CURRICULUM VITAE Shaohua Guo (September, 2020) Department of Asian Languages and Literatures Carleton College One North College Street, Northfield, MN 55057
[email protected] (507) 222-5957 PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENT Fall 2020-Present Associate Professor Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, Carleton College 2014-2020 Assistant Professor Department of Asian Languages and Literatures, Carleton College 2012-2014 Visiting Assistant Professor Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures, Colgate University EDUCATION Ph.D., Asian Cultures and Languages The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX M.A., Comparative Literature Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China B.A., Chinese Language and Literature Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China RESEARCH INTERESTS Cultural Studies of Digital Media Chinese Literature, Film, and Culture Popular Cultures in East Asia PUBLICATIONS (all single-authored unless otherwise noted) BOOKS The Evolution of the Chinese Internet: Creative Visibility in the Digital Public. Stanford: Stanford University Press, forthcoming 2020. Jiedu Tangji kede (Introduction to Don Quixote). Co-authored with Yang Mei and Liu Yingmei. Beijing: Jinghua Press, 2001. PEER-REVIEWED ARTICLES Forthcoming 2021. “You Tube, We Comment: I Am a Singer and Geopolitical Encounters of Sinophone Communities.” ASIANetwork Exchange: A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts 28(1). Forthcoming 2021. Belinda Kong, and Shaohua Guo. “Introduction to the Special Edition on Imagining Geopolitics across Media and Artforms in Asia and Beyond.” ASIANetwork Exchange: A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts 28(1). 2020. “Cinderella Stories Retold: Geopolitics of Taiwanese Idol Dramas.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 32(1): 73-107. 2018. “‘Occupying’ the Internet: State Media and the Reinvention of Official Culture Online.” Communication and the Public 3(1): 19-33.