: First four weeks

April 8, 2013 - At Rome's cathedral, Pope Francis celebrates God's patience The Mass was the occasion for Pope Francis to take formal possession of the "cathedra" (chair) of the bishop of Rome. Shortly after the start of the liturgy, Cardinal Agostino Vallini, papal vicar for Rome, read a profession of obedience to the pope on behalf of the diocese. April 5, 2013 - St. John Lateran: Symbol of church's coexistence with secular power Since his first public remarks on the night of his election March 13, Pope Francis has impressed many observers with a marked preference for describing himself not as the pope but as the bishop of Rome -- a role he was scheduled to assume in a special way April 7 by celebrating his first Mass in the city's cathedral, the Basilica of St. John Lateran. April 5, 2013 - Master of metaphor: Pope Francis can weave a vivid tale Metaphors are used extensively in the Bible and they pop up just as often in Pope Francis' talks and teachings. April 5, 2013 - Pope urges doctrinal office to act 'decisively' against sex abuse Pope Francis reaffirmed the importance of responding decisively to the problem of the sexual abuse of minors by members of the clergy and called on the Vatican office dealing with suspected cases to continue carrying out its mandate. April 4, 2013 - Safeguarding creation expected to be major theme at WYD in Rio When hundreds of thousands of young Catholics gather with Pope Francis in Rio de Janeiro in the summer, reflections on safeguarding the environment will be part of the program. April 4, 2013 - Pope expresses his closeness to victims of flooding in Buenos Aires Affirming his closeness to his "beloved Argentine people," Pope Francis offered his prayers for the victims of recent flooding in Buenos Aires and surrounding areas, and he urged government offices and private citizens to help those most in need. April 3, 2013 - Constant complaining keeps one from noticing Jesus' presence, pope says Complaining frequently and stewing over disappointments can easily become an obsession that blocks one's view of Jesus' presence in difficult situations, Pope Francis said. April 3, 2013 - Pope says women's love makes them privileged witnesses of Christ Women have a privileged role in the church because of their ability to pass on the faith through love, Pope Francis said at his weekly general audience. April 2, 2013 - Pope: Confession is place to experience mercy, grace In his first seven homilies, Pope Francis repeatedly talked about mercy and grace, recounting anecdotes about asking God for forgiveness and ensuring people that God always is ready to welcome them back. April 1, 2013 - Pope urges Catholics to let grace transform, work through them On Easter Monday, a public holiday in Italy, tens of thousands of people gathered to see the pope in St. Peter's Square, still decorated with daffodils, tulips and other spring plants. Popes recite the "Regina Coeli" (Queen of Heaven) prayer instead of the Angelus from Easter until Pentecost. April 1, 2013 - At Rome's Colosseum, pope says cross is God's response to evil Gazing from a hillside overlooking Rome's Colosseum, where thousands of people gathered to pray the Way of the Cross, Pope Francis said Christ's cross is God's response to evil in the world. April 1, 2013 - Image on Turin shroud is reminder of God's love, pope says in message Gazing upon the image of a crucified man on the Shroud of Turin, Catholics contemplate Jesus and are called on to remember his great love for them and for all who suffer, Pope Francis said. March 31, 2013 - At Easter, pope calls Christians to be channels of mercy, justice, peace Pope Francis said he would like to bring the good news of Christ's resurrection to each person on earth. March 29, 2013 - Pope leads Good Friday liturgy, begins rite in silent prayer, adoration


Lying prostrate on the floor before the main altar of St. Peter's Basilica, Pope Francis celebrated the Liturgy of the Lord's Passion. March 28, 2013 - Pope washes feet of 12 young detainees to serve them 'from the heart' Pope Francis told young inmates that, just as Jesus came to help and serve others, he, too, was at their service as a priest and bishop. March 28, 2013 - Pope recognizes martyrs from communist, fascist regimes An Italian priest who died in a Nazi concentration camp and two victims of Soviet-bloc regimes during the Cold War were among those recognized as martyrs by Pope Francis March 27. March 28, 2013 - Pope Francis says good priests bring joy, comfort to those in need Pope Francis called on the world's priests to bring the healing power of God's grace to everyone in need, to stay close to the marginalized and to be "shepherds living with the smell of the sheep." March 27, 2013 - Self-absorption is root of evils within church, future pope said Evils within the church are caused by a self-centeredness and "theological narcissism" that forget to share Christ with people outside of the church, Pope Francis said in the days before his election. March 27, 2013 - Christians must resist 'dark joy' of gossiping, pope says Gossiping about someone is a "dark joy" that Christians must resist because it is a betrayal like Judas' betrayal of Jesus, Pope Francis said. March 27, 2013 - Holy Week is time to follow Jesus in search of lost sheep, pope says The pope began his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square March 27 very simply, saying in Italian: "Good morning. I'm happy to welcome you to my first general audience." March 25, 2013 - Pope Francis wishes Jewish community happy Passover, asks for prayers A few hours before Rome's Jewish community was to begin its Passover observances, Pope Francis sent a brief note praying that God would bless them and asking community members for their prayers. March 25, 2013 - Pope on Palm Sunday: Christ's passion leads to joy Pope Francis celebrated his first Palm Sunday Mass as pope March 24, telling an overflow crowd in St. Peter's Square that Christ's death on the cross is a source of eternal consolation and joy. March 25, 2013 - Pope Francis meets retired Pope Benedict, says 'we're brothers' With a warm embrace, a helping hand, shared prayer, a long discussion and lunch together, Pope Francis spent several hours with retired Pope Benedict XVI March 23 at the papal summer villa. March 22, 2013 - Vatican workers join pope for early morning Masses Dressed in orange safety vests, green jumpsuits or other workers' attire, Vatican gardeners, garbage collectors and cleaning crews joined Pope Francis for a 7 a.m. Mass March 22. March 22, 2013 - Pope Francis to diplomats: Moral relativism endangers peace Addressing the Vatican’s diplomatic corps, Pope Francis lamented both material poverty and the "spiritual poverty of our time.” March 21, 2013 - Table time: Pope discusses, prays, dines with Orthodox representatives Pastors and theologians involved in ecumenical dialogue emphasize the importance of "table time" -- sharing meals -- along with serious theological discussions, shared prayer and joint action. March 21, 2013 - Pope Francis changes Holy Thursday plans to celebrate Mass in prison Pope Francis has decided to celebrate the Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord's Supper in a Rome juvenile detention facility and wash the feet of some of the young detainees. March 20, 2013 - Pope says religions must cooperate to remind humanity God exists For the good of all people, the care of the poor and the future of the Earth, religions must cooperate in reminding modern men and women that God exists and has a plan for their lives and their behavior, Pope Francis said. March 20, 2013 - Pope Francis calls his predecessor, wishing him happy name day Pope Francis telephoned retired Pope Benedict XVI, the former Joseph Ratzinger, to wish him a happy "name day"

2 on the feast of St. Joseph. March 19, 2013 - Pope chooses silver ring, pallium in keeping with predecessor With his fisherman's ring and the pallium -- the main symbols of the Petrine office -- Pope Francis chose styles in continuity with two of his predecessors. March 19, 2013 - Changes in style send clear message from Pope Francis Pope Francis had been pope for less than six days when he was formally installed March 19, but he had already made a distinctive and overwhelmingly favorable impression on the world. March 19, 2013 - Pope begins ministry with biblical symbols, signs of universal ministry Although attempts were made to simplify the ceremony, Pope Francis officially inaugurated his ministry as pope and bishop of Rome in a liturgy filled with biblical symbolism and signs of the universality of his mission. March 19, 2013 - Pope Francis begins papacy pledging to protect church, human dignity Pope Francis formally began his ministry as bishop of Rome and as pope by pledging to protect the , the dignity of each person and the beauty of creation, just like St. Joseph protected Mary and Jesus. March 18, 2013 - Pope meets with Argentine president, superior general of Jesuits Pope Francis held an informal, private meeting and lunch with Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner March 18. March 18, 2013 - Pope pledges renewed cooperation, Jewish leaders praise election Pope Francis said he plans renewed cooperation to further Catholic-Jewish relations and hopes to contribute to a world where all people live in harmony with the "will of the creator." March 17, 2013 - At first Angelus, Pope Francis says God never tires of forgiving Citing a distinguished German theologian and an anonymous elderly penitent from Argentina, Pope Francis told an overflow crowd in St. Peter's Square never to despair of God's mercy to sinners. March 15, 2013 - Vatican dismisses claims against Pope Francis during dictatorship The Vatican dismissed claims that Pope Francis played a direct role in the kidnappings of two Jesuit priests during Argentina's murderous military dictatorship and described them as part of a campaign by "left-wing anti-clerical elements to attack the church." March 14, 2013 - Pope Francis: Don't give in to pessimism, courageously share Gospel Never give in to the devil's pessimism, discouragement and bitterness, Pope Francis told the March 15. March 14, 2013 - Pope Francis: Without faith in Christ, church is just 'pitiful NGO' The pope spoke at Mass March 14 in the Sistine Chapel, site of the conclave that had elected him the previous day. Pope Francis concelebrated the Mass with the 114 other cardinal electors who had taken part in the conclave. March 14, 2013 - Pope Francis starts first day with Marian prayer, bill paying Pope Francis began his first full day as pope with an early morning act of Marian devotion -- and by paying the bill at the clergy hotel where he had stayed before entering the conclave that elected him. March 13, 2013 - Crowd in St. Peter's Square joyously welcomes Pope Francis Cheers of "Francesco! Francesco! Francesco!" resounded throughout the square as the new pope greeted the exuberant crowd in Italian and blessed them from the balcony of St. Peter's Basilica. March 13, 2013 - Argentina's Cardinal Bergoglio elected pope, chooses Francis Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, 76, the leader of a large urban archdiocese in Latin America, was elected the 266th pope and took the name Francis. He is the first pope in history to come from the Western Hemisphere and the first non-European to be elected in almost 1,300 years.