The European Dimension in Vocational Training. Experiences and Tasks of Vocational Training Policy in the Member States of the European Union

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The European Dimension in Vocational Training. Experiences and Tasks of Vocational Training Policy in the Member States of the European Union DOCUMENT RESUME ED 392 881 CE 070 826 AUTHOR Koch, Richard, Ed.; Reuling, Jochen, Ed. TITLE The European Dimension in Vocational Training. Experiences and Tasks of Vocational Training Policy in the Member States of the European Union. Congress Report. INSTITUTION Federal Inst. for Vocational Training, Bonn (Germany). REPORT NO ISBN-3-7639-0690-8 PUB DATE 95 NOTE 208p. AVAILABLE FROMW. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, Postfach 100633, D-33506 Bielefeld, Germany (order no. 110.313, 24 deutschmarks). PUB TYPE Collected Works - Conference Proceedings (021) -- Viewpoints (Opinion/Position Papers, Essays, etc.) (120) EDRS PRICE MFOI/PC09 Plus Postage. DESCRIPTORS Continuing Education; Educational Research; Foreign Countries; *International Cooperation; *International Educational Exchange; Job Training; *Organizational Development; Postsecondary Education; Secondary Education; Second Language Instruction; *Vocational Education IDENTIFIERS *Europe ABSTRACT This volume contains presentqtions and workshop papers from the International Congress on "The European Dimension of Vocational Training--Experiences and Tasks" that provided those with responsibility for vocational training a forum for analyzing and discussing challenges that have emerged from European cooperation in vocational training. Two introductory speeches (Karl-Hans Laermann and Achilleas Mitsos) precede the workshop papers. Workshop A, "The Bottom-Up Approach to Europe," looks at the form and content of projects based primarily on the initiative of chambers, companies, schools, and other vocational training institutions and designed to promote transnational cooperation in initial and continuing vocational training. Its first topic, "Euro-Regions--Transnational Cooperation in Border Areas," is addressed in an introduction (Jochen Reuling), two case studies (Kurt Bang; Bob Bierling and Horst Scheel), and panel discussion. Its second topic, "Large Companies Elsewhere in Europe--Vocational Training Cooperation within and between Companies," is considered in an introduction (Richard Koch), three case studies (Hanne Sampson; Friedwald Brecht; Ulrich Gruber), and panel discussion. Its third topic, "The Relationship between Local Initiatives and European Promotion Programmes," is covered in an introduction (Richard Koch), presentation (Helmut Brumhard), and panel discussion. Workshop B, "Training for Europe," looks at a European professional training area that is taking shape. Its first topic, "Occupation-Related Foreign Language Instruction," is addressed in an introduction (Brigitte Wolf), two presentations (Jan van Weeren; Dorothea Weidinger), and panel discussion. Its second topic, "Occupational Skills for Europe-Wide Ccepetence," is considered in an introduction (Brigitte Wolf), three practical examples (Marina Schurmann; Johannes van de Vosse; Ferdinand Fuchs), and panel discussion. Its third topic, "Provision for Latecomers in the Training System: Recognition of Young Workers' Work Experience and Previous Learning Record," is covered in an introduction (Brigitte Wolf), four presentations (Annie Bouder; Ruud Klarus; Marinella Giuvine: Peter-Werner Kloas), and panel discussion. Workshop C, "European Vocational Training Research," presents results from research programs. Its first topic, "Prospects for Company-Based Initial Vocational Training in Europe," is addressed in an introduction (Iochen Reuling), three presentations (Rene Lassere; Maria Hofstatter; Arthur Schneeberger), and a panel discussion. Its second topic, "Continuing Training and Company Organization Development in Europe," is considered in an introduction (Edgar Sauter), presentation (Ingrid Drexel), and panel discussion. Its third topic, "Vocational Training Systems and Global Competition," is covered in an introduction (Richard Koch), two presentations (David Soskice; Felix Rauner), and panel discussion. Other contents °i- "Main Findings of the Workshop Sessions" (Hermann Schmidt) , "Closing Discussion" (moderated by Alfred Hardenacke), and a participant list. (YLB) MIN111101611111112111111111 -Richard Koch Jochen Reuling (Eds.) Congress Report illThe European Dimension in Vocational Training U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OfficeI Educational Rosearch snd Improvement EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION Experiences and Tasks of CENTER (ERIC) is document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating il. Vocational Training Policy 0 Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality. in the Member States Points of view or opinions stated in this document do not necessarily represent of the European Union official OERI position or policy. INNIEMEZMI "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY TO THE EDUCATIONAL R SOURCES INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC)." 131BB. 2 BEST COPY AVAILABLE Richard Koch/Jochen Reuling (Eds.) The European Dimension in Vocational Training Experiences and Tasks of Vocational Training Policy in the Member States of the European Union Congress Report Federal Institute for Vocational Training Secretary-General CIP abbreviated title of the Deutsche Bibliothek The European Dimension in vocational training : experiences and tasks of vocational training policy in the member states of the European Union ; congress report / Federal Institute for Vocational Training, Secretary General. Richa,d Koch/Jochen Reuling (ed.). - Bielefeld : Bertelsmann, 1995 05 Ausg. u.d 7: Europarsche Dimension der Berufsbildung ISBN 3-7639-0690-8 NE: Koth, Richard Hrsg ; Bundesinstitut fur Berufsbildung <Berlin, Bonn> Distribution Address: W. Bertelsmann Verlag GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 100633 33506 Bielefeld Phone. +49 521 9 11 01- 0 Fax: +49 521 911 01-79 Order No.: 110.313 Copyright 1995: Federal Institute for Vocational Training, Berlin and Bonn Editor: Federal Institute for Vocational Training, Secretary-General 10702 Berlin Editorial assistance: Barbara Krech Design. Hoch Drei, Berlin Print: Federal Institute for Vocational Training, Berlin Publishing house: W. Bertelsmann Verlag, Bielefeld Printed in Germany ISBN 3-7639-0690-8 Printed on 100% recycled paper Contents Introduction: Karl-Hans Laermann 5 Introduction: Achilleas Mitsos 15 Workshop A - "The Bottom-Up Approach to Europe" A 1 Euro-regionsTransnational cooperation in border areas 23 A 2 Large companies elsewhere in Europevocational training cooperation within and between companies 35 A 3 The relationship between local initiatives and European promotion programmes 49 Workshop B"Training for Europe" B 1 Occupation-related foreign language instruction 67 B 2 Occupational skills for Europe-wide competence 83 B 3 Provision for Latecomers in the training system: recognition of young workers' work experience and previous learning record 97 Workshop C "European Vocational Training Research" C 1 Prospects for company-based initial vocational training in Europe 115 C 2 Continuing training and company organization development 133 C 3 Vocational training systems and global competition: the acid test for national training models 153 Main Findings of the Workshop SessionsHermann Schmidt 175 Closing DiscussionModerator: Alfred Hardenacke 181 List of Participants 195 5 Introduction Professor Dr Karl-Hans Laermann, Federal Minister of Education and Science, Federal Republic of Germany Ladies and gen-,krnen, I am delighted to be able to welcome you to this International Congress on "The European Dimension of Vocational Training Experiences and Tasks" organized jointly by the Federal Ministry of Education and Science and the Federal Institute for Vocational Training. The Congress, which is being held in cooperation with the Lander governments, the social partners and the European Commission, under- lines the importance which the Federal Republic of Germany attaches to voca- tional training within the framework of its presidency in the European Union. Moreover, bringing together as it does some 350 participants from 20 countries and representatives of OECD, ILO and UNESCO, this Congress is the largest edu- cation and training event organized in Germany during the German presidency. he aims of the Congress, which is deliberately being held in conjunction with "Training 1994", the trade fair presenting new developments and trends in voca- tional training, are twofold. On the one hand it is intended to provide all those who bear responsibility for vocational training policy-makers, researchers and practitionerswith a forum for analysing and discussing the new challenges and experiences which have emerged from European cooperation in the field of voca- tional training. On the other, the Congress will draw conclusions for the policy- making and practical dimensions of vocational training in Europe. Cooperation in education and training within the European Union has already made rapid progress and the Maastricht Treaty has now assigned it even greater importance as an instrument of European integration. This applies in particular to the vocational education and training sector which, in addition to its strictly edu- cational importance, will be a key player in sustaining the process of economic restructuring and development and in reducing social inequalities in Europe. 5 6 It is the unanimous view of the European Union and its Member States that labour market policy and economic policy are not alone sufficient to handle the problems associated first and foremost with fully implementing the Single Market and its corollaries, freedom of movement and establishment, but also those asso- ciated with the increase in unemployment in Europe,
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