i\pla is said to have tied ning wveta

v/lth this"*''*’. The beings v;ho constitute creation ore likened

Jr^asus whom Siva binds by means of his rdoya pose (fetters

16. Tinrke.

iVhat weapon w:as actually meant by ’i*inako’ is nop quite

clear. According to some it is e mace or a club also known

by other names like Gpda, L-Qusaia, i"orlgha^^,etc. Acaordlng

1. W Al.p.lil. 2, Aitlprakaaika, v.9.10. 3. Krp:huvarrisp. 12.23. 4. Awi, p,19. 5. Va. 3 0 .1 2 4 . 6. VS.2 5 .2 ; Cf.OriV. p. io6. 7. kur. 1.16.137; ?5.53. 3. AaI, p,108. 9. rtV^vl.74./,; yil.f?8.7; 1 .2 4 .1 3 ; AV. 11.12.2;Vaj. 5. VI.8. 45; Tpii.s.ii.2.5.1; Of. VI. 1.P.523. 10. VI?.24.159; 24.117; Of.o.uV.p.io6. 1 1 . r*.ur. 11. 36. 20. 12. kur. 11.7.19-20. 1 3* .Avil. p. 13. 530 to some others it is toe t>uls of i->iva- b ’ trid en t’ measuring four cubits, it ties tnree prongs mede of iron and, the front

is of brass. It v/fs used for striking, cutting, breaking, thrusting, etc. ihe mtiprakBSika-*- cla ssifie s it under _ 2 amukta weapons, it is also referred to by the Agni i'urans .

The bow of iiiva is also called as Tinaka , The k.ur also does

not made it clear as to what particular weapon is meant by

’i'inaka*. ’J^^inakin' and ’i inakadhfk* are epithets of .^jiva^.

17. ^s\l. It is the 'javelin’ or ’spear’ known by ottier names also like 6pkti, i’et'^i^p, kunta, kanapp^etc. It is frequently

eraplpyed in the dV to denote a weapon of Maruts, inrllcating the lightning. According to Apte it may mean a double ed/^ed sword, 8 sv,'ord in general or any weapon ns a spear, ^etc^,

It is referred to in the Aurian as a weapon of kandl.svars and r> his follov/ers^.

18, S^kti•

It is identified with a ’spear’, two cubits long having pn open and broad leaf-shaped mouth. Its handle was made of a wood and the blade of metal . As a weapon it is not mentioned in the Vedic index. It is an offenslv e Vveapon also ca

1. Of. v-AI.p. 113. 2, AG. 252.9. 3. UnV. p« 1 Of also Ai-*, 4. kur. 11.39.22: 46. 13 5. KV. 1.37.1 ; V. 52.6; etc, Of. VI. I.p.118. 6. Au, 7. kCr, 1.16.137. 8. WAI. p, 106• 531

1 *Auntp’ , According to B.K.Mnjumdnr it wj^s made of iron and

WPS plated v-.ith gold and adorned with bells; it wrs coiiKonly 2 - used by a cer-\

Skanda^, '

It is the weapon of Siva and his followers^ , It is

also used by the sons of karttavlrya in their encounter

5 ' with the Videhp . The Spktl cen also bf? used by the

king for punishing a iJrahraao^ thief^,

19. Ba..-uvha.

In the a V the v;ork is used to aenote p 'pearl-shell*

w'hioh WPS vorn as an amulet. In later literature it denotes

a 'shell' or a 'cottcb' using for blov/ing as a wind Instruirient"'^.

In the Va, 3iva is said to have used It^. Virabhpdrr- also had , 9 ' • it in his hand when he raided I'akses sacrifice . iue lianiKha

is referred to by the kurma. in connection with uevi, Vijjgu and

Krsna^^.• * •

20. Bara. * It is an 'arrow' usually three cubits long^^. Bara - "2 meaning 'reed' is used in rtV and later Bamuitas Its use

1. MSI. p .53. 2. Afti. p.15. 3. Vr, 41.38-39;54.24;Of. OBV,p,106. 4. kur. 1.15.45; 16.137 etc. 5. kilr. 1.22.55. 6. kur. il,32.6. 7. /I,II,p.350. 8. Va.24.159. 9. Va. 24.124. Of. OHV*p.106. 10. kur. 1 . 1 . 12.54;16.37;25.23 etc. 11. AAi, p.97. 12. HV.I.191.3; AV.IV.7.4; Tel.B. V.2.6.2;kat.B. 11, etc. 532

for firrow shafts is referred to In tile AV nnd eleo in tde

A^ni i'ureno^. The errov^s were mode either of iron or bamboo having feathers at the toil-end, Aou^llye mentiona five kinds arrows, viz.venu, ^nrp, ;^>oliiica, daijgo-ssrn nnd nerFcr^, The city of Bage was burnt by iiivo with one arrow^, Cf.elso under

’Astra’, '

21. iiS£M£L»

According to uikshiter it is a ’bovv'’". It is not mentioned in the Veoic Index, Sarngin is an epithet of Viijnu .

Cf.plso uncier Dhanus.

22. tiulo. It is the ’ trident* which is the regular emblem, of ^iva

In post-Vedic literature. As the weapon of Hadra it is not • / 7 mentioned t i l l the time of the Saavlmsa Braitiiana.Of. al,so unaer

’BinakaJ^supra)- In the luraia also it is referred to ns the main / / weapon of ^iva and the iiudrae. Hence the epithets of i^ivs;

Trl^uiapaqi, iiulapaiji, Huxin, Trii^ulla, etc".

23* Hpela, Hpara or Upela generally means a ’ atone’ . The word rarely ocours in the HV, In the Brabriaijas it denotes the upper and smaller stone which wes used po p pestle for W crushing Bcma'. In the Aurrua, however, It appears pa a

1. AV.I.2.1;3.1 , etc. 2. Ag. 2 4 9 . ^'t 1^ . ' i'iiAl.p,98. 4. Kur, 1,18.4. * 5. t'.Al.p,93. 6, Kur, 1 .6 .1 4 ; 2 5 U 3 7. VI.11.p.393. a . Kur.1.9.51; 12.5A; 18.5;46. 12;I1 .39.21;46.1C-I2,etc, 9. VI, I.pp.93-Vif. Cf,, a l s o AO, lo a hur. 1 ,1 5 .4 5 . 533 weeipon of the Hudras'*’.

24. lajra. It is the 'thunderbolt)*. The story regarding its mythic origin is given in the It is also referred to in the

3,Br^ and Kays.Br, It is included in the category of amukta weapons According to Pate the Vajra may mean any of the following: Trident, Axe, Combined Axe and Trident, the double

Axe,the double Trident and the double Speer^, Indrn is said

i g to have wielded the 'Vajra* in the different Mjjnvantaras? 7 The kurma mentions it as the best striking wenj^on . 1

Thesh isolated roferenoevS to the weapons do not give us any clue regaraing virar In ancient da^s. The ivurma does not provide us with infomation regarding the array and the vehicles or conveyances used in vai’s in the ancient days. Thus the I abvve data cannot be availed of in fixing the date of the text.

1. hue. 1.15.45. 2. '>raj?yaka CV*. ed. 98. 3. 3, Br. 1. 24; Aac^s. Br. 10-1. 4. wAl, p.llO, 5. AAX, p, 18. 6 . Va, 64.7; CHV, p,106, 7. kur, iI.V.8; Of,also, CHV, p. 106. Appendix II

Vows end isxplBtlons

Petekfi (sin) is defined es ” an act which is regarded as a wilful rebellion against or disobedience of some law supposed I to be laid down by God or Revelation; it is opposition to the will of God manifested in an authoritative work or at^ least failure to abide by the regulations contained therein^. Traces of the doctrine of sin are found in the riV, Several passages 1 of the RV use the word *pta' to mean morel conduct of man ,

Prayers ere also directed to the gods, viz, Varnna and Adityas for forgiveness and freedom from the consequences of sin. In this connection several words such as ^ e s , enas, egba, durita, duskrta, drugdha, aahas, etc, are employed which mean sin or 2 guilt •

The enumeration of the sinful acts and the classifications of sins into several grades ere also found in the RV, Thus from RV.VII,8 6 ,6 , drinking sura and playing dice can be in­ ferred as sinful acts, Rv,X,5*6 speaks of the seven limits 3 the violation of any of which is a sin. The Kirukta explains the seven sins as theft, violating the bed (of the guru), murder of a Brahma^a, murder of a bhru^a, drinking of liquor, oontinual performance of the same sinful act and felling a lie

1 . RV.I.90.6; V.12.2; X.87.1, etc. 2 . HV.VII.8 6 ; VIII.45.34; 11.29.5, etc, 3. VI.27. 534 535 as to a sinful matter. It also app«ars that from very ancient e times, the murder of a Brahmni[ia was regarded as the grsv^t of all slns^, though the Kat.S. holds the killing of a bhruna as _ * 2 - * worse than Brahmana murder , According to the Chand-Up/', the five great sinners are the thief of gold, the drinker of sura, the violator of the guru’s bed, the murderer of a Brahiriana and 3 one who associates with any of the preceding four , The Ap.Uh.

S, classifies the sins into two^: pataniya and aauclkera. The patsnlya sins are those that cause loss of caste whereas eauoikara are those that cause impurity though no loss of caste is caused. The former Include theft (of gold), complete loss (by neglect) of the Vedio learning that one secured by f study, destruction of a foetus, drinking of sura, etc. Among acts which render a man impure (asucikera) ere the co-habitation of an Arya woman with sadras, eating the flesh of forbidden animals such as that of a dog or a human being or village cock or pi{3;, partaking of food left by a sudra, cohabitetion by Arya _ 5 men with apapatra women, etc . Confession, repentance (anutapa), pranayama (restraint of breath), tapes (austerity), homa

(aacrifice into fire), Japa (muttering of prayers), upavasa

(fasting), dana (gifts) and tlrthayatre (pilgrimage) were held

1 . Tal.B. 2 .5.1.2 ;; S.Br. etc.

2 . Kat. S. 31.7. 3. Chand. Up.V.10.9.

4. A?.Dh.S.“ll.

5 . Ap.Dh.S.; cf.DS.p.1 2 . 536

to be the mesins of reducing consequences of sins from very

ancient times. Thus according to Menu and Gaut, the Vedic I student guilty of sexual Intercourse had to proclaim his lapse 1 while begging at seven houses , Menu and Vi.lay emphasis on 2 repentance in order to be free from sin , The Vas. £4i.S, states

that on the proper performance of three prenayaiaas all the sins 3 ooraroitted by day or in the night are at once destroyed , The

Baud, Dh,S, provides for varying numbers of pranay^as to be

spread over one day to a year for different kinds of sins

ranging from the eating of the food of a sudra to Brahme^e murder^. Menu declared that all the sins committed by people 5 in thought, word and deed ere burnt by austerities . Tai.Ar,

recommends to a person who considers himself impure, a sacri­

fice with the kufmen^a mantras^, Upavasa though strictly

meaning total abstinence of food and drink, generally means

light diet restricted in quantity and also as regards the nature

of the articles taken. The Tai«3. speaks of three ways of

observing vrata on phe days of the Darsapur^amasa-lsti by sub­

sisting only on food available in the village or on forest food 7 or partaking of no food at all , Jape has already been dealt 8 - - - - with whereas tirthayatre and dana are dealt with in Appendix-Ill

1, Gaut, 23.18; Kanu. AI,122. 2, Menu, XI,229-230j Vl§nudharmottBre II,7 3 .2 3 1 .2 jVi‘-Il-G itO

3, Va8,Dh.S,26.1-3. 4. Baud,Dh,S,IV, 1,5-11. 5. Manu.XI,239-241. 6 . Tai.Ar,11,8, ^

7 , Tal,S,I,6 .7.3-4; iXJ.pp,41-56.

8 . Of, Jrhilosophy.supra. 537

The words preysscitti and prsyesoitta occur in Vedio works

without distinction of meaning^. In the language of the

Mici^sa, prsyasoitte may be kratvarthe or puru§artha^ The

smftl works are generally conoerned with the latter type. The

word 'prsyesoitta* is derived frcva 'prays' meaning 'tapes' and

'oitte' meaning resolve the idea being that prayasoittas are

so called " because of a firm belief that it will be a means of 2 the removal of sin" . Many of the sins for which penances are

prescribed are also crimes punishable by the king. The caste

of the offender as well as of the victim ployed an important - , ! role in determining the magnitude of the prayesoitta as well os 3 the legal punisbaent . Some of the penances that are mentioned

in the Kurtaa ere described below:


According to I’anu this penance is constituted by eating

only one morsel of food for three days in the morning only, for

the next three days dieting one morsel got without asking for it 5 and observing a complete fast for the next three days, YaJ

differs with this in as much as he prescribes the eating of

just as much foodas would fill the hand, and not merely one morsel. The bearing of Kurma on this end other expiations is given at the end of this list. This penance is also referred

1. Tal,S.II.l,2.4; l.i«.l; III.1.3.2-3; Asv,3r.3.10.3S; Senkhayana Srauta, 3.19.1^ etc,

2 . i'reyesclttaviveka p,2 ; cf,Da,p,5 9 . 3. l>3,p.80, 4. Menu Al.213.

5, YaJ. 111.319. 538 to by severfiil other v,orks: Gsut., Vi. Dh.S,, PerisprH, Ves,

D h . S , , Bgud, D h . S ^ , etc., The seme psnence is prescribed by Msnu^ for expiating the sin of striking a with * fl weapon, of. Kpcchra ( infra }.


CUandr^ana is deocx'xbed as the rite ” whore tijere ia action by means of lucrense and decrease ( in tuf. i take cf food in imitation of the course of the phases of t cioon”^.

Manu, faj., Vas. Dh.r>. and Baud. Dh.O.^ define Onn Irsya^a es follows: On the first day of the bright half of $■ |nth only one morsel of food is taken, on the second tv^o r ' io on; on the full moon ( PaurnamasI ) 1 5 morsels are taVr>n; i.lhen on t the first of the dark half 14 morsels, one beirt’ reduced on I each succeeding day, there being complete fast on J prosya.

This CandriyEQa is known as Yovsnmdhye ( being l«rje In ! the middle like a grain of Yava ) since the largert number of morsels is taken in the middle of the month. Bui if one I begins the vreta on the first tithl of the dark half by I reducing one morsel each day, one has owoplete feat ion the I Amavesya. Then on the first of the bright half one rjiorsel Is taken and the intake is increased till the Beurnane«I on which

I 15 morsels are taken. In this letter case aa no foois is taken

1. Gaut.2 6 .1 S-l9 ;Vi.Dh.B.5 4 .3 0 ;Ves,Dh.S.2 4 .1 -2 ;baun4 i)h.B. IV, 5-8 , etc.,

2 . Manu. a I. 20S; cf, iAi, p, 130 ff. 3 . I^b.p. 1 3 4 .

4. Menu XI. 2 7 ; y5j.III.323; Vas. Bh.S. 27.21; r^aud. Db.iJ. IV. 5.18. 539 I

in the middle of the month end a large number of moreels is

taken at the beginning end at the end of the month it is

celled i-’ipilikp^madhya ( having the middle like that of an

ant). Thua the vrsta lasts for a month, there being, homa end

tarpansL every day^. There are several other varieties of

Candrayaga for which see D^J.pp. 134-137.


There are various eepsrste works on Kkartasi written by • 9 * medieval writers like i-kadasiviveka of Sulapani,i:ik;odasItattva I of Haghunandsna, etc. The f^jragas also speaK much (about - - - - 2 ! ekadesi. Scaie of them like the Naradiya prohibit the partakln<

of food. According to the Padma a householder should observe

a fast on only the dark ekadasis between SayanT { ^aidha ^ukla-

pek§8 ) and Bodhinl { Karttike Stikla) and on no other ekadpsi

of the dpik half*^. Marada prohibits a householder with a son,

observing fast on a sankrantl day, on the day of ekadpsi In the

derkhclf and a eclipses of the sun and the moon^. But these

restrictions do not apply to professed devotees of Vi^iju who

have to observe fast on ell ekadasis. As time ponned even

the rules regarding absolute fast seem to have been relaxed .

1, cf, B.quoted by Hemadri,Vratakhands Ch.27.pp.7B7-789,

2 . Uttara.24.4;?3*24. 3. cf. Bh.B.

4. ^^arada quoted by Hamadri p, 183; Baraeya-prakasa p,63^etc, T «» / 5. Saianyaprakasa. p. 97. 540

Thus the I^'erediye allov/s n person to take riaots,fruits milk and water on ekadasl, though not cooked food. ' According to Aeirf one may observe the methods of ekabhakta ^ taking only

I one meal after the middle of the day), n»kta ( taking food only at night), ayaclta ( subsisting on what is obtained without asking), complete fast and dans but should inot deprive oneself of the benefits of the observance of dvadaal ( with ekadasl). The liiaradlya ^ describes toe procedura {of eksdasl- vreta. -frou this description it appears that upavajss,worship of Vi|gu, J^agara at night with songs and music, parane on

1 2 th and certain restrictions about looking at soma persons ! or speaking to them and restraint of the s b d s p s , seem to be the main matters concerning the vrate, there being no homa^.

The Aurma recoramends fast on ekadasl to be follov/e^ by worship I of Vlgnu In the person of a Brehmana in order to attain the 5 - I supreme place , Apsrarkg quotes two verses as coming from the Kurma^, but these verses are not found in the extant text.

GOiiutra-Krcohra. [

The iTayescltta Sare'^ has a quotation regarding this 1

1 . uttars. 2 i,.7 -8 .

2. Uer, quoted by Hemndri p,, Dft.S. vcS.V, pr.l. p, 100.

3. N.I. 23.12 ff, 4. of. Dh.S.Vol.V. pt.lj pp.95-121.

5 . Kur. II. 26*32. 6 . On iaj. pp. 205-207. 1 I 7. Prayesoitta Sira p. 187. 1 541 penance: one should feed a cov. to sbtiety with gralrls of wheat mlxad with barley. Then the Ysva grains that are found in her

dung are collected. Of these grains a gpuel is prepared cooked

in cow’s urine and drunk^.


Krcchre is a general word for several penances* According to Oamavidhana iirahmana ” one should eat sacrificial food for three days only by day and eat nothing at night, then for three days more one should eat at night only, then Tor three more days one should not beg or ask for food from others and should then observe a ccwiplete fast for three dayo**. In order to expedii^te purification one is also asked to pass the day by standing end the night in a sitting posture . Gautama des­ cribes the kycchra penance of twelve days^ which ia celled — — ^ — L i^rejapatye by tlenu, ijonkha^ Yaj• and others^. Apart from rules regarding the intake of food, Gautama prescribes certain other observances, viz. speaking the truth, not holding con- versation with men and waaen' that are anaryas, bathing thrice ^•n J a day, performing the marjena^ offering oblations of clari­ fied butter. On the 13th day oblations of cooked rice are made foilov/ed by feeding of the dratimai;^as5. The Vratakhanda

1 , i>S, p, 134. 2 . Semavldhaj^Brabinffna I.2.1-4;oY.^.p.l32, 3. Gaut, 26.2-16. 4. a/!enu XI.211;ciBnkhn* IS,3;Ysj.^111.319. 5. DS.pp. 131-33. of Hema<5ri mentions the different kinds of Arochrea, viz. •• cL ' Jolekf^cchre, I’nitamatyi Kahendra, Vaisgeve, Saptnrsi, "gneya,

Bhaskara, etc., In all these vratas, the worship of Viauu is performed^. kycohrptiKrcohra. ,

This is a krcchra where only water is drunk on those days on which food is allowed in the iJ^rochre penance^, fij*ppe - 3 scribes this penance for 21 days, Geut. and Saaavidhena

Brahmana^ state that this penance frees a man froa ?|ll sins, iWanu prescribes the seme penance for strlklni^ a Bratuaaaa with a weapon and drawing blood"^. The i^rayaaoitta i rakprena (p.l5; allows a substitute of one mlloh cow for those who are unable to undergo Krcchra, of two milch cows for Atikroohrq and of four for Krochatlkrcohrs°, I i /i^r^ipsantapana.

According to Yaj, Uenu, Visnu Dharaa Sutra, etc., Saata-

pana lasts for two days"^. On the first day the sinner is to / drink together cow's urine, dung, milk, curds, ghee, and Kusa

1. Vratakhagda pp. 769-771. 2. Gaut. 26, 20;Bemavidhina firahmana I. 2.8 ; cf. it>. p. 133, 3. ’iaj.lii.320, Geut, 26.3;i>BrisvidhRna ijrahiuega. I-2-5 5. i’enu. a I. 208, 6, i’Jc5.pp. 133-134, 7. iij.ill. 31A; lianu.AI.212; Vi. Oh.8. 46.20, 543 woter followed by b fast on the second day. -For the Mnhesan- tspene, the sinner drinks separately for six daye in success­

ion the six ingredients mentioned above end fasts on the

seventh. Thus the Wshasantspana penance lasts for seven days,

^ankha end Baud, Bb.S. speak of Kahesantapane of 21 days dura­

tion^ whereas Yema speaks of the seme as lasting for fifteen

days , Mahesantapana of eighteen days la knovn ps Atisaiita- 3 pane .


The Banoagavya is prepared with the five ingredients due

to the oow, viz, its urine, dung, milk, curds, and ghee. The

sinner drinka it with the middle of a opri|l/!: of three Bnlisa

leaves or with a lotus leaf after offering it into fife. This penance is prescribed by Menu for petty thefts^, to one - 1I guilty of killing a cow, Yaj« prescribes the same penance for

a month'^. uevBla (verse 6 1 ), BerSsara (XI,3 ), etc., allowed

Sudras to take pancagevya without vedic mantras .


The Barakp lasts for twelve days. The performer of this penance takes no food for twelve days and remains vigilant 7 controlling his senses',

1. Bp^ha.10.9; Baud. Bh.S. IV.5.17. 2. e^ itpk^arp. on III. 315. BrSyesclttosire p. 191. 3. Ag.l?1.10;DS.pp,147 and 1 3 0 , 4 . Wanu. a I.163. 5 . iij.lli. 2 6 3 . 6 . i/h.B.Vol.II,pp.773-774;lV.pp.1 4 1 -1 4 2 . 7. Benu. XI. 2l5=BBUd.Bh.b.IV,5.16;YaJ.III.320;Ag.l/l.I0;etc. cf, US.p, 1 4 2 . 544

This pensnce is slready described above of. K^oohrs.

According to Psrpssra i^adhevlye the v.ord il^ochre without any qualifying epithet means Prajapatya^. According to Manu

Prajapatya is constituted of four periods of three '?eys each following one another in which there la rospeotivoly eating once only by day» once only by night, eating once only without asking for it end complete fast^, A seconu variety| of Prajapa- tya is also described by Vas, JJh.S, ” where on the first day food is taken only by day, on the second only at night, on the ] third day food got without asking for it is taken rpd on the fourth a cooiplete fast is observed and where the sejne process

Is repeated for two periods of four days each^.


Bantappna is described above under Mebasentapana.

Taptakrcchra. i I This penance is described differently in different works.

In the opinion of Menu,Vas, Dh.S.^ Baud, jDh.S., etc., the penance is of 12 days! duration cojaprislng four periods of three days eaoh^. In this the performer takes hot w'ater, hot milk and hot ghee t for three days each and then for three days there

/ 1, 5’arasara i'ladhevTys. II, pl>. I. p. 30; iX5, p. 132.

2 . ilanu. XI.2 1 1 . 3. Vas. Dh.3.23.43; os.p.l45; 4. Mariu, Al. 214; Vas. Dh.S. 21.21; Baud. Oh.S, IV, 5,10. 545 is a coaplate feat when be inbales hot vapour or atmoapbere.

According to iJnnu tbe performer has to bntbo only once end ^ 1 should practioe self-control. YaJ, speaks of this penance as of four day duration, v^here tbe performer takes hot jnllk, bot ! r gbee and hot water for on© day each end fasts on the fourth day. This penance according to the Mitakjarr is called aa tbe Mabatapta-kroohra. The isitaksara also mentions; a Tapta- kpoohra of two days in which the performer on the fjlrst day I takes all the three, viz. hot water, hot milk anci hbt ghee and 2 has a fast on the second day .

Chfl. 39-34 of the Aurma ( llttrrardha) desl with the 1 topic of expiations. According to the Kurma the murderer of a

Brahmeya, one hor. drinks sura, a th ief, a gurutelpaga ( one who defiles the preceptor's bed) and one vho cherishes contact with these four are the worst ctiminals. One who com- I peny £ of the fallen ones knowingly sharing ted,- seat and food with them becomes a fallen one at the end of an year.

Berforming sacrifices for them, having marital conpectiono with f them, imparting; religions Instruction to them and taking food ti in their oompeny also brings one's downfall, studying in their company for an year brings similar result.

A Brahma pa-murderer should,inorder to expiate tsio sin, make his stay in the wilderness for a period of twelve years.

1 . n:. III. 317. 2 , Be. p. 138. 546

Tb.rougtiout this period he should awey from teiipies end

spots frequented by Brehmenes, Ke should vfander f^bout in the

forest engeging himself in self-censure by ennouncing his I crime and with a skull In arm be should beg for food at only I tbV seven doors which ere not selected before-hnnd^ He should

take food only once a day or may subsist on wild fruits and

roots. On the completion of the period of twelve jeers in

this manner, the sin will be destroyed. But this expiation is

prescribed only for rn unintentional murder or forie murder

committed inadvertently, V llful murder of a Brahm«jna will be

expiated only by the person’s committing suicide r/ throwing

himself from a precipice, by entering into fire nr ViSter or

by resorting to fast. Or else he may, as an expiation, give

up his life for the sake of cows end iarahmanas, if ending echo-

I lorly Brahms^as at the time of extreme adversity, giving away

one's entire belongings to a Brshmagia well-versed in Veda,

feeding a Brahma^ia after bathing at the famous oonttluence of

^arssvsti with Aruna for three consecutive nights, taking the / / bath at Asvamedhs, a pilgrimage to Hameavars and visiting itudra . t after oathing in the sea at Hamesvara and propitiation of the ^ gods and pitrs after bathing in the Aepelamooanr ttrtha - 9 1 severally help one destroy the sin of murdering \K iJrahmena , hur, 1-^,Uh,31 deals vith the story regarding Bhalrr^va’s plucking

of the head of brahma and his expiation of Brahmrhatya^, Ch,32, deals with the modes of expiating the other four vilest oi^ins.

1, kur, II,Oh. 30, 2. For,story,cf, riellglon( supra). 547

One who ties committed the sin of drinking, sur^, of^n expiste th' sin drinking, when red-hot, sure,urine of cow, gosskydresa

{ juice of dung) milk, ghee or water,Unut, Ap.jUh.s^,^ Baud. Bh,

S,, Jileuu and Yaj. prescribe similar expiation for p Brshiasna drinking liquor^, ierformnnce of jcrshmshatye-vrrtr and wor­ ship of ^arsypnp with wet clothes on are also preshribed by i - the iiurme ss expiations for the sin of drinking rufe. A Bra- 1 hmsna who steals gold should epproaoh the king v^ith a weapon » 0 i viz, 4usala, •‘^hadira, Isgurje, bektl of sharp point I or an iron staff on his shoulder end ask for suitable punlsl-'ment after announcing his guilt, Tbo king may kill him at onne with the weapon or if the king allows him to go ( half-df^ari/, the thief is freed from guilt. But the king who ellowsi a thief 1 go unpunishocj derives the sin of the thief. Bifiilar punish­ ments are prescribed by Jjanu slao^, Acoordinp to turma the x ! same sin can be expiated by perfortaing the brahmah«tyB-vrata in the forests wearing bark garments, by givin ^vay to firah- i manas gold equal to one's own weight after bathing pt the t Asvamedha sacrifice or by performing kpccbra for an year. The expiations prescribed by the kunaa for defilirif? the bed of the preceptor are; Tightly embracing t tf r Statue of a woman made of iron while it is red-hot, sleeping t>n. the bore floor for a whole year embracing a log of \-.-nod or a branch of e tree full of thorns, excision of the testicles'and penis

1, Gaut, 2 3 .1 . 7>Pr Bh.S.; Baud. Dh.S. ll.l. 21; iAanu-XI. 90-91; Yaj.lll.253. 2. Menu. m i . 3I4-3I6. 548 pnd proceeding towards the south or southwest till the body 1 fells, performing Krcchre for on year rearing berV:. jgerments, tftking the evct>brteka bnth et the Asvemedhe sr'Orifi,oe, per - i forming four or five CoDdrayenes, etc,, Gput, Vss. |Lni,S, end

Menu also prescribe/; for incest the pensnce of excllsion of the testicles and penis and proceeding toward tb*? Houth or 1 south-west till the body falls , On© who conte^-t6 iny of the aforesaid four types of sinners has to undergo th« seme puni- sbment set for the four respective offences meutit)i ed above. ierfonuance of Tapa-krochra for an year ia also nresorlbed for them. They may also undertake a pilgrimage to holy places aitunted on the Earth. The einner may also enter jflre in a holy place v-hile worshipping god naparddina^. The ^Knrma also prescribes various pcnaaceB for sexual intercourse jetming f

I under the prohibited classes. Thus sexual unlor '"ijtli one’s own daughter, sister, mother’s or father’s sister,i-flfe of t maternal uncle, sister’s daughter, brother’s or a friend’s niece, _ | wife, daughter of unclf^an amenu^K sub-human), do'», wife’s I sister^ a weemn in her courses, on old woman, a nre^titute, a patito, a cindall, pulkasl, a na-pT ( ootress), a daoseuae, a washer-woman, o cobbler’s daughter, belonging to the some I gotra es of the mother or of the seine prevera^eto, is prohi - bited. The penances prescribed for such offences #jre : entering I into burniUfi fire, performance of austerities v>itu bodily morti­ fications, Condrayena, Santapena, -krajapatye ,krcch.|a, Atikrcc-

1 . Gout. 23.10-11; Vas.i^u.S, 20,13; li^anu.Al. 104.

2. Aur, II. Oh. 32. 549

hra, eto., A Bretuanoari oomraitting sexual union wlljb a woman t should bathe thrloe a day, wear the akin/, of a donHey, and

go about for alms in seven houses announcing biv*? /^.ijilt for the

period of an year. The perforiaanc© of Brahmahatya-yrata for 1 a period of six r.onths ic also prescribed as an exipigtlon .

V hen compared with the amrtis of i^ena, iBj’rjavoiVtyp^ etc, the

amrti chapters cf the 4urma mark a further stn?e o( development i Thus the kurma prescribes penances for several proiUblted -

sexual connections which arc not spoken of by othei smrtis.

As far es punishment is concerned, it beconeajclear from

the K u m a that it depended upon the varpas of t''*- forties

concerned In a dispute. The Brabmana had much r<^vt>ntage over

the other varnas and the ^udra was the one much or^=reased. We

have already seen that the miirder of a Brahmans wa,| considered

to be one of the five vilest sins, w^hloh when done ^unlntentl-

onslly was expiated by the Brahmahatyavrata of twelve years,

and when done intentionally had no expiation but death of

the sinner. At the sficie tine a BrahiHena coi:imlttin| an Inten­ tional murder of a ksatriya was to perform the Brabnahatya- vrats only for six months end vras to give Bvey(tojthe Brehmn-

paa}five hundred cows. Brajapatya, Sintapana or Teptekrcchrp

also are mentioned as expiations for the same% fop a Brahmans / killing a Valsya a three year Brahmahatyavrpta is prescribed with the gift of a thousand cows ( to the Biihm.aoa$ji.kpcchra,

Atik^cchra and Caadriysna are ether expiations. lri-|,©ational l.kur. II.33.1-20. 2. kar. II. 33.21-22. 550 killiug of a ksatri^a, Vaisya sad badra by a Brabmana can ba expiated by tbe perfonuanoe of Brabmshatyaljrsta far eight , three or one year respectively and by giving away ai thousand, five hundred end two hundred end fifty cov^s in thatj order. An eight year, six year, three year and one year vow of Brnhiiia- batyavrsta is capable of washing the sins of a i-r«i|>Ti8 na mur - dering a Bralvnanl, najanya, a Vaisya and a i-udri rdspeotlvely, hilling of p Vaisya by a twice born can be expipterj by giving away something to the twice- born, for the kiliiu of the inferior tribes ( autyajeaj Uandraya^a or Barren fonns the 1 j expiation . • j

tVinor sins are also destro)/cd by the perfor'’!''tjoe of sui- I table expiations. For pb/iotion of men end worpep, hurf-lary and p3 If ering^Cpndrayana is th« penance. For the thefij of corn, food and property belonging to persons of the same'caste, half of the austerities ooiriprising a hpcchra ere to be lierformed,

I’pncsgavya destroys the sins of appropriation of eatables,I i path, bed, seet, flowers, fruits, and roots, etc. , lAfter steal­ ing grass, trees, dry vegetables, raolaases ( gup) dtc.. One I was to spend three nights without food, ior stealing pearls end jewels, gold end otuer metals one is to subsist on knna

{ ? } for twelve days. For steeling cott'^n, dvisapha

\ anlKsls with cloven hoof), ekasapha ( with al.nrl') hoof), i flowers, unguents and herbs one should reiaain witod^t food 2 for three consecutive days .

1. Kur. II. 33.23-28. 2, K a r .Il. 34.1-7. 551

Expietlona nre r Ib o presorlbed for killing, the following

aniTQBls: *«oriduk;a, I'-’akulo, .kaka, BldSla, Atiarr, . a^pka.-Wana, j^^arjjara, Asva, larpn. Sandba, Varaha, Tittiro, ■‘^rranoa, *■ ' I Hoiasa, Balaka, Baka, Barhin, Vaaara, Byeaa, I'hnsa, | ^s^ra,

Hastin and Go. The expiations prescribed are pranlyaina, making gifts of cow, load of straw, idol or J;ede of iron^ e -vessel of aesw^e seeds, undertaking severe auatei', f- a « “ « walkingy'distance of a yojann, etc, Opndreye^e eno -|.-. aka ore prescribed for the uuintentlonal killlns of a co' ii.ereas ther« is no expiation for its intentional killing. For tilling an esthicnat(vertibrgte/^eomething is made over to a t-aianana end I for killing an 8 Uosthlmat(inverbibratesj prenayauo'is the ^ I expiation, i'or cutting town trees, pl8 fjik& and her|s and shrubs also expiations like the sipping of ghee^gifts o;' |ruits to

Braht!ie^F6 ena chantirii:, of -dc. one hundred tidies are j.-rescribed^,


Bating the flean of Crow, dog, elephant, Varaha, ivukkuta

^vapada, Bc"brp, Khare, fakula, Ulukp, t'Sarjjerp, Bplika hamsa, karandava, Cakravaka, Kapota, Tit-bibha, -ukn, Barasa,

Jalapada, ^isumara, Casa, .Matsya, kokila, tianuuka, iBhuJaga, i'ranuda, Vi^kirp, Haktapada, Khadga and kumbtika sraould be followed by the necessary expiations like the pertHrmance of I austerities, performing sacrifices, Gfintapana,t’- alv*e day fast, _ t gomutra-yivakahara for a month, Gandrayana, pei’foivr-’ance of sacrifice, meklug offerings of ku^mapria and gLrtc for twelve

1. K u t , I I . 3 3 . 29-39. 552

consecutive dnys, sre the expistions for partaking the flesh I and urine, flesh of the beasts of prey, flesh of c o v ^ frog ,

mookey, Siautaare, iinaa and l^atsya. Slnllerly by Jt’alandu I ' . t I " •Lasuaa, ^Jalika, Austimbha, Tandullya, Alabu, hifjK-jLK.'/t, 1 Asiaantaka

Uduinbare, one has to undergo austerities and Um u u ./" . Oan-

drayaipa also is prescribed as an expiation for -d - lI food

at sraddhe, for taking food In the house «hloh xh poll­

ution, for drinking soma, for partaking food of.fs^iv by a C"ri- I ^ala, etc. for partaking the food left over by a .-'rpn.!?ann, Asa / /_ trlya, Valeya and .:>udra, and conteuilnated by the f^?'*!rf’|tlon8 ,

drinking water from the well of a Cagdala,taki-'; ' , f^xcretions

I of e iEOU3 Q, pig, donkey, camel, frog, crow, cior- -/, Jeto,, the

expiations are austerities, Cendr^^ana ©nd Praj“.,c-t, R. Other

upapotckes mentioued ere drinking v^pter by p rp3f' i m d for sura,

touching a mahapetaki, rajasvala, Candnia, p nornr-, giving up

the daily rites like the samdhya, tending the fir-, 0 .,nasti-

kya, dcvadrohn, gurcdroha, rearing red or blue clothes,conver­

sing with a dendsla, touching a person polluted by the touch

of e Cagdala, sutekl ( one vho is polluted by the Iml^urity caused

due to birth or death}or a corpoe, touching surai, ielpndu end j-osuna, follcnving the corpse of a budra crossin. ti rJ shadow of

a ^vnpaka, answerin*; tue calls of nature In a to;- lej or in front I of BBges or (images of) gods and cavilling gorta, deities and sages. The necessary purifioetions are eleo descriied, A Brah- manp has to drink water for three days in order to purify him-

i self after a dog-bite (on foot). The spjae penance Is performed, twice,thrice,and four times depending upon the regions of the 553 body wiiere tbe dog bites es ebove navel, on tUe ar.,i3 or on the heed respeoLively, iiut for a wouian who is cuaste and wno is engaged in the service of uer nuaband no sin affeol^s here or

hereafter. To uphold the ideal of cheatIty tht3 3 t :ry of (Chi- ya- or Msaya- ) sita is narrated^

The puriflcator./ rites v.-hioh ar© to be at birth and death are described in Gh,23 of the Aunna ( ■ tt rTardha):

Ten days aubsequont to a birth or death in the iv • ^lly const!- I tute the days of pollution for a llrahrigna. lAjT'in ^thia period the daily rites and the Vedic studies should be f ur. jer.ded by him, Aieenwnile offeriri‘.:s can be made in the fir'" through other righteous Brshmanas. reople v ho are thus affecter, should not be touched by others nor should anything be acoe; ted from them throughout the period of ten clays. The sapirdr-r the pffe- I cted family, may touch each other eAcept the mothed and the father. They becoine purified after batuing or. eleventh i day, Teraons v.ho suffer fran contagious disoasps )r|ad %ho do

f not carry out the rites enjoined by the snstrp.s re lain impure 1 throughout their liff;-tirue. i.e. there should be r.d contact v/ith Buoh persons. Impurity may be of three or ten jdays dura­ tion depending upon uhe age of/^ceased child bolr | less than one year or more than an year, Leni quotes vorse.i ijrom Jiurma to the effect that ” If a child oiea within tf'n d'>y]s of birth, 1 f t the father and mother bave to observe Janenaorucr. ^ They get

1, Kur. II. Ch.34. for story cf. religion (

2 , i>h.n'. Vol.lV.p,277. 554 purified et the end of the aseuoe on birth and the father " 1 roaalas untouchnoie for those days, i3ut nooordln^f to/i^urran the father is ' sprsya', if a child dies before It struck + teeth the sspindes have to observe esauca for one f ^y. If a child dies before completing tv,o years the father have to observe asauca for three days end nlp-htr. If the death of e girl occurs before marriage the sani'-'dr^j have to observe impurity for three days. If the death c-'ot re before # the end of two years sadyshsauca is observed ( ‘'crson *■ gets purified after a both). After the Inltlatlo;) all (sa- . / . bfive to observe ( for ten dpye), the case / of e srava ( mlaoarriage in the first six nonthr) Xho asauca is observed os meny days es correspond to the ^^orlt^ n of pre- gnancy. In the case of pata ( nlacarrlage In ti;<' 5 ixth jrionths^ ' the impurity Is only for twelve days. The impurinj consists of only the mother being untouchable. The sapltior'^ are purified by p bath. In the cane of gnrfehceyuta the saplrof-f have to

I observe impurity for p day and night. In case tvo pollutions are caused by tv^o deaths occurring more or leas at the same time, one should purify oneself after the rempiniri | rnrt of I the latter pollution. If a birth and death coinoi'je the days of pollution are counted with regard to the depth, j> hen ten days have passed after the event of death,the man v|ho hears of the decth is impure for three deya and if he hear^ ^of the same more then an year after death he becomes pure aft^ir bath^.

1. iur. II. 2 3 .1 3 . i 2.'sflu,V,76 and ifr.Dkhe 15.12 for similar vlewaj 555

impurity is eiso observed on tbe deetli of the naternil

grandfather, preceptor, co-student, the king, ftc.. But the I duration varies v;ith regard to the different cate cries. A

Bralaamena gets purified in ton days, a Ksstriy? in twelve, ©

Vaiaya in fifteen and a i-udr© in a month. A : a purifies

himself in ten. days after the death of any of hi.'? ihatriye, Vaisye or Sudre reletions. A Veisya, Ksetriya e-r,n I-* --ralijipna purifies himself in six, three, and one plght 'j-:tively

after the death of ar.y of bis i-adra relations. V(i?*y Vartja

hea to observe his o’'n rules impurity. If p I t er Varija

la affected by the birth oT death of its relations belonging

toJhiQh.nv Vprne, the rules of the higher Varna a m to be -

adhered to in counting tbe days of pollution. 'Period of

fifteen, sir and thre<^' days purifies a .''■udrp, ASFt|i.ya and — 9 Brahmana from the pollution of a ''aisya relative. or ten • I “ t i — I days purify a Bretimaija, Vaisye end iiudra frcifi the ;|oliution

of a h.^ptriyp relative. A period of ten days pu^'iiles a - /— ! / Bratuta^a from the pollution caused by bis -’uarn, »1 isya and

K.^atriye relations. Ifipurity is also to be observed by a i iirahmaria for ten days after performing the funeral] rites of £ an e^pinds, sodgKa a!id maternal relative. A dr“i.r;ana viho . V follows ^ dead body of a t? ice born ( Brahmana) nurp. f ten him­

self by taking a batii " itii clothes on and aljipin ; -hrta. But

if ae follows ^ dead body of a A^atrlya, Vaisyr or, • "dra the

iiuparity is of one, t'>.o or three days respectively' "itti the 556

perforcmR06 of p hundred pregayS'nas in the lest cna^, B^dya^- , I pauco is also prsectibed for persons undertaking: ttii various

V0H3 and sattre^.^ the kinp; "who Is consecrated, et e Sacrifice, aarrief-e, at the destruction by fire end store], fr>- lue, and poison, after a lon^; travel, eto. One who kill? i jiself by

0 means of fire, poison and the like does not c-.nse

Slinilerly the death of i'^alathikes, Vanasthas, jrt-iv|, -jrafLaa- caris end fallen ones does not cause ijripurit:*. m f-em there Is no crenration, no pntye^ti, nor collection of bones, / ^ 1 no shedding of tears, no piii^s and no sraddhe .

A3- 1, kur. Il.ycf. pltjO. 02, p, 301. Appendix III

jr^ilr-rlmnqe end Gifts.

(Tlrthayotra and L'ane )

I I As all other religions the iilndulsm of anclentJ times

laid great emphasis on pilgrimages to certain Iccrlitles, t large rivers, mountains and forests which were venerated as sacred and as the abodes of gods.

In the HV. the word ’ tirtha ' appears to mean a road 1 o or a way ♦ Elsewhere in the HV'^, the same word is used to 0 mean ’ a tjly place!-In the Tal. S. when it is said that the seorlficer is to bathe at a ttrtha, it probable means a holy river. Tirthas are held to be holy because of the natural characteristics of the locality or on account of the fact that some sages resorted to them for bathing, austerities, etc,*

Thus a tirtha is a locelity or spot or expanse of water which gives rise to the accumulation of merit owing to its own pe- cular nature without any adventitious olrcumstanoeB^. Accor­ ding to Skanda lurana, a spot of earth resorted to by ancient good men for the collection of merit is called tirtha and the main thing is to go to ( associate with) (holy) men, and I ‘ pilgrimage is only a secondary object^. The i"ad;aa states that ell rivers are holy whether flowing through a village or -

1. SV. 1.169.6; IV.29.3,etc., 2. HV. X. 3 1 .3 .

3. iXi. p. 555. 4. Sk. 1.2 .1 3 .1 0 .

557 558 forest^. According to Va. and KCr, all parts of Himalaya are

holy. The Genga la holy everyv/here, ell rivers falling into the see end all seas ore holy2. In the HV, a large forest is

Invoked as a deity^. The Yrmana names seven holy forests of

^uruksetrs which remove sin, vis, KSayaka, Aditivana, Vyesa- vans, i-’halakivena, SOryavsna, kadhuvana and lunyasltavana .

The Visnu Hhanna Sutra includes pllgtimsge to holy places in • — 5 the eadharena dharjaa . But tirthes do not occupy as prominent a position in the sutros end the ancient smrtissuofi as Menu and lajnavelkya as in.the iib, end the itirinas. The Vpnaparva holds a pilgrimage to holy places as superior to sdoriflces^.

Many luranos contain several chapters eliloglain'’- a visit to the most important tlrthaa and the merit that v. Ill be gained by bathing there, sipping the waters, making gifts^ staying there' etc,^ Bilgrimsges were of much advantage to the Indian people following different cults to foster the idea of the f essential unity of Indian culture and of the Indian people, iI Moreover in those times a visit to the different pieces lying scattered throughout the length end breadth of the country was the only means of knowing first hand the layout of the country and its people. Above ell the pilgrimages supplied the nece­ ssary stimulus to make men think of the higher morel end - I

1, B. Bhumikhapda, 39.46»47. 2, V'a,77,117; Kur.JI.37.49-50,

3, h V.X,146. 4. Vsui. 34.3-5. 5. Vi, Oh,3.II.16-17. 6. Vaaa.82.13-17.

7. kur, I, 30-39;II.35-44; of, also Appendix.V. 559

Values .

iJans or gifts of various kinds have been eulogisf ed In the HV, in several places^. Among the objeots gifted the cow occupies the most prcminent ploce^. Tapes, knowledge ( metaf phyniofil), saoriflces and gifts formed respectively the prin­ cipal aspeota of religious, life in the four yi;ig88 vjlz.iirta,

Treta, taraparn and kali^.

”i>nnn consists in the oeasation of one's W'^nership over a thing and oreatin^^ the ovmership of another over taat thing and this last occurs when the other accepts the thing, which accept one a may be mental or vocal or physical'*^. AV)out the tnlne;s that can be tl'« subject of gifts it is seld'' ,whatever I is in this vrorld most desirable thing and whot one itri^.es most in one's house may be given to a man endowed with good quali­ ties by a donor who desires inexliauatible ( merit) from it"

Food, curds, honey, protection, oov/, land, gold, horse and elephant-^lfts of these nine are said to be the bes^; learning, I house for shelter, domestic paraphernalia, medicine, etc.,form I the mlcdiing d e s s of gifts whereas shoes, swings, (tarts, unibre- llac, vessels, seats, lamps, wood, fruits and old ptid worn out objects for.Q the inferior class of g.lfts'^t

1. cf.Uh.p.553.

2. '.125;1.126.1-5;V.^1;71.47.2?-25.

3. :V.1.126.3; VIII. 5.37;Stc. 4. Fanu.I.86;V5.8.65-66 etc.,

5. '^h. ?. Vol.II, pt. II. p. 8 4 1 . 6, Anusasena. 59.7.

7 , , Vo I.j I. pt. I.T. pp. 8 4 6 ,847. 560

Danas are divided into nitya, nairaittika and katiye. hat*

ever Is given everyday ( such fs food after Vaisveueiva, etc)

is Dltya, hhat is given pt certain specified i such as

on eclipsetjj or on account of doin^x certain acts ( sich as

penance for lapses) is called naimittaks. A'hrt Is p'iven 1 through the desire or securing pro^enyi victory, i rojaperity,

heaven or a v.»lfe is called kaiuya ( as i t springs fro;xi p nee ire^

The saiptls, rurar^as aud dii'.ests also specify t;e -.iDces where g ifts are to be made. Aceoruing to the Skauda fJanaras, » i Kuruk.^etrs, rrayege, Pujkara, the banks of.the 7 f,nd of

the ocean, I'isimi^a forest, Maraksytaka, Srlparv^ 1, =, **ahokala

( at bjje^ini) Gokpryp, Veca-parvate, oil riOuntr-lifi^■ ; rivers,

oceans, and the habitpt.lon3 of cows, sidubas e.:ui jes ere 1 holy; whetever is donated in these sacred placa.p conifers in fi-

nite rev ard p . I;

The K a m a deals with dsna. in Ob,26 of the dttairirriha. It states; bestowing anything of lariteriel value wlti; ci<^votion upon a fit person is known as * dene. It la concii^cive to I the ?/ell-baing of the donor and bis gaining ' muktil. .According _ I to the kunne,dnna is of four types, via.nitya,hai’otttlkn,kaaya pnd virnala. i’hat is given daily to a ^Tnt\ae;,'P etrrnter, with-

■ out wishing for thefiuit thereof is known as nitya. I Ihe gift v’hich is made as an expiation of sins, etc. Is knoi'nl es noiir.i-

1, Ibid, p, 3ua,

2, quoted by kemedri Pena.p.83.of. also Dh.^, pt,II. p. S5k. 561 ttaka. kpjnya Is ttie gift vthicti is made over wishing for a son, e welfare, evarga, eto., Vihatever is given with devotion to a — / knower of Brahma in order to please isvnra is the fourth and

forse&noat of the gifts known as Vimala. Bana is to bs bestowed

upon e Brahmena who is a Irotriye ( learned) Kullna|( of good faiiily), vinita ( modest), tapesvl^ vratestha ( one rho under­ takes vows), daridra ( poor) and one who tends fire daily, i-and food, knowledge, sesame seeds, honey, gold, butter, water-pot^ wealth;eto, are specified as articles of gifts, i'he full-moon day of Vnisakha, the dvedasi of Bagho, AiaavasI, tbn 8th, 11th

12th and I4th days of the dark fortnight are the particular days on which the worship performed of the BrahjnrrHs reaches

Mahadeva; whereas worship of Brshmanas performed orl the corres- I ■ ponding dates of the bright fortnight reaches Visnd. A wise man should worship the Brahmsnas to please the god!he wishes

t to adore , For ** the gods always dwell in the bodies of the I Brahmanas.., . So they ehoald be worshipped in the^ very carefully by those who desire the fulfilment of their wishes”. By making gifts much merit is gained by the donor, t I the sins coromitted by him Ip 1f|is seven births are nrpiatod, he is freed from rebirth and he ascends to Brahmalnka. Gifts ere also made of water, leap, gold, house, silver,' corn, reli­ gious knowledge, wood, fruits and roots, vegetables, medicines etc.. The first day of an ayana, days of solar and lunar ♦ ‘ eclipses, viyu and Bsiokrantl are the special days on which dsna is to be performed. For the rewards of D“na to be everlasting.

It should be made in holy places like Jtrayaga, the banks of 562

rivers or in woods. The eerthly beings heve no other piety than

that of making gifts. Hence one should always cultivate.the

habit of giving fifta to the learned Brahmanas.’' The man who

dors not give food to the starving Brahmanes in times of famine

is a hateful murderer of Brateanaa, iiothing should be accepted

from him, nor should anything be given to him. The king should V* brand euch a person and drive him out of his teijitory". Gifts

should be made only to the good,” A man should feed $ pious and learned Brahmans even if the latter has already got a full meel, but never an illiterate end undutiful one who has been

festing for ten nights”, A person versed in the law's should not

offer even v/ater to an infidel, a rationalist, the p^sfandas

and one who Is not learned in the Vedas”, Anillltefate one vho

receives gifts will be destroyed and reduced the ashes within

ncjllme. One may accept gifts from the twice-born ones of high

standing or from persons frcmi his own caste but never from a

Sudra. One who begs dally is in no way better than $ thief. He / will never gain svarga. ! I For e funeral repast the characteristics of the Brahmonas accepting the havls were enquired into end certain categories of

- 1 Bratoanas were disqualified from attending the funeral repast ,

The Hurme, like several other Hiragas, gives n long list

O f tirthas dana, snina, etc.performed wherein brings l:Tjaense merit to the performer^, I

1. cf.Social Organisation (supra; 2. cf.Appendii.V, Appendix - IV

GftOfrrephlcpl Chopters of the Kurma

The desoriptlon of the Bhuvanakosa ( geography oif Berth) is an important topic dealt with by many of the Jtxirpnas M,

Vi, Mir, Vam, Br, KQr,etc. These descriptions show that there were two different conceptions about the Barth., Accor­ ding to the first theory, the Barth is of the shape of a lotus with mt, Mahameru as its pericarp and the four conti­ nents, viz Bhedresva on the east, JauibudvTpa on the south, hetumale on the west end Uttare Kuru on the north forning its petals . Here Bhadraava or the ' white horse' signifies

China. Jembudvlpa was also known as Bhirata Ver^p or Haimavata

Varje situated south of the HimSlayas, Ketu - mrla was the I land of river Venk^u ( Oxus ) towards the west of S-Jeiru and i Uttare“K.uru was the vast region from the Altai mountain to 2 the northern ocean .

According to the second view the earth is composed of seven continents ( SeptadvIp^I Bhugola ). The seven continents being arranged concentrically with the seven seas surrounding them. The seven continents are Jembu, Plak§a, bal;iiali. ^usa,

Kreuncs, ^aka, iTi^kare, the Jambu being situated at the centre, I The Jembudvipa is again divided from the south to north into 1 seven Vsr.^as, viz, Haimevate V«r§a, also celled Bharets Var^a*^.

1, ifi. 113.43-44. 2. MBS. pp.184-185.

3. 113.28.

563 564

K.impurjfl Ver^a, Hari Var§e, Ilavpta Var§a, Hira^yaka V©r§a and Uttara K.uru, Ttiua in the older aoherae of OaturdvTpi

Bhugola Jambudvipa was only one of the four Vardas, hut in the new scheme the name JembudvTpa was given to the seven

continents frc^a the southern to the northern ocean. Two

Varies of the older scheme, viz. Ehadrasva and Kctum^le were left out as they did not find any adjustment in the ,appta - dvlpl conception. In the older scheme along with th0 four continents, four mountains, four rivers, four grovaa, four lakes end four animals were named. The new theory dlstur - bed this arrangeiaent and names seven mountains in the Jambu - — _] ! dvipa which are nsimed as Var^aporvatas . ,

The Bhareta Versa or Bharate is again divided Into >«t nine parts representing the new India which had dev»?(loped 1 1 in the Ku§ena Gunta period as a result of 0Qmmercla]j inter - 2 course with the Islands across the seas .

Ohs,45-50 of the former half form the geographical por­ tions of the ii-Tlnaa, The Aurma gives both the conceptions regarding the Earth, It speaks of the centrally situated p mt, Meru as the pericarp of the c)arth-lotus with fiharatas, ^ , ' > 1 Katuiualas, BhadrSsvas and Kurevas aa the petals'*, j^othing more is said about this conception. But the new tbbory is much dilated upon by the Eurma, The seven continents that

1. flCBS. 186. 2. Ibid. pp. 191 ff.

3. ivur. 1.46. 34-35. 565

constitute the iarth are named oa Jarabu, Plak§p, tjalaall, i^-uea, kraunoa, Seka and i\isknrn respectively surrounded by the aeas of k§ara, •k^urasa^auri, ghrta, dadhi, k§Irp, a n d svadud®. At the centre of Jambudvlpa is situated mt, Maha - meru^* Though the Matsye described Jambudvlpa pa coostituted of only seven Vargns ( as referred to earlier), the Ke and the

Vam, speak of the nine Var§as of Jembudvipa , which Include

Bh&drasva and Ketumala. The Kunna while speekin*]; of| Jnmbu names only seven Varies; Bharata, Kiiapuru.^a, Hsri, j‘^:ayaka, L 3 Hlrs^maye, Uttara Kuru and the centrally situated 11^4vrta.

But in a subsequent chapter^ it gives the characteristics of -' - - ' the people of Bhadrasva and Ket’amala, along with those of 1 the Var§as of Jamtudvlps, viz. t-iamyaka, Hiranraeya, etc, thus probably indicating that Bhadreeva and KetumalF are^parts of

Janibudvlpa, Thus here we get a mixture of the tivo e|)nception8 of four and seven continents fused into one of nine:continents 5 ^ 88 in Vejtt •

A description of Bharata Versa with its mountains, rivers, and Janepadas is also given by the Kurme^ According to the kUniie, Bl.arata is divided into nine parts, viz. Irylredvlpa,

Kaserukmen, I’amraparna, Gabhastlifiin, 2(igadvlpe, Baumya , ^

Gandharvn and Varuna, the ninth being left unnainedj These

1, kur, I. 45. 1“6, 2. Va.Chs. 34-35; Vaffl.Gh.13.

3. Kur. 1.45.11-12. 4. Kur, 1. 47. *

5 . of. VP3. p.2 7 . 6 . Kur, I, 4.7. 566 eight divielons are ideatlfied ea

Indradvlpp Andaman

Kaserukeiin i’a lay a

T^raparria Ceylon

Gabhaetimen Java (?)

hegedvipa Kicober

Spumya Sumatra (7)

Voruya Borneo


The Veai, substitutes iJaumya snrt Ciandharva with two other 1 names le’^ahs end Slmhele, The ninth division is identified by dejesekhare in his Kavya-i'Imause es the Xumorl i^vlpa or

Bharate^ The Jpneppdps of Bharat a neined by the Kur.rja are :

Kurupancele, iisdhyodesa, iurvadesa, Ksmarupa, iundm, Kalin;?e, ii>’ft3 adhe, faksinatya, Aparanta, ftauraf^ra, Blidra, i.Ina, Arbuda,

Malake, Kplapa, Perlyatrc, Beuvlra, Saindhave, liunni ifalya,

Balyp, iipdre, Hama, Andhra and larpslka. When ocmiptred with I other i^uriijas this list seeiiis to be shorter, !3uch short lists are given by the VI, and % n i glso^. Longer lists given by the -ler, Br, K, Va, B and Vam^, Thus the Kumia list seeais to be iDcomplete, cf, also Appendix V. I infra J.

1 . MPS.pp. 191-193; VP5-pp.28r29. t, I^PS, p. 191,

3. Vi.II. 3.1-19; A^.118,1-8.

/+. 57.32-53. Br.I.16.!vO-69; F.llA.3lf-57;Va.A5.109-137; B.27.41-70.vrm.13.36-53;of.WPS.pp. 191-196. Appendix - V

eng .Mpcep.

1, AdlijkMrlke.

mp. One or the seven kulspsrvetps of Kreuncpflvipe^,

According to Vayu it is Andhakarake^. of*also under


2, M n l . Ti, Vyass is sold to have visited this tirtha^. About

its situation, the Aurma pieces it on the southern bank of

the ih and £- also support this view^, i t is also

located on the Sarasvatl^ and babhreinatl'^ and is roferred to — — by y and Var under Varegasl and Aubjeiuraka respectively ,

3• A h a l v a ,

Tl, A person who v/orships Ahelya in this spot, on the

thirteenth day of the bright fortnight of Onitra, i,e, on

the day of Aaroadeva, becomes a second namsdeva- a darling e of the womenfolk . It is situated on the river Nanuada and « - 10 is referred to under Aarmada by Aur, t and M ' end under 11 Godavari by ^ It v/as here that Ahalya practised penance

1 , Aur. 1.49.27, 2. CHV, pp. 265 and 293.

3 . hur. 1.35.7. 4. Kur. 1.3S.4.

5. ai.108.27;p .I. 45.27; uf.DG.p.73i; A i.i.p ,i3 ; fiGA,p.i3o.

6.Sail 47.13-14; p.1.2?.?. 7. P.VI. .I. t 134 8. l‘.1.37.7; Vor, 126.63; ijs,p.731. n. AT;r. 11.41.43-45. 10 . 1. 43;a . i . 18.84;M.191.90-S3. 11. b.67.1;o f. i>s.p.731. 567 568

pnd got liberation-^, SGK identifies tnis place with the

temple of Ahalye^vara in ahslod*".

If t Ti,iieferred to under Vorprjesi as e place vlsitea bv VyeBp where he worshipped ;Jiva^. P also refers it under Varmiiesi^,

5 , Akolla. Ti.By bathing here, worshipping the Brahmanas, giving away gifts and offering pini^as to the ritps, the manes are satisfied^. It is the modern narae of A^-:;ast.V8^raflia situated to the east of Baslk on the Godavari^.

6. AlakpnanUa,

r.Alakanande, one of the four branches of Gangp on lat.

Meru, flov/3 to the south and reaching Bharata divides itself 7 into seven branches ana enters the sea . According to K the

Ganga is so called after it reaches the earth and begins to 8 ” . • - follow Bhagirptha’s chariot. Adi says that Gangs is so called n among gods end also speaks of the seven mouths of the river .

According to Bh the Bhagirathi is joined by the Alakananda at

1 . M.191.90-93. 2 . SGA .p.130.

3. Kilr.1.35.3. 4. B.l .37.3 Cf.BB.p.7 3 i

5. hur.ll.41.63 -65. 6 . Bey . p.217.

7. iiur.I.46,31; Va. 41.18; Vi. 1 1 .2 ,. 36; 8.114.

Adi. 170.22 end 170.19. 8 . N, 11,66.4 ff. 569

_1 tho Deveproyaga, tae corablnd streea being then called Cranga.

According to W the Bhagirpthl and AlPKanande meet near

13Bdarikasi’ama‘'. it is a tributary of the Gangr v/hicli descends the southern slopes of £ieru, traverses the Heiaaku-te and

Himalayas and iiharata end dividing itself into seven branches, enters the sea on the south^.

7. ill. Ti,3y its pov^er even Brahinehstya is cured, irenticned under Aariiiada.: A


rat,SI tested in the Bilespur district of central provinces"^.

Lai’ and Dey identify it with a part of the Lekhaia tills in

Goad’.vaca Id the teritory of I>!agpur, the source oC the rivers 6 7 I'iarraada and Son°. SGA also supports this view'.

This mount is surrounded by the Gods and Gandbarvse. ididra accompanied with i>evi, Brahma, Viaqu ana the Virtyadharas has made his stay there. A visit to this hill during eclipses confers merit equal to the performance of ten A^vaisedhas, One who gives up his life there by entering fire or water or by fasting enjoys stay in ituarsloka for crores of years and does

1 , Bh.lV.6.24; V.17.5. 2 . K. 11,67/77-73.

3 , O f ,LI, 1, p.llh; LS,P.731; Dey.P.3 and HG,p,6 /t..

1*. Kur. 11,42.37-36. 5. ob.p.7 3 2 . 6. HG. p.303; Dey.p.4. 7. BGA,p,132. 570

not return to this Ssrasere, A circuranmbulotlon on this mt, confers laerit equsl to the performence of e Pauijt^^erlkp seorifice^. The river l^RrmsdR flows from this mount which is 0 2 sitURted on the western querter of Kplinge , The feiuous lake of Jale^vara is eitueted on the western foothills of this rat^. ' - k Sraddha performed here is of Infinite merit . It Is a

Sicidblksetra where Angiras performed penance for fifteen orores K / / • of years'^, 'Aorship of i>lva and performenoe of Sreadha on this £. mount are highly eulogised by Va; Ves, uh, S, M, etc , r

^ / states th'^t the second of the three puras of iiarja burnt by iiiva fell on this

9. /oiFrpvntl.

Oy. On the east of the city of Brshna, on the ceme rat.

(Meru) is situated Araerevotl, the city of Indra, Indra is worshipped there by thousands of gods, siddhas, apseras and gandharvas. This city which withholds entry even to gods is reserved for people v^ho arc righteous, who perform sacrifices s and know Veda . It is however noted for the pleeRure-pprk

Nandana. A description of this city is given by Bh and Va^.

1 . kur. 11.40.32-39 2 . Kilr. II.40.'i-13.

3 . Kur. 1I.40.2J-23. 4 , hur. li.2o,2 f .

5, h r , i l l . 13 .4**l6.

6 . V7.. 77.4-16; Vae. Dh.3.85.6; &I.22.28; 186.12-34; ISS.7 '7 ; 191.25 etc.

7 . .0S,p,732; PI.I.p,81. S. nur. 1.46.10-12.

9, Bh.VJII.15.11-22 and 3 3 ; Va.77.26. 571

10. Amblkeyp?. / - 1 rat. One of the mounteins of S^kadvipa . A hill oltfidel

of ^Rkfidvlps^. Cf,under Sakfldvlpe.

11, Amrtp.

r. The Aur end the Va mention it as e river of irlekgndvlpa^

whereas the Bh refers 'Amrts’ as a division of i^leksaUvIpe^.

12, Ananda.

Verves naiaed after Ananda, son ofiledhetithi, in i^laksadvlpa?

13. Anandapura,

Ti, is said to have visited this tirtha, bathed / there, worshipped ciiva and propitiated the Gods and manes with oblations of water and rice. Included under Varanasi^

14. Anaraka.

Ti. Kur mentions it under Harmeda end avers that one who

bathes there would never enter ’nnraka'(hell). In case the

bones of a person be dropped in the waters of this tirtha, he will be attended with beauty and ell prosperity in later birth"^,

W also refers to it as a ksetram on the itiarasda^. This tirtha

can be located near l^otasenja, tw’o miles from Uchadia. Temples

1 , Kur, 1,49,34. 2 . Br.II.19.8S.

3 , Kur. 1.49.8; CHV,p.314. 4. i"I.I.p.85,

5 . Kur.I.4 0 .26-27; VS.33.32; VI,11.4.4 and 5; Mgr,53.39; Of. 113. p. 732. ,

6 . Kur. 1.35.15. 7 . Kur.ll.41.91-v2.

8 . M. ISO.1-3 end 194.1?. 572 of Anarpke^vpre pnd Sara^^pffle^VRro are found at the confluence of the I^ermada pnd the MadUumpti near iSotesenje^. tur cells it

na Dhermereje tlrtUa also end pieces it to the v^est of yamune.

All sins are expiated by bathing here end giving ctf??!tions of water to gods on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight^. 3 VF«n includes it under kuruk^etre'^.

15. Andhpkara,

Versa of and neBied after the ^ n of i>yuti;nen, ^ing of

•^v ** Zl kranncadvipe^.

16, Andiirps,

The Andhras are mentioned by Kur ns the na'ae of a people 5 who mede use of the v/eters of the rivers of Bharata', The iuar filao mentions the Andhres as a southern peopie^^. They are 7 also mentioned in the Ai.Br , Law and uey consider the Andhra country os the region between the Godavari and the including the district of kr§ne i,e. the present Telugu 8 - country or Andhra Brodesh . The Andhra people formerly Q occupied large parts of the Oentral and Jviorthern Beocen' ,

1 . GGk.p,1 3 4 , 2. kur, 1.3V.5-6,

3, V^m, 41.22-24; Cf.D6.p,733.

4 , Aur,I.40.1i?-21; Va.33.21,23; VI.11.4.

5 , Kur, 1,47.41-44. 6 . I^ar. 5 7 ,4 8 -4 0 .

7 . Al. i3r.7.10.

8 . iiG, p.140; Bey,p,7; Uf also SGB.p.l35.

9 . GA*.I, p.31. note 1 , 573

17. Andyprpke.4vprr,.

It^entlonei uno*^r J^orriBcia as o place by visiting v/hicb one

fitteins Hudreloka'^. lA also refers to it as b i^l^ce on ttie

river ivarr-ipde secred to Ao^nrakB , iJuA locates it et

AngpresvfirB, one mile from i^^ikovB on the southern bank of the

i'^ar.'iiBdp where there is e temple of Angere^varR^, Ag InolucJes ^ -4 it under Gaya .

1 B. AnglrasB,

Ti, On iypiri'riBdB, it v^r s here that Aiigire, Oon of J^rahrae, / pttained loga by worshipping Siva, One who bathes there gains

the merit of (moking a gift of) one thousend cov-s and ascends 5 “ 6 Kudraloka . P also places it under Kar.-Gada ,

19. An.1ana,

mt, in JambudvIpB, On this mt, is situated the IJaripura wherein live the epseras, rambha, etc, with their unsatiating

love for amorous sports, Oltrasene and others always come 7 there seeking pleasure , kur places it ©n the south of juake

Knfcabbadra^ The Sk says that it wes made up of gold'^. Va speaks of this rat, as a hill situated to the west of ^itoda

lake and as e residence of Uragas^®, The Br.G, says that

1 , tur, 11,41.6-7. 2 . a:. 190. 9; lii.5^:-')0 .

3 . aik. p.137. 4. Ag. 116.29; os.p.733.

y.1,16,50; ilo,p.7 3 3 . 5. kur.11.41.31-33.

7 . Aur. 1,48.47-49. 8, 4ur,I,45,33.

9. Si., 1.36-48. 10. Va.36.26-29. 574

Anjana is a mt. in the east • Identified with the Sulaiman 2 range in the i'acjah .

2 0 . /nnada. / 2 mt. One of the Kuleparvatas of Salmalldvlpp , Ih© V© 4 gives Unnata instead of Annada, / — I 21 • Ante hs 11 a.

r, fcinerging from the foot of mt.Vindhya . Va aiho mentions

it PS originating from the Vlndhyas^, According to i^.O,Sircar 7 this river cannot be identified .

22, Anusa. ^ to Tl, fioly place referred under Varegasi, Vypsa visited this

holy spot, pleased Gods and menes and perforuied wursnip of iSiva^,

ATot mentioned in Db,

2 3 . Anutapta. - 9 r. One of the seven rivers of i^laltsadvipa.

24. Aparpnta. to Ja, The Aparantas are referred/as e people who used the

waters of the various rivers of Bhsrata Var§a^'^, According to 11 Bhandarkar, Apsranta is the western coast below GsUyrdri , / ! Asoka is said to have sent a Buddhist missionary to this place

1 4 .5 . of.D3.p.733. 2 . Ha.p,65; Bey.P.8

1.49.14. 4. OHV, p.320.

1.47.35. 6 . Va.45.103; of.^r'I BB.P.733.

P . 5 1 . 8 . Kur. 1 .3 5 .2 ,

9. Aur. 1.49.7; Va.49.17; Br.II.19.19; Vi.II.4.11.

10. Aur. 1 .4 7 .4 2 . 11. cf.BGk.p.136. 575

1 - - ’ In 245 B.O. Ths V« slso refers to the Aperantlkos on the

VindUye plateau who were annihilated by Preraiti at the end of


25. A'ps’-'resr, .-3 Ti, Cn the Narmada , One who bathes here reahof-a Nakaloka - 4 and enjoys with the epsaras .

26. \rbudc8 .

Ja, The Arbudas are said to be people who used the waters - 5 of the rivers of Bhareta , The country of the Arbu

included by the Va ejvong the Dek^ir^etya desas^.

2 7 . A ru na.

r. Between the Saresvatl end Orsrdvatl near irthudake. I Sarasvati is said to have joined itself to Aruna to cleanse 7 the Haksasas of sins and Indra of Bratoenn murdf'r , This

confluence of Sarasvatl v.dth Arucp is fj^.ous throughout the

world for even the sin of Brahmehatya is expiated by bathing

at this confluence end feeding a Brahjaaijo for three 8 consecutive nights • According to the Venaparva the Aruna

is a branch of the KauslkiT 9 It is also mentioned under I .7 10 Grodavorl by etc, Aruija-samgeme which is its junction

1. Bey. pp. 9-10. 2. Of. u:iV,p.266; Vo.56.75-Sl.

3 . ».194.16; P.I.21.16; Kur, 11,42.24.

4 . kSr, 1 1 .4 2 .2 4 -2 5 . 5. K5r, 1.47.42.

6. OHV.p.2 7 0 . 7. Balya.43.30-35;bf,x4.p.734. ! 3 . Pur, il.3 0 .2 2 , 9. Vans,34.156,

1 0 . B.89.1; P.VI.1 7 6 ,59. 576

with SprssvRtl is three miles north-esst of rehOR or -t-rthudolcB^.

28. ;runode.

1, it is one of the four spcreh lakes situated in

Ilevrtfei . The mountsins lyin^; on the east of this IfiKe are

also made mention of''. Cf,under llavfte Vi plso mentions it

ns n leke in ilpVYtp^. According to i.i it is on mt. *.eru^. Vr

refers to it as on the enst^.

29. Asitodp.

1, Another lake in llnvrte? keseracnln,etc.pre the a mountains situated on the west of lake Asitoda I if.under

llavfta'). The Va gives witodn^ instead,

30. AstaPiiri. /- - 10 mt.One of the Xulaparvatas of bakadvipa Astogiri is

also given as e variant,

31. A^varntha.

Var§a. iion of Jyoti^man, king of Kusadvipe, ills Vai*§a was named after him^^.Cf.under Ausadvipa. I

32. ><-svntIrtha.

Tl, The confluence of the Gangs and the i^alindl in the

1. icy. p.ll. 2. AOr. 1.45.23-24.

3. AGr. 1.45.27-30. 4. Vi. 11.2,26.

5. M.113.46. 6. VS.36.l6;Cf.CiiV,p.322.

7. Aur.I.45.23-24;Vi.ll.2.26. 8. Aur. 1.45.36-39.

9. Of, GhV, p,322. 10. Aur, 1.4^.. 34. 11. Aur, 1.40.22-23. 577

district of Kpnpuj^ Tbis v r-s th.e pipes wherein

Koike obteined e thousend liorsea throui^ti bis propitietion of

Verune, wbicti he geve to Gedhi es nuptial price for tUe hand

of nis daughter Cetyevoti■2 • |pnd P raontlon it under hp.riiipde end 3 _ e3 Bpcred to pitrs whereas B places it on Godeveri where the

two Asvins were borrA. Kur refers to it ps on abode of the

Giddhps, Therein resides Aarpyp^a in the company of the



Tl, Virpijpsl or Banpras wriioh la not left by Bivn at any

time^. According to Br Avimuktam is the name which ^^anoras / — 7 got after Blva and Uma made it their residence , Game as - , - d - . - Aviraukta or kpsl . It is the city of Varaijssi, the holy place / most beloved of o.iva. It is a cure for all sins, the supreme C] knowledge, the highest place ana the supreme principle .

i Among the kgetraa, Siva is Avimuktaka Itself for he is the .10 foremost and the best of everything" iVi states its north-

south length to be one half yojana and east-west length as

t^vo yojanas^^* Blsewhere the measurements are given as

1. Bey, p.13. 2. VI. IV.7.15.

3. M , I S h . 1.21.3.

4 . B.89.43;Of.Ob.p.735;rI.i.pl25. 5. isur. II. 35.3B.

6. W.180.54 pnd S>'4; 181.13,15,31; 182.4-5,etc.

7. Br.111.67.60 end 63. 8. Vi.V,34.30 snd 43. 9, Xur.l.Ohs, 31 to 35, 10. Aur, II.7.14.

11. M. 183.61.ff. 578 on© hnlf yojRne and two end helC yojanaa reapeotlvely^, *1 chs.

180-185 deal with the glorification of Avimukts, the pight of which tirtha is held to be capable of destroying ell Pins.

34. Avodij/i.

Oy. The tlrtha of ^akre is situated in Ayodhya Ayodhya is one of the seven ancient holy cities of the Hindus, - - 3 „ situated on the Ghagra in the fyzabad district of l-,*. it was the Capitel of Dakaina Kosola, Hrevasti being the; Capital of Cttera Kosala, The Sarju or the Ghagra divided /oaslo into 4 , / two • But the ftsghuvemse holds Ayodhya to be the Cf,pital of 5 1 Uttare-hosala , It Is also mentioned as the Capital pf king i.^tuparija and of Hama by the AV, Tai, Ar.r etc,^ Ins eiioient - 7 i capital of Kosala was also Ayodhya , It was the Capital of - 8 - Iksvakus and was also kncrn as baketa • va gives a long list - 9 of kings of Ayodhya beginning with Iksveku , Vasistnp is said to have protected the kingdom of Ayodhya in the absence of the King^^. j

35. Baderl. |

Tl. Here stay Kara and Narayor^a. Holy for sraddiia, dana,

1, ii. 184.50-52. 2. kilr. 1I.U.46.

3. P.736. 4. Day.p,14.

5. tigghuvcinsa VI.71 end IX. 1.

6. AV.X.2.31; Tai.a t .1.27.2; Vana.60.24-25. etc,

7. tia.Tii.1.5. 5-7. 8. iih. 1.x.8.17-19; H r.lll.54.54; Bb.p.736.

9. 7i.68.20 ff. 10. vS.88.94. 579

etc. It is ft tirtha beloved by Siva . A holy place situated

on the Gendhaiiadens, sacred tp IJars and Warayaga, Ha,ri is

said to perforii: tapes here for the welfare of the world^. It

is a tirtha sacred to pitps and hence fit for ^rnddhf^ . It is

also called Visala. The temple of uadrinath is situated on

the right bank of the Alokeaanda::4

36. Badarljcasrarpa (or Badarl),

Ti, riadrinath in Gerhv/aljU.P, It is a peak of the

hiraalayon range situated to the north of Hardwar end 55 miles 6 ' north-eest of Srinagar , Mitra and Varurje practised tapes

here; .Ituated on the Gandhamadana mountain and was ttie abode «• •• H of jNara end I'lerayana . By visiting this place sins fire washed 9 - - off . Aur states that the sages SanatkuiJiara, Sennkn,

Sansndana, Angira, ihidra, Bh^gu, taijada, Garga, Vama^eVa, , I Sukra and Vasi^^hs performed severe austerities in tl|e

hermitage of sage Badari pleased by which Slva appeared before

them end imparted to them the supreme knowledge^*^.

37. Brhuda. 11 r. rising from mt.Hiiuavet . It is a river near the

1. kGr. 11.37.50-52.

2. Bh.III.4.4,22.32; Vil.1 1 .6 ; Br.III.25.67; Vi.V.3 7 .3 4 , etc.

3 . M. 2 2 .7 3 . 4. DS.p.7 3 7 .

5 . Ibid. 6. Dey, p.1 5 .

7 . i.f.201.24. 8 . Vi.V.37.34; Br. 111.25.6 7 .

9. Sk. 1.53.59. 10. Kur. II.1.18; I.3 1 J

11. Aur.i.47.2^* Anu.^asana.l65.27; P.1.32.31; A,II.60.30; ii.114.22; Ve.45.95 50U

— 1 — • _ Snrp.svRti . According to irarglter it is the river itemagenga

y.'hich joins the Gangs near i'^anauj and according to Gey it is

the river Dhebala, now called Ghumela or Burhe-tiapti, a 2 tributary of the Haptl In Oudh . About the origin of the naice

the legend of sage Llkhita, whose severed a m was restored by I bathing in this river, is given in Mb^. Va.(88-66) states

that Geurl who was cursed by her husband, iuvana;^va,

transforraed into Bahuda^.

38, iblahake. / * C I rat. One of the kulaparvetes of Salmalldvipa'^. Xt drowned

itself into the (southern) sea for fear of lndra°.

39, Belpka, 7 r, rising from the Vindhyas', It is referred tc In ilb K # ■» Q alSo , The Va mentions Bitibahu instead ,

40, Balyas,

Ja, Balyas are mentioned as a name of the inhabitants in 10 Bharata

1 , OB.p,7 3 7 , 2, Of,oey, p,16,

3, Banti. 22; HV.12, 4. GS.p.737;i‘I,II,p.4 8 1 ,

5 , kHr, I.4S,14; Br, 11.19,37; VS.4‘. .34; Vi. II. 4 .26.

6, Va. 47.75; Br.ll.l8 .7 8 ; ii.i2i .72 etc,

7 , Aur. 1 . 47. 34. 8 . Anusasane, 25.IS.

9. Of, GiiY.p.l69 10. kur. 1.47.43. 561

41 • -^enr!,

Tl, Under Nenando, One dies here gains fiudraloka'*',

2 _ - It is Bientloned by B under Godavari,

42 • 3hpdr.^«

r, Bhadra is one of the four branches of the heavenly • -3 Genga , Bhsdre after traversing the northern mountri.ns and i. the land of the Utters Kurus empties into the Korth sea . 5 According to Kr it ie the river on which Harihera is $ltunted.

Bey identifloo it with the river Yarkand on which the town of 6 Yarkand is 3 itdated ,

43. Bhrdra.1 ale or Bhadrasrlla.

uit. Situated to the south of l.Mabebhadra in Ja;. budvipr .

44. Bhydr^kar^p. |

Tl. Bhedraka.rQe is a tlrtha equal in holiness and fame to - > - 8 Varanasi, People who die there are liberated , Bhaorakanjaka / 9 is also holy for sradaha', Dey identified it with kpinapura

or iiar^all cn the south bank of ^arjiada ooctaiciijg a shrine 10 of jf’ehaflev© ,

1, Xur, 1 1 ,4 1 .9 -1 0 , 2, J3,123.2i4.

3, Bh,V.i7.5 pnd 8; Vi.11,2 .34; 8.113; Kur. 1.46.33.

4 , Kur. 1 .4 6 ,3 3 . 5. Ifr, 65.18,

6, Bey. p.31. 7. Kur, 1.45.33.

8. Aur. 1 ^3 1 ,k6. 9. Kur. 11.20.35.

1 0 . Bey. p .31 582


Vrrqp, situated on the epst of Weru'^, The men of , I i^hodrpsve ere of white complexion end women are of the hae of 2 ffloonbeems. They live for s full ten thousand years , It is

traversed by Site, a branch of the heavenly Geni^a^. Va gives

a list of its mountains, rivers and jenapadas^,

4 6 . Bhadresvara.

Ti,Situated on the northern bank of ilarrnada, trie v/ho

takes a dip there enjoys in the company of the various gods,

According to M also it is situated on the northern batiK of

Warnada and is sacred to Bhadra and the pitrs^

47. Bha-'^Iratht.

r,Banie as river Gangs. It is one of the seven streams

that started from Bindusaras and following Bhagirathas chariot

reached the sen^. it is so called on account of Bhaglratha's

having brought her^; Holy for sraddha^; to its east lay * i o ** Hanisaprapatana, a sacred spot , According to the turma the

Hamsaprapatana tirtha is on the north bank of the x^hnglrathl^^.

l.Kur. 1.45.21. 2, Allr. 1.47.2.

3. Kur. 1.46.30. 4. GliV. pp.267- 8 .

5. A^r. 11.41.4-5. 6. M.13.3I; 22.25,32.

7 . W.121,41.

B. Br.II.18.42; III.1 3 .100; 54.51; M.12.44; Vi.88.169;

VI. 111.18.57; IV.4.35 etc.

9 . Va. 77.V2-S3. 10. M. 106. 32. 11. Aur. 1.37.24-25. 583

4 8 , Bfarry>bhutl or Blierpbh5tl.1n.

By j)l®asiDC t

dies here becoiaes the leader of idivn's geijss. In case Biva

is propitiated here in the cionth of Karttika, the reward is

double that of the performance of Asvamedha. Heferred to

under Hprmadi^. It is e tirtha on the l^armoda. JLordi

Virupak^n is enshrined here^. also refers to it^.

4 9 , Bharpta,

Bhorata and other verses are described in the kurmp^, _ ' 5 c Bhareta/situated on the south of Meru"^, There ere four yugas

in the Bharata Vb t ^p , viz.kyta, Treta, Dvapora and /all

respectively. This system of yugas exists in Bharpta only^.

The oitizeniof Bharata are of varied colour worshipping various

deities. Their life span is of a hundred years. The area of

this versa is 9000 yojanas. On its east ere klrptas and on the / y Virest are Yavanps, Brahiaanas, Ksatriyas, Valsyas and Bndras

live in the centre sustaining on sacrifice, war (acLainistration^

and commerce, Bharata consists of nine dvipas or divisions, viz,

Indradvipa, kaserukuian, Tsmraperna, Oabhastlman, I^agedvlpe,

Oaumya, Gendharva and Varu^a being the eighth,the ninth being

left unnamed which inextent Is of 1000 yojnnes north-south. The

seven kulaparvatas of Bharata Var§B are iviahendra, i'alaya, Sahye,

1. kur. 1 1 ,4 2 ,2 5 -3 0 , 2, M,194,18—30.

3 . B.I.Z1.18, 4. Aur. I, 4 7 .

5 , Aur. 1,45,11, 6 , Aur. 1 ,4 7 ,4 5 . 5Qh

Spktiffipn, Kksepsrvptfl, Vindhyp md PerlyatTpl Jt-erlpatTp), Ivlany

rivers take their origin from these mountains. All these

rivers and their tributaries are holy and help the people wash

their sins by their v-aters. By making ^ifts end bathing in

their vpters much merit is gained. The rivers that originate

from mt, Himavat are Oatadru, OendrsbbagR, Serayu, ircmns,

Iravatl, Vipasa, Vitaste, Bevlka, Auhu, Goroatl, J-'hutapapa,

Bnhuda, Br§aavatl, K s u s I k T end Lohinl^Lohite), The rivers that originate from the I'eriyetrs ere Vedasrarti, VedavatT'Vedarate j,

Vrataghnl, Tridiva, Venjaseir'erna, rarnesa), Candanaioabandene),

CanaRnyavotl, Sure, Vidise end Vetrovetl, The following rivers

take their source from mt,dk^ava.t: aaniada, t^urasn, -x»i;a,

Baseriye, Mendakinl, Citraku^a, Tainasr, liseclk a, Citrotpale,

VisF-lah Vipasa), Menjule and Valuvahinri Hatnavehini;. -- t.

Vinahye forms the source of the following rivers: Tapi, rsyo^ni,

Ijirvindhya, Blghrodp, VinneiVenye or Cinta), ValtaranT, rieleka,

JcLumudvatl, iiahegauri, iXirga and Ante^sila. In the Bai^siijapatha

also there are rivers of which the following ones h»’ve wfCC^hya - ^ - - - - . ( _ as the source: Godaverl, Bhimarethi, kpjjQa, Vena, Vs>oy^^ta,

Tungabhadra, Supreyoge anci ilaverl. Mt.Aialaya is the source of

rttumple, Temrapergl, luyyavatl and Utpalavati. Th^ v-iaters of

these rivers ere cool. The rivers risikulya, Trisama,

Gandhamadanagarainl, K§ipra, la la sin l, rt^ika and Vamspdhariijl

(Balakeripl or riasakarinlj originate from mt, Buktimat. ftpter of these rivers is used for bathing, drinking end washing by

Kurupancalas, inhabitants of Jvlaclhyadeaa, iurvadesa and Kar.rupa,

by the lunijras, ^nlingaa, citizens of Ji.agpdha, iJaKsiijatyas,

Aparantas, Saura§tras, Oudras, nines, Arbudas, . alakss, 585

Mfllppoe, i-sriyntrrs, ii^uvirRs, tsoinduavaB, iilnns(i^rsfiias),

Vfiley8s(ynlVRs), BelyaslKolpes), fcadves, rtemes, AriclbTos and

i'araslkp.s^, AlaRpnendo, a bPRUCh. of tbe heevenly Opn^o, flows

to the south end trnversing Bherete trenches into seven before 2 joining the ocean .

Slr?*ilpr aescriptions of bharate with its nine divisions,

mountains and rivers are given by Va, Bh, i«, ^.ir^etc^. Bhareta

was so called after /ving Bherata, ‘Jon of itgabha^. The present

name India is a corrupt form of Bindbu or Baptealndhu^, before

king Bharete, it was probably called himaUva Vara*^^ or Bimavsta 7 Versa', A list of the famous kings that ruled over tliciahve is * 8 * given by Kur:. Of, also under Jenibudvipa.

50. Bharptps.vs-psrF'aa,

The hermitege of Bharata is holy for sraddha, dJTna, eto^'.

The Bur, end i\ mention it under Aausiki , It is situated on

the Himalaya forest. Mere is the foot print of Iwatange. ■^it / XX for sraddha offering , Accordin^^ to Va it is the hermitage of -12 Bherpta situated in Gay© .

1. K u t , 1.47.24-44. 2. Aur. 1.46.31.

3. Vs, 1,45; Bh,V.l7,9; 19.S-28; iv^.Oh, 114; i*ifir,0h. 54.

4. Bh, V.4.9; 6.13; 41.113; Vi,11,3.1-22,

5. Bey, P.32, 6. Br. 1.33.55.

7, L, 1,45, 8. i-^r. 1,40,

9. Aur. 11.37.38. 10. B. 1 .3 8 .4 8 .

1 1 . Br.IiI.13,105; Va,77.S8. 12. Vi.li2 .2 4 ; BI.lI.p.541. 586

51. Bnimrrt--.thi.

r.Bame as Bhimfi, rising from Botiyo mountain and tributary 1 “ —p — of . it is also known ns flliimnrptha , In the Buraias

it is refered to as a river of the Sahya hill in Unksiqppetha^.

52. Bhlmesvara, I ■ ■* ■■ ■ ■ I Ti,sacred to jsitrs under Karmada^. By bathing here all 5 vrorries mental as will as physical ore anihilated . The

Purpyas refer to it as a tlrtha on the Karmada^, By visiting _ SA«-rfe4 t. f this tlrtha/the god of gods, Blva, ell sins are washed 7

53. I

Tl. In this tlrtha Budra was Virorshlppeci by ^L^hrgu. By

bathing here one ascends to swarga. Those who die here are

never rebarn. Gifts are to be m^de here. Tapes performed ^ s here brings even_^lpstlng merit , Bhrgu performed austerities c here until he was covered by an ant-hill , It w p s in this place

that Parasurerae regained his energy which was taken >*way by

Hama Beserathi^^, Bey identifies it with Bheraghat containing

the temple of 64 yoginis, 12 miles to the west of Jabalpur^^.

1, BB,p ,739. 2, Bey, p.32.

3, ivGr, 1,47,36; Ve,45.104; VI,II,3.12; M.114.29 etc,

4. BS,p , 739, 5. 4ur, 11,41.20,

6, i«!,22,46,75; 191.5; xnr,il,4l.20; 44.15; i?.1.18.5 etc.

7, kur. 11,44.15-16. 8, Pur. 11,42,1-6,

9. 15.193.23-49. 10. Vana. 99.34-35.

11. Bey, p.34. 587 54. Bhrgutun^fi.

Ti.iioly for sraddho perforriiances^ which Is near ‘

Afflnrekan^nJKs eccording to I-jandfl Pp.ndita and in the Himalaya

according to others*'. According to Var it is on the eastern

bank of the Gandak^; in Gurjaradess according to SK.^; near

Vitasta and himavat according to Varc^; an esrama on H

mountain where bhrgu practised penance^. Dey identifies it

with a mountain in Hepal on the eastern bank of the Gandak, 7 which was the hermitage of Bhrgu', According to iiilHan^ha,

the commentator of ilb, it is the TunganotUa mountain which 8 is one of the i-'ancakedaras . ' I 1 _ / 5 5 . Bhutesvora.

Ti.A sacred place visited by Vyesa, mentioned under

Varanasi^. H also refers to it under VaranesI^'^ whereas Var

“11 ' refers to it under Mathura , It is Buthlser, situated in

Kashmir, It is inclu*ded in Handik^etra, Bhutesa biva's

residence is on a mountain spur which stretches sout'-east 12 from Haramukha peaks

1 . Kur. 11.20.33; 37.33-34. 2. BG.p .739. ^ / 3. Var. 146.45-46. 4. KasTkhBij

5. Vara. 81.33.

6 . vS. 23.148; 77.82; Vana. 84.50; 90.23,etc. Of.DB.p.7 3 9 .

7 . P.34. 8. Ibid,

9 . Kur. 1.35.10. 10. 1 .3 7 .1 3 .*

1 1 . Var. 169.19. 12. DO. p.740. 5S8

56. Bllvqkr-,

li.A very fit piece for sr^ddha^. i^ltrs are satisfied

by the perfor::iance of e srSddha here^.

57, Brai'uuaT>rstr.

Ti.On the east of Brah'naprs^hettiundaprg^ha or ibunjapr^^tha)

is situated the tirtlm Kanakananda by name^, ivot rjentioned by


5S. hraufjiaelras.

Ti.Sacred for Dana^, Aiso mentioned by under Gaya, _ 5 where is Brahmayupa.

59, Brahjnntirtha. t 6 T i,Mentioned under Varanasi^ in B and KHr, It i^ n sacred

place visited by Vyasa, Visnu oonseerated here a linga brought I by Brahna with him when he came there for bath. Hence the 7 - B name , By worshipping' j3ral:una here, one goes to braomaloka .

Kur also refers to i t under ^armada^, Some of the xoiranas make -1 i ' * mention of it under Gaya , whereas some others mention it 0 under Godavari . Hh refers to it under Samsvati .According 1 to Hey i t is iAi^kara lake, near Ajmir in Hajputana

1, Vi^.Hh.S, 85.5^; M.:cr,70; Anus?*san8. ^5.13; b,II,4o,80.

2. Kur. 11.20.33. 3. Aur. II.3 7 .AJi. I 4. Aur. 1 1 .3 7 .3 3 . 5. K. 11,44.66; Of. DS.'p.74l.

6, 1,37.9-1?, 7 . Aur. I,3S'.S.

8. Aur. 11,37,23. 9. Aur. 11.41.56.

10. ;A'.11.45.102;Ag.1 1 5 .36.

11. B.1 1 3 . 1 and 23;Br.llI.13.65. 12. Bh.X.7 8 .IV;Of.also Hg.p.7 4 1 ,

1 3 . Bey, p,40. 589

6 0 , Brpl:.mqYa.rttp«

Jesp, Aciong the desps Siva is Brahrinvprttp itself, as he

is the best of every cless'*'. It is the ancient neae for

Kurukgetra, the country lying in between the rivers •^prpsvptl

and Brssdvatl, the earliest settlement of the Aryans from where

they occupied the countries known as brahinarsidesa, It has

been gen generally identified with Sirhind, Accorring to k©l I 2 Its capital was Karavirapura and according to Bh it gas -3 Uarhismati^*

61. Brahmesvara-llnga«

Ti, It is e tlrthe. where Bratuaa has oonsecrateh \'t) a

linga. By bathing there one gains Brahmeloka. mentioned under

Narmada^. Under Brlparvatn and is also called Alesvara-^.

Mentioned also under Varanasi^,

62, Oaitz^arathav vena)

A Garden. Bltuated on the east of Ilavrta”^. Vq and Vi

also place it on the east of Ilav^’ta end on the banks of the

Accboda river^. In the Canciraprnbha hill, here Urvaai me*t r\ V Al%a; in the i«phendra hill; a pleasure garden of devas and

- 11 Indre to which went kardama and hevahuti .

1. Kar, II.7.14, 2, Aal.cha, 4B and 4S.

3, Bh. 111.22; Uf.hBy,p,40. 4. Kur, 11.41.18.

5. L. 1.92.159-160;Cf.Dy,p.7W 6, L, quoted by T.K. ]>.115.

7. Aur. 1.45.22.

8. Vs.36.11; 42.15; 47.6; 69.137; Vi. 1 1 ,2 .2 5 .

9. Br.11.18.7; II1.7.102;66.6. 10. M.83.31; 121.8.131.A8.

1 1 . Bh.III.2 3 .4 0 ; V.16.14; IX.1 4 .24; M. 2 7 .4 ; vi.iv.6.48. 590

63* 0pnnr>n^ tor 3nbondnn?i)

r, Originnting from mt.i-ariyctra in birinratavar^a'*-, Tlio 2 river Oabarrrmti in Gujarat or Oandan in the Cental Jt'ergans in 3 the former i^residency of ...jengal'^.

64. OpndFve,"F.spnibheon.

Ti, By bathing here and sipping its water even the sin of

Bralimapa murder is expiated^. Ca^davega is referred to by M 5 as a river sacred to pitas'^

65. Oandra.

mt. One of the seven J\.ulaparvatss of Bleksadvlpa^.

66. Oandra, / _ 7 r. One of the seven rivers of Balmalidvipa' .Of, also


67. Oandrabhara.

r.emeiTging from the foot of Himavat^. It is the modern

Chenab (same as Asikni of the Vedlc literature or Bandabala or Sandabal of I'tolemyj or the united stream of the Jhelum c - and the Ghenab'. The river rises in the Himalaya in tvs?o I streams- one called Ueonra, on the south west side of Bara

1. iS-ur, 1.47.31; Vb ,U5 .97; 108. 79 •

2. G/L&a.. p. 45. 3. Of. ^ey, p .46.

4. kur. 11.44.16. 5. UG.p .742; b i .i .p .577.

6. kur. I.4V.3; Br.ll. 18.76; 1« .B; Va.49 .7; Vi.11.4.7.

7. Kur. 1.4'i .15;Br.ll. 19.46;Va. 49 .42; Vi.11.4.28.

8. Kur. 1.47.J^8.

9. HG.p,,7 2 ; Bey,p,47; GAiV’l.p.40 591

X.FOhs and the other, coiled Bhage, on the north-west elope • of the ppss. The two join at Tandi and the united stream is

known as Candrobbago or Chenab, It is one of the ten great

rivers of Indla^, The Kur refers to it under JNanaada nnd says

that BoEioloka is gained by bathing here^; joining TapI^; it

is 0 river joining BnbhreiBotr^; it is also identified with

B iiir a a , o tributary of hrane^; [

68. OandranVlpe.

In Candradvipa people worship Siva. Sacrifices are

performed in order to please him^; South of Uttarakurii where

gods live; 1000 yojanas in circiimferanoe; in the midst is a

hill containing precious mines from which Gendravartn takes

its rise; it is the place of the mocn god; people in it ere C o rightous and live to an age of 16,000 years'.

6S. Candrasthana.

li Ti.This is the region wherein stays the moon god. It is • o situated on the peak of mt, Jarudhi •

7 0 . Candretlrtha«

Ti.kur refers to it under Varanasi as e tirtha visited by

Vyasa^. T also refers to it under Vare^asl^*^; situated at the

source of river Kaverl; gifts made here liberate the manee^^;

1. V^ir, Oh, B.85. V, ;i;, 13. 4s ;Babha,3.19; 4nu3nsana.25,7 ;i * ll.^jO.^O

2. Xdr.II.4 1 .35-36;^.!.18-61. 3. T.Vi.7 0 .4 4 .

p. VI.1 4 8 .12; 1 4 9 .1 . 5 . Of. b o .p .743.

6. xur. 1 .4 7 .?. 7 . Vs. 45.5

Under Nsrinida^; By battiin,s here on i-eurnraiaasi one becaties

World iiaiperor . It is a spring situated in tbe Bratoagiri - .>3 I mountain in Coorg from wbiob rises the i^veri'^. '

71 • GarL'iP or j

Ti, (under Varanasi) s holy spot visited by Vyise^.

7 2 . Cerrrinnynvati,

r.thot rises from mt. Bariyatra in BharateVar.'js'’. It is

the modern Unembel, a tributary of the Yaaiune^. The Cbambal

rises about 9 miles south-west of t5how and falls into the

Yamuna 25 miles south-west of bteweh town7. The namejis due I to the heaps of the hides of eniiiisls killed in rtentld^ve's . o' 8 1 yajnas . i

73. Oitrakutfl. .9. r, rising from mt, dk§avat ; Barae os Bayasvini li^eisuni

or BisaniJ, a tributary of Yaruuna between the Ken and the

Tonse near mt, Citraku'ta'^^; Same as Mendaklnl or a paht of it. I

, ! 74. Citranffndesvarn. 1

Ti, I under VaraijasTj^a sacred spot or tirtha where Vyisa

1. Kur, 11.42.15 -16; M.193. 75; Br. III.13 .28,

2. Kur, 11.42.15 -16. 3. Bey, pp .47 and 97.

4* Aur, 1.35.4.

5. Kur. 1.47.31; Bh.V.19.18 ; Br•.II .16.28; M.22.30; Va.45.98

6. iiU.p, 312;iJey, p,48;GAMi,p .46. 7. BB.p.743.

8. iJroijB.p.67.5; Vana.82.54. 9. Kur, 1, 47.32;Br.II.16.30; i.i.114.25;Va.45.09.

1 0. i^y,p .50, 11. GAial.p .47. 593

worstipped blvp^. V m elso refers to Citrengedesverrilinge^,

75. 01trpsrnp:e«

mt, situeted on the south of ieke rphebhndre^.

7 6 , Oltroti-ela.

r,rising froa mt.rtksnvet.4. ; Citrotpele is the sere ps

Ghitropnle, e branch of the ilshenedi or the river I:rt,enedT 5 itself in Orisss below its junction with the jryri ,

77* Ggdhlspgpro.

A sea that surrounds KrauncadSTipa*^, Itself being; f - 7- n ” 8 surrounded by t>aK'advipn;A sea that surrounds oBkadvipa .

7 3 , Dpk^lnppatba.

Uprly Incllau texts spe&k of five traditional divisions

of India, According to the Jtvavyaralni^so (p,*?3i the eastern

country, x'recya, lie s to the east of hanaras, to the south

of i*<8hls.'aati (Aiandhatn on the X-Jarraada} is the Deccan or

Dak^ipapatha; to the west of Devnsebha is the western country,

to the north of imodern i-ehoa, about 14 miles west of Thanesv/sr) is the northern country{ Udlcyp or Uttcrapatha)

and the tract lying between the confluence of the JaU'una and

Uanges is called the Antarvedi^. Doksiijapatha is the region

l.kur, 1 .3 5 .1 1 . 2.VaTn.46.39.

3.Aur, 1.45.33.

A.Aur. 1.47.33; Dr.11,16.31; 114.25.

5 . Aar, Oh. 57. Cf.Dey,p.50;OAAl.p.4ji.

5.kur, I,49.33;Br,II.19.77. 7.Aur. 1.49.33. 3.Bh. V.1.33; 20. 24. 9 .HO.P.12. 594

lying to the south of Wahismatl or 4!endhota eocordlng jto I the Kevyamlmeiasat Aooordlng to some it is situated bi^tvveen

the bridge of rfama and the river Kenaada, The Dherniaj^utras

testify to the fact that Daksinapatha lay to the south of ^ I "I I'aripitra, generally identified with a portion of Vindhyas"^, I iJaksinepatha or Deccan is the name applied to the territory

lying to the south of Narmade. It is Dakhlns- bades ;of o - I the Greeks'^, Daksinatya or Dsksinspatha lay to the south

of the Vindhya or the JMennada^. '

The rivers of the Dakslnapatha ere: i

I. Those rising from the foot of mt, Sahya, Viz. Godavari,

BhlmarathT, Krsna, Vena, Vaayata, Tu^abhadra, Dupraydga and kflverl;

II. Those rising from lat, Malaya, viz. ntumala, TamifaparnI,

llitiyevati and Utpelavetl; end

III. Those rising from mt. Guktimat, viz, Uslkulya, 'ijrislme,

Gandhatnadanag^inl, ksipri, Bnlaalnl, c^islka and Vainsadbarlnl^.

79. Dpkglnptya.

D5kfinntyss are referred to as inhabltenta of _ r ' Bharata Versa . cf. Dak^i^apetha ( supra ) .

1. HG. p, 14. 2. Dey. p. 52. 3. GMU, p. 37. f. n. 9. 4. Klir. I. 47. 37-39. 5. kur. I. 47. 42. 595

80, Dpruvnnr.

It Is 8 holy spot where sa'iec underteKe eusterittea^. The

story how the seges of Oaruvens were hoodwinked by biva is

given in li.ur, II, chs. 3S and 39, It is Aundha, in the i'^izam's

territory, contsining the temple of IJagesa, one of the great

• . P t Tinges of t^ahncieva ; in Gerhw'al where linga-worshlp is first

established sccording to other i'urpnBa^; close to th'=^ western

ocean eocoralng to iive Turajja^; on the himalRyan cr^‘ts, the I abode of sages In krtnyuga engaged in severe aUvSterit|es^ and - 6 / 7 ' near iacirinath near Vijeyeavara in Kashmir', j

81. Of) 3 a me.

r. Hieing from nit.r^gavnt in Bhereta Varse, holy for 8 srsddha, dans, jepa, tape, homa etc, , The river which Q rises in Bhppal and falls into Betwa , It is the i^’oepron of

Ttolemy ,

82, Dps'sveraedhika,

This tirtha awards a person the merit of performing ten

Asvamedhas- A tirtha on the tiangaril Situated oh the western

1, Kur. 1.16,9?. 2. hey,p.53;^i^, P.7^5.

3 . Oey, p.43. 4. 1. 56.

5 . Br. II.27.2-SO; i^

6 . Kur,;Ohs 38-3*:; Anusasena 2 5 7 2 7 ;Bd ,p,7 4 5 .

7 . HO. 10.3.Cf.DS.p,745.

8. Kur. 1.47.3 2 ; 11.57.35-36; Br. II. 16.3 0 ; i n . 1 3 .100;4.22.34 Va.45.h9;14.l44.25. 9. iUlson. II, P.155;-uey, P. 54;HG.pF. 336-37 ;GAt«l.p,47,

10. i>J.p.745; Bey,p,54.

1 1. Kur. II.37.26;Vayia.83.14;S5.87; Va.77.45;Br.III.1 3 ,45; ‘-i. 185.68. 596

qunrter of Gangesvors. Hy batlilng her*? and perfor dng

tarpnna’ one pohieves the merit of performing nna A^vamedha.

By gratifying here cows and Brahmnijas on the Aiaavaei of

Bhedrapada, one reacnes the oity of Hudra. Iwentioned unaer

-1 - 7 ' i I Marmada ; under Mathura ; under Auruk§etra ; undt r

83. Baurvaslka.

Vynsa ])aid a visit to this tirtha-under Varanasi *

8A. t'e^'^abdn. - - 7 Bit,One of the seven Kulaparvatas of the Krauncruvipa. -8 - ' h'lvsvrt mentioned in Va is a variant in liur, i 1 B5» 0’eVBda.niYana» j

Same es o»eruvane situated on the Gange near nedar in

Garhwal. BadariKporsuia was situated, in this vena^. Of, also

under jUeruvana above. Situated on the peaK of rat, him a vat,

''•ing Vasuuaana propitiated ^iva here^^.

86. bevatlrthn. I under i^armada - By bathlner here one enjoys the company

1. ivilr. I1.41.10A-10?; p. 1.20.20.

2. Var. 154.J?3. 3. B. I. 26.12.

4. 3. 33.1. 5. i-> quoted by T.A, p,ll6. Of, ,DS. p.745,

6. Kur, 1,31,11. 7, Kur. 1.4V.26.

8. CilV. p.2t3. 9. Bey, p,54.

10. Aur, 1.20,49; also Kur, II. 37.53-61. 597

1 - - 2 of tile various deities ; on the north bank of Godavari ; - 3 ' under Sabhra’satl •

S7« Pevesa.

Ti, Under Vcreijasi; a sacred place visitled by Vyaaa •

33, Devlka.

r, J&ierging from the Hiaalayes in Bharata Var^-a ; A,- a

river rising in Hiiaeleya end being after Sindhu and iatcenada “ 6 “ 7 and before Baresvati • B,- river that joins Gandnki ; G,- - 8 - under Geye . The K,ur. elso refolds to a tirtha by ua;ae on

the Bevlka; it is full of iiiddhae. By bathing there one 9 ' attains yogosiddhl , It is the njodern Deeg, a trabutery of

the rtavl It h®a elso been identified with the rivj?r Beva

or Devika in U.P. The southern portion of the Gprayu is called

Bevlka or Beva, whereas the northern portion is called Kallndl.

The junction of the Oandak, Bareyu (Bevika) end the Gaitga forms

the Trivenl, The Barnyu now joins the Ganga at binghi near * Chopra •

1. kur. 11.42.16-17; M.191.24; 193.81; ^-.1.18.24 etc.

2. B.127.1. 3. ^.Vi.l6i.l.

4. Kur. 1.35.9; i^.l.37.9.

5 . Kur. 1.47.29; Br.II.16.25; M.22.20; 114.21; Ve.45.96 109.17; 112.30.

6 . Vaca. 82.102-107; 2 2 2 .2 2 ; B.27.27; Va.45,95 cf.Bb.p.7 4 6 ,

7 . Var. 144.83; 112-13; 214.48.

8. 76.112.30;,iJb,p.746. 9. Jlur. 11.37.25.

10. GAf^I,p,41. 11. Bey.p. iID.p.74. 598

89. DhpnnP'Dystlrifl.

Ti, Holy for sriflOhp, dnna, etc. Same as i>hersiarpnya of Buddhist records four miles from Buddha-Graye , A temple

SRcred to Dharmeevara exists at the place. It coateliys the celebrated place of pilgrimage oalled Brahmssara, According to some it comprises portiono of the districts of Balia and

Ghezipur, while others identify it with Mohernpura or ancient Mohprakapura, fourteen miles to the north nf

Vlndhyacala (town) in the district of Silrzepur, where Jddra performed austerities after being cursed by Gautsffia the - 3 - / husband of. Ahalya . It is also Identified with f'-anva-^asrama k - near Kota in Hajputana . The Kurae also refers to it

('Dharnavane*) as situated oa the Himalayas and watered by the t'andp.kinl where King Siisila is eeid to have met er-^e < - / 5 6 Bvetasva.tare , Dharmapr^tha is also mentioned by t and H ,

90. Bhatakikbanda,

Jp, Klngdcra named after and ruled by Bhataki, eon of - ' 7 Savnna, the King of Puskaredvipa; a division of i-u^^koradvipa.

1. Kur. 1I.37.3B. 2. ljG.p,7A7.

3, SK, Brahmakhanda, 35-37.

4, Vane, ch,82,

5, Kur, 1.14.26; Of. also Dey, p.56,

6, B.V;ll.74; H.II.44.54-55 and ?8,

7, Kur. 1,40.14-15. 599

also one of tile ttvo Janapadas of Pugkaradvlpa^.

91. Dhautapana. 2 Ti, A,- On Narmada expiated all his sirs jhere, _ I iiven the vilest sins like Brahraahatyo are expiated by bathing / ! here. One who gives up his life here becomes Oiva’a eriual in

strength end rules the world up to the time of dentruction, as 3 the supreme ruler of the Earth , B,- At Gokarna vviiere Hudra

practised tapes.4 0,- Under StutasvHmin - less thpn five - 5 Krosr-a from Stutasvemin , AG states that Dhopapura is on the

right bank of the Gomptl ipopularly Gunti) 18 mlleo to the

south-east of Sultanpur^. D,- Near bangcmesvara in the «atnagiri 7 district. Dhautapapa Is also known as i)hutapepa or dhjautapura' .

92. Dhenuka. “ 8 r. One of the river of Sakadvipa .

93. l>hrtlvwrsa.

Ja, Territory ruled by and named after Dhrti, bon of - 9 Jyotismen, king of Kusadvipa . '

1, kur. 1.50,5;; 19.117-25; i5.123.5-10,26; v;,49. 113,121; 33.15.

2, AI.22.39; 193.62; Kur.II.42.9-10. |

3, kur, il,42.9-12, 4. Br, 111,13.20, ^

5. Vpr.148.58. 6. AG. p. 401.

7. Db.p.747. I

8. kur. 1.4'.35; G.56.15; 78.4^^.94; Vi.II.4.65.

9. Br. 11,14. 27-29; Va.33.24; Vi.11.4.36; G.55.S; kur. 1,40.22-23; Of,also 11.II. p.180, I 600

94. Dbruvnvprsa.


95. 0hutpp?'pe. ,

r, iaaerging from the foot of mb.lliripypt^. It is i>ne of

the seven rivers of Kusodvlpa^. M reads Dhautapapa instead

as a river rising in Hi;aelsyas^. It is a tributary of; the

eastern Gomatl^. A, river in Vnreijasi; B, rising in

Hiaileyps^. It is also identified \>ith a tributary of the • - 7 Gangs in the Banaras region',

96, Orona. / - 8 mt. One of the Aulapnrvntas of Salmalidvipa ; not<^oi for

greet medicinal plants, vsalyeRarlnl and mrtasanjlvini'^.

I According to M it is a mt, of Kusadvlpa and is famous ^or its

medicinal plants mentioned ebove^^.

97. Brsedvrtl, 11 r, Ktsing from at.Himevat in Bharata, On its banks is

1. Kur. 1.40.26-27;lI.II.167:8r.Il.l4.37-9;30,39;Va.33.)3; Vi.lI.Z».4-5. 2. Kur. 1.47.29;Vam.5 7 . ; Br.II.16.26.

3. tur.I.49.21;G.56,10;B.l.ll.i74:Br.II.19.61;iv'.122.71; Vi.II.4.1+3. 4.M.114.22;DS. p .747. 5.fiG.p.32.


■^GAfi^I. p.41;0’f, also Deylp,57 for both the views,

8, Rur. 1.4'.15.

9. Br.11.19.38-39;Va.49.35;Vi.II.4.26.

IO.M.122.56. ll.Kur.I.47.2' • Bh.V.19.1S;X.71.22;Br.Ii,l6.26; lII.13.6v;Va.59.128;99.259 etc. 1 601

the Neimlsarpoye^, According to Vi its originel name v?es

Hatnavetl but in the i^sll age it is known by the nsme

Dr^edvetl on whose bank is situated the Veyupura^. It is

mentioned along v^ith Apaya and 3arasvoti ea a holy river for

the worship of in rtV^, Vena etc, and as foririii>-- the I southern boundary of kuruksetra. It h^s been Identified by I som e with the Ohittang and by others with the Ohe .gar'*.

Sircar feels this identificetion with the Ghagger to be 5 unjustlfioable, Cunningham Identifies it with the Hekstii

river 17 miles to the south of Thanesar^,

98, Dundubhi, 7 rat. One of the seven hills of klak§advipa where Arndubhi

and the Asura Candreicftyu were beaten by the Dev.os'^, IJI plncos “ 9 “■ 10 it in Sakadvlpe . A. mt, in krauncodvipa .

99« Pundubhi.

Js- Son of Dyutiman, King of ■t^rauncadvlpa. His teritory

was called after him^'^.

1 . Ve.1.14.Of,also PI.II.p.llO.

2. Vs. 5' .127-3; Of. ChV.p. 275. 3. k V. Ij1.23.4;

4. Pey.P.57; liG.p.75. 5. GAi»iI,p,41.

6. Cf.u:.p.748. 7.hur.I,49.3;G.56.3.

8. £r.ll.l8.75;lS.10; V1.II.4.7;v L 47;4U9 etc.

9. PI,II.93-99. 10. G.56.12.

11. Aur.l.40.19-21;G.56.11;Br.lI.14.23;Va.33.21;Vi.II.4.48 etc. cf,PI.II, p.98. 602

100, Dundubhisygnp,

mt. One of the seven K.ulepnrvntRS of Kreuncodvlpa^ end also a versa of the seme dvipp^.

101. J->urg:p.

r. Rising from mt,Vindhya^, Cannot be identified^.

102. Dvsrska or (iJvaravati )

Cy. Of is-rsna guarded by Supprna^, It la referred to as a tirtha^ and also as sacred to risri. It is L-'veraka in

Gujarat, capital of Kr^ga'^, The name of this holy city does

not occur in the Vedic literature but innumerable raferences to it are found in the kb, and Turanas, The ancient Oynrnka was situated near kodinar. Three miles from Aodinrr, a little mound rises on the sea-shore between the mouths of the rivers Ooraat and Singarva end is surrounded by the ruins of a temple. This place is believed to be the original

Ovaraice from where krsna transfered himself to Ovarakp in

1 . Xur.1.49.26.

2. Br. II,14.2o ;19.69; Va.49*63. Vi,II.4 .5 1 ,9 tc, cf,i:'i,II.p.S8 .

3 . Aur, 1,47,35; Br,11.16.33; Va,45.130 etc, cf.rl.lI.p.lOG end L^.p.748.

4. GMlI.p.51. 5. Kur.I.26.18-29.

6 , ik!.22,3S; G.6 6 .6 ; 81.5; Bh, Vri.14.31 Cf. also 4 6 .

7 , Oey,p,58. 603

Okh»mpn^plp owing to tiPTRSEinent by jRr”spn<1hp (of. i>‘‘-'.p,749 i nncl ^v.^'r-usplkor’s pppRr in the Dr.ri.C.Lp.w presentRtiop voluiue I

I.pp.218 ff.for further infornption}, uverake is p I so mentioned as situated in Indreprastha.

103. Ovarpyptl.

Oy, vSame ns >JVpraka^, it contains the temple of i'^agesa, * 3 one of the twelve jyotiriingas of i«Bhadeva. Also cpllbti / —h kusastneli .

1 0 4 . Oyutlir.~)^fo.

Sit, One of the mountains of Kusadvlpa^; a hill in


1 0 5 . x!.’k r s r n>?.e. 7 ' ait. Bitunted on the east of Lake Arugoda^, On its peak

is the Jaigl&evyasrama where the greet sage along with his six disolples .Senkha, .Sisnohera, kausika, L:g5 gp, Oumane end.

Vedavada with their body besmeared with ashes, meditates upon f i •• Siva. i?ivn and Devi appear there in order to bless the devotees. On the same mount are various other her'iltages of

1 . y^Yx,202.k and 62; 0 f.DS,p,7 5 0 . p, i>.ur, i. 26.18-29; Ve. 8 6 .2 7 -2 2 , etc.

3. iJey,p.59; DO.p.750. 4. iIG,p,282.

5 . kur. 1.49.20; Br.11.19.55; v;.49.50.

6 . Va.48.19; Of. ii.-^-L.p.x3 7 . 7 . i^ur.1.45.29 604

tbe eiddtipe^. To the south of Mfinese leke eccording to Vn^,

, _ I 1 0 6 . -c»rn0 0 lsf--i.^‘'.eraR i or ■n.rHndl-iN'nnripds-bRnijjianie) j

The oonfluence of v»iith the Kenoade is a cure for

all sins inclusive of Bral’imahatyfi^, ibrandl is the river Uri

or Or, R tributary of the iierbuda in the Barortp 3tate, near

the junction of vhich Karnali is situated^,

1 0 7 * GpbhnstI,

r. One of the rivers of Bakndvipa^. It is the snxqe as -6 ' Sukyta'^.

108, Qpbhestlman,

One of the nine division of Bharata Vpn^e'^.

1 0 9 .

mt, it is on the east of i-eke Arutjoda^. On Oajpsalla

resides Ourga served by many Bakti^s^, According to va it JO is a mt. South of ivisnasa lake riudrasIlf*} w M residem 4 /■} ^ there-' 1

1 . Aur, I,48.17"25.

2. Va. 36.21-25; Of.OHV.pp.276 and 305.

3 . A^r. 11.41.85-87; 11.42.31-32.

4 . Dey.p. 59. 5. Ailr. 1.49.35; G. 56.15.

6. Br. 11.19.96; M.122.33; Vi.11.4.65; cf. BI.I.p.513.

7. Aur. i.47.24; G.55.4; Bh.ll.l6.9; W.1 1 4 .8 ; Va.45.79; VI, II.3.6.

8. Aur. 1,45.29. 9. Aur. 1.48.27-28. la. V8.36.24;rl.l.p.504;OS.p.75l.

11. Vr , 39.47. 605

110. Gr.ndhf>k?Il.

r. (V), jJBU>5titer of the pitrs mentioned p s holy for ^rSddhp purposes. Those v/ho hettcin it resch svarge^. She is the

deughter of the pitrs, born in the Terpsprn line end mother of

Vyssp. She wps egein born os liistsypyoni. After her dome

Acchodp Ipke^.

111, Gpndhempd;-np,

V, Gendhp/Apdpne ver^a is the varqn ruled over by ivetutunle, son of Agnidhrs, hicg of Jp.abudvlpa^. it is a division of


tm 112, Gandha!'i*^oena«

iSorest, Situated on the south of Xl'»vrta^,

( I 113. Gpnd tipriadana, j I mt. Situated to the south of ilavrtp end lake habhadra^,

Bh pnd Vi' say that it is a mountain range to the eadt of llavrta and to the vest of Meru end a boundary limit of Bhadraava, On its top falls the Bita, Also referred to by Br,, f, etc.

1 , Aur, 11,37,30-31. i

2 , Br, 111.13.76-9; Va.77.74-75; cf.Bl.1.p.510 and also Ba.p.752

3 , kilr. 1,40.35; V?.33.45; Br. 11.14.52, ‘ k, Vi. 1 1 .1 .2 3 . 5. Bur,I,45.22;Vi.lI.^,25.

6. Bur. 1, 4 5 . 1 5 end 31, |

7 . Bh. V.16.10; 1 7 .6 ; Vi.11.2.18,2' and 39.

8 . Br. II.15.40; 1 7 .l6 ,etc; ^.61.21;24.1V; Va. 34.35; 35.16. 606

it is fi port of ttie i-iudrs end agoordlng to Hindu geogrpptiers it is e part of the Hailesa range. According to

Kel (ch dZ) it is on the southern side of the i<>eilpae mountain,

The portion of the mounteins of Gerbval through which the 1 — — 1 Aleknande flows is called Gendhamodane . !

114. Gandhamadanaganlnl.

r. Kising from at.Suktlmat^. Sircar says it cannot be identified^.

115. Gandharva.

an, m» ** Ti, (under Varanasi). One of the holy tirthas visited by

Vyasa^. Also mentioned by Bplyn/mentions it as situated t 6 near Gargasrotah on Sarasvati ,

116. Ggnoharv^..

V. One of the nine divisions of Bharata Var^a'a^d was a kingdom noted for horses 8 . I

H 7 . Gandhg-vati. I i cy. It is the city of Vayu situated on the north of / — Sudhavati on mt.Aleru. Vayu is served there by hosts of apsaras and gandharvos. Those who practise ’pranayatca’ w'ould

1. i^ey» P.60. for further information cf.Hl.i.p, 5ll,tiG,p.76 and DS.p.7 5 2 .

2. hur. 1.47.38. 3. GAia.p.54.

4. Kur. 1.35.10. 5. i^.l.37.13.

6. Salya. 37.10. 7. ivur. 1.47.25; Va.45.79; Vi. 11.37. I

8. Br. IV.16.17; A1.114.8; 121.48 Of.P I .I.p.511. 607

reoch there-*-. According to Va it is the sobha of Vpyu situated

on the sixth slope of laeru*^.

118. Gpsesvnrp.

Ti, (under Narffiads), By bethlng here on the Ihth dpy of

the dark fortnight of Brpvana, one goes to Hudmloke. Holy ^ "5 1 for sredriha*^. ,

119. Opnr.p.

r. It is the holiest of rivers and the highly esteemed

tirthae, vis. kannkhala, J aricvera, Brayega and are

situated on it and hence it finds the first place a-uchg the 4 many rivers invoked in l^edistuti hymn, kiention of ItiI is also

found in kV, S, Br, Ait.Br, etc. The Alahabharatg and| the i-’urapas lik e i'Jsradiya, ^ad:ae,Agnl, Mstsya, etc. euiC' ise it

in most unequivocal terms of several hundred verses^\ it is

a river rising from the hlmalayas and is f i t for araddha; i t was brought to the earth from heaven. It is partlcal arly sacred at three spots,viz, Uadgedvara, Irnypgp and Gangi- aagsre-saiageme- * 6

Thus the Kur, says: Gangs is the holiest of all holy places, the most supreme among the rivers and the glVer of

1 . kur. 1,46.21-22. 2. Va. 34.8V; Gf.ii,i.5i 3 .

3. kur. 11.41.100-102. 4. h V.A.75.5-6.

5 . HV.VI,45.31;«.Br.l3.5.4.11 and 13; Ai.Br,39.‘:. / J* 6. Anuaasana. 26.26-103;!^.Dttora|Qhe.chs38-45; and 51 verses

1-48;B. V.60.1-27; Ag.cb.llO; ii.chs. 160-185.

7. ■''8.42.39-49; 77.68;71.5. 8, id, 106.53. 6 0 6

mokqa for pll beings. There is no worthier resort than Crengs.

It is the path of salvation for those who crave for it, it

_ ^ is the holiest of all tirthas, the most oori|ucive to

prosperity which flov.'s from oiva, washing off all sins. It

is easy of access everywhere but is difficult to reach at

three pl-ces, viz. at Gangadvera (i:aridvar), at irn and

where it joins the sea. Those who bathathorein reach heaven

and those who die there are not born again^. It is said to

be equal to all the 35 mi]lions of holy places declr--red by

Vayu in the heaven, in mldregion and on the earth and all of

them are represented by the Ganga, The spot throu'h vhioh it

flows is a virtual hermitage".J

The main stream of the river originally passed south- t wards, after leaving Jahnu-ssrama at tiultanganj, through the

channel of BhagirathI which with the Jelllnghi fon,is the river

iiugli from Shlbgan^ above Boella. The Gangc after flo lng past Triveni, Chagda, Guria, uaruipur, najganj end diamond

harbour through Adiganga or Tolly's iiala falls into the see

near But'ar Island, j

d, Gangp, is said to have a three-way course by vjhich it I causes the uplift of the hiuiipn beings, rhe nagas and the gods

from the earth, natherlands end heaveas respectively^. About the course of Ganga, the Aur, says; " Gp.nge which originated

1. Aur. 1. 37.33*r36. 2. Bur. 1,39.8-10.

3, Of, Dey, p.6l. 4. Bur. 1,37,31, 609

froa under tde foot of Visnu p.fter trrversinr; thooult^ the sky

falls in the surrounding? regions of the city of iarehme on mt,

Meru end there brenches Into four, viz. Site, Alekeneodp,

Sucekiju end Bhedre, v^iich flows to the enst reaches

Boadrrsvp through the eastern vprse and then Joins the ocean.

Alakanmde, flowing to the south, reaches Bharata m d branches I into seven before Joining’; the ocean, Sucaksu traverses all the ' I w-eatern rcountains, reaches ketumala and Joins the oceijm. Bhadra I Joins the Northern seas after traversing all the ^'iorthern

TBOuntains and also the iNorthern nurus « 1 ■fhe ^rnrr i^lso winds

its course through Varanasi and washes off all the sins 2 i co'jinltted in hundreas of lives by a person , It also . waters 3 the heraiitage of sage Tuoaoianyu and is also presfnt in the I » ^ jL • «, •• Bevndaruvsns . At the mouth of vipnga is situated tLie|tirtha -, ' 5 ' Wakuilsvara. Ihere stays i^>iva , The rewards that follow by j sipping its water, bathing, performance of sraddba, iving av.ay gifts on its waters are also mentioned^, during the day the

• — 9 ^ river Gangs descends in the Aallolakesvara tirtha . it is also mentioned as one of the holy tirLhas visited by Vyasa, . Gangn is the holy tirtha of the kali yuga while JNeimisn, ^u^kare and

1. Aur, 1,^!?L 46,28-33. 2. Aur. 1.31.V. .

3, Aur. 1.25.13. 4. Aur. il.37.6l

5. Aur. 11.44.12-14. I 6. AGr. 1.36.29-37; 37.32; 37.36-39; li.20.29; 37.11; 40.8 etc,

7. xGr. 11.41.88-89. 8. Aur. 1.35.9. 610

- - i Kuruk§ptrfi ©re of the Kyta, Trets end Dvepare respectively , 2 Also mejitloned elsev/here , Por further infomstioo Of, DO.p

5^55 ff, J-I.l.p.501 ff, HG.p .31,77,78 end 152.

120, Gf-.r.,^~uvrrs, * 3 7.- Ti, J^aki^a cojunenced hie sftcrifice in this spot^. ^riddha L " * 5 is to be performed here^. It is a tirthn and is a place

sacred to the pitrs°. It is the sar^e as Haridwr-r'", Va^aRna U approached Ball here .

121, Gnn-.ij^-Ynaiuria-Ba*iif..r; ::n, - 9 I It is Brayogs . A person who mskes a g if t of a g i?l ©t

the confluence of Gang© and Yamun© would never v is it *Aar©ka',

but ©s © matter of course woiAld go to the littaro huru country 10 and would enjoy its comforts for en unlimited period , This

confluence is famou© throughout the three worlds by the hsrae

of i:^rpypg©. One who bathe there goins thereby as much merit ns

the performer of the najesuy© end Asvmnedha eecrlfices^^* Of,

also under Prayaga.

122. Gap.'cesvarn. j

'i'i. The mouth of Gang© is situated here, A dip here is ©

1. Kur, 1.37

2. Aur, li.l li.13.24; 40.7; 40.31; G.66.7; 70,4; 81.1,etc.

3. rur. 1.15 ,41 pnd 47. 4. Aur. 11.20.33. I 5. G.51,,29. 6. Bh. VI. 2. 39 ;.V. 22.10; 246.92. i ?. iX-.p.,751.: ,p.3i ;l^ey.T .62. 6. Ag.4.7.

9. iX-.p. 10. Aur, 1,37.6-5, ■» 11. hur. 1.27 611 cure for j^ll sins , U mentions it as a tirths on the Narmada T a whereas refers to It under Varanasi

1 2 3 . Opudadesa.

The city of Sravasti iSavesti, braVvanti) was built by

Siavasti (brevasti, Srav^nti), the son of King Tuvanreva, in

Gaudodeea^. Uttera Kosnle, the capital of which was 4rava3ti,

I was C e l l e d Q-auda or Northern Gauda. Gauda may be corruption of

Goncrdda. According to Cunningham Gauds, a eub-divjsion of

Uttnra Kosalp, forty two milos south of bravest! is pf I ^ corruption of Gauda^. Geuda is sold to have ertended|from the

Vang* country up to Bhuvaneso or 33hubpnesvar in Ortssfi ,

Gaudodesa is also referred to by P as ruled by the klhg named

Naraslmha , It formed oart of the kingdom of the lupprlpl Guptas 7 during the 4th, 5th end 6th centuriee A,D, , As tinjp passed on, the connotation of the term Gauda. h«s r Is o ch»’'np;e- 1, Thus in modern time Geude implies the whole prep, inbabiten by the

Bengali epeaklng peer le. Originally, however, the co'untry seems to have comprised the present liurshidebad jUlstrict with 3 the esoiusion of its scutheramoet part • The whole of Beaga.l

WT's called itastern Gauia• from 1ts capital of the

1. i:vur. lx.41.102- 1 0 3 .

2. iv3.l93 .1 4 ; 4 9 .4 6 . cf. IT. 1.;p.503; 3Do.p..752.

3. i^u.r. 1.20.19.

4. AG.p . 40«u; J>ey. v .63; A'f,.12. 30; 5 .

5. fj r.'.'J 6.

7. uG.p .217. 8. GAf4l.p,98, 612

ruins of wtilch lie st o distance of 10 miles to the south-west of modern fAelda, The southern Geude wes the nenk of the Kaverl ( end Gondvpne the w^itern G*»urte, wheress Uttsra Aosels with i^rfivestl as oapitel formed Gau^a or Northern Geuop^ is referred to In our text, t

•«» ‘ 124. Gnurl. 1 - 2 I r. One of the- seven 3 rivers of Krauncedvlpe , Also I referred to in . It la the modern Panjkor?, the

Gourplos of the Greeks or Gerroia of Arrian whioh unites with the river Bwet to form the ieudoi, an affluent of the K.abul . 4 river .

125. GfiiiTii. Ti, A tirthp visited by Vyase and mentioned uDdeii i^ersnesi,

126. Gr-utmesvare. — /I Ti, Gautama attained siddhl here by worehlnulng By -7 bathlns here cue reaohes Brahnolov^^ . Mentioned under harmada - - - 8 ; and under Vara^fisl by L .

1. Bey,p.63.Of. also iiG,p.2iy.

2. -Kur, 1.49.29; G, 56.13; Br. 11.19. 75* ^,122,88; V‘a,4'^.69; Vl.II.t.55.

3. /‘hiema. 9.25. 4. ^.p.752; HG,p,29; Bay, p, 63. • 1 5. bur. 1.35.3; M.22.31; iM. 37.3.

6. i'-ur, 11,49.6-6,

7. Kur. II.42.6-8; M.22.68; * .1.20. 58.

B. i. quoted by T,K,p.ll5; Cf • BS, p . 752; 11. i.p.55B, 613

127. Ge>'e,.

cy. Geyfi is famous throughout the three worlds sad is a giver of 'nioksp’ to tlioao who die there. Hence it is equal in merit to \^aragipsT , It is the best place for the performance » f o of sraddha . The Kur eleo says: ” One should desire to have mei2y sons to th^t if one out of them goes to Gnyp on spwe other business and offers sraddha, he thereby saves hia pit^s 3 end hlmseli' reaches the highest goai **

it is situated between the wpmasile hill on thp> n'irth and 1 the Brehmayoni hill on the south, on the bank of the r^ver i 1‘hnlsu. Oeya comprlaes the modern town of Bhahebgenj qn tho 4 northern side and the ancient town of Gaya on the soutriern side, C Gaya, son of Blstl, Is the author of two hymns of Hr^ve4a; . In

I the Athervaveda Gaya is mentionea ae a wonder-worfer or

sorcerer. In later literature he la transformed Into Gayaaura, / 1 — 6 GaypHirna la named in the Vansparva, in the Vlsnu Bn^rrisasutra^

etc. The GayDjiiahetmye states that Goya is named after Gaya who / — _ 7 p performed a sacrifice in the ovetavarabakalpa . The .Ag., gives - j 9 a long list of tlrthas at Gaya, Also mentionea by “ ,Br and Vo ,

1 , hur, 1,31.46. 2 , Kur. 11.20.32.

3. Aur. il. 20.3 0 -3 1 . 4. Bey.p,64; HG.p.219.

5 . uV.X,63 and 6 4 .

6. \^anBparva. 3?.ll.‘J5-9; Vl.Bh.b.a5.4.

7 . Vn,105.7-i^. 6 . Ag. 1 1 6 .1 -3B.

9. • ^ 2 .1 7 ; Br.lII.13.1C4; 19.11; 47.17; Va.85.19; of.also m, PP.643-679; B,l,p,5i6, 6 1 k

128. Gr^yn.

I'l, Under ''srSpasI- A hdily spot visited by VyBsa,^ i?’it for

sroddha and ip a superior tirtha^. One who offers a ’pi^de’

to his pitpa in th®t spot, enencipates his pitfs, himself is / never reborn, •^ive hrs oeused a permroent foot-mark on e slab

of rook situated there, Brebmpnes in perticular should visit " 3 *■ this holy spot end offer pinges there, deferred to as e tirtha

by G end B under '^arp.nesi,

129. Ghetotkacp.

t I. One of the holiest of tirthes, f^entioned under


130, Ghrtodsdhi,

Sea. wiurrounding Ausadvipa and being in its turn v — 6 surrounded by Areunoedvipe . Gh^ta snmudra is also mentioned by

u . Br

1 3 1 . Go,

liil, Vypsa visited this tirtha, bathed there and worsiilpped ----9 10 Aiva, \ itioned updsr Vpregasl , in Aainl^a forest , under

1, Aur. 1,35.5. 2. Vp. 77.97;80.45;S3.12-U.

3. Aur. 12.35.7-15. 4. G, 6 6 ,6 ;81.31, eto.u,1 ,3 7 ,5 ,

5. Ailr. 1.35.8; A.1.37.8.

6. -Kur. 1.49.27; Va.49.57-59; Bh.V.1.33; Br.IX.19.6-5; Vi.iu. 4.45. 7 . 0.48.42.

8. or. II.l6.12;iV,31.18;M.13.7;Gf.Al.I.p.568.

9. Aur. 1 .3 5 .1 3 . 10. Vans.95.3 . 615

- 1 - -3 Prpyfigp. i Under UermpdR ■ end under bnbhr'Bjaeti'^.

1 3 2 . dodnV'^rl. I

r. -■Rising from lat.iioliye^. It is holy for sreddhe^. It is e river which weshes off ell sins. Bathing there end pleasing the gods end pitps gein for r person the merit of givi^ing eway £ R thousand cows as p rift .

The ^odp.vsri, still Known by its sncient npme, rises in the

•estern ^hats end flows through the Deocen into the Bay of 7 dengpl , It is the largest end longest river in the Bouth

India, It takes its source from the liasik hills ^of the

<.'estern Ghats i of the Bombay ^residency and cuts tnrough the S ilyrternbpd Btate and a good portion of the ^ladras rrasidenoy ,

It is about S^OO miles in leagth, it flow^s in a south-easterly direction below the Viadhya range cutting p valley throu^'h the ipstern Ghats, It falls in three main streams into the Bay of

Bengal in the district of Godavari forming a large delta at its mouth. In its course through Hyderabad and Madras otate it is joined by ten tributaries on the left and by eleven On the right^

1^0 mention of it h*-s been found in the Vedic literature.

1. M, 110.1. 2. M.1V3.3; B.1.20.3.

3 . i . IV.i5 6 .lcf.also l>G,p,7 5 4 . 4 . Aur, 1,47.36.

5 . Bur. 11.20.35. 6. Kur. 11.37.15t 16.

7 , QrJC^L, p.5 1 .

3, The present states of Maharashtra, Andhra Bradesh end ^ adras respectively,

9. riG.pp.37-3 3 . 616

It Is mentioned In Duddtilst viork , Tbe and Purnnes

contain numerous references to it. Tte Vanapprva^ mejntlons it

as a holy river in tlie south abounding In gardens ea4 full of

Water end resorted to by hermits performing, nuateritiec. The

_ _ _ O M ^ I /.rpnyekonde of Ksmayena'^ speaks of ’Pancavati’ as a qountry

situated near the Gfodaveri, Chapters 70-175 of tue Brahma"

purana pulo^ise Codavarl end the tlrthas on it et , lenytb.

The seme Purple generally refers to it as Orutami. il| also

narrates how Onutama >rou‘/ht the froa the natt-ld haii- of

oiva to BrehiCogiri where he has his hermit-^ge^. hho I V'sr also

says that Gautama hroa'^'ht Jshnavl to Dandako ana the river heoenn _ c _ Godavari . Ceveral x-uranas have a verse ooinmon t t oTi which

raentiona of the countries of Madhyadesa Itmaediately ifiext to the

mountain iiahyp v. herein is 'ionavarT^, It is also referred to es

a river and irahatTrtha by 0?. It is p river tpored to rJtrs and d ' Q ir filled with liOi^as , r^ni l havyavehnna) loved hhr^.

133. Gokprna I1 A holy place famous throughout the three worlds!, -lersons I who die there gain moksa and hence is equal to tfaranasl in meri^^

1. outtanipate. 3Br.. Vol. \.-nt,2.pp.Idh and IC?. ]

?. Vana.6S.2 3, Aranyakp.nda, 13.13 and 21,

4. ‘:.chs. 74-76. 5, Var. 71,37-44.

6. 114.37-36=^a.45.112-il3s- sr.p4.54-35 = Pr. iJ.3j6.43; rf.27.43—44. 7. ^.55.9: 81,1(3.

8. ..22.46 and 57-8; 51.13; 114. 29; 163.61; Va. 29.13.

9. Va,29.12-14; cf.elso i>b. p.707-711;PI. I.p. 544 and i-ey.p.69. 10, Kur.i, 31.48. 617

In this holy spot Is situatod the linga of iiahpdev8,vjiz.

Crokorija, by the Tsere slight of which all thewlohes of a person

are satisfied^. It is p place sscred to Sivn, half r- yojana

in extent, on the western p tnpovanom called -

iihutapapRstbalam sacred to wudra^^ sacred place for the

performance of araddha hearty the river T^raparnl itevana

established a linga there^. The tr and narrate the story of

t ^ its being flooded by the sea and of people goin to iprasHrama f. - 7 ' ' for succour”. It is a liahatirtha^, (A) It is edentified with

a place Gondia, snored to Solve, thirty sailes south oij Goa in the

Kunita Tsluke of the liorth i^nara district, (B) Siturlted on the I Garr-svatl Bamgamn*^, (0} Under Mathura'', (D) Under iarannsl-^*^,

//', A* says that Uev^s styled bhscreksrnika at ookernt.-^^, The

kur^elso mentions Uttar Gokarna^^, The L speaks of ti'o GoKarnas?

and the Vsr also mentions a southern and a northern GoKarna^^,

The Baura lurana• mentions Bouthern Gokarna • as situated on the river Bindhu

1. Kur, 1,31,4s,

2. i5h.X,7V,19; 90.28; Va. 23.172.

3 . 3r.liI.13.19;lV.44.‘;9. 4. Va.4 8 .3O; 77.1^-21.

5 . Vem.4 6 .1 3 . 6. Br. 111.57-58; B.^I.7 4 .

I 7 . G.81.19. 8, Var.1 7 0 .1 1 . ;

9. Vpr. 1 7 1 -1 7 3 . 10. w. by

11. .1 3 .3 0 . 12. Kur. Ii.3 5 .3 1 .

1 3 . -t.. 1.92.1 3 4 -1 3 5 .

1 4 . Var. 2 1 3 .7 ; of. US.p.753; Dey,p.70.

1 5 . Saura lurana 69.33;cf.HG.p.l53. 618

134. Go'‘qtl.

r. A river rlsln{^ froni rnt.HimeVRt in Bher^ta^. (A) Identi­

fied with the ^;vedic ^omati { V111,24.30;a,75.6 ) which Is

the modern '^omal a western ttibutery of the Bindhu, IB) Gumti

in Ctjdh rising in the hirnalaya end fallin g into the Gangs

2 - ~ “ below Benarsa . IG) A river in Gujrat on which Bvarn^a is 3 “4 ^ situated . (D) A ritfer near ^arasvati^.

I 135. Gomedp.

mt. One of the seven Aulaparvatos situated in iiaksadvipa^.

136. Govardhana. j

mt, iving Brthu resorted to severe austerities oti this

mount^. It is a hill near ifiathura mentioned also by isi, s ;

Var; Vi and G'. It is a mahatirths Bh refers to it as a

hill near Brindavan in BharataVar.^a^. It is placed in the

south plso.^*^ !

13?. Grdhrpvnne.

holy for sraddha, dana, etc^^.

1. tur. J.47.29;^.l8;1.7S .ll;B r.l.2.S ;A:.114.2'i^; v;.2.9; I 45.S5;Vi.III.lif.l6;G.55.8;61.7, etc.

2. ^.114.?2;;d5^.1I.49.11. ‘ 3. BlL.VlI.4.4.47-98 and 5. 32;P. 1V.17.69*70/etc.

4. Vana.97.7;B,I.32.37;Vam.63.6l end 83.2;cf.BG,p.754;uey,p,7o p , , 5. K ur.1.49.3;G.56.3;Br.II.IS .7;AI.123.28; Va.49.6; Vi. ^1.4.7. 6. Kur.1.14.18. 7. &:.22.52;l'.IV.69.39; Vpr.163.18; vi. v.ll, 16;G.14 ).4,etc. 8. G.81.21. S. Bh.V.IV,16;a.11.36:13.29. I 10. Of. DB.p.754;i-I.I.p.554;i)ey.p,72;HF, p,264. 11 . Aur.11.37.38. 619

133, Hrmsn ( ) , i 2 mt. On the west of l.Asitode. On the base of .'eru , un

the north of Meru^, on the north of l,i.‘.ahabh8(ira^. • fiahm^

residence of s thousand yojanas is on the Hemsa^eilf. Bratuaa

stays there in the company of Oavitri and of Vasudeva v/orshipped

by hosts of siddhas. Further south is the city of the siddhas wherein stay Oansndene and others^. |

I 139. HaiTiSapranatana. ^

Tl, Situated on the northern bank of the iih^'uritjthl. A I single remembrance of it equals the perfonaanoe of Aqvaaiedha r and enables one to enjoy the heavens for a lone^, ivSen-

tloned under Frayega^. it is mentioned by M as a holy place I situated to the east of BhagIrsthI and north of -iTati s^hena a bath in which is equal In merit to that of performanhe of

Asvamadha and aawards one with svarga as long as the sun and 6 ' moon 1 continue to shine), |

1 140. H a n . / •- o Hit, One of the mountains of husadvlpa ,

141. Hrri. !

V. One of the var§as (of Jajubudvipa), lying on 'the south

1. Kur, 11.45.36. 2. Bh. V.16.26.

3. Vi,II.2.30. 4. Va.36.30-33.

5. nur, 1.40.54“57. 6. Bur. x .37.24

7. VaDR,85.3?, 0. A*. 18,106,32.

9. ivur, I.49.21;G.56.'-. ;Vi.II.44.41 • 6 ? . 0

of The citizens of Her^Vnrse are of the oonplexion of gold. They feed upon ’Iksurnsfi’ and live for 10,000 years.

They are devotees of Visnn end worship him in n huge well- decoreted monsion which hes Its own loKes and rivers of taste­ ful water. Beautiful drnisels elwoys sing and dance there in honour of VisQu. The kings, endowed with divine poivor derived 2 I from Vl^Qu, reign there for ever. G refers to it as one of the vnr.^8S lying to the south-v/est of ^eru^. The Va refers to it

RS a versa. Its people are refugees from Oevaloka. iueir appearance is divine like of Oevas. Their life is 'f J1,000 years. They are happy and devoid of fear of Xold

142. liaritp.

V.Kingdom of Harite, soni of Vapusman, King of i&Slmali-

— 5 9 ^ dvipa . One of the seven versas of bFilmalidvipa uamed after the seven sons of Vapusmat^. Heferred to also by g 7 under / ^ u^alffiplidvlpa.

143. Bpetatlrtha (Hams^. tirtha)

'i'i.Persons who bathe here reach Brahmaloka. Bltuated on -6 Nerinadp .

1. Kur. 1.45.11. 2. Kur. 1.47.10-j' .

3. G.54.11;55.2. 4. Vi.46.8-10.

5. Knv, 1.40.23-25. 6. Ve.49.28-45.

7. G.56.5. 8. Kur. 1 1 .4 2 .1 2 -1 3 . 621 144. Hpstinwpura.

cy.ilere was situated the pelece of Yudhisthira wherein he

received S f j g e Kerkpri^eye^. It y t p b also known as Gnjahve and 2 ^ was the Capital of the Kurus , The Capital of the wurus wpa

situetert t’Aenty two miles north-east of Keerut and south west • — *3 of Bijnor on the rlfht bank of the Gariga'^, It was nf^ied after

Miig hestin, great grandson of bharate i^eusyanti and Was - L ' situated north-east of belhi. Tpnini, Mbh and n p u p r r'efer to

it as Hastlnapurs, |

145. l^atakesvr-ra.

j-i, which gives moksa to persons who give up their life

in this spot and is famous throughout the three worlds^. J^^en-

tionec by Vam. on bapta-godsvera^.

146. Hemakuta. I rat. ■situated on the south of mt.Meru in the Jemhudvlpa^;

to the south of llavrta and is a boundary hill of x i ipuru.^a

^ •• from w'bich falls the Alekenondn . On the peek of mt.Hemakuta

, - ' ' is situated Alebakuta, the residence of ‘^iva, Heslde'mt.

Henokutp is situated mt.Kallasp,, which also is a residence of

.. ■ ------, ■■ ...... i „ !■— ■ ■ 1. kur. 1, 36. 6, 2, U,V,35.32,

3. Cey,p.y4. 4. Tnij, Vl,2,101;Mbh, I, p, 380 on Hen, 1 1 ,1 ,1 6 ;Ham,II.68^ 13; of,also 03,p,736,

5. Hur, 1. 31. 47. 6. Vsffi.63.78. 7, KGr.l.45.9;0.54.9. 8. Bh^V.l6.9;17.V 113.23; ve.47.63. 9. Kur.1, 4d, 1- 12. 622

iilva. It is wfitered by tbe pure v

the pepk of Keilesa is the isrijfitnVRne wherein sjssys indra^.

It was the foremost amon{»st the mountains w h i c h W ' ° 5 senrched by

Alng iAir^jeyp for OrvpsT . L>ey end Kpne-^ consider it to be ano­

ther npiQe for the tailasn mountain, i3ut as mt.Hemakuta is

mentioned here as (sistinct from ann as situated besida mt,

kailasp, it seeras to refer only to the rsandrapuchba range of the

liimalaya In v.bich the rivers Alakananda, Gangs and lamuna have

their source^ for the kailasa and the rondrapuchha ran es were

called by the general name of Aallasa^.

147. demakuta, ■

V, hei'ifikutn Var§a is one of the divisions of daibudvlpa

and ifi the territory of Aiiripuru^a, bon of Agnluhra,


143. Hlmahva.

V, The southern Varsa of Jambudvips whicn f e ll to the lot • I

of JNabhi, bon of Agnidhra, ivlng of Jambudvlpa'^, br refers to - 3 t , It as lilmakhya , The HimaVar^a was otherwise called the naima-

vnta or Rhpratp Var?p' lying betw^een the Himalayas apd the sea^9

1. Kur. 1.43.1-12. 2, kur, 1. 23. 25. 3. bey,p.75; dS,p.756, 4., 5. cf,Day,p,75 and GS.p.756.

6, Aur. I.40.32;Va.33.41;Vi.II.2.11.

7 , Aur, 1 .4 0 .31-3 7 ; Vb .3 3 .4 1 ;Br.II.1 4 .4 8 ; .1 8 ,:^7 .

8 . Br, II.18.42;ill.7.1U. S. Br, 1.33,55 etc.

1 0 . G/W4-.P.5V. 623

Btioreta, grenclson of end e few of his descendants that ] ruled over the territorj/ are mentioned ,

149, Hlrnolaya,

mt. It is a tlrtha visited by Vyesa^. It is famous

throughout the three worl(3s, iv'oksa is the rewpr*i for those who

die there^. It is the Hiraalaya mountain^. See under iiimevat.

150, HlmaVat. " 5 6 rat. Seme Himalaya , Situated on the south of rat.i«^eru°;

and on the east of L.Arur;oda^; to the south of msrmsd *-»arovare^, V i i/entioned in h V and AV , It is the varsaparveta of fharatsVarsa

Himalaya occurs in non-vedlc works,e.g, Gita IX,25J, liimevat

secerning to ancient geogrephers meant the entire moiintain range

stfetchlng from Sulairaen along the west of the iat-jjab and the H w'hole of tne Hortnern boundary of India up to Assam In the eastt

According to A>sr. Kailasa and lilmavot stretch froin e-'St to west

and ere situated betv/een t^o seas and tiimavat is situated to the

north of BharateVar§a rwhich has sens on south,vest f nd east) i l like the string of a bow . Having a stretch of thouaand and e eight yojanas it is adorned with varieties of mlrierrio ©nd is

1. kur. 1.40.37-47. 2. kur. 1.35.13.

3, kur, 1.31.46. 4. Oey, P.75.

5. Ibid. 6, kur. 1.4V.S;0.54.V.I 7. kur, 1.45.30. 8. Var,ob,78

9. HV.X.121.4;AV.IV.2.5;V.4.2, etc.

10. HG.pp. 16-19. 11. i^^ar.51.24;54.59. 624 served by the siddh^-s, carnnes and hosts of devprsis; also there is e river (?J Susuinne; The twice born who goes there expietes ^ “ / “ 1 even the etrojioas sin of Brahinehetya; holy for sr“ ddld end dnns-^.

It is rI so personified as the husband of fi'^ene, daughter of the pitrs^; Sati v^ns born as their daughter and given in marriage ■a ! to iXudra"^, On the slopes of the Hiraavat filled with ^osts of slddhas and sages, i^ing SusTla, son of dikhandin, met the

ahapesupata, ^vetasvatara by name. On these slopes flows the — — » c l landakini . All the regions of Himnvan are holy-* and hence king

Ourjjaye founa it a suitable place for expiating his sins^. On the peak of this mountain is situated the oevadaruvanp, king

Vasuffisne by his three hundred year austerities oonducted here,

' 1 • - reached the world of tilva' . On its peak is Oangadv"ra wherein is situated the tirtha of Wakuirsvara, the abode of - pkulisvara or iilva . It was on the peak of mt.nimevat that ijiva incnTreated in the Valvasvata epoch as tiveta and lived with his four disci­ ples, i^:>veta, ^vetasikha, Svefcasya and Svetalohite". The region lying in between the Hlmavat and the Vinahyns is reooh.manded as the best for the twice-born to live in. The rivers that rise from mt.Hlmavat are: ^atadru, Candrabhaga, Sarayu, Yamuna, iravatl, Vlpass, Vitasta, Oeviki, kuhu, Gomatl, Obutnpepa, Bahuda

1. kur. II, 37.46-4V. 2.

3. kur, 1,11.12, 4.

5. kur. Ii,37.4S. 6.

7. kur. 1,20.4V. 8.

9. kur. 1.53.1-3. 10. 625

iJrsfidv/=tr, Aeuelkl end Lohitp or Lohinr^,

151. Hlnps.

Jfl.The nines ere e people of Bhorete Vnrse^,

152, HIrpnaevn.

V, The kingdom of Hiremrtpys, son of Agnldhrp, of Jembu-

dvipe; division of Jembudvipn rIso known ps iavetp, the northern

verse^; situated on the south-east of iieru^. The people here are / — of the complexion of gold. They feed on Srlphelp and enjoy p.

Ilfs of 12,500 yeers^.

153. Hlrppye-^r rbhe. -6 A linga visited by Vyesa; mentioned under Varegasi .

154. Home (Heme) ft mt. One of the Xuleparvatas of Kusadvlpn^,

155. hociR i V'/omp)

Ti, Another sacred spot visited by Vyase and mentioned under

Vprapesiu- " T® ,

1 5 6 . liunaS. — Q One of the peoples of Bherata Ver.^e , The Har^scarita

1 . Kur. I, 47.28-30. 2 , Xur. 1.47.42.

3 . Kur, I.40.34;45.12; Vi.34.30;VI.11.2 .14.

4 . G.54.12;55.1. 5. xGr. 1.47.4-5.

6 . Xur. 1,35.13;4,1.S2.76;^-.1.37.16;x.quoted by r.A,p,4 6 .

7 . Kur. I. 49.20, 6 . Kur, 1,35.11. 9. Xur. X. 4/.43. 626

plncea the liugng in the Uttorepethe Apparently sotneY^hf^re about

the western i-'unjab^. iiunedesa is plrced to the south of the

Keraagiri and to the north of Maru-desa, i.e. the Bosert and is

celled the land of heroes (practically the same as above, is / R said here in the Ljaktlsamgana Tantra,Book lll.oh.vAi terse 44).

Huna royal houses are mentioned In the records of the iratiharaa,

I kp.lacurie and others. They were regarded es compriBihg one of 1 the 36 clans of the Kajputa end had a piece in Indian -Politics

even long after the fall of Toratriana end JS^ihlreKula"^.

157. Iksuke.

r. The reading in other Tiirpyas is ik§u. one of the rivers I of i»akadvlpa^; rising from Hiraavnt^. Sailing into A'abaada^.

uey and i^ircar identify it with Oxus^, Tut Aane does not take

Hey'a Identifioation seriously for vey equatea, boeideg iksu,

Asmanvati (p.l3) end Caksus (p.43) also with Oxus^,

158, Iksu (-11 armada) Sn.iwmip,

The confluence of the Iksu with the NaniJada is holy for worships of ^iva. By bathing fitiere one gains the leadership of

f A ( j the ganas of ^iva . Mentioned also in M and T ,

1, GA^l, p,27. 2. Ibid.j?. 101.

3. KGr. 1.49.35; G.56.15;Br. 11.19.96; k..122.32;V5.45.93;

4* Va.45.96. 5. ii.191.49.

6. Bey,p.77 end GAMl.p.42. 7. 06.p.757.

S. 4ur, 11.41.28-29. 9. k;,ifa.49;T.i.i8,4'/< 627

159 . Iki^urpsB.rjbodbl.

See surroundiag Jr-lek^edvlpa^.

1 6 0 , Ilevrte.

It is the centre! continent of Jefabudvipa ana is - "v surrounded by Sheret^arse, kirapurusa end Her^erse on the south and by Hamyeke, liirenrQeya end Auru on the north, mt, « 2 l/.eru is situated et the centre of ilevrta .

The viskptabha parvatas around Meru are four; iiandara on the east, Gandha'Tiadpna on the south, Vipuls on the vest and

Suparsve on the north. The trees special to the region are f hadamba, Jembu, i^lppala and Vata, It't lies between the varies a, iihadijsva3 and keturaala. On the east of llavrta is lUe Oaitra- rathavsna, on the south Gandhamadaria, on the west Vsibhraja and on the north Saviturvana \ handana-Vi), Arunocp, .uapa- bhecira, Asitorta and i^.enasa are the four lakes of j.irvrta? Bh also describes it as the central continent of Jpmb.^dvlpa with the mountains I'iile, Bveta ana Brfi^=;avan (Bupar^va-Vi j on the north, X^isadha, llemakuta and Himalayas on the south, i.eiyovet on the east and Bendhamadano lis-iandara-Vi) on the weat^. It is f C the abode of biva where he worships the fourth form of Visnu'^.

1. Aur. I.4S .12-13;Bh.V.l.33;20.7;Vi.ll.4.20;CJ.54.6.

2. Aur, 1, 45.12-13. I 3 . Kur. 1 .4 5 .1 4 - 1 6 and 21-24;of.also Vi,11.2.15-26.

5. BI.I.Fp.202-3. 4. Bh. V'.16-7-10;17.15-24. 628

Aientioned plso by Br, fc, Vp, G «tc, . llpvfta v.itli mt. i«teru pt its centre, Is the torrotory of iipvrtp, son of A^nidhrp,

King of Jaifibudvlpp^. The people of Ilevrtp ere of lotus hue.

Their life extends to 13,000 yenrs. They fped on the Jujube fruit end its Juice^, it is from the Jembu trf»e thet the I continent derives its name. The fruits of that tree are as large as elephants, Whenthey fall down the Juice thr,t flows I from then forms the Jai’ibu river, the waters of v/hioh are drunk by the inhabitants^,

161, Ifldradvipa, 5 V, One of the nine sub-divisions of Bharata .

162, Irrvrtl, 6 7 r, rtllslng from mt, Himevat ; sacred to pitrs , J.t is also 8 knovm as a tirtha . :

It is the modern «avl river in Bunjab called Hyiiroates by

Greek writers^. It may also be Kapti in Uudh}^ The Modern rinvi rises in the rock-basin of Batogahal, It appears first to our ifiew at the south-west corner of Chamba in Kashmir, Then it

1. Br,Il,llf.49;15.24;33-37;II.17.S-14;M.113.1S end 30;114.6^,;


2. Kur, 1,40,33. 3. Kur, 1,47.20;Va,46.11-16.

4. Kur. I.45.17-19;V i.II.2.

5. KGr. I.47.24;a.55.4;Br.II.i6.9;V;.45.79;Vi,X1.3.6;M.ll4.8.

6. Kur. 1.47.29. 7. Br. II.16.25; V^.45.': 5.

S. BO,p,758;GAiVjI.p,41;HG.p.86;JIey,p.7'; . ' 8. G.81.22. 10. Bey.p.79. 629

flows i-ptiore with, b south-westerly course end metts the

Chensb or the united flow of the Vitfiste end Uandrebhpr.e bet­

ween Ahmedpur end baroisidhu'*', i

163. Jehnevl. j I r. 3pme ps Genge rising from the liiraaleyafi, Jehjnu drank 2 it end let it off through his right ear end hence the naiie , 3 According to Br Jahnu let it off from his belly , Vsj also gives the story of Jehnu^ - - -5 It is the river flowing through Vererjesi ; it represents

end equals in merit all the three and a half crores of tirthas of the three regions, viz. the heaven^ earth and atmosphere,

declared by Vayu^,

164. Jplr>,:l3pryesrajiie.

Hermitage, On the peak of mt,likasrnga is the Jaigisavya- srpma wherein lives the sage with all his disciples Oankha, t'anohara, Apusika, Krsna and Vedaveda, surrounded by maiay other ascetice, liiphesvara along with oevi stays there for the gratification of the sages',7

1 6 5 . Jplada,

V, Kingdom named after Jalada, one of the seven sons of

Havya (Bhavya), King of Sakadvipa .

1 . UG.p.6 6 . 2 . B.II.41.35-36.

3 . Br.iIl.56.4B.

4 . Va,91, 54”5B. cf, also Bh,ix.l5. 3;i^.l2,44;121.26.

5. i'vur, 1 ,3 1 .2 , 6, Kur, i,39.B.

7. Kur. 1.48.17-22. 8. Kur. 1.40,16-19;-Br. 11.14.17-18; Va.33.16. 630

166. J»^l: avf’rr or •Jpi^rvfirp,

Ti. On the western footlRndg of rnt./uasrsKfintskp is o Inks

(tirpufi) Jnlesvers by nmie wbioh is femous tUroui;;ht the three vorlrie, i&oat effloe/oious for offering ' f plndes to pitrs.

Mentioned under Keriapue^, It in elso referred to es Jole^verp, tlrthp by violting whinh ell wishes of p person ere fulfilled^.

In the kurffie Jnlelvsre seerr.s to be identloel with Jnle.4vere r<»ferred to ebove, .Tpiesvere is [mentioned in ti r-s one of the eight sthenes of yive^. It is elso mentioned ss r tlrtha in the Amerekenteks h ill of kelingn, f i t for pinrietrrppnera. It

Visa here that /iene appeared with p lings on his herd, while oive wea burning his Tripure, end wes blessed by oive^. The

Ver also mnkes mention of p Jelesvara situeted near bplegraaifi^ which seems to be different altogether from the one referred to above es situeted near mt.AmnrnkRntRkp.

167. Jpmpde.:nyp.

Ti. One who bnthes in the tirtha of Jamadagnyn Lame gains the merit of Uieklng a g ift of; one thousand oows^. It was hero that Indre became lord of gods; situeted on th«^ ^ermedp"^

(where the Warrcndp fells Into the sen). T calls it'as

JaiaeORgni tirtha®, hi locates it on the Godavari and recommends

1. kHr. 11. 40.2f-23; W.186.15 and 38.16711.1.14.3. 2. Kur. 11.40.35. 3. h.181.28-30 4. M.186.15-38;187.3“52;1S8. 5. Var.144.139-140.

6. Kur. 11.44.10. 7. 4.T,4.34-35.

8, i’. 1.21.34- 3 5 . 631

/ 1 it ns very effioncious for srnddhn ,

166. Inpibudvipp, i I One of tbe seven feetiRdvipos thrt constitute the lelprtfci. The _ 2 Ksprodn (Spit seej circiiGivents it . It is situnted pt the centre of the Spptpdvipp . rriyavrfetp, Son of sveyfimbhuvn .v,Rnu, conse- j crpted seven of his ten sons, kin^rs of the seven ii/JphodvIpes,

Thus in the Jarabudvipp /-gnidhrp wps consecrated kin-,,'^. Of

Aj^nidhro, the i.ord of Jambudvipe, there were nine sons among whom the Jombudvlpa was divided. Thus to habhi, Agnidhrs gave the southern versa iilmahvp; HetasKuta Versa was given to nimpurusa;

I'^aisadhe Versa to ilari, Ilavrta Varsn with keru at its centre was given to ilnvrta, the vers^a defined by hilpdri iisilaorla) / to rtpmya, the northern versa viz, L.veta, to uiranvan; tue nor­ thern varsa v.'lth mountain peaks ^Orngnvetj to Aeru, the versa situated on the epst to xihadrasva and the Grandhampdana versa to - 5 ketumalp . iiach of these varsas has an extent of 9,000 6 yojanas , At the centre of Jambudvipa is situated mt, heru.

Like the pericarp of he world-lotus. Its foot h^s a spread of

1 6 , 0 0 0 yojanas.

The vpraaparvatss of Jambudvipa are liiaiavan, J nf 'pkuta and - / / . 7 f^isadha on the south and lUla, iiveta and b^ngi on the north .

1. 4.22.57-56. 2. Aur. 1.45.2-4.

3 . kur. 1, 45.6, 4. kur. 1,40,10, cf under Saptadvipa, infra.

5. Aur. 1.40,30-35. 6. Aur. 1.45.13.

7. Aur, 1,45.6-10, 632

llflvrts is the centre! continent f Jmiibudvipa haviiM^ three

versus ench on its south and on its north respectively, viz,

Bherst'iVar^R, Aiinpurusp end Her^arsa on the south enfi Bamyaka, I riiranroaya end Jluru on the north, Mt.tieru is situated at the

centre of ilaV|'to^, The Viskambha parvetes around ii.eru ere four:

Mandara on the east, ^andhaiaadana on the south, Vipuia on the

west end ouparsva on the north. The trees special to; the region I are *adnmba, Jambu, Tlppale and Vata, The fruits of Ijambu are I as big PS an elephant. The Juice that flov/c froT' the ripe

fruits fallen on the ground forms the Jambunadi, The continent

derives its name from this tree special to the refrlon. The

waters of this river are utilised by the Inhabitants. The

inhabitants are free from perspitation and foul smell, old age, 2 uneasiness and weakness , On the east and west of i-ieru sre

(the varsas)• Bhodrasv© and Ketumala, llavrte • is situated I in between these two vereas. There are also four forests (vauas)

and four lakes. The Oaitrarethavana on the east, Oendhamadena

on the south, Vaibhrajs on the v/est and tievriturvana on the

north are the four forests. The four lakes are Arunoda, iishabhadra, Asltocta and Manasa. The mountains are ^itanta,

huaudvan, kururi, l^alyavan, V'aikanka, ti, i ittan i4aila,

V^ksavan, Mahanila, Hucakp, Sabindu, tiandarp., Venumen, ilegha

and Nlsadhp,• On the enst of Lake Arunods • are the mountains: Aesarpcala (keaevecala), Trikuta, Basira (Bikharp, B.fisivin},

Tatpnga, duoaka, Kioadha, Vasudhara (Vasumara), iv^litiga,

Trisikha, :^amula, Vaauvedi (Vasudhlra), Kururu, Tamrata, Visr^la,

1 . Kur. I.A5.12-13. 2. Kilr, 1.45.13-20. 633

K.umuci0 , Venu, fcknsrn^a, G^Jaspile, Pinjnks, (i^isnoaks), -t-Riica- saila, i^ailase end himavan; on ttie south of l.c/lshobhadra are:

Keserecala, t>ikhivasas, Voirturya, Kapilp, Gandhnmad»>na, 0‘arudhi

(Jerudhita, Sugandba, Srisrngaj, Surambu, Sarvag^-^Yidha, Buparsva,

Bupaksa, Kanka, Kopila, Vireje (i-injaia), iJhadmjpla Irbadra- ssllr), Lusaka (Sura), Anjana, Medhu.'-'ian, Citrasrn.'^s^ » lahalayaJ

Kutnuda (Bahasrasikbara), fciukuta, irandura, Krsna, i “r1jate,

Kapilacala, Bu§ena, i'uiidarTkn• and Mah^ea:ha; on the vcelst of l.Asltoda are: kesaracale, Bankhakuta, Vrsabha, bf>-usR,

Aalanjana tKalinjara), Bukra IBakrs)-saila, iNila, Aaviale,

Parljata, Kanaka, Pu^paka, Bumeigha, Varaha, Viraja, -ayurn,

Kaplla and i\5ahek8plla. These mountains are frequented by I slddhas, yaksas, gandharvas and gods; On the north of the lake iianasn is Kesaracala. A^ong the ridges of these mts, there are various other lakes and forests^, Mt.Meru which is situated at the centre of Jsmbudvipa is in the middle of the mountains running from X'lila to XJaisadha and from inialyavan to Gacdnai^a- dana. In this position it forms the pericarp of the world-lotus, the varsRS Bherata, Aetumala, Bhodrisva and wurava f'-ming the petals, The eight maryadaparvatas surrounding these Varsas are

Jethara, l>evaku'jj;a, Gpodhamanana, Kailasa, ijalspdha, >ariyatra,

Trlsrnga and Jarudhi, On mt.XiIeru are situated the cities of

Brahma, Araarpvati the city of Indra, Tcjovati the city of Agni,

Samyomani the city of Yarnp, Kaksovatl that of Kairrta, iiaudhavatl the city of Varuna, GandUavatl the city of Vayu, Aantlmati

(i^??ntlmetl j the city of Boma, iasovati the city of Bpnksra and the residences of apsarps, slddhas, garjes and gods, ^i’he

I heavenly Ganga winding its course through the city of; i>rahiua t k.uv X- 't5 634

f,<5lls lipre Bfid fiivities its course into four, viz, i>it©, AleKa- n^ndp, Sucnksu end Bhodre, I'lie •■ 'ita wninti flows to tOe east

traverses Btiafirseva end through the eastern vcr§p Joins the

ocean, Alnknande flows to the south end reechin^ Bharato

divides I ts e lf into seven branches and joins the ocean,

Cuoaksu traverses a ll the western u:ountains, reaches letunialB

and tlien inerts the ocean, t^hadra traverses e ll the northern mountains and also a ll the northern Xurtts and joins the northern eeQ"^, In the Ketumala var^a men ere of dark comple­

xion and the wotiT^n are of the complexion of the petelb of [ lutus, Iney feed on i'anase and liv e a lif e of a hundred thousand years.

In Ehadrpsva men are of fair complexion and women are of the hue of moon-beams. They liv e on *anna*. Their life-spen is of ten thousand years.

The people of rtsmyaka Versa are of silv e r hue. They live for 11,500 years. Their food is the fruits of Ayegrodha,

In Hiragmaye, the complexion of the inhabitants is that / — of gold. They eat tiriphala and live for 12,500 years.

The inhabitants of iv^uri^ar§e live for 14,500 years,

Taey are of dark blue complexion ana pre norn of ’mithima’ ,

**iik is their diet. The people of Canaradvlpa worship *jiva and perfom sacrifices in his honour.

In i'^impuru^a people ere of golden hue. They live for

10,000 years, 'Elaksa* is their food. They w'orshlp Bratoa,

X, i‘Ur, l,ch,46. 635

The inhabi tents of Hariverv^e sre of the compiejcibn of gold.

They feed on ’IksuraSR’ and live for 10,000 years. They ore devotee's of Visnu,

i'he people of llavpta are of lotus hue. Their life is of

13,000 years. They feed, on the Jujube fruit, cf.also ilovrta


la Bharata people are of varied complexion worshipping various deities. Their life is only a hundred years,; Its

/ ! — seven kuleporvetas ere: Mahendra, Kpleya, Sehya^ bpktinan,

^soparvata, Vinohya and r^arlyatra, Bborata comprises nine dvipas (islands or divisions), viz, Indradvipa, i^aserukm'n,

Tamrapargo, Gabhestiffian, l^agadvipa, Baumya, Ganriharva, Varuna, this being the ninth I unnamed )• There ere many rivers flowinj^ from these mte^. In Bharata is prevalent the system [of the I four yugas, viz, krto, Treta, Uvepara and Aali, In the other eight vorsas, hlmpuruse^etc, there is no yuga system Lnd the people are free frora sorrow, anger and fear of famine. They 2 are ever cheerful and live with everlasting youthfulneso ,

All the moantaiu-peaks of Jambudvipa are holy in as t»iuch as they ere dfisoribed as the abode of slddhas, yaksas, apsaras, hermits, gods end goddesses with their cities and mansions,

*..t,HemrKute and Aailasa watered by the holy Mandakini have the residences of bivp, Indra, liarpyaija, Brahma, etc. The seven hermitages of the saptar^is, the residences of the v*^sus and of Brahma, the Jaigiaavyasreme, the mansions of Burgh, Indra,

1, of, Bharata (supra) for further particulars,

2, Kur, 1.47. 636

Sri i)evl, the forts of ri^k^RSps snd the cities of VldysdhprfiS,

Mahplpk?mi, Spresveti, Gpndharvps, i-iudres, Gnuesas, i'ansTPS, etc, occupy other lEO untpin peaks. On the ridges of these ffiountpins there are innuinerrble lakes, rivers end fountains of pure orystalf-cleer vpter. Also there are many lihgas 1 raised and consecrated by the spges , ilnksadvipa is tvrioe as “ 2 much as Janabudvipn in area ,

In the Buddhist Liter^^ture Jambudvipe figures as one of the four Mahadvipas or the four greet continents, in the

Niinor Hock Adict 1 of Asoka Jaiabudvipn denotes the country ruled by that iitoperor. In the hpics and mrer^as Janbuavipe is I described as one of the seven concentric islands girt by seven samudras, Bharsta Ver§a wes only one of the nine vpr^as or countries which constituted Jembudvlda, Bharata again, accor­ ding to B^uranlc cosmology, was divided into nine divisions separated by seas, iiight of them ore not provinces of present

India but of greater India and are islends and countries that encircle the Indian Peninsula, The ninth dvipp, i,e, kuaari cr A-utnarika dvipa (unnamed in Aurma) with Kirptas on its e - ! east, fevpnps on the v>

1. Aur, 1,48. 2. Aur, I,4S,1,

3 . HCf, pp.8-10, cf, also Appendix 4- Geographical chapters of ) the Aurma, 637

169. J ^rribunedl.

r. The river Jeiahu ia forineh by the juice of the ripe jujube fruits thet fall from the trees in the Jambudvlpa^. it is elso known as Jembunadpin, a river of juice of celestial rope-apple tree flowing from the top of Meruraendara into ilevrta^; Va elso refers to it as a river of honey, containing gold-^. It rises from a lake situated to the v/est of Meru^. It is also described fis rising from Candraprpbha lake on the slopes of yeru/riandars peak^,

1 7 0 . Jambukesvara.

Ti, Vyasa visited this tlrtha^. Ivlentloned. under Varanasi'^.

171 • lang^lokp,

Situated above Maharloka and is of two crores (yojannsj In ares. Brahma’s sons, Saneka etc., stay jihere . Un>=‘ of the seven mshalokss produced from the cosmic egg. They are Bhur- loka, Bhurverlokp, bvprloka, kaharloka, Jenaloka, Tr-pa vor

Tapoloka) and Batya loka^.

1. Aur. 1.45.lB;''a.35.26-32;

2. Bh.V.l6.19-20;Vp.35.26-30.

3 . Vp. 35.29;4?.66; cf.a I.I.p.630.

4 . Va.47.65-66.

5. Br. 11.18,68-69;Bh.V.16.IV;cf. Jambudvlpe (supra).

6 . Aur. 1.35.4.

7 . lbid;A.l.37.4;L.l.V2.107;N.Il.50.67.

8. Aur. 1.44.2, V. Aur. 1,41.2. 633

172. Jr?P'/eHVnnr or Jpo.yeBvnrp.

t I, This Is the holy spot where Wsndr, son of *jilpde, propltipted by his reoitetion of three crores of ftudrps^.

In the neighbourhooa cf this tirthe is situeted tirthp i^pnce-

neds tlrths^, refers to it under VprenesI^. The L end • ( i^ive nlso mention It^ end is identified with Jelpls?^ of the Kpl by Oey^.

173. t^erudhl.

mt. On the south of l.Mehebhadra^. On the pesk Lf Jerudhi is the lustrons residence of the Bun. On the north of it is — 7 j Opndresthene, the residence of the moon'.

174. Jimute.

V.hln^doni of Jlmute, son of King Vapusman, in i^^alualidvip

G mentions it ps a country in the south-west of BheretJVar§a^,


1 7 6 , -^ellpsa or kpilpsa-sikhere.

mt. Situated on the peek of mt.Keru, It is the abode of

1. ■hur. 11.43.17-42;cf.p. 239 2. Kur. 11,44.1—2.

3. Ag. 112.4. 4. » J. •cli.43;Giva, iV ,oh.47.

5 . kal. cb.77;of.Oey.p.8l. 6. Kur. 1 .4 5 .3 2 .

7 . jKur, 1. 48.52-54.

8. kur. l,40.23-25;G.56.5;Br. 11.14 .32-33; v;.33.28 -2 VI. I1 .4 .2 3 ,2s. f . G.55 .14. 10. Kur. 1.35.6;k'. I.5^6. 639 bivp pnd is full of slddhps, ysksss, p;endb,ervpe, ppsprps pnd n^ps, reraplnsd there enjoying their cornpony for quite e long period^. It lies on the east of l.Arunode? It is also described as situated on the south of Meru^; north of the U hermitage of Atri , end else beside Hemekute. There stays

/vubere viith orores of yak^rs. It is watered by the pure waters of the Mandakini. On the peak of mt.Asilpaa is the ifarijeta- 5 J'- vana where dwells Indrp in a large mansion^. The vayu also I gives a description of r.pilasa with the city of /vubera, resi­ dences of Indro, Agni and ¥ajia, the mansions of the ,’yaksa- chiefs, etc. It was here that xtuara married Ums an

it is 8 peak of the iiimelaya 22,000 feet above sea level situated about 23 miles to the north of l^anasa laka'^.

According to Ub it is f'lso called Hemakuta . But i

1, Kur, I,26,l;l.l/f.6A, 2, kur, 1. 45.30.

3. Bh,V,l6.27; Vi,II,2,4--‘. 4. M.121.2 -5;163.B5;183.1

5. Kur, l.US. 3-12, 6. v ^ . u . i -47;47.1-60,etc

7. 1)3.p,760 and Oey,p <32, B. Bhisma,• ch,6.

9. of,Hemakuta tsupra). 640

177« fp.ku.(lmr»n. mt. One of thie seven Kulpervntns of ^elmelldvipe^ noted

for the precious getas reined by Vnssvn, It is a hill ,oontai~

ning medicinal herbs, on the north-vest of -Kailisa'^; a rot, in


17^« i^alakeavere (helasesvara).

Ti, A sacred place visited by Vyasa; mentioned under


17V. jva.lanlarB or K alln.lsre.

mt. Situated on the west of l.Asitoda^; on the north base 6 * — 7 of ^leru , It is the best of h ills where Sveta took nis avetare^,

- w / By worahipping K^lanjara here, Siva gets extremely x^l.eased.

Here did Siva destroy Kelp who came there to take awry >^ing

Sveta v*ith him . Vysse paid a v is it to this place aiso^. It X 0 is also referred to as a mahatirtha'*’ .

Kalanjera or Kalinjera is (A) a hill and fort ini Bundel- ^11 khand; it was the capital of the Chandelles, Ain-1->kbari

1. Aur. I.4S ,15;0.56.6.

2. Br.II.19.41-2;W .121.14;Vi.49.38;Vi. 11.4.27.

3. ^i.l22.60. 4. J^ur. 1.35.7.

5. Ibid.

6. Bh. V.l6.26;8-30;Br.III.13.100;

7. Vi,23.204. 8. Kur,II.36.11-38; for story of.j

IS: B.81.19. Air.i.35.12. j

11. Ain-i-Akbe.ri Vol. II. p. 159. cf.alao Vano. 85, 56, «7, ;

Va.77.9 3; Vim.84. 641

refers to it pb*a stone fortress situeted on n heeven-reaching

hill. It contains meny temples end an idol is there dalled

hale Bhairava, 18 cubits high, of ’A'hich mnrvellouvS t^les ere

related, Springs rise within the fort and there are liany tacks,' — 1 - — —2 B.-referred as an 'eyataCB , 0.- under Varanasi . r»,-Bhrine of I luiva under Godavari here also called y8yata'^;B,-souree of - ^ - / L i - Iiarmada called K.alinjj'ari and a Biva shrine^; F,-unf' r ^'.sthura to c I referred/ps kalinjara^; G,-refers to the sane hilly distriot/ft in

Kashmir^. | I 180, kplasarpl, •

Ti, The tlrthaof kasyaps is known by this name.! it is

holy for sraddha, dSne, eto,^. | i

131, Kplatirtha. i - _ ’ _ „ 8 9 Ti, Visited by Vypsa; under VaraijasI ; in Kosela ,

182, halindi.

r. It Was on the banks of this river that -fUng Gurjjaye /-lO happened to meet end fall in love with Urvasi ; a river of

the dvetumala country^"*"; daughter of the sun-god; wandering in 12 the forest in search of Krsna and finally married to him .

1, Bevala quoted by T.k.p,250. 2. kur,II.36.11-58;, 3. B.146,1 and 43. 4, Bk. kplikakhanda quoted by P,V45,Tr(«tPa.sXfa. 5. Ver.176.18. PS - p- 7t o

6, rt,VII,1256;cf.DB.p,760 and Bey,p,84.

7. kur. II.37.34“35;G.81,lO;Br.lIi.l3.‘^8-S; ^ , 7 7 . 8 7 , 8, kur, 1, 35.2, Vana, 85.11-12; .1,3S. 11. ! 10. kur. 1, 23. 6; for the story cf.p.i^o. li. Va.44. 2i 1 1 . Bh.k.58.17-23;7i.43;J*U4?.14; Va.S6.234; Vi. V.26. 3; 32. 4,etc. 1 ' 642

-X It is the spine ps Ipmunp .

I 8 3 .

mt, Gn the east of 1.Arunodp'^; p hill to the south of 3 k'pYlPBP ,

1 8 4 . Kplln ;pdese. I

Jp, Mt Aaprakpjjtel^p from which flows the river j'lermpdo is * it situpted on the western querter of Knlingp ; e souttxern -hing- dom of Meddhyedess unfit for sreddha; a jenapada of upKsiQn- 5 * paths . The holingoa are elso referred to as the naoe of a people in BharatAypr^p^. The halinga country originally comprised the present i'uri and Ganjam district of orlssa end adjoining regions, Aoooniing to Mb', the Vaitarani river formed the north-eastern boundary of halinga. At tb« time of

Aloka end Aharavele It comprised the iuri-Cuttack ror-ion in the east. At the time of the li-astern tiariga hing Anantavarmon

Goijlpgangp, the hallnga kingdom extended from the Upnga to

Godavari, The expansion of Kplinge from the Kahan*^ril to the

Krsna in the south seems to be referred to in an inscription of the fifth century , for further information cf,

.‘•>ey,p,85,WG,P.156-15‘, and G/,-^.i,p,8 4 ,

[ 1. Vi.v ,7.2;16. 34;VI.a. 36; of,oey. P.85.

2. kur. 1.45.28 • 3. vS.36 .22 ;42. 28.

4. Aur. 11. 40-5 • 1 5. Br. 11,16.42 and 57; 111 . 15 .13;M.163 .72 ;VL 77,13j7^:.23

6. ivur. 1. 47.42• 7. Vena, 114.4.

3. £.1, VOl.AAA. P . 114. 643

185. Kpllolnkesvffrf:. ^

t I, under Moruinda. Ganga descends here during day. Fit

for dena, snana^ etc, j

liJ6. KpMpla. I 2 mt. On tbe west of l.Asitoda. j

187. Kamarune.

Ja. The inhebitants of Kacaarupa are mentioned as utlli- 3 Ing the waters of the rivers of Bharata Versa , It ie the 1 ancient name for Assam. It is bounded by Bhutan in the north,

by the districts of Darrang and Kowgong on the east, by the

Ahesi hills on the south and by Goalpara on the west. The

ancient kingdom of Kpmarupa comprised the whole of the Brahma­ putra valleys together with rtangpur and Gooch Bihar, It also

included iwpnlpur, Jaintia, Cachar, West Assam and parts of

Myraensingh and Sylhet. In the i-iaranas its capital id called

J^'i*egjyoti.<3a^. The Gauhati region was the heart of the ancient I 5 I Aamarupa. .

188. Aamatirtha. ' ** 4» Ti, Situated on the southern bank of the Wari'fd^ where

Kamo worshipped Bari, One who bathes fhere asoencie to rfudra-

loko in the forsnof Aamn himself^. !

1. Kur. 11.41.88-89. 2. Aur. 1.45.37.

3. Aur. 1,47.41. 4. Aal,cb.38.

5, HG.p, 226;GAfvil.p. 86; Dey.p.8?.

6. Aur. 11.41.54“56;G.1.81.9. 644

18S. ■K^f*TnbfflFgv,‘^t'^rng I On the southern bank of the leijiuno. One who bnthec there end drinks the weter is libereted from ell sins. By bethlnp here ten sncentorfs of one's line get libereted^. - 2 3 M refers to it under I'reypgn , Referred to also by Af;''; two 4 ‘ springs or pools in Knshff»ir .

190. Kpmse. ' - . Bit, One of the Kulepervetes of BaLiielldvipp. .

191. i'oneka.

mt. On the west of l.Asitoda^,

192. Konekenendfi.

Ti, It is a tirthe famous in ell the three worlds and I situated on the east of Brshmaprstha (Mun^sprstho or Kunda- prsthe) end served by hcsts of Brnhinarsis, Holy for dana, # • V “8 sraddha eto.'; a river to the north of Alundaprstha at Cajia ,

It is also called as Aanakanendi, a tirtha, by bathipg in which one goes to heaven^.

193. J^anakhala.

Ti, The destruction of Bak^a’s sacrifice by nudra took

1. kur. II. 37.19-21. 2. &5.106 .2 7 ;iio.8 ,

3. Ag.111.5. 4. PS p 7g2

5. Kur. 1.49.15.

6. Kur. I.45.37;of.Va.24.75;35 .10 ;B.39.

7. Kur. 11.37.41-43. 8. W. II. 44.62.

9. Va.77.105;Br.III.13.113-15- 645 pl-cp here. Here Genge is very holy. One who sips Ite wrters 1 here would wesh off all his sins and attain Erahasloke , G

refers to it as s mahatirtho and places it north of - unda-

prstha on the Genga about two miles from bsridvsaY’^'’; under * - 4 - ‘5 Gaya between Uttara and Oakslna Manasa ; under i'.arwp'da and

also under Ivipthura^.

154. kankp. - 7 I rat, on the south of l.Kehabhadrs ; a chief hill of


155. J^entimatl (Ganti.natl j,

cy. On the east of the city of Gandnavati on v^t.ijeru is situated the city of Goiaa, viz.kantiinsti, Only those vJho are t: righteous reach lihere'.

1/6. kanvesraraa.

king Gurjjaya approached kar;va here seeking his advice in order to expiate the sins he coraraitted by his extr^- arital ,-10 connections with Urvasi . A,-It is situated on the river

1 . kur. II.37.10-11;40.7. 2. G.81.2S;84.^. '

3. Vane. 84. 30; Anusinspna 25.13; V;-^. Dh.S, 85.14; Aur. lx, 37* 10-11; Gk. 1 .1 .2 .1 1 ; Va.S3.21;Vera.4.57.

4. Ve, 111,7; Ag.ll5.23;i'(. I i . 4 6 . 4 6 .

5. i-.183.69;j^.I.20.67.

6. Va, 152.40-4^. cf.iAi.p 762;i.'I.I.306;Gey,p.S8 and ii0.p.8S.

7 . kur. 1 .4 5 .3 2 .

«. G.5 6 . 6 ;Vi.4 2 .50;49.36;Vi.1 1 .4 .2 7 .

S', kur. 1 , 4 6 . 2 3 - 2 4 . 10. Aur, 1,23.18 and ji 646

in til© i38hpr©npur ])istrict. Th© liennltpge of Kfenva

muni is said to b© ©long t4e becb: of iiolini ; was also| kno^m

as i^adspij. It whs situated 30 miles to the west of nnjrdwar.

B- it is also located on '^erwanvatl (r. i-hembal) four 7»i;lles

south, east of Kota in uajputann'^. This Kagvesra’sa w*»s also I tz called i^harmaranya^. ‘--n the banka of the

19/. Knn.y g,

TI, a person who batues here washes off ell Itis J^ins,

iJy oatuing nere on toe 3i.’u day of the bright, one

would beca-as e.n ©i-iperor end one who gives up his life! here

gains everlasting worlds^. A- situated near the B - -Q 9 _ ' 10 under i'Jarrnada , In Neimlse forest . Snme as Kanyakijimarl ,

or situated on the Kaveri or In Kuruk^etra^^.

19B. Kpuelaraocnna.

Tl, *5hlcli o p l e t e e the sin of Brahinane murder, i^yasa

visited this tirthe; have Bhairera enshrined the skull of

1. Abhijtena /^ekuntala Act. I. 2. Br. i:.54.

3. ..ib. Vans. Oh .82;At'..0h.l09. 4. l/ey, P.89.

5. ir.ULtara.O h.94; of. L'ey, i) 763; ffG.p.89.

6. Kur. 11.42 ,2 1 -2 y ; 4 4 .9 .

7. Vana-83.112;85.23;Kur.lI. 44-9; B.i . 39 .21.

8. ■M. 1 9 3 .7 6 -7; Kur;11.4 2 .21 •

9. /©ua. 95.3; l.T. 2 7 . 1 Cf.jUi .P.763.

1 0 . • p • XGO*

1 1 . Bey. p.9 0 . 647

Brehmp subsequ'ent to the departure of Brahraehetye to iptalp, nnd thus expiated his ein^. A- many locate it under VpranesI^;

on Saresvafl othen'Ise called Auspnasa"^; under Aventl^.;

0- in Kashmir, modern i>ep:em in Supiyan psrga^a^; r— in A 7 Wayapura, i.e. Haridv/ar®; !?■- on the river Babarmati in '^ujrat ,

199. Kpoarddlsvara. ,

One of the guhya-liagss situated in Vrr?resT and [visited byu Vyess.U - !

200, Aapile.

mt, (l; On the south of l.ilnhabhadra^ are meutlqned two I mts. by name Kepila besides hapilacsla ( Kamalv 4nBa oit Kspilodara) I also situated on tho south of l.'.’ahabhadra^ and (?) qa the west ii of 1. Asitods The Va places Kspila on the north 1, KabS- 12 bhadra. .

Cioe 1. Kur.l.35.15;II.30.24;31,100-107;'^or/story of Brahtithatya c f.p ,23

2. Vans.83.137;V^m.3.48-51)Var.97.24-26;B.V. 14.185-lt^9|Kur.1.35.15, etc.

3. V^.39.5-l4;Salya.39.9-22. 4.-N.II.78.6.

5. 6 .1 .VI.129.28.

7 . of, Dey.p.90.06.p.763.

B.Kur. I.32.12;35.i-li and 26-49; P.l. 35.1.

9. Kur. 1,45. 31-32. 10. Kar.1.45.34.

11, Kur. I. 45.33. 12. Va. 36.31. 6if8

201. .

V, 8on of Jyotlsoipn, hing of Kusadvipp, after whom hla versa vrps called ,

202. ilnpil^.

Ti. Visited by Vyasa; under Verpnasi^,

203. -^apllr-.

r, A lioly river situated on tile soutLeru quarter of river

Karmpda. £ven the trees that fall in its waters gain, mokso for it represents hundred crores of tlrthas*^. It joins JNani;rda at

Ban'^pni In Central India^. Va and Ag identify It wit,h a stream -5 under Gaya .

204. ^RPilr-cala.

mt. On the south of l.^fiehabhadra^. cf,also under Aapila


205. >^apllatirtha.

Ti, By bathing here one gains the merit of (giving away) a thousand cows. Here propitiation of Siva on special days is 7 -8 very efficacious , Hear the Ainrraada ; A.- on the north bank of

1 . kGr. 1.40.22-23;G.56.8;}3r.lI.14.28-30;Vi.33r24.

2. kur. 1.35.V. 3. Kur. 11.40.24-26.

4, 1-1.186.40;190.10;i'.1.13.35.

5, Vp.106,57-58;Ag. 116.5;cf.DS.p.764;-Bl.i.p.314.

6, Aur. I.45t 34. 7. ^Gr. ii.41.V3-100.

8. i. .lS0.10;r 1.72;'l.i.p.314. 649

B,-under Virejo In Orisse^; 0,- on the south benk of

Godeveri, p Iso celled Angiresa, Aditya end Saitnhlkeye*^,

206. KprniKpravenn.

On the mount Sahesrpsikhpra (In Jembudtlps) is situated

the Kprnlkprevena with beautiful lakes end rivers of testeful f • It water, Sankara stays Jihere^.

207. kaseruku;pn.

One of the nine divisions of Shoretr^^. It is elso

referred as kaserumet^ end ns Keseru'^.cf, rshnretn v supra J,

208, kumpra, I / V, J&uinnrs, one of the seven sons of Kevya, King of Sake- “ 8 dvipe, was the king of this terltory, which was named after him,

2OS . KpuPtUda.

mt. Of Jaabudvipp. On this rat, there are many cities

belonging to the rtudras who live Jihere with mind concentrated

on Bivp' 9 ,

1. Kur. I I . 4 1.S 3- 100; h. 1 , 1 7 . 7 ; Vann.83-47; i'.B.p.ioo. 2 . ii.42.6. 3. B.155.1-2 cf.Uj.p.7 6 4 .

4 . Kur. 1.48.37-38. 5. Kur. 1.47.24.

6. >. 1 1 4 .8 ; Bh. II.16.S; G.55.4.

7 . v ;.45-7S;119; Vi.ii.3 .6 .

8 . ^‘Ur. 1 .4 0 .1 6 -lS; Br. 11.14.18; Va.3 3 .i7 end M. 1 2 2 .2 2 . 5. -!'ujr, 1,48.49-51. ^ 650

210. K-Puslki.

r, riising from rat.Himevot ond is lioly for sreddha,dano^eto-

A.“ It is tbo modern Kuei tKosi) whlcli runs through Uepal and

Tirhut and joins the Gonga belov. l^etna. Originally it seems to have passed through North Bengal to join the Bretraaputra. The 2 river is mentioned in riem, liio and other works . According to

Bh Setyaveti, dauthter of Gedhi, became r.Aausikl , It was so called because it w«a the dark Kosa of Kali cast off !by her ( when she became fpir^. fl. - Under Geye^. I

211. Apverl.

r. A.- i<4sing from rat.Sahya in the Baksinapetha !of Bhareta

Varaa^. It is a holy river which destroys all the sins. At the source of Aaveri is rituated the Oandratirtha. jjt is also

7 - T U8 called a tirtha . Ning Jahnu’s wife was Kaveri . B,- rising in the Hajpipla hills and falling into Hamada on ltd northern c. bank opposite i^ukle-tirtha''.

1. Kur. 1.47. 30; II. 37.3S'.

2. dara.I.34.7-9;215.7;Vana.84.132;M.22.63;114.22;eto,

3. Bh.IX,15.5-12. 4. Vam.54.22-24.

5 . Vena.87.13; vi.108.81.of.also DS.p.767; IT.1.475;,

UG. pp. 31.91,226; GaI/I.p.42.

6 . Nur. 1.47.36; G.55.Brio. ^

7 . K{Ir. 11.37.16-19 and 23; 40.40; G.81.11 and 17; .18;

Vii.13.12; Br.Il.l6; 11143.28; M.22.2?; Va.108.79; 45.104 etc

8. Va.oi.5v, f-'. irf.181.12-14; Aur.Il.40.40; 1.16.6-11; Ag.113.3; nf.i^.p.767;

ii'>.p.38 also 162; Dey.p.97 and Gz\*T,p,52. 651

212. KpyerlspiTfTPtm?.

audraloka is attained by worshipping rfudra at the oon- fluence of Kaverl with the Karasda^. A.sverl is the river iri the 7 iv'e;r rising in the rtajpipla hills and falling into

.\nnaade on its northern bank opposite iiukla tirtha .

213. kaynveroby»na.

Abode of ^ive served by the sages who are his devotees, ftudraloka is attained by a person who gives up his life in this spot. Best place for home, dana, tapa, sraddhe, etc.*^. A.- It is modern Kervan 15 miles south of Baroda and in the pebhoi talukp. Wskuli or Lakuli, the founder of the kasupatp sect, L i - 5 flourished here^. D,- a Sivatirtha in Benares .

2 1 4 , kedara.

It is the foremost among tirtnas. Those who give up their life here gain moksa^. By bathing here and sipping its waters all desires of a person ore fulfilled. It is a shrine of i;:;ah8- < - - I deva and is full of slddhas. Sraddha, dena, etc, performed 7 ' “ here is of immense merit , A.- One of the eight i^iva tirthas in

t Banaras, Here Vrka performed tapas in order to propitiate ^iva.

1. kur, 11,40*40.

2. Of. Aaverl \ supra); Ob.p.767; Bl. I.p. 3 7 0 ; Oey.p ‘^7; GAwil,p.52,

3 . /vur, II,44t 7 -H. 4. Va. 2 3 .2 2 1 -2 2 2 .

5. Ai.13.48; 181.26. 6 . kur. 1.31.46; 35.12. I 7 . kGr. 11.20.34; 37.5-7; 41.7-B. ' 652

Scored to pitrs. B.- Kederanithe situated in ttie district of

Garhwel of U. P, and on the southern side of the Jvlandakinl and

Budhganga . There ere five Kederes, viz. Xederanatha, Tuoiga- natha, Wudrenithe, i'^adahyaraeavara end Kplpesvars^, G,- In

Kashmir, one krosa below Vijayesvara^. B.- Under Gayo5, ii,,~ of


215. Kesaracala. 8 mt. On the south of 1 .i/Iahabhadra*^; On the east of JL.Aruaoda; on the north of l.It^enpsa^; On the v/est of 1.Asitoda'*’'^, Aeoara is mentioned by Bh as the rat. from whose summits descends the .,7 . 11 Site .

2 1 6 . Kesari.

,* - 12 rat. One of the mountains of liBakadvipa

217* Ketuiiiola.

V. This Versa is situated on the west of mt.^eru 13 . The

1. Vane. 87.25; I^.181.2S; Kur. 1.31.46; 35.12; 11.20.34; Ag.112.5; 4 .1 .9 2 . 7 end 134.

2 . Bey,p.V7» 3 . Vas.Bh.S.8 5 .1 7 .

4 . Har|acnritacintamani of Jayadratha (Kavyaraala edj 8.6V.

5 . iJ.11.46.46.

6. cf.also i>^,p.768 and Bey.p.97.

Aur. 1.45.31. 8, Aur. 1 .4 5 .2 7 .

Kur. 1.45.39. 10. Kur. 1.46.36.

Bh.V.17,6;cf.J:l.I.p.462. 12. Aur. I.49.34;,i^ 4.62.

Aur. 1.45.21; G.I.55.3; 5 4.13 • 653

Vnn^s is defined by tbe viRndtiampderip end is named after J'vetu-

mala, kinp; of the varsa and son of Agnidhr* , It is traversed

by the Sucaksu \Ce.ksus) which joins the Northern seps'^. In P ketujnnla men are of dark: complexion and feed on ^anasa. women

are of the hue of lotus petals. The inhabitants enjoy a life

of hundred thousand years^; of l«lechas^. It is Turkestan

ri’urkeyj Including the lands vatered by the river uha.K.°u or

Oxus^ Cf, Gandhamadana end Jambudvlpa. (supra).

218. -hhetakarQp or Bhadrekerpa.

t I, Vyasa visited this tlrthe^; A- Karnapura or r^^rnali,

on the south bank of the Nar.uada containing one of the cele- 7 hrated shrines of ifahadeve . B.- A sacred hrada (loxe or / 6 reservoir ) in Trlnetresvare or modern Then in ha^thlpwad .

21^, . ivlmpurusa. , I V, Varsa ruled by and named after iulmpuru^a, son of

Agnidhra, Aing of Jambudvlpa. It is defined by th*» hemakuta mt. .c f, Heaiakutn and JauDuavlpa (supra), i t lie s to the

1. Kur. 1.45.21; G.I.55.3;54.13.

2. kur. 1.46.34; Bh.v,i6.1Q;17.7;lt^.15-23; M.83.33; Vi. 11.2 24, etc, 3. ^-ur. 1.47.1; Br.11.15.50-54; Va.34.57.

4» Vn,i).2—a.7* 5 . 0ey.p,S9.

6. Kur, 1 .3 5 .1 2 . 7 . Vena ch.84.

S, i^ey, p.31»

S. kur, 1 .4 0 ,3 2 . 654

youth of &it. ?^'eru^. The inhabitnotB of this Varsa are of

golden hue. They live for 10,000 years, ' Jrlakra ’ is

their food. They vorship Brahiaa, They are devoid of any

sorrov.', anger or fear of famine. They ere ever happy* and are I blessed \vith everlasting youthfulness*^. Kimpurusedeea is

identified with the kingdom of I'Jepal^,

220. Kiratn.

The Airetas are described as a people oni> the aastfn

frontier of the ninth unnamed dvipa ( division of Bh?rata

versa ) one thousand Yojnnos In extent north-south^,

Kiratas, according to Oircar'^ are Himalayan mountaineers which is the name of the ivirantls who once reigned over a

large portion of I'iepal. It may also indicate some Vindhyan

hill tribes, though in old literature they are connented with

the Himalayan region. In fact it indicated some particular

hill-tribe but later the word meant any hill-tribe^.

221, Kobhi.

r. One of the rivers of k.rauncadvTpa’^. Other nxir^aas u give Khyati instead?

1 . i-ur. 1.45.11; G.54.1;55.2; Br.V.l6.9;hl.il3.29;114.59,

121,49;V^. 34.28; VI, 11.2,13.

2. Kur. 1.47.379 end 46-47; Br.11.17.1-5;13.7 4 ; 4 6 . 2-6;47.71.

3. p, 100. 4. HUr, I, 47/26,

5. UAi.'iI, p.22. note 1, 6. Ibid, p, 95.

7, Kur. I. 49t 29.

8. Br. II. 19.75; M. 122.88 end Va 49.69. 655

222, Kokrmukhp.

'ii. ‘^acred to '^isiju; one of the few tirthes which, is equal

in merit to VeranasI, Visqusarjipya and moksa are mentioned as

the rewards for persons who v is it or die in this place^. It is

also known as Verahaksetra situated on the Triveqi abcve i^iath-

pura in iurnea d istrict. iVentioned in tib and iuranas , Var

gives the eJftent of the ksetra as five yo'Janas and also adds

that there is an image of Vj.snu in the boar incarnation^.

223. iS'^ti. Ti. By bathing here all the sins are destroyed; one who

dies here eiJjoys his stay in heavens for a crore of thousand

years^. A,- near brthudeka^; B.- near bhartpsthana^; B.- under — 7 —3 breyaga'; B.- under j.viathura ; b,- under berraada'; J?,- on the

rlO - 11 ..“12 south bank of ^odavari ; G,- near Gangadvara ; B.-under Gay ,-13 - _ - 14 l.“ in bpncanada ; J.- in bastoiir near Baramula, modern kctiser.

1. bur. 1.31.47;1I.35.36;G.81.15.

2. Mb.Vana.84.15S; Anusasana 25.52;Var.122;123,2;140.10-13; B,<19.8-10;b,1.3b.65,etc.

3. Var.140.60-84;cf.OS.p.768;Dey.p.lOl.

4.^Sr. 1.37.29; II.41.34-35. 5. VSm. 51.53; 84.11-15.

6. Vana.55-61. 7. Kur.I.37.29;M.106.44.

8. Var.l52.62;154.2S.

9. M.191.7;^^ur.II.41*34;b.I.13.33 end 18.8.

1 0 . B.1 4 8 .1 . 11. Vana.82.49 ;84.77;iN.lA.66.2V

12. Ag.116.6. 13. b,1.26.14;Vim.34.28.

14. cf.D^.p.770;Bey,P.104. 656

22k* Krf^unc.q. , w - 1 mt. One of the seven kulepsrvptp.s of krpuncadvipa, ; nlso

personified es the eon of Kens through Hirasvet end ©s brother

of iAainika^, Son of iieineke aocordin,^ to Br,^ It is that part

of J^ailaes on which the Aipnssa lake is situated^,

225. ^vraunca,

dv. One of the seven sahadvlpes^. It olrcurcventl the

Ohrtodadhi bein^i; itself surrounded by OBahleagerp rn:3 is double

that of kusedvipa in area. Its kulapervatps pre sevei|t, viz.

kraunce, Vaicaneke, Adhlkprika, Bevabda (BevepTIrvp, '°vpvptta )

Vivede (‘lirindra}, i^updarike and lomdubbisvatia. its pttveu

rivf^rs Onurl, kumutivatl, candhye, itatrl, * ( nc.-;pvr, kobhl

end 1 upaprlkaksa. The f ur varpes, viz. Brai:;iii.» Qas, -■ pstrlyas,

Veisyes and i>udras are j.T.^kalp, Busker®, uhnnya and ^Isye i respectively. The inhabitants of this dvipa v-orsM;) |'iahadova

and undertake fasts, vratns, etc, perform secrifloee lin his I honour and t^ive nvay gifts. They t'.ein the renards ^^udrs *•

gayujya, serupyn, aamlpya and Qaloknts , According ho *■> the ^ I ^ Krauncadvlpo is surrounded by gh^ta ( ghee) aun by trie k^lroda 7 aooorriina: to Bh , Briyr^mvrata ooneecratad Dyutiman af king of

1. itur. I.k9.27;0. 56.12;Bh.v. 20. 18-■19; Br.II.19.66;Vi..|,I.4.60

2. kur. 1.17.21; Vr .30.32. 3., Er .111.10.7 and u$*

&* OfJ, p . 770-j L'ay. p .104, 5., cf , J'jabudvip® ( |upra).

6. kur. I.4'?.26-3 2;G.54.5-6; Vp .49.,61-71; Br. 11.14.13--26; i /* y,i5 ,7;122.78; Bh. v.1.32; 20. 16-•23. 657

tills dvIpR, Oyutlfuen bind seven sons end ttieir respective kiogdoais were oslled efter tdeiii. Tdey were; liuselo, i-euoliere, - . . - 1 Usgp, i-ivers li^rDvars), Andbp.kpra, kuni pad iAindubhl

226. £ 1*5113.

mt. On the south of l.Mahsbhodrp'^, to the west of ^iitodp


227' ’. M Krsns. t • • I r. (A), ilBising in the Sahya mt, in ijpksinapathR^; still known by its ancient name; rising at kehabalesvarp fro.n the

Western Ghats flows through the Ueccan into the iiay of xiengel.

i It traverses the states Maharashtra, Andhra iradesh add iuadres, tB) Same as Arsnavenyp or Arsnsvena, i.e, the united stream of - 5 hrsna and Vena rivers .

228. hrta.

r. Of I'lnKsadvipa*^ (Jhratu according to Va^}

229. krttlvasesvara. 8 Vyasa visited this guhyalinga of ^iva situated ih VerertasI, referred to also by P and N

1. Aur. I./t.0.12 and 19-21 ;G. 5 6 .ll; Va.33.21-3; A9 .61-71; Br. II.14

13-26;19.64-77;of.also Vi.II.1.14;2.5;4.45-57. '

2. kGr. 1 .4 5 .3 4 . 3. Va.36.28; 38.4< .

4 . Aur. 1 ,4 7 .3 6 ,

5 . ii=,p,77O:Bey.p.l04;GAt»il.p,52;HG, pxj38 end I6 8 .

6. Aur. 1 ,4 9 .7 . 7 . ^0 .4 9 .1 7 .

8. Aur. 1 .3 2 .1 2 -2 6 . 9. 3 4 .10;ii. 11.49.6-9. 658

2391 Kanrodr^.

JpjQbudvIpe is surrounded by Ksarocta^. of, Jembudvlpe, (suprp),

2 3 1 . -^^empke. ** I V, Territory ruled by Kaemske, son of Medbetlthij kln,<^ of

j-leksndvipe end nemed efter hlm'^; k.irjgdoia of rtspbii?^, son of

Medhotithi, acoordlng to Ve^, It is tbe seme ns the jlplneka


2 3 2 . ksiprp. / - 5 r. Taking its course frora rnt.^uktixaet of Daksiriepetiir, ; ^3 7 river from the Vindhyas ; river from the irariyatm hill', _8 It is same ns i>iprn , It is o river rising in Vindhyos

mentioned or referred to os ^ipro and i^lprs ss v/B1j . The Br.

in two different places (supra) refers to it ss rising from

rfiriyptra and else from Vlndhya. "It is doubtful v^hether

there v/ere two rivers of the same name"

233* ksirodnSempra.

The milk ocean encircling Sakadvlpp^*^, According to Bh

1. Kur. I.h5.h; Vi.I1.3l.28;ii.l. 2. Kur. 1.40.23-274

3 . Vo.4f.14. 4. W.122.2 5 .

5 . Kur. l.ii-7.39. 6. Br, 11.16.3 2 ;.22.24; 114.27

7 . Br.lI.16.29;cf.i'I.I.p.48V. 6. Bey,p.lO5;0rA^“j'.p.4 6 .

'B. iX3.p.771.

10. KGr. 1 .4 S.4 0 ;M. 1 2 2 .4 V ;Va.4V. 659

it surrounds the Kreuncndvlpa, The story of the chufning of

4 the BJilk ocean is also dealt with by the Kur. end other i^urrnes' 3 On the northern side of the Ksiroda, steys Vi^nu .

234. kuberatuntra.

A saored place wherein dv/ell the eiddhas and caraqas. One

who dies %here becomes the attendant of Kubera. Hol'^ for sraddhi - ii. - , dana, eto^, a temple of Mahadeva.' The lord perfomed' auster/ieB

8tnndln^'; on one leg in the -t^evl’s temple for a yuga; fit place

for sraddha; near Jsianda in the north-eaat direction'^.

235. kub.1 emrg ( -ke). - ^ 6 Ti. Holy for sraddha . It had a hermitage of .'

retired after being worsted in the battle with .5lve. it is - _ _ 9 ‘ identified with Mayatirtha or fieridwar , It ia e delebreted

place to the north of iirsikesa^'^. Kane also tends to the same i view by saying that it is a sacred spot in HaridApry!Itself or

very near it .

236, ^ubjesrp" s.

A place, one yojena in extent, sacred to Vl^nu, By

Vvorshippliicj, '/i§nu here i^vetadvTpe is gained. It was here that

1. Bh.V .1. 32;20. 18-23. 2. o f . c w ^ ^ j * *”•^.3. ur.1 ,1 6 .2 7 ,

4. Kur, 11. 37.31-■32. 5. Br,1 1 1 .1 3 .80;Va,77.76-81,

6. Kur, II. 2C;33; 0.81.10. 7. Vena 84,40;M,22,66;B.I,32,5; VI.Ob.3,85.15.

s. Vam, ch .5. 9. Var.125.101 and 132;126.33. ! 10. Oey, P. 105. u . DS.p,7 7 1 .cf.kubjParana ( supra) 660

SiVB released Vienu efter the deatruotlon of 0sk§e*3 oacrifioe.

Here is s temple of Visnu surrounded by siddliss end Accor-

dlrii^ to Oey A-ubjerarskfi end ^^ubjesretse nre identicel*.

237 ♦.Lilhu, I

r. Taking its source from mt, liliBavet in bhernte"^. Oey,

•Law end Sircer identify it with the Kubhe of the .-tv. <|)r the

modern Kebul river referred to ps kophen, JKophes or j oa by the 4 ! clsssicel writers . Kpne differs from this viev end opines ^ 5 that it cannot definitely be identified with any n:odern river ,

23B. Kuaeredhara.

r. By bathing here and worshipping Ekanda one r^-pches the 6 7 presence of ^^kanda . rtofarrod to as a river by G' - a springing

from plt^pha% lake , as near Vyasa’s seat for dhyr^ne end y

Kentipurl^ and as near ovami tirtha^*^. It is a river which

rises In the Bishi ghat belov. the •j-'ushpagiri or oubrrthmanya 11 ' range of the western ghats •

2 3 9 . kumari.

r. One of the rivers of EekadvTpa^?

1, kur, II.35.33-3 5 . 2. Oey. p. 105.

5 . kur.I. 47.29; Br.II.lC-25; 4. 1 1 4 .2 1 ; Ve.45.95.

4 . Oey. p. 105;hG.p.29: GAWI. p. 4 I,

5. Dti, p. 7 7 2 . 6. hur. II. 37.20-21.

7. G. B3.72. 8 . Vena. 84.149.

9. Br. 111.13.94-95. 10. 4nr.II.37.20;Vaiii.84.23. 11. i«y. p. 107; Iki. P.7 7 2 , i

1 2 . kur. I.49.32;G.56.15;i3r.II.19.96;V.?.45.81;Vl.ii.4l65. 661

240. i'-iiTiiudr. 1 / “ 2 mt. Or tbft enst of l.Arunode ; e bplnr^lidvipfi ;

rat, in 4u 8p <1v Txjb^; p rat, in Goraedskn^; on the east of !•.

*^lptiBbhe.dre- 5 , ^

241. t^aiTuudvon. — 6 mt. situated in llavrta ,

242. Kuifiudvpti, r.rtisiRij from rat, Vindhya 7 ; one of the seven rivot|s of 6 v' Arauncadvipa , Identlficati-'n uncertain”^.

243. ilprmfi.

iiaraka, Unuerneahhthe netherwoflas are f-urn^a anfl other 10 ivarakas 1 hells /

244. l uru.

V, On the north of mt.Weru lies the territory oj^ the

Auras, The people of Auruvarsa live for 14,500 years. They

are of dark blue complexion and are born of ’mlthunf;'. -.ilk 11 - -12 is their diet ; a country in the middle region of (-‘.hareta ,

1. Aur, i.45.29, I

2. Aur, 1,49,14;G,56.6;Br.II,IS,35;Va,4S,32.Vi,11.4,26. 3* ^-.122, 52, 4. «..123, 3.

5. Au r • 1,45. 34. 6, Axj r, 1,45**^ 4.

7. Kur. 1.47.34;Vs.45.102; 3.27.33;Br. 11.16.33. 114.27. 8. Kur. I.49.2V;G.56.13;Br.lI.lS .7^;15.122.88;V8.4S.f' ;Vi.ll.4 55.

GA4iI.p.50. 10. Aur,1.44.2 5 .

11. AGr.I.45.12;47.6-7;G.55.3;Va.84,23. 12. 0.55.11. 662

245. ^uru,lprop:!Ply..

By meklm: gifts there one goes to Brohiaeloke^, Aiugdom of Berik§.it; visited by Suka and ^idure ; a Batjoaia ktngdonr^.

It is a forest country situated in *sirhind, north-west of

‘iastinapurp, i-^uring Buddlalst period i t was called ^rlkpnttia- desp with Bilaspur es its capital. It formed part of turu- k?etra. The entire riurudese was called by this ur.:,? in the - L - ' &b. (Adi,ch.201} and ''ara^. hastinapurs the capital of the -, 5 I Aurus, was in Auimijaragalp , It was probably the wild, region of the Auru-realm thrt stretched from the Kturiyeka for-jpst on the banks of the Bprasvatl to Ahandva near the Yamuna^’. I f 2 4 6 , J\uruKsetre. i

T f.It is a tirth s; the persons who die here attain moksa; it was the most sacred place of livapara Yuga; fit for sraddhs; here tha river Srrasvatl is very holy; the tirtha of the Aurus I is f\ill of the herr.itageo of great sages; bethin:^ there and t;ivlng some gift to Brnhmanas would raise the family ;here and 7 ' 8 hereafter , It was founded by A u r u and is sacred to jiiari ; 10 watered by the Bara.svati'; capital city of Aurus Residence

1. Aur. 1 1 .3 7 .3 6 -3 7 .

2. Bh. 1 .46; 10. 34; 16 .11; 1 1 1 . 1 . 24; Br. III. 1 3. 100; Vp. 7 7 . <13

3. '‘■'.21.^ and 38, 4. ''

5. Adi.oh.126.

6 . e»ey, p.llO;iiO, pp.40 and 1 0 1 ; 0 0 , pp.7 7 3 and 682.

7. AGr. 1.31.47;37.37;II.20.33;40.7;35.5-6. VI- 8. rdi.llI.3.12;Vil.l4.3 ;Vi^8,2<,, o. Bh.lX.i4.33. 10. Jbid.ix.22,4. 663

Pit Kurukcetm leeds to inukti , X'Le nncient i^uru country accordin/v; to the lay between the rivers i>arasvati and

Ur§Rdveti^. It comprised is.uruk§etrn or Thaneswar and included

Sonappt, Amin, jJ^arnsl ann i'snipat^. Auruksetra was the centre of Vedic culture In the Brp-htcpi}a period ana sacrifices must heve been performed tu«re on a large scale. Hence the name

Htiarmak^etre, The i;b,speaks highly of the sanctifying virtues - h of Kuruksetra which was also knowm as fcrahiaaverta . ii^ven the particles of dust driven frooi ^uruksetra by the 'Aina take a sinner to the highest goal' . Of.also Jj3.pp,681-6i6.

247. kurupancnlas.

Ja. People of Bharat^ar&a^, Tor kurus see under Huru- ksetra above, Panoala comprised Kohilkhann and a pr-rt of the c'^ntral i^ab. Ancient A-aucala was divided into two divisions, viz. the northern and the southern, the Hhap;ir&thIvGjjn aj forming the dividing line. The former comprlsea roughly the modern Hobilkhend division of U,P. Ahicchatra, the capital of North i-ancala is identified v/ith modern Hannagari* in

Bareilly d istrict; kampllya, the capital of Houth ianoala, has been located at modern Kempil in the farrukhabao aiatriot to the south of the Gsngp, • “7 .

1. Va.105.l6 and 25;cf,ajso G, 66,6; 81,4; o4.4; 85. ?3 '’'to,

2. '^ana,83.3.

3. '^ey. p, llO; HG, pp, 42; 50 and lGl;GAi''^T. p. 102, y . >'fna.86.u, 5» -^alya.5 3 »17M 2 2 , 6. Aur. i,47.41. 7. GAn/''i,p.S?2. 664

2kS, hururl.

mt. Situnted in

24^ - -i^ururu. 2 mt, .Situated on the east of l.Arunodn ,

250. iMJSpdvIpn. ^

Cri« of the seven iueheavipefi, Jyotisaien. wes kli , of this I dvipn. It is twice ns much es iialmali in area an;; ^-v.crounas I the Surodabdhi. The Gh^toclpdhi ttiorpiseaiuara ncc;vr.);U),'' to 0 I hs.54'6 end milk ocean according to ^i,122,4'; J circu;';v<''dte the

Salmplidvipp, Its seven mountains are Vidriiine, i.o:.: v • esisi,

i>yut|-T,Fn, i^^pevpn, Auaessya, hail and Ken dare, corres­

ponding seven rivers ere: Lffutepapn, i^iva, TeVitra, O^.-riinlts,

Vidyutprabhe end rtame. The seventh is unnemed, ‘Ihei-j? pre

hvjndreds of other rivers of clee.r vpter. Firplimpnes, isotriyas, / / ^ / Vplsyps end Sudres are ’Draviije’, ’SusmiTja’, ’Gtobha'^ end

’wnndeha’ respectively, Brehma is worshipped there by the

inhpbitents. The Ku^advipa wps divided into seven vr-irsps n'lsed

after the seven sons of tiyotigman. They are: bdbhedaL, V'eriumnn, / — 3 Asvpratha, Lambene, uhpti, frabhakern and kapile . ^everel old

j^-ersien inscriptions speak of a country called kush r-nd its

people Aushiya. borne scholars identify Aush wit^‘ f- d.iopis

1, kur, 1,45.2 4 . 2, Aur. 1,45.26.

3. k6r. I.40.12;40,22-23;49.19--26;G.54.5;56.B;bh. v.i;32;20,

13-17: V^.33.12;49.47-58, etc. 665

while others piece it in centre! l^ypt, " As iiudr^yo ( 1. e, iigypt) end Kush are both mentioned in the list of tietrapies of the ancient i-ersian iisiperors, the identification of Kush with

Ethiopia seeoBs to be more reasonable. It is posslbie to connect this country with Kusadvlpa, one of the seven dvipes constituting the lurpnic Septe-dvipa Vasumatl ”

/ 251. Ku b r Is ,

Varjis- in Krounoadvipo ruled and neaed after Kuaala, eon o f . i)y art imp n, the king of Kraunoadvipp. ,

2 5 2 , Kusa.

Ti, mentioned under Harmada. By bathing hare Bierit of i 3 I performing one Asvamedha ia gained ,

2 5 3 . Kusavartta. ~ f ^ L c l Ti. holy for sraddha^ sncred to pitrn^, A nfar i)*ssik: ' 6 7 Tryambakasvpre , B- near Baridwar;

1. a.fVMI, p, I6 4 .

2. Kur. I. 40.19-21; G.56.11; Br.II.U. 22-24; Ve. 33.21. I 3. Kur. II. 4 1 . 33-34.

4 . Kur. II. 20.35; 0.^. 81,29.

5. N5. 22.69.

6 . VI. Bb.3. 85.11; E. 80.2; la. 22.69. i 7 . /nusasana 25.13; i^.H. 40.79; Bh. ill. 20.4; cf.i)0 .p.773

end L>ey, p. 1 1 1 . 6 6 6

$ 9 254« liiLS£S£2Jl»

tne of the mountsins of ^usadvlpw^. s tirtha sscred to 2 pltvs

255. f^uaottprpq.

■ * VpT&rx of LipkadvTre ruled and named after Ausottara, son 0- - 1 of npvyp, the king of bakadvipaf

256, ^ ‘•mbaria,

Vnr§a in Kusndvlpa named after liambana, son of Jyotis- - * - L man, the kln,^ of kusadvlpa ,

25?. -^^anKe. I Situated in the sea where Kavena carried Site end where

Hanuman, son of V15yu and a follov-er of Sugrlve found her C , f'purded by hosts of iakEasls in a forest'^, an upatlvijlia to

JriQhudvIpa; a great city in Triku'j.a; was b^^sieged by H ^ a and his Vanara hosts and made desolate by /tavanafe indieeretionV

1. It Is Ceylon. 2, The town of LankR is said to be a mountain on the i^outh-east corner of Ceylon which is des­ cribed in the rismayana as Trikii^a { Cundarakpn^a 0 , I.} and

1. bur.I. 49.21; G. 56.9. 2, M. 22.76.

3. kur. 1. 40.17-19; B. II. 14.20; 19.22; Va 49.^7.

4. kur. I. 40.22-33; G. 56.8; Vi. II. 4.36.

5. kur, I. 21.37-38; 21.44; H . 34. 127.

6. Bh.V. 19t 30; IX. 10.16-33; Va 48.28; Br. III. ?. 266;

69.35; 43.37. 667 was the abode of nSvana, For the reasons which go agj^inst the supposition of i^an^a and Ceylon as identicel islands, cf, Oey p.1 1 3 , Lanka has also been located in Central India near

Araareken^aka and also or the southern or south-eastern coast of the Island of Ceylon. It le also Identified with the Jklelay I Lenicsul© .

25B, laukika. - t 1. Visited by Vyasa. Heferred to under Varanasi ,

2 5 9 . Liu?:i-Janerdan9.

Tl, Under Uerxada; by bathing here on© goes to Ivisnuloka^. I * *

?60. Lohlnl or Lohita. ’ . , I r, riising from mt. Himavat in Bharpta Varsa^; s?|iao os / i Bona^; in Br. It seems to be meant for Iralunaputre , | Sircar and iley^ identify It with Brahmaputra, According to 'Lew, it in the tributary which meets the Brahmaputra in the rlistrict - 8 ‘ of Sadiya .

2 6 1 . ^okyloke.

Bit. Bltuoted beyond the Bvodudake ocean. It deifi arcates the boundary of the earth with runs ,0 thousands

1, Of. A,D. PuselKar, Studies in i’-pics and Buranes of India, p.l9l:

2, Bur. I. 3 5 .1 3 . 3. Bur. II. 41.61-62,

4 . Aur.I,47.30;Br. Ii.l6 .2 7 , 5 . Aau3pseno,166.21'cf»B^>,p.774.

6. 3r. 11.15.27)Of.i>S.p.7 7 4 . 7.aAkI.p.42^p.ll5.

B. i‘0,p,34. 668

of yojpors end is enveloped in derkness , e aytlilopl niountein-

ous belt in the eoutb seperetinK. tbe visible world frois tbe

world of darkness ; ** it is the n^une of a mountain wbiob is

supposed to be beyond the ocean of fresh water and beyond 3 whieti again is the cell of the mundane egg".

262* Lolarka.

Ti. Visited by Vyase; under Vareiyael^, According to Vaa

the shrine 1-olarka is situated ©t the confluence of Asi (the

southern boundary of Baneres) with the Gangs'^,

263. ft'^adhuman.

mt. Situated on the south of l.Mahabhadrs ; on the west / 7 of Sitoda .

2 6 4 . uVana.

li. A visit to this great tirtha would gain for a person 8 one half of the seat of Indra . The region of Asura tuedhu end 9 his son i-avana ; sacred to lieri on the bank of the laniuna;

iistrughne killed xava^s and founded the city of i^''iathuri'^’^.

1. kur.1.50.14“15;G.56.20;Br. 1.1.7 3 ;3.31 ;Vp.4^. .144:50.155,101^

2. 1 5 .3:19.1 5 0 ;21.51 ^ 1 0 1 endl06;liI,7.2S4;iV.2.T..4,etc.*

3 . kur. .1.50.14-15; Wilson.y.202 note 6;iiG.p.l70.

4 . k^r.l.35.14;i«.185.68;P.I.37.i7

5 . Vem. 15.58-59. 6. Ki"ir. 1.45.33;

7 . Va.36.28. 8. bur. 11.36.^.

9 , Br.III.6 3 .1 8 6 ; Va.88.185.

10. Bh.IA.4.30-31; 11.14;Vi.1.12.2-4. 669

f- A,- Mpthurs, the Cepitel of iiurasenB. It wee also called

Wetihupuri, present Maholi five miles to the south-west of the modern city of Mathura B,- One of the seven vanes in 2 Xuruk^etra

265. Maddh,yadesa«

Ja. The people of Maddhyadesa ere referred to as utilising the waters of the rivers in Bharata Var§a^* Maddhyadesa or

Aryavarta is dfcsoribed in the Dharraasastras as extending from the region where the river Saresveti disappears in the west to the Black Forest in the east (near Prayaga) and from the

Hinalayas in the north to the Pnripatra in the south; i.e, the country lying between the Jiast Ban jab end the Jsaatern U.B.

The countries of Bancale, Kuru, Matsye» Yaudheys, Batpchchara,

Kunti and i^urasena were Included in Modhyadesa^ The Aryavarta of the sutres and the Madhyndesa of Manu are, according to

Kavyamimaasa (p.93) known as Antarvedi which extends up to

Banaras in the east# As time passed, the eastern boundary of

Madhyadesa expanded so as to include places which acquired sanctity. Thus the Divyavadena Ipp 21-22) includes iuigdra- varddhena (i.e, north Bengal) in the Maddhyadesa .

1. Bey, p.116.

2. v ;id,34.5; of. also DS,p.775.

3. kur. 1.47.41.

4« ch»55»

5. Bey.; GAMJ,p.37 670

266. M5j^ii£f55ivprp.

Linsa, Vypsa visited this guhye lings f t>iva situeted in

VsrensBl. There flows the river i^endakinl of deer wstere^, . . _2 • - 3 A,- Under VaregesI . B,- Under Sriparveta .

267. ^''ndrps. Ja, People of Bharate Var^s^, The ancient country of the

Madras Isy between the rtavi end the Chenab rivers, rougiily

corresponding to the modern iiidicot and the Surrounding regions.

Their oppitol vae opkela^, Identified with Blalkot^,

?63, yngrdhps.

Jp, People of BhBrntpJ^ar^e*^, The encient iiBHPdhs country

comprised the present Patna end Gaya d istricts of -outh Bihar,

The mention of ^-agadha fir s t appears in the AtharVa Ba^ihita^,

Girivrajepura or dajsgfha Imodern Bajgir) wee its ancient


269, K>?.'-^dharap.yp. 10 One who visits this place gains svarga , Also referred to

in Vaa^^.

1. Aur.I.32.12;34.1-5 and 28. 2. p.I.^2.Vl;P.i.34.l0.

3. T. 1.^^ 2.1 5 1 . 4 . i^ur. i.i4.7.44.

5. HG.p.105.

6. Ibid; Bey,p,116; GA;il,pp,24 (note 2) and 105.

7 . Kilr. 1 .4 7 .4 2 . 8. AV.V,22,14; AV.2.

^ . B9y.p,ll6;iiG.pp.42,44,45,208.232-34.308; GAi^il..

10. bur, il.3 7 .9 .

11. Vim.ll.7;84.35. 671

270. ehpbhff(1rp,

1, -'ituf=ited in Ilavrta^. xo tKe south of this lake are the Kiountains I Aeseraoalp, *^ikbiVHsa, Vpi^ur^el i^apile),

Gandhardodana, JarudhilJnrudhita,3uganaha, ijris^*ng9>, Guraiabu,

Sarvagsndae, Suparsve, Uuppksa, 4%anKa, Aapilo, Viraja(i injalp j

Bhedrnjplal Bhadraspila), iiusakal GureJ, Anjpna, A*ndhU;Tiao,

Gitresrnf.aUialiPlej'p), buTauda\l>phpsrrsikhara ; * Mukuta, in^f^ura,

Krjjtjs, x'arijatn, iiapilpoalo, Su§ena, i'undariko and phaffie ha, 2 They are frequented by the siddhes and gandnarvps ,

271. A^phabhPlrrva. - / / 3 Ti, Of Bpkra lor 3iva} and is the destroyer of all sins ; / . JL orxe of the eight Blvatlrthas •

272, i/^ah^dru ipffl.

0 ^ Varga, In Bakadvipa ruled end naraed after P.ehaorur’ia, son / “ 5 of Hp.vya, the king of 3?;kedvipa ,

2 7 3 . ?fahageurl. 6 r. i^ising from mt.Ylndhya , It is the modern river 7 Brahmeoi in Orissa .

1. isur, 1.45.23-24; Va.36.16; Vi.II.2.26.

2, kur. 1.45,31-35. 3« kur. 11,44.3.


5. Aur. 1.40.17-19; G.56.14;Va.33.20;Br.Xl.l4.17-21.

6. ivur. 1 .47.3^;11 • l6,33; ii».ll4»26j vp,4 5 .1 0 3 .

7. iiu.p.171. 672

274* ^fcphphypds«

Holy for sraddha, dfine, etc, , near Bpdrlnatti,

/ — 2 deferred to also by Anusosana

2 7 5 . ^ahakala.

Ti, Famous In all the three worlds. One who dies here t 3 gains the leadership of (Siva's) galas'; probably refers to

^iva in UJjayini; sacred to Siva and also to fcaheavari

276, Mahakanlla, i 5 mt. Situated on the west of l,Asitoda ,

2 7 7 * y^nhalcul^a, |

Shrine of Siva situated on the mt,Hemaicu-^a, Siva with

Devi and attended by the bhutas stays here end is worshipped 6 ' 7 by the gods, r§is end slddhes°; a sacred hill fit for eraddhe*^,

" It is doubtful whether it is the same as the collection of temples on the hills to the east of Badami known even now by

•• mm the name of ii'ahaku'ta. The local tradition connects this spot 8 with the destruction of the demon brothers Vetapl «nd U v a l a ” ,

278, I'^ahala.ya, - / Tl, Siva has made a permanent foot-mark on a slab of rook

in this holy place. Here the Fasupatas with their bodies

1. kGr. 11.37.39.

2. Anusasana. 25.18, quoted by T.k, ppv245-46.

3. Kur. II.U.ll; 0,66.7. 4. M.181.26; M.13.41.

5. Kur. 1,45.38. 6. Kur. 1.48,1-3.

7. v ;.77.57; Br. III. 13.58.

8, DB.p,776, 673

besm«nrecl with, oshes ond mind conoentrsted upon the Vedio stiidiee

perform the worhip of ^Ive; holy .for sreddhe purposes^ nnd for

gifts ; 8 piece spored to ^iva ; it is the residence of Sivp,

a visit to which relieves one of ell his debts to ten generations

above end below as will os his ov/n self x^eferred to in other

works alao^. A.- ^ame as Omkarenatha or Amaresvare; B,- In 6 xianorae .

279, KphameKba. 7 int, Situated to the south of l.i^ehabhndra ,

2 6 0 . iio.hpnndl. - 8 r/', >Vhich destroys all sins; tirthn visited by Vyesa ; 9 „ 10 rising from mt.Hkspvat ; rising from the vinahyas ; rising from - - 11 - 1? the fpriyatra hill ; river of the Bhadra continent • A,- it is

8 river rising from the AJiiRrakantbeka range of V'indhyps, flowing

in Ortssa near Outteck end falling Into the Bay of .Bengal 13 foraing a lerge delta; B,- ui^rer I'halgu in the district of Ggya

C,- In Bravida as mentioned by Bh

1. Kur. II.3 7 .l-4;20.33. 2. Vnna,85.91.

3. -' .181.2S. 4. Va.2 3 .1 7 5 ,1 7 s.

5 . Vfcjt. Bh.S, 85.18;B.V.11.1 7 ;Br. III.1 3 .82-84;Vam ^ 0.22; 1.1. 3 7 .I6 .

6. ^ey.p.117. 7 . Kur.1.45.35. 8. Air.II.3 5 .S'5; 1.35.5.

9 . Aur, 1 .4 7 .32-3 3 . 10. Aur. 1.47.34.

11. Bh.V.8.1;19.18; BKH.16.28. 12. Va.43.2V*

1 3 . B.I.33.4;Va.l08.16-17;A.g.ll5.25;eto.

14. Bh.XI.5.40;cf.BS.p.776;i>ey.p.117;H>.r.22.37 ,234 add UA.»xI.p. ' ^ 4 7 . 674

261, Mgh^nllR. 1 2 mt. ^itunted in Ilsvrtg Vnr^s ;to the east of Arunoda ,

282. t'aiiiqrlokn.

Above i^hruvs is situated the ii^nharloka, It ie one crore yojanes in area, 'i'he Kalpadhikaris stay IChere^. cf.olao under

”Jeneloka” above.

283. *>*ahpsaila. T 5 mt. Situated on the east of l.Arui^oda , i^risuncadvipa

284 • l»-eh?talp..

Mahatalp, etc. are tlie nethery»rorlds^jt^atslas>, ^tishatala ie

full of many storeyed msnslono and temples made u'' of all sorts of gem? and jewels. Ananta and Mucukunda stay there^; an under / n v.-orld, where a gone of Nagas, vex.i^rodhiava lives'; af.Virooana, a the es'ira chief, o; d eight others hsve their cities hero ,cf.

I'atela (infra).

285. i^rhatlrttia.

Ti. -Beloved by HariyaOa. Cne who worships Aeraiana here / ” 9 certainly ascends to Svetadvipa.

1. Aur. I.A5.25. 2. ^rvS.36.19.

3. Aur, 1,44.1. 4. J^ur, 1,45.2S.

5. G.56.12. 6 • r, 1,4u-*16«

7. Bh.V.21,,7.29. 8. Ve.50.12,34-37

9. kur, 11,37*12, 675

236, 3nhQvItn«

Jp, Verse of Pu^karndvipe rmmed after and ttuled 6y

vite, son of Saevsne, the king of Puskaradvlpa'^; i-ahrvira, 2 “ 3 according to G ; one of the two jennpedas of Pu^k'^rad^ipa-',

2S7, ^Mahendre,

mt. *^t is a kulapervota of Bharetevar^a^; aacrod to Indra

and Hari and fit for sraddha . The whole range of hills

extending from the mouths of Gangs or orisse to the district

of Madura was Knovm by the naiae of Mahendra parvata^. There / is also a peak colled Mahendrogiri about 5,000 hifgj»in the

Ganjam district which served iianuffian os a springing board

when he Jurrip^ed off towards i.enke'^, Tjje Mehendraparveta also

included the Eastern ^hats and the range extending from the

jNortbern Clrcors to Gcndwana, part of which near Ganjam is

still called li/!ahendra hills. According to Haghuvamsa 39-

AO) the Mohendro extended even inside the Kalinga coawtry ,

288, Mahisa. -_ o> mt. One of the Kulaparvatas of Balmalidvipa . mt, of » - 10 kusadvipa.

1. kur. 1, AO .14-15 ;Br.lI .19 .117.125; Va. 33.15;49.113; 121,etc.

2. G.56 .16. 3. kur • .i-.50.5.

Aur. I.A7 ,23;0. 4.7;B&,.v.19.16; Vil .14 .32;Br.Ii.l6-3■18;k(.114. 17-.31; Vi. 45.89; 3.3 , etc. i

5. Bh.l il.13 .17. 6. m . p.777; cf. also Bey,p.119

7. rtam. IV. 67 .37. 8. DO. p.777; HG. PP. 22,172;GyUl.^ .54;Bey.p 119 ; also il. II. p.’6?l. 9. Aur, 1.49 .15;flr .11.19 .40-41;V? * 49 .37 and Vi,11.4. ^7.

1 0. M.122.5^- 60. 676

Bit, In Bhnrata Vor§n sacred for sraddha; personified as

the son of Mena through Himavat; J^raunce is liis brother born 1 “2 of the same parents; of KraunC8(supra). A.- near iiaderi ; B,- 3 “ 4 near Gujrat ; 0,- near ■^arasvati which according to Bey end

Law if the Sewalilc range extending from the Gahgai^t-o the Bies^,

290. i^alakps.

Jp. A people in Bharata Ver§e^; B and Vi substitute 7 i-aroka and iieru^s respectively ,

291. It^alanas, 8 Ja, Also a people in Bharata Varga . B and Vi substitute 9 this with i^elpva .

292. 10 mt. One of the seven kule.parwataa of Bharata Var^a The

following rivers take their source from mt.jyjalaya: ^umala, - - 11 Tamrppargi, Bunyavati and Utpalevati , It is generally

1 . xwur.1.13.21; ii.37.29; Bh.V.19.l6; Br.Il.13.34-5; 16.21; i'.13.7; Ve.30.32/etc.

2 . I3r. Iil.l3.70; Bh. V.19.l6y etc. 3. Vana.89.11. -

4. ivur. 11.37.29. 5. Bey.p.121; iig.pp.105,172; Ba.p.778. 6 . kur.i.47.43. V. B.21.15-17; Vi.Li.3 .1 4 -1 7 .

8. Lur.I.47.43. 9. B.21,1 5 - 1 7 end Vi.II.3 .14- 1 7 ,

10. Lur.1.47.23; 0.55.7; vL45.89;105; Bh.V.19.l6; Vi.11. 3. 3 , etc. 1 1 . kur.I.47.3?-38. 677 i

Cnrdeino'f mts, extending from Jolrab tore gpp ( i^ilglris) to • / 1 Oppe I'odttorin, f-iaghuvsttise shows that it v p s situated on the

Kaverl where it falls in the see end that cerdaniotT! end sendel- wood grew thereon. It Is the ffiouritaln of the i-andya country. - 2 It was also known as the Agasti-kuta mountain .

293. f-alyps. , 3 f ^ Ja. of Bharata versa . >Blya is substituted by i>alva in

B and Vi'^.

294. i’ial.vavan

mt. situated in Itov:^tB;^ a mountain range to epst of iideru, bouth of klip, north of 41sadbe end west of ilTivrta and a boundary limit of ketuiji^la Versa; It is a thousand- yojsnas in extent; the Ceksus descends from its summits^; at its top is

* 7 Amarakantaka* in kslinge . It is the .hindukush mountain which starts from the north-v/estern extremity of the Him?^lpyas and

1. Haghuvamsa. IV.45-51.

2. DS. p. 778; Dey.p.l22;HO. pp. 22.172, 173; GAMI.p. 53.

3. Kur. I. 47.43. 4. B. 21.17; VA. II. 3.16.

5. i^ur. I. 45. 24.

6. Bh. V. 16.10; 17.7; M.113.35; vi 34.33-34., etc.,

Vi. II. 2.27,39.;etc.

7 . Br. II. 15.38; 17.6; III. 13.7 and 13. 67S

di extends southwards, first divjjng Indie from Afghanistan end

then through north-eastern Afghenistnn^.

^95. anasa.

1, It is one of the four lakes of Ilavrta; finous through­

out the three worlds end is situated on uit. Meru, the ipbode of

Gods; by bathing here one gains one half of the seat of Indra^,

It is a tlrtha in the north^; to the south of Werut a tTrtha

sacred to Kumuda end the pitr^s^ fit for sraddha; situated in A Ilavi’ta at the foot of the Valdyute hill from which the river

Gerayu rises7. On the north of lake Manesa is mt, ^psaraoela®,

A, lake in the Himalayas «:abedded between Keileea on the north

and Gurla i'endheta on the south, B, Under Hubj^mraka^.* 0- to

the west of Mathura^®. I>- near Hrayiga on the north bank of the • — T 1 12 — 1 Ganga . E. in Kashmir, modern Manasbcl ; F- under Haraadar'^

G- under Gaya, there are two pools, viz. Uttararaanasa and

^nkal^affienasa^if According to Dey the lake kanasa la situated

1. KG. p. IS. 2. Kur.I.23.29;45.23-24;I■J.37^44.

3. G. 84.6. 4. G. 84.7.

5. W.13.27;22.23.

6. Hr. 111.13, 58,115-16; IV.2.25-26; Vi.II.2.26.

7. k, 121.16-17; Br.II. 18.15; Vana 130.12 .

8. Kur. 1.45.39. 9. Var. 126.29.

10. Var. 154.25. 11. 107.2.

12. P.77$ 13. M. 194.8; t.l. 21.8.

14. Va.III. 2.6; 8.22. ' 67§

in the iveilesa mountein in liunpdese in ''"‘eetern Tibet, On the Co south of this lake is the Ourle range referred^under A above .

296, ^ ** 2 Vpr§e. OT iAanesa, son ^>f Vapu^nan, king of K^pL-flelidvipe ,

297, t^eneenCnlfl.

mt. On the four quarters of which are the citlesj Amare- vatl on the east, San;yemanl on the southjj Oukhp on the west and I Vibhavarl on the north, of Indra, Yarna, Varuga and toiiia respec­ tively^. The wheel of the Sun’s chariot Is filed on this mt^., a rat. of x^uskaradvipa and foras the limit of rrthu'a dominion^, jI 298, Krnpaottara. 1 mt. This is the only mountain of i\jsKarndvIpa*^, $ hill of I i^uskaradvlpa, to the east of Keru"'; the city of Indra, viz, l>evadheni, is situated here; the wheel of Surya’a chariot 7 rotates on this hill ,

299. t!.n-ida'-:iul.

r. Taking its source from mt. ^savat; this holy river with

1. Oey, p.123; l^S, p. 778.

2. Kur. 1.40.23-25; 0.56.5; Hr. II.14.32,34*Vp 33.28,50; / Vi. li. 4,23,29. I

3. Xur. 1. 41.33-35. 4. Kur. I. 41.32. I

5. Br. II. 19.112-114,117; M.123.16; Va 49.108;Vi.II.^.7 -8 .

6. Kur. I, 50,2-4; 0.56,16,

7 . Bh.V. 20.30; 21.7 end 13; Vi.11,4.74, 80. 680

the hemitnges of sidclhes bordering its course flovrs on the

slopes of the hlraavot; it elso finds its course to Knllnsa;

its wfiter is always sipped by the yalc^as, rienavps; ’’aksasns,

kinngras, gandharvas and gods; before performing the worship

of Jladhyaxnesa, Vyasa bathed in this rlver^, a river of Bharata^

Gangs in Davaloka^. A- near mountain Citrakut-a end

rising fraa Kk^avat^, 73- a sub- tTrths under VpranesI^; C-r,

springing from a lake Mandodaka at the foot of kailasa^; D -

near Klskindba^.

300. L/^andere.

mt. One of the kulaparvatas of Jvusaavlpp'^; mt, of llivrta

Varje.^; situated on the east of Sieru^; a mt, in ^bareta Varsa^? - 11 - 12 i ’ same es Kaku^haen ; mt. in Mnlayadvipe'^f the gods and, demons n who churned the iflilk Ocean used it as the ohurnim' stick 14 Devi is said to have made her dwelling on this mountain

1. Kur,I.47.32;14.27-29;48.5-8;34.2.

2. 3h.V.19.18'X.70.44; Va.45.99

3. Vana, 85-88; Anufiasana. 25-29; Ham. II, 16.30;M. llij . ?5.

4. L. quoted by T,K,p.86. 5. M. 121,4; Br.II.18.1.

6. ^it). IV. 1.95; cf, DS. p. 779;HQ. pp. 20, 22,31 ,106,320; b'>y. p. 124. GM'I.P.47.

7. kur, 1.49.21; Br, II. 13.36; 19.56; Va»'36.19;42.14, etc.G, 56.9.

8. Kur. 1.45.25. 9. VI. II. 2.18.

10. Br. II. 16. 20; III. 27.23. 11. 122.61.

1 2 . V!5. 48i23. 13. kur. 1.1.27.

14. kur, I. 12,144. 681

Uma also was staying here. A- It is a kill situated in the

Banka sub-division of the .Bbagalpur Distriot, two or three miles to the north of BamsT and thirty miles to th'^ south of Bhagalpur, it was known to Megasthenas and Arrian as

•Wallis, B- A portion of the Himalaya mt, to the easi; of

Sumeru in liarhwal^.

301, I/anicakpm.

Var§o. A son of Bsvya ( king of i>ak0 dvipa) and the founder 3 — ^ 1 of this kingdom , a var.^a round the Syanja hill of *^okadvIpa^.

302, j.*anikaraa

Ti, visited by Vyasa^. Oey and Lew identify it ■ ith a place of pilgrimage, situated on the Larvatl, a tributary of the Bias, in the kulu valley ^

3 0 3 . ^ianlman,

mt. One of the •uulaparvatas of PlaksadvTpa^. The Bh, mentions llanikut® ^ boundary hill in Plaksa?

3 0 /+, Meijisaila, — 9 — ^ mt, situated in liavrta. The Va refers to it as Kanislla

1. kur. 1.16.96, 2, Dey.p. 124. fiG.p,21,

3. kur. I.40.16-19;G.56.14.

4 . Vi 33.1«;3:i.l6;49.86^ etc, 5. kur, 1,35.8,

6. Dey.p.l25;HG.|i.l06. 7. kur. I, 49.3.

8. Bh. V. 20.4. 9. kur. I. 45.25. 682

situated to the east of Aru^ode'^,

fj •" 305. Eu b Ju Is .* 2 r, i'^merglng frofn nit. ^ ssvat , It is el bo r'^f

the Bhlsma^, According to ■‘-'ey it is the same es Berjula^,

OodpvsrI erid Venjuls sre rivers taking th eir sourc? Crora

Sahye mt,-^ or the Western ^hate. ■‘-'ey identified J.ian'jula

with the Menjers, a tributary of the trodavori^,

3 0 6 , Manoharn.

Vorj®, of Kraunonnvipe Buled by Kanohern and noiied after — 7 him; Menohara was the Son of -Oyutiman, King of Araunprdvipa'; —8 A'lanuge according to Ve ,

307. A-anohara.

Tl, Under fiariiiada; sacred to pit^-s; one who bathes hare 9 reaches Kudraloka ,

308, A>irno;i

r. Id i^rauncadvipe .

1 . ^^,99.222. 2 . hur. 1 .4 7 .3 3 .

3, Bhlgms, 9.34.

4 , Br, 11,16,31; M, 114.29 ( Vanjula)

5 , xa,ll4,29. 6 . Uey,p.l26 and 23.

7 , Aur, 1,40.19-21. 8 , V«.3 3 ,21-23.

9 . Kur. 11.42.20-21; 194.7; I'.I. 21,7.

10. Kur. 1.49. 2^'; G. 56.13; Br. 11.19.75; M. 122.88; v f .49.69;

Vi.II.4 .55. 683

399. or If'prutslpyfl,

TI, Uniter Ner-teUa; situated on the west of a.pty tirtUe; one who gives sway gold after bathing here, goes to '?a,/uloKe by the luspaks oheriot'*',

310, >--Ptr-tIrt;>p.

’I'i, One who bathes here atteina avergn; to the treat of -2 this la situated the Waruteseyn; tlrtha under ivariiaop ; under 3 ** “U iiurakgetre ; under Oodavari ,

3 1 1 . ^-'atsyodari.

r. In Vorayasi, Alongside this river are situated the foraous llr'gas, viz.Omxaresvarp, Xrttivesesvare, ^^addhyaae- I* 5 • svera, Visveevera, and Kaparddisvere ; near Csakare^vera and -6/ -6/ • *7 to the south of tppilesvera in VprSnfS* . taxe es ^^nnea ,

3 X2 . Layura. 3 - 9 mt. On the west of l.Asitoda ; a peak on the Varaha hill.

313. LerJifi. 10 11 mt. Situated in llavpta , a hill .

1. Kur. II.41v43r!+l; . 191.86;ir'.I.13,31.

2. i>ur, 1 1 ,4 1 .4 0 . 3. ''ana,83.5B;P.I.26.54.

4 . I M 1 2 .1 . 5. Kiir. I.32.11-L3.

6. 1-. quoted by T.K. ppT58-59;3k,IV.33.1'^O.

7 . '10.P.731. 8. Kur. 1.45.38.

0. V L 4 .7.7 O. 10. Kur. 1.45.26. 11. 4M63.82. es4

314* h6£lb25JLfVpnn,e

mt, i-^ne of tbe kulppprvotas of Plaksadvipa •

315« MSZjl* 2 mt. i'

On Its north ere l^ile, t>vetp pnd Orngi, On the south of ivieru ere the vsrgps Bherete, ?vipipuruse end Uerl, On the north pre rtemyakp, iilregi'ieye end iiuru, 4t their centre is ilevrc« in the 3 centre of which is mt.iAeru , It is the foremost extioc:^ the 4 raounteina , Bence Kudrs is described es mt.i^eru emohg the mount el ns^, I'he Viskrabhoparvatfis erouna koru m e ^-emiera on the eest, Gandhasiedfina on the south, Vipula on tne vest and

Suparsv-a on the north , kt.Bhacirssva is to the east of ^.eru -a-y - 7 where/ to its west is mt.hetUinala , The varao on its east is * - Hhadrpsva . tjt.Loru ia the abode of Gods, i.ake karjaar is O / situated ^iiere » On the peak of mt.kem stays Give in the -lO oi)rapany of .Uevi • On tne top of it sis the city of Brahma

14 ,000 yojpnas in ejxtent. i’aoiug tno mansion of Brahma

1. a Gp . 1.49.3. 2. i\ur. 1.40.33.

3. Aur, I,4i,6-l4* 4. 4ur. 1 .1 2 .224.

5. kur. 11.7. B. 6. kur. 1.45.14-16.

7. S, kur. 1.40.35.

9. i ur. 1.23.28. 10. kur. 1«pi.l6. 685 residence of ulvo which is filled by his devotees* On the epst of the city of Drahiiie is Adieravati, the city of Indre, Un its south is Tejoveti, the city of Agni. The city of Ysme, by • ** nsiae Sstnyamaai is elso situated on the south, (lod Vgivssvate lives there. On its v-est is ^fnvnti wherein lives

Kairrhs, On the top of the mount end on the west of it is

Ouddhsvsti, the city of Veruns, Gandhavatl, the city of Vayu, is on its north. On the east of it ishantlmptlforntiruptl the city of Sofiip, Further east is Ynsovati, the city of

^Fhkara, Gangs, which taxes its source from undern'=*ath the foot of Vi§yu after traversing the sky, foils into the city of Brehcaa (on mt.Jiieru) and branches into four, vi?. Gita,

Alakenanda, SucaKsu and Bhedm, Sita which flows to the east traverses Bliadrasve and thr ugh the eastern ver§e joins the sea, Alakananda flowing to the south reaches Bheratn and branches ipto seven before Joining-; the ocean, S ucoksu tra­ versing ketuiaala joins the ocean, BUadra after traversing the Worthern kurus joins the northern seas, Meru, which is situsted at the centre of the mountains running frotn’ kilo to ijaisodha and also frcxn Irialyavan to Gandharaadana, forms the karnika of the world-lotus^” It wr-s on this mt, thr-ti Brshua and Vis^iu happened to meet and enter into an pr”Umant as to who O between themselves was the Lord of the universe , For story of, Lalvlsm (supra), i^/leru is also personified as the husband

1, kur, 1,46.1-34. 2. Lur, 11.31,3. 686

of Uhiarini, daughter of ijVaoidha. A.yati and i'4iyati %ere hie ------'l , daughters and Dhata and Vidhata his sons-in law , further

particulars about »’eru, of, Ilavyta(supra j. iiiiailrr descrip- Yl — 2 r tione of i«eru are clao found in mrjy other Jiurans«s , A,- 'fhe

i’eru, which is also knov/n ps liemadri and Bvarnpcala, le identi­

fied with the uudrp Himalaya in Crsrhwal, ?/here the river Clangp

hes its source. It Is near Badprikasrama, B,- A mountain in

Jaikadvipa called also as Kara probably mt,-'eros of Arrian, 3 near mt.Hysa or Hi^adha; the IdnduKush mountain

316, yodakan,

Vnr§©r of Bakadvipa, named after and ruled by uodaki, son

of King H8vya(Bhfvvye) of Sokedvipn\

317. Muj£ut£. 5 6 mt. On the south of l.Mehabbadra ; vrest of BitoUa ,

316, feundapr^tha, / Olva has caused here a foot-mark for the welfare of all ry beings. Holy for sraddhe, dana, etc, ; a place where A-ahadevn H -9 performed penance; protected by poisonous reptiles ; in Gaya

1. Kur, 1 .1 3 ,1-2 and 23,

2. Bh.V.16;20.2;Br,1.1.69;II.15-16;Vi.II,1.20-22; v>,i,35;30. 30-35 and 31-93, etc. 3. ^ey,p.l30;iiG.pp.1 1 1 ^1 7 5 .

4. Kilr. 1.4 0 .1 7 -1 9 ;G. 56.1 4 ; Br. li, I4 .20; Va. 33.19; 49 ^ 47,

5, Kur, I,45,3K. 6 , Va,36,28, 7. K^r, IJ-.37.3‘’-41.

8 , Br.Ill,1 3 .1 1 0 ; Va,77.102-7.

9. v;.109,45 and 52; 111.45 and 74, 687

It is identified with the BrehiaFtyoni hill in Geye, ©speoielly X that portion of it which contsins the Vii^-nupada tejaple ,

B.- A hill in Keshiair^.

319, .

VjsrgF- in trsuncedvipe nnraed ofter end ruled by Muni, son - -V “ 3 of King Byutiraen of Kreuncedvipe'^,

320, i^£££.. 4 - 5 rat. On tbe west of l.Bitode , north of i.^'ehrhhjyid.ra , on 6 the north of Mema ,

321, h'S'^adYlpe.

Vpr§B, One of the nine divioiono of Bberats sepernted 7 from each other by water: f-^-under Bberate,

322, NRaatirtha. - 8 9 Holy plfioe visited by Vyasa ; saored to pltrs , A,- under - -10 - - -11 12 Oodnvori; D,- under Varapasi ; U,- under Tripu^ksra ;

1. a, 86 ; Ag.ll5 2. Bey, p.34;

3. Kur, X. 40.19' Vi. II. 4.48.

4. Kur, I. 45.36 5. Bh.V.16.26; v;.36.31.

6. Vi. II. 2.30.

7. Kur, I. 47.25 3.7. 8. Kur. I. 35.7. 9. M.22.33.

10, B. 111,1 • 11, *i.22.33;Kur, I,35.7;>^.J-.2'i.33

12, i^V. 26. 51. 688

Co iJ,- under MethurS^; b.,- referred^ln Venn^ v^lth uaderbain locatloD,

3 2 3 # f;'Rlinlsa

It is tfiR holy place wherein this whole iura:,ip was narrated by rtomaharBane to the seizes epseinbled there for the

'cotre*'^; saoccd to "Vi^nu; here daunaka and other erpee per- fomed e setra extending over e thousand years^^ It Is the giver of mOKsa ond Vvas the snored place of /vrta yuga; it is a tirthe and also a forest; holy for srnddha^, tlrtha which is renowned in ail the three worlds ia portiouiRriy selected by iirohma for tne sake of l^is who wished to do pe­ nance in a place best suited for it by wiilcQ tuey could have s glimpse of Mahadeva; the spokes of the Oakra reiensecl by

Brahiiia foil here ( for the legend relating to the cnojoe of this place, of, Hellgion, supra), it is full of siinhes,

^ 0 caranas, yokaas and gsndharvas, it is the anode of vivp. By the performance of satra here, olva appeared before the sages,

Brolifiii narrated the frateendaji^tiraija to the sarea in this

Tirtha, One who gives up his l i f e here attains Brahf)aloKa, — - f. Holy for sraddha, yaga, tapes end anned^na. It is also men- tioned in the kaj^haka Bamhita sad i'aacavimsa Breten^n',

1, Vnr, 1 5 4 .1 4 . 2, Vane. 84,33;of.D3.p.783.

3. Kur.I, 1.2.

4. Bh. X.1.4 and 21; III. 20.7. ; V II.i4. 3i 3 Br. IV. 4 .45. 5. /Hr.1.3 1 .46;37.37;II.2 0 .34; 4!.l.4;13.26;lo6.57;109.3;18c.55. 6. kur. I I . 43.1 -16; Jf. 22.12.14; Va. I . I 5. 7. k ’^t,S,10.6; ir'awcaviiss BrP.hmpua 26.5; 28.4. 689

it is often mentioned In tbc ii-pics end iurpnes'^, JMRlniisp or

^^eimisp Is a country round uimkhiravane or iiimsar on the (ianati

U5 miles to the north-west of Lucknow, Its locrtion by Vp on - r the D^^advoti in Kurukyetra seems to be eif^neous. Vq pt -3 another place and Br. locate it on th® Gomati .

324. >piised!' a. V'nr^o- situated in Jambudvipa; kingdom of i pri fon of

/Xgnidhra it is a division of Jaabudvipn^.7„-5

325» ^lokaloka, i 1 JNakaloko is attained by one who takes a bafcii ir), the ^ — A Apseresa tlrttia’^. 1 I / ' 326. Aakullsvpra.

II. situated at the mouth of r.Ganse the perk of mt. f t iiLanvat, God ^lokullsvara stays ^here, Siva also baa mr'de hia stay JKhere in the conpnny of i)evl and surrounded by his t-*- disciples'^; saored bo

1, Vpna, 84.59-64; 87.5-7. etc., 2. Va . 1. 14.15.

3. V?. 2,9; Bf. 1,2,9; cf, DS, p , 783; Dey, p, 135; HG, pp 41

and 1 1 3 ,

4 . Kur, 1 ,4 0 ,3 2 ; Br.II, 14,49; 15.32; 18,53; vS 33,42,

5. VI, II, 1,19. 6, Knr, 11,42,24-^5,

7 , kur, 11,44.12-14. 8 . U. 22,77• 69o

327. — X 2 r, ^ne of tb-e rivers of Sskeolvipa • Aocortling to D3

it may be identified with A- One of the three streams of

Opngfl proceeding east^, B- a river in Aastiailr, Bey identifies

it with river Brahmaputra^,

328. ^3nndi

Tl, 00 the i

pleases Siva and reaches Sooialoka? Seme as iMendikesem^ , - V g eitueted on the ^anuede', deferred to also by O,

329. i^erada

mt. One of the Kvilapervetas of i-iek^edvlpe^ witere JKprada

end Pervete were born^^; entered the sea for fear of Indra;

situated in blikeclvlpa^'*-; p mt, on the base of Beru^^,

330. Barads.

TT. On War^aeda where i'iarada gained yoga from i ahesvara

by performing penanoe^^; a tlrths on the A'armada^^.

1 . KHr.J.49.35;G.86.5;.Hr,II.19.»; Vi.II./^.65. 2, BS.p. 7B4. 3. Va.47. 3s and 56;3>'.121.40;-v8ui.i,43.13. 4. Kfim,I.43.13 of, i)ey, p. 137. 5. kHr. 1 1 .4 1 .9 0 . 6. i»h 1 9 1 . 6 and 37. 7. b^.p.784;PI.Il.P.200, 8. a.81,21. 9. Kur.I.49.3; G.56.3. 10 . Br.ll.19.9;Va.49.8;Vl.IlT4.7. 11. m. 121.74; 122.11; Vn.4V.?4. 12. Bh. V.16r26; Br.II. 18.77. 1 3 . kur, 1 1 ,4 1 ,1 6 -1 7 . 1 4 . p.i. 18.23; 1 9 1 .5 .2 3 . 691

331» ^^prpKp. hell-unriernefith tlie n^tnre th*? nrrr.krjs viz. 1 ivurme fitc. The sinners ere confined Jj^l^ere , They ere the 27 ? hells under If'-oip. where the unrighteous go eccordif.g to their 2 > respective sins ; unaer the esrth below the j-egalOKs are the seven hells, i-iaureve, bltastepe, J^elBSuto, A{rsti§the, Avici, 3 •iaOheprs^hfi end Avidhye*'^.

332, I'terey^nepurg. / _ This city is situeted in the bvetedvipe. It is lustrous and is full of huge mansions decorated with flegs end festoons.

It abounds in foucteins, lalces and gardens. i^Towers ere alwai's in full blosEOia, Jfiuslc and dance continue here unhindered.

Hosts of spseras dance. At the centre of this city la the place where Vi|nu slumbers upon the coils of Sesa.hlediated upon by

Sanandans and other yogis, his feet are always mas aged by

OevI who was born out of the milk ocean. This place is known as

Vaikuntha^,• •

333. ?>iarayanptlrtha. - 5 One of the most holy places visited by VypseT under ff

1. kur. I. ,44.25. 2. 13r, IV, 2.146-150.

3, Va . 101, 144-92; Yi, II, 6,1,

4 , Kur,l, 49,-50 -71.

5, Kur. I. 35.5. 692

VerannsI^; elso CRlled Vipratirtba^, under Godavari

334» Nprmada«

r, i'acioiis in all the worlds, Glie in the beloved of

Wahedeva, ^ven by merely renierabering it one is blessed with

a hundred years of life or with the merit equal to that of performing e hundred candrnyene vrstes^. It is a river of

Bherats Vpr§e taking its source from mt, hkgavat''. It ori­ ginates frcTO under the foot of shidre and is praised by the Gods, gendharvsa and apsaras^ It is a holy rivt»r famous throughout the world. According to sage iiarkai^deyp who f narrates the glory of this river to king YudhifGauga

is pure in Kanakhala, Garasvatl in ^uruk§etfea alone m^heress i^armada is holy in village and wilderness alike. Tie waters of Saraevetl liberate one after bathing in it seven times, the Waters of Genga liberate one at onoe whereas the waters

of Karrtiada fulfil the same by its meresight. It takes its

source from mt. Amarakan^eka situated on the western quarter

of Kalinga. Gods, osuras, gandhervas end r§ls hove attained sludhi by perfoiming penance there, one who after staying w

1. P,I. 37.5;^ur. 1.35.5. 2, B,l67.1.en

3. DS. p.?g5. 4. k.ur. II. 42.39-42.

5. Kur.I.47.32. 6, kur, II, 41,1-3.

7. k.ur, II, Ohs, 40-43. 693

as a strict Brahciacsrx with the senses oootroHed, + anger subdued and hurting none, gives up his life there, is

sure to enjoy a hundred years in the svarge attended by ■*

celefitlal datisels end spseras. Later he will be robbrn on the e earth as e rigut/ous king. 'i'Uis royal life he will enjoy for e hundred years and on death will never be reborn, i'lnriiada has originated from the body of nuora and is the best nmong all the tlrthes^. Those who live along its bonks r^och -t avarga like ell meritorious persons; its waters s’'e [pure ond cleans© ell the sins, by upaVesa for a day and nignt one libe­

rates himself from even the crime of Brahmahatyi; bathing and ! making gifts in Bermuda ere of merit equal to the sp|:ao carried out in the waters of •=»erasVBtI and Ganga; holy for areddha; it gives final beatitude to those v/ho die there and so is

equal to the holy city of Varanasi in merit^. On tl;© iVarmada is situated the holy place of Dhnutapape where expiated all his sins^. On the southern bank of this river is situated the kematlrtha^.

The iJaraada is one of the most sacred rivers of India and is only second to Gangs In importance. Accounts of the

1 , kur, II,.to, 1-21.

2. Kur.II. 41.22f “25;40.33-3t;20.35;1.31.47.

3, Kur. 11.42.9-12.

4. Xur. 11,41.54-56. 694 greatness of Wermada and tirtbas thereon are given by many purapas^. It is the river Nerbuda, the I^'aniados of itolemy.

It is also knov^n by the naiTjes Heva,SaTiodbhava and ietcalasuta.

It rises in the ,A.marakan-^aka range and falls into the Arabian ^ 2 sea .

335. Karmada Erapdl

The confluence of i^annada with .(:.raQ^l is a cure for all .3 sins inclusive of Bratimahetya . h-rei^di has been idoatified with the river Uri or Or, a tributary of the i'ipnriactFi in the

Harode btate ( stAte. j near the junction of which is Kernali^ of. h.rar;dl ( supra).

336. yaraadodadhi Saaigania.

The confluence of the Ksriceda with the sea is holy for

Janardana, for he appeared ht^re before Jamadagnl. The reward / 5 for bathing here is thrice that of Asvaraedha . The river i^'armeda which rises in the Amarekantaka mountain fflls into the gulf of oambay. This junction of the Kannada with the sea is a sacred place of pilgrimage^ also known ns i;prrnpda-3indhu-

“samgnma or Jamadegnl Tlrtha^.

1, X-/5,CJhs, 186 to 194; P.!. Ohs, 13 to 23; ktir, II. Cbs, 40 to 43

2, os.pp. 703-707; Oey.p. 138; HG.pp.2 8 ,3 6 ,3 0 5 , 3 2 3 & g a :^I p.4 7 .

3, Kur, II, 42,31-32. 4. oey, p. 59.

5 . Kur,II.42c33-34. 6 . A. Gh, 193.

7 . ^ey» p* 1 3 9 . 695

337. iillf i.

iat. situetecl on the north of i«eri in the «Terfibu

A- The Herldwar^ hiiie colled condl pehed situated on the northern side of the Genge Ji- The Kuen-lun range ( on the north of Meru) in Tibet^; 0- The mound on which the iura§ottema 7 shrine stcnds probably the hill or mound at Ihjri in Grisne 8 on which the temple of JfigannetU is deemed to be situated ,

333. ^Il^cele o mt, situated in the var§a of .Kamye . A- e small hill at

I'uri in Orissa on w'hich the temple of Jagannath is supposed to be situated; B- a h ill near Gauhat^i on which the temple of

Satl stands^^.

1 . Ku t , I. 45.9; G.; Vi. 46.34.

2 . Kur.I. 45.37. 3. Vi. 36.30-33.

4. Vi. 43.U ; 43.8; vi. I. 4.26. 11.2.39. ‘

5. fur.II. 20.53; Vsr. Dh.G. S5.13; 22.70;Bh.V.19.16 etc.

6. Br, 35.34-38; Bhlfma. dh. 7. Amuaisana. oh.7.^ etc. TT T“tba.f J'a.'^a-sa 7. 1*. IV. 1 7 ,0 3 . nnd 35; IV. lo.2; rik. quoted by T./. p. 5 6 2 ^ r,Sf7»s- 8 . Bey, p, I4 I, DS. p. 785.

9. 4ir.I. 4 0 .3 3 ; 1 7 .1 1 3 ,2 2 ; Vi. 3 4 .2 0 ; 35.8,^ etc.

10. 0^. p. 785. 696

339. Mlrvlndhys.

r, Emerging from the Vindhyes^, rising from the rtk§a _ 2 mountain in BhRratn Vprvse . It is identified v^ith the liewpj,

B tributary of the Uhsmbel between the rivers Betwa and


340, Jvifedhe.

mt. Situated on the rcuth of mt. MeruA. ; in Ilpvrta ; on

the east of 1, Arunoda^; a mountain range on the base of Mer^

end to the south of Ilevrte end boundory of Hari Vpr.?e.^ -

Identified with the range of mountains which lie to the v^est 1 of the Gandhamadans and north of Eahul rivor, vi<7.. ^indulcush w'hioh forms part of the Himalayas, The statament of Mberunl that the Vlagupade lake, whence the river Sar8SVvat.I cbaes, it 6 near mount 4iiredha, leads to the s s e p conclusion ,

341. Nlsrhaleoc. - - Q Ti. On the 4ermade. By bathing here one rcachen tT^udraloka .

1. Kur. I. 47.34; ^.114.27; Va. 45.102.

2. Bh.IV.1.18; V.19.18. ht, II. 16.32; Vi.II. 3.11.

3. 1)3. p. 786; Day. p. 141. HG.p.325. GAMI. p. 50.

4. Kur. I.45.9.G. 54.9; 5. Kur. I, 45.25.

6.Kur. I. 45.28, 7. Bh.V. 16.9,26; vg.34.14 end 25. g, /Iberunl’s ”Indl8” ( translated by Bechsu 1806). Vol.II.

P, 14?. cf. Dvo.p. 786; Bey. p. 141.

9, Aur. II, 41.8-9. 697

342. rilvrtti. — 1 r, ^rie of the rivers of a&lraslidvipa .

343. Llnga. One of the guhyallngas of ;;iva; A- sltu^^ted in ■ Varenesi . B- (-mkara fcencihats, one of the twelve •iyoferiingpr.

on an islsnd in Up,rrap6a about 32 miles north-west of fvhandwa^.

344» i^a(i'tpne’,'''orl.

Cy, Ey satisfying pitrs In this desa, a hunarPd genera­

tions of the family line are emenoipated? ^eenis to be identioal

with iredmavati or iadmapurs situated near Chandrapur at e short

distance from Amaravetl^

345* EpfltarTal-f. TI, On Ksmada, holy for sraddha purposes’^ same ae i'ita -

raaha tlrthe, one of the holy places visited by Vyasa and raen- _o tloned under i'Janasda'^.

3 4 6 . l^alrslnl. r. rising from mt,^? A- e river near the Girnor

1. hur. 1 .4 9 .15; Br. II. 19.4? Va.49.42;Vl.Ii.4.28.

2. fet5r. I.3?;1t 12; 1.1* 92.137; f. I. 34.1-4.

3. 0.22.2?;186.2;r. ii. 9 2 .3 2 ; vl. i31.67.SK,l.l. I7.209;of. us.p. 786; Deji ^-IhZ,

4 . Eey. p, 1 4 2 . 5. Kur, II, 36.10,

6. cf, J)ey,p.l43. 7, J^Gr. II. 42,18-19.

8. Kur. 1, 35. 8; l.I. 21. 4 .

9. D3.P.791,

10. hur. VR.45.107. 698

hill in Ji-ethlawar cf. Keivataicfi and Hudradaraan’s Junegarh in­

scription and Skandsgupta's inscription of 457 B -river

Jt^addsir v-hioh falls into the sea near AalingapataTP in Canjaia^,

It is also identified with the Paras, e tributary cf the Koel

in Ohhota Wegapur^. I

347» Pancala,

Ja. Ihe ancient name for nohilkhend. It consjisted of I Bareilly, Buda.un, i'Bi’uhhebsd and the adjoining distticts of

Aohilkhand and the Cntral J;ont la tl.P. It one of the u

sixteen Aiahejenapadas of Jayibudvlpe mentioned in thfr An^uttara

JNlkaya^ of the Pali Sutto Pltnke. Criginnlly It waa the I country north and went of Delhi from the foot of tt e Jc*iiaalaya I to the river Chainbal. Later it was divided into tn--^ korth and

South Pancila v.ith Ahichhatrs end Kaapilye, as t';ielr respec­

tive oapitrls. Tie two f the north and the south i^piic“las) were separated by the (langi. The North Pancala etUanded from

the Ganga to the Litnalaya and the south Pencile extended from

the southern bank of the Gangs to the Chembal-^*

3 4 8 , i'ancanada.

II, situated in the vicinity of Japyesvare; pne v.ho stay a

.1, Div, p,7 3 7 , Day» p, 1 4 4 . 2, Mar,5 4 .3 0 ;V@,4 5 ,1 0 7 .1,

3. GA'*-I, p, 5 5 , I

4. Anguttara x»iicaya Vol.I,p,213; IV.252,256 and 2 6 0 .

5. Dey. p.l45;nG.PP.42,50,63,115; GA«MI.p,92, 699

jthere and worships i^fiahadeva for thr 0 conseoutive nijsbtc is sure to reacli vudralokaf a spot saccsd to five rivers created by Hudrs , place fit for srsddha, at the confluence of the

3indhu and the ocean^. The five rivers in ranjab via. 3utu- drl ( */tleJ), Vipes ( Bias), iarusQl ( I-tavI), Asikni (‘Jbenab) and Vitastp ( Jhelum)'^, The union of these five riv'^rs is called rpuonad. The united strewn combines with the ^Indliu a few miles above Mithankot^,

w * 349 • rt-.nonsalla.

mt. in JajnbudvIppjOn this mt, are situated the three ^ i cities of the danavas. i’iot far lives 3ukre, the ?ic“ryp of f ''7 ^ the daityes ; mt, South of S«eru'; on the east of l,/*runode.

350. I'aGCatapa.

Ti, of iJiva; here was t^iva propitiated by the <^od of gods wishing for a son; One who gives up his life here goes to

Bra tonaloka? I

3 5 1 . ££9 dure. 10 mt, situated on the south of 1. feahabhadro ; mt. in

1, A.ur, II, 44.1-2. 2. Vam, Ch.34.

3 . br. III.13.57;Vn.77.56.

4. Venn 82.83;Vfi.77. 56; bur. II. 44.1-2 4.I. 43. 47- 48;Var;5, 34.26 B.I. 24.31.

5. o3, p.787; i-^y.p. 1 4 5 . 6. Kur, 1 ,4 8 .5 7 -5 8 .

7 . Vr .3 6 ,2 4 . 8 . itar.l.4 5 . 3 0

9. Kur.II.44.5-6. 10. KGr. 1.45.34; 700

- 1 - ? BhpratR Versa ; residence of vidyedtisres*; on its peek ere the 3 hundred cities of the gendherves .

352, Pereslkpfl.

Jp, J^eme of p perple of xlhefata . They aree the rersians 5 I atentioaed in Hpghu ., ;

353. Pari,1 eta { Pari?->rtra)

mt. in Jrnnbudvlpa; on this mt, is .situated the oity of

Wshalftkwul. The apsarps dance there to the eocojf^pfmi:xsent of

the various musiopl instruments. Gandharrns, x innprr.s, Oiddhas

aeoeties and'jils stay there in large nun.bara^'; also

known as Parlyatra' situated on the west of Bitonr‘; on I the v:est of 1, Aeltoda^; on the south of 1, rtnhatladra^O,

354. Parl.latsvena.

forest. Situated on tiie peak of mt. Kallaea; here dwells

Indra; Lord JMarsyena also stays here in the oanviany of i^vl

of Mahendra, situated on the .Sltanta iiit,^^.

1. Br.lx, 16.21; Vi.45.91. 2. Aur. I. 48.45-47.

3. Ibid. 39.60. 4. i^ur. I. 47.44.

5. Haghu.IV',60;of.GAMI.p.38. 6. Jhur. 1.48.39.

7. PI.II. p. 317. 8. Vi. 36.29; 42.52.

9. kir. I. 45.37. 10. Kur. 1, 45.34.

1 1 . Kur. 1. 4B.9-12. 12. Vi. 39.10-26. 701

3S.« Hrly rtrr or i nripot r.p

Jp, pnd rot, Onp of tlie seven iiulsporvntes of dherntn t 1 2 y p ; r ^ a situated on the v;est of keru gives rise to Tipny

rivers^. The rivers that originate from the i?irl.yatrr are

VodasiurtI, Vedavet,! ( Vedsrata } VirtaghnI, TricJiv" ,

^jtaSG ( ierg i, karnasa ), iandana ( h?ihandpnS ), ar.;ianyavail,

Ourn, Vidisa end Vetravatl^, Identified with the eatern

part of the Vindhya, extending from the source of t'.e Jhe;ybsi

to the gulf of Oarabay, as the rivers Ohambel, rint' " and y

Siprn are said to rise from it. It is roentioned in the

kphpbtiafya as the southern boundary of ^ryeverte rnd also in

iiaildhayana ilbarma Sutra? The Harosyana also mentions it as

situated on the western eea^. It was the nane arrlird to the

western Vlndhyas together with the Aravelly ranged. The f

people ^ Parlyatre-niv7sins” mentioned in the KHrua seera to

have cofuprised the people of the oountrles of Aparffita^

Saura§^ra,Sudra, kalaps ( t-aleva), Melaka and others'^,

3 5 6 . Prrvrtakhyp.

TI. a - saored place visited by Vyasa; A~ meatioued t

1. isur. I. 47. 24.

2. Bh.V.l6.27;19.l6;Br.lI.; 148.7x10; V-4^^S9. Vi. 11.2.43,33. 3. Ve. 45.98. 4. ^ur. 1.47.30-31.

5. •••abpbhagya I,p,4?5 on Pan. II. 4.10; Baiidhayana uhorma Butra 1.1.27.

6. Kiskindhskay^a, 42,20;of, i^y.p, 149.i>s,p.789;hO. |sp, 14^ 19,

7 . GAtl, p. 46. 8.Kur. 1,47.43; Oey.p.l49. 7 0 2 under VprRC=esI^. B- A country in the Benjab to the north -

I west of Multan between the Havi and the Sutlej, It Is mentioneu

in the Aij^adhynyl of Panlni end also in the Mudra^raK^asa

(Act. Ill) 0“ Same as Srl-saila^, ;

357. i>teln. i

Bptelas or the netherworlda, viz Mahetaln, etc, fire situated deep under the earth; They are the seven i-ahalokas enveloped in darkness and situated beyond the ToKaloks niountnin;

It is the abode of Nrsimho; here was Bali sent by '^amona after he conejuered all the three worlds by his three paces; nbode of

Anants end Muoukunde, the Nagas, the esura chiefs virocena, *■ etc; her© stays the lU'Bimhe form of Vi§nu; ploo the rocoi’t of

Brahmshetya after leaving Kalabhalrava on his entering*the city of VarijasI^. The Vayu also gives an account of the unden\orlds similar to that of iiurtfla, Apert from haaotala, 1 the other talas given by 7ayu are Atala, Butcla, Vitale, Grpbhe- stela, Mphetele, Srltels and Tetala with the characteristics I of black, white, yellow, rocky end gold; they are In groups of earth, water, end aoeoe^. {

1. kur. I, 35.3^‘T.I. 37.«. / • 2. Anandaglri’s Bpnkaravijaya. Ch,5i>.p. 180,cf.also J):',i,7S9t Bey. p, 150, ] ' I 3. lur. I.U.95;50.15-16; 16.220; 17.61; 31.98-99; Bb.r.24.7; y. 154.197; Va.50.12; Br.II. 19.1/2; Vi. li. 5. l-12.^etc.,

4. VS. 6.25; 50.9-14. 703

or Kasntels is identified by Uey with tbe western

Tartsry, including Turkestan and tUe nortbern side of the

Ceepien tbe country of tbe Huns " rtesstple or -

Tatelfi” v’ps tbe generel nane of tbe country as well es ^the

specific nerae of its provinces. The seven ' spheres’ or

provinces of Hasetels derived their names from the different

tribes of Huns and Scythians ( Snkas } who dwelt ttere end

belon^^ed to the Turpnlon stock . (1) Atelo derived Its nome

from the A. telitos; (P) Bitela from the Ab- t 3) i^itale frrrni the •‘■'eph-thellteB. (u) Taint la from the To - I chnrio ( or the Tnk|akns of the ^b, and the Tur~nao.)

(5 ) >'ehfitala from the Kan-telites. (6} Butala from the ; di-

darltes or Su tribes who lived in tiie upper Jpxartee end

the oxus. They were tha wurabhis or cows end uuparnas jor

Garudos or birds of tne «ib;, who lived in the Trrna~ Ogspien f Gist. 'The Garudaa were .^Skas but they foilovea the loros -

strisn religion. (?) iujsitels is the valley of the naiis, or

the Jaxartes. It derived its nsi-e from the river lAase, on

the ipnks of which the Huna and the *^cythlsns ( isskasj

resided. They were called Adages or Serpents. i'atnle , though a genersl narue, is evidently derived from the tpbtha­

lites or the white iiuns; they were celled white in oonura-

distinctlon to the black or sun-burnt Huns of the HortU,

Titelam is also Identified with the delta of the Slndhu

1. Gey. p. 167. 704

353, 1 2 mt. on tbB east of 1, Arunoda ; on the base of ^eru on

the south of the MeneRe,^

359, Ppvltra.

r. of Kuoadvlpa , mein stream of ii.usedvTpa-'^.

360, -fc^pyofni. ' t r, rilsint; from the Vlndhya^ a river In Bherpta"'^ rising

frctta the ^ s a hill In Bhorata , sacred to Bingplesvarllend

the pitre*^ euperior to all rlvero including C»ang" and is the I lo • — rivor of king N^-ge . A- the river Pain or Pain-df'.n a that

joins the Warsda or ^^ardha river in the present state cf -

Maharashtra; b - The river Purna in Bsrar rlsin,^: in t; e Gavllgedh

bills and falling into the Tapi.^^

361, Phal^.u or Fhnl j-iinl.

Tl, holy for siTnddhe^^ in Gays; here resides Gad?d!iara^^

1. Kur. I. 45.27. F. Bh.V. 16.26.;

3. 'Va. 36.22; 33r2.

4. i^ur, I. 49.21; G.56.10; Hr. 11. 19.62; m, 121.72,

5. VI. I, 4.43. 6. ivur. I. 47.34.

7. G. 55.B; 61.18.

8. Bh.V.19,ia.Br,II. 16.32; VI.4 5 .102; 3.U.

9. M. 13.44; 22.33,64;

10. Vpna. 85.40; 68.4,7-9.

11. I>S. p. 790; Dey,p,156. ;GAJ'*!Ji>. 50.

12, Kur. II, 20,34.

13. V^. 105.6,36;109.16, 705

CO referred^ B8 r tirtha and also es a river^, it ia t!ie united stream of AUieJsna ( iJirsujaQa) end tae i^otiana. The h'tlijena I ^ I end the Mohena unit© together neer the iiorn hill about|8 jaile — — ? I below Buddha- Gaya, It flows through Gaya .

362. Tltir.alesvpra. I Ti. Good for bathing, underteicing upavaea and tc give 3 i s'Aay a cow . i 363. Tln.lara. , , . , mt. in Jembudvlpa; on its are the three cities nf geneses -' ' -.5 ivandlsvara stays here**; watered by the Ambarenadi .

;64. i isacp'jocpoa. Vyl5j, Tl, mentioned under Varanasi;^ visited this tlrtha ; by worshipping Kaparddlsvsra after bathing in this k'mde all

I slna inclueiva of that of a Brahmana murder ere for

I the stories glorifying, this tlrtha of. 3elvis.'3 - Religion,

( supra)

1. 0. 52.26; 83.4; 22; 84.13,14,20.

2. Bey. p, 156; iG. pp. 32,251.

3. hur. II. 41.21-24; 42.35*36; M, 191.32-36.

4. hur. I, 48. 51 - 52.

5. Vb . 42.43-57.

6. Kur. I. 33.2; B.l. 35.2. 706

365. ^Isnoikg. 1 ' r. rigtlng from mt. Kk§nv«t , According to J.»/. Sircar,

it cpnnot be ident if

366. ilteniphn.

Ti. visited by Vyesa^; under •‘■'^emads^ cf. i'sitainaha-

tTrtbfi. ( supra).

36?. Mvora,

Ver§a of ilvera, eon of nyutimeu, the of ivrauncadvipl.

368. i'lakapdvlpp.

One of the seven i^iB.hidvlpos which constitute the berth

(cf, Jambudvipe); Itg king was -^edhatithi, son cf i-riyrvrata , it is twice ns much in erea es Jaabudvipn end oircumvej,ts the ivsfirodp. Its seven i^ulnpnrvates are Gooieds, Cpndrn, -^vprpda,

Oundubhl, Manicion, i»>ghanlsvanB and Veithraja. k.ha corres­ ponding seven rivers are Anutapta, Sikha ( Asikha ),

Vipapn, Trldlva, i^rtn, Amrta end Sukrtn. They Join the sea

The cltiseris of this dvipa are happy and blessed ^ with longevity, for, they live for 5000 years. They pro devoid

1. I. 47.33: jhr, II. 16.30; 45,100.

2, GA.^iI, p. 43. 3. i^ur, 1. 35.8. |

4. K. lf>4.4; i'.i. 21.4. I

kT!r; i: 4 0 ,1 9 -2 1 ;’g .5 6 .ii; vs.3 3 .2 1 ^2 2 ; vi. iii. 4 .4 3 .

6, kur. 1. 4 0 ,1 1 , 707

of worries nnd af^oTiy. TUere is no yuga-systeoi, Bralamficns,

Ksatriyes, Veisyes and Sudras are respectively AryeJces,

Aururas, Vidahas end Bhavinas. Tliey ere of righteous conduct

and worship isa (i^ome) end gain Sanesararajya, Soraaenyujya - - 1 - end Bsrupya * iiing *^edheththi had seven sons end the kingd^ was divided among them. Their respective varsas vere named

after them, viz, Bantemaya, Blyire, •^khodaya, Znan

Vi with the difference that the i'lakfadvipa (surrounded by 3 salt ocean) is mentioned as one of the nine continents ,

According to soaie other i'uranes, Idhmajihva was the fir s t king of this continent who divided i t among Lis seven sons;

Agnl, the god of fire shines ^Ihere; people are engaged in C oun-worship; Surrounded by the sea of sugar-/,ane ;juioe; in

the midst of the continent is the Plaksa tree,sacred to .^Iva^

369. ilaksppresravana, - / - 5 6 Ti, Holy for sraddha, dana,etc ; the source of Sarasvati;

very efficacious for sreddha. The river Sarasvati which

rises in the hills of Sirnur in the Himalayan range takes its

source from a fountain situated at the foot of a Blakija tree

for which it was celled Blak^apresravana or Blnksavatamija^.

1. Kur. 1.49.1-12. 2. Kur. 1,40.26-27.

3. Vi.II.1.12;2.5;4.2-20. j

4. Bh.V.1.32;20.1-7;13r.lI,14.11-15;19.1“31;Vo,49.1«f2B.

5. Kur. 11.37.29. 6. Br.III.13.69;i^alyp.54.11; Ve.77.67. 7. Bey.p,157. 708

370. ^t^'lRk^>=>VRtr^renp«

t I, 3y worshipping Vi^gu in this tirtha, one escenda to

Vlgnuloke ; ismunetirtha where those who performed t^prssvpte

ssorifices ceme for the flnel oeremoninl bath celled f f 2 - -3 evabhrtha ; here sacrifioers performed bpresvatn setres-^; in

himavat^, same es i^lsksaprasrevena (supr©)»

3?1. ■krabhakera,

Ver§R- called after Irabhakara, son of Jyoti»'!nn, the

King of iiusadvlpa^,

3 7 2 . j^rabhasa.

t I. Sacred to Hari and famous for its ti'cstflowlng

SrrasvstI a tirtba sacred to Si?©; Siva stays others in

the company of the siddhas; bathing and grctification of

Brahmaijas very efficacious; under Varanasi; Vyasa visited this place'^; famous throughout the three worlds; it is like

Varanasi, a giver of mokga to those who die there . A,- in

Saurastra with the famous temple of Scraanetha which had one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, broken by Mahmud of Ghazni, also

called bomanathapattana; the moon was cured of oonsuiaption

1. kur. 11.37.8. 2. Vnna.129.13-14.

3. Vena.90.4. 4. M5r.21.29-30. 5. Kur. i.40.22^23;O.56.S;Br.II.14.29;19,58;Va.33.k;49.54.

6. Bh.VII.14.31;AI.30.6;Br.III. 13.40;Va.23.215;77.40; P.422, 7. kur. il.35.16-17;1.35.127, etc.

8. kur, 1,31.48. 709

1 - 2 here ; Sarfisvati falls Into the sea near it ; B,- On the

Spresvati 0,- a hill near Gpya 0.- under VaranasiT 5. - - 6 “ 7 hi.- under Dvaraka ; there flows Sarasvati westwards'; t\- 3 » ^ 9 in Kash-'nir ; G,- one of the five dheras near Badarlkasrama ,

i 373. i^rgjajjatyp.

Ti, Visited by v’yesa and mentioned under Varanasi

374. i^ra.ya^q.

(1) The confluence of the Gpnga and the jfnmuna, famous

throughout the three worlds by the neae of Jr-rayaga const!-

tutes the loins ( the most fertile fart) of the iiarth'*’"*’;

is) The confluence of the Sindhu and the Vitasta,l.e, Jnelum^

Sindhu is de«aed here Gangs and Vitasta Yemuna, The ^,X,75

ocntaino one of the most enoient referenoee to the greatness

of the confluence of the Ganga and the Yanuna, The greatness

of Prayags is dwelt upon also in the and the i'urpnas

like Matsya, Kilrifva, Padifin, Bksnda ete,^^. It is a tirtha of

1, Salya.33.42. 2. Vpm,34,2< .

3, Balya.35.78;3k.VII.l.llTl4. 4. Vg.l08.l6;109.14;A^.il6.15.

5. hGr. I.35.12;i.I.37.15. 6 . Var.149.29-33.

7 , Bh.Ai.3d.6. 8 . 14.111 ;cf.i»J.p.791.

9. Iv.II.6 7 .57-58;cf.i>3.p.791;.Oey.p. 157.

1 0 . Aur. 1.35.4;i.1.37.4. 11. kur, 1,37*2.

1 2 . /fw.394-395;of.iJO.p.793. 13. Vans.85.69-^7;57.18-20; Anuessana.25.3o-38,

1 4. iv., clis. 103-112 ;Xur, I, ohs. 36-39; II. 35;P. 1. ch.40-49; Bk, IV, 7 , 4 5 -6 5 ^eto. 710

five yojwnpg In ciroxunferenoe p,n

for snenp, japa,hCKna,^raddha,diaDn,etc,; sroddha perforriod here

is of imneDse merit; pitrs get eatlsfled here^; this holy “ 3 “ place was visited by Vyase , here stay ^iudra, Bratira, Indra L and ell other heitles; Herl protects its sphere ; lb is the

ksetra of Prajapati famous throughout the three worlds; those

who bathe here go to heaven and those who die here are never 5 6 reborn ; they gain moksa ; by staying here one could without • - 7 much effort cross the ocean of Samsara ; mere ranembranoe of 8 it is capable of destroying all sins ; crores of tirthas are

present in Preyaga- so say the sages; one who dies there

secures the sarae goal which a wise man devoted to yoga reaches 9 after forsaking all actions ; bathing; there Is equal to that - - , 10 of performing the Rajasuyo and Aavaraedha sacrifices ; bathing

for three oousecutive days in Wagha Is very effloaclous^^;

but a person who puts off his conteiaplated pll(^>;rlw«ge to

Prayago, goes to iJaraka and suffers there for hundreds of 12 kftlpaa ; on ths south of this tlrtha io situated the 13 H^apromocana tirtha

1. Ivur, 11,35.4; i'i. 1)8.9-10. 2, kur. 11.20.29.

3. kur, 1,35.2. 4. kur, 1,36.15-16;36.24.

5* 1,36.20**21, 6. Kur. 1,31,46.

7, kur. 1.36.32. 8, kur, 1.36,27.

9. -i^ur. I.37.15'-16>397 10. Kur. I.37.12-iS;?/.y.

11. ^ur. 1.38,1-5. 12. Kur. 1.37.2-3.

13, Kur. 1,38.4;cf.Do,pp,596-6l7;792;Oey,p,160;hG.T).117-118, 711

375. luadarlkp. « ” 1 mt. !jne of the seven mountelns of kraunoedvipn ; on the 2 south of l.lSehsbhaclre .

376. £U»dgrlk,e. 3 / - 4 Ti. Visit to which is very effioeoious ; fit for sraddhp.

377. l^underikeksp. T 5 r. One of the seven rivers of Kreuncedvips ; Jnindsrika - 6 ‘ , 7 mentioned in other iurenss rising on the western side of iideru,

378, rundrs3. ^

Je. Heme of s people of Bbnro^Verss^, The Tpundres or

i'auDdrskes• ■ are mentioned several times in Mb-and also in the 9 A.i. Br. . They ere the people of North Bengal with their city

celled lundranagam or i'undravsrdhane (Kphasth'-.n in the Bogre

district) after the name of i-undra, p son of Bali, i-nnarade^a

and rpundrs were the names of the cour^try and ir'aundrpvardhana, 10 its capital ,

379, Punyavatl, 11 r. That rises fro;a mt.k’alaye

1, Kur, I,49,28;By».II,l9.6B;M,122,82;Va,49,63.

2, Kur. 1.45.35, 3. Kur. 11.37.27.

4 . Br. IlI.13.56;Va.77.55. 5. Kur. I.4‘^.2^^

6. Br.II.19.75;M.122.88;v L 49.69;Vi.II.4.553.56.13.

7. Va.47.67. 8. Kur. 1.47.42. 9. Ai.Br,7.1«;/f./if«o

1 0. ^ey.p.l54;B3.p.246;GAi*il,p,2 8 ,15.7

11. Kur. 1.47.37. 712 380, ^ijru30ttn.-;ia.

Ti, Sacred to "grayana or Vi§]ju, One attains Visguloka by worshipping Vi^nu end g[ratlfying the £r8 hfaa5 as hare^; . 2 tlrthe sacred to Vi-aala and the pitrs ; it la Jagannath or 3 luri in Orissa .

381. i/urvadR3P.

_Ja, According to the early Indian tejitg we havy five traditional divisions or India , viz, 1‘raoya or iuri/adeaa

( ^’estern India), Dakslnapatha (Oeocan), Aparanta (.veatorn

India), Udloya or Uttarapatha (Northern India) and iiladhya- desa (Middle country),cf.Dak^lijapatha (supra). The A s t e r n country lay to the east of Madhyadesa. As the eertern e4 boundary of iiadhyadesa extend/ froia time to tlii;e, the western boundary of the iTacya couritry'edhypdosa

(supra). According to the kevya'nliEBra8a(p,93) the i^astern country lay to the east of £anaras whereas according to the ocoaiientary on the Vatsyayena Sutra it ley to the east of * if Aqga, In later years it ahrinked more .

382, lugifnra.

Tl, Uf Brahma famous throughout three worlds, Bralima la worshipped Jthere by gods, gandbarras.yaksas, uragas, r^i^asaa

1. Kur. It. 35.26-26.

2. M.13.35;22.3S;Vi,l,l3,52;V. and 78-82. ( 3. D£.p.793;hey.F.162.

A, HG.pF.12 and 14, 713

«nd slddhas. By bethlng here one reaches the (vicinity of) - 1 *■ - 2 Brahaie . ; the most efficeoious of tirthas of the Treba age

holy for sreddho'*; those who die here ceech icunortellty or 4 5 mok^p ; place sacred to Hart , A,- To^/n,lpke and place of

pilgrimage, six miles from Ajmer, Also known aa iokhra,

of the few temples of brahma exists here, l‘he sacred

Sarasvati flowed to the ocean from here^, B,- buskera on 7 Sarasvati, called •^prahha , C,- in Agshmir emon - the group “ f B of tlrtbes at ftapetesvara . b,- one of the five dhfTas of / o _ Badarlkasrama , According to Devl-luraija it is one of the

nine sacred foreste,vl3, Satidhava, bendaksra^ya, ^'aini§a,

Kurujangala, Utpeliranya, Janbic.’iarge, and iiinaleya,

3 8 3 . I'uekaradvlpa.

dv, ype of the seven continents which constitute the

barth, cf,under Jambudvlpa (supra), Savana, son of irly/v^vrate

was its first king. Sovpna had two sons Mahlvite ('|phavlta)

and Bhotakl between whoa the continent was divided. Their i 0 respective verses were called after them . It in double the

size of ^akedvlpe end surrounds the milk ocean. Op this

1. Kur. II.3 5 -3 9 -U. 2. AHr. 1.37.37.

3. bur. II.20.34;Va.77.40)106.60.

4. Aur. 1 .3 1 .4 6 . 5. Bh.VII.14;X.90.28^X11.12.6 0 .

6. P.V.19.37. 7 . Adi. 221.15;B8lyp.38.1 3 -1 5 .

8. HC.1 4 .1 1 1 . S . 6 /.57-58; cf.Bb , pp.793; *^ey.p.l63. I 10. Kilr. 1.40.13U5. 714

continent there la only one mountain,viz.2i'ennsottere and the two janapadas are SSehavIta and Dhatakikhanda. The tree of

Kye^rodha is worshipped there by Gods. Brahma, and

Narsyons stay there, ^iva is there attended by Brahma, the kinneras, yogis, yeksas end gandherves. Its citizens are

Brahmapas, They are devoid of sorrow and anger and are without any fear of famine. The system of Varnasramadharraa does not

esist here. There are no rivers. On the other side of

Bu§kara there is the Svadudaka Semudra^. It is deemed to be the best of the seven continents. Hence is oiva said to - 2 Puskara Itself among the dvipes ,

It is twice the Dadhioiendode• • in size and is surrounded by sea of fresh water, vltlhotra, son of PriyaiBvrato, was its first king, Brahma is worshipped here^

Identified with a portion of the Central Asia commenolng from the north of the Oxus, including Aeatern Tartrry^,

384. Puskarlnf. - q « Ti, By bathing here one becomes en mperor'^; a tirtha on -< -7 Hercada ; under Gaya .

1, kur. 1.50.1-11. 2. Kur, H.7.11;cf.also VI. 11.115;2*5.

3. Bh.V.i.32;20?29-33;M.100.4;l23.13;248;13;Va.49.101-141. I 4. ^ey.p.l63. 5. Hur. 1 1 , 4 1 .10- 1 1 .

6. M.190.16;iCur.II.41.10-11;^'. 1,17.12.

7. iig,116.13;cf.OB.p.794. 715


Tl, iAlalch like Vera^Bsi la a giver of mokea to ttioae who

die here end is famous in ell three worlds^.

386. 2 mt. Situated on the west of l.Asitode ; on the north of

l.ii^atiabhedra; sages dwell on this mountala^.

387* luspavati / “ 5 mt. One of the mountains of iiusadvipa .

388, H a iv a t a , / “ 6 One of the mountains of Sakadvlpa ; Haivatoka mentioned « 7 In other I'uranas , It is, according to Uey mt.Oirnor near 8 9 Junegarh in Gujret ; a hill at Junagarh opposite to Uirnar ,

It is mentioned as situated near Prabhasa^'^, It is the 11 western part of Udayenta hill near Bomanatba in Vaatrapatha

389. Hsk^ovati.

Cy, Of imiryte, lord of the itak§acas. It is situated to 12 the west of the city of Amarevati, on mt.keru

1. kur. 1.31.47. 2. Aur. 1.45.38.

3. V5.36.32; 33.71. 4. V5.39.62.

5. kur. 1 . 49. 20; Br.ll.19.55; V5.49.50; Vi.II.4.41.

6. K5r. 1.49.34. 7. Br.II.19.87; Vg.49,81;Vi.11.4.62 > 8. I>ey,p.l65. 9. 1^8.p,794.

3 0. and ch,2l9. 11. Sk,VII,2.1.68.

12. Kur, 1.46.17-18, 716

390. J-taaa.

r. One of tho seven rivers of iiusadvlpa^.

391. «e:ap-S. 2 Ja. i^atae of a people of Biaarata Var§a .

392. dameavera, I

Ti, The sin of Brahmahatya is expiated by whorshipping M / 3 ^ Kudrs at Haaiesvar after bathing in the sea ; a tirtha sacred 5 to pltrs; one visiting it after bath at Gaya has no rebirth .

A,- situated on the island of Femban or SetubandUa a sacred

island on the Bay of Bengal separated from the mainland of

India by the Faff

shrines in the whole of Indie, rtama is said to have establi-

shed a linga on the Betu'^; enans, dana, ereddha, etc. per- * 7 fomied here is of everlasting merit. 3,- Under oriparvata'

established by Visnu himself,

393. liESya,. • ~ - 8 rat. One of the mountains of Sakadvipa .

394. Hargyaka. Q Var§e, Tying to the north of i.eru^; in the north-west of ideru^^; a continent bounded by Bila on one side; here is

1. K^r. 1.49.22. 2. Kur, 1,47,44.

3. kur, 11.30.23. 4. a.81.9.

5. Vp.108.27. 6. M.22.50; kur.I.21.46-51.

7 . L,1,92.149;cf.DS.p.795; Bey.p,l66;HG,p,l85,

8. Kur.I.49.34;Va.4 9 . 8 4 ; A7.tK.

9. Kilr. 1.45.12. 10. G.55.3. 717

Vl§nu worshipped in the form of ^atsye by idenu . The people

of Hemypks are of silver hue. They live for 11,500 years, 2 Their food comprises the fruits of Kyegrodhn . It is the

var^e of Ri^iya, son of Agnidhra, king of Jembudvipa of,

Jambudvipa (supra).

395. Hasatele. j

One of the netherv/orids. It is guarded by Supanja, 3 - 4 Vasuki end others , Kesatale is of rooky soil , lor further

inforisstion about the netherworlds cf.latBle (suprej,

396. Hptnpdhare,

mt. In Jembudvlpo, On this mount ere the seven hermi­

tages of the seven sages (septer^is) and also the residence of

Brahma end othe^lddhas, Brehrae is worshipped here; by the 5 - A alddhaa,devarsis and Brahmenals ; south of i^enaea ,

397. Rat ri, - 7 r. One of the rivers of Krauncadvipa'.

398. Itkna or Sksavat.

mt. One of the kulaperfatss of Bheret^er^a®; one of the

mountains of lambudvipa^; near i'iarmada^®; the rivers originatini

1 . B h .v .i6 . 1 B;24- 28;M .ll3 . 30;V i.34. 30; V i . l i . 2 . i 4.

2, kur. 1.47.3-5. 3. kur,1.44.19-20. 4. kur,1.44.18.

5 . Kur. 1.48.13-17. 6 . VS.36.23;38.27;39.45.

7 . kur.I.49.29;G,56.13;Br.II.l9,75;M.122.88;VS.49.69;Vi.II.4.55

8. Kur, 1.47.23; Bh.IV.1 . 1 7 . 9. G.55.7.

1 0 . Bh.V.l9 . l 6 ; B r .I I .l6.1 8 ; I l I . 70. 32;7 1 . 39; v ; .45. 89;9 5; 3l ; V i . I l 3.3. 718

from mt. jf^sevot ere: l^annedo, Surasn, i^asergn, ^jehenadi,

Wendaklnl, CitreKute, Tamasi, i'isacike, Citrotpala, Vlsala

(Vipasp), Menjula and Valuvp^dni, Hence It la identified with

the eastern part of the Vlndhya range extending frooi Bengal to _ ' 2 , the sources of Banaada and Boija .

399 * ^£..

Ti. Here is Gkanda worshipped by all gods end gendhar-

VRs; by bathing here a person is freed froui his sins end debtl;

in the Uermoda^.

400, Hnepremocfina.

t I. Situated on the northern bank of the ii^amuna and on

the south of Breyega, One who stays and bathes here for a 5 night ascends heaven after getting rid of all his debts , o A, - under Kuruk^etra'*; B,- near Brayaga^; 0,- under Godavari^ ** ** ^ 1 Q B, - 8 sub-tlrtha under Amalakagrama ; B,- under Varanasi

401. rtopita.

Varga- named after Hohlta, son of Vepugman, the king of


1. Kur.I.47.32-35;cf.elso Va 45.98-101.

2. B3,p.796;.0ejt.p.l68; HG.pp,20;328;OAi^i.p.53.

3. Kur. II.41.19;29-31. 4. M.191.27.

5. Kur, 1,38,14-16, 6, V^.41,6,

7. M,22.67;107.20;Kur.I.38.14-16.

8. B.99.1 9. Nr.66.28 quoted by T.K.p.255

10. Sk. IV.33.117;cf.DS.p.796.

1 1 . Bur.1.40.23-25;flr.II, 14.32-33;Va.33.2a-29;Vi.II.4.23,29; G.56.5. 719 402,

Ti, ''Isited by VypsR , A,- under VereQiasi ; B,- In

Koselp,l,e, Bsk^lnakoasle (vide tiie Gunji itock Inscription 3 of kumsrfivpjfadatta sa reed by ia,^, iTof.Mireebi) ; a pllgrloi

who fasts here for three days secures the rewards of Vajs- -1 4 peyeyajna ,

403. , / 5 r, i'lows froa mt.Suktiniat ,

404. Hslkulvp.

r, Hising from the foot of mt.Suktlmet^; risin^^ from 7 Wahendra mountain , A.- It Is the river of Ganjam wnich

flows into the Bay of Bengal near Berhampur, B,- The kiyul

which rises in the ^uktimat mt, in Bihar subdivision not far 8 from Hajgir ; The kur wrongly represents the rivers rt,rts|culy&.

Trisema and GaodhRmadanagRiuinl as Issuing from the Buktimat.

405. Hsitirtha. / X.10 \J By bathing here Sivalok4is attained ; situated on the

1 . kur.I.35.3. 2. i^ur.I.35.3;i.I.37.3.

3 . E^I.vol,27.P.48.

4.;k,1.39.10;cf. BB.p.796.

5 . ftur.I.47.39; vi. 45.107.

6. Kur.I.47.33;Bb.V.l9.18; Br.II.16.37-3S; M.114.31; Vi.XI. 3.13-14. 7. JN’,II,60,30.

8. Bey.p,l69;DO.p.797;nG.p,37.

9. kyr.I.47.3S;of.GAMI.p.53. 10. i.ur.II.41.15, 7 2 0

-1 -2 the Kenncda ; under Mathure .

4 0 6 , rttuapla, 3 r, iJfflei^ing from mt. Maloya identified with the Vaigai

of the tiadura district^,

4 0 7 . Huoeka. 5 - 6 mt. On the east of l.Arunoda ; in llavrta ; south of 7 8 Meru'; at the base of Meru ,

408, Hudrnkoti,

A tlrtha equal to Varcjiasi in merit end famous through- the out the three worlds; it is/giver of mohaa to those who die 9 here ; it is the abode of liudra; here riudra appanred taking V a orore of fofas before a ororo of his devoteeo, llanoe the

naae Hudrakoti, Pilgrims to this tirtha gain the reward of

rtudrasaffllpya^'^; A,- Under kuruic^etra end i>arasvatl B,- ---12 - 1 “^ under Varaoasi , U,- Under I'annada

1 , ii,191,22;193.13-14; Kur,II.4ia5; P,I,1 8 .2 2 .

2 . Var,152,60; cf,DO,p,791. 3. Kur. 1 ,4 7 .3 7 .

4 . IiO.p.3 8 . 5. ivur,I.45.2/;Ve.36.l9;42.29

6 , Aur, 1,45.25. 7 . Vi.II,2 .2 8 .

8, Bh.V,l6 .2 6 . 9. Aur.I.31.47.

10. iiur, 11,36,1-3, [

11. Vena.82.111-124; Vaip.46.5l; P.1.25.25-30; A{Jr.lil.36.1-8.

12. IS.181. 25; Aur.I.3 1 .4 7 .

1 3 . jr.1 .1 3 .1 2 ; Vena 17.103; iJ.186,16-17; of.DB,p.797;

i>ey,p,171. 721 409» Seblndur — 1 ? mt. Situated in Ilavfte to the eest of Aru^oda ,

iflO. Sfihpsreslkbera.

mt. In Jambudvipa; on this mount are situated the eight

cities of the Vidyadharas, Here is aisso the ^arnikaravana I • with lakes end rivers of tasteful water, bankers st*^ys here;

e rat. for garu^a birds^; west of the i^itodn^.

Ull, Sehya.

mt. One of the Kulaparvates of Bherata Var§a^; here

sages performed pennnoe; recovered from the sea with cities

and villages by Parasurama”, The rivers that flow fvor^ mt,

Sahya are.* Godavari, Bhimarathi, k^sga, Veija, Vasyats, • - _ ” - 7 Tungabbadra, Suprayoga and Kaveri ; Sahya was tha n «tae

applied to the part of the Western Ghats above the Coimbatore g gap or to the north of the Travanoore hills

412, SalDdhavp. 9 Je. One of the peoples of Bharata . The Sindhu lay to 10 the west of the lower Sindhu ,

1 . Kur,I,45.25. 2. Vp,36.19.

3. Br.III.7.453. 4. v;. 36. 28.

5, hur.I.47.23; G.55.7; B.1 6 1 ; &1.13.40; Ag.109.21;

Bh.V.19.16; v;. a5 .89^104; V i.II.3 .3 .

6, Br,II,l6.8; III.56.22;57.27; 58.24; to.li4 .i7 ,29.

7 , hur,I.47.36-37. 8, Bey.P.171; HG.p.21,186; OAi»iI.p.52.

9, kur. 1.47.43. 10.0AKI.24.note.2. izz

«3v. Cn 9 of ttie eeven oontinenta of ttie sartti Icf.Jambu- dvlpn) surrounded by the Kslroda Oagara toy i^edhl ssuBudra 2 seoordlng to Bh end by iAigdha-semudre according to ^ , iiavya

(Bhavya) was the first king of this avlpa^f Medhatithl accor­ ding to Bh). His seven sons were: Jelada.Ku'^ara, uukuioaraka, kenicaka, Kusottara, Modaki and ilahadruma. Their respective varies were named after them , bakadvipa surrounds the BadhJ- sagera end Ic twice as big ps the kraunoedvipa. its mountains are Udey'a, Keivata, Byiijska (^yama or Syama), ^.sta'^lri,

Ambikeya, Haxya and Kesari. Its rivers are: Sukuii-^ri, kumarl, halini, Venuka, Ik§uka, Dhenuka and Gebhaati, Its citizens are devoid of sadness, anger and hatred. The four vanias are rtr?:e, Msgadha, rienosa and Mandasa reapeotivejMy. They are

Sun worshippers end attain the reward of Surya-aayitjye, - 0 aarupya, seralpya and saloksta Gonorally identified with the country inhabited by the S5ka people which called

Scythia by Greeks, i.e. Tartary including Turkestan in

Central Asia .

1. hur, 1,1*9.40. 2. Bh.T.20.24-23; G . 5 4 .6 .

3. kur. 1 .4 0 .1 3 . 4. Kur. 1.40.16-19.

5 . KGr. 1.49.33-39; cf.eleo Br.ll.14.13; 49.74:

VI.II.1.14;IV.58.71, etc.

6 . -Oey.p.1 7 2 ; GAMI. p.163. 723

r n11 r u hs»

Ti, In Ayodbye; pilgrims who bathed there get^ Ijhe same

reward as of making a gift of one thousand cowa^; A.- on the —2 — southern bank of iiarjiiacln , sacred to pitys; B, - under kubja- 3 Eiraks .

415. i^aktlmpD. - 4 * mt. One of the seven Kulaparvates of Bharate^, ^

416, ,^ala.grsma (or Oalir^raiaa).

Ti. ■tf’aiaous in the three worlds and equal In tuerlt to

VereqasI; a giver of mokija^; Suceheys, wife of iHati (grand­

son of Uttauapade)resorted to severe austerities here^; e

tirtha^; here iuloatya and lulaha have their hor.'iitsigesf

fit for srpddha^; saored to LahadevI and the pltrs^^. It Is

a sacred place near the aourco of the Gandakl river. At the

source of the Ga^fjaki ere found the saored stones celled 11 ^alagraran which are worshipped es Visnu .

417. Bglmalidvipa.

«p One of the seven continents of the Barth cf,Janbudvlpp

(supra). Vppu^mnn was its first king^^ (YajHabehu according

1. kur. II.4 1 . 4 6 and 11-12.

2. tl.22.73; kur. II.41.H-12;I.I.24-29.

3. Van.l26.81.of.iJj.p.799. 4. kSr,I.47.23

5. kur.I.31.47;I1.35.37. 6. kilr.l.14.4.

7. G.54.13;66.8;81.14. 8. Bh.V.8.30;k.90.28. 9. Br.lI1.13.89;25.66. 10. Wa 3 . 3 3 ;22.62. HI. BG.p.799;^dy,pp.l74 end 255. 12. kur.1.40.11;G.56.5. 724

to Bh, Br, end VI), He dod seven sons, viz. Bvete, Harite,

Jimuts, Hobite, Vaidyuta, Iviineso and Suprabha. Their varsas y/ere neaed after them^. The iielmalidvipe is twice as big as

Tlaksedvipa in area end surrounds the ocean of Ikaurasa. In

^almeli there are seven veraas (named after their respective rulers referred above), seven Kulaparvatas and seven rivers.

The Kuleparvatos ore; Kumudo, Anneda, Ealnhaka, Dronf», K btmS8,

B^.ohisa and Kakudman, The corresponding rivers are: Yoni,

Toya, Vit:^anl, Candra, ;iukla, Vimocanl end ^ivrtti. The people ore devoid of greed and anger. There is r:c s’^stem of yogas. The people worship Vayu end attain the ravjprda of sarupya end saloketa. The four vp.rnaa, Brahman^, etc, ere - — 2 Xapila, Aru^a, Bita and K^g^ia respectiverly , Identified with 3 Oheldia, t'esopotBUis or Assyria , 1 41S, Spinmita. / - 4 r. One of the rivers of Kusadvipa .

4 1 9 . Sa^riula.

mt. To the east of l.Aruijode^; south of itanesa ,

4 2 0 , SamYsrttcka.

Ti. One of the most snored places fisited by VyaBa; laen- - - - 7 tloned under Varanasi

1. KHr. 1 .4 0 .2 3 -2 5 .

2. Kur.I.49.12-19; cf.Bh.V.1.32; 20.7-12; Br.II.14.12; 31-34;

19.33-43; Vu.II.1.13, etc.

3 . Dey.P.1 7 5 , 4. Kur.I.49.21. 5. K^r. 1.45.28.

6. Ve.36.23; 33.23; 42.30. 7. kGr.I.35.6. 725

421. Saavpmpnl.

City of Yama situated to tbe south of the oity of

Araarivatl, on mt.iiileru. God Valvasvata lives there worshi­ pped by all other Gods, Access to this city is gained only 1 by those who speak the truth •

422, Sandhya. 2 r. One of the rivers of Kreuncadvipe*. Identified with - 3 a tributary of the Yamuna in Sindh , A,- river in Kashinlr; one of the holiest tirthas of Kashmir, viz. Sundabrar in

Bring parge^B^. B,- river Sindh in Malwa, which fella into the Yamuna C,- another river; location uncertain. ,

423, Sandhypvata.

A Brahmaceri worshipping in Sendhyeva^a, asoeuda to

Brahmeloka; mentioned under Krayaga"^.

424. Semgairiesvara.

Ti, “ituated on the southern bank of l^armadi; a pilgrim 8 who bathes here gains the merit of performing all facriflces.

A,- under VaraijasI B,- at the confluence of Sibhremetl

1. Kur.1.46.15-16;BU.V,21,7;VI.3.3;Br.II,21.31;M.1 2 4 .2 2 ;Vi. 5 0 .8 8 . 2. kSr.I.49.29;G.56.13;Br.II.19.75;K.122.88;Vi.49.49;Vl.II 4.55, 3. Bey.p. 176. 4. 1 ^ 1 4 7 1

5, Sabha.9.23;B.I.39.1;cf,Dey .p.l76.

6, Vane.84.52;B,I,32.16;of.DS,p,800,

7, Kur.I.37.28;M.106.43. 8. Kur.11.41.36-37

9 . K.II.50.63-64. 7?6

“ X ^ Dad Hnstiniptl . C,- on the south bank of Kannada K,- at • - - 3 the confluence of Genga and Varuna , According to bey it

may be (l)a town in konJca^a, about 20 miles north-east of

Hatnagiri (2)a -Lingayat place of pilgrimage on the conflu­

ence of Malsprebha and the i.r§na or (3)s shrine of biva at . - - . 4 the confluence of the Ganga and Varuna ID, above

425. ^ankhakuta. 5 6 mt. On the west of l,Asltoda ; north of ; near - 7 l.Bhodresoma .

426. ^ankhi. - - 8 “ S Ti, Holy for dana purposes ; A,-on «3arasveti ^;B,-under

Karmada 0.-under Amalekagrema^^.

9 $ • 427 , Sftnkukr rnrrkff.

t I, One of the few’ tirthas equal in merit to Verenasl.

Those who die lihere gain lmmortallty(or moksa) and hence 12 the tirtha has earned fame throughout the three worlds ;a » 13 i place sacred to Siva . Dey identified it with the souiethern

portion of Benaras^^.

1. i.VI.138.1. 2, W,l91.74;J^ur,lI,41

3. L.I.92.B8;cf.Do. p.6 0 0 , 4. ^ey.p.l77.

5. Kur.I,45.3o. 6, Vi.11,2,30.

7. v;.42.58,77. 8. 4ur, 11.42.17-18

9. ^alys. 35.87. 10. kGr.II.42.17.

12. kur.X.31.48. 1 1 . Kr.66.23.• 13, M,181,27. 14. Dey.p.l77. i7n

A-28, taentpgnyg.

Ver?8-oalled after Ssntamaya, son of Medhatitlai, the

Kia? of ir'lak^advipa^; one of the seven divisions (wanta) - 2 of i'lskjadvipe . i

429, ^p.ntpdvlpa, }

The eonception of the ^nptadvipe Vasumeti occurs in

■Patenjail’s Mahabhasye'^ and several Puranss, According to this conception the -cJerth is constituted of seven concentric

lslands( dvipas), viz, Ja^ibu, Plaksa, Sslmali, i^una, Kraunca,

^5akn and iii^kere. On these dvlpas, Prlyavrata consecrated

* • » his seven sons,viz. A^^nldhra, Medhetithi, Vapus^^an, Jyotla- man, Pyutiman, HavyoCEhavya) and i>avana pa the of the respective islands^, Jembudvipa formed the Central portion of the eorth. Kaoh of these dvipas was surrounded hy a sea and was again subdivided into many var^aslmostly seven) ruled by the sons of the respective Ainrs (refer under

Jaabudvipa, Plnkaadvlpp^etc,), Beyond these dvipes is situated the Lokaloka mountain which demarcetea the boundary of the 5 earth with Bhanumaodalp ,of, the seven respective dvipas described above and also Appendix Bo,xV ’’Geogrephleal portions of the hurcifi ioa'ane" ^

------_ 4 ------1. i.ur.lAO.26-27 . 2. Eh.V.20.3.

3, cf,Appendix IV (supra) 4. i^-ur, 1,40,10-13.


430. Saptepjodovnrp!.

IT. Frequented by Brehnn and all gods, V,orsbip of nudra

here is of equal merit to that of perfomenoe of /vsranedha.

Here sage Aiankanaka pleased tiudra by his austerities end gained divine knov.lec^j.e^, k place of x-^iiCirimaf e altusted at

Solanglpur, sixteen rriilcB frcm ir'ithapuro, one of tie stations of the South iiaBtern HrilVvpy, The Godrvari faliir Into the

sea vith seven mouths was also called by this name . Also

referred to in Vane, Va, ?/, Eh, P, Br, Sk, Ci, etc.'^

4 3 1 . Soptamahalokas. :

Bhurloka, Shuvarloke, Svarloka, Mehah, Janaa, i'euah, and

Satya are seven worlds said to be born out of the Mindane ii

432. Saptp-GarpRVata,

Tl, Frequented by Brabae and a ll gods. 'orship, of kuara / here is of equal merit to that of perfomanoe of Asvamedha, here sage Ilankenaka i>lsased Hudra by ;

1. kur. 1 1 ,3 5 .4 4 -7 6 ; for story cf, ^jaivism,rteligion ( supra)

2. i?.VIII.3449; B3.P. 301; B^y. p . 178.

3. Vane.85.44;V5.77.19;H.22.78;Bh.X.79.12;P.J.39.41.Bk.iV.6.23; C.8 1 .1 7 .,etc.

4 . kur, 1 .4 1 .2 ; Va. 1 0 9 .1 6 ,

5. kur. II.35.44r76; for story Cf. Beivism- Jiollglon (supra). 729 the Dpmes of the seven Snrnsvfttls thet ere said to encompass the whole world as; Suprabhs in i'uskare, Aancansk^i In the

Hairaisoreijyo, Viaala in Gnya, j^ianorama in Uttarn i-'cHela, ,

Surenu in weabhadvtpn ( Harldwor according to and

Vlmeloda in the nimeleya. In the V^mana Pur“ rr ( j!’ .6S} seven . I rivers ( aotually nine are mentioned ) in connectio.; |?.ith

SarcsvetT are said to be very holy, viz. Sarasvat*, 7aitarsnT,

Apsco# Gonga-liandpkinl, Madhuarava, .AabunadI, tp’-piki, Di-sad- 2 vpti pnd Hlrenvetl,

433» i^f'Tnavair:, ^3 TT, Visited by Vyasa; meationod under VeraupsIjiJ- a place for sreddhaV According to iiey it may be ( 1) lue •* s'^kara lake near Ajmera or (2) Saresvata or iiarasvatnpura situated on the north-v>est of liestinepura^.

454* Sprpavptl.

r, in kuruksetra; holy for sraddha, d?rjQ, etc, ; batuing in it And raaklng gifts here bring the same reward ae by doing the awne in the holy rivsrs Gpnga and ■‘■■•BriTiadp^; a river I in Bharats. Varsa^of Brahaavartta, in Kurulc^etro; fia.vs from the Hiffiplayaa and is fit for shaddha offerings; flcr.^e from

1. J-^y.p.179. 2 , D3.p.801;Dey.179. i 3. >.ur.I.35.12;l’*I.37.1.5. 4. ^.22.63.

5. Bey, p. 180.

6. Kur. II, 40.7*37.29; 20*34; 40.8;40.31, etc., 730

( « the lilnelpyas end is fit for sreddha ©fferings ; flo?,s from

&\iruksetre ; e tirtbe-^. The V^rnene Purene gives e descrip-

tion of Sprpsvfiti in Kuruk)getre, its course end the tirthes

on lt^» A,- The river tskes its source from Brehiaesares

oocording to Uslye^, from iisdartssrsme ecoorolng to _ 7 end fro-Tx i'lskse tree eccording to Vma , It rises in the

hills of •^irmur in the Hinalayen renge celled the liewalik

pnd eroerges into the plains at Ad-Bedri in Anbels, The

fountain from which the river tskes its rise was situated

at the foot of a plaksa tree and hence it was called

Tlakssvatersge or Tlakfsprasravaya, ” It disappear^ In the

send near the village Ohsleur and reappears at Bhavsnipura.

At Balohhappar it again disappears but appears again at

Hera kherp; at Urnai near lehoa, it is joined by iiarkande and the uiited stream beoring still the name of Barasvati ultimstely joins the Ghaggar (Ghargher) which was evidently the lower part of the BRrasvatl,”B,- Another holy river of the seme name rises in the south-west through the districts of Balanpur, Wahl^ikantha and Baroda and past the ancient cities of Anhllvad and Biddhepur and falls into the lesser

1. Bh.I.4.15;IV.19.1; Br.lI.l6;24.27;i^..7.3;2?.23;Vl,m.

1A.18; G.55.9;52.6.

2. M.121.64“65;186,10;229.3.

3. Ve.77,67;G.66.7;81.5. 4.Vaa.chs.32 ff,

5.^alya. 51.13. 6. Van. 2,42-43.

7. Vim.32.3-4. 731

Hunn of iiutcli, C,- b trlbutf»ry of tb.e AlakfinBn^a(('Bnga) in


435. GBrBSVstl-AruDB-3pn,rp:na. re feeding a Brabmeija after bathing at thj'e confluence of

Sarasvptl with Aruija (Varuga) for the conseotitive nights -2 expiated Brahmahatya . i

436. Sprayu. 3 r, rtising fro.^ lot.iiimavat ; in the Vaidyuta hill and - 4 has its source in the Manasa lake ; a river in Bhsrata

Varsa; its source was visited by Balarwaa who travelled to - 5 / Brayaga along its bank , king Basaratha performed the / w 6 7 Asvamedha Yejna on this river ; mentioned in the ^.Veda .

It is the Ghagra or Gogra, a tributary of the Gpnga, in

Oudh. ^ this river is situated the ancient city of -8 - 9 Ayodhya . It is also called Beva

437. SarKt’bindu.

Ti. Under Karfiiadp; one who bathes here would suffer 10 no woes »

1. Ag.109.17; of.B3.p.60B; Bey.p.lSO; iia.pp.28, 121,186. p. 40. :

2. kur.II.30.22;Veua.83.156;Gplya.43.31^ch.44. j

3. Kur.I.28;Br. 11.16.25. 4. Br.II.18.15 and 70;*'A. 114.21; 121.17. 5. Bh.V.19.18;lA,8.17;A.79.9-10;Ve.l08.79.

6. ttem.Adi.14.1-2. 7. HV.iv.3o.l8;X.64.^.

8. Bam. II. 49.15. 9. BB.P.602;Bey.p. 181 ;ilG.p. 120. GA— ^,p.40. 1 0 . kur.XI.42.23-24. 73:

433. ^aysrvf’Kpndha.

mt. situated on the south of l.Mahabhsdrf?^

439. Saalra. 2 mt. on the east of l.Aru^iodp ,

440r Swtndru.

r. Of Bharatand rising from rat.HlmavBt^. Base as outudri. It Is mentioned in the ^g.Veda^ as the most easterly river of the lanjab. It is the ^iaradros of Itolemy, the modern Sutlej, a tributary of the Sindhu. It has its source from the western region of the western lake of the ls

/ ! • 441. Bat?srr>ga. mt. In Osiabudvipa; 4a this are situated the cities of 6 < “ 7 — the yakgas ; a mt, in BaLraaiidvipa ; north of the Mahabhadra; 8 has 100 cities.

1 , kur.1.45.32. 2. Kur.I.45.29. 3, kur.I.47.28; Bh. V.19.18;Br,II.12.15;l6.25> Vp.45.95;

Vi.II.3,10;111.14.18;cf.BI.III.p.371. 4. RV.IXI.33.I.X.75. 5. 5, I^,p.803;HG,p,l?.l;Bey,p.l82;GA;«I.p.40.

6. kur,I.4S,30. 7.Bh.V.20.10;Br.III.7.453. 8. Vi.36.32;39.54;42.69 cf.Bl.III.p.376. 733

442. i^Btvalokp.

one of the seven itophslolcss, it is slso the iirehiiialoka 1 obcve which is i'lireloke; six crores of yojenes avove 'i'apoloka 2 its residents do not return , It is known es iirchmplokn for

BrsbiriB stays here; his’pure’is invulnerable, in thet purn

Is eitueted the abode of Vl§gu, Vi^guloka by name. Above the

abode of brahma is situeted the ’pure’ of Hara which is

sorrounded by fire, //Here stays kiahadeva in the company of

bevi. It is known as Hudraloka, cf, Sapta Aiohalokp (supra)

443. SBumya.

dv. One of the nine dvlpps (divisions) of Bharat^ar^a^.

of. Bherata (eupra)

444. Bpuras^rrs.

Ja. xeople of Bharot^orga mentioned in i'ur^. According / • 6 — to the Bektlsamcema Tantra . the Sauragl^ra country extends

• ^ from kohkarja upto Hlngulaja in the west, covering; a hundred yojenas on the coast. It is aiso called Gurjara, Gufastra

originally indicated the southern part of kathiawar; later

the whole of kathia^^ar and the adjoining regions were to­ gether known as Gujrat^

1 . Bh.II.1.2B;M.Ib4.23;24B.2 0 ;Va,loO.191;101.18,etc.

2. Vi,101.27. 3. kir.x.44.4-14.

4. kir.i.47.23;br.ii.l6.9;ii.il4.B;Vi.45.79;;of.ii.iii P706. 5. kur.l.47.42.

6. Bakti-Samgarap Tantra. Bk. Ill, ch. VII, veiScl3. 7. GAai.p.BB. 734

445. Snuvirps.

Jfi. InhabitRQts of Bheretypr^a mentioned also by G and

also by i^a^lni in bis ^f^adhyayl^. The iiauvlras pre often mentioned in connection with the Sindhus which connection

suggests that these two peoples who were later regarded as

one and the same, were settled on the Sindhu. SeuvTra is

Identified with is-der, a district in the province of '^Jujrat

at the head of the gulf of Cambay. Its capital was lioruka^.

According to Sircar ancient Seuvira was situated to the

east cf l>ower Sindhu and included Kulten in the north^.

446. Savitrl.

Tl. One who gives up his life here, being freed of all his sins, attains Brahmaloka^. ilentloned under >iannpda ; auspicious for bath and the offering of noon prayers'^.

447. «-nviturYann. Q Situated on the north of Ilav{*ta .

448. Setu.

In the middle of the oetu across the ocean, i^aia oon- seorsted end worshipped a linga of Ai^-ttiivasa and received

1 . Kur. I. 47.43. 2. G. 68.17 and 18.

3. i en. IV. 2.76; 1.148. 4. HG.p. 296.

5. GAMI.p. 103. 6. Kur. 11.42,19“J!0,

7. M, 194.6; I'.I. 21.6; VB . 112.22.

8, Hun, I. 45.23. 7.^5 blessings from blvei It is the Adam’s Bridge betv/een Ka^res-

Yera and Ceylon supposed to have been feuilt by Hama ^'ith the

Bssistence of Sugrlva and hosts of noniceys? K^esvara, which is the first link of the chain of islets forming the Adaca's

Bridge, contains the celebrated temple of Samesverenntha, one of the great lingas of Mnhadeva, ssid to have been established _ 3 by Kama. hk9, Bj/Throdp.

r. Of BharatJ^rfa rising from mt. vindhya^.

450, Blkha. ( Asikba ) i

One of the rivers of i"laksadvlpe^ slkhl of other i-ureyas^,

451. ^ikhivasg.

mt. On the south of 1, 4ah©bhedra'^; on the west of iieru^.

452. Bisira. / 9 Vsr§9- of Plaksadvlpa called after Its ruler s^isira, son of Kedhatithl, the king of i^lak^advlpa^

1. Rur. I. 21.44.-49. 2. Bh. VII,14.31;^.79.15;K.II.76 .

3. OB. p.804; Dey.p.l34; i-I. Ill, p. 689.

4. Rur.I. 47.34. 5. RHr. 1.49.7.

6. Br. IV. 34.30. 7. Rur. I. 45.31.

8. Vi. II. 2, 29.

9. Rur. I. 40.26f27; Br. II. 14r36-38; Va.33.32; Vi.II.4 .3.5 ,

etc., cf. PI. III.p,3 4 0 , 736

453. Bitn. * r. A branch of the Gar’iga issulne out of the city of

BrahjQP. It flovrs to the east end after traversing e fow mountains end Bhedrosva, joins the sea throiogh the eeatern 1 ^ 2 Vpr^e'*', a river of i'usadvlpa. It is identified with (IJ I the modern laxertes, (2) the river Oandrabhege (c^hen&b)

and (3) the river Makananda on which Bederlkp.Bran;e is

situated^ of. Gangs ( supra).

fi «

at, of Jambudvlpsi' inhabited by yek§as, kinnarpa and

Gandharvas; in it is a plessure garden known as the Jtarija- tavana of Mshendra; to the east of this mountain is the v C kumunje int.

455. SivPi-

TI. Visited by Vyesa^

456. M v a .

Verfe- or kingdom of Siva, son of Medhetithi, king of i'lak^edvlpa; a division of i laka^advlpe'^.

1. kur.I.46.29-30;Bh.V.17.5-6; Br.Il. 12.16; V i . u . 17-35;

Vi.ll, 2.34-35/etc, of. II. III.p,604.

2. M. 122.71 3. Gey, p. 13?.

4 , Ktir.1,45.24. 5. Vi.39.1-29.

6. Rur. I. 35.14.

7. Kur, 1.40.26-27; Br.II. 14.37-39; Vi.33.33;Vi.II.4.4 and 5

Bh.V,20.3;of.II.III. p. 424. 737

457. ilvo. r, Cne of the rivers of Kusadvipa^; a river in xiharata •

4 5 6 . Gome.

Ti, Visited by Vyasa^; one who bathes here washes off all

his sins; Gowaloka Is the reward for those perfonvln^^ Oandra- 4 ynna here; one who dies here has no rebirth , A.-On the banks - 5 - 6 -- - 7 of Geraavati ii.- Under IJarniada . U,- Under '/nr^nasi , i>,- - - 8 - 9 - 10 Under Godavari , iS.- Under Mathura Under ^oka:iUhha , - 11 . 1 2 - 13 Q.- Under Vlraja , H.-Under Suksm . 1.- Upder oabhrMptl .

459. SouicsF- (Uevesa), _ 14 Ii- A holy spot visited by Vyasa; under Varariaai , Same as

9 — 15 Someavaro or irabhssa Somesvara is mentioned in as

sacred to Vararoha and also to the pitrs; it removes all

diseases. It In also mentioned by Kurma as saorad to ididra

1. Kur,I.49.21; Br. II. 19.61; Vi.11.4.43; G.56.i >.

2. G.55.6. 3. Aur.I.3 5 .7 .

4. Kur.II.4 1 .4 7 -5 0 . 5. VSia.41.4; Vana. 13.114; M.109.2.

6. 4 7 ; M.1 9 1 .30; 1 . 18 .30.

7. Kur.1.35.7; b .1.37.7. 8, B.105.1; 119.1.

9. V p r . i54. l 8. 10. V p r.140. 26- 28. 11. xi,42.6, 12. Var.137.43.

13. i', V1.154.1.D3,p. 806. cf. also / . III. p.697.

14. Kur. 1.35.9. 15. Dey.p.l88.

1 6 . Ai.13.43; 22.29. 73S

find 86 a cure for all maladies ; under Sfilgsgraiua ,

i»60, ‘iona.

r. Of Bharat,^ar§8 rising from mt, i,

pltfs^; n mahatirtha^ Also called Hiranyavaha and rising in

mt. Kkja in Oondwaoa according to the ^-uraijes and falling

into the Ganga some miles from Bankipore; it la thfe river a

Sons, Soa of irtolemy ( p. 99) which has its source ip the

Amarakan^aka hill. It joined the GaQga, foraiarly at i^aner

a little above Bankipore. At present it joins the Gangs f

between Singhl and Harji-Chupra, two vllLiges on the two sides t ^ 1 of the Gguga about two miles to the eost of Ohirfind and eight

miles to tue east of Ghapra^. j

461. Sravaatl.

City in Ganc^edesa built by S?vastl ( i^rivaatl or ^rSvantl)

the son of iuvanasva of the Ik^veku line'^; cepital of Lava

W f in the btterakosalG , la Gaudgdese built by Vateaka, son of

^^rsvastsV It is the modern Selet »alet on the bank of the

river Bapti in Oudh^^. I

1. Kur, II. 35.20. 2. Var. 144.16-29.

3. K«r. I. 47.32; Eh.y.19.18; A.79.11. Br.II.l6,29*

4. 22.35. 5. G,f. 81.12; 84.5.

6. B3.p, 8o 6; Dey. p. 188; HG.p. 12S;GA4iI. p, 47.

7. Ktir. I. 29.19. S.Br.Iii.63.2B;Va 88.200.

9. ti. 12.30.

10, i>ey. p. 1B9; GB, p, B0 6 ; iiG.p. 124. 739

/f62. i^rlsallw or Srlparvotn^

It is a tirtha as holy as Varanasi itself, those who die

here attain iiamortallty (moksa); mentioned under Varanasi

a tirtha^, mt, holy for sraddha; sacred to Hudra, Devi and

the pltrs; Rudrs stays here in the ccaipany of Devi; bathing

and offering piodas is of immense merit; by oommitting suicide 3 here, liudre is pleased ; a pert of the burning Tripura fell

here^ Geuri, aseuining the form of Laksml practised penance

here^; A.- a hill situated in Kernel district on the so^ith side

of the Krsna river 50 miles from Krsna station; there are ’ * ’. * ' . 6 nixuerous lingas including the famous hCalllkarjJune , one of the • * - ’? twelve Jyotirlingas; it is one of the eight main oiva-sthanps',

P.- a llnga in Varaijasi ; 0.- Under Nannads cf. Urisynga

I infra). , / _ / • i^63. Svrlsrnra.

mt. In Jsrabudvipa; on this mount Is the residence of DrI

Oevl, Devi is here attended by the gods, gnndhervp.s, aiddbsa 10 and cnranas. {ieelde it lives Vlsnu It may be taken as the / — / / — name of s mt, or as the peak of int,3ri8alln or ^riparvata.

1, fur. 1,31,46. 2. G.81.8.

3. iHr. 11.20.35; 37.13-14.^vJ.l3.31; Bh.V.i«-l6; a .61.etc.

cf. PI.Ill,p,484.

4. 1-.188.79. 5. Ag.ll3.M.

. ^.1.92.155. 7. i.T.181.28.

3. Ag,112,4•

Ag.113.3; D3.P.807; Dey.p.l93; fiG.p.l89.

10. Kur, 1,48,33-36. 740

464. >>rltlrtha.

Tl, visited by Vyose; referred under V^rT^pasT.

/ • ^ 6 5 . I

mt, Situated on the north of mt. Meru,^ A Varpoparvata north of the L»veta of three tops; residence of

466. Stambhe,

tT, Bathing here leads one to Sowaloka; under KarisaCa^. 1 It is the modern Khaabayat situated on the gulf of Ca*:ib8y.

It is also called Stpmbhapura^. ! 467. Suoaksu. 1

r. On© of the four branches of the he».Venly Ganga flowing on p-t. Meru. It traverses all the v/estern \piountplD3 andj

Ketunela VRTpa and then Joins the ocean^. Also called Vok§u and identiflod y.ith the river Oxus^. of. Ga^:a ( supra).

9 » 463, oudhavei^l.

City of Varupe, situated on the peek of mt. Aieru on jtts western quarter. Here stays V^aruna attended by hldahae, O ^ apsarps and gods? Va , gives SukUa as the cewe of the city of

Varune situated on the western nuerter of the peak of ii^eru^,

1. KSr. I. 3 5 .8 ; Vena. 83.46; P. I. 37.8. 2. Kur. I. 45.9; G. 54.9. 3. va. 1.85; 50.189; 46.35. 4. II, 41.51; H.I. 18.93.

5. 00.p.807; Oey. p . 194. 6 . Kur. I, 46,32; Br.Ill,56,52, 7 , i;ey, p, 1 9 4 . 8. Ktlr. I. 46,19-20 . 9. Vg. 50.88. 7 U

469. £udT£9.

i£eutiOQed eloDg wltti Apsrantos and Saurestrp.s ee people of Bharat^Vnr?a^cf, Bharpta for other tribes. The J^udra or biidreka country of the ley betv.een the Slndhu pnd the

StttleJ above the junction of the five rivers near i^i4ha^kot and south of the district of JbJulten^,

470. .Onqrrndhpsella.

rat. Of Jeffibudvlfe; on its peak is the herrait^te ;of sage ivardoGs girt with rivers. On its south-east lives -anstkuaiara^.

471. Bukhodavp.

Vsrsa of Plaksedviva celled after its Sukhodpya son of Medhatlthl, kln^ of i-'laksedvlps^; a varaa edjoinini?: the 3" A 7 * i'ipr/la hill of Plaksap same as Keuni'rara

472. Oukle. I

TI, one hundred yojsnse in area; mentioced undef i-aniad?.; it is served by gods, rcls, gendharvas, daaavas, vidytdharas, apearas, oiddhaa end nnraa; 01 va is to be v^ors hipped he’-a on the fourteenth day of the dark fortnight of the months of

VaispKhfl and karttlke; very efficaclouR for anana, darta, japa, hooia, srpddha and upavasa purposes®; a sacred place situated

1. ii0.r, i. 47.42. 2. Sebba Ch. 32. 3. f'C’,'. P. 195. 4. kur.l/. 48.56-60. 5. Kur. 1.40.26-27; Br.Ii. 14.56-28;Ve.33.32; Vi.ii. 4.4 -/5; of. ^'I. III. p. 612. 6. Br. II. 14.38; 19.15; Vi. 49.14.

7. a, 122.22. S. iiur, II. 41.67-83; M. 192-14; Sk.i.2.3-5. 742

ten miles north-east of crosch in (iujrot near which are also

ilunkpresvara tlrtho enh rtevi tlrtha^.

473. iukle.

r, One of the rivers of belraplidvlpe^; a river ^in kraun-


/ / , t / 474. ^^'ikresella ( tiekreseile). mt. On the west of 1, Asltoda^.

475. iOukresvprn v t/ekresverp),

Tl. Vypss propitiated the gods and manes here; toentioned

under Vprenpsi.^

476, t-;ukrte.

r, One of the seven rivers of j^iaksadvipaT e river of

Sfikad vlpa, ^

477. Ouktirnat.

mt. One of the seven mountains of Bborpta, the other six

being Hlmavat, l-priyetra, rdcsavat, Vindhya, Bphya and ii.plpyp. $ The rivers that rise from mt. Buktinat are: K^lkulya, Trisatni,

I 1. Bey, p. 196; DS.p. 80S; 4 4 3 ,

2. Kur. I. 49.15; G. 56.7. 3. Bb, V. 20,21.

4. kur, I, 4 5 ,3 7 .

5. knr, I. 35.15; 4. I. 9<2*93; 4.11. 50,55.

6 . Kur. I. 49.8; G. 56.4; Br. II. 19.19; Va.49.17; fi.II.4.11. 7. 122.33. 743

4 9 Gandheraadnnagasiinl, Ksipra, PalBsinl, ;t§ikfi and Vaiaspdliariiil . i It is the name given to the portion of Vinduya rongej which I joins the i^ai’ipatra and the '/icijaparvata, includin' t^e hills

of GondisRUB, the Chhota K ^ p u r hills end the Aiphenclrfe renge^,

i'erglter identifies it with Gai’o, Khnei and llptere tills^ ,

G,V, Vaidya identifies it with the Kethiawad ran .e^. It is also

identified with the chain of hills that extends fro:' bakti in

Haigarh ( f.P.} to -^nlme hills in i/’enbhum drained by the n Kiuvtirl and even to the hills in the Santal pRrgr.rrp lashed by

the affluents of the Babla-^. for the different identifications

aee PIG.p.?62. j

4 7 3 . Sukutnerpika. i

i'iingdoiA of wukuiaara, son of iiavya I Baavy&j, of

iiakadvlpa; aeuced after tiiuu.

4 7 9 . v^-ukuiaorl, ‘ I 7 One of the rivers of bakadvipa , a river risin,, froci sit,

^uktimat^. ^ey identifies it with the Kuari-^\adi w, ieh joins

the river Sindh, a tributary of the river larauna, t ^dve ~ o aiiles from Dholpur^.

1. hClr.I.47.36-39;Va.45.69;Vi.Ii.3.3;Bb.V.19.l6;Br.Iia6.18; 0.55.7. 2. l^y,P.196, 3. Pargitor, Translation of iierkandeya Purana with nitOB, p .285 and 306 ( notes). ■ I 4 . Jipio India pi IT0,p.262. 5. D.O. dayohoudtirl, Studies in Indian Antiquities pp, 113-120 GAl-il.pp. 55* 6. ktlr. 1.4 0 .16-19;G. 56.14;Br. II. 1 4 .17-19;Va. 33.16;-v, 122.21; cf,rl,lll.p.608, j 7. Kur.I.49.35;G.56.13;Br.lI.19.96;M.122.130;V8.49.91;Vi.Ii.4. 65. 8 . M.114.32;V6.45.l07;cf.iI.lII.p.608. 9.Dey.|j.l96 and 1 0 7 , 744

480» bulpbhedp*

Tl, On the Hamadp; n pilf^riia who bptties and worhips

iiietiadeva here gains the merit of (giving eway)one thousand

cows and ascends to Vi^^ulokn"^. It is also colled ^-

Sulppn liahadeo or &ipkri i'ell, a place of pilgrlTiiPP^e near the . p junr;-Aon of the ^anripde and e mountain streara called Uerasvatl ,

481. bumedfaa.

mt. In JpmbudvTpa, on this ret. ftays Indra in t,.. com­

pany of oacl^; on the west of 1, Asitode^; to the east of ^ • S I Arunoda where Adityan and Vaeus live,

482. Sunlla.

mt. In JambudvTpa; on its peak are several lakies and

forts of baksBSss^ under V'nrEgesI ^,

I 4 8 3 . g mt. 'Jn the aouth of 1. Mehebhadra , on thin ret. are i q situated the temples of Vsivesvata, Sores, Veyu and repgrdhipe ,

4 8 4 . burarsvp. 10. ret. On the northern quarter of liavrta , on the south

1. Jr Hr. il . 4l.i2-i4; ''.m,3-4; p. I. 18.3. 2. Oey. i'. 196. 3. KGr. I. 48.26. 4. ivur. r. 45.38. 5 . Vi, 3 6 ,19 ;37.26;39.48. 6. fvur. I. 48.29. 7. i^.I. 3 7 .3. 8. Ktir. 1. 4 5 .3 2 . 9. Va.39i •63; 42.48.

10. l.ur. 1. 45.16, Bh , 16,11. and 22 , ve. 55.16;Vi.If.2.3; ’ cf. FT. III. 6 3 s-639. 745

1 2 of 1, i'ahabtiadra ; a \^l!jka2ibiia hill round i eru , saorad to

On the north of this mt. is the city of ijaracvetl^,

I 485. ^Ui>rHhha. i

Versa of aaitnelidvipa celled ai'tar and ruled bj;* Suprabha,

son. of Vapu^men, king of i^aliialidvTps^jTersa centering round


486, ^upra./o--:p. V I r. Hieing from mt. Snliya of the Aek^inapfithf/, ^oae of O the rivora that are mothers of fires®. Acoordin , td aae end 9 Sircar, this river canaot b® identified . sorae i *e4tify it I with the JL'er,u^ar-^9

4«7. Sura. 11 r, til sing froHi mt, i-Srlyetra in x^harat .':Jvar^.a

488. wurembu. - 1? tbt. oa the south yf 1. r.aaubhndra .

1 1. ■“^ur. 43.^2. 2. 4'.. 88, 23; 113.45. 1 I 3. t^.l3. 36. 4. ii-ur. I. 48. 44-45. 1

5, i*ur. I. 40. 23- 25; 0.56.5; Br. II. 14. 32r Ve .33.28; Vi, n . 4.23 and 29; of. irl. III. p. 6 4 1 .. 6. *'a. 49,41 ! 7r KTlr. I.47236;Br .11. 16 .35; 114.29; Vs. 45 . 104 8. v>na. 222.253; if nr. 54. 26; 't'o 45, 1 0 4 . cf. x"l. Ij.1. p.

9. OS.p. Bo9; G/it:i. P. 52. 10. M, Vcl, 27. p. 2 7 3 . n , , kur. I. 47.31. 12 .kov.I • 4 5 .3 2 . 746 #

489. Sur^sfi.

r. Hising from mt, ^ s a v a t in Bfciar8t>jVarRa^; rising from

Vindhye dllla^; river of tne chadrasva dvlpa^.

490. Surodabdhl.

The aea of v»ine surrounding Saliaelidvipa, It is encircled

by the Kugpdvlpa which is twice as much as Salmnli in area^. - 5 Surembudhi ; ;:>uro6a/audra^.

491. Suryetlrtha.

Vyasn visited this holy place mentioned A- undor Varanasi*^

B- mentioned under Mdtura., where Ball Vairocana propitiated

the Oun^,

492. Susaka. „ q mt. On the south of 1, Wehabhodre .

493, Bu^enn.

mt. On the south of 1, Juiehabhadra.10

494. ^u.^urnne.

r. ( V ) On mt, Himavet, Those w'ho go ^here'wash off

1. Kur, 1. 47.32; Bh.V. 19.18; Br. II. 16.29. 2, VI. ii. 3. 1 1 . 3, vs. 43.25.

4. iur. I. 49.20; Bh.V. 1.33; 20.7; 122.104; Vi. II. 4.33.

5. Br. IV. 28.70. 6. G. 54. 6.

7. Aur. I. 35.7; 37.7.

6. Var. 152.50; 156.12. 9. Kur. I. 45.33.

10. kur. I. 45.35. 747

nil ttieir sine inclusive of Brpbmnbptyej for sr^ddha,

ciana, etc7, a sacred pool in the iiimalayas fit for sraddha/',

river under Oaya^; under VareyesI^, sane as Matsyodarl

495. Sutnln.

One of the seven netherworlds ( Batalas ) yeliovb in

colour. It is the abode of Vainateya, 4alnnemi end othert,

7 ' An underworld end residence of Bali , built by Vlsvekarnan;

Bali was sent here by Vamana.^ a'or further infomeoion, cf,

Mahatala and Batale ( supra), ,

496, SvaQudeka senudra, i

oea- surrounding BusKarndvIp^; beyond thir ocean is a

ridge of golden hue on the other side of which is t^e x.oka-

loka mountain dero.arcatIng tUo boundary with Eh"«i8la,The

Bokaloke runs to ten thousand yojanas. Beyond this nt, are

the seven netherworlds ( Batgles) which are ccxn’'3etoly enve-

lopped in darkness. These lokes are surrounded by the shell

of the Cosriiic

1, BtSr. II. 37.47-48. 2. Br. III. 13.123-4; n , 77.115.

3. N. II. 47.36. 4. B, quoted by T.A, p. 35.

5, Bo, p, dlO. 6. Btir, X. 44'4"21“22.

7. Bu. II. 1.27; 5.40; V. 24.7; Vlli.13.14. ! 1 8. Bh. VIII. 22.32; 23,3 end 9 end 11-12 Cf, 11. III. p, 619.

9. Bur. 1,50.12; Bh.V. 20.29; Br. II. 19.H 5 ; 123.46;

Vi, II. 4.86; cf. BI. ill. p. 734. 10. Bur. I. 50.12-16;cf elso Vl. II. 4.93-95. 7kS

497* Sva^iltlt^he.

Tl, Shrlnp of Skanda; one readies the presence of Skenda

by batbin^ here in the v.pters of KumerSdbiif*? end performing 1 2 worship of Skende ; eecwd to pltrs , the temple of kumern -

svemi or iiarttikeavSnii situated about e mile from Tlruttani

(near Madras) on a hill called KrauncaparvEta^.

498, Svar":ndvpra«

Tl. Vyasa visited this holy place and propitiated the

manes and gods^. A- under J5>uruk§etra? B- under Vara^jasI^. r

C- under Gaya under i'urusottama^.

499, Svpr-raloka,

One of the seven worlds cf, Bapta i-^ahaloko ( supra);

situated above the sun’s mandala wherein is Ohruva; the f

seven fellies of V^yu, viz, Avaha,i^rpvahs, Anuvaha, Samvsba,

Vivaha, ( Vivaha ) i/ravaha and i-ariveba are fijted jflbere ;

aerae as Svarloka, the space between the Bun and the i^hruva;

its residents feed on Soma, and Ajyi^,

500, Svnrlllna.

One of the series of holy places visited by Vyaaa.; men-

tloned under VaraijasT

1. Kur. II. 37.19-21. 2. M. 22.63. a. >'4 3. Oey.p.l99 f 107; us.p.810./«. I. 35.4.

5. r,l, 21,55. 6. nur. 1.35.4;-^'. i. 37.4.

7. Ag. 1 1 6 .4 . ll, 56.31; of. UB.p.Sll. 9. Kur, I,*+l,5-7, 10. Br. IV. 2.39; 9.33 ff; Va.57vH5. 11. Ktir. I. 35.3. 749

501. Svnri^nYedl.

r, -tioly for sraddHs, dana, eto^; Svsr^aaadi la also

given ee n variant^; a r, Svar§adl is mentioned by tbe Br,^ in Vlig^ustbanp*!.

502. ^vetn.

mt, Situated on the north of ^>^u in Jamhutlvlpo,^; a

Var§Dporvata; a mountain range to the north of Ilev^ta, and a

boundary limit of tilronmaya; it is a resldenoe of drjityas

and dpnevas; centres round the Autauda hill of Gpl'iirlldvlpa^.

The eastern part of Meru is so called”; It lo the portion

of Himalaya to the east of Tibet^.

503. ovetadvlpa. Lhe ^vetadvipa is according to most of^texts, a mythical

country said to be situated to the north of Aalrodabdi®.

According to la situated In the middle of the &sTra -

sigsra. Its citizens are of fair complexion and are devotees

of tiarayaije. They are devoid of sorrow end worry and ore

free from fear of old a/’:© and death, Siva is also worshipped

by some whose foreheads ©re marked with the trident. On this

l.hur. ii. 37.37;Va.77.95. 2 . KHr. i-t. 3 7 , 3 7 note,

3 . 3r. III. 3 7 .9 . 4. Kur.I./v5.9; CJ. 54.9.

5. Bb. V. 16.8; Br. II. 1.6; M.1 1 3 .23.;Va. 1.85;cf.PI.III.p.494.

6. P. VI. 280.19; W.1 1 3 .38. 7. Dey.p.200;K&.p.l29.

8 . G. 81.7. Vim.25.16; 60.56; Banti. 336.8 ff. 337.27, etc.,

of. fl. III. p. 495. 7 5 0

dvlpn Is tbs city, Wsrayaija by aame, wbicb Is brilliant snd well

decorated with fla^s and festoons. Music and dance continue

hero unhindered; Hosts of apsaras dance;abounds in lakes, gardens and fountains vith flowers in full blosson. At the

centre of this dvips sleeps Visnu on the coils of .'>esa, medi­ tated upon by Sanendsna and other yogis, his feet being pressed I by jevi born of the milk ooesn. This particular spot is known as VaikuQ^he, where only those of righteous conduct get eoceas^

/ — • J^vetadvipe is reached by a person who worships I^sreyena In

Mahitlrtha, King Indredyumna by his extreme devotion towards

Vi^gu on death reached bvetadvipa and enjoyed in the company of Vi^ju ell such pleasures that are reserved for such devoteel.

Sacred to Hari and visited by ABrada^.

50A. ^vetcvar^a.

(ij Var§a of ^^almalidvlpa called after Its kir^, Sveta , son of Vepu^raan, the king of ^Salirielidvlpa^. |

(lij A division of Jambudvlpa.^; the northern Varsa ( of I Jajabudvlpa ) aslgned by king Agnidbra to hie son iilrar^van, was / 7 Sveta' •

1, Lur. I. 49.40-71* 2. ^nr. H . 37.12. I

3. J^ur. I. 1.49.

4. Bh. VIII. 4.18;X.6.24;87.10; XI.15.18 etc., a.«<< 5. Kur. I. 40.23-25; Br. IX. 14.32-33;Va.3 3 .28; VI.H.4.23 p 9

of. PI. III.pp. 494-495.

6. Vi.II.1.21, 2.11.,etc., 7. KSr. 1.40.34. 751


rat. In Jtflmbudvlpa; on Its penJc stays Gnruda^’; ot tUa

SOUttl of MsriBSB*.

5 0 6 . dysaplrg ( Uyema or SyaiKa} / O mt. <^ne of the iiulapgrvotga of iiakedvlpa*'; a hill of the

^flkadvlpa; here people are of ^yarajf^olour^r

5 0 7 . T p I r .

One of the underv-orlde situeted beyond the LoK^loka e mounteln. end surrounded by darknese; its chareoterlrtlo colour is * Sltetsra*; the Ininrtes of Tala ere iehaja’abba, Hayegriva,

/jankuksrye, Nenuoi and other |

500. Tplatala.

An unde^^^o^ld situated beyond the J-okeloke mountain in complete darkness; Virocana, Hireyyak^a, Terake, etc..stay 6 ' h«re; residence of ©sura, Maya who won the grace of i-»iva and / y — 8 moved about without fear of Sudareena'; residence of irehiada cf. I'atela ( supra)

509. Tiaflsl.

r. Of Bhsrat'^ar§a rising from mt. hksavat^; a river of

1. Xur. I. 4C, 3 1 -3 2 . 2. Va. 36.23; 39.56; 42.30

3. Kur. I. 49.34.

4 . Br.II.19.88;M.l22.12;Va.49.82;Vi.II.4.62;Cf.PI.IiI.p.470. i 5. kur, I. 44.24-25. 6. KQr. 1.44.20-21. |

7 . Bh.II. 1.26;V.24.7f23. g, Er. II. 20.12-14,25-31. 9. kur. I. 47.32. 752

the Jvetuniale country , Teraasl Is n variant for Tamasa or

Temase, A,- It is the modern Tonae, flowing twelve railes west " • • 2 of the Sarayu and Joining the Gangs below Allahabad ;3.-river

rising fro® ^sa^; 0,- rifer Tonse in Garhwal and Dehra^Ain

felling into Yamuna near the Sirniur frontier^,

510. Tpmraparna.

One of the nine divisions of Bharata. separated from

each other by weter^; also ‘lemrevarna” of.BnarBts (supra)

for the other eight divisions,

511. l~:irnpprol.

r. froui mt, Malay a in Bharata; it la a holy river 7 famous in ell the three worlds; very efficacious for 'tarpana' - 8 - 9 a river in BharstaVar^a rising from the hulaoala hill , It 10 is the river Tfemfcraperijl, of Megaethenes ,

Tembeparnl of Asoka*s Girnar Inscription II, a river in the

Tinnevelly Mist, of Madras, locally called Tamberaveri,

rising from mt.l^alaya and falling into the aea^^.

1. y ;.44.17. 2. Hem. 1.2.3; II. 45.32; Haghu. IX. 20; XIV. 76. 3. i».ll4.2i;Vi.45.100;Kur.I.47.32. 4. BevI Jhagavsta, V1.18,12;of,IXJ,p,812; Mey,p,202;HJ^,13J; GA-'I, p, 47. 5. hur. I.47.24;M.114.3;Vl.iX.3.6. 6. Br.Il.l6.9;Vi.45.79. 7. hur.I.47.37;II.37.21-22;Br.II.l6.36; Vi.IX.3.13; 4 . ii.3^ W.22.49, II.p.16. 8. G.55.9. 9. Bh.IV.28.35;1.19.18. 15), Ancient India as dcsctlbed nm by Megesthenea and Arrian (Mo OrlndlaJ,p.62. 11. Di3.p.8l2;Mey.p.203;HG.p.l92;G.'Ul.p.52. 753

512, T?rnrpta.

cot, On the enat of 1, Arunoda .

/ 513. 'iBpapesvnre.

Tl. Under J^ermedn; bething here is equal to perforxaing 2 tapes,

514. TepI*

r. In bhirat^Ver^e rising from mt, VlDdhye-^; rising

frcsfl the ^ f a hill^; a river of iSharatavarsa.^ It is the

river that falls into the Arabian sea near Surat, also called

i’iptl or Tapatl^

515. Tapolokp,

One of the seven i^ahnlokes; it is three orores of yojanas

above Jenaloke; the gods Veirajas stay there'^; a celestical 4 world; residence of yJbhu, Sanatkumara end others; four csores

of yojanas above Janaloka, residence of the Velrajac; above it g is i^styeloka or Brahmaloka cf. Sppta Ji?ahslokp ( supra)

516. Tat.

IT, visited by Vyasa referred under Varanasi'^.

1. Kur, I. 45.29.

2. kur, II, 41.60; also I',I, 18,96.

3. kur, I.47.34;Bh;V.19.18;8r,U, 16.32; i«,*^l.ll.p.i;

4. Vi, II, 3.11. 5. G. 55.8,

6, US,p,812;i>ey.p,204; HG,p,36,330,GAi.a,p,50,

7, lur, 1,44.3. 8, Eh, II, l,28;VIII.20.34-i^.6l,l, ;V5,10l,17;Vi. ll,7,14-15,eto, cf,Il,li.p,9, I 9, Ktir, 1,35.9;38.5 end 9-14. 754

517. Tf..iovgtI.

Cy. Of Agni situated on tiae south of Maravatl on mt. moru. This region is sttsined by those who perform seocifices end meditation^.

518. Toyfi.

r. One of the rivers of felemalidvlpa^, rising in -s


519. Trsivembske.

Ti, iTiOrship of Hudra performed here is equal to the performance of Jyoti§^o»i!n. Gepapatys is gained by worshipping

Giva and gratifying Brahmapas here^; k- under Godavari end sacred to pitrs-^, rs- Under ^8rm8da°; 0- situated In the dense - - 7 forest of Maharashtra state, from where the Godavari rises',

520. Tridiyjt

r. In klaksadvlpa^; A- rising from liimavat^,ii-rising To T"* from M p h e n d m . 0- rising from .dc.^avnt .g - rising frcM Pa- rlyatra^^.

I. Kur. I, 46.13-14. 2. Kur.1.49.15;G. 56.7: Ve. 49. A 42.

3. J^.. 114.28; Va.45.103. 4. 4ur. 11.35.18-19.

5, 4,22.47;Aur. 11,35.18. 6.P, 1.18,112;cf.DS.p.812,

7, UG.p.300.

8, 4ur.I.49.7;G.56.4;Br.I1.19.19;VUI,4.11;cf.PI.II.p.44.

9, J3r.II.16.26. 10. i:.114.31;Va.45.106;fl.27.37.

II, Br,ii,16.31; cf,DS.p,813, 12. Kur. 1, 47.30. 755


mt, situated on the east of 1. Arugoda} at the base of

Meru^; surrounded by ft§Iroda and 10,000 yojanas high with

three shining crests of silver, iron and gold, served by

siddhaa, oarages and others. In its valley was Ktumat, the

pleasure garden of gondesses, full of varied trees^, chara­

cterised as son of ou/aeru^. According to Kaghu ( IV, 53-59)

Trikuj^a is in Aparanta, A- 'frlko-^a- mt, to the north of

I'anjeb and south of kaslimir containing e holy B-

Junnpr which is Tagara of itolemy, and Trigini or 1‘rikuta in

Sanskrit, 0- The Yamunotri Kountain^,

522* Trllooaria, $ ft * rr Shrine of Siva visited by Vypsa”, Siva known in Tryatti- V — ^3 baka Kgetra'; mentioned under Varanasi .

523, Trlsama, » / Q r. In Bharat^Vnrse rising from mt, Siiktl^iat ; from fr

Mahendra hill^^; cannot be identified^^. According to B,0,

Law, the Triaama and the uaikulya *’ are one and the same ¥

1. Kur. I. 45.27. 2. Bh,V.l6.26

3. Bh. VIXl.2.1-19. 4. Varii. 85.4

5. ^ y . P. 205. 6. KQr. I. 35

7, M. 22.47; 131*35; vi.v.3:u.

8, Kur. I. 35.14; Sk, IV.33.120; ir-.l. 37.17

9. Kur. 1.47.38.

10, Bh,V,19.18;Br,li. 16.57;Va.45.106,Vi, 11.3,13.

1 1 . OAMI. p, 53. 756 river, the u^lkulyn beerlng the hescciptive neaie of IrisniaS

;isikulye signifying th«t the neme Hsikulyp wps eppilea to 1 the united flew of throe upper streams’*

524. Irisikha.

mt. the eest of 1, Arunoda^.

5?5. Tur:r:ebhpdra.

r, in BheretvarsR rising from mt, Sphys^. A Tlrtha^

A- rell-known tributary of the Arena, The lunge and Bhadra rise from the »>estern

Kaiohur district,^

526, bdavB.

mt, ‘me of the mountaino of -Srkacivlpa^; a mountain five miles east of i^huvanesvars In Orisa, a epur of the ‘‘sie " range fenoua for the enoient Buddhist sculpturee anti the oldest caves; the hill according to some io situated four enda half miles north-west of ^hilsa hly. station'^.

1. fG.p.37. 2. i^ur, 1,45.2^. ^

3. Kur.I.47.36;flr.Il. 16.35; Bb. V. 19.18; Va.45.104;*^. 22.45;

114.29; p.28.

4. 0. 81.8.

5. D3.p.814;Dey.p.207;iiG.pp.38 and 196;.GAm P.52,

6. Aur.I.49.34;M,122,S;l63.69;V8.49.76.

7. ^ey. p.208; HCr,pp.331 end 332. 757 527, Udbhedp.

Varja of i^usadvlpa naaed after its first king Udbheda _ ' 1 son of Jyotigaan , king of kusadvipa ; Udbliida of other •-

iurepps. - 2 .

526, tfa^hakfi.

TI, Under warmedi; iritrs are satisfied here by the

plp^gs offered on the elephant-shaped slab situated In water f » and also by the perforxnance of Uraddha on laurnaineaya and

AmaVasya deys^.

529. Uaatunra. / Here stays the beloved of Hudra; holy for sraddha pur- L poses^

530. Unasanta.

il. Visited by Vyasa, mentioned under VarFinasT.^

531. Urvpsipullna.

TI. One who gives up his life here enjoys in the heaven

along with his pitrs, a life of sixty six thousand yenrs^ -

a tirthn snored to pltra; under JrraySga'.

1. kur. 1.40.22-23. 2. Va.33.24;Vi.11.4.36;0.81.8.

3. kur. II. 41.57- 59.

4. Xur. II. 37.32-33; Br. 111.13.87-88; Va.77.81-82. of.-bl. I.B. 240. 5. knr. 1.35.14. 6. kur. I. 37.26-27.

7. w. 2 2 .6 6 ;106.34-35. 758

532. Usn^.

Verja, of son of Uyutlmnn. The king of krpunc© -

dvTpe; e verge of krpuncpdvlpa^.

533. ‘^'tpelevebl.

r. Hi sing from mt. Jiseleya in Jbharet^ergn^, aiectioned also in Bhls,aa^. Though Bey identifies it vtith the river

Vypeir in i'imievelly^, Siroer states that It cannot iden- tifiedf

534. Uttarn,

One of the series of Tlrthas visited by VySs!=5; Sectioned ) under V'erapasI

535. btt^ra Goksrpp.

Shrine of ^Iva; Siva ia knov/n here as Othapu. Those who visit this linga are rewarded with i^lva Sayujya'^ of,Ookarg.a


536. b'ttarakuru.

The Uttora--l’'-uru country is watered by the Bhadr|, one t ^ ' of the four branches of the heavenly Gangs which traverses

1, Kur. I.4!?i9-21; Br.II. 14.22 and 25; Va. 33.21-22; VI. II. 4.4 8 ,

2, Kur.I.47.37;Br.I1.16.36;K.114.30;'I.I.p.221.

3 , Bhl?ma. IX., 3 4 2 . 4. i>ey. p. 213.

5. GA.'^I. p. 53. 6. KSr.1.35.1 4 ; B. 1 .3 7 .1 7 .

7. Kur. XI. 3 5 .3 1 -3 2 . 759 all th»> northern mountains and the UttarfQturu country before h 1 Joining the bttaraii!:^dhi, a continent adjoiniafc iweru; in the hill of iiupersve north of o^-ngevat and south of the sea*, a sacred tlrth^. It is the northern portion of iiarjflival and xiunadesa, where the river UandSklnt and the Caitraratha banana ere situated. Originally it included the countries beyond the lii-ialaye. Tibet and hestern Turkestan *r<»tre also , I included In Uttara kuru^. It was also oalied n>rlv jraa the

Ottarakors of lUolairiy. According to kur. It is n .vfthlcal country which could be reached by making a gift of «jt girl at the confluence of upn a and lamuna^.

537* Ottcra ?-’pnaea.

1, By going here one attains eiddhl; holy for ^iraddha d"na, etc.^i a sacred lake^. A. The guardian lagn ( 1 ire) of the l

1 , K.ur,I,i)6,33»

2, Bh,V,17,8;18.3i»;Br,Il,15.51; Va.34.57; Vi.II. 2-U.etc. of. PI-/, I. 217.

3, iS. 13.50. 4, Ai. br.a.14.4; Vena. Ch,145;BhT8iaa,Ch,7;etc, of. Bey,p,213.

5, Pur. 1.37.8. 6, Kur.IJ.37.44. 7. A M 2 1 . 69 ;^e. 111.4 8, Vi^yu t^Uarraa Sutra 85.36; Santi. 152,13; Va,77.108; 11,2; U, 12i,69.knr. II.37.44;R, 115.10; cf. US.p.Sl6; De y . jf. 214. 760

533, UttaraaModhl,

r, Bhadra, one of the four branches of the heavenly • ^ Gan/ja falls into the Uttaraiabjodhi ( northern seej after tra-

versinf? all the northern nountsins and also the Uttarakuru


539, Vahneya.

I'l. One of the series of Tlrthes visited by Vyrsa, men­ 2 tioned under VariyasI

540. Vpl bhroita.

mt. One of the lulapsrvatas of riak^dvipa*^, and is the

residence of Bbrajisyu^J' j

541. '

Forest situated on the west of llavrto^; a forest on the

shore of the Sarayu riverf a pleasure garden of gods^; here

7ayatl enjoyed with VisracI'^

542. Veiduryp. 0 IQ mt. On the south of 1, i»iahsbhadro , on the west of *ieru ,

{1} ^'■orthern section of the Western Ghats. The mountain is

1, *ur, 1. 46,33. 2, Kur, 1.35.10.

3 , i>ur.I,49,4;G,56,3. 4. Br,lX.19.15;Vl.Ii,4.7,

5. 4^ur.I.45.23;M.83.33;131.48;,333.

6. &i. 121.17; Vs. 47.15.

7. Bh.V, 16.14; Br. 11.18,16; v’e.36,11,

8. Br.111,7,101; Va,47,16. 9. hur, I, 45,31. 10. Vi, 11,2.29. 761

f ^ situated in Gujrat near the source of the river Vlsvpniitri which flows by the side of -tisrodat (2) The Satpure range in Gujret having baiuurya ( lapis pazuli) mines. It Is the

Orondian of itolemy^.

5Jf3. Vnidyuta.

Vpr§8 or kingdom in Salmalldvipa, named after Its king

'^aidyuta, son of Vapusman, king of *^6laia 1 idvipaa region / » O of USlmalidvIpa adjoining the hill Ka’ika*^.

544» ynlkpcika.

mt. At the base of Ueru^.

545. Vaikunthe.

The mythinal abode of Vlfnu • at the centre of darnya^pura in i^vetadvlpa is the region where Visnu sleeps on the ooils of the serpent attended by Sanendana and other his feet being massaged by Devi, born out of the JtSllky ocenn. This region Is known as Vallcun'^ha^; the abode of Vi^n.vt established / - 6 by hill at the request of Sri, in hia manifestation $8 Velkug^ha.

1. l^y. P.16, iiG.pp. 20,21 and 300. i

2. Knr, 1.40.23-25; Br. II. 14.32-34; Vi.11.4.23; 0.56,5,etc.

cf. PI. III.p.331. j s 3. Br.ll. 19.45; V5 49.40.

4 . Kur. I. 45.25; Bh. V. 16.26. VI. II. 2. 27. of .PI. III. p, 224.

5. Kur, 1. 49.64-71.

6. Bh. III. 15.13-27; 16.27-30;m i . 5.5. 762

546, Vf>ltarQ^l»

r. :

for SrTlddha, dans, etc.^ A- It is tha river Vniterejl in

Orlsfl rising in V^indhys, tlejpur standn on this river,

B- In Gpye^; C- In Phalsklvane^, i>- a well in Vnrnr^rsl^,

a river in Ofirhw'el on the road tew* between iCedpra and

Badrinatha, on W'hich the temple of Gopesvara MpL'^deva is

situated^ I


r. In Bhere^V r§p rising from at, rdt§evrit( it is men­

tioned by Vi pnd also by ena in identified v-it.h ,the - g river x>igin in Bundelkhand, a tributary of the 'irmiiaa , I

548, Vemanak a,

mt. One of the seven njountains of KreuncndvTpa'^^,

> 9 549, Veins a,

Tl, Equally famous as Varanasi; persons woo die here

1. Kur. I.45.34;II.37.37;Br,II, l6,33; m . 103; .',114.27;

Vi, 45,102; 77^95; cf. p. 32S,

2. Vena, 85.6;P,I.39,6; Ag,ll6,7; B,2?,33;tnr,II.3?.37;

t M 1 4 . 27., etc,,

3. Va,105,45;10. .17; Ag,ll6,7.

4. Vam,36,43*44; .*-.1. 26.79.

5. 1. quoted by T.t.p.63; of. )iS, p, 617.

6. Bey. p. 18, HG.pp. 37 . 2 6 7 , 5 / 0 1 : 1 p.50. 7. i4ur, 1,47.73. 8, Va,45.100;Bk.RtriKhi*:d«Ch,4. 9. Bey, p, 21Jxtu,p, 33. ;i0. Kur. I.i^9.27 ;0.56.12;Br,II. 19.67;Vi.49.61;Vi. iJ. u 50. cf, BI. ljl.p,193. I gpin nokso^; one of the sixteen Mshajenspe^iss of Jgmhudvipa

0 * * 2 mentioned in the Anguttsrn Mkaya of the islisuttn il'^eka ,

The kingdom of Vemsos or Vatsas, with kaussmbi as their / 3 capital, lay to the west of Allahabad-'.

550, Vfi.T.sedharinl.

r. Sislng from mt. 6iikti;aet in Bharat?^arsa^. )eotns to • f ^ C be Identical with Varnoadharo referred to by other t-'x-ts-', as rising frc»n the i/iahendra hill, for the iaehendrp for-.s ttie / f pavt of the Suktlr-jot range, cf ( supra}; rhe river • / Vajusadbera in Gan^em is still knov/n by the earue old name ^ and luEs pest halingapetom near CicsGOls^,

551. Vrrpba. '

Et. ^n the west of 1, Asitodfi7; mt, in VarahfldvTpam; t from tbls mt, rises the rivers V^rahT; snored to Vi.anu^; fit for sraddhe^; n hill that entered the see for fear of Indrn}^ the Vereba^arvntB is identified with a hill near j-arai-iCla in Kashmiri--^

1, Kur. 1 . 31. ^7. 2. Ip.liSuttB i"i^sKB ?o l.l, T .215;IV.pp,252,256,260//c4f’ H

8. Vp. 48.36-40 9. Kfir, II. 20.32. 10. Br. II. 18.77; VB.4?.70;47.7h. 11. Day. p. 23. 764

552, yrrshetlrtha* i

TT, Shrine of •rnnera^eno; persons who visit this tirths

go to Vlg^iUlokp; fit for s'roddhn; Vyesa visited this holy X — ^ place t here Vls^u as Varehs worshipped Siva; both on the

12th day of the dark or bright half of the month lef cis to

Visnulokam^. A- under Krurk^etrs^, B- Under Varey?^!^. U- c _ h ^ _ Under Hathura^. i>- On Vi testa in Aaslialr”. i;*- A su'j-tlrths

of Sshysmn.leka'; F- Under i-^abhra)neti; 0- On lieraieof". h-

On Payos^i^^. I.- Under Godavarl^^,

553. 'V^, / Bensrns or Pesl situated at the junction of the rivers

Varans and Asi. The two streams Varava ( modern I i r.^eO and A. Asi form respectively the northern end the ecuthern bouric^ies

of the modern city, iieace the name. *’ There is hnrdly any

city in the v;orld that can claim greater antiquity, j^reater I/ continuity and grenter popular veneration than Bnnrrns” . It

1. Kur, II. 42.14; 20.32; I. 35.6.

2. M. 193. 73- 74, 3. Vem. 34.32; P.I. 26.15.

4. P.I. 37.6; KlJr.!. 35.6. 5. Var. 166.23.

6. km. 1559. 7. kr. 66.34.

8, P. VI. 165.10.

9. M.193. 74; 4ur.ll. 42.14; P.I. 20.71.

10. ^eme, 88,7 eod 9; 4ur. 11. 20.32; Vajii, 90,4.

11. B. 79.6; of. 03. p. 818. 765

bgd been/boly city for st least thirty centuries end is included in the list of sixteen Mabajenopedes^. It had been knovm under different names, Veragesi, i^asl, Avimukta, “nanda-

KaGanp, Sraasena or kahastaasana^. Three of these, viz,

Var^ppsI, Avlmukta ( or Avimuktaia) and ^jmasana are frund in the hurma also. Several iurayaa contain innuraerpbla verses of laudation and description of Varanasi; i^atsya. Ch,180-lS5^ i'Urraa I, Chs, 31-35, i-lnga, I,Ch.92, i^ad.’fe, “dlkhayda ch.

33-37* Agni, Ch,112, Skanda, Aasikbanua Oh.6, IvaradTya.II,

Che. h8-51, »»tc..

Though VariyasT was the capital of KasI^ some time about , a>>e 1st Can, A.i}, Vgrsyesl end Ktiot became synonymous/nfe treated eo since theu^. According to the Kurne V?5rBna!5i lies in the liiidst of the rivers Varsya and fei^. It is thn abode of ^ — A biva and Uma after their narriafje .

It Is the holy city of .^iva which helps all beings cross over the ocean of 'i>aaissra*. It Is the holiest of holy e cities, the knowledge supreme and the cure for ell .$ins'^.

G*hga has found her course through this city and washes off all sins ooiamitted in hundreda of lives by a person. By \ entering Varanasi one causes the uplift of three generations

1. Anguttara Iiikaye. I.p. 213; IV.pp. 252. 256 and 260; cf,

2. b;i.pp,618-6i+2;i)ey.p. 23;Ha.pp,42,46*94 and 208.

3. bttare Kayda . Oh, 48,

4. b.^.pp. 622,j 818, 5. kur. 1.31.63.

6. Br. III. 67. 26-62.

7. Kur. I. 31.22-24 ff. 766

of predeoassors, thaagh he may be the greatest sinner. Those

of the

life. Here stays lUive ettenhert by all the Gods, gpndharvss,

yekjas and rak^escs^. The lingas situated on the banks of i^eteyoderi in '^aranasi are ot^aresvara, Krttlvasesvara, /•

V>addhyamesvara, Visveavera and Kaparddlsvara*. One who makes

his permanent stay in Varanasi is sure to gain the supreme

place^. It is the city of all tlrthas and the holiest of all 1 noly places, i>lov7here else is ’ lauKti’ (liberation.; gained

by a. peraon in a single birth, even through the resort of yoga**. Very efficacious for sraddha purposes^. AalaJOheircva wliO WPS afflicted by drohiashatya, got rid of her coly by

bis visit to Vari^iasi^. •"iass *pQva advised jxing "Urjjaya to • -r / undertake a pilgrimage to Vara^insi and v;orship olv« there in

order to expiate all his sins for it was in that city that

olva stayed?.

554, Vp.rragp ( Feryasn or Par^a). 8 r. Plslng from mt. Pariyetre in Bhfirat'Jvorsa®, It is a

A- r. Bones in Hojputans rising from Pariyatra and falling

1, Eur, I. 31. 49. ff. 2. k5r. 1.32.1-13.

3, 4ur, II, 11,101. 4. kur, II, 44.17~18,

5. Bur. II. 20,32. 6, Kur. j-i. 31,96-99.

7. kur.I. 23.41.

3. Aar. I, 47.31; Br.Ii. 16.23; Va. 45.97. 767

JL ^ /- into Ohfimbpl , Same as Par^ese. B.- river of the same name 2 rising near Abu end falling into the gulf of Kutoh ,

555. Varuna. - 3 - One of the nine divisions of Bharata . of. Bhareta,

556, Veoii^^hesranie. | / Herr'iitege. Siva in the guise of a nude mendicant on j being driven out of Deruvana by the ssges, visited thie hermi-

tsge of Vasi^'Jhe where his vrounds were tended to witl]i much

care by Arundhati, the chase wife of Vesis'^ha, to whori eubse» 4 * : , queatly he reveeled his identity , for story of,Religion,(supra) ^ 5 6 A.- near Jyeo^heEvara in Kashmir ; B,- on mt.Arbude or Abu ;

0,“ on Bederipacona^.

557. Vasudhar°. 8 nt. On the east of l.Aruyoda , Cn this mount stay the V 10 10' Vasus , where there are eight temples of the Vasus . i

553, Vasuvedi, 11 mt. To the east of l.Arunods .

1. Br.n.16,28. 2, DB.p.818; Dey.pp.23 end 149.

3 . Kur,I.47.25; G.55.5; Br.II.l6.9; 1^.114.6; Va.45.79; Vi.Ii.3.7

cf.JkT. Ill, P.201.

4. nur.II.33.33-33. 5. H. 1.107; lfei.1323.

6. Vrae,102,3. 7. cf.DB.p.dlS.

8, Kur.I,45.2S. 9. K u r . I. 4 8 . 1 2 - 1 3 ,

10. VS. 33.23; 42.30. 11. Kur.I.45.23. 768

559. Vesyatp,

r. Klsing from mt.SRtiyB* in BhorntpiVargs.

5 6 0 , VfltesvpTp.

Ti,{?) Under JJarmada; life becomes fruitful only after * 2 — —it visiting this tlrtha . A.- under -“armada”^; B,- under URya/*; 5 6 0,- under Irayaga^; U,- under Buru^bttama ,

5 6 1 , Vayu.

Ti, One of the series of tirtfias visited by Vyasa - - -7 - - « 8 - 9 mentioned Versppsi ; A.- under Varaijasi ; B.- under i>athura ;

0,- under Gaya^^; B.- on the Baresvetl end sacred to Baresvatl^^

5 6 2 , Vedasruyti.

r, raising from iot.l’arlyatra in Bharnt^ar§s^^; rising from

- 1 3 mt.t<§yavsn identified with river Bosuli in iialwa, a tribu­ 14 tary of the Sindh

1 . Kur, 1.47.36. 2. Kur. 11.41.19.

3 . M.1 9 l.2 7 ;j^^ur. 1 1 .4 1 .l9 ;B.I.1 8 .2 7 ;Ag.l0 9 .2 0 .

4. Ag. 115.73;B.I.38.46;N.II.47.59.

5 . M.22.9. 6 . N.II,56.28;cf.DS.p.8l9.

7 . Kur.I.35.5. 8 . lbid;i^. 1.37.5.

9. Var.l52..65. 10. Ag.ll6.5 cf.U5.p.ei9 .

11. Bh.III.1.22. ^

1 2 . iv-ur. I.47.30;Anus8sana.l65. 25;Bh. V,19.18;Br.Il.l6.27;


1 3 . - .114.23. 14. of.vo.p.819; juey.p.2B;OAl(5I.p.45 769

563. Ve<1nvwtjl.

r. In Bhirnt^ar^sa, rising from mt.i'nriyetra^; Identifed

wltb the river Hegarl or Vedavati, rising in Mysore and fell­

ing into the Tungabhadra^,

56 if. Vena. 3 L T, riising from mt.Sabya ; rising from Vindhyas ♦ A,-river

rising from Vlndhya . This la the Wain-Gonga in the old

Central Brovinoes and falls into Godavari, B.- rising from

• A Sahya mt. near Mahebaleshvar. The i'enganga falls into Wardha

end the united stream of the ftairnGanga and Wardha is known a«

iranahita which ultimately falls into the GodeVsrl^. Vena is

ofte^^n mentioned as K:f8Devena, -Ve^j^or -Ve^^I also"^.

565. Vepu or Vepu-’flan. 8 - 9 mt. On the east of l,Arunoda ; in Jambudvlpa ; on this 10 mt, ere the cities of the Vidyadheres

5 6 6 . Vegukfi, ' - 11 r. One of the rivers of Sakadvlpa

1, Kur,I,47.30;Er,II,l6,27;V8,45.97;M.114.23;B, 27.2^;etc, cf.iI,III,p.318.

2, l>^,p,819;Gey,p.28. 3, kur. 1,47.36,

4 , M,114. 2 7 . 5. Ibid;3.27.23.

6. Bhlsma,9,20-28;Vena 85,32;88.3;Anusnsana.l65.20;Bh.X.79.12

7 . cf.BS.p.819;Bey,p.28;GAMI .p.52.

8. kur.1,45,29; Va,36.19. 9. Kur.1.45.26,

1 0 . v;.37.3;37.26. 11. kGr.1.49.35;G. 56.15. 770

567. Yenuinet Vprgp,

VnrsB ruled over end named after its king Venuman, son of

Jyotisman, king of Kusadvipa ; a var§a in ijakedvipa*'; kingdom

of kusadvipa, called after Venumat'^,

5 6 8 . Vetrpvati.

r. In Bharata Yarsa rising from mt.PariyatraA. ; rises from

mt.^yavan^; hojy for sraddha^. A.- modern Betwa river which,

rising in the Bhopal ^^tate, falls into the Yamuna^, H,- a — * 8 — tributary of the Sebhramati^ vlz.Vatrak on which kalra is 9 situated.

569. Vldlsa,

r. In Bharata Var.^a rising from mt,iariyatra^*^, it is the

modern Bes or Besali which falls into Betwa near Besnagar,

Bhllsa or ancient Vidlsa^^,

5 7 0 , VldrUiiiP. “ 12 mt. <^ne of the mountelns of kusadvipa ,

1 . kGr.I.kO.22-23. 2. G.56.8. 3. kGr.I.40.22-23;Br.11.14.28;19.57;Va.33.25;49.52; 4. ^ur.I.47.31;Br.II.16,28;Va.45.93.

5. M.1 1 4 .23. 6. kur.II.20.35;M.22.20;163.63. 7. kur.I.47.31;II.20.35;M.22.20;114.23;Br.Il.l6.28;cfBI.iiI p.3 1 6 , 8. B.VI. 1301/133.4-5; 9. i>o.p.82O;JJey.p.3 0 ;HO.p 3 A o ,*3W, ate ■ Gami . p. itt,

10. kSr.I.47.31;Br.Ii.l6.28;Va.45.98;B.27.29;i«ir.54.20;eto, 11. %y,p,55; GAi.iI.p.4 6 . 1 2 . kur.I.49.20; G.56.9;Br.11.19.54; Vi.lI.4.41;Pr.liI.p.234 771

571. Vl(iy»^(lhare3vprp,

Ti. '^Isited by VyBsa', mentioned under VprpQpsI^

572. VldyutprabhB.

r. In Jiu^edvipa^p river Vidyudambha is mentioned by 0. in Kusfidvipar

573. Vi.lPVP.

It is e sbrine of Vijaye, tbe lings of Mabadeva; a

BrahmaCBrl who stays ^here on diet for a period of six months gains the supreme place^; referred also by M. as a tirtha sacred to pitfs?

574* Vi.1pye«vera.

ri. Mentioned A- under VarsijasT; a giver of mok.'ja to those who die here and hence is equal to VSragasT^.B- A ma- bak^etra, modern Vi;)atror in pargana Vuiar in Kashmir^,

575. Vimalesvpra.

Tl, Under l^armadii; by bathing here one gets the merit of

(giving away) one thousand cows^; under Saresvatl^", l.kar.I.35.11;i-.1.37.14. 2, Kur,I,49,22,

3,0,56.10. 4. Kur, 11,35.21-22,

5,M.22,73. 6, Kur, I, 31.48,

7. HC. X, I91-195y cf. DS. p, 821,

8. Kur, 11. 41.5-6; 42.36; M.223; 190.l4;i^.I.17.U;cf.ll.i!i-p 25

9. K w Van. 34.1 5 ; p. VI. 1 3 1 .50. • 7 7 2

576. Vlr.ocflnl.

r, One of the rivers of aslmelifivlpa^.

/ 577. Vlnesene.

Tl.IJoly for sraddhfi, dans, eto^. It Is the spot In the desert of Ambala and situated in i6t.njab where the Sarasvetl disappears, i'anu (11.21) mentions it as the western boundary of Madhyadesa^ ^ i 578. Vlndhye.

mt. One of the Kulaparvates of Bharat?^<-;r§a!f' Here Oak§a c ^ 6 performed tapas^; a kulaparvata sacred for sraddhra offerings; the region lying in between the Vlndhya a n d the Karaniayas is 7 recomended as the best for the twioe-born to live In . It is the Ojiindion of Ptolemy (p.77)» the source of tbt Mormada and the Taptl. Different parts of the Vindhya ere Itnown under different names like iiripatra or Pariyetra ( portion of Vindhya range situated west of Bhopal in Central India together with the Aravslli mountains), ^ ^ a or <^^kspvat

1. Kar.I./^9.15;G.56.7;Vi.II.4.28;VS.49.42;Br.II.19.if6. 2. Pur. II. 37.29. 3. Menu II,21;cf.Vnns.82,lll;130.3-4;B8lyB.37.1»Br.III.69; BS.p.821;i>ey.p.31; H2.p.l2 a n d 121. 4. Kur.I.47.24. 5. Bh.7.19.l6;VI.4.20^-Vi.I3.3.3.

6. Br.Il.l6-19;III.7.356;M.ll4.18;Va.45.89;77.3/», etc., of. PI. III. p. 240.

7. Kur, II. 16.24. 773

{central retjion of the modern Vlndhya range north of i^arraad^),

Vindhyepadaparvata ( Sardonyx of i^tolemy or the Satpure

range), i^jekaia-parvata or the Melkol range in Gondwanp, eto^.

The rivers that originate from the Vindhyes are: Tapi.I'ayo^ni,

Nirvindhya; Sli^hroda, Vinne ( Venya or Ginta), Vait«-rpni,

flalgica, Kumudvatl, Mehogauri, Durga and Antehsila #

i 579. Vlndhynrpdp.

’ Thoae who pay a visit to Siva at nt. Vindhyapada (or

Vindhya) do not happen to see Yama^. The Vindhyapadaparvata

is the Sardonyx of i^tolemy- the modern Gatpura range from

which rises the TopI^.

580. Vlnpa,

r, Hising froji mt, Vindhyis, of which Ve^ya ie given ea l a different reading. For the identification of Verj|yp, cf.

VenI ( supra).

581. Vlpapp.

One of the seven ; rivers of l^lek^advlpa^.

______^______I 1 , IIG.pp.l9,20,$tc.; Gey.p,37; G3.p.821.

2 . hur. 1.47.34-35. 3. Kdr. II. 37.24.

4. KG. p.20; Dey. p. 38. 5. Kur.i. 47.34.

6. Kur. I. 49.7. 7 7 4

582, VlppsR.

r. In Btiflrpt‘-^arfa rising from mt, Him'^vet^, a river in

irlpkfodvip&^. It is olno mentioned by ir-ppini, i'lb, etc3.

Identified with tUe Beps or the Hydoapes of the Greek!p4.

583. VlPulp.

rat. Situated on the western querter of lii^vrte.„5. e vir-

Kpmbhepervatfl^. A- Cheitoka girl, B- Vepulln of the Buddhists J 7 one of the five bills of Kajgir in the dist^of i'etne'*

584. Vtre.1 e or Vireje.

at. Situated on the South of 1, flishibhedra ; on the as

west of 1. Aflitoda^. Va mentions a mt, Viraje as situated on

the north of 1. iiababhedra^^ ,


r. By bathing in this river one pscends to srebmsloka^^; 12 a river in Orissa

1 . Aur. I.47.29;Hr.II.16.25;Va.45.96-99.

2. Br. 11.19.19; VI. II. 4.11; 0. 56.4.

3. lap.IV. 2-74; 7idi.Ch. 1?9; Alar. 57.18.

4. JLiey. p.38; HG,p.l34; GAMI.p.41. 5. Aur.I.45.l6;Vi.II.2.18. 6. fc.13.36;Vi.35.l6.

7. Bey, p, 225. 8, Kur. I. 45.33.

9. kur. 1.45.38; 1 0 . vi.36.30-33. ll.Knr, 11.35.26. 12. DS. P, 822. 775

586. Vls^khn. / - 1 Holy for sreddtia. It is identified with Oudh wUioh wss 9 called by the Deme of Visektia during the ijuddhist period. It

was the OBpitsl of if’e ilieii*e i>ha-ohi or Saketa for different

identifications, see Day.p39.

587. lliH ls . ' mt. On the east of l.Arunoda? p Kuleparvata of xetuonala^.

588. Vls^la.

r. In BtiaratJVarsa rising from mt, l^iksnvat^; a river ^

from the liimileyes^; a river of the llctumale^ country^; iden­

tified with a tributary of the Gag^ak in Hsiseli"''. j I

5 8 9 . Virplyp or Vlsalyak-prarji.

This is another hcly river which wcshcs off ell the sins

oO!H2iitted by a person end thence leads him to Kudraldke; by I 9 bathing here one gets the reward of performinp; an Aatemedhe.

Hudreloka Is attained by persons who stay on its cortUern ^ o , / 9 bank; a river in Aaliugadesa near Amarekantaka hllla . iien-

tioned under ISar^iaeda^^i it is a branch of X^anuado^^,

1. Kur. 11.20.35. 2. Kur.I,45.29. 3. V e .U .4 4. i^ar.i.47.33; Br.II. 16.31. 5. 4 .114 .2 1. 6. Vu.44.21. 7. Bey.p.39. 8, KQr,II.40.27-30. 9. Br.IlI.13.12;Va.77.12. 10, Ih. 186.43;4ur.XI.40.27-30;H.I.13.39;Br,III,13.12. 11. Bey, p. 39. 776

590» Vlsnu.

TI, Also kDOV'H os y©dtiIpuro, Yodtienapurs or Xodboolpuro;

socred to 7ignu, bere Lort Vesudeve fought with orores of

osuros; even the sin- of Brohmohotyo is expioted by under V

tfiklng upevRsa here^. A- mentioned under l^armadp? i3- under

i^ok^ukha^ 0- under Godovari^ olso called Mendgnlyo^.

591. VisvprupB.

T1, Mentioned under V'areyosl as visited by Vyosa^.

592, VlsvesYora.

A- One of the five guhyallngss of Siva in Varanasi'^, and

visited by Vyase; by bathing here one becomes the leader of j the genes of diva^, B, in Ginkartjo'^, '

593. Vjtplp.

One of the netherworlds situated )>eyond the JLekeloka

mountain. Taraka, the yevanep, the .\gnimukhas, the i*egoE led

by Jnmbheke, the asura iTphlada and f-ambala reside here; its

characteristic colour is ' Vidruma' ( red-earth V SivaSii 11 resides here with Birvatl under the name of hetekeavara

1. Aur. II.41.52-5A. 2. Ibid; w.l91.99;P.I.18.94.

2. \^sv. 1 4 0 .7 1 -7 4 . 4. B.136.1 and 4 I. 5. cf.DS.pp. 822-623. 6. i^ur. I.35.2;iM.37.2. 7. AOr.I.32.12; i'.I. 34.10; W.II.51.4. S.ivUr. II.4 i.6 O. 9. B.VI. 129.10.

1 0 . Kur.I.4 4 .22-2 3 . 11. Bh. II. 1.27; 5.40; V. 24.7. 777

it is of r'^deai'tti; the cities of ^rahlidfl, AFlMhlads, etc. are

here^. cf. -t'etaln end iiahetala ( supra),

594. Vitf8tn.

r, in BharetfjVFrsa rleins from mt, iilraevotf seored to

pitrs"^. It is the home of Taksakana^.e^, Vitaste is Uma ■*>

{ 'girinrtraja') herself^, it Is identified v.lth the H v e r

ihelum, the most western of the four eastern tributaries of

the Slndhu. It is the Hydaspes of the Gfeeks and iiitmsa n

of the Buddhists^.

595. Vitrsna. * - *■ 7 One of the rivers of wolmnliavipa , seme as the river


596, Vivedg. T. 9 mt. One of the seven js^ulsparvatas of Kreuaoadvlpa

597. V^ratajj;uni.

r. In Bharatf^^ersa rising froia mt. rariyatra^^; other 4 iurenes"^^ refer to it as Vi^reghnl which according to i»cy,

1. Vs,50.11,; 25-30; Vi.^I/. m . p . 2 2 3 .

2. i.ur. 1.47. 29; Bh. V. 19.18; Br. II. 12.15; 16.25; Va. 45.90. . 114.21.

3. l.\ 22.36. 4. Vena. 82.88-90,

5. Aur.II.44.4;i^fi. 45.305-306 end 336-341. 6. cf. Bo. 1,823;^J«y.P. 40; i.Hj.pp. 29 135;aA^I,p.41. 7. 4nr, 1.49.15; V??,49.42; Vi, II.4. 28. 8. fi.l22.72. 9. Jiur.I.4 9 .2 8 . 3-0. Kur. 1.47.30. 11. Br. 11,16.27;Mgr. 54.19. 77B

is the Vetrak, a tributary o f the ttabanaetl I d Gujrat; it is -i also i]ftd®tified with Vetraveti .

598, Vrkseven.

mt. Situated in JambudvTpa (Ilavrta)^,

599, Vffebbfi.

mt. On the isest of l.Asitoda^; mt, Sumana in Jflaksa; to the east of Arunode^; north of l.Kahpbhadra^.

6 0 0 , Vrsadhvn.ln,

-e 6 Ti. Visited by Vyase; mentioned under VarayasI ,

6 0 1 , V:fS9tIrthR,

TI, i\ill of siddhes; by bathing here Toga is atteined^.

6 0 2 . V’ryotgar>-:a,

Tl, t^entionud under ^armada; those who visit this gain g the everlasting pleoe .

6 0 3 , V/n-Threnvara,

Tl, Visited by Vyasa; under Varanaal^.

60t, Vyasatlrtha.

Mere the mahanadi (Narmada) has reverted its course, >»5

1, Oey, p,42; l>S,p,824; GAJJlI.p, U5. 2, tur, I, 45.25. 3. Kur. 1.45.36. 4. Va, 36.18. 5. V5.36.20. 6. Kur, 1.35.13; 1. 92.106; K. 11.50,48. 7. Ka.r. 11,37.25. «. -t^ur. 11,42.8-9.

9, Kir.!.35.14;!^.1.37.17;-h.92.l09; N,11,50.56. 779

, „ r l f » e d *t t w n » ,0 Vyesa .

o„.4v.t'l 3; in Uipnn^n^- 6 o.- uodor ao«yeri •

f,,. in fcuruk^etrB . •

605. », ine person

t'l. "Z of tne derR-foftnlgbt

«no vlsnn 7only after dsthlne, at n>,.M le af aighs end tsties bln _ j^O }i„rniB4« • . B - under Oodeverl . free froa. rebirth . B. u

606. Ifijaili- „,_-vpt^^. It In o«''ti°''®'’ - * tuiflinii: from mt.Hlmpvp^ r. In Bhsrsts rial 4 Atl'prvsvedB, 61. Bf' ® ' '* fa the bgvear. 6the ^

Known es Kallndl. the • „ftn leauuiaiBliB-

,olnI. the Oe^-B renge below at.

- ® ™ ,.6 0Brb.,...Bl. enters the uaaet. traverses the u plains of sortbern India end fl ------_

— ---- - ” ' 2, Kur,II.37.2‘r. 1. Kur.Il.1.1.25-2’?- P.191.3S-W. ,. Br.III.13.69,80.^

- Br.IIl.13.69; Kur.Il.37.29.

■ v; 77.67; B.1.1B.3B; -191.^-^-- 9- .,, 8. M p .1.35.6; 11.41.83-'84. ,, T ca T* of, Db, pt 8?i-i-s 7. li.158.1, « ii,l?^,l; 131.1.

, . ,u. e.B2 /,. i2* Kur. 1.47.28. II. i'.1.37.6; IJ. bV.V-.52.17: VII.13.19: 6V.iv.9.:o; U.Br.vm.H.i.

u. p.Vi.Ohs. 195-197. '

/ 780

« ^ frcas idpthura downiserd© It flows a south-eastern course

till It meets the Ocoga forming the confluence at irayage^.

It is mentioned ss e divine stream of liharet^Karse rising from

the iiimslayas^ suci also as a Kabsnadl'' sacred t<^-^ltrs^, along

its northern hank is situated the unapremooana tirtha which

frees one from all delts"^, on its couth the Agnitirtne, and on

the west is Anaraka,the tirtha of j-ora l»harme^ The holy v

river Yamuna liberates a person who bathes in her waters for

seven consecutive days'. The gift of a cow with gold, horns

and silver hooves at the confluence of Gangs and Xamuna *-

rewards the donor with a life in foidralolce for as many years 3 as there are hairs on the body of the cow . ^tunh me?it is

also gained by persons who die at this confluence.of, ■k'rayiga - Q (supra). In i-rayaga, the Yamuna is looked after by the Jun^.

607. Yai:;unaprahhf\ve.

The source of Yamuna is holy for sraddhe purposes^^, here

are the hot springs sad very cold weter^^. It is the e^ime as

Yniiiunotrl a spot at the base of the r'nndav’a-puocha sjountain^^.

603, ^asovatl. ' . / City of SpTftKpra situated on mt. l^eru. Siva stays here,

1, HC.p,135;DB.P,824;jDey.p.215;GAi;l. p.40. 2. Bh.v.i9.18;Va.h5.95. 3. Va.104.50. 4. ^<.13.40, 5. Knr. 1. 33. 14. 6, hur.l. 39.4-6. 7. Kur, 11,4-0.8. 8. Knr.I.36.44-4e. 9. kur.l.36.23. 10 . K a r .II.37. 30. 11. B r . i i i . 13. 71. 1 2 . ; S.P.824;Oey.p.215;IIG.p.l35. 781

1 mm f Attended by his genes ; sabUa of J-sena in the eighth slope of iSeru; bright with lustrous gold^,

609. '^evrrjes.

i^eople on the vest of BharetJVer^e^ country rnd people to the west of Bhsrate^f They ere the Indo-Creek eettlmenta in the north-western pert of India end adjoining Icnds^,

6lC, Yodhir

Also known as Visnutirthe,Yodhannpura or Yodhanlpura^, of. Vi^nutlrths ( supra).

611. Ycni.

One of the seven rivers of ^*^81001 Idvlpa^; sa^e as Ohu - tapapa, , a river in -R-usadvIpa®

Fran the above data it beoonies clear that the kurmn does not provide any more information rogarding the places in India thati that given by the aplcs and the earlier Purana

1. Kur. I. 46.25-27. 2. Va.34.91. 3. itur.1.47.26. 4. G.55.6 end 16; 3r. II.16.12; ih 114.11; 121.43; 88.122; Vi. Ii.3.8;?

7. hCr.I. 49.15; 0.56.7; Vi. 11.4.28.

6. li. 122.71. 7 8 2

textg. A good majority of places nnaod in the text belong to the i^orth and iiorth-Enstern regions of India, The glori­ fication of Preypge in Ch,35 of the lattbr half of the -

Kurnia over and above the more lengthy description given in t the four chapters of the former half*" may be taken as| proof 1 of the place of origin of the text.


1. Kur, I, Ohs. 36-39.
