Family History and High Blood Pressure* High Blood Pressure Is Also Called ‘Hyperten Sion’

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Family History and High Blood Pressure* High Blood Pressure Is Also Called ‘Hyperten Sion’ Family History and High Blood Pressure* High Blood Pressure is also called ‘Hyperten sion’ What is a family history of high blood pre ssure? A family history of high blood High blood pressure tends to pressure means you have run in families for many reasons. someone in your family (a blood Blood relatives tend to have many relative such as a mother, father, of the same genes that can Find out about these sister, or brother) who has or had predispose a person to high blood topics: high blood pressure before the press ure, heart disease, or stroke. age of 60. The more family Genes are units of heredity that • Family History members you have with high are passed from parents to blood pressure before the age of children. Relatives may also • Fa mily History and 60, the stronger the family history share some of the same habits You of high blood pressure. such as diet, exercise, and smoking that can affect risk. • Tips for You • Knowing Your Why is a family history of high b lood pressure important to me? Family History A family history of high blood have high blood pressure, but it pressure is a risk factor for you does increa se your chances. developing high blood pressure. A family history of high blood Having one or more close family pressure has been linked to other members with high blood risk factors for heart disease and pressure before the age of 60 stroke. These factors include high means you have two times the cholesterol, high body fat, and risk of ha ving it also. A strong being more sensitive to the effects family history means you have 3 of salt on raising blood pressure. or more relatives who had high These risk factors can put you at DRAFTblood pressure before 60. It is risk for future heart disease and important to understand that a stroke, even though you may not family history of high blood have high blood pressure pressure does not mean you will yourself. What can I DO if I have a family history of high blood pressure? There are several things. You your scheduled appointments with should get your blood pressure your health care provider. Finding checked at least once a year to th e best treatment for each make sure it is within normal person often takes time and what levels. Reduce other risks for works for one person may not high blood pressure by eating work for another. What is healthy foods, using less salt, important is that you keep trying exercising, losing weight if needed to lower your blood pressure with Get Checked! and stopping smoking. the help of your health care provider! If you are already being treated for high blood pressure, it is important to take the medications regularly that have been prescribed for you. Also, keep Page 2 of 4 Family History and High Blood Pressure* How do I learn about MY family history of high blood pressure, heart disease or stroke? You can fill out My Family Health History W orksheet on the next page. This worksheet will help you to identify members of your family and health information on each of them. How to fill out Step 1: List your family members. Start with those who the Family are closest to you in relation, such as your mother, father, broth ers, and sisters. (If you want, you can then list other Health relatives that are more distant in relation, such as History grandparents, aunts and uncles.) Worksheet Step 2: Next to each family member, check ( ), if they have high blood pressure, heart disease, or stroke. Step 3: If you know the age they got these diseases, write that down. If they died, write down when they died and what caused them to die. See the example below. High Blood Pressure Heart Disease Stroke Mother Got at age 34 Died at 60 Susan of a stroke Father Got at 58 Got at 59 Bill DRAFT Brother (s) None Sister (s) None Total # of ( ) 2 1 1 If you have more than one close relative that developed these diseases before the age of 60 , then you are at an increased risk of these diseases. You can stop here or keep going by addi ng other members of your family. Once you have completed y our family history worksheet, keep it SHARE ! and make updates from time to time. You can show your doctor so that he or she can better understand your risk for certain diseases. Discuss it with your children so they understand their risks and the need for getti ng their blood pressure checked often and practicing healthy habits. MY FAMILY HEALTH HISTORY WORKSHEET Immediate Family: High Blood Heart Disease Stroke Pressure Mother Father Brother(s) ________________ ___ _____________ ________________ ________________ Sister(s) ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Total # of ( ) Other Relatives: (Mother’s side) Grandfather Grandmother DRAFT Aunt(s) Uncle(s) (Father’s si de) Grandfather Grandmother Aunt(s) Uncle(s) Total # of ( ) Page 4 of 4 High Blood Pressure Control If you or a family member has high blood pressure, here are some tips to know . High blood pressure is almost always a life -long condition Goal Blood requiring ongoing medical evaluation and treatment. It i s Pressure important to stay under a physician’s care and follow the levels : treatment regimen prescribed to keep the blood pressure in recommended levels. New guidelines suggest ideal blood Treatment of high blood pressure usually includes some pressure is dietary recommendations and medication. below 120/80. The preferred diet for controlling high blood pressure is the DASH eat ing plan. This plan emphasizes eating higher If you have amounts of fruits and vegetables, lower sodium, lower fat, diabetes, whole grain and low fat diary foods. This diet is rich in he art or magnesium, potassium, calcium and fiber with adequate kidney protein. For more information about t his diet, you can obtain disease, it is a copy from or check with your physician. ideal to have your blood Many different types of medications are now available to pressure treat high blood pressure. They work in many different ways, below 140/90 DRAFTso some p eople will need to take two or more to bring the and even blood pressure down to controlled levels. Because the lower. medications work differently, it may take trials of several types to see what works best for you. Do not be discouraged because this is not unusual. K eep working with your health care provider to find the medication that lowers your blood pressure and does not cause any negative effects. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can result in a stroke, kidney Controlling high blood pressure is very important. Since high disease, blood pressure usually has no symptoms, the only way to heart attack know if it is high is to have it checked . Keep records of or other your blood pressure readings and the treatment programs health you are on. B eing an active participant in your care will conditions. increase the success of life -long control. For more information check or www.americanhea
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