CURRICULUM VITAE VICTOR A. FRIEDMAN Andrew W. Mellon Professor Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures•University of Chicago•1130 East 59th Street•Chicago, IL 60637 7737020732(office)/-8033(department)/-7030(FAX) email:
[email protected] web page: PERSONAL DATA: Born: Chicago, IL, 18 October 1949 Home Address: 5538 South Blackstone Avenue Chicago, IL 60637 Home Phone/Fax: 7739551376 EDUCATION: Ph.D. University of Chicago. Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Department of Linguistics (The first dual Ph.D. in the Divisions). June 1975. Dissertation: The Grammatical Categories of the Macedonian Indicative: A Study in Syntax, Semantics, and Structure (defense passed with Distinction). M.A. University of Chicago. Slavic Languages and Literatures. June 1971. B.A. Reed College, Portland, OR. Russian Language and Literature. 19661970. Thesis: GusliSamogudy: A Study of Form and Content in the Russian Magic Tale. (received grade of AA, equivalent of highest honors) Certificate University of Skopje, Yugoslavia. Fourth and Fifth annual Seminars for Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture. Summers 1971, 1972. Audit Portland State University, Portland, OR. Intensive SerboCroatian. Summer 1970. Certificate Leningrad State University, USSR. CIEE Russian Language Program. Summer 1969. EMPLOYMENT: University of Chicago Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities (2000-present), Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures (Chairman 19972000 and 2001-04), Department of Linguistics, Department of Anthropology (associate appointment), and the College 1993present Director, Center for East European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CEERES) 2005-2015 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Professor Department of Slavic Languages 198493 (Chairman 198793). Associate Professor Department of Slavic Languages 197984.